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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


曾鑫城, ZENG,XIN-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
面對國際競爭,促使產業升級一直是政府及企業界努力的方向。其中的關鍵則在於企 業研究發展能力的提升。現階段,我國的高級研究人力,仍然集中在大專院校,呈現 出民間企業有經費而缺乏高級研究人力,學術界則有高級研究人力,但缺乏研究經費 之支援。因此本研究即希望經由實證研究,找出一個促使大學與企業研究合作的最佳 模式,俾使學術界與企業界交流,使整體人力與經費之運用,達到最高效率。 從國外研究中,發現英、美、日、德等國主要是採取設立科學園的方式以促進大學與 企業之合作。我國自民國六十九年設立科學園區以來,雖然園區業者研究發展能力顯 著提升,但尚缺乏針對設立科學區是否有助於大學與民間企業研究合作之相關研究。 同時由於園區廠商目前仍以資訊電子業為主,因此本研究乃根據相關文獻發展二種問 卷,分別針對資訊電子領域中,大學教授與企業作問卷調查。 本研究之預期貢獻主要為: (1) 了解大學與民間企業合作之動機。 (2) 發現阻礙大學與企業合作之障礙。 (3) 發現有利大學與企業合作之關鍵因素。 (4) 發展一個促使大學與企業合作之最佳模式。


鄭優, ZHENG, YOU Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約五至六萬字,分為七章,廿四節。 本論文研究的目的,在於瞭解我國電子電器、化學、基本金屬、機械儀器、橡膠塑膠 等三大製造業,近年來技術中進的成效,並從引進過程中探討影響成效的因素(第一 章),為了進行這項研究,曾對二百個樣本展開問卷調查,就所得資料加以統計分析 (第二章)。 本論文亦就過去國內外有關文獻(第三章)及與技術引進有關的政府法令規章(第四 章),略作評介。 第五及第六章根據廠迥回卷資料,分析五大製造業近年來技術引進成效,並探究影響 成效的各項因素。 最後,根據上述發現,闡釋策略涵意,分別對工業界、政府主管單位提出增進技術引 進成效的具體建議(第七章)。


張祐之, ZHANG, YOU-ZHI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為導論,說明研究動機、方法和關於「政治繼承」之定義。 第二章討論決定最高權力繼承人的比較固定的因素,以及這許多因素的組合與取捨。 第三章論及影響繼承過程的偶然因素。 第四章剖析所謂「繼承危機」和「合法性」以及「繼承的制度化」問題。 第五章擴大範圍研究蘇聯領導階層和政治精英汰換的事實。 第六章討論領導階層流動中的世代替換。 第七章為結論,重點在於把前數章的研究成果,導向對於未來蘇聯最高領導人大領導 階層權力轉移,權力結構和政策走向之預測。


葉德昌, YE, DE-CHANG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊,約三萬餘字,分為五大章。全文旨在說明生產力成長對於產出成長的 貢獻。實證部分將驗證毛產出和淨產出對於生產力成長的不同意義,並以兩部門生產力 成長模型來說明要素移轉的效果。 第一章:緒論,不分節,敘述研究動機、目的、內容、方法及資料來源和處理方式。 第二章:生產力成長之分析,分為三小節。第一節生產力的概念;第二節生產力衡量 的方法;第三節毛產出與淨產出的抉擇。 第三章:台灣製造業之生產力成長,分為三小節。第一節文獻回顧;第二節勞動生產 力的衡量;第三節總要素生產力的衡量。 第四章:要素移轉與產出成長,分為四小節。第一節基本命題;第二節兩部門模型的 建立;第三節台灣製造業與非製造業部門的估計;第四節要素移轉的效果。 第五章:結論。

台灣地區原住民母語教育政策之探討:以布農族為例 / Evaluating the Aboriginals’ Mother-Tongue Education: Bunun as an Example

劉秋雲, Liu, Chiu-yun Unknown Date (has links)
國語政策的實施造成台灣地區原住民族母語嚴重地流失,產生語言轉移的現象。2001年(九十學年度)教育部首度將鄉土語言列為正式課程,開始實施強制性每週一節的母語教學課程。然此項母語教學辦法的實施,其實施前的評估和之後的檢討均未進行,因此本論文以布農族為例,從語言政策的觀點探討台灣地區原住民的母語教育政策。一方面從語言能力、語言使用、及語言態度等層面來調查布農族人的語言轉移情形;另一方面從其對母語教育政策的態度檢討當前布農語教學的實施現況。 本論文研究方法採問卷調查和深度訪談,同時進行量化和質化的研究。探查之學校於是八個布農族為主的山地鄉,以隨機取樣的方式,各抽取兩所學校,因此共計十六個學校納入調查範圍。問卷部份,主要根據年齡和教育程度兩個社會變項,在各組中採集等量的問卷。深度訪談則針對學校行政人員(校長與教務主任)、母語老師、家長、和學生,進行母語教學相關議題的訪談。問卷調查在探查普遍性的分佈狀況,而訪談目的則在探討問卷結果背後的理由。 調查結果發現,布農族人的母語能力和母語使用均出現隨著年齡層下降、教育程度升高而衰退的情形,顯示母語轉移的痕跡。在刻板印象上,高年齡層受試者對母語的評價較國語高,低年齡層和兩個教育層的受試者對布農語和國語的刻板印象評價則不達顯著,均一致地高。在學習動機方面,受試者不分年齡或教育程度,均一致認為國語之工具性動機高過布農語。而以布農語本身的融合性動機顯著高於工具性動機,顯示布農語對布農族人的功能為象徵性強過實用性。在對母語教育政策的看法上,一般而言都支持度都相當高;但在教學內容的實行上,如教學時間、師資問題等則多有意見,受訪者指出若干問題,並提出相關建議。 本研究結果證實布農族人的母語發生轉移現象,希望日後相關單位在訂定或修正語言政策時,可以對原住民母語轉移現象的挽救提供幫助。 / The implementation of Guoyu Policy in Taiwan has caused the minority groups, (in particular, the Indigenous peoples) a serious language shift, shifting from their mother tongues to Guoyu, the national language. To remedy the problem, "Mother Tongue Education" has been implemented since 1996. Unfortunately, there has never been any official evaluation on this policy. For this reason, this thesis aims at providing a preliminary evaluation of it through an investigation of the Bunun's proficiency in their mother tongue, their use of it, their attitudes toward their mother tongue and the policy. The research methods applied in conducting this study include both quantitative and qualitative analysis. For the former, 279 questionnaires (out of 300) were collected and analyzed, with a focus on sociolinguistic differences based on age and education level. For the latter, 36 informants (including school administrators, mother tongue teachers, students, and their parents) from 15 Bunun primary schools were interviewed. The results of statistic tests indicate that the Bunun's proficiency in their mother tongue and the frequency of using it decline with decrease of their age and increase of their education level. Among the various social groups, only subjects of higher education level show a positive attitude more favorable to Guoyu than to Bunun; while the other groups give equal ranking to both of the two languages. Moreover, the Bunun subjects, as a whole, consider Guoyu being more instrumental than Bunun; however, it is Bunun that receive higher score for integrative motivation, which indicates that Bunun still plays a symbolic function to the Bunun people. As to their attitudes toward the policy of mother tongue education, generally all the subjects show their support to it, although they point out, at the same time, that the policy should be modified on several aspects, such as problems related to the length of teaching hour and the sources of qualified mother tongue teachers. Most of the findings derived from quantitative analysis are confirmed by the subjects of the interviews. The general conclusion of this thesis is that the Bunun are experiencing a language shift from their mother tongue to Guoyu. It is suggested that the government and the institutions concerned should locate effective measures to meet the imperative needs in saving the mother tongues of the minority groups.

中共科技政策之研究( 一九四九- 一九八三)

梅畢娜, MEI, BI-NA Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之重點在於分析中共科技政策,特別是從毛澤東死後至今之科技政策。起自科 技現代化是四個現代化實現基本條件,論文提出由中共新領導階層在四人幫跨台後所 擬定的現代化之計劃。然後並分析自中共成立後基本科技政策之原則,連帶介紹最重 要的科技研究及教育機構。同時論文分析科技政策自中國大陸經濟,財政情況和生產 需要的觀點,包括來自國外科技轉移及引進的國際政治之關係。最後論文提出有關中 共科技政策可能發展及趨向之一些觀點。


張緯良, Zhang, Wei-Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要以馬可夫鏈鎖理論,由總體時間數列資料估計轉移機率矩陣,以預測市 場佔有率之分配。而以台灣水泥市場為對象,作實際之研究。 第一章 為緒論,論述撰寫本論文之動機、主要內容、以及研究方法和限制。 第二章 對馬可夫鏈鎖理論作一簡要說明,並介紹本研究所用方法之主要內容。 第三章 中對台灣水泥市場作一概略介紹,包含其發展沿革及現況。 第四章 說明馬可夫鏈鎖理論如何應用於實際情況--水泥市場之例子;並完成主 要的計算工作。 第五章 對計算結果作一分析,並提出若干建議。 第六章 為結論,說明本法在運用上的困難及優缺點。 #2810590 #2810590


洪心梅 Unknown Date (has links)

台灣國中生英語使役動詞使用之分析 / An Analysis of Taiwanese junior high students' performance on causative verbs

許秀美, Hsu, Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
論文提要內容: 本研究旨在探討分析台灣國中生使役動詞的使用情況,主要探討學生使用使役動詞的錯誤情況,分析錯誤原因及調查在不同英文能力的學生使用上是否存在顯著差異。 此研究採取質及量的研究。質的研究包含(1)使役動詞的補語用法(2)使役動詞的意義及用法(3)學生在使用使役動詞上的錯誤分析。量的研究包含(1)使役動詞補語的錯誤率(2)使役動詞意義及使用上的錯誤率(3)高中低程度三組中顯著變化情形。 結果顯示學生在使役動詞補語使用上常用錯非限定動詞及誤用限定動詞,此外,本研究也發現學生在選擇正確使役動詞上錯誤率高於使役動詞補語使用。分析原因如下:(1)過度規則化(2)負向轉移(3)教學引導(4)學生語言知識不足(5)語言同化。此研究也發現高中低三組在使用使役動詞補語上確實有顯著差異,然而在使役意義上(coercive sense of make-causative)、未提出但已知接受動作者意義上(unmentioned perceptible causee sense of make-causative) 、 及服務框架意義上(service frame sense of have-causative) 高中低程度學生的表現並無不同。 / Abstract The purpose of this study aims to analyze the use of periphrastic causative verbs in Junior high students’ writing performance and to understand students’ difficulty in learning and using periphrastic causative verbs. The form of periphrastic causative verbs and grammatical characteristics are easy to remember. However, subtle meanings and usage are somewhat difficult. This study adopts qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative analysis includes: (1) the verb complement form of periphrastic causative verbs, (2) the meaning and functions of periphrastic causative verbs, and (3) the factors that influence students’ erroneous uses of periphrastic causative verbs. The quantitative analysis comprises: (1) the inaccuracy rate of the use of every periphrastic causative construction in the tests for form and meaning, (2) the distribution of periphrastic causative verb errors in form and meaning and use and (3) multiple comparisons among accuracy at the three proficiency levels. The results of this study are summarized as follows: students have trouble distinguishing finite verb and non-finite complement verbs with respect to the form errors. They also have lower awareness of the differences of each causative verb concerning the meaning errors. The factors affecting their incorrect responses are (1) overgeneralization, (2) negative L1 transfer, (3) teaching induced errors, (4) learners’ ignorance of rule restrictions and (5) learners’ strategies of communication and assimilation. In addition, there are significant differences among the three groups with regards to the make +O +V, have +O +V, let +O +V and have +O +p.p. in the form test and the non-coercive sense of make-causative, the hierarchical relation of have-causative and the permissive sense of let-causative in the meaning and use tests. However, there is no significant difference between the three groups’ scores of meaning and use with the coercive sense of make-causative, the unmentioned causee sense of make-causative and the service frame sense of have-causative.


陳冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化潮流方興未艾,基於與國際接軌目標,我國金融業自2006年起實施新巴塞爾資本協定,期於現今日新月異金融環境中以全球一致性的銀行管理方法及制度落實其精神。實施新巴塞爾協定後,首當其衝者便是台灣產業發展主體—中小企業。以信用風險中資本計提為例,中小企業不若大型企業體質健全,且財務透明度亦為人詬病,相對提升金融機構授信風險,進而導致中小企業融資授信審查趨於嚴格與保守,中小企業融資難度與成本皆大幅增加。 有鑑於此,本研究以中小企業中電子業為主要研究對象,採資料採礦流程進行信用評等模型建置。為求配適最佳違約機率模型,分別以不同精細抽樣比例逐一配適羅吉斯迴歸、類神經網路及分類迴歸樹等統計模型,經評估後篩選出羅吉斯迴歸模型建置信用評等系統。再者,為確認模型與信用評等系統建置適當,係遵循新巴塞爾協定相關規範進行各項測試及驗證,結果顯示模型於樣本外資料測試表現良好,信用評等系統亦通過正確性分析、等級區隔同質性檢定及穩定度分析等驗證準則,冀能提供金融機構一套有效且精簡的信用管理機制,建立與中小企業間資訊對稱管道,於兩造雙方取得互利平衡,防範危機於未然。 / Globalization trend is still growing. Because of the objective of connecting to the world, the banking and finance industry in Taiwan has implemented the New Basel Capital Accord since 2006, hoping to make use of globally consistent banking management method and system to implement its spirit in this changing financial environment today. After the implementation of the New Basel Capital Accord, the principal development part in Taiwan industry, medium- and small-sized enterprises, is the first to be affected. For example, with regard to the capital requirements in credit risks, the constitution of medium- and small-sized enterprises is not as sound as large-sized enterprises’, and the financial transparency of medium- and small-sized enterprises is insufficient that the credit risk of financial institution would be lifted comparatively; and then, the finance and credit investigation of medium- and small-sized enterprises would become strict and conservative, thus the finance difficulty and cost of medium- and small-sized enterprises would be increased substantially. In view of this, this study regards the electronics industry from medium- and small-sized enterprises as the main study objects, and data mining procedures are used so as to establish the credit scoring system. To get the best probability model of default, different oversampling ratios are used one by one to match such statistical models and logistic regression, Neural Network Analysis, and C&R Tree; and logistic regression model is selected for the establishment of credit scoring system after assessment. Moreover, relevant the New Basel Capital Accord standards are followed to carry out every test and verification so as to confirm that the establishments of model and credit scoring system are appropriate. The result indicates that the model has good performance in out-sample test, while credit scoring system also passes such verification standards as accuracy analysis, level segment homogeneity test, and stability analysis. Hopefully, this study result can provide a set of effective and simple credit management system for the financial institution to establish information symmetrical channel with the medium- and small-sized enterprises, so that both parties can obtain mutual balance and the crisis can be alerted in advance.

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