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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣產物保險業國際市場經營策略之研究 / A Study On Oversea Business Strategy In Taiwan Non-Life Insurance Industry

劉裕昌, Liu,Yu Chang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣產險業在西元1991年後,配合台商產業外移擴張及政府南進與西向政策,紛紛於東南亞及中國大陸設立辦事處以服務台商。雖然產險業於海外設立據點已有十九年,但礙於各國保險法令規定及保險業投資限制,致使產險業在國際市場之經營迄今仍無重大突破。 本研究將針對目前產險業在海外東南亞據點及未來最大之保險市場-中國作完整探討,對各國目前經濟成長、保險市場、外資投資保險法令、及台商在該國的投資狀況分析及歸納,以做為台灣產業未來在當地經營發展之參考。 本研究文以日本產險業三井住友保險集團為比較模式,利用多國籍企業與海外市場進入模式,探討保守的日本保險公司如何在海外經營日商業務;進而以購併方式取得海外當地業務,以達到該公司全球策略願景。 台灣產物保險業應根據海外各據點之資源及條件,運用本身的競爭優勢以及自己的需求到不同地區做投資佈局;台灣產險業未來全球佈局的考量應是市場重於成本。 / In view of Taiwanese enterprises’ expansion to world market since 1991 and government’s policy toward Southeast Asia and policy toward West Mainland China, Taiwan non-life insurance companies decided to go abroad to set up office for serving their clients. Although Taiwan non-life insurance companies have 19 years experience in exploring world market, however, they still have no breakthrough in overseas business. In this study, I will bring out my view for the operation of non-life insurance companies in Southeast Asia and Mainland China which will be the biggest market in the future. The analysis for countries economic growth, local insurance market, laws of foreign insurance company entry, Taiwanese enterprise investment is also presented in the study. In order to study Multination Enterprise & Overseas Market Entry Model, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group is taken as a model to analyze how the conservative non-life Japanese insurance company expand their international business and write local accounts by merging to achieve their global perspective. By the analysis, we can find that Taiwan non-life insurance companies shall utilize their advantage and resource to explore their strategy in different countries. Basically, they shall center on market instead of cost when they build global strategy.


黃顯捷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討多國籍企業決定前往海外市場投資時的動機、進入模式以及管理,以台商在大陸及越南為例。筆者透過友人介紹以及親自尋訪個案公司,對兩位分別曾外派大陸及越南的主管進行深度訪談,進而了解一多國籍企業進行海外投資的考量要點以及子公司控管方式。   透過個案訪談分析,發現個案公司在前往大陸及越南投資時,都是地主國正實施經濟開放、政府決心改革的時期,且當局提出各種獎勵優惠,經濟正快速起飛,未來發展前景看好,因而前往投資。而前進一個全新的投資環境,個案公司善用合資、獨資、併購的進入模式,初期與熟悉當地的夥伴或國營企業合資,待熟悉當地環境後,便開始以獨資方式進入或是直接併購當地現有的經營不善的公司,進而讓公司發展更迅速。而在管理方面,海外分公司採當地化策略,僱用、栽培當地人,母公司也十分將權力下放,日常營運皆交由外海分公司主管掌握。   以個案公司為例,本研究分析一多國籍企業海外投資成功之原因,除了正確的進入時機、正確的投資地點之外,進入模式的運用、正確的產品線選擇以及企業經營理念是否成功傳達,都對多國籍企業在海外投資是否能成功產生十分關鍵之影響。

餐飲業國際市場進入策略暨營運模式探討-以六角國際與集山實業為例 / Foreign market entry mode and business model analysis of food and beverage industry-the case of La Kaffa and WOO Corporation

崔宸源, Tsui, Chen Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
The food and beverage industry in Taiwan is becoming increasingly competitive. Companies have therefore been trying to expand their operations abroad to different countries, both emerging and developed economies. How the companies expand and operate abroad is a challenging issue faced by every company that tries to enter foreign countries. This research starts out from the practitioners’ perspectives, and addresses critical management issues. The problems of international expansion are dynamic and fairly complicated due to the fast-changing business environment, which means practical decision rules are valuable. The study tackles this issue by attempting to offer decision rules on three research questions. They include the influence factors on the selection of foreign market entry mode, the mechanism of capturing growth and avoid huge losses and business model innovation in foreign markets. This research discovers entry mode choice should be accompanied by considering the joint effect of influence factors. And at point of entry, adopting real option perspective leads to better performance in the foreign market because it captures growth opportunities. Furthermore, adjusting the key processes in the business model helps companies realize more efficient operations and in some case, leads to better subsequent performance after entering the foreign country.

影響在臺陸資進入模式的決定因素:公司型態所扮演的角色 / The Determinants of Entry Mode of Mainland China Enterprises in Taiwan : The Role of Enterprise Types

毛珮荃, Mao, Pei Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
對於對外直接投資進入模式的討論,文獻探討不勝枚舉,有從交易成本理論、有從折衷理論或有從資源基礎與高層理論等等面向探討,在各個理論下又可拆分出不同影響要素,如廠商規模、國際化經驗、所有權優勢、巿場風險等等各種影響因素。雖已有許多文獻試圖研究不同要素間交互影響下,是否對於廠商進入模式選擇會有不同,惟對於不同型態下的廠商,民營企業及非民營企業如國有企業,與進入模式之決定因素互相作用下是否對於進入模式選擇有所影響,少有文獻予以討論。且臺灣與中國大陸是特殊兩岸關係,當投資者為中國國有企業時,是否會有與理論或其他實證上出現不同選擇進入模弍,為本研究欲探討目的。 本研究利用經濟部投資審議委員會2013年「陸資投資事業營運況狀調查表」問卷資料,分別由廠商特性、策略動機、組織知識及體制與環境等構面,及由上述各構面與不同公司型態相互作用下,探討不同公司型態下,進入模式受到各決定因素受影響之結果。 本研究運用Probit模型實證分析影響廠商進入模式之決定因素,並根據其實證結果作出結論進而提出建議。研究結果發現,「廠商規模」、「資產專屬優勢」、「為拓展臺灣巿場」及「運用臺灣高階人才」為陸資在臺投資選擇獨資模式與否之重要影響因素。其次,加入「公司型態」做為中介變數後,實證結果也證實不同公司型態對於陸資廠商選擇進入模式會有所影響,亦即當陸資廠商其公司型態為民營企業時,在其所投資產業為鼓勵類產業、進入臺灣巿場是以布局全球為動機及臺灣巿場若存有技術外溢高風險的情況下,相對於陸資非民營企業較傾向選擇獨資進入模式。


劉家宏 Unknown Date (has links)
過去許多學者檢驗過企業在選擇海外進入模式時眾多的考慮因素。其中,學者發現國際經驗確實會影響企業海外進入模式的選擇,但是只有少數學者探究國際經驗的種類與各種國際經驗對於進入模式所帶來的影響。因此本研究將細分企業的國際經驗為地主國經驗、區域經驗、國際化經驗與先前模式經驗,與各種國際經驗對於企業於進入模式的影響。   本研究的研究問題主要檢驗各類國際經驗對企業海外進入模式的影響方向與程度是否相同。本研究以東洋經濟新報社內於1995年至2001年對六大區域(東亞、東南亞、南亞、北美自由貿易區、南美洲、歐洲)進行投資的3475家日本企業海外子公司為研究對象,利用二元logistic迴歸模型檢驗四種國際經驗與企業海外進入模式的關係。研究結果顯示,並非所有國際經驗對企業海外進入模式的效果都相同,日本企業地主國經驗與區域經驗越豐富的時候,進入特定地主國與區域時會偏好採用合資事業;擁有越多國際經驗的日本企業則會偏好選擇獨資事業做為進入模式;擁有越多先前模式經驗,當日本企業先前合資事業比例越高時,偏好選擇合資事業做為海外進入模式。

國際市場進入策略和行銷組合之研究——以馬來西亞M公司和台灣日出茶太為例 / International Market Entry Mode and Marketing Mix--- A Case Study of Malaysia M Company and Taiwan Chatime

陳泋彤, Tan, Jessica Unknown Date (has links)
台灣和馬來西亞的經濟文化關係可以追溯到1960年代。雖然在官方關係上曾經斷交,但是非官方的交易來往並不受影響。本研究即將探討兩個國家的企業在進入彼此的國家發展的進入策略以及在該國的行銷手法之差異。本研究探討四方對象,有馬來西亞的M公司,台灣統創代理商,台灣六角國際(日出茶太)和馬來西亞日出茶太代理商,但是本研究以針對母國,也就是M公司和六角國際(日出茶太)為主要採訪企業,從母國的角度探討企業經營環境、國際化動機、市場進入模式與母國和地主國的行銷組合。另外,其中一個小節也針對台灣和馬來西亞的國家經濟環境和發展、人口、氣候、人文因素進行比較以辨別出兩國的差異。其研究結果一方面可提供國內的業者參考未來的國際化佈局策略,另一方面也有助於對於馬來西亞和台灣市場的了解。 本研究主要研究對象,M公司,生產馬來西亞風味方便麵和六角國際(日出茶太),直營和授權台灣手搖茶飲,這兩家不同國家和不同產業的公司進行接近兩小時的採訪,和在地主國的代理商之次級資料進行交叉比對,研究結果發現:1、兩家的國際化動機沒有顯著差異。2、因為兩家的產品性質不一和不同的經營環境和經驗背景,兩家的國際市場進入模式有著顯著地不同。3、兩個國家的國家大小、氣候、文化背景、習俗、基本建設影響母國和地主國的行銷組合之設計。 / The economic and cultural relations between Taiwan and Malaysia can be traced back to 1960. Although Malaysia has formally ended diplomatic relations with Taiwan, informal relations between Malaysia and Taiwan is still ongoing and maintaining. This study discussed the market entry mode and marketing mix in both countries of two different companies. This study targets four companies, which are Malaysia M Company, Taiwan Tongjih, Taiwan Lakaffa (Chatime) and lastly Malaysia (Chatime) but mainly interview only two founded companies, the M Company from Malaysia and Lakaffa from Taiwan. This research studies from the view of the mother land. It discusses both companies’ operating environment, the motive of globalization, market entry mode and the differences of marketing mix between the home country and host country. Beside of that, one of the chapters extends in comparing country environment and development, population, weather and culture factor between Malaysia and Taiwan. This study result aims to provide a reference in globalization strategy and improve a great knowledge about Malaysia and Taiwan market to the audience. Supported by M company, a manufacturer of Malaysia flavor instant noodle (Penang White Curry Mee) and Lakaffa, franchiser of Taiwanese beverages (Bubble Tea),two hours interview session, the comparison is showed as below: 1. There are no differences between the motives of globalization between these two companies. 2. Differences in product type, different operating environment and experience background affect the choice of market entry mode. 3. The differences of county size, weather, culture, custom and infrastructure affect the design of marketing mix in Malaysia and Taiwan market.

國際行銷通路研究--以高科技產業為例 / The study of international marketing channels--A case study on Hi-Tech industry

鍾仁宏, Chung, Jen-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣地區蘊藏的天然資源不多,對外銷的倚賴度偏高;而國際化過程中,密切掌握顧客的需要,做好價值單元的管理,是企業得以成功的關鍵;而就近年來宏基、統一等企業購併歐美公司的案例來看,通路往往是企業最主要的考量;行銷通路是生產者與消費者之間主要連結的管道,而這种管道的建立通常必須花費相當多的時間與資本,是其他競爭對手不易模仿者,可形成企業的競爭優勢。本研究嘗試以內外部環境因素、通路管理、通路績效對國際行銷通路進行探討,希望能達成以下目的: 1.探討內外部環境因素對通路結構、政策及通路管理的影響。 2.探討通路結構、政策、通路管理的決策。 3.探討通路結構、政策與通路管理對通路績效的影響。 4.探討企業體進行國際化時,通路結構、政策與通路管理方式的變化與演變,以及對通路績效的影響。 本研究採用個案研究法進行,以我國的高科技產業,特別是電子資訊業具有外銷實績的廠商作為研究的對象。研究結果發現: 就通路結構而言:當地通路結構反映了當地顧客的消費行為,因此與當地通路結構的搭配極其重要;應使企業資源、規模與市場規模間密切的配合,以發揮競爭上的優勢;較小的企業可選擇採出口、經銷商、分公司等循序漸進的方式進入市場,在獲利與風險間取得一個平衡;重視產品特性與通路管理間的組合,視產品特性選擇不同的通路長度。通路商的選擇則以銷績效、信用與財務狀況最受重視,而綜效的發揮也是企業先擇通路夥伴時重要的考量之一。 而就通路管理而言,高控制力的通路一般擁有較佳的績效;而其中實質的作業支援是對強化通路成員關係最直接的方式;近年來資訊業來逐次降價的趨勢,使通路管理中的價值單元管理更為重要;而當企業因企業的發展而須對通路結構進行調整時,原有通路結構與成員的管理問題須格外注意。 / For lack of Natural Resoure in Taiwan, the dependency of exporting is much higher; It is the key successful factor that a copany keep the needs of customers and execute value-chain management well in the process of internationalization; It is channel why some well-known companies, such as Acer Group, President Group etc., merged foreign companies; Marketing channels is the way to connect producers and customers, difficult to build, costing and time-consuming, theefore, it can become the competitive advantage. In the research, internal and external environment factors, channel structure, channel management, channel performance will be discussed. The major objects includes: 1. discuss the effects among environment factors, channel structures channel policies, and channel management. 2. discuss the decisions of channel structuresm channel policies,and channel management. 3. discuss the effects of channel structures, channel policies, and channel management to channel performance. 4. discuss the changes of channel structures, channel policies, and channel management in different stages of internationalization. The research is analyzed through cade study, and the primary data were collected form hi-tech manufacturers, especially from computer and electronic manufactures. The empirical findings are summarized as follows: For channel Structures: The channel structures reflect local buying behaviors, then a company should depend on comany resources and company size to select the best mode to enter. A small-scale company could enter a foreign market through exporting, distributors, branch offices, step by step; in other words, the optimal entry mode is considering between profits and risks. The channel length depends on the complexity of products. The most important factors to select channel members are selling performance and credit status, moreover, the synergy effect is another key factor. For Channel Management: The channel in higher control performs better generally. The relationship among channel members could be hardened by substantial operation support directly. Recently, it is common for the prices of electronic products to slump step by step, thus the value-chain management is more important. Facing the changing of channel structures, it should pay more attention to the channel management of original members.

台灣中小企業海外技術移轉之研究 / The Research of Technology Transfer: Small & Middle Enterprise in Taiwan

張大為, Chang, Ta Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係針對資本額在四仟萬以下之海外廠商台灣技術移公司作問卷調查 ,調查的地區包括中國大陸、泰國、越南、菲律賓、韓國等開發中國家, 探討台灣產業的技術發展過程、台灣中小企業的技術移轉方式、技術價值 認定、以及技術移轉成敗的關鍵因素。研究發現得到下列結論:一.台灣 技術移轉廠商在台灣經營時間愈久,海外技術愈易成功,顯見基礎穩固公 司較易成功。二.以獲取技術利潤為動機的台灣廠商,技術移轉失敗率較 高。三.海外控股比例愈高的台灣廠商,技術移轉的成功率愈高。四.對海 外經營層愈重視的廠商,技術移轉的成功率愈高。五.對海外法律愈重視 的廠商,技術移轉的成功率愈高。六.移轉對象為海外產品代理商或上下 游廠商,技術移轉的成功率愈高。七.台灣廠商技術移轉前有先從事產品 輸出的廠商,技術移轉的成功率較高。八.具有市場面控制能力的台灣廠 商,技術移轉的成功率較高。九.台灣廠商事前能簽定技術移轉協議書且 經過地主國法律保護,技術移轉成功率較高。十.資本力愈高的台灣廠商 ,技術移轉成功率較高。

中小企業大陸市場進入模式之研究 / A Research to The Entry Mode of Small Business into Chinese Market

王淮, Sonny, Wang Unknown Date (has links)
根據我國經濟部投資審議委員會民國83年所做統計,從民國80年至民國83年2月止,我國企業赴大陸投資之家數經報備者計10,003件,金額達美金3,709,415仟元,平均每家投資額僅37萬美元。由此可見,台商赴大陸投資者多為中小企業。   我國中小企業佔全體廠商家數高達98%,以勤奮及彈性兩大特點,創造了所謂的台灣奇蹟,成為我國政府遷台以後40多年間經濟穩定成長的主力。民國75年開始,台灣面臨了台幣升值、勞動力缺乏、環保嚴格、土地上漲等不利因素,出口導向的我國廠商逐漸在國際市場中喪失價格競爭優勢,政府與業界一片升級與轉型呼聲。在此同時,海峽兩岸的對立型態出現轉機,政府在民國79年宣佈開放廠商以間接的方式赴大陸投資,在此之前,中小企業早以其靈活的速度,於政府大陸政策尚未明朗化時,就憑著冒險犯難的精神,摸索出自己獨特的投資模式。由以往身居國內熟悉的環境,推展到一個在政治、經濟、社會各方面均不相同但卻擁有誘人機會的市場一他們是如何進行規劃?如何進入?績效如何?面對何種困難?如何克服……等問題,相信是許多不同層面人仕所關心的課題,然而有關中小企業方面的研究,卻並不多見。   鑑於中小企業一般而言均較保守,面對問卷調查時配合意願多不高,所得資料之信度與效度造成研究者相當大的困擾。因此,本論文遂採取個案深入訪談的方式,直接與受訪企業主管人員晤談,針對中小企業大陸市場進入模式之規劃、選擇、調整等方面搜集資料,配合學理基礎進行分析整理與推導命題,最後並達成下列結論:   1.中小企業藉由控制力的取得,可提高大陸市場經營自主性。   2.中小企業藉由集中資源及快速進入市場可與大企業抗衡。   3.中小企業藉由強化本身策略性資源可提高談判地位。   4.中小企業藉由構建穩定的營運組織可提高經營績效。

台灣生技製藥公司海外直接投資進入模式之研究—以中國大陸市場為例 / Entry mode choices of foreign direct investments for Taiwan’s biotech-pharmaceutical company: an empirical study of China market

林書進, Lin, Shu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來中國大陸以其廣大的市場及較低的人力成本優勢,成為外資及台商競相投資的市場,台灣各產業莫不以進入中國市場為營運發展的重要目標。國內生技製藥產業在這一波投資中國熱中,也嘗試從生產、銷售、行銷、代工及研發等不同面向切入,以掌握商機及尋求企業的永續經營與成長。 本論文著眼於研究台商生技製藥公司在進入中國大陸市場時,所選擇的海外直接投資之進入模式分析。並以John H. Dunning對外投資之折衷理論為研究架構,從「所有權優勢」、「區位優勢」及「內部化優勢」等構面,來分析台灣生技醫藥公司的中國市場進入模式。藉由國內生技製藥公司的企業訪談及上市櫃公司公開資訊的分析,以及次級資料與公開報導的整理,以瞭解台商生技製藥公司在大陸的直接投資進入模式及影響投資決策的關鍵因素及公司優勢。 本研究共訪談國內四家生技製藥公司。研究發現,生技製藥台商在中國市場的進入模式選擇,主要可能受到區位優勢決定因素的影響,而決定因素則可分為市場導向、資源取得導向及風險評估等三項。本研究將有助於瞭解國內生技製藥業,在中國進行跨國經營與投資的決策考量,並裨益國際企業領域及國際策略管理的理論與實務發展。 / Over the past years, China has attracted much investment from Taiwan companies and foreign companies due to its advantages of board markets and low-cost labors. Companies in Taiwan also set “enter China market “as a goal in their business planning. Upon this wave of “Invest China fever” , the domestic Biotech & pharmaceutical companies have no doubt approached their business target by entering China market through different operations, that is, production, sales, marketing, out-sourcing, and research & development, etc to catch the opportunities and sustainable growth of business The objectives of the study were to analyze the entry mode of China market Taiwan biotech & pharmaceutical companies have conducted their foreign direct investment (FDI). Based on the theory of the eclectic paradigm of FDI initiated by John H. Dunning as a research framework, from the perspectives of Ownership advantages, Location advantages, and Internalization advantages, the analysis for the entry mode of FDI and the Key factors as well as company advantages to affect the decision were employed to examine both the primary data and secondary data. Primary data consisted of the interviews of domestic pharmaceutical companies and the data statistics from the Market Observation Post System (Taiwan stock market). Meanwhile, secondary data was collected from the news and the reports of the journals, magazines, and the websites. Four Biotech-pharmaceutical companies were interviewed in this study. The result shows that Location advantages may be the major factors for FDI in China of Taiwan companies. The factors consist of market -oriented, resources -oriented, and risk assessment factors. This study will contribute the strategic considerations for Taiwan international companies that operate foreign Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical business in China. This study also suggests the strategy for the international business and international management both in theory and the practice.

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