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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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全球五旬節運動視野下的真耶穌教會 / The formation of the true Jesus church : a perspective from the global pentecostal movement

葉先秦 Unknown Date (has links)

伊朗最高宗教領袖與核能政策 演變關係之探討:2009年到2015年 / The linkage of Iranian supreme leader and the evolution of nuclear policy: 2009-2015

王宣文 Unknown Date (has links)
自2002年秘密運作的核能設施曝光後,伊朗的核能政策一直是國際爭點且令人費解。若要討論伊朗核能政策是如何產出及其未來的走勢,本文認為伊朗本身的動機才是決定核能政策的關鍵。 本文以「個人-國內政治-國際政治」三層次作為分析架構,首先討論核能政策的發展歷程及其對伊朗的意義;其次分析伊朗最高宗教領袖Khamenei及伊朗政治派系如何影響核能政策;最後聚焦於2009年綠色運動後至2015年JCPOA簽訂這段期間,伊朗最高宗教領袖Khamenei與核能政策演變的關係。 本文發現伊朗的政治菁英對核能政策有高度共識,認為發展核能政策代表著實踐伊朗的大國意識與民族尊嚴、經濟與能源多元化的自主發展以及安全上的保障。另外,從政治派系角度出發,核能政策也被視為派系鬥爭中的槓桿,是政治菁英獲得權力的工具。同時,基於伊朗特殊的政治體制--教法學家體系,最高宗教領袖Khamenei為伊朗權力體系中的第一人,其態度與政治取向決定了核能政策的走向。而在最高宗教領袖Khamenei決定核能政策的走向時,其必須將國內外政經局勢納入考量,並時時權衡當前的局勢是否會影響其作為最高宗教領袖的合法性。本文認為,若能繼續對最高宗教領袖Khamenei加以觀察,並分析其與國內政治派系的互動,將有助於未來對伊朗核能政策的了解並對伊朗政治帶來更全面的研究。

時代考驗青年?從中國青年自覺運動到統中會事件(1963-1970) / China Youth Self-awareness Movement(1963-1970)

施淳孝 Unknown Date (has links)
自覺運動之所以在1960年代引起風潮,並非僅是公德心的議題,而是肇因國族主義因素所致。自覺運動是一個青年學生的愛國運動與道德重整運動,這種心理來自於戰後國民黨政府的民族精神教育,以及反共戰爭宣傳所致。民族精神教育塑造中國國族認同,反攻戰爭宣傳凝聚全面戰爭氛圍,個人的行為被上綱到國家興亡的關鍵,形成一種國家至上的心態,自覺運動就在這種脈絡下登上歷史舞台。 自覺運動主要有兩條發展路線,一為台大的《新希望》,一為救國團輔導的自覺運動推行會。《新希望》是推廣自覺運動的刊物,在運動退燒後,轉變為知識啟蒙為主,介紹民主、科學思想,最後因刊登殷海光的文章,以及羅素的反戰和平思想,觸犯政治禁忌,遭到停刊。 戒嚴時期自覺會得以跨校串連,係由救國團協助、輔導之故。之後,自覺會的規模日增,會務執行更加嫻熟,推行各種社服活動、響應愛國運動。隨著分支機構的增設,中學生逐漸成為會裡的多數,憂心於國家當前困境,讓部分會員開始有激烈行為出現,引起當局警戒。於是,救國團切斷總會跟各校中學會員的連結,停止補助,收回辦公室。缺乏政治、經濟力量的學生難以為繼,自覺會從此式微。 自覺會沒落之際,許席圖等人在澎湖發起統中會,自行發展組織,更打算涉入政治,觸犯禁忌。即使統中會人數不過數十人,也未有武裝叛亂意圖,政府依然雷厲風行的鎮壓,成為白色恐怖下的犧牲者。

巴宰族的民族認定運動 / The ethnic certification movement of Pazeh

田軒豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要以巴宰族為研究對象,關注其在1999年至2014年之間的文化復振過程,欲探討巴宰族是否有條件成為官定原住民族。 巴宰族原居現在的台中西部平原,過去曾幫助清朝政府平定許多亂事,因此得到賜姓,並獲得許多土地,所以巴宰族曾經有過輝煌的時期,後來因為漢人侵墾、土地流失、內部統治權力競爭…等原因,整個巴宰族的情勢開始走下坡,甚至得離開原鄉向外遷徙。現在還能找到明顯聚居的巴宰族分布地有:台中市豐原區的大社村、苗栗縣三義鄉的鯉魚潭村、南投縣埔里鎮的愛蘭里。 巴宰族尚保有自己的文化,其中宗教和語言是兩個重要的民族邊界要素,1871年潘開山武干因打獵受傷,經人介紹後輾轉到台南接受馬雅各醫生的治療,順利地恢復之後決定改信基督教,透過他將傳教士帶到台灣中部,許多巴宰族人因此也接受了基督教信仰,透過信仰的力量凝聚彼此,所以巴宰族因為教會的關係有很強的向心力,另外,教會中使用的羅馬拼音,使巴宰族人擁有書寫、紀錄的能力,間接地將巴宰族語言和歌謠留了下來。 平埔族一開始是以泛平埔的架構在推動民族的認同與文化復振運動,後來慢慢出現以各族為主體的文化復振,本文關注的巴宰族民族認定運動就是在此脈絡之下展開。1998年「臺灣巴宰族群文化協會」成立,隔年聚集三個聚居地的巴宰族人聯合舉辦停止多年的傳統過年儀式,這次的活動帶起了許多人的熱情,開啟了巴宰族的文化復振之路。 「苗栗縣巴宰族群協會」、「南投縣巴宰族群文化協會」在2003年成立,之後每年持續在鯉魚潭和愛蘭舉辦傳統過年,讓所有族人每年11月15日都能回到聚居地參與活動,將固有傳統祭儀延續下去,如:牽田、走鏢、銅鑼舞。在平埔族群當中,巴宰族的語言是保存相對較好的,恢復辦理過年之後就開始在教會中培訓族語老師,2002年參與政大原住民族研究中心編輯九階教材,將巴宰族語編寫出有架構的九階族語教材。除了學習、教學、編輯母語教材之外,族語老師們也參與原住民族語文學獎比賽,從第一屆開始共參與15人次,7人次得獎,從此也可以看到巴宰族對族語復振的用心;2012年底,平埔活力計畫開辦,巴宰族運用經費修改族語教材、辦理傳統過年、傳統技藝教學…等,持續不斷透過各種方式將文化傳承下去。 本文認為,巴宰族仍保有許多民族特徵,且積極的進行文化復振以維繫民族邊界與認同,目前最需要的是政府的肯認,並恢復其應有的原住民族身分與權利,最後透過民族認定正式成為臺灣的官定原住民族。

新傳播科技對「運動媒體複合體」之影響:以OTT轉播台灣職棒為例 / The impact of the new communication technologies on Sports-Media Complex: A case study of distributing Taiwanese professional baseball program via OTT service

徐政鴻, Hsu, Cheng-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
網路和行動科技的發展,促使全球進入OTT服務時代,職業運動產業亦深受影響。中華職棒於2014年成立CPBL TV,成為台灣職棒OTT服務之先驅;隨後發生電視轉播權爭議,下半季起改由球隊各自尋找轉播單位,各球隊並於2015年開始陸續與網路平台合作,建立球隊OTT服務。本研究運用運動媒體複合體的概念,探討在OTT服務時代下新媒體加入後,對該複合體中「運動-媒體-廣告」三角架構帶來何種變革,並分析運動組織及媒體如何看待在OTT服務時代下的中華職棒轉播權利市場,以及其因應策略。 本研究以深度訪談的方式,與八組中華職棒權利市場相關的受訪者進行訪談,試圖建構目前中華職棒轉播權利市場的輪廓,並輔以媒體報導、新聞稿等次級資料加以補充。研究發現,目前中華職棒各球隊除了與有線電視頻道業者保持密切轉播合作關係外,在網路轉播權利上,亦會考量球隊需求,包含轉播權利金、平台客群,與合適的網路平台簽訂轉播合約。然而在轉播內容上,網路OTT業者仍無法突破由有線電視頻道業者所掌握,製作賽事內容的能力,因此新媒體只能透過增加轉播隊數、自製節目內容、提升平台附加功能等服務上做出差異性。 從台灣職棒OTT服務發展來看,在運動媒體複合體的架構中,運動組織與媒體的角色儼然轉變,球隊受惠於網路科技,建置球隊媒體頻道/平台的門檻已大幅降低,提升其自主性。OTT業者將增加運動內容的投資,甚至轉型為以運動為主的媒體平台。然而,OTT服務發展仍受限於媒體的內容產製能力,在轉播權談判中球隊因此無法獲得太多自主空間。 / Along with the emergence of OTT service development in modern society, broadcasting rights market in Taiwanese professional baseball industry has changed radically. A broadcasting rights controversy occurred between Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) and international sports agency MP & Silva in 2014. This forced the baseball teams to seek for broadcasters by themselves. At the same time CPBL TV, the first formal OTT service in CPBL, was established, and thereby inspiring the teams to establish their own OTT service. This research employs the concept of Sports-Media Complex to analyze the impact of OTT service on Taiwanese professional broadcasting rights market. Methods include in-depth interviews and document analysis. Besides keeping partnership with cable television operators, teams also look for the suitable broadcast partners on the Internet platform. Broadcasting rights fees and the users are their concerns while signing contracts. Unlike cable television operators, OTT service providers are still unable to broadcast on scene..Therefore, OTT service providers can only make a difference by increasing the number of broadcast teams, enriching the content of self-made program and upgrading the platform's additional functions. To sum up, the role of sports organizations and the media has changed in the structure of Sports-Media Complex. Sports organizations nowadays intend to build their own media channels and platforms, enhancing their ability of autonomy. OTT service providers increase the investment of sports content, and create a sports-based media platform. However, each team’s autonomy and negotiation chips are still limited by their media production abilities.

柯瑞祥政府對魁北克獨立運動之因應策略 / Canadian prime minister Jean Chretien's strategies toward Quebec's independent movement

呂志堅, Ronnie Lu, Chih-chien Unknown Date (has links)
加拿大自脫離英國政府的殖民統治以來,至今已經有一百三十多年的歷史。期間雖經歷了保守黨、自由黨之輪流執政,仍無法完全解決長期以來魁北克人民對於「獨特社會」地位、保護法語文化及傳統的要求。尤有甚者,一九七六年魁人黨(Parti Quebecois)在魁北克省執政成功,並分別於一九八○年及一九九五年針對獨立與否議題舉辦兩次魁省公民投票。雖然最後魁北克人企圖獨立的公投失敗,但其所帶來的衝擊、餘波,更強力震撼了加拿大的政治生態。 一九九三年柯瑞祥(Jean Chretien)領導的自由黨在大選中擊敗執政長達九年的穆隆尼(Brian Moulorney)保守黨政府,順利當選加拿大聯邦總理後,一直致力於改善失業率,通貨膨脹率及削減預算赤字等國內經濟問題。然一九九五年魁北克公投期間,柯瑞祥被許多聯邦派人士批評過於輕忽國家統一問題及魁北克分離派(separatist)的實力。最後聯邦主義者(federalist)雖以1.2%約五萬五千票的差距取得勝利,但獨立派人士卻揚言要繼續推動第三次公投以尋求最後的成功。 本論文主要探討柯瑞祥政府對魁北克獨立運動的因應策略,其中主要以經濟、政治、法律等三個層面予以分析。在經濟層面探討柯瑞祥政府的安撫策略(carrot strategy)及強硬策略(stick strategy);政治上則探討魁人治魁的傳統策略,以及提前大選策略、外交策略、多元文化策略等;法律上則探討密契湖協議(Meech Lake Accord)與查洛城協議(Charletown Accord),以及九五年公投法律分析、B計畫 (Plan B)、澄清法案(Clarity Bill)等。由於一九九五年魁省公投對加拿大聯邦政府帶來的衝擊,使得柯瑞祥不得不更謹慎處理國家統一問題。其後,從一九九七年的大選和一九九八年的魁北克省長選舉得票結果可知,魁北克獨立勢力似乎已有見緩的趨勢。因此柯瑞祥政府在經濟、政治和法律面上對魁北克獨立運動策略之成效為何,以及魁北克獨立運動的未來可能發展,均值得探討,此乃本論文之主軸。 由於國內研究加拿大的學者不多,特別是針對魁北克獨立問題的研究更是鳳毛麟角,因此引發筆者的研究動機。面對近來因民族主義意識而興起之獨立運動風潮,魁北克的獨立議題實值得深入分析。 / It has been more than 130 years since Canada stopped being an English colony. Although conservative and liberal governments had come and go, none had managed to resolve completely and permanently the Quebec people's demands for a "distinct society" status and moves to protect the French language and culture. The quest for the former is especially worth mentioning. In 1976, Partis Qucbecois was voted into power in Quebec and held 2 state referendums to decide whether to be independent in 1980 and 1995. Despite failing to get a majority in the referendum, these events sent the shockwaves throughout the political world. In 1993, the Liberal party led by Jean Chretien beat the conservative government led by Brian Moulorney, which had been in power for 9 years. After Chretien became the federal prime minister of Canada, he concentrated on cutting down the unemployment rate and other internal economical problems such as the inflation rate and the deficit. In spite of this, he was criticized by many federalists as neglecting the country unification issue and the power of Quebec's separatists. Although, in 1995's referendum, federalists managed to win with a margin of 1.2% (around 55,000 votes) in the end, independents vow to seek a referendum again until they win. This thesis aims to analyze strategies taken by the Chretien government against the Quebec independent movement from three viewpoints: Economical, Political and Legal. From the economical viewpoint we'll take a look at Chretien's "Carrot and Stick Strategy". From the political viewpoint, the traditional "Quebecers rule Quebec" policy as well as the "earlier election" policy, foreign policies, multicultural policies, etc. are examined. From the legal viewpoint, the Meech Lake Accord, the Charletown Accord as well as 1995's referendum law analysis, Plan B, the Clarity Bill, etc. are examined. Due to shockwaves to the federal government brought about by 1995's Quebec Referendum, Chretien had to handle the country unification problem with even more care. After 1995, as can be seen from 1997 general elections and 1998 Quebec's provincial election, the Quebec Independence Movement started to lose steam. Therefore, it is worthwhile to examine the effects the economical, political and legal polices the Chretien government took had on the movement, as well as possible developments of the movement. That will be the main topic of this thesis. The author was motivated to do research on this topic as there aren't many researchers on Canada locally, especially researchers on the problems of Quebec's Independence Movement. Facing the independent movement recently due to heightening nationalist sentiments, Quebec's Independence Movement case study is worth an in-depth analysis.


戴振豐, Tai, Chen-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所要採用的研究途徑是歷史學上傳統的史料分析的方法,亦即要對葉榮鐘所保存的大量原始一手史料加以分析研究,並且要採用在問題意識中提及的台灣民族運動的理論分析與社會科學上的一些概念,對葉榮鐘在台灣民族運動史上的角色給予適當的評價。 從筆者的研究途徑出發,本論文將從兩個角度加以分析,一個是要探討葉榮鐘在台灣的民族運動上,所實際參與的政治活動有那些,或者可稱之為葉榮鐘的政治運動論;另外一個角度是要從葉榮鐘的思想內涵出發,其思想包括了文學思想與民族意識的思想,因此筆者姑且稱之為葉榮鐘的思想文學論。將葉榮鐘政治運動的實踐與其思想內涵分開,是為了討論的方便,並不代表兩者之間並無相互的聯繫,事實上有可能是政治運動的參與影響其思想,也有可能是其思想影響了其政治運動的實踐,筆者將儘量在各別探討時予以適當的交代。 在上述的兩角度之外,筆者對於葉榮鐘早年的生活與際遇也將有所交代,以探討其早年在台灣特殊的歷史環境下,對其政治運動與思想內涵的影響。而在二次戰後到二、二八事件之間,葉榮鐘所參與的政治活動有那些,以及國民政府接收台灣以後的做為,對葉榮鐘產生那些影響,也是筆者要探討的重點。 從筆者的研究途徑及分析的角度,筆者從第二章開始欲以如下的架構探討對葉榮鐘在台灣民族運動史中的角色。 第二章是鹿津少年、風雲際會-早年的生活與際遇。第一節早年的生活及教育,是要探討傳統漢文化及日本殖民統治者強加於台灣的日本文化,這雙重文化對早年的葉榮鐘所產生的影響。第二節初出洞門,是要探討葉榮鐘自述的一些特殊際遇對他的影響,包括與日本人交往的經驗,以及當時林獻堂的秘書施家本對他的指導等。第三節第一次赴日留學,將探討葉榮鐘接受林獻堂資助赴日留學的過程,在日本的生活經驗以及開始加入台灣民族運動的經過。 第三章是杖履追隨、從事民運-台灣民族運動的參與,亦即葉榮鐘的政治運動論。第一節將探討葉榮鐘以林獻堂秘書的身份,在台灣議會設置運動、台灣文化協會及台灣民眾黨等團體中扮演的角色。第二節是要探討葉榮鐘以台灣地方自治聯盟書記長的身份,參與台灣地方自治聯盟一些活動的過程,以及他對台灣地方自治的想法等等。第三節是要探討葉榮鐘在一九三○年以後,由於日本殖民統治者加緊統治,及台灣民族運動中內部的鬥爭,使得右派民族運動人士在逐漸失去運動的組織及團體之後,為尋求活動的機關,而與日本人合作成立的東亞共榮協會,其本質是否在翼贊日本右派的帝國主義,抑或另有解釋。 第四章是鐵筆硬論、抵抗強權-民族意識的思想,亦即葉榮鐘的思想文學論。第一節將從葉榮鐘的行為及相關的著作中,探討葉榮鐘漢民族的思想。第二節將分析葉榮鐘反日本帝國主義的言論,並將其反日本帝國主義的思想與第三章結合起來思考,以探究其從事民族運動的路線。第三節則是要分析葉榮鐘在新文學運動中的主張,這當中包括純文學的主張與理論,以及當中所反應的與民族運動有關的思想。 第五章是忍辱包羞、今朝悽然-台灣光復初期的活動。第一節是要探討葉榮鐘在二次戰後,為迎接心目中原本同是屬於漢民族的國民政府,所從事歡迎活動的動機與心態,而其活動主要是透過歡迎國民政府籌備會及台灣光復致團兩個團體來實現。第二節是要透過葉榮鐘為林獻堂及相關團體,為協助國民政府重建台灣所起草原始文件的建言,以及其參與的相關行動,來探討葉榮鐘對當時政治情勢的觀察及想法。 第六章則是結論,筆者將應用一些已有的台灣民族運動的理論分析,及一些社會科學的概念,來總體評價葉榮鐘在台灣民族運動中的路線及其認同問題。

後蔣經國時代的國家、大眾媒介與反對運動:國家認同議題的媒介框架分析 / Media framing analysis of 'National Identity': the state, dominant press,and political opposition in post-authoritarian Taiwan.

羅世宏, Lo, Shih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
不單僅祇是回溯威權時期國家機關、反對運動與主流報業的歷史,本文汲取各種相關文獻企圖開展關於「國家認同」問題的研究。國家認同議題的研究同時具有理論與實踐上的目的,它反映了近年台灣政治最重要的轉化情況,值得學界投入更多的努力去探索。   與其他文本及論述分析方法相較,框架分析更能揭露深植於媒介正文中的意義,並提供社會主體機制間(如國家、反對運動...)權力關係的深層描述。媒介框架分析同時也加速了傳播研究與其他理論傳統(如建構論取向...)正持續進行中的整合趨勢。   這項初探研究鎖定過去四年(1988-1991)有關台獨議題的各種媒介框架之消長浮沈情形。本文嘗試提供這樣的建議:每種框架均包藏了駁雜不一的「框架論點」,而且並非所有的框架都如過去研究文獻所稱是「預先定義好」的。再者,媒介場域存在的框架競爭本身亦起落不定,各種社會力各有擅場。因此,媒介框架的流變與複雜特性,使我們有必要透過接合媒介框架與更寬廣的社會情境,作為詮釋問題的基礎,進而再思國家認同議題本身存在的機會與陷阱。最後本文也提出了若干暫時的結論。 / Rather than simply retracing the history of the state, opposition, and dominant press in the authoritarian decades, I want instead to draw on some relevant literature to open up an investigation about the question of national identity. For both theoretical and practical ends, we necessarily explore 'national identity'. This issue reflects the most important transformation in recent Taiwan politics, and absolutely deserves much more attention than now.   Compared with other discourse and textual analysis methods, framing analysis is more capable of unfolding the deep-rooted meanings in media texts and offering a 'thick-description' of power relations between different social agencies, such as the state, opposition, etc. Media framing approach also has accelerated the ongoing convergence of communication research and other theoretical traditions.   In this preliminary inquiry, I concentrate on the ebb and flow of media frames that is on the 'independence' issue during past four years (1988-1991). I propose here that a frame has its variants of 'framing arguments,' and not every frame is so 'pre-defined' as some earlier researches suggested. Furthermore, there are many ups and downs in the framing contest. Therefore, its flexible and complex characteristics force my interpretation based on articulating media frames with the larger social context, and reconsidering the possible opportunities and pitfalls of the 'national identity' question.   The main findings are: 1. As one of media frame sponsors, the state remains a dominator within media discourses on the 'independence' issue, albeit opposition movement becomes main source of the dominant press. 2. Third party and reporters usually affiliate with the state, rather than political opposition. 3. However, media discourses around this issue gradually paves the way from the 'illegitimate' to the 'impossible,'signaling a structural transformation in identity politics. Especially, It's significant that Localism frame overpowers the long-standing Great China one in frame disputes. We are certain that ethnicity or nationality in post-authoritarian Taiwan has been radically re-constituted.

社群網絡與線上社會運動之初探研究 / Action online – a preliminary study on social media activism on facebook

簡銘佐, Chen, Mingtso Unknown Date (has links)
This study posits that there is a connection between political action online and activism in the real life. In addition, social ties and networks as well as political knowledge and efficacy play an important role in this connection. Causes, an application on Facebook, was selected for analyzed. A mixed method study was conducted, consisting of two stages. In the first stage (quantitative), a survey was utilized to investigate the correlation between activities on Causes and conventional political engagement. A total of 45 responses were gathered using convenience sampling. It was found that there is a strong correlation between action on Causes and conventional political engagement. For example, information retrieval activities are correlated with conventional activism (r=.418, p<.05), and social networking activities are also correlated with conventional activism (r=.661, p<.05). In addition to the survey, intensive interviews (N = 5) were conducted in the second stage (qualitative) to elaborate and clarify the results from the survey as well as to explore new grounds on the significance of ties and networks. Some themes have emerged from the interviews, including motivations for the use of Causes, Causes as an information channel, potential and problems of Causes, online versus offline activism, affiliation and involvement, political knowledge and efficacy as well as ties and networks. Interview findings concluded that the high correlation between online and offline activism is further specified by the interviewees to be an extension of each form of activism, meaning they are complementary rather than identical.

「莫忘祖宗言!」:「後客運世代」面臨的「客家性」要求 / "Don't forget your mother tongue!": the cultural expectations that the post-movement generation of Hakka people has been required

廖慧娟 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1980年代以來,興起了一波波的社會運動風潮,在這樣的歷史脈絡下,族群運動成為其中的一環。客籍菁英有感於自身語言文化所處的不利地位,乃透過社會運動的方式,提出訴求。二十多個年頭過去了,這些運動所造成的後果,可見的部分是官方族群政策的擬定與執行,不可見的部分則在於對於客家族群認同的文化要求。這類的文化期待隱含著血緣與認同的合一性,並且對於「怎麼做才合乎客家族群身份」,也有著本質化的想像。首當其衝的便是面對這些要求的客家年輕人。   然而,本文並不預設客家年輕人「天生」就應該有客家認同,或者應該要對客家「建立」認同感,而是以一種社會建構的觀點,試圖去理解已經觀察到的經驗現象:社會中對於客家的文化想像,是如何被建構起來的?而時常被這些客家文化框架要求的後生客家人,作為被框架要求的主體,他們如何去理解自身的客家經驗?透過本研究,我們發現後客運世代的客家人正處於某種歷史現實之中。他們的客家身份或輕或重地對他們的生活產生不等的影響,而他們的客家文化認同,也沿著世代、地域的軸線而產生分歧,然而,他們現階段所面對的客家文化期待,除了是一種同質化的文化要求,同時也是一種強調傳統卻又包含突兀創新的客家建構。這些要求所形成的文化框架,脫離了日常生活的層次,也窄化了人們對於客家的想像。因此,本文認為,唯有對客家抱持著開放性的文化想像,將差異納入思考,對於後生客家人也才能有更為務實的理解。 / There have been a lot of discussions about the ways how “the Hakka” or “Hakkaness” could be or should be understood and performed ever since the Taiwan Hakka Cultural Movement occurred in the late-1980s. It is implied that, with certain cultural imaginations, the Hakka would develop a new form of ethnic identity. Consequently, members of the Hakka people, especially those of the younger generation, have often been required to live a life that meets these imaginations and expectations.   This thesis aims to examine the historical-cultural process whereby the identity of “Hakkaness” has been culturally and socially constructed and to explore how the younger Hakka members born after the Hakka Cultural Movement have been interacting with these constructions. A contrast between the lifestyle expected or suggested in accordance with “Hakkaness” on the one hand and the life world experienced by the post-movement generation on the other is highlighted. Regional and generational differences of the “imagined” Hakka communities are discussed as well.

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