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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

超級市場之競爭策略分析—以全聯福利中心為例 / Strategy Competitive Analysis of a Supermarket - A Case Study of PX Market.

吳亞儒, Wu, Amy Unknown Date (has links)
超級市場之競爭策略分析—以全聯福利中心為例 / As the competition gets intensively in the retail industry, the boundary between different types of operation has disappeared. In Taiwan, hypermarkets started to downsize its store size. On the other hand, convenient stores expand its store size to target at eating out customers. Supermarket with the size between hypermarkets and convenient stores should reposition itself to confront the challenges. After the rapid expansion period, Pxmart started to reconsider its value proposition and its core competence. In order to achieve its corporate mission statement and its goal in the following 6 years, Pxmart’s CEO, Mr. Xu, comes up with strategies in terms of staffing, store, merchandise, and system and institution. Although Pxmart will be able to attract more customers with its store and merchandise strategy, it still encountered challenges due to its physical facilities, such as limited space to display products and for customers to park. How to reposition itself and provide customers with a pleasant and convenient shopping experience will be the first priority that Pxmart should consider. Compared to the leading brands in the United States, Pxmart and the retailers in Taiwan should embrace the technology innovation and try different business model to make their company updated and provide their customers more convenient way to purchase.

我國第三方支付專法分析與國際立法例之比較 / A Legal Analysis On Third-Party Payment In Taiwan And A Comparative Study On The International Legal System Of Third-Party Payment

唐君豪, Tang, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
新型態的網路交易模式已漸漸地改變平民大眾的消費習慣,而隨之起步的支付模式更是日新月異。發展至今,有別於傳統的現金交易,或者是金融專戶轉帳等支付服務,因應電子商務交易習慣的第三方支付逐漸受到消費者的喜愛。 所謂的第三方支付服務,主要透過第三方支付業者的資金能力提供給使用者相當程度的交易擔保,並且與銀行進行合作進而承作類似儲蓄的預付儲值業務,讓使用者得以安心地進行網路交易,有效地推動電子商務的蓬勃發展。 然而,綜觀第三方支付服務在台灣的發展,可以發現相關的法律規範卻直到今年(2015年)才完成建置,在此之前,許多業務的經營多遇到法規適用的問題,導致第三方支付業者多在法規模糊地帶遊走,十分地不明確。時至今年,針對第三方支付服務所設立的專法-電子支付機構管理條例與相關的子法正式施行,相關的業者得以明確地受到法規管束,而對於使用者而言,亦可以受到明文的法律保障。本文除了探究第三方支付服務之法規發展,同時欲以國際上重要的第三方支付立法例進行國際法的比較,參酌中國美國歐盟之相關立法,分析我國相關法規與國際立法潮流之異同,並對於現今專法提出評析。 / The advanced development of E-Commerce have gradually changed the habit of people and it leads to the innovative payment system as well. Instead of traditional payment service, the third-party payment service becomes more and more popular. The operators of third-party payment guaranteed users a safe payment system with its own financial fund and run the money storage business though contracting with banks. The development of third-party payment and E-commerce is mutually progressing. However, there are still many issues about applying laws for the operators and users before establishment of third-party payment law and it also makes the third party payment operator in the grey area. Up to this year(2015), the exclusive law for third-party payment finally finished and it provides the operators and users a full set of regulations to follow. In addition to analysis the development of third-party payment, the thesis will go a step further to discuss about the comparative study on the legal system of third party payment service in China, USA, and EU. On the whole, the author makes a comprehensive discussion on third-party payment legal development in Taiwan with relevant law trends in focus countries, and puts forward the suggestions for the legal system in Taiwan in the end.

以本體論輔助之企業對企業電子商務之整合應用 / An Ontology Application in B2B Integration

林政宏, Lin, Cheng Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在企業對企業電子商務整合中,資料之間異質性以及系統間的互通性是最重要的議題之一。在整合過程中,我們必須考慮網路協定的整合、交易伙伴的整合、商業流程的整合以及商業文件的整合。一個電子商務標準通常會定義這些範圍,但是,電子商務標準都是定義語法部份而較少定義語意部份。在企業對企業電子商務整合過程當中,我們應該調解在商業訊息、商業字彙及資料字典中的語意衝突。 本體論是語意網的關鍵技術,本體論可以呈現出一個領域中語意,並且能夠推論。我們使用本體論的技術解決企業對企業電子商務整合的問題。我們提出了一個以本體論為基礎的方法來分析並研發一個企業對企業電子商務整合應用。透過使用企業對企業電子商務的本體,我們希望可以能夠了解及重覆使用企業對企業電子商務領域的知識。 / Heterogeneity and interoperability are the main issues in B2B integration. We have to consider the integration of different exchange protocols, trading partners, business processes, and business documents. A B2B standard usually specifies those integration dimensions. However, B2B standards are syntactic rather than semantic. B2B integration should conciliate the semantic conflicts between business messages, vocabularies, and data dictionary. Ontology is the key technology enables Semantic Web. Ontology can reason easier and represent the semantic of a domain. We believe that using ontology technology can solve the B2B integration issues. We propose an ontology-based approach to analyze and develop B2B integration model. By using the B2B ontologies, we hope to reuse and understand the domain knowledge.

以商業智慧概念建構電子商務觀測站 / Constructing an E-Commerce observation stand by business intelligence approach

蕭勝隆, Hsiao, Sheng Lung Unknown Date (has links)
商業智慧(Business Intelligence; BI)可以協助企業進行資料分析與決策支援,將相關的資料整合,轉化成對企業有用的知識,對內可以提升管理績效,對外可以創造競爭優勢。這樣的概念,已經被大企業導入並普及化,但對小型企業而言,仍然是可望而不可及。網際網路的興起,帶動了電子商務的崛起,電子商務商家不論大小,面對的是全球化的挑戰,而大部分的小型商家,因為資源的不足的情況下,只能依照自行編製的報表來進行分析與決策,不易獲得即時和整合的管理決策支援資訊。本研究以商業智慧的概念,結合平衡計分卡模型,建構電子商務觀測站,透過Web的介面,可以即時查詢。本研究所建立的平台可用來提供電子商務經營管理諮詢服務,吸引小型電子商務業者加入,進行資料整合與決策分析,了解本身體質,並透過定期收集外部資料,提供平台使用者了解產業環境與與市場趨勢,幫助小型電子商店擬定營運策略與目標,提升全球競爭力。 / Business Intelligence(BI) helps enterprises to integrate heterogeneous data to conduct various analyses. The useful knowledge can help managers to improve internal performances and external competitive advantages. The concept of business intelligence has been well accepted in large enterprises, but not yet popular in the booming small E-Commerce(EC) businesses. Due to the resource shortage, most small EC stores manage the company and make business decision based on the scattered ad-hoc reports. Facing the globalized competition, a common platform providing the data integration and analysis services should be desirable. This research aims to construct such an EC observation stand, using the concepts of business intelligence and balanced scorecard, to help the small EC managers formulating their strategic objectives and the inherited key performance indicators. The observation stand also collects the industry information from other sources and provides the integrated data analyses based on the heterogeneous data sources. The continuous observation services from the website should be able to help the platform users to understand more on the industry environment and market trend and make better decisions for instant responses.

以平台策略探討農業電商的發展-以友善耕作產品共同購買平台為例 / Exploring the development of agricultural e-commerce with platform strategy:A case study of the co-purchase group of eco-friendly farming Products

張哲維 Unknown Date (has links)
發展有機農業或其他友善環境耕作農法一直是用以解決糧食安全及環境問題的一個趨勢,而社會支持型農業(CSA)經營模式除了能支持發展有善農法外,也能讓消費者了解並參與農作物的生產,讓大眾更重視友善耕作農法。 另外隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,促進了農業電子商務的興起,扁平化了農業的產業鏈,使得產品終端價格對消費者不致於太高,農夫亦可以避免受到中間商的剝削並增加利潤;同時農產業能透過網路行銷,使得產品或者理念更廣泛的觸及到民眾,尤其在社群媒體的幫助下,農夫更可以與消費者有著比以往做更多的交流與互動。因此近年來出現了許多的農產品銷售平台,從原有實體銷售店面的農企業或通路業者,到少數幾人創業的新興團體,都試圖發展農業電商平台來接觸消費者,意圖獲取更高的收入或是宣揚理念。 本研究論文作者與志同道合的夥伴們,利用網路社群媒體創立了農業電商平台-「吃好的」,並以社會支持型農業作為經營基礎,發展社區共同購買模式來支持實施友善耕作農法的農夫。歷經兩年來測試市場反應,平台已培養了許多忠實的消費者以及關係良好的合作農夫,但在營運上仍有許多的問題待解決,尤其在發展上受到了很大的限制。 因此本論文企圖以電子商務構面以及平台發展策略相關文獻,來對照並探討「吃好的」共購平台發展,所應具備的資源能力以及策略建議,使其平台能夠永續經營,並推廣其理念。

農產電商平台如何與消費者建立信任關係之探討 / The research of how agricultural e-business platform build trust relationship with customer

張寧恬, Chang, Ning Tien Unknown Date (has links)
從1980年代開始,台灣的食安事件頻傳,各種食安問題讓民眾更重視自己的飲食議題。而在食安問題中,背後牽涉到相當複雜的原因,而對消費者而言,在生產者與消費者間如何建立信任就是最直接的議題,通路即是關鍵的角色。 農產銷售的通路相當多樣,尤其以電子商務為未來的趨勢,因此本研究即以農產電商平台為個案。 採用訪談法與觀察法的方式,去整理電商平台的運作活動,再分析其是如何影響信任的構面,並建立與消費者之間的信任關係。 平台與消費者建立信任關係的過程,初期必須透過平台的易讀性與易用性,把握第一印象的好感度,並透過各種跨界的行銷與通路管道,來擴大與消費者互動的範圍;長期而言,透過產品與服務上的穩定性與一致性來維持品質,並在企業的內外,實現對消費者、生產者、供應商甚至是公司內部員工們的承諾,貫徹平台的價值,更是建立長遠信任關係的關鍵,讓消費者能產生黏著與回購。 / Started from 1980s, there are many problem of food safety, so that people pay more attention to their own food issues. There are very complex reasons, behinded food safty issue. For consumers, how to build trust between producers and consumers is the most important and immediate issue. Agricultural marketing channels are quite diverse, especially of e-commerce, which is the trend in the future. Using agricultural e-business platform as an example, this paper will use interview method, observational Method to analyze that how operational activities of platform affect aspects of trust, as well as how to build trust relationship between platform and customers. In the progress of building trust relationship with customers, platform should make a reliable first impression by readability and ease-of-use in initial stage, and increase the exposure rate and online to offline trading, in order to expand reaction range of customers. In long term, platform should maintain quality of products and service by stability and consistency, and make good on the promise of stakeholders. These are the key to establish long-term trust relationship, and effect adhesion and repurchase rates.

B2C 電子商務商業模式研究–以企業核心競爭力與EC 關鍵成功因素為基礎 / B2C E-commerce business model based on enterprise core competence and empirical key successful factors-A case study of successful EC company in Taiwan

吳俊瑩, Wu, Chun Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據實際的經驗,與學術研究的探討分析整理,建構出一個符合實際 B2C 電子商務企業經營的「反饋循環電子商務模型」。此模型用以提供給電子商 務企業進行策略規劃,計劃執行時的決策依據,由於透過了整合企業核心競爭力 與成功的電子商務企業的關鍵成功因素,因此具備有良好的實際可行性。 模型的關鍵成功因素,係以整理學術界,業界實際經驗所得到的「完整版電 子商務成功因素表」做為基礎。「反饋循環電子商務模型」提供兩種提案評估方 式,第一種是透過「完整版電子商務成功因素表」的權重與分數協助企業進行提 案的評比選擇,第二種則是從核心競爭力與「完整版電子商務成功因素表」關鍵 成功因素契合度而得到的評比選擇。企業選擇的提案,如果能同時符合此兩種選 擇,則可以產生較強的正面績效。 第一種方式的權重配比,則可以透過對企業高層以德菲法方式獲得。最高分 數的提案被執行之後,也可以透過企業本身對於執行結果的檢討,調整權重配 比,進而反饋修正決策與計劃。因此本模型的另外一個特點是具有反饋循環的特 性,因應企業本身的狀況而調整,如此可以讓模型具有更大的彈性以因應經營環 境的快速變化。 然而,B2C 電子商務企業的成長是必須要在不同時間點投入不同的決策才能 獲得突破性的發展,第二種方式使用德菲法將企業核心競爭力與本表的關鍵成功 因素進行契合度的分配之後,也可以獲得單純從企業核心競爭力出發的決策結 果。此決策結果可以與透過權重評分的方式相印證,以確認透過模型所選擇的提案,與企業競爭力是契合的。 本研究透過實際的案例,將 Amazon 與PChome online 分別以歷史轉折點與 專案決策兩個角度來分析,透過大量的實際狀況來證明利用模型也可以得到與這 兩個成功企業的決策者的決策相同或接近的結果。同時在Amazon 分析中,也可 以看出決策者過度違反模型所羅列的電子商務關鍵成功因素時,企業將會暴露於 重大的經營風險之中。 / The goal of this research is to build a practically useful B2C e-commerce business model for decision making and project evaluation. The business model we proposed is “Cyclic B2C business model with feedback”, this new business model comes with lots of empirical and practical advantages to firms running B2C e-commerce. In this paper, the researcher integrates core competence and key success factors into decision making loop, and use a simple weighting method to calculate each proposal’s score for decision making. The author use Delphi method to enumerate B2C firm’s core competence as one input of the model. The other input of the model is a complete KSF (Key Success Factors) table which is sifted from previous researches and empirical KSF from success B2C firms. In the model, two simple methods are introduced to evaluate proposals developed by firm’s decision makers. After the evaluation process, we get score of each proposal, then we can choose the proposal with highest score as our final decision. Those two methods which are used to evaluate proposals are “sum of weighting” and “core competence & KSF matching”. Decision makers can examine top score proposals come from different evaluation methods and find out which can meet the criteria: “getting high scores in both method”, that is the answer. For KSF matching, a “Complete Success Factors Table” was developed by way of integrating research survey and empirical KSF from success e-commerce business. Combining this table with the proposed model, two cases, Amazon and PChome online are chosen to prove the accuracy of “Cyclic B2C business model with feedback”. After examined historical events and key strategy developed, we claim that the business model we developed in this paper is a practical and useful model for B2C firms.

B2B電子交易市集價值提升之研究 / A Study on enhancing B2B E-marketplace values

陳瑞彬, Chen, Jui Pin Unknown Date (has links)
採購作業在企業營運過程中扮演著重要的環節,若企業可取得有利原物料成本,將可有效提升企業競爭力。企業為確保採購作業優勢,通常希望找尋更多供應廠商,以期從中取得市場最低價格之原物料。 在1990年代網際網路(Internet)與全球資訊網( World Wide Web)的出現後,買賣雙方的交易行為開始透過電子商務(Electronic Commerce)進行交易,以降低採購作業溝通處理。企業為擴大詢價來源,電子商務更發展為多家買方(採購商)對多家賣方(供應商)的B2B電子交易市集(E-Marketplace)。B2B電子交易市集發展至今,台灣企業使用B2B電子交易市集的情況始終不普及。台灣企業在面對全球市場的競爭,台灣企業是否可更有效的運用B2B電子交易市集來進行採購作業,該如何提升B2B電子交易市集的價值,協助台灣企業營造良善的採購環境及提升競爭力,為本論文的研究動機。 在探討過去研究文獻、訪談電子製造業及醫療產業廠商及針對B2B電子交易市集經營廠商平台進行比較後發現:不論買方(採購商)或賣方(供應商)都認為B2B電子交易市集應提供透明、方便及快速有效的交易環境,系統功能應具電子型錄、詢報價、訂購、帳款及電子發票等功能,會員數愈多愈好並應確保會員資質、提供24小客服服務與顧問諮詢服務、重視交易可信任度、操作介面應具親和性、重視系統穩定性、系統安全性、資料正確性及合理計費標準,以期透過B2B電子交易市集,可降低買賣的交易成本與增加雙方的獲利能力。 為提升買賣方對B2B電子交易市集價值的認同感,建議本論文研究個案F平台可朝透過雲端、開放資料(Open data)、大數據(Big Data)的運用並朝下列幾點發展,以協助企業提升競爭力:(1)營造專業採購交易平台。(2)增加主動交易媒合功能。(3)運用交易數據資料,創造新主動提醒訂購功能、增加會員資質分級管理制度、提供交易指標參考數據等構面發展。 最後,在資訊科技技術不斷的推陳出新,各技術運用也日漸普及。因此,建議未來針對B2B電子交易市集研究方向,可朝如何運用各項資訊科技(如物聯網Internet of things),整合買賣雙方及往來關係者資源(如政府、銀行、物流業者等資訊)並朝向智慧化發展,以提供買賣雙方更透明、更便利、更快速交易環境。 / Procurement practices play an important part in the process of business operations. If companies can achieve lower material costs, this will effectively enhance their competitiveness. To ensure the advantages of procurement, it is often desirable for companies to find more suppliers in order to obtain the lowest prices from them. In the 1990s with the emergence of Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), transactions between buyers and sellers started trading through electronic commerce to reduce the procurement communication and negotiation process. In order for companies to expand their sources of the market prices, e-commerce has been developed into a B2B E-marketplace with multiple buyers and sellers. In Taiwan companies, the use of the B2B E-marketplace services, as they have been developed so far, is not always popular. Therefore, the motivation for this study is to provide Taiwan companies with a more efficient method to use B2B E-marketplace services when undertaking procurement activities, and enhance the value of the B2B E-marketplace to help Taiwan companies create a better procurement environment and improve competitiveness when they face global competition. After reviewing the previous studies in literature and interviewing the electronic manufacturing industry, the medical industry, and the B2B E-marketplace industry, I find that buyers and sellers think that the B2B E-marketplace should provide a more transparent, more convenient, more efficient, and fast trading environment, have a function with the electronic catalog, quotation and ordering system, accounts and electronic invoices, etc., have a function to attract more members and ensure their records, offer a 24-hour customer and consultant service, create a user-friendly interface, and value the trustworthiness of the transaction, the system stability and security, the data accuracy, and the reasonable fee standard in order to reduce transaction costs and increase profitability for both parties. In order to enhance the value of identity of the buyers and sellers of the B2B E-marketplace, it is recommended that the case F platform of the study be conducted through the use of the cloud, open data, big data, and following the following points to help companies enhance their competitiveness: (1) to create a professional procurement trading platform (2) to increase the active trading and the matchmaking probability (3) to use the transaction data to create a new order function with an active reminding system, increase a management function with a membership grading system, and provide transaction indexes and reference data. Finally, we know that information technologies continue to innovate and the use of any new technologies has also become increasingly popular. Therefore, for the future research in the B2B E-marketplace, it is recommended that we can use various information technologies such as the “Internet of Things”, to reassemble buyers, sellers, and other partners such as government, banking, and logistics industry involved in the transactions, and develop the wisdom to provide buyers and sellers with a more transparent, more convenient, and fast trading environment.

電子商務網站信任管理之研究 / The Study of E-Commerce Trust Management

邱顯貴, Chiu, Hsien-Kuei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係提出一個能夠讓企業經營的購物網站值得消費者信任之管理模式,以期幫助業者在提昇網站信任方面,有具體的目標和施力點。該模式包括兩個主要的部分:(1)網站值得信任的構成因素和(2)促成網站值得信任的管理措施。有關前者部分,本研究建構網站信任的架構和各因素重要性的排序,並轉成量表和對量表的驗證。後者在探討促成業者建立網站信任的顯著影響因素,以及業者和消費者在此方面表現的認知差距之分析。此外本研究也實際將量表分別應用在網站信任對個人資訊揭露意願的影響,和購物經驗對網站信任之影響的驗證。 在研究的流程上,首先以消費者為導向,探討網站值得信任的架構和重要組成。接著由業者評量自己的網站在此方面的表現,同時也指出影響該表現的各因素之強烈程度。然後,再回到消費者本身,進一步逐一評量該網站的實際情況,以作為本研究探討業者與消費者之間認知落差的情形。 本研究結果指出,網站值得消費者信任的主要因素可分為能力、正直和關係三個維度,十三個總指標,和五十三個細目指標。對業者的實證結果顯示,會顯著地促成網站業者在「網站信任」有較佳表現的因素,並不是感知的利益或感知的外在壓力,而是該網站是否一切準備就緒,尤其是在教育訓練與管理結構的支持、資訊科技資源、以及線上認證的配合等方面。另外,商業經營模式也是促成的重要因素,尤其是業者對網站的重要程度越高,又懂得虛擬社群的經營,那麼將更助於網站信任的展現。 在本研究中並指出線上業者和消費者在認知上落差之所在和其主要原因。為有效管理網站和促使網站值得信任,業者需真正地以消費者為導向,建立和妥善運用所需的資源和能力(如:教育訓練和管理結構的支持、資訊科技資源),以提升消費者的信任。 此外,本研究確認了網站信任對提供個人資訊意願的正向影響,以及線上購物經驗對網站信任的助益。最後,本研究並對各階段成果說明策略意涵,也結合顧客關係管理觀念,提供業者信任管理的參考模式和網站信任的自我檢核參考表,期望有助於業者對網站信任,有較綜合性的瞭解和經營上的幫助。 / This paper presents an EC-trust management model based on a series of empirical studies, in order to help website managers to develop or enhance their website trustworthiness. This model consists of (1) the website trust/trustworthiness structure and its components, and (2) the managerial measures to support the development or enhancement of the trustworthiness. The latter also includes (1) the organizational readiness and business model for the trustworthiness, (2) the gap analysis that helps finding out the differences in the trustworthiness perceptions between website managers and consumers, and (3) the potential trust accumulation via the continuously better online experiences. The paper conducts a four-phase research. At first, the website trustworthiness structure and its evaluation form are constructed and validated. Then, out of 476 shopping websites, 100 managers use the form to evaluate their website trustworthiness, and also fill in the questionnaire that measures their perceptions of the factors (e.g. organizational readiness and business model) influencing their website trustworthiness performances. In the third phase, 128 consumers are asked to use the same form to perceive and evaluate those websites’ trustworthiness performance, in order to measure the correlations and the gaps between the managers’ and consumers’ perceptions. Besides, the effect of trust on the willingness of personal information disclosure is also tested in this phase. Finally, in the fourth phase, this research adopts a multiple case study strategy to find out the reasons for the significant gaps identified in the third phase, and, practically, works with a case company to find out the effect of the online-shopping experience on trust in the website. The result shows that the website trustworthiness involves three latent factors (i.e., competence, integrity, and relation), which consist of 13 elements, and a total of 53 detailed items. The website trust/trustworthiness performance is significantly affected by their website readiness (i.e., E & T and managerial structure, IT resources, financial resources, and seal-program preparation), the perceived website importance, as well as the perceived community importance. Meanwhile, the results also show that the gaps of perceptions between website managers and consumers do exist. Therefore, to effectively enhance their website trustworthiness, they should be really consumer-oriented and improve their performance according to the gap analysis. Besides, there are another two exciting findings in this paper. The effect of trust on the willingness of personal-information disclosure is validated. The significant effect of shopping experiences on trust suggests that the website managers should promote customers’ online experiences to enhance their trust in the websites.


陳嘉豪, CHEN CHIA HAO Unknown Date (has links)
透過網路的商品交易,消費者不須親臨實體商店或販售點,只要透過網路的虛擬交易機制即可買到任何商品,可以預覽、不必出門、不必付現、不滿意更可以無條件退貨。如此輕鬆的購物行為,迫使實體商店必須E化來因應,虛擬網際網路對傳統產業的影響不再單純只是E潮流的衝擊,而是傳統產業結構性的衝擊。 從研究設定的個案來分析,當虛擬網站建立一定程度的品牌認同及資源時,在考量市場規模及競爭構面時,虛擬品牌往實體通路跨幾乎是不可擋的趨勢,而「虛擬與實體間」因整合所可能產生的互容性差異、系統差異、文化差異等問題,將是本研究所欲探究的議題。 本研究在於尋找並驗證虛擬通路及實體通路共榮的機會與實證、期能提供網站經營者和傳統產業一個新的營運思維,永續經營。建立電子商務新模式的第一步,是從三種不同角度來分析網路特性: 一、誕生自網路的新組織立足於電子商務市場上。 二、傳統定位在離線市場的既存組織即將邁向網路。 三、以新式組織型態結合在一起的集團,即所謂的「e化集團」,目的在於透過線上組織所形成的「虛擬架構」提昇個別公司或合夥集團的競爭優勢。 本研究主要分為「電子商務與實體通路整合行銷現況及趨勢」與「個案分析」兩大部份。前者以虛擬商店經營理論、與實體互相整合行銷因果之探討,輔以購物網站經營構面,規範設定研範圍;後者以實體與虛擬整合行銷實例訪談方式探討,實務面經營策略、成果及未來「虛實整合」發展趨勢之關聯。 關鍵字:「電子商務」、「虛擬網站」、「整合行銷」、「購物網站」、「網路服務價值鏈」、「虛擬與實體整合」。

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