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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett, två, tre - alla ska mé : Effekten av den tillgängliga lärmiljön med koppling till den tidiga läsinlärningen. / One, two, three - everone on board. : The Impact of an Accessible Learning Environment in Relation to early Literacy Development.

Lindoff, Josefin, Riishøj, Camilla January 2023 (has links)
Riishøj, Camilla och Lindoff, Josefin (2023). Ett, två, tre - alla ska mé. Effekten av den tillgängliga lärmiljön med koppling till den tidiga läsinlärningen. Speciallärarprogrammet, Institutionen för skolutveckling och ledarskap, Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle, Malmö universitet, 90 hp. Studien förväntas bidra med djupare kunskap och förståelse gällande att utveckla och organisera en tillgänglig lärmiljö utifrån varje individ samt hur den tillgängliga lärmiljön kan påverka den tidiga läsinlärningen på ett gynnsamt och positivt sätt. Vidare syftar studien till att skapa insikt och kunskap kring hur speciallärarens arbete kan organiseras och planeras på olika sätt, för att påverka och utveckla den tillgängliga lärmiljön och på så sätt den tidiga läsinlärningen. Syftet är att undersöka några lärare och speciallärares uppfattningar och definitioner kring vad en tillgänglig lärmiljö innebär, både ur ett specialpedagogiskt och ur ett lärarperspektiv. Vidare syftar studien till att relatera den tillgängliga lärmiljön med elevens tidiga läsinlärning. Häri kommer fokus ligga på hur specialläraren kan bidra till att utveckla samt påverka, den tillgängliga lärmiljön för eleven, med koppling till den tidiga läsinlärningen. I studien kommer den sociala, den pedagogiska och den fysiska lärmiljön att undersökas.  Följande frågeställningar har använts för att besvara studiens syfte: Hur definierar några lärare och speciallärare begreppet tillgänglig lärmiljö och hur kan den gestaltas?Vilka uppfattningar finns gällande, hur den tillgängliga lärmiljön påverkar elevers tidiga läsinlärning?Vilka uppfattningar framträder gällande, hur specialläraren kan bidra till att utveckla en tillgänglig lärmiljö med fokus på tidig läsinlärning? Studien utgår ifrån Vygotskijs (1999; 2001) sociokulturella teori, med fokus på den närmaste utvecklingszonen, även kallad den proximala utvecklingszonen. Vidare belyses det specialpedagogiska teoretiska perspektivet med hjälp av Nilholm (2020), Ahlberg (2017), Aspelin (2013) samt Rubin (2013). Slutligen tas specialpedagogiska modeller i beaktning. Studien är baserad på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra lärare och två speciallärare. Intervjuerna har utgått ifrån en intervjuguide med möjlighet till följdfrågor och djupare utveckling av svar. Intervjuerna genomfördes digitalt och har spelats in med digitala hjälpmedel. Samtliga intervjuer har transkriberats och därefter analyserats för att säkerställa största möjliga trovärdighet i resultatet. Studiens resultat visar att samtliga informanter har god kännedom kring vad en tillgänglig lärmiljö innebär samt hur den bör vara utformad och organiserad för att möta varje elevs enskilda behov och förutsättningar. Vidare visar resultatet ett tydligt samband mellan en välorganiserad och planerad lärmiljö som bedöms vara tillgänglig, kopplad till den tidiga läsinlärningen. Utifrån detta har speciallärarens påverkan på och utveckling av, den tillgängliga lärmiljön kopplat till den tidiga läsinlärningen undersökts. Resultatet visar att speciallärarens arbete har stor påverkan på den tillgängliga lärmiljön och således den tidiga läsinlärning, detta i samarbete med lärarna. Viktigt att lyfta fram är de resonemang vad gäller utveckling av speciallärarens roll och arbetsuppgifter för att kunna möta lärarens behov av stöd, handledning, samtal och diskussioner. I speciallärarrollen är det av stor vikt att tillgodose alla elevers behov utifrån deras individuella förutsättningar. En avgörande del i detta, är att specialläraren handleder lärare samt för samtal och diskussioner kring hur lärmiljön byggs upp på bästa sätt för att gynna den tidiga läsinlärningen. Specialläraren bör även vara delaktig och närvarande i klassrummet på olika sätt, samt vara flexibel och tillgänglig. Nyckelord: Anpassningar, förutsättning att komma till lärande, speciallärare, tidig läsinlärning, tillgänglig lärmiljö. / Riishøj, Camilla and Lindoff, Josefin (2023). One, two, three - everyone on board. The impact of an accessible learning environment in relation to early literacy development. Special Teacher Programme, Department of School Development and Leadership, Learning and Society, Malmö University, 90 credits. The study is expected to contribute with deeper knowledge and understanding regarding developing and organising an accessible learning environment based on each individual and how the accessible learning environment can influence early literacy in a beneficial and positive way. Furthermore, the study aims to create insight and knowledge about how the special education teacher’s work can be organised and planned in different ways, in order to influence and develop an accessible learning environment and thus early literacy. The aim is to examine some teachers' and special education teachers' perceptions and definitions of what an accessible learning environment means, both from a special education perspective and a teacher’s perspective. Additionally, the study aims to link the accessible learning environment with the pupil's early literacy. The focus will be on how the special education teacher can contribute to developing and influencing the accessible learning environment for the pupil, with a link to early reading acquisition. The study will examine the social, pedagogical, and physical learning environment.  The following research questions have been used to answer the objective of the study: ·       How do some teachers and special education teachers define the concept of an accessible learning environment and how can it be designed? ·       What are the perceptions of how the accessible learning environment affects pupils' early literacy? ·       What perceptions emerge regarding how the special education teacher can contribute to the development of an accessible learning environment with a focus on early literacy?  The study is based on Vygotsky's (1999, 2001) sociocultural theory, with a focus on the zone of proximal development. Furthermore, the special education theoretical perspective is highlighted with the help of Aspelin (2013), Rubin (2013), Ahlberg (2017), and Nilholm (2020). Finally, special education models are considered in this study.  The study is based on six semi-structured interviews with four teachers and two special education teachers. The interviews were based on an interview guide with the possibility of follow-up questions and deeper development of answers. The interviews were conducted digitally and recorded with digital aids. All interviews were transcribed and subsequently analysed to ensure maximum credibility of the results.  The results of the study show that all informants have a knowledge of what an accessible learning environment means and how it should be designed and organised to meet the individual needs and conditions of each student. Furthermore, the results show a clear relationship between a well-organised and planned learning environment that is deemed accessible and linked to early literacy. Based on this, the impact of the special education teacher on, and the development of, the accessible learning environment linked to early literacy learning has been investigated. The results show that the work of the special education teacher has a major impact on the accessible learning environment and thus on early literacy learning, in collaboration with the teachers. Important to highlight are the arguments regarding the development of the role and tasks of the special education teacher in order to meet the teacher's needs for support, guidance, conversation, and discussion. In the role of the special education teacher, it is essential to meet the needs of all pupils based on their individual circumstances. A crucial part of this is that the special education teacher supervises teachers and leads conversations and discussions on how best to structure the learning environment to promote early literacy learning. The special education teacher should also be involved and present within the classroom in various ways and be flexible and accessible.  Key words: adaptations, prerequisite for learning, special education teacher, early literacy, accessible learning environment.

Принципы доступной среды и универсального дизайна в формировании общественных пространств города (на примере Екатеринбурга) / The principles of an accessible environment and universal design in the formation of public spaces in the city (on the example of Yekaterinburg)

Помелов, В. И., Pomelov, V. I. January 2022 (has links)
Доступная среда для инвалидов как социальный аспект является одним из требований для проектирования зданий по критериям устойчивого развития, что напрямую влияет как на развитие архитектурного облика объектов социальной инфраструктуры, так и на развитие нашего общества в общечеловеческом понимании в целом. Диссертационное исследование посвящено существующим проблемам обеспечения беспрепятственного доступа инвалидов и иных маломобильных групп населения (МГН) к объектам социальной инфраструктуры. Проанализированы нормативные правовые акты. Разъясняются понятия: «Доступная среда», «Универсальный дизайн», «Разумное приспособление». Определены основные принципы подходов при создании беспрепятственного доступа. Изучен опыт существующих решений беспрепятственного доступа инвалидов к объектам социальной инфраструктуры в Берлине и в г. Екатеринбурге. Выявлены проблемы развития беспрепятственного доступа. В исследовании проведен социологический опрос целевой аудитории, что помогло выявить наиболее проблемную зону «Вход(ы) в здание». В социологическом опросе также получились очень интересными другие выводы, полностью меняющие концепцию подхода к созданию безбарьерной среды жизнедеятельности, т. к. подавляющее большинство респондентов определяют создание безбарьерной среды необходимым для всех граждан, а не только для инвалидов и иных МГН, «инвалида нет – есть человек». Определены критерии безбарьерной среды, обобщены параметры требований для структурно-функциональной зоны «Вход(ы) в здание», представлены графические материалы решения беспрепятственного доступа. / An accessible environment for the disabled as a social aspect is one of the requirements for designing buildings according to sustainable development criteria, which directly affects the development of the architectural appearance of social infrastructure facilities and the development of our society in the human sense as a whole. The dissertation research is devoted to the existing problems of ensuring unhindered access for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population (MSG) to social infrastructure facilities. The normative legal acts are analyzed. Concepts are explained: Accessible environment/Universal design/Reasonable accommodation. The basic principles of approaches to creating unhindered access are determined. The experience of existing solutions for unhindered access of disabled people to social infrastructure facilities in Berlin and Yekaterinburg was studied. Problems of development of unimpeded access are revealed. The study conducted a sociological survey of the target audience, which helped to identify the most problematic area «Entrance(s) to the building». The sociological survey also yielded very interesting and other conclusions that completely change the concept of the approach to creating a barrier-free living environment, the vast majority of respondents define the creation of a barrier-free environment as for all citizens, and not just for the disabled and other MGNs, «there is no disabled person is a person». The criteria for a barrier-free environment are defined, the parameters of the requirements for the structural-functional zone "Entrance (s) to the building" are summarized, and graphic materials for the solution of unhindered access are presented.

The human right to mental healthcare : Bridging the rights-gap for women subjected to sexual violence

Af Geijerstam, Maya January 2019 (has links)
Sexual violence against women is not only a serious public health problem of epidemic proportions, it’s also a violation of women’s human rights. The devastating consequences of these events on women’s health have been widely documented. The overarching purpose of this thesis is therefore to explore why public healthcare facilities around the world often fail to provide victims of sexual violence with mental healthcare of good quality that is available, accessible and acceptable. In order to investigate this, the legal grounds of specialized healthcare for victims of sexual violence was documented. Secondly, an exploration of whether the Swedish healthcare system provides victims of sexual violence with access to the highest attainable standard of mental healthcare was carried out. Lastly, the history of violence against women was explored in order to identify reasons for why the right to mental healthcare often fail to work in practice for female victims of sexual violence despite apparent agreements. Also, constructive suggestions are put forth regarding what governments can do to provide victims of sexual violence with access to the highest attainable standard of mental healthcare. An interdisciplinary approach of political sociology was used to illustrate the multiple dimensions of human rights. The findings suggest that the right to mental health is an integrated part of the right to health and thus a fundamental right for all human beings. However, the results indicate that the right to mental healthcare for women who have been subjected to sexual violence is not available, accessible and of good quality within the Swedish healthcare system. The study concludes that one of the main barriers to make the right to mental healthcare accessible for this group of patients is the lack of an officially recognized name that include the many different syndromes these women suffer. Findings are discussed in relation to previous research.

Med dina sinnen : Ett examensarbete om sinnesdesign och tillgänglighet

Utterström, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
När man tänker på design och kanske framförallt grafisk design, samt med vilket av våra fem sinnen som vi människor främst upplever detta med, så är det förmodligen synen som man tänker på i första hand. De övriga fyra sinnena hamnar i skymundan och aktiveras inte i samma utsträckning som synen gör och de förblir passiva i vår interaktion med grafisk design. Men hur skulle upplevelsen av design förändras om man formger för fler sinnen än ett? Att inkludera och ta hänsyn till fler sinnen än synen när man designar öppnar även upp för ett mer inkluderande samhälle för dem människor som saknar full kapacitet av synen eller något av de övriga fyra sinnena oavsett om det är ett permanent eller temporärt tillstånd man befinner sig i. Med detta projekt ämnar jag att utforska vad sinnesdesign kan göra för vår upplevelse av design samt belysa de eventuella möjligheter som kan komma med den här typen av design där man designar med fler sinnen i åtanke. / When thinking about design, and perhaps graphic design in particular, and which of our five senses that we as human beings experience design with, most of us are likely to think about sight first hand. The other four senses tend to be forgotten or not taken into consideration and remain passive in our interaction with graphic design. How might the inclusion of more than one of these senses change, or perhaps even enhance the experience of design? To take more than one sense into consideration while designing could also create a more inclusive society for people that lack full capacity of their vision or any of the other four senses whether it be a permanent or temporary condition.  This project aims to explore what sensory design does to our experience of graphic design. It highlights the opportunities that could come with sensory design and designing with more senses in mind.

Från exkludering - för inkludering : Att skapa en tillgänglig och sammanhållen 1177 vårdtjänst utifrån den äldre målgruppens behov, utmaningar och önskemål. / From exclusion - for inclusion : To create an accessible, cohesive 1177 healthcare service based on the needs, challenges and aspirations of the elderly.

Hallin, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
The aging population is a global challenge, meanwhile there's a strain on Swedish healthcare. In order to make healthcare efficient, designers are responsible for developing digital services that can be used by everyone, despite disabilities. To ensure accessibility, services must comply with the European Accessibility Act by 2025, a UN directive the Swedish healthcare website 1177 does not meet. In this study, the user interface will be investigated, based on seniors 65+. Through research in graphic design and user-centered design, the group's challenges, needs and aspirations will be identified through semi-structured interviews. In order to create accessible interfaces, designers need to examine the experience based on both function and visuality. Graphic design thereby constitutes a large part of the experience as a whole and must be reflected upon. The result will contribute with insights to increase the website's accessibility and contribute to improved welfare and equality.

”Det är väl inget extra arbete utöver det vi redan måste göra?” : - En aktionsstudie om tillgängliga lärmiljöer med fokus på diskussionerna inom ett lärararbetslag.

Hatakka, Charlotta January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att synliggöra och öka kunskapen om skolutvecklande processer i grundskolan med fokus på alla elevers rätt till en likvärdig utbildning. För att uppnå syftet undersöktes vad lärarna fokuserade på i diskussionerna i uppstarten av arbetet och hur fokuset ändrades under arbetets gång samt vilka möjligheter och hinder som blev synliga under processen. För att undersöka detta användes aktionsforskning som ansats och ett projektarbete skapades om tillgängliga lärmiljöer. Studien är kvalitativ och empirin grundar sig på fokusgruppsamtal, loggböcker och intervjuer. För att analysera resultatet från empirin användes teorin om praktikarkitektur vilket även möjliggjorde synliggörandet av sägandet i samtalen utifrån forskningsfrågorna. Teorin om praktikarkitektur är en allmänt vedertagen metod för att analysera resultat från aktionsforskning. Studiens resultat visade att lärarna till en början fokuserade på de hinder de tyckte sig se i praktiken. I samtalen diskuterade de att förutsättningarna för arbetet utifrån elevers varierande behov, klassrumsmiljön och tid. Målsättning med deltagandet fick även det stort utrymme i diskussionerna. En bit in på projektet började lärarna fokusera mer på de positiva effekterna av att arbeta med lärmiljön och den förändrade syn de hade fått om arbetet. Förutsättningar för arbetet fortsatte att ta utrymme i diskussionerna, men innefattade då även ekonomi och samarbete. Möjligheter och hinder synliggjordes. Det som möjliggjorde arbetet var att avsätta tid för arbetet, samarbete och handledning samt en ökad förståelse för lärmiljöns betydelse. Det som hindrade arbetet var tidsbrist, ekonomi och till viss del den solidaritet som fanns i arbetslaget. / The purpose of the study is to highlight and increase knowledge about school development processes in compulsory school with a focus on all students' right to an equal education. To achieve the purpose, it was investigated what the teachers focused on in the discussions at the start of the work and how the focus changed during the work as well as what opportunities and obstacles became visible during the process. To investigate this, action research was used as an approach and a project work was created on accessible learning environments. The study is qualitative and the empirical data is based on focus group discussions, logbooks and interviews. To analyze the results from the empirical data, the theory of practice architecture was used, which also made it possible to make the saying visible in the conversations based on the research questions. The theory of practice architecture is a generally accepted method for analysing results from action research. The results of the study showed that the teachers initially focused on the obstacles they thought they saw in practice. In the conversations, they discussed that the conditions for the work are based on the students' varying needs, the classroom environment and time. The goal of participation was also given a lot of space in the discussions. A bit into the project, the teachers began to focus more on the positive effects of working with the learning environment and the changed view they had gained about the work. The conditions for the work continued to take up space in the discussions, but then also included finances and cooperation. Opportunities and obstacles were made visible. What made the work possible was to set aside time for the work, cooperation and supervision as well as an increased understanding of the importance of the learning environment. What hindered the work was lack of time, finances and, to some extent, the solidarity that existed in the team.

Critical analysis of adolescent reproductive health services in Gauteng Province

Magwentshu, Beatrice Makgoale 11 1900 (has links)
Adolescent reproductive health services (ARHS) in Gauteng Province are not meeting the reproductive health needs of adolescents. There is also no formalised adolescent/youth policy laid down to assess the quality of care given to adolescents attending these clinics although the policy is currently in the process of being finalised. The purpose of the study therefore was to critically analyse the ARHS in Gauteng Province to determine which adolescents attended the clinics, whether the clinics were accessible and available and whether they provided comprehensive care, gave information and counselling to the adolescent and whether the clinics \\·ere adolescent-friendly. Using the quality care model as the conceptual framework for the study, the following research questions were asked to determine the quality of care in terms of the adolescent's needs at these clinics: Who is the adolescent using ARHS in Gauteng Province') Are the ARHS in Gauteng Province accessible and available to adolescents? Do the ARHS in Gauteng Province provide comprehensive care to adolescents? Are adolescents receiving information and counselling from the ARHS in Gauteng Province? Are the ARHS in Gauteng Province adolescent-friendly? A quantitative cross-sectional exploratory, descriptive research design using a self-administered, researcher­ designed questionnaire was used to collect data from a 203 nonprobability convenient sample, at selected ARHS in Gauteng Province. The analysed data indicated that females in the older age group. ie 18-19 years used the ARHS more than the female adolescents in the younger age group and males. Findings also indicated that the ARHS in Gauteng Province are geographically accessible and available to adolescents. However, there appeared to be a need to extend the days and hours of functioning of the ARHS so as to make them more accessible and available to adolescents. Comprehensive care is not given to adolescents attending ARHS. Adolescent gave contradictory mformation especially with regard to the attitudes of service providers. Recommendations made include management strategies that will attract the adolescent in the younger age group and in particular the male adolescent. This necessitated that service providers at ARHS be equipped with the appropriate information given in an outcome-based format in adolescent care. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Science)

Towards more inclusive university curricula : the learning experiences of visually impaired students in higher education institutions of Ethiopia

Yohannes Gebretsadik Gebrehiwot 06 1900 (has links)
This research was conducted on inclusive education in HEIs of Ethiopia. Its main purpose was to investigate, as case studies, the learning experiences of students with visual impairments (SVI) in two HEIs. The study was undertaken having realized the research gap that exists in the area of the inclusiveness of HEIs in Ethiopia. In order to conduct the research, a qualitative methodology was followed. The data collection methods used were individual interviews and observations. Data were collected from students with visual impairments, their instructors, department/school heads, college deans and disability centre coordinators. In addition, observations were made in library facilities and classes. The process of data analysis was started by considering the major curriculum elements as general categories following LeCompte and Preissle‟s typological analysis strategy. Atlas.ti computer software was used to code, categorize and manage the data. The theory that was primarily used to examine and understand the learning experiences of SVI in the higher education context was Bronfenbrenner's bio-ecological systems theory. In addition, the biopsychosocial model of disability and the accommodation model (in contrast to the UDL model) were considered. The study resulted in the following major findings: SVI, in many cases, were not assigned to the departments of their interest; the curricula of the HEIs were highly inflexible and did not consider SVI needs; there was limited access to curricular materials in assessment formats; there was limited use of assistive technology; assessment practices were largely unfair to SVI; the learning environment was less friendly to SVI; the support SVI get from their institutions was inadequate and disorganized; and instructors made little effort to accommodate the learning needs of SVI during class teaching. The findings also showed that there were no significant differences of perceptions among SVI of the two institutions. Based on the findings of the research some conclusions are drawn. In addition, some recommendations were suggested to improve policy and practice based on SVI responses and the researcher's own reflections on the study‟s findings. Recommendations for future research were also made. / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Exploring ways to convey medical information during digital triage : A combined user research and machine learning approach

Ansved, Linn, Eklann, Karin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this project was to investigate what information is critical to convey to nurses when performing digital triage. In addition, the project aimed to investigate how such information could be visualized. This was done through a combined user research and machine learning approach, which enabled for a more nuanced and thorough investigation compared to only making use of one of the two fields. There is sparse research investigating how digital triaging can be improved and made more efficient. Therefore, this study has contributed with new and relevant insights. Three machine learning algorithms were implemented to predict the right level of care for a patient. Out of these three, the random forest classifier proved to have the best performance with an accuracy of 69.46%, also having the shortest execution time. Evaluating the random forest classifier, the most important features were stated to be the duration and progress of the symptoms, allergies to medicine, chronic diseases and the patient's own estimation of his/her health. These factors could all be confirmed by the user research approach, indicating that the results from the approaches were aligned. The results from the user research approach also showed that the patients' own description of their symptoms was of great importance. These findings served as a basis for a number of visualization decisions, aiming to make the triage process as accurate and efficient as possible.

Allt hänger ju ihop : Lärares förståelse om lärmiljöns betydelse för utveckling av elevers kommunikativa och sociala delaktighet i grundsärskolan, inriktning ämnesområden

Nilsson Sandberg, Maria January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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