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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flexibility and Trust – About the Meaning of Trust in Changing Processes

Höhnel, Anne 02 July 2012 (has links)
Fundamental economic and social changes have strongly influenced the conditions under which companies have to operate during the last couple of years. The dynamics of the business environment, which are among other things increasingly forced by the globalization of markets, development of new technologies and subsequently growing competitive pressure, requires that companies adapt to their environment not only reactive, but rather act proactively to exist on the market permanently. This means, that in companies radical change processes are not even uncommon in addition to permanent changes. Regarding the success of any change process it is of vital importance that the concerned employees and departments are involved in the success of the project and cooperate closely. For this reason trust is becoming more and more important in business environment, especially against the backdrop of economic crisis, of mergers, outsourcing, short-time work and job loss. The setup and permanent care of a trustworthy corporate culture, the content of which includes the constructive handling through management of the anxieties and emotions of the employees concerning upcoming changes, finally provides the basis for successful cooperation. Currently there is no scientific consensus about what trust is, how it can be measured, evaluated and influenced. These issues are now being investigated by empirical studies. Thus, the meaning of 'professional' trust was determined by means of a quantitative questionnaire. One aim of the empirical study was to investigate the existence of trust-promoting and trust-inhibitory factors in companies and to generate rankings regarding their importance for the employees. The perceptions should be the basis to build and maintain a reliable culture of trust in companies, especially during the implementation of change processes.:1. Introduction 2. Meaning of Trust in Research 3. To Change with Trust 4. Method 5. Results 5.1 Trust-Aiding and Trust-Repressing Factors 5.2 Measuring and Evaluating Trust 6. Perspective Literature

A leadership capability model for the South African higher education environment / ‘n Leierskapbekwaamheidmodel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys omgewing / Uhlaka lokwazi ubuholi iwe imvelo yemfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu Afrika

Cloete, Michael Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English with keywords and abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Over the past few years, the world in general has been influenced by several rapid changes and disruptions including climate change, globalisation, economic developments, the fourth industrial revolution, technological advancements, social changes, political changes and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic. The above changes have also influenced South Africa Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in South Africa. In particular, over the past two to three years, South African HEIs have been increasingly faced with the drive for transformation in higher education (including the decolonisation of the curriculum), reduced government subsidies, increased competition, rising costs, increased enrolments, declining resources the announcement of free higher education, increased politicisation of higher education and the increased need to use information technology in teaching and research. As a result, the aforementioned rapid changes and disruption require that leaders in South African HEIs possess the capabilities that will enable them to successfully lead their organisations during such times. While leadership has been researched within South African HEIs none was found that focussed on identifying and describing the capabilities needed to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption. The aim of this research was to determine a leadership capabilities model required to lead successfully during rapid change and disruption within South African HEIs. This research successfully identified and described the capabilities and competencies needed to lead South African HEIs successfully during rapid change and disruption in general as well as for each leadership level. Finally, this research formulated a theory and model that explains the relationship between rapid change and disruption, the possession and application of the capabilities required to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption and actually dealing successfully with the rapid change and disruption. / Oor die afgelope paar jare was die wêreld deur verskillende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings beïnvloed insluitended limaatverandering, globaliseering, ekonomiese ontwikkelinge asook die vierde industriële rewolusie, tegnolosiese vooruitgange, sosiale veranderinge, politiese veranderinge, en mees onlangs, die Covid-19 pandemie. Die bogenoemde veranderinge het ook die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys beïnvloed. In die besonder, oor die afgelope twee tot drie jaar, is Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies toenemend gekonfronteer deur ‘n strewe na transformasie (insluitended dekolonisering van die kirrikulum), vermindende staatsubsidies, toenemende kompetisie, toenemende kostes, toenemende inskrywings, vermindende hulpbronne, die aankondiging van gratis hoër onderwys, toenemende politisering van hoër onderwys en die toenemende behoefte om inligtingstegnologie te gebruik in onderwys en navorsing. As ‘n gevolg van bogenoemde vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, word dit van leiers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys vereis om vermöens te besit wat hulle in staat stel om hulle organisasies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende sulke tye. Alhoewel navorsing oor leierskap binne Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies voorheen gedoen is, kon geen navorsing gevind word wat alleenlik fokus op die identifisering en beskrywing van die eienskappe wat nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigting. Die mikpunt van hierdie navorsing was om vas te stel watter leierskap eienskappe nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei, gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings. Hierdie navorsing het daarin geslaag om die eienskappe en vaardighede wat leiers benodig om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings te bepaal, asook wat vir elke leierskapvlak benodig word. Hierdie navorsing het ook ‘n teorie en model geformuleer wat die verhouding tussen vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, die besit en toepassing van die eienskappe om Suid Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings en uiteindelik suksevolle leierskap gedurende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, te beskryf. / Eminyakeni embalwa edlule umhlaba jikelele ubhekane nezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okuningi okuhlanganisa ukuquka kwesimo sezulu, ukuxhumana kwamazwe omhlaba, ukuthuthuka kwezomnotho, uguquko kwezezimboni kwesine (fourth industrial revolution), ukuthuthuka kwezobuchwepheshe, izinguquko kwezenhlalo, izinguquko kwezombusazwe nokwakamuva nje, ubhubhane i-Covid-19. Lezi zinguquko ezingenhla zibe nomthelela naseziKhungweni zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika (HEIs). Ikakhulukazi, eminyakeni emibili kuya kwemithathu edlule, iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika zibhekana ngokwengezekile nomkhankaso wezoguquko kwezemfundo ephakeme (okuhlanganisa nokuhlelwa kabusha kwezinhlelozifundo), ukuncipha kwemalisibonelelo kahulumeni, ukukhula kokuqhudelana, ukukhula kwezindleko, ukukhula kwesibalo sababhalisile, ukuncipha kwezinsiza, ukumenyezelwa kwemfundo ephakeme yamahhala, ukudlondlobala kwezombusazwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme nokukhula kokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe kwezokufundisa nocwaningo. Okungumphumela walokhu, ukudingeka kwabaholi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika abanamakhono azobalekelela ekuholeni ngempumelelo izinhlangano zabo kulezi zikhathi. Yize noma ubuholi bucwaningiwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika akukho okutholakele obekugxile ekuhlonzeni nasekuchazeni ngokuyizidingo zokuhola ngempumelelo lezi zikhungo ngalesi sikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini. Lolu cwaningo luhlonze futhi lwachaza ngamakhono namava adingekayo ukuze kuholwe ngempumelelo iziKhungo ZeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini kanye nokuyizidingo zezinga ngalinye lobuholi. Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo lwakhe injulalwazi nohlaka oluchaza ngobudlelwano phakathi kwezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini, ukuba namava adingekayo nokuwasebenzisa ngempumelelo ekuholeni iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi salezi zinguquko nokuphazamiseka kanye nokubhekana nakho ngempumelelo. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

Who are we and what do we measure? : A case study of the dynamic relationship between performance measurement and organizational identity

Källgren, Marcus, Vejbrink Kildal, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
Performance measurements have been described as a tool by which management can communicate expected standards of behavior as well as a shared meaning among members regarding the intended direction of the firm. In parallel, the organizational identity field relies on the premise that members can answer the question “who are we as an organization?” through a sense of shared understanding. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implications a performance measurement system has on the employees’ perception of “who we are“, related to the theoretical framework of organizational identity. This paper utilizes a qualitative research method, a case-based approach of a Swedish life science company which is conducted in an exploratory manner. The case company is chosen due to its contextual setting regarding the newly implemented performance measurement system, along with the inherent characteristics of the industry in general, which is typically considered to be incongruent with such quantitative measurements. The empirical data is collected through eight interviews with members from the chosen case company, as well as through internal documents describing its performance measurement system. The authors propose a revised theoretical framework in which performance measurements and organizational identity are investigated through a conceptual model which explores their dynamic relationship. The findings reinforce well-known ideas of performance measurements and organizational identity, along with providing new insights on the dynamics between them. Keywords: Organizational Identity, Performance Measurement System, Performance Management, Identity-Dynamics

System Trust through Stable-Flexible System Standards and Participation

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas 22 February 2012 (has links)
In today´s flexible working sphere trust takes a central place in relations to customer, supplier and institutions as well as between coworkers and executives. Therefore, co-operation is not thinkable at all without a certain amount of trust. A low amount of trust is not an adequate basis for obtaining quality of living or realization of business success. In the everyday life it is to be also experienced that the structure of trust requires very much time, power, money and patience. The effects, on which an employer has to count with loss of trust by unmotivated and unproductive coworkers, can mean enormous economic damage for the enterprise and entail the loss of a market projection. So trust was determined by means of a quantitative questionnaire. The aim was to investigate the existence of trust promoting and trust inhibiting factors and to generate rankings in regard to their importance.

Eine interdisziplinäre Annäherung an betriebliches Vertrauen

Kunze, Matthias, Seeling, Thomas 01 August 2012 (has links)
Vertrauen ist zentrales Element menschlichen Lebens und Arbeitens. Im Alltagserleben wird sichtbar, dass der Aufbau von Vertrauen Zeit, Kraft und Geduld erfordert, wohingegen der Verlust von Vertrauen sich schlagartig einstellen kann. Die Folgen, mit denen sich Unternehmen im Falle eines Vertrauensverlustes bei Mitarbeitern, Lieferanten oder Kunden konfrontiert sehen, können enormen wirtschaftlichen Schaden und den Verlust eines Marktvorsprungs zur Folge haben. Die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen der Psychologie, Soziologie und Betriebswirtschaft analysieren das Phänomen Vertrauen aus verschiedenen Forschungsperspektiven mit je unterschiedlichem Erkenntnisinteresse. Da sich der Begriff also einer einheitlichen Begriffsbestimmung entzieht, wird versucht ihn über die Schnittmengen dieser verschiedenen Betrachtungsweisen näher zu bestimmen. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte von Vertrauen beschrieben, die für die Entstehung einer belastbaren Vertrauenskultur in den drei Kulturdimensionen (interpersonal, intraorganisational, interorganisational) von Unternehmen relevant sein können. Die Aufarbeitung und Systematisierung des Forschungsstandes wurde dabei mit dem Ziel vorgenommen, Hinweise auf vertrauensfördernde und vertrauenshemmende Faktoren zu destillieren, letztlich also zur Beantwortung der Fragen nach Bedingungen für die Entstehung, Gewährung und Aufrechterhaltung von Vertrauensbeziehungen in betrieblichen Organisationseinheiten beitragen zu können.:1. Hinführung 1.1 Vertrauen aus soziologischer Sicht 1.2 Vertrauen aus psychologischer Sicht 1.3 Vertrauen aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht 1.4 Schnittmengen des Vertrauensbegriffs aus soziologischer, psychologischer und wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Betrachtungsweise 2. Vertrauen in Unternehmen 2.1 Bedeutung von Vertrauen in Unternehmen 2.2 Forschungsstand zum Thema Vertrauenskultur 2.3 Betriebliches Vertrauen in der interpersonalen Kulturdimension 2.3.1 Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern sowie innerhalb der Belegschaft 2.3.2 Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern während Veränderungsprozessen 2.4 Vertrauen von Mitarbeitern in die Gesamtorganisation (Systemvertrauen) 2.5 Betriebliches Vertrauen in der interorganisationalen Kulturdimension – Vertrauensbeziehungen zwischen Unternehmenspartnern sowie Kunden und Lieferanten

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