Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thing"" "subject:"ching""
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清代「路、佐」制度下的鄂倫春人 / The Oroncon's People under Luh-Tzuoo system in Ching dyansty鄧琪瑛, Deng, Chyi-Ing Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 鄂倫春人族源追溯及其與相關集團之融合
第一節 「鄂倫春」名稱考證: 主要從"oroncon"(鄂倫春)一音來探究它的內涵與清政權外力介入的決定性影響。
第二節 鄂倫春族源追溯: 筆者根據語言對比及從整個東北文化大環境著手的結果,認為鄂倫春人的族源應當歸屬在"女真"比較合理。
第三節 鄂倫春人與"新滿洲"及"索倫部": 筆者將透過清廷的內徙編旗與"索倫部"三者經濟互補關係,來瞭解鄂倫春人是如何融入這些相關集團。並藉由鄂倫春人及鄂溫克人的人類群體遺傳學調查來證實他們有共同的族源。
第二章 「路、佐」制度與鄂倫春人之關係
第一節 "布特哈總管衙門"與鄂倫春人之關係: 將對「路、佐」的來源作一番探討, 並對"布特哈總管衙門"的設立與目的作一說明。
第二節 "雅法罕鄂倫春人"之收編與設官建署:筆者根據檔案資料掌握了清廷收編的目的與經過。
第三節 鄂倫春人與貢貂:"墨凌阿鄂倫春人"和"雅法罕鄂倫春人"的貢貂方式並不相同,然而在這樣的一個媒介之下,卻使得他們與外界有更多接觸的機會, 進而改變原有的生活方式。
第三章 「路、佐」制度下鄂倫春社會之發展與變化
第一節 傳統游獵經濟的內涵與特性: 筆者主要從鄂倫春人的生態環境著手,這種形態的文化特質,具有相當穩定的氏族組織結構,但由於對大自然的絕對依賴,亦有其局限性。
第二節 原始氏族組織結構的鬆動與消亡: "佐領"的設立逐漸取代了鄂倫春社會的"穆昆達"(氏族長), 使得鄂倫春人漸漸掙脫原本以血緣關係為維繫的氏族組織。
第三節 生產力提高與私有制確立: 槍支、馬匹等生產原料的得,促使鄂倫春社會生產力提高,而原本平均分配的範圍也愈來愈趨縮小,慢慢演變的結果,勢必造成個人私有制的發達。
第四節 諳達入境與商品交換: 清廷廢除了"官方諳達"之,"私人諳達"繼之而起,這正代表著鄂倫春社會已從集體交換進入到個體交換。
第五節 棄獵歸農與雇傭關係:農業經濟的出現,帶給鄂倫春人全新的社會關係, 其社會內部亦產生了大土地經營者。但總的來說,鄂倫春社會在清廷外力的作用下,其生產結構並沒有突破性的改變,游獵經濟仍然是主要的生存模式。
第四章 「路、佐」制度之得失
第一節 「路、佐」制度之成效與缺失:筆者對清廷收編"雅法罕鄂倫春人"的既定目標及終極目標進行了一番評估,並與俄國收籠的方式相互作比較。
第二節 「路、佐」制度之影響:本節採取綜合性的探討,對「施」者-清廷影響「受」者-鄂倫春人, 提出國家認同與民族形成的看法。
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汪兆銘與國民政府(1931-1936) / Wang Chao-ming and the Nationalist Government, 1931-1936許育銘, Hsu, Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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明代巡按御史巨煥武, JU, HUAN-WU Unknown Date (has links)
(1) ;顧炎武「日知錄」亦盛譽其「察吏安民之效,已見於(明代)二三百年」(2)
) 。
今先考論明代巡按御史制度,清代巡按御史制度之考論,則俟諸異日。 /
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《東坡易傳》研究 / Study of "Dongpo Yi Zhuan"楊子萱, Yang ,Tze Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
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應用社會網路分析於易經爻辭之文字特徵觀察 / Application of Social Network Analysis For Text Characteristic Observation On I-Ching Line Statements李俊澔, Lee, Chun Hao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊技術的進步,各種史料文本的數位化工作已經處理完成,運用資訊技術於史料文本分析的研究日益增加。本研究以詞頻分析與社會網路分析為主軸,對於古代《易經》爻辭的文字進行多元化的觀察,本研究首先以詞頻分析探討《易經》爻辭字詞頻率的觀察,再利用《易經》爻辭位置資訊建構成各個社會網路結構,對每個社會網路結構運算各項社會網路指標數據,最後將實驗結果與過往《易經》爻辭的論點做印證與對照,期望對於《易經》爻辭之分析,有更多元性的客觀研究觀察。本研究提供了一個分析《易經》爻辭的新面向,也可供未來研究者對於其他古文研究作參考。 / With advances in information technology, digitization of various historical text has been completed.The study of historical text analysis by using information technology is in-creasing daily.In this paper, we used word frequency analysis and social network analy-sis in the I-Ching line statements.First, we used word frequency analysis in I-Ching line statements,using N-gram and TF-IDF technique analysis word frequency.Second, we constructed social network structure by I-Ching line statements position infor-mation,calculating several social network analysis indicator on each network.We com-pared our experiment results with some existing I-Ching theory, expecting to get more objective results and more diverse analysis for the I-Ching line statements. We not only provided a new perspective to study I-Ching line statements but also expected to help other researchers to study different historical text.
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清代棚民之研究 / The Study of the Shed People in Ching Dynasty黃怡瑗, Huang, Yi-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
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Tao´s gyllene blommaSzenaszki, Gabriel G. January 2002 (has links)
<p>Syftet med arbetet är att ge en generell presentation av Den gyllene blommans hemlighets innehåll och funktion samt introducera två olika kommentarer och synliggöra deras specifika synsätt. De generella frågorna jag har ställt mig är följande: Vad är textens innehåll? På vilka filosofiska grunder vilar metoden? Vilka är de viktigaste skillnaderna mellan Jungs och Clearys kommentarer?</p><p>Wilhelm var den person som hittade texten och som först översatte den till ett västerländskt språk år 1928. Han har både översatt och kommenterat bl. a. I Ching, Den gyllene blommans hemlighet, Tao te king mm. och därmed var han insatt i att göra Kinas själsliga skatter åtkomliga för Europa. Då var Europa fortfarande nybörjare i förståelsen av Österlandets visdom och de kristna formerna och aspekterna påverkade hans uppfattning om den. Dogma och känsla stred med varandra i honom “vilken i hans fall tog sig uttryck som en konflikt mellan väst och öst“, konstaterade Jung. Detta tvivel påverkade också Jung själv som beundrade Österlandets stora filosofer – som han benämnde dem – men han hade en oförsynt syn på deras metafysik. Jung har studerat alkemiska verk tidigare men han har själv påstått att “först genom texten i Den gyllene blomman har alkemins väsen kommit närmare“ .</p><p>Denna text - som heter T'ai I Chin Hua Tsung Chih (Den gyllene blommans hemlighet) tillsammans med Hui Ming Ching (Medvetandets och livets bok) - är en samling av ett slags aforismer och innehåller förklaringar - med suggestiva, esoteriska terminologier - av praktisk betydelse som behandlar de alkemistiska (ev. fysiologiska) processerna. Dessa framförda tekniker antyder varken hjälp ifrån eller närvaro av en gudom eller gudomlig kraft, istället är det insiktens ljus som ger en direkt upplysning till utövaren. Med i texten finns även en ganska detaljerad beskrivning av faror och villovägar som väntar på den ouppmärksamme praktikanten.</p><p>Det blev klart för Jung “att alkemin i symbolisk och allegorisk form i själva verket beskriver människans andliga mognad“ och att denna mognadsprocess förbinder människan med livets andliga dimensioner och hjälper henne att finna Självet, det gudomliga inom henne. Denna inre erfarenhet av “förening med det gudomliga“ var enligt Jung det mest värdefulla och viktigaste målet i livet. Därför försökte Jung i sin moderna psykoterapi ge en högre religiös bakgrund vid avlägsnandet av konfliktorsaken. Enligt Jungs tolkning omskapar och genererar den gyllene blommans metod kroppens energi för att, å ena sidan, människan ska kunna komma ur olika själsliga tillstånd som hon blivit fångad i (Projektion, Skuggan, Personan, Animus-Anima), och å andra sidan för att kunna nå fram till något hon var avskuren ifrån (det gudomliga Självet).</p>
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論自白信用性之分析與審查標準-以江國慶案為例 / 無陳先成 Unknown Date (has links)
本文引用日本有關自白信用性之學說、研究結果以及現行實務,配合我國實務現狀,再藉由江國慶案卷證,描繪自白信用性審查標準。江國慶案因受限軍事審判法規定,不得上述上訴最高法院審酌,其中有關江國慶自白部分具有相當疑義,包括自白之成立係在高壓偵訊環境中所生, 自白與證物不一致等。本案為密室偵訊之典型案例,其中雖自白任意性之爭議極大,但因任意性舉證極為困難,導致歷審軍事法院均三言兩語駁回被告有關任意性之調查證據之聲請,此即為自白任意性在實務操作最大的問題;就自白信用性部分,歷審法院認定方式較無標準,這也是我國實務上之通病。綜合文獻及實務,研究者認為在審查自白信用性的標準應包括:(1)自白成立過程 (2)自白內容變動之合理性 (3)體驗供述之陳述 (4)秘密的暴露 (5)自白與客觀證據之一致性 (6)可供證實之物證不存在與欠缺相關情況證據 (7)犯罪嫌疑人對犯行前後偵訊者以外之人言行與被告的辯解等7項標準。
希望藉由本研究所訂定之標準,提供從事司法實務者在審判審案件時有一清晰客觀的標準,以達成維護公共福祉與保障人權。 / The focus of this study was to describe the dilemma regarding the abusive use of confessions and its solution. In the past, a great emphasis has been placed in course on the confessions of the accused. However, an overemphasis on confessions may violate the principles of presumption of innocence and just court, resulting in miscarriage of justice. Determining the credibility of confessions has been one of the most controversial issues in the criminal law and in the investigation and trial practice. However, limited studies have explored on this issue. In Taiwan, one of the most well-known cases of injustice is the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching. The primary reason for the injustice was the over-reliance of the court and investigation agency on the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching. As an inquisitor at the Control Yuan, the researcher was involved in the investigation of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching in 2003. During the investigation, the researcher began a more in-depth study on the issue of abusive use of confessions. Latin law principles proclaim that “confession is the king of evidence”. Involuntary confessions have been commonly used in the past as a foundation for judicial judgment. However, the strategies for acquiring confessions were not stressed. Torture was used in the past for the acquisition of involuntary confessions, while it is not a current practice. Currently, judges and prosecutors greatly value confessions due to their greater capacity of providing an overall picture of the criminal facts, as compared to other strategies. In many cases, false confessions are commonly present. To understand the causes of false confessions and to develop standardized determining criteria for false confessions, it is critical to explore the psychological impacts of the processes and strategies of acquiring confessions on the criminal suspects. Such exploration will provide an understanding that a confession is the product of the interactive communications between the investigator and the suspect, involving the subjectivity of the investigator. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the credibility of confessions and to develop an evaluation criteria based on an analysis of the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching.
A Japanese theory of credibility of confessions, research findings, current practice in Taiwan and the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching were used to develop credible evaluation criteria for confessions. Due to the restriction from the military trail law placed on the case of Chiang Kuo-Ching, appeal to the Supreme Court was not permitted. Several elements of the confession of Chiang Kuo-Ching were questionable, such as the highly stressful interrogation environment for the confession, and the inconsistency between the confession and evidences. The case of Chiang Kuo-Ching is a typical case of secret interrogation, which generates great controversial on the voluntary nature of confessions. Due to the difficulties in obtaining evidences for voluntary confessions, the requests to acquire evidence for voluntary confessions were denied by the military court. This is the greatest problem related to the practical operation of voluntary confessions. Currently, there are no standardized evaluation criteria to review the credibility of confessions, which has been a common issue in the practical judicial operation. Derived on the literature and practice experiences, the researcher proposed the application of seven criterions in the evaluation of the credibility of confessions: (1) process of acquiring confessions, (2) rationality of changes in the contents of confessions, (3) existence of criminal experiences, (4) exposure of secrets, (5) consistency between the confessions and objective evidences, (6) lack of evidence to proof the crime of the accused, and (7) the words and actions of the suspect toward the individuals other than the investigators before and after the crime, and the argument of the defendant.
The finding of this study will provide an objective and standardized criteria for judicial practice for the purposes of protecting public welfare and human right.
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上古漢語多音形貌詞研究 : 以 詩經 和 楚詞 為例 = The research on the multi-syllable XingMaoCi in Ancient Chinese : the case studies on Poetry and Chu elegies / Research on the multi-syllable XingMaoCi in Ancient Chinese : the case studies on Poetry and Chu elegies ;"Research on the multi-syllable XingMaoCi in Ancient Chinese : the case studies on Poetry and Chu elegies";"以 詩經 和 楚詞 為例";"以詩經和楚詞為例"李莉亞 January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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論顧頡剛的 詩經 研究 = Research on Gu Jiegang's study of the Book of Songs / Research on Gu Jiegang's study of the Book of Songs;"論顧頡剛的詩經研究"高靜 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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