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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Davis-Johnston Controversy

Gallaway, B. P. 08 1900 (has links)
Looming large in the manifold problems of the Davis government after the clash of arms at Sumter was the creation of an army to defend the South. Involved in this problem was the extremely important task of expanding forces. No dearth of excellent officer material existed for some of the most able West Point graduates in the Union army had resigned and were eager to serve their section. The major problem was the question of relative rank to be assigned in the new chain of command.

Senes ridiculi ? Politique et poétique chez Plaute / Senes ridiculi ? Politics and poetry in Plautus' comedy

Lemoine, Marie-Laure 26 November 2011 (has links)
Genus claudicans ou genre de 'travers', la comédie plautinienne est à la fois dérivé négatif ou forme inversée des grands genres et le lieu d'une actualité politique voilée qui lui donnent, ensemble, toute sa spécificité. Inscrite, sans discussion, dans une tradition gréco-hellénistique héritée, elle est l'objet de choix personnels et d'une originalité créatrice chargée d'intentions. Plus exactement, l'interprétation et l'adaptation des modèles induisent des moments de réflexion critique sur le rapport de l'oeuvre avec le pouvoir. Politique et poétique sont donc au centre d'une réécriture auctoriale où le senex ridiculus a aussi sa place. Dans sa lecture des sources et du monde, Plaute privilégie donc les laissés pour compte, notamment une figure parentale déviante, le vieillard souvent lubrique, capable de susciter, non seulement une satire critique, mais aussi une lecture politique en texte caché. A la polémique diffamante de son ami Naeuius, il substitue la dénonciation d'un défaut reconnu selon les règles du blâme épidictique. Mieux encore, il use d'une 'manière' cynique et d'une plaisanterie urbaine et raffinée, le lepos, qui sont les fondements mêmes d'un art poétique. Celui-ci est complété par une traversée et un mélange des genres où Aristophane et Naeuius apparaissent. Au total, parce qu'elle amuse et réclame un spectateur intelligent et perspicace, qui comprend les sens cachés, la comédie plautinienne est un théâtre complexe et intellectuel en réception spectaculaire. / Genus claudicans or 'lame' genre, Plautus' comedy bears both the inverted form or negative image of predominant genres and topical political hints which together provide its genuineness. Undisputedly embedded in the Greco-hellenistic heritage, it becomes the subject of personal choices and a creative originality laden with intention. More accurately, the interpretation and adaptation of the models induce moments of critical thinking toward the link between the work of art and power. Politics and poetic art thus lay at the core of authorial rewriting in which the senex ridiculus is awarded pride of place. Throughout his study of sources and the world, Plautus sides with the left-behinds, among others the deviant father figure of a more than often lustful old man, who has a knack into initiating not only scathing satire, but also political insight woven inside the text. Contrary to his friend Naevius' prone inclination to tackle bones of contention, he levels veiled accusations against well-known faults according to the rules of epidictic blame. Better still, he uses the lepos, urbane and refined puns, albeit in a 'cynical' way, as the very basis for poetic art. The latter being supplemented by a crossing and blending of genres out of which Aristophanes and Naeuius emerge.All in all, because it amuses and calls for an acute and discerning audience, in full awareness of hidden meanings, Plautine comedy is manifold and intellectual, it's theater given spectacular reception.

La politique constitutive au Sud : refonder le droit de la famille au Sénégal et au Maroc / The Constitutive Policy in the South : rebuilding Family Law in Senegal and Morocco

N'Diaye, Marième 26 October 2012 (has links)
Le droit de la famille constitue un sujet très sensible dans les pays musulmans et donne lieu à une controverse récurrente, principalement structurée autour des pôles islamique et féministe. C’est le cas au Sénégal et au Maroc où l’option retenue par le législateur - qui vise à renforcer les droits des femmes dans le cadre d’un texte cherchant à concilier impératifs islamiques et injonction à la modernité - est loin de faire l’unanimité. En prenant les débats sur le droit de la famille comme point de départ, ce travail se propose - à partir d’une analyse croisant action publique et sociologie politique du droit - de voir comment l’Etat cherche à réguler l’intime pour s’affirmer comme entreprise totale de domination dans un contexte marqué par un fort pluralisme normatif. La comparaison par contrastes dramatiques permet de centrer l’analyse sur le différentiel de capacité et de légitimité des Etats marocain et sénégalais pour mieux saisir le processus différencié d’institutionnalisation de l’Etat au sud. Dans les deux cas, l’Etat cherche à tirer avantage de la controverse en jouant sur les différents systèmes normatifs et en impliquant l’ensemble des acteurs qui le reconnaissent comme arbitre légitime, ce qui lui permet de conserver le pouvoir déterminant de la mise en forme juridique. Afin de pallier les difficultés d’application du droit, l’Etat s’appuie également sur les acteurs non étatiques pour le diffuser, ce qui confirme le caractère co-produit de la politique du droit de la famille. Si le droit étatique ne constitue pas la norme unique mais une norme mobilisable parmi d’autres, il contribue néanmoins à l’orientation des schèmes de perception et d’action des individus et renforce ainsi la prétention de l’Etat à constituer l’autorité politique ultime. / In Muslim countries, Family Law is a highly sensitive matter, which generates recurrent controversy, mainly polarised around Islamic and feminist positions. This is, for instance, what can be observed in Senegal and Morocco. In both countries, the legislator tried to mediate this tension by strengthening Women’s Rights within a text that conciliates Islamic imperatives and injunction to modernity. But this solution is far from receiving unanimous support.Taking the Family Law debate as a starting point, this work combines public policy studies and political sociology of law to analyse how the State tries to regulate the intimate sphere in order to be viewed as the sole domination apparatus within a context of strong normative pluralism. The comparison between the Moroccan and the Senegalese States - a comparison based on ‘dramatic contrasts’- allows to focus the analysis on the differences between the Morocco and Senegalese states in terms of capacity and legitimacy, and thus helps us in better understanding the specificity of state-institutionalisation processes in developing countries.In both cases, the State tries to take advantage from the controversy. It plays on the different normative systems and involves all the actors who acknowledge it as the legitimate arbitrator in order to keep and consolidate its power of law framing. Furthermore, in order to overcome the difficulties linked to law enforcement, the State relies on non-state actors to apply the law. This evidences and confirms the fact that Family Law is the result of a process of co-production. Even if State jurisprudence does not constitute the only normative order, but one amongst others, it nevertheless importantly influences individual behaviour on both the cognitive and the experiential levels. It thus reinforces the State’s pretention to constitute the ultimate political authority.

Rozmach arianství v raně středověké Evropě / Expansion of arianism in early medieval Europe

Jungmannová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The thesis deals with the history of arianism. It emphasizes the historical and theology-philosohical conext of arianism, which is essential for understanding the whole topic and especially for understanding the development of the early Christians' faith. It outlines how the early Christians perceived their faith, which is important in order to grasp the basic principles and understanding of early beliefs also outlines the context of late antique philosophy that influenced the theological-philosophical framework of orthodoxy and arianism itself. The text of the thesis focuses on the political situation in Europe at the end of antiquity, the rise of arianism in the first half of the fourth century and its dispute with orthodoxy, whose dogma has been defined during the council of Constantinople (381). Already before the beginning of second council in Constantinople arianism started to spread through the barbarian tribes, the Goths, Vandals and Burgundians to the West, where it was incorporated into the policy of tribal States. Thanks to these tribes arianism survived in the West until the sixth century. The thesis brings incentive for further research of Arianism in the context of religious and political relations in the Western and Eastern parts of the Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages.

Une réalite complexe : sexualités entre hommes et prévention du sida au sénégal / A complex reality : sexualities between men and aids prevention in senegal

Gning, Ndeye Ndiagna 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’appuie sur une ethnographie de l’expérience et du vécu des hommes aux identités sexuelles multiples. Ce faisant, ce travail vise à articuler analyse du contexte économique et sociopolitique dans lequel s’articule l’expérience de l’homosexualité au Sénégal à celle de l’ordinaire de ceux dont il est question dans ce volume. L’analyse des discours, écrits et violences souligne la nécessité de replacer la controverse sur l’homosexualité dans un contexte politique et historique plus large. La controverse sur l’homosexualité dans l’espace public relève de logiques et dynamiques liées au passé notamment colonial, mais aussi aux enjeux du présent relatifs au contexte du Sénégal contemporain. Les réactions violentes contre l’homosexualité depuis 2008 témoignent de la difficulté pour les hommes rencontrés de vivre une sexualité non orthodoxe et de l’existence d’identités sexuelles multiples. Ces réalités multiples doivent se comprendre en raison des représentations faites sur les pratiques sexuelles entre hommes et de l’illégitimité de ces pratiques présente dans plusieurs secteurs de la société sénégalaise. Ces logiques de dissimulation mettent à jour les problèmes auxquels se confronte une politique de prévention ciblée en direction de ceux qui sont nommés dans le contexte du sida MSM [Men who have sex with men]. Les différentes formes de violence et les inégalités sociales dans lequel s’insère le vécu des hommes aux identités sexuelles multiples nous renseignent sur leur rapport à la sexualité (avec les hommes et les femmes) et à la maladie. En outre, l’analyse ethnographique permet de rendre compte de la multiplicité des expériences relatives à l’homosexualité. Elle révèle divers degrés de connaissance et de reconnaissance de l’homosexualité au Sénégal. Cela permet ainsi d’envisager conjointement expérience du mépris et de la violence d’une part et formes de reconnaissance sociale d’autre part. / This work is based on ethnography of experience of men with multiple sexual identities. In doing so, this work aims to articulate analysis of the socio-political context in which articulates the experience of homosexuality in Senegal than the regular ones discussed in this volume. The analysis of speech, writing and violence underlines the need to put the controversy over homosexuality in a broader political and historical context. The controversy over homosexuality in the public space is particularly related to colonial past, but also to the present context of contemporary Senegal. The backlashes against homosexuality since 2008 attest to the difficulty encountered men live an unorthodox sexuality and the existence of multiple sexual identities. These multiple realities must be understood as a result of representations made on sexual practices among men and the illegitimacy of these practices present in several sectors of Senegalese society. This logical concealment update problem that confronts a targeted prevention towards those named in the context of AIDS MSM [Men who have sex with men]. Different forms of violence and social inequality in which inserts the experiences of men with multiple sexual identities tell us about their relationship to sex (with men and women) and disease. In addition, ethnographic analysis can account for the multiplicity of experiences regarding homosexuality. It reveals varying degrees of knowledge and recognition of homosexuality in Senegal. This allows considering jointly experience of contempt and violence on one hand and forms of social recognition on the other.


[pt] O presente trabalho procurou investigar a influência do fator real, ambiental no estabelecimento do eu, representado pela dependência do bebê dos cuidados maternos. Para tanto, procedeu-se inicialmente a um mapeamento da discussão conhecida como as Controvérsias, através de uma passagem pela história da Sociedade Britânica de Psicanálise, especialmente após a morte de Freud, gerada por divergências teóricas entre sua filha Anna Freud e Melanie Klein., com ênfase na perspectiva do chamado Middle Group (O Grupo dos Independentes Ingleses). Nas discussões científicas em torno do legado freudiano, aquele grupo foi assim chamado exatamente por posicionar- se entre os annafreudianos e os kleinianos. Um de seus expoentes foi o objeto principal desse estudo: Donald W.Winnicott. Na medida em que se procurou investigar as bases teóricas a partir das quais Winnicott se inspirou, abordaram-se contribuições teóricas freudianas e kleinianas, numa breve incursão por alguns de seus principais conceitos, seguida de uma reflexão sobre as diferenças básicas postuladas pelos autores - Winnicott e Klein. De Melanie Klein destacaram-se o conceito de Instinto de morte inato e a problemática do papel do ambiente na emergência do eu. De Winnicott trabalhou-se as contribuições sobre o processo do amadurecimento emocional primitivo, sobretudo no que concerne à valorização do ambiente e da dependência nas etapas mais precoces do desenvolvimento, de maneira a demonstrar as inovações teóricas trazidas pelo autor perante os referenciais psicanalíticos supracitados. / [en] The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of the real, environmental factor in the establishment of self, represented by the dependence of the baby on maternal care. We began, therefore, by mapping the discussions known as the Controversies through the history of the British Psychoanalytical Society, particularly after the death of Freud, caused by theoretical differences between Freud s daughter Anna and Melanie Klein, and focusing on the standpoint of the so-called Middle Group. In the ensuing scientific debates surrounding the Freudian legacy, the name of this group is representative of the fact that it positioned itself between the Anna Freudians and the Kleinians. One of its proponents, Donald Winnicott, was the main object of this study. As we sought to investigate the theoretical foundations that inspired Winnicott, we address the Freudian and Kleinian theoretical contributions, delving briefly into the major associated concepts. We then reflect basic differences established by the authors - Winnicott and Klein. The main concepts of Melanie Klein are the innate death instinct and the problem of the role of the environment in the emergence of ego. Winnicott s contributions were on the primitive emotional maturing process, particularly regarding the importance of the environment and dependence in the earliest stages of development, so as to highlight the theoretical innovations that the author brought to traditional psychoanalysis.

Vivacité de la question du déclin des abeilles sauvages : étude de la médiation par l'exposition et analyse des contributions d'acteurs lors de sa conception. Le cas du projet européen UrbanBees / How sensitive is the issue of the disappearance of wild bees ? : a study of mediation using an exhibition, and an analysis of the actors' contributions during its conception. The case of the European project UrbanBees

Moreau, Angélique 19 June 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche étudie la mise en exposition de la thématique du déclin des abeilles sauvages au sein du volet médiation du projet de recherche UrbanBees. Ce projet étudie l'hypothèse de l'espace urbain comme zone refuge pour les abeilles sauvages. Il a la particularité d'être adossé à une vaste opération de médiation qui associe des acteurs d'horizons variés (chercheurs, militants associatifs, médiateurs culturels) positionnés différemment sur la thématique concernée. Le déclin des abeilles sauvages constitue à l'heure actuelle ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler une question scientifique socialement vive (QSSV). Elle repose sur quatre dimensions étroitement liées : l'existence même du déclin, ses conséquences et causes potentielles, ainsi que les solutions pour y remédier. Notre étude vise à caractériser la nature de la prise en charge de cette QSSV dans l'exposition et les formes de médiation auxquelles ont recours les acteurs engagés dans sa conception. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la vivacité de la QSSV n'apparait que très ponctuellement et d'une façon relativement consensuelle, orientée par les finalités du projet. En revanche, l'étude de la conception de cette exposition révèle des oppositions marquées, en particulier entre les deux acteurs scientifiques. Les différends sont cependant résolus par les médiateurs qui recentrent le propos sur les points d'accord (les solutions portées par le projet) et le concept fédérateur de Nature en ville. Cela nous conduit à définir les spécificités du média exposition dans le traitement des QSSV par rapport à des dispositifs de médiation visant la participation des publics et à interroger les modes de production qui leurs sont associés / This research studies an exhibition and its conception about the decline of wild bees in the mediation component of the research project UrbanBees. This project explores the hypothesis of urban space as a refuge area for wild bees. It has the particularity of being support on a large operation of mediation that combines actors from diverse backgrounds (researchers, activists, cultural mediators) positioned differently on the subject concerned. The decline of wild bees is currently called a socioscientific controversy (SSC). It is based on 4 interrelated dimensions : the actual existence of decline, its potential causes and consequences, and solutions to overcome the decline. Our study aims to characterize how the SSC is supported in the exhibition and what forms of mediation are used by actors during its conception. The results show that the uncertain character of SSC appears only very occasionally and relatively consensual manner, guided by the goals of the project. Contrariwise, the study of its conception reveals disagreements, especially between two scientists. However, they are resolved by mediators : they refocus on the points of agreement (solutions brought by the project) and the unifying concepts of Nature in the City. This leads us to define the specificities of media exhibition in the treatment of SSC compared to communication actions aimed at the participation of public and examine in parallel conception processes

Controvérsias em torno das práticas e terapias de cura: a epidemia de cólera-morbus em Pernambuco (1855) / Controversies regarding practices and healing therapies: the epidemic of cholera-morbus in Pernambuco (1855)

Santos, Luciana dos 22 March 2013 (has links)
O trabalho focaliza as controvérsias que se seguem ao evento da epidemia de cóleramorbus deflagrada na província de Pernambuco no ano de 1855, em torno de práticas e terapias que foram mobilizadas no combate à moléstia. O fio condutor da análise são os embates que se estabeleceram entre a medicina acadêmica e outras formas terapêuticas - particularmente de homeopatas, leigos, negros e índios. Adicionalmente, o trabalho procura pontos de intersecção entre a emergência de um projeto moderno de medicina e a religião, acompanhando a reflexão e a prática produzidas pelos missionários capuchinhos italianos sobre a epidemia. / The work focuses on the controversy following the event of the epidemic of choleramorbus triggered in the province of Pernambuco in the year 1855, around practices and therapies that have been mobilized to fight the disease. The guiding thread of the analysis are the shocks that have been established between academic medicine and other therapeutic methods - particularly of homeopaths, lay people, blacks and indians. Additionally, the work searches points of intersection between the emergence of a modern project of medicine and religion, accompanying the reflection and practice produced by italian capuchin missionaries on the epidemic.

O Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos 3 e a cobertura dos jornais O Estado de São Paulo e Folha de São Paulo / National Human Rights Program 3 and newspapers \"O Estado de S.Paulo\" and \"Folha de S.Paulo\".

Ashkenazi, Miriam 19 August 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta como propósito investigar a maneira pela qual os jornais O Estado de S.Paulo e Folha de S.Paulo fizeram a cobertura do Programa Nacional de Direitos Humanos 3 no período de 21 de dezembro de 2009 a 21 de março de 2010. O PNDH- 3 reflete a compreensão que os Direitos Humanos abarcam desde o advento da Declaração Universal de 1948. Foi resultado da 11ª Conferência Nacional de Direitos Humanos, realizada em dezembro de 2008, tendo sido um processo democrático plural e aberto, tendo havido a presença da sociedade civil bem como também de diversos atores governamentais, no desempenho democrático caracterizado por tensões, divergências e disputas\", tal como foi especificado no seu prefácio. Das duas versões anteriores, foi o programa mais denso, polêmico, com maior número de proposições e o que causou maior alvoroço e desencadeou uma onde de protestos às vésperas da eleição presidencial de 2009. Compreendido em 521 ações programáticas, contempladas em seis eixos orientadores: interação democrática entre estado e sociedade civil; desenvolvimento e diretos humanos; universalizar os Direitos Humanos em um contexto de desigualdades; segurança pública; acesso à Justiça e combate à violência; educação e cultura em Direitos Humanos; e direito à memória e à verdade. Dentre os principais pontos polemizados e que receberam intensas críticas, sobretudo dos militares, da ala mais conservadora da Igreja Católica, do setor rural e das empresas, associações, órgãos, entidades de classe, patronais e de empregados da área de comunicações, destacam-se: a criação da Comissão da Verdade, a descriminalização do aborto, a união homoafetiva, o controle da mídia, a ostentação de símbolos religiosos em repartições públicas e a reforma agrária. Pontos estes oriundos das mesmas forças que intercederam favoravelmente e apoiaram o golpe militar de 1964. O trabalho está estruturado em quatro tópicos principais: Concepção de Direitos Humanos, Os Direitos Humanos no Brasil Contemporâneo, Os Enfrentamentos do PNDH-3 e Análise da Mídia. A partir dos resultados obtidos através desta presente investigação científica, pode-se afirmar que a defesa dos interesses corporativos da grande mídia a coloca em uma perspectiva de não proteger a totalidade dos Direitos Humanos, conduzindo-a a se vincular com dimensões políticas autoritárias. A grande mídia tem um papel muito negativo no avanço dos Direitos Humanos pela sua parcialidade e conservadorismo. Os órgãos de comunicação deveriam ter a responsabilidade de informar a população sobre a sua cidadania, os seus direitos, como fazer para promovê-los. Deveriam também deixar de promover estereótipos negativos de negros/negras, mulheres, homossexuais, indígenas (TOMAZ JR., 2008, n.p.). Urge montar uma estratégia de combate aos abusos consolidados no vasto setor de comunicação social. (...) Os princípios fundamentais são três: a República, a Democracia e o Estado de Direito. O essencial é preservar, sob controle do povo, o espaço público de comunicação de massa, e evitar cair nos desvios do estatismo e do privatismo (COMPARATO, 2010, p. 13), tal como é o que vigora atualmente. / The present essay aims to investigate the approach used by newspapers O Estado de S.Paulo and Folha de S.Paulo to discuss the National Human Rights Program 3 (PNDH-3) from December 21, 2009 to March 21, 2010. PNDH-3 reflects the understanding of the Human Rights since the creation of Universal Statement of 1948. It was the product of the 11th National Human Rights Conference, in 2008, after a plural and open democratic process relying on the civil society and several government people acting as a democracy marked by tension, differences and disputes, as provided in the preface. Compared to its two previous editions, it was more dense, controversial and full of suggestions, which caused buzz and a great wave of protests right before the presidential elections of 2009. It is divided into 521 programs placed within six guidelines: democratic interaction between State and civil society; development and Human Rights; making Human Rights related to inequality universal; public security; access to Justice and fight against violence; education and culture in Human Rights; the right to memory and truth. Among the most controversial items with several criticisms, especially from the military front, the most conservative part of the Church, agriculture and corporate (associations, organizations, class unions, employers and employees in communication) segments, are: the creation of the Truth Commission, legalization of abortion, gay marriage, media control, display of religious signs in public departments and land reform, all of which came from the same divisions supporting the 1964 Brazilian coup détat. The essay is arranged into four main topics: Conception of Human Rights, Human Rights in Contemporary Brazil, The Barriers of PNDH-3 and Media Analysis. Considering the results of this scientific investigation, one could state the defense of corporate interests of the great media puts it so as not to protect all Human Rights, leading it to associate to authoritarian political dimensions. The media has a very negative role in the progress of Human Rights due to its partiality and conservatism. The communication organizations should be liable to inform the population about citizenship, their rights and how to promote them. They should also stop promoting negative stereotypes assigned to black people/women, gays, indians (TOMAZ JR., 2008, n.p.). One must create a strategy to fight the abuse taking place in the social communication division. (...) There are three main principles: Republic, Democracy and the State. The most important thing is to keep the people controlling the public mass communication space and avoid the traps of the State and Private sectors (COMPARATO, 2010, p. 13), just as what happens nowadays.

Výtvarné intervence ve veřejném prostoru a jejich edukační potenciál / Art interventions in public space and their educational potential (theoretical thesis)

DAVIDOVÁ, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
The theoretical diploma thesis presented deals with chosen artistic activities within a public space and outlines their educational purposes for pupils of grammar and high schools. For this purpose, the artistic movements and terms which are related to art in a public space are clarified at first, the problems in education of the current art lessons then follow. The thesis is concluded with the analysis of the three contemporary artistic activities which took place in a public space within the domestic surroundings.

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