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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O varejo e a fruticultura no Brasil: uma an?lise dos impactos na produ??o local a partir da abordagem de Global Value Chains

FUNCKE, Andr? Lu?s 07 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-26T18:02:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Andr? Lu?s Funcke.pdf: 2966034 bytes, checksum: bfb24d140c815977a4ccdc39c785b761 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-26T18:02:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Andr? Lu?s Funcke.pdf: 2966034 bytes, checksum: bfb24d140c815977a4ccdc39c785b761 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-07 / The biggest challenge to promote decent work (according to the International Labor Organization) at regions with the production organization influenced by global supply chains is to generate upgrading that benefit both companies and workers. Analyses of global production networks and value chains have focused mainly on companies, without considering the role of work and institutions indirectly linked to the means of production. The most widely used theoretical scope to address the issue of including local producers in global supply chains is the Global Value Chain. Some authors may argue that the GVC is not a theory but an analytical framework, that can be used within different theoretical approaches. However, to evaluate social up/downgrading, it was necessary that the initial analytical framework was complemented by a social network approach, in order to understand the interrelationship between all parts that influence the organization of local production, including issues related to legislation, trade unions and social protection. This research project aims to contribute to the understanding issues applied to the agricultural sector, investigating the relationship between firm economic upgrading and social upgrading regarding rural workers and small farmers, based on the assumption that economic upgrading does not necessarily lead to social upgrading. The study object is the productive organization of the irrigated region Petrolina / Juazeiro, which includes large commercial farms, large, medium and small farmers, multinational businesses and has its production focused on domestic and international markets. It was found that the inclusion of a productive region in global supply chains through value-added activities, obtains through technical capacity and standards aiming the international market, can benefit large and medium producers, but usually leads to exclusion of small farmers with low investment capacity, mainly family holders. On the other hand, the achievement of economic upgrading does not immediately imply in social upgrading to rural workers and small farmers, nor is guaranteed by the influence of the leading firms at the global supply chain. Obtaining social upgrading it is strongly related to the existence of an institutional and legal framework, that ensures voice and bargaining power by workers. This arrangement is highly influenced by the presence of a public administration with a focus on the pursuit of social equity and by de convergence of domestic and international markets. / O maior desafio para promover condi??es decentes de trabalho (segundo a organiza??o Mundial do Trabalho) associados a cadeias de produ??o integradas com mercados globais ? gerar ganhos que beneficiem tanto empresas quanto trabalhadores. As an?lises de redes de produ??o global e cadeias de valores t?m focado principalmente em empresas, sem considerar o papel do trabalho e de institui??es indiretamente ligadas ao meio de produ??o. O escopo te?rico mais utilizado para tratar a quest?o de inser??o de produtores em cadeias de suprimento globalizadas ? o Global Value Chain, que, recentemente, sofreu uma amplia??o para dar conta n?o apenas de quest?es econ?micas, mas tamb?m de quest?es sociais. Alguns autores argumentam que o GVC n?o ? um referencial te?rico e sim uma abordagem anal?tica que pode ser usada dentro de diversos enfoques te?ricos. No entanto, para dar conta da avalia??o de ganhos/perdas sociais foi necess?rio que o referencial anal?tico inicial fosse complementado por uma abordagem de rede social de forma a perceber o inter-relacionamento entre todos os atores que influenciam na organiza??o da produ??o local, incluindo quest?es relacionadas ? legisla??o, sindicalismo e prote??o social. Este projeto de pesquisa visa contribuir para a compreens?o de um quadro anal?tico aplicado ao setor agr?cola, que possa investigar o relacionamento entre as melhorias econ?micas obtidas por empresas e melhorias sociais dos trabalhadores rurais e pequenos produtores, partindo da suposi??o de que melhorias econ?micas n?o necessariamente levam a melhorias sociais. O objeto de estudo ser? a organiza??o produtiva da fruticultura no Brasil, atrav?s de pesquisas de campo conduzidas nos per?metros irrigados de Petrolina/Juazeiro, que comporta grandes fazendas comerciais, grandes, m?dios e pequenos produtores rurais, multinacionais e que tem sua produ??o voltada tanto aos mercados dom?sticos como internacionais. Verificou-se que a inser??o de uma regi?o produtiva em cadeias de produ??o globais atrav?s atividades de agrega??o de valor ? produ??o por interm?dio de melhorias t?cnicas e adequa??o da produ??o ao mercado internacional, pode trazer benef?cios para grandes e m?dio produtores, mas geralmente funciona como mecanismo de exclus?o de pequenos agricultores com baixa capacidade de investimento, principalmente os familiares. A converg?ncia entre as din?micas do mercado dom?stico e do mercado internacional ? fundamental para ampliar os ganhos econ?micos e sociais dos atores que comp?es a organiza??o da produ??o. Por outro lado, a consecu??o de ganhos econ?micos em ganhos sociais para trabalhadores rurais e agricultores familiares n?o ? imediata, nem garantida pela influ?ncia dos atores l?deres na coordena??o da cadeia produtiva. A obten??o de ganhos sociais est? fortemente vinculada ? exist?ncia de um arcabou?o institucional e legal, que garanta voz e poder de negocia??o por parte dos trabalhadores e foi altamente influenciada pela presen?a de uma gest?o p?blica com enfoque na busca da equidade social.

Direitos fundamentais trabalhistas: cognição da execução fiscal de multa por infração à legislação laboral à luz do valor do trabalho digno

Silva, Thiago Moreira da 06 February 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to discuss the role of human work valuation and labor fundamental rights to the conformation of the corporate activity and its repercussions for the resizing of cognition to be developed in the enforcement of fines imposed on labor laws violations under the theoretical post-positivism framework. In the first part of the work, through the theoreticaldescriptive method, it will expose the transformation of the legal thinking of positivism to the current generically named post-positivism, as well as the rise of human dignity to the center of the legal system and the role played by the social values of labor for the hermeneutical activity. In a second moment, also by the same method, it will evidence the connection of labor fundamental rights with the foundations of the Republic mentioned above and its insertion into the constitutional economic order, as objective order of values, through the enhancement of the human labor valuation, conditioning factor of constitutional freedoms to undertake and one of the company's social function parameters. Thus, it will expose the importance of regulating and inspecting labor relations in order to build an idea of Social Justice that promotes the dignified existence of all, inducing a model of economic development that is not founded solely on monetary or patrimonial bases, according to the thinking of Amartya Sen. In the last part of the work, through a rational argument and from the previous theoretical exposition, will be sustained the resizing of cognition of the enforcement of labor fines in function of the necessity of the adoption of hermeneutic methods compatible with substantive due process clause inspired by post-positivist canons, such as the theories of weighting of Alexy and the dialogue of sources of Erik Jayme, to confer appropriate treatment to the values adopted by the constitutional economic order and fundamental labor rights - in their objective dimension - which gravitate around these executive demands. / Objetiva-se discutir o papel da valoração do trabalho humano e dos direitos fundamentais trabalhistas para a conformação da atividade empresarial e suas repercussões para o redimensionamento da cognição a ser desenvolvida na execução fiscal de multa imposta por infração à legislação trabalhista sob o pálio do marco teórico do pós-positivismo. Na primeira parte do trabalho, através do método teórico-descritivo, expor-se-á a transformação do pensamento jurídico do positivismo para a corrente denominada genericamente de póspositivismo, bem como a ascensão da dignidade da pessoa humana ao centro do Direito e o papel desempenhado pelos valores sociais do trabalho para a atividade hermenêutica. Em um segundo momento, ainda pelo mesmo método, serão evidenciadas a conexão dos direitos fundamentais trabalhistas com os fundamentos da República apontados acima e sua inserção na ordem econômica constitucional, como conjunto objetivo de valores, por meio do fundamento da valoração do trabalho humano, fator de condicionamento das liberdades constitucionais de empreender e um dos parâmetros da função social da empresa. Assim, será exposta a importância desempenhada pela regulação e inspeção das relações laborais para a construção de uma ideia de Justiça Social que promova a existência digna de todos, indutora de um modelo de desenvolvimento econômico que não seja calcado unicamente em parâmetros monetários ou patrimoniais, na esteira do pensamento de Amartya Sen. Na última parte do trabalho, através de uma argumentação racional e a partir da exposição teórica anterior, sustentar-se-á o redimensionamento da cognição da execução fiscal da multa laboral em função da necessidade da adoção de métodos hermenêuticos compatíveis com cláusula do devido processo legal substancial inspirada pelos cânones pós-positivistas, como as teorias da ponderação de Alexy e do diálogo das fontes de Erik Jayme, para conferir adequado tratamento aos valores adotados pela ordem econômica constitucional e pelos direitos fundamentais trabalhistas – em sua dimensão objetiva - que gravitam em torno dessas demandas executivas.

日本勞動市場法制之原理探討-兼論臺日青年就業制度之比較 / The legal principle of Japanese labour market system and a comparison of youth employment system between Taiwan and Japan

蕭嫚琳, Hsiao, Man Lin Unknown Date (has links)
自2000年以來隨資本外移與產變化,我國勞動市場彈性化與青年非典型就業擴大,隨之而來的青年高失業率與工作貧窮問題也日益嚴重。在此結構性問題下,除了過去認為在個別與集體勞動法上的欠缺外,更關乎勞動法中另一領域-勞動市場法制上的不足。 我國當前雖已有就業服務法、職業訓練法、就業保險法等共同構成我國就業安全體系的三大支柱,惟就勞動市場領域的討論仍多從法政策面出發,自憲法權利至勞動法的研究相對有限。與此相對,日本則自1950年起,即從日本國憲法第27條第1項之勤勞權出發,進行勞動市場法制理念之討論。而隨社會經濟變遷所帶來的勞動市場變化,日本對於勞動市場法制理念之學說,即自早期之「雇用保障法學」至主張市場原理主義之「勞動市場法學」與自其所衍生之「職涯權」理論,以及在國際趨勢及反應日本勞動市場就業品質惡化下所提出之「尊嚴勞動權」論。 在此學說理念發展下,日本於2015年為自長期觀點解決青年就業問題,而制定之「若者雇用促進法」,其內涵亦反映了相關之理念。其中最重要之制度,即包含了核心之工作卡制度,以及青年就業資訊開示、公共職業安定所之求人不受理、認證制度之創設等,以保障青年就業之權利。 在與日本之勞動市場法制與青年就業促進制度相較之下,可發現我國目前, 1.對整體勞動市場法制討論相對有限 2.長期、明確青年就業促進制度理念之差異 3.未將非典型就業青年納入視野,而建議我國未來首先應自我國憲法與勞動法出發,結合國內經濟、社會、文化環境等,探討我國勞動市場法制的理念核心,建構具有權利保障的勞動市場法制。並在上述理念核心下,針對青年就業問題,則應以青年為主體藉由立法或於現行法中進行修正,明確化青年就業的理念與目的,以作為青年就業促進政策的長期指導方針,並建立保障其權利之體制。

Improving Performance of Construction Projects in the UAE:multi cultural and decent work perspectives

Khan, A. (Asadullah) 17 June 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis investigated the national culture of the construction labourers in a migrant country and empirically found the impact of cultural behavior on the performance of construction projects and labourers while practicing the decent work indicators. The study culminates by helping to form a migration policy by both the sending and the receiving countries of migrants that would economically and socially benefit both the migrant labourer and his family at the individual level. This thesis therefore helps by adding to the theoretical knowledge and also in the successful completion of projects and successful temporary migration. The research involved multi-research methods, starting with the narratives of the construction labourers. The research methodology was further augmented through a case study approach with the participant observation method. The data were coded according to grounded theory into national cultural dimensions. Re-confirmation and cross-checking interviews were also conducted to confirm the correctness of the coding. The qualitative data collected were quantified to give meaning to the data collection through triangulation in data analysis. After introducing national cultures in the construction projects of the UAE, the national culture of the construction labourers within Geert Hofstede’s framework was identified, while observing the decent work practices indicators. This was achieved through narratives, observations and semi-structured interviews. The thesis investigates decent work practices indicators specific to the culture of migrant construction labourers from Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Chinese labourers in the UAE. The thesis reveals that the national culture of the migrant construction labourers in the UAE is not the same as that identified by Hofstede some four decades ago. Indian construction labourers revealed high Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), Pakistani labourers showed high Masculinity (MAS), Bangladeshi labourers revealed low Long Term Orientation (LTO) and Individualism (IND) and Chinese construction labourers showed high IND and LTO. The study suggests that the management of cultural differences could help the successful completion of projects, which could be beneficial for both the migrant sending country and the host country and also for the individual migrant and his family. The study further investigated the difference in decent work practices in the UAE and the national culture (as seen in cultural behavior) of the migrant construction labourers in the UAE. Studying this difference in practice and learning about the cultural behavior of the construction labourers has economic and social implications for construction labourers, migrant receiving and sending countries. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin toiseen maahan muuttaneiden rakennustyöntekijöiden kansallista kulttuuria ja todettiin empiirisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä käyttäen, kuinka kulttuurinen käyttäytyminen vaikuttaa rakennushankkeiden toteuttamiseen ja työntekijöiden työsuoritukseen, kun sovelletaan ihmisarvoisen työn indikaattoreita. Maahanmuuttajien lähtö- ja tulomaa voivat käyttää tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia apuna laatiessaan maahanmuuttopolitiikkaa, joka hyödyttäisi taloudellisesti ja yhteiskunnallisesti siirtotyöläistä ja tämän perhettä. Tämä väitöskirja auttaa toisin sanoen lisäämään teoreettista tietämystä ja sujuvaa tilapäistä maahanmuuttoa sekä saattamaan hankkeet onnistuneesti päätökseen. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin useita eri tutkimusmenetelmiä, ja lähtökohtana olivat rakennustyöntekijöiden omat kertomukset. Tutkimusmetodologiaa täydennettiin lisäksi tapaustutkimuksella käyttäen osallistuvan havainnoinnin menetelmää. Tutkimustiedot koodattiin käyttäen grounded theory -lähestymistavan mukaisia kansallisten kulttuurien ulottuvuuksia. Haastatteluille tehtiin lisäksi ristiintarkistus ja ne vahvistettiin uudelleen, jotta voitiin varmistua koodauksen paikkansapitävyydestä. Kerätty kvalitatiivinen aineisto ilmaistiin määrällisenä, jotta kerättyjä tietoja voitiin analysoida triangulaation avulla. Tutkimuksessa esiteltiin aluksi, miten kansalliset kulttuurit liittyvät Yhdistyneiden arabiemiirikuntien rakennushankkeisiin, minkä jälkeen määritettiin rakennustyöntekijöiden kansallinen kulttuuri käyttäen Geert Hofsteden teoriaa ja noudattaen ihmisarvoisen työn käytäntöjä koskevia indikaattoreita. Apuna käytettiin kertomuksia, havaintoja ja puolistrukturoituja haastatteluja. Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin rakennustyöntekijöitä, jotka olivat muuttaneet Yhdistyneisiin arabiemiirikuntiin Intiasta, Pakistanista, Bangladeshista ja Kiinasta. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että ihmisarvoisen työn käytäntöjä koskevat indikaattorit ovat kytköksissä työntekijöiden omaan kulttuuriin. Väitöskirja paljastaa lisäksi, että Yhdistyneisiin arabiemiirikuntiin muuttaneiden rakennustyöntekijöiden kansallinen kulttuuri ei vastaa Hofsteden neljä vuosikymmentä sitten määrittämää kansallista kulttuuria. Intialaisilla rakennustyöntekijöillä havaittiin voimakasta epävarmuuden välttämistä, pakistanilaisilla työntekijöillä voimakasta maskuliinisuutta, bangladeshilaisilla työntekijöillä vähäistä pitkän tähtäimen orientaatiota ja individualismia ja kiinalaisilla rakennustyöntekijöillä puolestaan havaittiin voimakasta individualismia ja pitkän tähtäimen orientaatiota. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kulttuurieroja hallitsemalla voitaisiin edesauttaa hankkeiden viemistä onnistuneesti päätökseen, mikä puolestaan hyödyttäisi maahanmuuttajien lähtömaata ja isäntämaata sekä itse maahanmuuttajia ja heidän perheitään. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin lisäksi, miten ihmisarvoisen työn käytännöt eroavat Yhdistyneissä arabiemiirikunnissa ja maahan muuttaneiden rakennustyöntekijöiden kansallisessa kulttuurissa (mikä puolestaan ilmenee kulttuurisessa käyttäytymisessä). Tämän eroavaisuuden ja rakennustyöntekijöiden kulttuurisen käyttäytymisen tutkimisella on taloudellisia ja yhteiskunnallisia vaikutuksia rakennustyöntekijöihin sekä maahanmuuttajien lähtö- ja tulomaihin.

Key Labour Market Issues and Decent Work in Developing and Emerging Countries

Ostermeier, Martin 14 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Lavoro forzato e altre forme di sfruttamento nel settore agro-alimentare: una strategia preventiva / FORCED LABOUR AND OTHER FORMS OF LABOUR EXPLOITATION IN THE AGRI-FOOD SECTOR: A PREVENTIVE STRATEGY

CAVANNA, PAOLA 31 May 2017 (has links)
La tesi si concentra sulla prevenzione dello sfruttamento lavorativo nel settore agro-alimentare. L’Italia è tenuta costantemente al centro delle riflessioni per offrire esempi puntuali, costantemente ‘situati’ all’interno di una visione globale, al crocevia tra il mercato del lavoro e le politiche migratorie. Lo studio criminologico del fenomeno è stato il punto di partenza per testare la capacità di prevenzione e contrasto dell’attuale sistema giuridico, analizzato secondo una logica stadiale. Facendo tesoro delle indicazioni provenienti dalla letteratura sociologica e dalla moderna vittimologia, la parte conclusiva è interamente dedicata alla proposta di una strategia di prevenzione/regolazione ispirata al dinamismo politico criminale introdotto dalla responsive regulation di John Braithwaite. Mettendo a sistema risposte innovative e buone pratiche, la tesi elabora specifiche raccomandazioni di policy, servendosi anche dei rami non penalistici dell’ordinamento giuridico. Una tale politica criminale multi-livello dovrebbe, prima di tutto, rafforzare il rifiuto sociale di qualsiasi forma di sfruttamento, sapientemente e gradualmente impiegando un variegato strumentario sanzionatorio al fine di costruire la conformità mediante il consenso ai precetti (auto-regolazione imposta, sanzioni amministrative con ‘messa alla prova’ e sanzioni penali come extrema ratio). L’analisi comparata delle legislazioni più innovative ha svolto un ruolo cruciale per l’elaborazione di una tale proposta. / The thesis focuses on the prevention of labour exploitation, specifically targeting the agri-food sector. Italy is at the centre of the reflection to provide for tangible examples within a global perspective, at the intersection of labour market and migration policies. A better knowledge of the phenomenon and its complexities has been the starting point for examining the ability of the current (intertwined) legal framework to deal with employers who breach the rules, from low-level non-compliance to serious criminality (i.e. slavery and trafficking). Accordingly, a preventive strategy has been designed bringing the theoretical framework of responsive regulation (Ayres-Braithwaite 1992) into the research on labour exploitation, in turn conceptualised as a form of corporate crime. Building further on existing ‘good’ laws and practices, specific policy recommendations have been provided utilizing all fields of law. Such a hybrid criminal policy should start by strengthening society’s rejection to any form of labour exploitation, strategically rising to more punitive remedies for the purpose of building compliance (i.e. mandated self-regulation, administrative sanctions with ‘corporate probation’ and criminal law as last resort). In doing so, a main contribution has come from comparative analysis.

Der moralische Wert der Arbeit

Klingbeil-Döring, Wenke 03 April 2019 (has links)
Die vorliegende Untersuchung entwickelt einen Vorschlag für ein neues Verständnis von Erwerbsarbeit vor dem Hintergrund ihres laufenden Wandels als Brennpunkt der gegenwärtigen tiefgreifenden Transformation westlicher kapitalistischer Gesellschaften. Die Bedeutung und Rolle von Arbeit für gelingende Lebensführung sowie für die Konstitution der Arbeitsgesellschaft als solcher sind hier unverständlich geworden; auf praktischer Ebene ergeben sich verschiedene Probleme und Gestaltungsschwierigkeiten von Arbeit als gesellschaftliche Institution und Praxis eines guten, menschenwürdigen Lebens. Diese Bedeutung wird in der Untersuchung als moralischer Wert von Arbeit als Kern eines dauerhaft aneignungsfähigen, formalen Arbeitsverständnisses herausgearbeitet. Ihren Erscheinungen und Bedingungen nach wird die Arbeitsgesellschaft als subjektiviert und – im begrifflichen Anschluss an die nach Hegel entwickelte Beschreibung gesellschaftlicher Krisen Rahel Jaeggis – mithin als krisenhaft qualifiziert. Diese Darstellung ermöglicht es, vor einer Neuinterpretation des Hegelschen Arbeitsverständnisses im Anschluss an Andreas Arndt den wesenhaften normativen Gehalt und die normative Dimension von Arbeit offenzulegen, die auf praktischer Ebene ihren moralischen Wert stiften: Ausgehend von ihrer transformativen Grundstruktur, dialektischen Verfassung und teleologischen Gerichtetheit ist Arbeit Institution und Praxis der Selbstverwirklichung des Subjekts unter ganz bestimmten Bedingungen. Wo deshalb allein Narrative (nicht Begriffe) von Arbeit, die dieses Wesen vermitteln, aneignungsfähig sind, lassen sich diese Bedingungen im Nachvollzug der Genese unseres Arbeitsverständnisses sowie in der kritischen Zusammenführung von aktuellen sozial- und moralphilosophischen Auseinandersetzungen mit Arbeit schließlich so offenlegen, dass das hier formal gefasste Arbeitsverständnis aktuell für die praktischen Belange der Krise und für die interdisziplinären Fragen an Arbeit aufschlussreich ist. / The present study develops a proposal for a new understanding of paid work in view of its current transformation, which is considered as the focal point of the current fundamental transformation of western capitalist societies. The significance and role of work for a Good life and for the constitution of society have become unintelligible here; on a practical level, there are various problems and difficulties of work as a social institution and practice of a Good, Decent life. The present study shows this meaning as the Moral Value of work, which is shown as the core of a permanent approbiatible, formal understanding of work. According to its current manifestations and conditions, western capitalist societies can be qualified as subjectivized and - in the conceptual connection to the description of social crises, which Rahel Jaeggi developed according to Hegel - as crisis-ridden. This diagnosis makes it possible, via reinterpreting Hegel's understanding of work following Andreas Arndt, to reveal the essential normative content and the normative dimension of work; also to show that both creates the Moral Value of work on a practical level: Work is - based on its transformative basic structure, its dialectical constitution and its teleological directionality - the institution and practice of self-realization of the subject under very specific conditions. Where exclusively narratives (not concepts) of work that convey these intrinsic qualities are approbiatible, these conditions can be finally revealed by retracing the evolution of our understanding of work and in discussing the current social- and moral-philosophical argument with work: Finally in a way that the unfolded formally understanding of work is revelatory for the practical and interdisciplinary questions about of work.

Trabalho forçado e trabalho escravo no Brasil: diferença conceitual e busca da eficácia em seu combate / Forced labor and slave labor in Brazil: conceptual difference and seek of efficience on this combat

Cruz, Claudia Ferreira 09 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Ferreira Cruz.pdf: 1950923 bytes, checksum: 321169018b8fca333be6a2b80eaa1f07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-09 / This thesis approached a relatively complex phenomenon that is still observed in the Brazilian society: the existence of slave labor and forced labor, both in rural and urban areas. The main objective was to bring elements trying to show the conceptual differences between both, as well as to propose subsidies to eradicate these conditions, despite of conceptual aspects, wrong treatment even in the public sphere -, ideological positions or even lack of clarity in the definition of each of these concepts. Seeking to achieve this goal, this thesis is structured as follows: it began with a historical review of slave labor in Brazil and worldwide; then, it described what has happened on the international scene in terms of slave labor and forced labor; after that, it included features of both, considering their differences nowadays and highlighting the importance of the fundamental rights in the understanding of this differentiation. In order to deep this discussion, this work brought up the case of Bolivian immigrants in São Paulo, where it seems difficult to say exactly what it is: forced labor or slave labor? Then became involved in the revision of Brazilian legislation about the subject, showed the position of the leading Brazilian institutions involved in the solution of the exploitation of human labor, after revealing the extent of this problem in the Brazilian case. Finally, based on this material, realized several of recommendations, suggestions and subsidies to expand and improve the fight against forced labor and slave labor in Brazil, whether in rural or urban areas. Among these, are stand out: the discipline of terminology and standard of sentences in the sphere of the labor court; the complement of the PEC in terms of clarity about what is slave labor, using the concept of Decent Work for easier differentiation of terms; setting up recommendations to make clear and consensual what is slave labor and forced labor. The final conclusions bring the key messages that emerged from the development of the thesis: persisting on the fight against the exploitation of human labor in all its forms; taking out the ideological character of the discussion; regulating the outsourcing; the need of clearly identify the phenomenon: criminal problem or circumventing the labor laws?; understand them as an economic phenomenon, indicating the need of prevention and not just combat, and the absolute necessity of a clear concept of what the slave labor is / sociedade brasileira: a ocorrência de trabalho escravo e de trabalho forçado, tanto nas áreas rurais como nas áreas urbanas. O objetivo central foi trazer elementos procurando mostrar a diferença conceitual entre ambos, assim como propor subsídios para que o mesmo venha a ser erradicado, independentemente de aspectos conceituais, tratamento equivocado, inclusive na esfera pública, posições ideológicas, ou até mesmo falta de clareza na definição de cada um desses conceitos. Buscando atingir este objetivo maior, esta tese estruturou-se da seguinte forma: iniciou-se com uma revisão histórica sobre o trabalho escravo no Brasil e no Mundo; em seguida, descreveu o que tem ocorrido no cenário internacional em termos de trabalho escravo e trabalho forçado; contemplou as características de ambos, tendo em vista sua diferenciação nos dias atuais, destacando a importância dos direitos fundamentais na compreensão desta diferenciação. Buscando aprofundar esta discussão, trouxe à baila o caso dos migrantes bolivianos em São Paulo, onde parece ser difícil dizer exatamente o que se trata: trabalho forçado ou análogo ao escravo? Em seguida, enveredou-se pela revisão da legislação brasileira sobre o tema; mostrou a posição das principais instituições brasileiras envolvidas com a solução da exploração do trabalho humano, após revelar a dimensão desse problema no caso brasileiro. Finalmente, como base nesse material, realizou uma serie de recomendações, sugestões e subsídios para ampliar e melhorar o combate ao trabalho forçado e trabalho escravo no Brasil, seja na área rural ou no meio urbano. Dentre estas, destacam-se: disciplinar a terminologia e padronizar as sentenças na esfera de Justiça do Trabalho; complementar a PEC em termos da clareza necessária sobre o que venha ser trabalho escravo; utilizar o conceito do Trabalho Decente para facilitar a diferenciação dos termos, um conjunto de recomendações visando tornar claro e consensual aquilo que se rotula de trabalho escravo e trabalho forçado. As conclusões finais trazem as principais mensagens extraídas do desenvolvimento da tese: persistir no combate à exploração do trabalho humano em todas as suas formas; tirar o caráter ideológico da discussão; regulamentar a terceirização; necessidade de se identificar claramente o fenômeno: problema criminal ou burla à legislação trabalhista?; entendê-los como um fenômeno econômico, indicando, assim, a necessidade de prevenção e não somente combate; e necessidade absoluta de um conceito claro do que seja o trabalho escravo

Le droit congolais du travail à l'épreuve de la déclaration de l' Organisation Internationale du Travail relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail / The Congolese labour law at the trial of the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work

Kalay Kisala, Patty 27 January 2016 (has links)
La Déclaration relative aux principes et droits fondamentaux au travail, adoptée par l’Organisation Internationaledu Travail (OIT) en 1998, a érigé, en « seuil social minimal », huit Conventions internationales du travail dites« fondamentales » concernant quatre thématiques : la liberté d'association et la reconnaissance effective du droitde négociation collective, l'élimination de toute forme de travail forcé ou obligatoire, l'abolition effective dutravail des enfants et l'élimination de la discrimination en matière d'emploi et de profession. Depuis 2001, laRépublique Démocratique du Congo, membre de l’OIT, s’est évertuée à ratifier l’ensemble des « conventionsfondamentales » de l’OIT et à rendre conforme sa législation nationale. Cependant, l’intégration de ces normesfondamentales s’avère relative. Le constat peut être fait d’imperfections et d’incohérences techniques des texteslégaux et réglementaires et, surtout, de problèmes très importants d’effectivité. Certains préalables socioéconomiquescomme politico-institutionnels ne semblent pas encore réunis pour donner une véritable assise auxprincipes et droits fondamentaux de la personne au travail tels qu’envisagés par la Déclaration de 1998. De plus,le contenu même de cette dernière apparaît trop limité par rapport aux préoccupations des travailleurs congolaiset aux droits fondamentaux qui, de fait, ne leur sont pas reconnus. Paradoxalement, si l’on se situe en RD Congoparfois en deçà des attentes de la Déclaration de l’OIT de 1998, la réalité des conditions d’emploi et de travaildes travailleurs appelle à réfléchir à l’au-delà des seuls principes affirmés par la Déclaration de l’OIT de 1998. / The Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work adopted by the International Labour Organisation(ILO) in 1998, erected by « minimum social floor », eight international labour Conventions say « fundamental»on four themes: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of child labor and the eliminationof discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Since 2001, the Democratic Republic of Congo, amember of ILO, has striven to ratify the set of « core conventions» of the ILO and to conform its nationallegislation. However, integration of these core standards turns on. The finding can be due to technicalimperfections and inconsistencies in laws and regulations, and especially of very important problems ofeffectiveness. Some socio-economic as political-institutional prerequisites do not yet seem together to give a realfoundation for fundamental principles and rights at work as envisaged by the 1998 Declaration. In addition, thecontent of the latter appears too limited compared to the concerns of Congolese workers and human rightswhich, in fact, they are not recognized. Paradoxically, if one is in DR Congo sometimes below expectations ofthe ILO Declaration of 1998, the reality of conditions of work and worker called to think about beyond theprinciples alone affirmed by the ILO Declaration of 1998.

Le concept de travail décent à l'épreuve du droit de l'Union européenne / The concept of decent work put to the test of European Union law

Percher, Camille 11 October 2017 (has links)
Le concept de travail décent a été présenté par le Directeur général du Bureau international du travail, en 1999, comme l’objectif prioritaire de l’Organisation internationale du travail permettant à chaque femme et chaque homme d’exercer une activité dans des conditions de liberté, d’équité, de sécurité et de dignité. Il regroupe quatre piliers interdépendants que sont l’emploi, la protection sociale, le dialogue social et la promotion des droits au travail. De manière inédite, l’OIT impose un cadre d’action pour tous les États membres. Evoluant en fonction des conditions socio-économiques de chaque État membre, le concept de travail décent est susceptible d’être défini localement tout en ayant un contour universel. La traduction du concept est facilitée par le biais des programmes par pays de travail décent (PPTD), relevant de la coopération technique du BIT, et des indicateurs mesurant le travail décent. Le concept apparaît alors comme un objectif de portée universelle et non comme une norme juridique. Si la coopération technique de l’OIT facilite la réalisation du travail décent, son action normative est également essentielle. L’action normative doit aussi s’orienter vers le concept de travail décent, comme le montrent la Convention du travail maritime adoptée par la Conférence internationale du travail en 2006 et la Convention n°189 concernant le travail décent des travailleurs domestiques adoptée en 2011. Toutefois, perçu comme un slogan politique pour redonner une visibilité à l’OIT, fragilisée par le contexte de la mondialisation, le concept de travail décent a été critiqué pour son caractère minimaliste et ignoré au sein de l’UE. La confrontation entre le concept de travail décent et le droit de l’Union révèle alors un paradoxe entre l’accroissement des conditions de vie et de travail indécentes au profit d’un renforcement du droit du marché du travail ainsi que du droit du marché intérieur et l’engagement de tous les États membres de l’UE d’être liés à la Déclaration de l’OIT de 1998. Pourtant, la situation économique et sociale actuelle au sein de l’Union européenne interroge sur la nécessité et la possibilité d’intégrer le concept de travail décent, qui révèle une approche particulière du travail, en droit de l’Union européenne. En effet, la réflexion sur un régime de travail réellement humain centrée sur les valeurs de justice sociale et de dignité humaine trouve tout son sens dans le contexte actuel de la gouvernance économique au sein de l’Union européenne et des mesures d’austérité envisageant le travail sous l’angle du marché et des échanges. La justice sociale dans le sens que lui a donné la Déclaration de Philadelphie de 1944 puis le concept de travail décent, c’est-à-dire celui de l’action, est aujourd’hui indispensable pour la protection des personnes et de l’environnement. La situation actuelle au sein de l’UE constitue donc un enjeu pour l’OIT dans sa capacité à imposer la traduction du concept de travail décent en droit social européen et pour l’UE elle-même. Le concept de travail décent propose des solutions pour l’action normative, il implique des exigences pour le législateur et le juge de l’UE. A l’instar de l’OIT, l’UE doit orienter son action normative vers le concept de travail décent pour renforcer la place des droits sociaux fondamentaux face aux libertés économiques. Cette nouvelle orientation nécessite alors pour l’UE de prendre appui sur les instruments de l’OIT, en particulier sur ses conventions et déclarations ainsi que sur la coopération technique prenant en compte ses spécificités. / The concept of decent work has been presented by the Director-General of the International Labour Office, in 1999, as an International Labour Organisation’s priority objective enabling every woman and man to exercise an activity in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity. This concept brings together four independent pillars that are employment, social protection, social dialogue, respecting, promoting and realizing the fundamental principles and rights at work. In a new way, the ILO imposes a framework of action for all Member States. Depending on the socio-economic conditions in each Member State, the concept of decent work is likely to be defined locally while having a universal outline. The translation of the concept is facilitated through Decent Work Country Programs (DWCPs) under ILO technical cooperation, and indicators measuring decent work. The concept of decent work therefore appears as an objectif of universal scope and not as a legal norm. If ILO’s technical cooperation facilitates the achievement of decent work, its normative action is also essential. Normative action must also be directed towards the concept of decent work, as reflected in the Maritime Labour Convention adopted, in 2006, by the International Labour Conference and in the Convention n° 189 concerning decent work for domestic workers adopted in 2011. The concept of decent work, seen as a political slogan to give visibility to the ILO, weakened by the contexte of globalization, was criticized for its minimalist nature and ignored within the European Union. The confrontation between the concept of decent work and the law of the European Union reveals a paradox between the increase in indecent living and working conditions in favor of a strengthening of labor market law and market law and the commitment of all EU member states to be linked to the ILO Declaration of 1998. Yet, the current economic and social situation in the European Union raises the question of the need and possibility of integrating the concept of decent work, which reveals a particular approach to work, in European Union law. Reflection on humane conditions of labour centered on the values of social justice and human dignity makes sense in the current context of economic governance in the European Union and the austerity measures considering the work from the perspective of the market and trade. Social justice in the sense given to it by the Declaration of Philadelphia of 1944 and then the concept of decent work, that is to say the principle of action, is today indispensable for the protection of people and the environment. The current situation in the EU is therefore an issue for the ILO in its own ability to impose the translation of the concept of decent work into European social law and for the EU itself. The concept of decent work proposes solutions for normative action and thus it implies requirements for the legislator and the judge of the EU. Like the ILO, the EU must direct its normative action towards the concept of decent work to strengthen the place of fundamental social rights in the face of economic freedoms. This new approach requires the EU to build on ILO’ instruments, in particular on its conventions and declarations and on technical cooperation taking into account its specificities.

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