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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En armé av läraravlastande tjänster! : Effekten av heltidsmentorer på studieresultat i årskurs 9 / An army of teacher relief services! : The effect of full-time mentors on academic performance in grade 9

Hallin, Joy January 2023 (has links)
I takt med lärarbristen har det samtidigt väckts ett intresse för nya typer av läraravlastande yrkeskategorier i svenska grundskolan. Det finns en bred variation på benämningar och uppgifter för denna yrkesgrupp och Heltidsmentorer är en av de tjänster som ingår i denna nya yrkeskategori. En fråga som rimligtvis kan vara svår att ignorera är vad dessa nya tjänster kan innebära för lärare och elever. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är därför att studera om det har någon effekt och i så fall vilken effekt det har att anställa heltidsmentorer för studieresultatet för elever i årskurs 9 i den svenska kommunala grundskolan. Vidare är också syftet att undersöka om socioekonomisk bakgrund kan ha ett samband med vilken typ av tjänst skolor väljer att anställa. Studien är baserad på variansanalys av registerdata om 99 skolors resultatstatistik. Några av studiens mest intressanta fynd är att det rent generellt inte verkar spela någon roll för studieresultatet vilken typ av avlastande tjänst en skola väljer att anställa. Dessutom verkar det som att ju högre socioekonomisk bakgrund eleverna har på en skola, desto större chans är det att skolan väljer bort läraravlastande tjänster. / At the same time as, and in line with the shortage of teachers, an interest has been aroused in new types of teacher-relieving professional categories in Swedish compulsory schools. There is a wide variety of professional categories and tasks for this role and Full-time mentors are one of the positions included in this new professional category. One question that can reasonably be difficult to ignore is what these new services might mean for teachers and students? The purpose of this thesis is therefore to study whether it has any effect and, if so, what effect it has to hire full-time mentors for the study results for students in year 9 in the Swedish municipal compulsory school. Furthermore, the aim is also to investigate whether socio-economic background may have a connection with the type of position schools choose to employ. The study is based on analysis of variance of register data from 99 Swedish schools. Some of the study's most interesting findings are that, in general, it does not seem to matter what type of relief service a school chooses to hire for students' academic performance. In addition, it seems that the higher the socioeconomic background of students at a school, the greater the chance that the school will opt out of teacher relieving positions.

Factors related to mathematics achievement of secondary school pupils

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the relationships between diverse variables and secondary school pupils' Mathematics achievement. It also dealt with the relative contribution of each variable to Mathematics achievement and the significance of differences in Mathematics achievements when pupils' gender and home background as well as teachers' experience, gender, education, in-service education, homework assignment and testing frequency are taken into account. A questionnaire was administered on 163 standard 8 pupils. I The most important findings of this study were: {1) There was a significant relationship between pupil variables and Mathematics achievement. (2) Pupil variables, particularly self-concept, contributed significantly towards the variance in Mathematics achievement. (3) Pupils who wrote tests often (more than once per term) achieved significantly less than students who wrote tests less often / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Schulleistung in Deutsch und ethnische Zusammensetzung der Schülerpopulation

Sirsch, Ulrike, Gottlieb, Andreas, Rusch, Thomas, Formann, Anton K. January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde sowohl der Einfluss des Schulanteils an Kindern mit einer anderen Muttersprache als Deutsch auf die Sprachleistung (Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und Rechtschreibung) deutschsprachiger Kinder als auch jener des Anteils deutschsprachiger Kinder auf die Sprachleistung von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Es nahmen 211 Kinder aus der vierten Grundschulstufe, 84 mit Deutsch als Muttersprache (39.8%) und 127 mit einer anderen Muttersprache als Deutsch (60.2%), teil. Kognitive Grundfähigkeiten und der sozioökonomische Hintergrund wurden miterhoben. Die mehrebenenanalytische Auswertung zeigte Effekte der kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten und des sozioökonomischen Hintergrundes auf die Sprachleistung. Die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Schule war nicht bedeutsam. Bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund erwies sich der Zeitpunkt des Spracherwerbs als wichtig für die Sprachleistung. Ein möglichst frühzeitiger Erwerb der Sprache des Einwanderungslandes ist daher dringend zu empfehlen. (Autor/inn/enref.) / Series: Discussion Paper Series / Center for Empirical Research Methods

Factors related to mathematics achievement of secondary school pupils

Moyana, Hlengani Jackson 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the relationships between diverse variables and secondary school pupils' Mathematics achievement. It also dealt with the relative contribution of each variable to Mathematics achievement and the significance of differences in Mathematics achievements when pupils' gender and home background as well as teachers' experience, gender, education, in-service education, homework assignment and testing frequency are taken into account. A questionnaire was administered on 163 standard 8 pupils. I The most important findings of this study were: {1) There was a significant relationship between pupil variables and Mathematics achievement. (2) Pupil variables, particularly self-concept, contributed significantly towards the variance in Mathematics achievement. (3) Pupils who wrote tests often (more than once per term) achieved significantly less than students who wrote tests less often / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

”Ja, man kan skylla på dem för det händer så mycket runt dem ändå” : En studie om hur förskollärare bemöter barn som utför kränkande handlingar i förskoleklass

Assali, Zena, Vujkovic, Marija January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers face children who they perceive as children with behavioral problems and how they act in the daily work to prevent and counter violations. The study aims to observe how preschool teachers deal with children who they experience as having behavioral problems in the form of aggression. The study also intends to compare two preschool classes in two municipalities where some residential areas are socio-economically vulnerable. For the collection of empirical data, the study was conducted as a qualitative study consisting of interviews with teachers and observations of children and teachers. The two selected schools were deliberately chosen based on geographical areas with known socio-economic vulnerability. The results predict that the preschool teachers encountered situations where difficulties arise, and which can be considered crucial for the children's biological, cognitive, and emotional development. The difficulties highlighted in this study are analyzed with theoretical concepts such as the punctual and relational perspective, the intercultural perspective and theories of socio-economic impact, conflict management, power and norms, aggression, and more. These theories count as significant developmental aspects in children's critical periods. The results show that the teachers in theory share a common view of the prosocial development work with children who are regarded by the preschool teachers as "children with behavioral problems". Despite this, we found significant contradictions that create a distance between what preschool teachers say they do and what they do in practice. The results of this study also show that preschool teachers use methods and strategies, in which children who are perceived as having behavioral problems get reprimanded, are threatened with punishment, and are made invisible. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förskollärare bemöter barn som de upplever som barn med beteendeproblem och hur de agerar i det dagliga arbetet för att förebygga och motverka kränkningar och beteendeproblem i form av aggression. Studien ämnar även att jämföra två förskoleklasser i två kommuner där en del bostadsområden är socioekonomiskt utsatta. För insamlingen av empiriska data genomfördes studien som en kvalitativ studie bestående av intervjuer med förskollärare samt observationer av barn och förskollärare. De två utvalda skolorna valdes medvetet utifrån geografiska aspekter med känd socioekonomisk sårbarhet. Resultaten förutspår att lärarna stött på situationer där svårigheter uppstår och som kan anses vara avgörande för barnens biologiska, kognitiva och emotionella utveckling. De svårigheterna som lyfts fram i denna studie analyseras med teoretiska begrepp som det punktliga och relationella perspektivet, det interkulturella perspektivet samt teorier om socioekonomisk påverkan, konflikthantering, makt och normer, aggression med fler. Dessa teorier räknas som viktiga utvecklingsaspekter i barns kritiska perioder. Resultaten visar att förskollärarna i teorin delar en gemensam syn på det prosociala utvecklingsarbetet med barn som av förskollärare betraktas som "barn med beteendeproblem". Trots detta fann vi betydande motsättningar som skapar ett avstånd mellan vad förskollärare säger att de gör och vad de faktiskt gör i praktiken. Studiens resultat visar även på medvetna och omedvetna metoder och strategier som förskollärare använder sig av i bemötandet av barn som upplevs ha beteendeproblem. Barnen blir tillsagda, hotade med bestraffning och osynliggjorda respektive bemötta med positiv uppmuntran.

The influence of Pope Innocent III on spiritual and clerical renewal in the Catholic Church during thirteenth century South Western Europe

Laing, Ralph Steven Ambrose 10 1900 (has links)
The struggle between church and state continued during the thirteenth century. The crusades continued in the East with the advance of Islam. Crusades were also called for to put an end to heresies, in particular the Albigensian heresy. Unfortunately the established orders, such as the Cistercians, failed to combat heresy and to solve the problems of corruption in the Church. Scholastic theology developed with the establishment of the universities. These events influenced the thirteenth century. During the thirteenth century spiritual renewal began with Pope Innocent III. Councils like the Fourth Lateran Council defined church teaching and addressed corruption of the clergy. However, one of the most important sources of spiritual renewal came from the mendicant orders who had been given permission by Pope Innocent III to operate in the Church. These orders contributed immensely to education in the universities and through the Catholic laity culture advanced. / Die stryd tussen kerk en staat het voortgegaan gedurende die dertiende eeu. Die kruistogte het voortgeduur in die Ooste met die aanruk van Islam. Kruistogte was ook aangeroep om sodoende ‘n einde te maak aan kettery, veral Albiganiese kettery. Ongelukkig die ontwikkelde heerskappye, soos die Cisteriaanse orde, het nie daarin geslaag om probleme soos kettery en korrupsie in die kerk op te los. Skolastiese teologie het ontwikkel met die vestiging van die universiteite. Hierdie gebeure het ‘n kardinale impak gehad op die dertiende eeu. Gedurende die periode, het geestelik hernuwing begin met Pous Innocent III. Owerhede soos die Vierde Laterniese Owerheid het godsdiens onderrig, gedefinieer en korrupsie aangespreek. Tog, was een van die belangrikste bronne van geestelike hernuwing, die Bedelmonnik Orde, wat toestemming van Pous Innocent III gekry het om in die kerk te handel. Hierdie orde het bygedra tot onderig in universiteite en deur Katoliek leke het kultuur voortgespruit. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Church History)

«Tout perdre» : causes sociales des problèmes de santé mentale à travers le récit de vie de personnes en situation d’itinérance.

Lupien, Pierre-Luc 04 1900 (has links)
Alors que, dans les années soixante, l’étude des conditions sociales dans leurs conséquences sur la santé mentale semblait une voie d’avenir pour la recherche psychiatrique (Sicot, 2001), il semble que, dans le contexte actuel, elle soit redevenue « hors propos ». Dans ce contexte où la plupart reconnaissent l’hégémonie de l’approche biologique en psychiatrie, quelle place peut être réservée aux conditions sociales pour expliquer l’origine des problèmes de santé mentale? Plusieurs auteurs, issus de la psychiatrie et des sciences humaines, se sont attardés à cette question. De leur avis, certaines conditions sociales, comme celles vécues par les bonnes à tout faire, les assistés sociaux, les immigrants, seraient particulièrement propices au développement de problèmes de santé mentale. Il est proposé dans ce mémoire de se concentrer sur l’impact d’une condition sociale particulière, l’itinérance, sur la santé mentale des personnes qui la vivent. Au terme d’une recension des écrits, des auteurs comme Furtos (2007) ont conclu que l’itinérance, en tant que forme extrême d’exclusion sociale, est à même d’engendrer des problèmes de santé mentale. Toujours avec l’objectif de répondre à la question de l’impact des conditions sociales sur la santé mentale, ce mémoire s’intéresse au point de vue des premières concernées, c’est-à-dire celui des personnes en situation d’itinérance ayant des problèmes de santé mentale. Sur le plan méthodologique, il se fonde sur 10 récits de vie de participants au projet Chez soi, projet de recherche et démonstration sur la santé mentale et l’itinérance de Montréal. Ce mémoire met en lumière les facteurs explicatifs soulignés par les participants au fil de leurs récits de vie et les compare à ceux identifiés dans la littérature se situant dans le courant sociogénétique. / During the 1960s, the study of the impact of social conditions on mental health seemed to be a logical path for psychiatric research (Sicot, 2001), it seems that it has once again become ''irrelevant'' in the present context. In a context wherein most are acknowledging the biological approach in psychiatry, where is the role of social conditioning to explain the roots of mental health issues? Many authors from the field of social sciences and psychiatry have adressed that issue. From their perspective, specific social conditions, immigration, welfare recipients or housekeepers are particularly favorable to mental illness. The objective of this Dissertation is to focus on the impact of homelessness on the mental health of people living with that condition. Authors such as Furtos (2007) have acknowledged that homelessness - as an extreme form of social exclusion- can readily generate mental health disorders. Keeping with the objective of adressing the issue of the consequences of social conditioning on mental health, thie aim of this Dissertation is to present the views of homeless people living with mental health problems. The methodology used is based on the life histories of 10 participants in the At home initiative, a research and demonstration project in Montreal. The objective of the Dissertation is to identify explanatory factors brought by participants during the sharing of their life stories and to compare them with the available and current sociological data in the field of socio-genesis.

«Tout perdre» : causes sociales des problèmes de santé mentale à travers le récit de vie de personnes en situation d’itinérance

Lupien, Pierre-Luc 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of Pope Innocent III on spiritual and clerical renewal in the Catholic Church during thirteenth century South Western Europe

Laing, Ralph Steven Ambrose 10 1900 (has links)
The struggle between church and state continued during the thirteenth century. The crusades continued in the East with the advance of Islam. Crusades were also called for to put an end to heresies, in particular the Albigensian heresy. Unfortunately the established orders, such as the Cistercians, failed to combat heresy and to solve the problems of corruption in the Church. Scholastic theology developed with the establishment of the universities. These events influenced the thirteenth century. During the thirteenth century spiritual renewal began with Pope Innocent III. Councils like the Fourth Lateran Council defined church teaching and addressed corruption of the clergy. However, one of the most important sources of spiritual renewal came from the mendicant orders who had been given permission by Pope Innocent III to operate in the Church. These orders contributed immensely to education in the universities and through the Catholic laity culture advanced. / Die stryd tussen kerk en staat het voortgegaan gedurende die dertiende eeu. Die kruistogte het voortgeduur in die Ooste met die aanruk van Islam. Kruistogte was ook aangeroep om sodoende ‘n einde te maak aan kettery, veral Albiganiese kettery. Ongelukkig die ontwikkelde heerskappye, soos die Cisteriaanse orde, het nie daarin geslaag om probleme soos kettery en korrupsie in die kerk op te los. Skolastiese teologie het ontwikkel met die vestiging van die universiteite. Hierdie gebeure het ‘n kardinale impak gehad op die dertiende eeu. Gedurende die periode, het geestelik hernuwing begin met Pous Innocent III. Owerhede soos die Vierde Laterniese Owerheid het godsdiens onderrig, gedefinieer en korrupsie aangespreek. Tog, was een van die belangrikste bronne van geestelike hernuwing, die Bedelmonnik Orde, wat toestemming van Pous Innocent III gekry het om in die kerk te handel. Hierdie orde het bygedra tot onderig in universiteite en deur Katoliek leke het kultuur voortgespruit. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Church History)

Barriers in acquiring basic english reading and spelling skills by Zulu-speaking foundation phase learners

Mahabeer, Sandhya D. 11 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on the barriers that hinder the Zulu-speaking English second language learner in the Foundation Phase in acquiring basic reading and spelling skills. Nine hypotheses were developed from the literature study. Emanating from this, a quantitative empirical investigation, undertaken at various Foundation Phase schools in and around the greater Durban area, examined these barriers. A questionnaire was used as the main instrument in investigating these barriers. The study highlighted the relationships between the various variables. These relationships were, in the main, found significant. The research has indicated that contextual, language, school and intrinsic factors are significantly correlated to the problems L2 learners experience in acquiring English reading and spelling skills. The limitations of this investigation were discussed and recommendations, based on these results, were forwarded. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance & Counselling)

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