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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poétique de l'extase (France, 1601-1675) / Poetics of Ecstasy (France, 1601-1675)

Duyck, Clément 05 December 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de montrer, dans un corpus français compris entre 1601 et 1675, que l’extase est employée comme la condition du sens de ces discours. La première partie, qui porte sur la fin de l’extase mystique, vise à répondre aux besoins préliminaires d’une définition de l’extase au XVIIe siècle, afin de disposer des outils lexicaux, notionnels et historiques pour mener à bien la recherche poétique. Sont précisés le lexique de l’extase, les conséquences induites par la transformation d’un principe métaphysique en un phénomène humain, et la situation de l’extase face au discernement spirituel qui a abouti à sa faillite. La deuxième partie, qui est consacrée aux récits d’extases, permet de mesurer les conséquences poétiques des premières conclusions, en distinguant la poétique narrative de deux objets qui se trouvent à l’un et l’autre bout des mutations de l’extase au cours du siècle, à savoir l’extase visionnaire dans la Vie de Thérèse d’Avila et l’extase devenue invisible dans les relations spirituelles de Claudine Moine. Ces deux extases sont traitées comme des objets sémiotiques, dont les procédures narratives posent à la narration un problème d’ordre temporel qui a pour effet de faire échec au récit de sainteté que Thérèse d’Avila entend mener, et de rendre impossible dans les écrits de Claudine Moine la conjonction du sujet de l’histoire racontée avec le sujet de la narration. Enfin, la troisième partie traite de l’énonciation de l’extase dans un corpus principalement poétique. Elle isole les figures historiques employées pour représenter une telle énonciation, précise la façon dont l’affectivité extatique s’articule à la parole, et éclaire l’incidence de l’économie affective de sujet extasié sur les modes de figuration objective de l’extase. / This dissertation aims to show, through an analysis of a French corpus dating from 1601 to 1675, that ecstasy is used as the condition of the meaning of these speeches. The first part, which focuses on the end of mystical ecstasy, seeks to meet the primary needs of a definition of ecstasy in the 17th century, in order to gather the lexical, notional and historical tools for poetical research. It clarifies the lexicon of ecstasy, shows the results of the transformation of a metaphysical principle into a human phenomenon, and explains the situation of mystical ecstasy facing the discernment of spirits that led to its fall. The second part, which focuses on the narratives of ecstasy, allows to evaluate the poetical consequences of the previous conclusions. It distinguishes indeed between the narrative poetics of two objects located on both ends of the mutations of ecstasy during the century: the visionary ecstasy in the Life of Teresa of Avila, and the invisible ecstasy in the spiritual relations of Claudine Moine. These two kinds of ecstasies are considered as semiotic objects, whose procedures result in a temporal problem: ecstasy stymies the narrative of holiness that Teresa of Avila intends to tell, and hinders the identification between the subject of the story and the subject of the narration in Claudine Moine’s writings. Finally, the third part deals with the enunciation of ecstasy in a corpus that is mainly poetical. It isolates the historical figures that are used to represent this enunciation, specifies how the ecstatic emotions are linked to verbal expression, and determines the impact of the ecstatic subject’s emotional economy on the objective modes of figuration of ecstasy.

L’introduction d'outils numériques dans les offices de tourisme : Énonciations spatiales et pratiques des conseillers / Insertion of digital equipment in tourist offices : spatial enunciations and counsellors’ practices

Bernetière, Camille 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’émergence d’un contexte concurrentiel fort entre les destinations amène les offices de tourisme à se démarquer pour gagner leur place de dispositifs communicationnels d’informations touristiques. Ce mémoire de thèse défend l’idée que les stratégies spatio-communicationnelles mises en œuvre au sein des offices de tourisme équipés d’outils numériques jouent un rôle déterminant sur les pratiques des conseillers en séjour. Ces stratégies mettent en scène dans l’espace les quatre composants fondamentaux d’un office de tourisme : le territoire, le savoir, la relation aux usagers et les outils numériques. L’étude de ces composants et de leur organisation dans l’espace, selon une approche qui se place du côté de la production, fait ressortir trois types idéaux de stratégies spatio-communicationnelles : la séduction, la promotion et la revendication d’identité. Enfin, les analyses des pratiques des conseillers en séjour (à partir de leur observation et d’entretiens rétrospectifs) démontrent une mutation des métiers liée à ces stratégies : les pratiques des conseillers, induites par l’espace, les transforment alors en ambassadeurs du territoire auprès des usagers, en experts de l’offre touristique, ou encore en médiateurs numériques. Dès lors, l’énonciation spatiale désigne l’ensemble des tactiques ou stratégies élaborées à partir de relations spatialisées qui conditionnent la communication. / The emergence of a strong competitive environment between destinations compels tourist offices to stand out from one another so as to carry out their role of tourist information communication agencies. The present thesis argues that the spatio-communicational strategies implemented with digital equipment by tourist offices have a major impact on counselors’ guidelines for a trip. These strategies reproduce spatially the four basic components of a tourist office: territory, knowledge, customer relation, and digital tools. The study of these components and their spatial translation, especially in regard to their production, highlights three ideal types of spatio-communicational strategies: enticement, promotion and the claiming of identity. Lastly, the analysis of counsellors’ practices induced by space (as evidenced by their observations and retrospective testimonies) reveals a mutation of mission statements: influenced by spatial factors, counselors turn into ambassadors of the territory, experts of tourist happenings, or even digital mediators in their dealings with customers. Therefore, spatial enunciation has referred to all the possible techniques and strategies derived from spatialized relationships affecting communication.

Construction de l'Est et de l'Ouest : vers des compétences interculturelles? Un exemple de recherche à Hong - Kong en mobilité académique / Co-constructing East and West : towards intercultural competences? An example of research on academic mobility in Hong Kong

Martinez, Valérie 08 January 2016 (has links)
De nombreux chercheurs ont déjà souligné l’importance de préparer les étudiants à la mobilité académique (Abdallah-Pretceille, 2003 ; Jackson, 2013) notamment pour faire face à l’ère hypermoderne actuelle (Aubert, 2004). Par ailleurs, les diverses terminologies de référence en ce qui concerne le nouveau paradigme des mobilités (Urry, 2007) et le concept de compétence interculturelle, justifient ce travail de doctorat. Le cadre théorique sur lequel nous nous appuyions est l’ « interculturalité renouvelée » (Dervin, 2012). Les compétences interculturelles sont ainsi définies en tant que distance performée vis-à-vis des discours sur l’Autre qui émergent pendant les rencontres. Six groupes-centrés ont été organisés pour deux groupes de participant (étudiant dans un Institut d’Études Supérieures à Hong-Kong) et une formation, pré-mobilité académique à l’interculturalité renouvelée, a été mise en place afin d’en analyser l’impact sur le discours des participants. Les théories de l’énonciation et l’approche du dialogisme ont été les apports méthodologiques qui nous ont permis d’observer les voix rapportées et leurs concrétisations prosodiques dans le discours des participants (Martin & White, 2005) avant et après l’expérience de mobilité. Nous nous sommes efforcés d’observer dans le discours des participants l’espace dialogique disponible à la rencontre et à la reconnaissance de la voix de l’Autre. Si les résultats semblent indiquer une augmentation du nombre de voix rapportées dans le discours des participants, suite à la mobilité académique, d’autres mises en place de recherches semblent nécessaires afin d’étudier l’impact d’une préparation pré-mobilité sur l’hétéroglossie. / Numerous scholars have already stressed the need to prepare students prior to academic mobility (Abdallah-Pretceille, 2003; Jackson, 2013, for example) in order to face hypermodernity (Aubert, 2004). As per the new mobilities paradigm (Urry, 2007), this implies considering individuals at the centre of political and institutional issues. Furthermore, the multiplicity of terminology of references towards academic mobility, and intercultural competences, justifies this research. The theory, for this doctoral dissertation, applies “renewed interculturality” (Dervin, 2012), a move away from a culturalist approach. Intercultural competences are therefore defined as a stepping back from discourses on the Other that may emerge during encounters. In order to collect the data, six focus groups have been organised with two batches of students from a Higher Education Institution in Hong-Kong, an “education hub” (Dervin & Machart, 2014) that is striving to be competitive particularly in increasing the number of incomingand outcoming students. Training and education to interculturality have been implemented prior to academic mobility in order to observe the impact on participants’ discourses before and after the mobility. Theories of enunciation and dialogism represent the methodology allowing us to compare and analyse the reported voices in the participants’ discourse and their prosodic realisation (Martin & White, 2005) before and after the experience of academic mobility. I have attempted to observe the dialogic space available to welcome the Other during encounters in the participants’ discourse. The results seem to underline the increased number of reported voices in participants’ discourse after study abroad, but as the space opened for negotiation is instable and depends on the interlocutors and the voices addressed, consequently, further research appears necessary to study the influences of a preparation prior to mobility on the contraction or expansion of heteroglossia. All in all, this doctoral dissertation aimed to renew preparation for mobilities in an academic setting that emphasises on the well being of lifelong learners.

La quête de l'identité dans le récit : étude stylistique et poétique : Le premier homme d’Albert Camus : Les Oliviers de la justice de Jean Pélégri : Ébauche du père de Jean Sénac : Outremer de Morgan Sportes / The search for identity in the narrative stylistic and poetic study

Acharchour, Tassadit 27 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la quête de l’identité narrative dans quatre récits : Le premier homme d’Albert Camus, Les Oliviers de la justice de Jean Pélégri, Ébauche du père de Jean Sénac et Outremer de Morgan Sportes. Les auteurs de ces récits ont appartenu à la communauté des Français d’Algérie et, par la suite, à celle des pieds-noirs. Les textes portent, en majeure partie, sur la fin de l’Algérie française. Ceci explique la référence, entre autres périodes, aux années 1954-1962 et aux conséquences dramatiques qui en ont découlé, tels que l’exil et le déracinement. La désignation « Algérie française » contient en elle-même une double référence identitaire, quand elle ne renvoie pas à une pluralité de composantes. Définir ou formuler son identité pose, dans le cas de nos auteurs, une réelle difficulté, qui s’accentue lorsque les origines sont ambiguës. C’est ce que nous avons essayé d’étudier, à travers notamment l’énonciation et la mise en place de l’interlocution, étant donné que le questionnement sur soi est une interrogation adressée par un locuteur à un tiers. Il s’agit, en outre, de mettre en évidence les notions d’altérité et du regard de l’autre, et leur rôle dans la constitution de soi ou de la revendication d’une quelconque identité, car la quête s’organise autour de la relation avec cet autre. Ce travail montre que s’il n’y a pas de réponses claires et suffisantes aux interrogations premières des narrateurs, la recherche d’une identité est un parcours qui aboutit à la construction d’une vérité sur soi donnant sens à l’existence. / This dissertation deals with the quest for narrative identity in four distinct narratives: Le Premier Homme, by Albert Camus; Les Oliviers de la justice, by Jean Pélégri; Ébauche du père, by Jean Sénac; and Outremer, by Morgan Sportes. The authors of these narratives belonged to the community of French people born in Algeria and, later on, to that of the pieds-noirs. The texts examine mainly the end of French Algeria. This accounts for the reference to the years 1954-1962, among other periods of time, and to the tragic consequences these years led to, including exile and uprooting. The designation “French Algeria” in itself contains at least a dual reference to identity, if not referring to a plurality of components. For each of the four authors considered, defining or expressing their identity creates a real difficulty, which increases when origins are ambiguous. This is what I have attempted to explore, notably through the enunciation and interlocution process, as questions about oneself are questions articulated by one person to a third party. Beyond this, my aim is to highlight the concepts of otherness and of the way one is seen by another person, as well as the role they play in the constitution of the self or in the construction of a claim about any identity, for the quest is organized around the relation to this other. This work shows that while there are no clear or satisfying answers to the initial interrogations of the narrators the search for identity is a journey that leads to the construction of a truth about oneself which imparts meaning to one’s existence.

Le Dialogue des langues. Style, énonciation et argumentation dans la première partie du Phèdre de Platon / The Dialogue of Languages. Style, Enunciation and Argumentation in the First Part of Plato’s Phaedrus

Rehbinder, André 01 December 2017 (has links)
La présente étude se fonde sur le postulat que le style de Platon dans le Phèdre entretient un lien nécessaire avec le contenu, que le style crée le contenu. Elle s’efforce de montrer que la description de ce lien suppose de prendre en compte les aspects énonciatifs de l’œuvre, c’est-à-dire à la fois la situation d’énonciation dans laquelle s’inscrit chaque réplique et la façon dont l’auteur s’adresse au lecteur. En effet, se fondant sur la notion bakhtinienne de dialogisme, elle définit la fonction du style par le fait d’orchestrer une pluralité linguistique : Platon représente différentes langues à l’intérieur du dialogue, la langue poétique, la langue technique des orateurs, ou encore la langue des philosophes qui l’ont précédé, et les met en dialogue, les confronte, créant ainsi une nouvelle conception de l’objet du dialogue, le discours d’abord, l’âme amoureuse ensuite. La situation d’énonciation révèle le travail sur le matériau linguistique et permet la mise en dialogue des différentes langues, tantôt en les distribuant entre différents personnages, qui deviennent chacun une source de sens pour les termes employés, tantôt en ajoutant au contexte immédiat dans lequel s’insère le mot un contexte large, qui demande, pour le même mot, un sens différent de celui qui est cohérent avec le contexte immédiat. En outre, certaines particularités de la situation d’énonciation remettent en cause les présupposés sur lesquels se fonde la compréhension d’un énoncé, notamment le principe de non-contradiction : ces particularités ne doivent pas être effacées, elles correspondent selon nous à l’intention de Platon et constituent des énigmes interprétatives qu’il pose au lecteur. / This study is based on the thesis that Plato’s style in the Phaedrus creates the content. The study attempts to show that in order to describe this interaction one has to take into consider the enunciative aspects of the text, that is the enunciative situation into which every phrase subscribes and the way the author addresses to the reader. In fact, based on Bakhtin’s notion of the dialogism, our work defines the function of the style by the means of orchestrating a linguistic plurality: Plato presents different languages inside the dialogue, such as the poetic language, the orators’ technic language or also the language of the philosophers who had preceded him; he makes them interact and confront between them, creating by this a new concept of the dialogue’s object, i.e. the speech and the enamoured soul. The enunciative situation reveals the work done on the linguistic material and permits to implement the dialogue between different languages either by attributing these languages to different characters, who become themselves a source of the sense for the terms employed, or by adding to the word’s immediate context a much larger context who demands, for the same word, a new sense different from the one who is coherent with the immediate context. In addition, some particularities of the enunciative situation question the assumptions on which is based the understanding of any statement, in particular, the principle of non-contradiction : according to our theory, these particularities shouldn’t be erased, they correspond to Plato’s intention and form the interpretative riddles that Plato addresses to the reader.

Aspects de la construction du sens de l’impératif anglais / Aspects of the construction of meaning of the English imperative

Alvarez-Pereyre, Michael 10 December 2010 (has links)
L’impératif anglais est ici étudié en supposant un lien motivé entre sa forme et ses sens, dans le cadre d’une sémantique textuelle et énonciative cottienne. Analysant un corpus de films américains contemporains, l’étude décrit la construction du sens de requêtes pour y chercher la contributionpropre de l’impératif. Les éléments sémiotisés et non-sémiotisés à ce mode figurant souvent par ailleurs dans le discours, l’impératif apparaît comme une posture énonciative choisie par le locuteur. Celle-ci consiste en un rapport d’immédiateté aux signes et à l’action. L’injonction apparaît ainsi comme d’abord mentale, ce qui explique les cas où l’impératif ne doit pas mener à agir dans le monde. La sous-sémiotisation des relations est aussi une forme de refus des processus d’entrée dans le linéaire de la parole, ce qui peut anticiper une sortie vers le monde des actes. Les hypothèses proposées espèrent ainsi contribuer à montrer comment la brièveté peut être exploitée à des fins directives. / This study analyzes the English imperative in the framework of Pierre Cotte’s textual-gramatical semantics. It hypothesizes that the grammar of imperatives is iconic, i.e. motivated to some degree. The study describes the construction of meaning of requests found in a corpus of contemporary North-American films and isolates the specific contribution of imperatives. The elements verbalized in an imperative clause and those not verbalizedin it are actually both often verbalized in other phases of a request. This suggests that the imperative is a linguistic-cognitive attitude adopted by the speaker: the structure manifests and imposes a relationship of immediacy with the signs and with the action. The imperative command is therefore cognitive first, which explains the cases where an imperativedoes not require the hearer to act. The hypo-semiotic verbalization of the action may also mimic a refusal of the processes that produce connected speech, thus anticipating an exit from talk to action.Keywords: English imperative, iconicity, requests, film corpus, enunciation, textual semantics, grammatical semantics, enunciative linguistics.

Quels scénarios pédagogiques pour un dispositif d'apprentissage à distance socioconstructiviste et de conception énonciativiste en français langue étrangère ?

Chachkine, Elsa 17 June 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche relève de la didactique des langues et des TIC, de la formation à distance en langues et du FLE. Un cadre épistémologique socioconstructiviste et énonciativiste a été choisi puis situé par rapport à la perspective actionnelle. Cette réflexion théorique sert de fondement au scénario pédagogique Fictif, une formation à distance en FLE de neuf semaines, destinée aux étudiants vietnamiens de l’Institut de la Francophonie pour l’informatique à Hanoi. Le forum de discussion y occupe une place importante. Fictif peut être considéré comme une mise en œuvre de la perspective actionnelle, enrichie de concepts énonciatifs. Suite aux expérimentations de Fictif en 2008 et 2009, nous montrons dans un premier temps l’adéquation du scénario au cadre théorique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous montrons que les diverses collaborations et l’activité réflexive auquel le scénario pédagogique invite (réflexion interculturelle, réflexion sur le fonctionnement de la langue), permettent, d’une part, grâce à l’effet mobilisateur du scénario, de maintenir, voire de faire évoluer les compétences langagières des apprenants, de développer, entre autres, des connaissances relatives aux cultures et aux langues et, d’autre part, que certaines activités permettent d’améliorer les compétences à collaborer des petits groupes. C’est, en particulier, le cas de l’activité de résolution d’énigmes linguistiques de façon collaborative, par groupe de quatre et à distance, qui permet de marier pratique langagière, réflexion métalinguistique et développement de la compétence à collaborer. / This research deals with instructional science for language learning and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), with e-learning in French as a foreign language in particular. Socioconstructivism and the linguistic theory of enunciation are the theoretical basis of this research, which is placed in relation to the action-oriented approach for languages. In accordance with this theoretical framework, a nine-week distance-training course in French (Fictif), in which the main form of communication is through forums, intended for the Vietnamese students of the French-speaking Computer Science Institute in Hanoi, has been imagined. Fictif is a distance-training course that could be considered as a practical implementation of the action-oriented approach enriched with linguistic concepts of enunciation.Following experimentations of Fictif in 2008 and 2009, the appropriateness of the pedagogical scenario with the theoretical framework is first examined. Then, thanks to the activities of the pedagogical scenario which rouses students to action by developing different types of collaboration, as well as introspective thinking (e.g. intercultural thinking, thinking about how the language functions), the students maintained and even improved their skills in French and developed their knowledge of French culture and language. Moreover, for some activities of the pedagogical scenario, an improvement of the students' collaborative learning skills in small groups was observed. It was especially the case for one activity in which the students had to solve linguistic riddles in groups of four as a way of developing their foreign language skills, metalinguistic thinking and collaborative learning skills.

A constituição do discurso feminista no Brasil e na Argentina na década de 1970 / The constitution of feminist discourse in Brazil and Argentina in the 70s

Cestari, Mariana Jafet, 1982- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Monica Graciela Zoppi-Fontana / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T14:49:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cestari_MarianaJafet_M.pdf: 7333717 bytes, checksum: fd613ba5104935b108eb58337702e0f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A emergência da "segunda onda feminista" no Brasil e na Argentina a partir dos anos 1970, como parte da conjuntura da América Latina, implicou a formação do sujeito político mulheres feministas relacionada à constituição de um lugar de enunciação coletivo das mulheres e para as mulheres no discurso e na história. A partir do lugar teóricometodológico da Análise do Discurso materialista, a análise comparativa da constituição do discurso feminista nos dois países é profícua para observar semelhanças e especificidades destes processos discursivos e a relação de forças com outros discursos em circulação na sociedade naquele período. Para tanto, o corpus discursivo da pesquisa é composto por enunciados de textos feministas escritos (periódicos, panfletos, resoluções de encontros e manifestos) em circulação no Brasil e na Argentina nos anos 1970, com destaque para o jornal Nós Mulheres (1976-1978) e a revista Persona (1974-1976). A descrição dos processos discursivos que representam imaginariamente os lugares sociais e as posições que funcionam como espaço de identificação no qual as mulheres se constituem/significam como feministas e enquanto tais como novo sujeito político, pela adesão ativa, nas lutas políticas e sociais empreendidas pelo movimento, produz elementos para se apreender a constituição deste lugar de enunciação. O questionamento presente no discurso feminista dos limites entre o público e o privado, com sua expressão na palavra de ordem "O pessoal é político!", é constitutivo do lugar de enunciação do sujeito político mulheres feministas. Considera-se que o movimento e o discurso feminista eram (e são) heterogêneos e produziram diferentes sentidos em condições de produção determinadas. As regularidades de certas projeções imaginárias no discurso feminista no Brasil e na Argentina sustentam a existência de uma formação discursiva feminista, que funciona como uma espécie de "autodicionário" e "matriz de sentido" do discurso feminista e na qual se configuram diversas posições sujeito / Abstract: The emergence of the "second wave of feminism" in Brazil and Argentina in the beginning of the 70s, as part of the Latin American economic outlook, implied in the formation of the political subject feminist women related to the formation of a collective enunciation place of women and for women in discourse and in history. From the theoretical-methodological materialist Discourse Analysis, a comparative analysis of the constitution of the feminist discourse in both countries are useful to observe similarities and singularities of these discursive processes and the force relation with other discourses circulating in society at that time. Therefore the discursive corpus of the research is constituted by enunciations of written feminist texts (newspapers, pamphlets, meeting decisions and open letters) circulating in Brazil and Argentina in the 70s, standing out is the newspaper Nós Mulheres (1976-1978) and the magazine Persona (1974-1976). The description of discursive processes which imaginably represent social places and positions which behave as a space of identification, where women constitute/signify as feminists and as so, as a new political subject by active support in political e social struggles, undertaken by the movement, produces elements so that one can apprehend the constitution of this enunciation place. Questioning the border between public and private in the feminist discourse, expressed by the watchword "The private is political!" establishes the enunciation place of the political subject feminist women. Feminist movement and discourse were (and are) heterogeneous and produce different meanings in certain production conditions. Regularity of certain imaginary projections in the feminist discourse in Brazil and Argentina sustain the existence of a feminist discursive formation that works like a "self-dictionary" and a "source for meaning" of the feminine discourse where we find several subject positions / Mestrado / Linguistica / Mestre em Linguística

A Dêixis na construção de sentidos em comentários alusivos ao nordeste: um estudo enunciativo em sites esportivos e suas implicações no ensino de língua portuguesa.

Correia, Aurineide Profírio Barros 02 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Central (biblioteca@unicap.br) on 2018-07-10T13:56:23Z No. of bitstreams: 2 aurineide_profirio_barros_correia.pdf: 1436793 bytes, checksum: 0eefb2a5d00347a7a1e61980c4819c5f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-10T13:56:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 aurineide_profirio_barros_correia.pdf: 1436793 bytes, checksum: 0eefb2a5d00347a7a1e61980c4819c5f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-02 / This work, of qualitative nature, exploratory measures, based on study of case aims to analyze the dêixis in the construction of meaning in comments alluding to the Northeast on sports sites. It is based on the ennunciative perspective of language supported on the theory of Enunciation of Émile Benveniste. To this aim, we examined six comments that allude to the Northeast, running sports sites, watching as the dêiticos elements, in their personal, spatial and temporal levels contribute to the representation of subjectivity in the language, since these elements are interpreted with reference to the situation may include and refer to anything linguistic, not exclusively referring to an object or concept. It is relevant to highlight that Benveniste foccused on a strand of analysis of language in use, in action, in his example, dimension and this peculiarity directed our attention to the implications of this design language in the teaching of Portuguese Language, in which the text assumes an active role of building directions, requiring the interaction of their interlocutors. In this understanding, the design of Benveniste about the study of the language implies a relationship that justifies the use of, or the choice of certain words in speech by a guy, revealing, in your semantic aspect the establishment of the relationship of the signs with the conditions of an utterance, that determines the meaning in the light of oppositions imposed within the linguistic system and outside it. Benveniste stresses the dêixis (personal, spatial and temporal) as explicit brand relative to the subject with the statement, highlighting that these elements relate to the reality of speech and can only be identified in terms of locution, involving the relations of subjectivity that comprise locutor and a alocutario stabilished for him. The analysis of the data revealed that the meaning of an utterance is given by the possibility of sintagmatics choices made by a locutor that appropriates the language and sets out its position of subject when self declares "I" and set up a "you" in a given discursive space and time. Understanding the actions of these brands in the comments analyzed provides a reflection on the language in use and its mediation, providing ways to conceive the language and its methodological implications in the teaching of Portuguese Language. / Este trabalho, de natureza qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, baseado em estudo de caso, tem por objetivo analisar a dêixis no processo de construção de sentidos em comentários alusivos ao Nordeste em sites esportivos. Apoia-se na perspectiva enunciativa da linguagem e tem como base a Teoria da Enunciação de Émile Benveniste. Para tanto, analisamos seis comentários que fazem alusão ao Nordeste, veiculados em sites esportivos, observando como os elementos dêiticos, em seus níveis pessoal, espacial e temporal contribuem para a representação da subjetividade na linguagem, visto que esses elementos são interpretados com referência à situação enunciativa e referem-se a algo exclusivamente linguístico, não remetendo a um objeto ou conceito específico. Faz-se relevante destacar que Benveniste deteve-se em uma vertente de análise da língua em uso, em ação, em sua dimensão enunciativa, e essa peculiaridade direcionou nosso olhar para as implicações dessa concepção linguística no ensino da Língua Portuguesa, na qual o texto assume um papel ativo de construção de sentidos, necessitando da interação de seus interlocutores. Nesse entendimento, a concepção benvenistiana do estudo da língua implica estabelecer uma relação que justifique o uso ou a escolha de determinadas palavras assumidas no discurso por um sujeito, revelando, em seu aspecto semântico o estabelecimento da relação dos signos com as condições de um enunciado, que determina a significação em função de oposições instituídas no interior do sistema linguístico e exterior a ele. Benveniste destaca a dêixis (pessoal, espacial e temporal) como marca explícita da relação do sujeito com o enunciado, evidenciando que esses elementos referem-se à realidade do discurso e só podem ser identificados em termos de locução, envolvendo, assim, as relações de subjetividade que compreendem locutor e um alocutário por ele instituído. A análise dos dados revelou que o sentido de um enunciado se dá pela possibilidade das escolhas sintagmáticas agenciadas por um locutor que se apropria da língua e enuncia a sua posição de sujeito ao declarar-se “eu” e instaurar um “tu” em um determinado espaço e tempo discursivo. O entendimento enunciativo dessas marcas nos comentários analisados proporciona uma reflexão sobre a língua em uso e a sua mediação, possibilitando modos de se conceber a linguagem e suas implicações metodológicas no ensino da Língua Portuguesa.

L’héritage de la négritude dans quatre livres pour la jeunesse de l’auteure centrafricaine Adrienne Yabouza / Negritude's heritage in four children's books by the Central African author Adrienne Yabouza

Nestor, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
The negritude movement was a political and artistic movement, which developed in France and in the French-speaking parts of the world in the 1930’s, criticising racial discrimination and the exploitation of the African continent, and promoting African art and cultural expression as well as a common African identity and heritage.  This study examines how some values reflected in the early literature of the negritude movement are manifested in four picture books written in the 2010’s by the Central African author Adrienne Yabouza. The study concentrates specifically on three values: the close relationship between Africans and nature, the idealization of the black woman and the attitude towards aggressions and war, and searches to understand if, and in what way, the values have changed since the days of the negritude. It also aims at analysing the possible significance of any changes, or lack thereof. The theoretical framework is based on postcolonial theory, and particularly the context of enunciation of the francophone literature from the former French colonies. Regarding the closeness to the nature and the idealization of the black woman, the study concludes that the values reflected in the books of Yabouza are very similar to those manifested in the early works of the negritude. It is suggested that this might be due to the fact that the literary field to which the books belong is strongly anchored in the West. This leads to a lack of a critical discussion about this kind of literature in Africa, something that prevents the literature from following the cultural development of the continent. Concerning the attitude towards aggressions and war, the study notes a difference between the values conveyed by the negritude and those manifested in the examined picture books. This is certainly partly explained by the fact that the picture books are written for children while the works of the negritude are supposed to be read by adults. But the study also suggests that while a critical literary discussion is largely absent in Africa, a dialogue about war and violence is much more present, something that may have contributed to the evolution of the values manifested in the work of Yabouza.

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