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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Öva dubbelgrepp : En jämförelse mellan tre fiolskolor

Enochsson, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte bygger på en vilja att undersöka vilken typ av övningsböcker med inriktning på dubbelgrepp som ger mig motivation och god progression. För en framtida fiolpedagog är det viktigt att ha goda kunskaper i tekniken och hur den kan introduceras för att kunna hjälpa sina elever. Studien är en självstudie och sker genom utforskandet av olika övningar från tre övningsböcker inom den västerländska konstmusik-traditionen. Övningsböckerna används vid fem tillfällen var där den egna övningen observeras och dokumenteras genom loggboksanteckningar, videodokumentation och en självvärderingsskala. Resultatet visar att en specifik övningsbok inte är helt avgörande för framgången med dubbelgreppsteknik. Det framkommer också att lärarens roll är av stor vikt för den egna övningen om det så sker genom instruktioner i övningsmaterialet eller genom fysisk lektion. De övningsperioder som genomfördes utan goda instruktioner har negativ inverkan i form av minskad motivation. Övningsböcker kan vara en bra hjälp om bokens upplägg är i samklang med violinisten, men den verkligt motiverande och influerande rollen har läraren.

Optimized Learning Through Etudes According to Four Pedagogues' Principles: Applied study on selected works from <i>24 Studies for Solo Violin </i> by Pierre Gavinies

Lee, Linda 29 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Is the New Paragraph More Readable than the Traditional Paragraph?

Singh, Ravi Inder Unknown Date
No description available.

Is the New Paragraph More Readable than the Traditional Paragraph?

Singh, Ravi Inder 06 1900 (has links)
The definition of the traditional paragraph has remained unchanged for generations of readers. Yet today the predominant form of the paragraph on the Web is so new that it can only be called the new paragraph. So the question is which is the more readable of the two paragraph formats? More specifically, how can the new paragraph be defined and how can its readability be measured against the traditional paragraph? A literature review reveals that no attempt has ever been made to define the new paragraph. A novel approach is taken: collect the headline stories from the top 43 English language online daily newspapers and use them to define the new paragraph. They exclusively use the new paragraph format and 1200 stories were collected from them over a period of four months. The results indicate a drastic difference between the old and new paragraph with the new paragraph being on average less than half the size of the old paragraph. White space between paragraphs occupies almost exactly half a given story. Words of less than two syllables are the norm in a new paragraph. To determine the readability of the new paragraph, a test of readability was performed using human subjects. A passage of text was selected and formatted according to the rules for the traditional paragraph and according to the metrics of the new paragraph. The cloze procedure is then used to decide readability. The reading test‟s data is analyzed and the results and future directions of the study are discussed in the conclusion. / Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems

Objektive Lesbarkeitsuntersuchungen oder sinnlose Formeln? : Eine Untersuchung von drei Methoden fürs Entscheiden der Lesbarkeit, appliziert auf zwei literarische Werke / Objective Readability Tests or Useless Formulas? : A study of three readability measures, applied on two fictional novels

Åkerman, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks två etablerade och en experimentell metod för bestämmande av läsbarheten hos texter. Metoderna undersöks genom att de appliceras på två litterära verk: Atemschaukel av Herta Müller och Berühre mich. Nicht. av Laura Kneidl. Metoderna som undersöks är läsbarhetsformeln Flesch-Reading-Ease (meningslängd och ordlängd) och ordfrekvens (hur vanliga orden är). Dessa båda läsbarhetsundersökningar är väletablerade och har använts flitigt. I detta arbete testas även en ny möjlig läsbarhetsfaktor: Upprepningar av ord, där upprepningar av innehållsord räknas. Resultaten av analyserna enligt de olika metoderna sammanställs och jämförs för att besvara två frågor: 1. Vilket verk förefaller mest lättläst enligt de två etablerade läsbarhetsundersökningarna? 2. Samvarierar mängden upprepningar med resultaten från de andra två läsbarhetsundersökningarna? Resultaten ger en något splittrad bild: Atemschaukel är enligt Flesch-Reading-Ease det mest lättlästa verket, medan ordfrekvensen visar på motsatt förhållande: Berühre mich. Nicht. har de genomsnittligt vanligare orden. Huruvida upprepning av ord har ett samband med läsbarheten är svårt att avgöra baserat enbart på resultaten i denna undersökning. Användandet av språkliga stilfaktorer för eventuellt att läsbarhetstest inte lämpar sig för undersökning av skönlitterära texter.


Londero, Eduardo Bauer 29 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao_Eduardo_Revisado.pdf: 3489154 bytes, checksum: 3c327ee0bc47d79cd4af46e065105650 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-29 / Text retrieved from the Internet through Google and Yahoo queries are evaluated using Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, a simple assessment measure of text readability. This kind of metrics were created to help writers to evaluate their text, and recently in automatic text simplification for undercapable readers. In this work we apply these metrics to documents freely retrieved from the Internet, seeking to find correlations between legibility and relevance acknowledged to then by search engines. The initial premise guiding the comparison between readability and relevance is the statement known as Occam s Principle, or Principle of Economy. This study employs Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level in text documents retrieved from the Internet through search-engines queries and correlate it with the position. It was found a centralist trend in the texts recovered. The centralist tendency mean that the average spacing of groups of files from the average of the category they belong is meaningfull. With this measure is possible to establish a correlation between relevance and legibility, and also, to detect diferences in the way both search engines derive their relevance calculation. A subsequent experiment seeks to determine whether the measure of legibility can be employed to assist him or her choosing a document combined with original search engine ranking and if it is useful as advance information for choice and user navigation. In a final experiment, based on previously obtained knowledge, a comparison between Wikipedia and Britannica encyclopedias by employing the metric of understandability Flesch-Kincaid / Textos recuperados da Internet por interm´edio de consultas ao Google e Yahoo s ao analisados segundo uma m´etrica simples de avaliac¸ ao de inteligibilidade textual. Tais m´etricas foram criadas para orientar a produc¸ ao textual e recentemente tamb´em foram empregadas em simplificadores textuais autom´aticos experimentais para leitores inexperientes. Nesse trabalho aplicam-se essas m´etricas a texto originais livres, recuperados da Internet, para buscar correlacionar o grau de inteligibilidade textual com a relev ancia que lhes ´e conferida pelos buscadores utilizados. A premissa inicial a estimular a comparac¸ ao entre inteligibilidade e relev ancia ´e o enunciado conhecido como Princ´&#305;pio de Occam, ou princ´&#305;pio da economia. Observa-se uma tend encia centralista que ocorre a partir do pequeno afastamento m´edio dos grupos de arquivos melhor colocados no ranking em relac¸ ao `a m´edia da categoria a que pertencem. ´E com a medida do afastamento m´edio que se consegue verificar correlac¸ ao com a posic¸ ao do arquivo no ranking e ´e tamb´em com essa medida que se consegue registrar diferenc¸as entre o m´etodo de calcular a relev ancia do Google e do Yahoo. Um experimento que decorre do primeiro estudo procura determinar se a medida de inteligibilidade pode ser empregada para auxiliar o usu´ario da Internet a escolher arquivos mais simples ou se a sua indicac¸ ao junto `a listagem de links recuperados ´e ´util e informativa para a escolha e navegac¸ ao do usu´ario. Em um experimento final, embasado no conhecimento previamente obtido, s ao comparadas as enciclop´edias Brit anica eWikip´edia por meio do emprego da m´etrica de inteligibilidade Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

Early twentieth-century discourses of violin playing

Knapik, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is a critical reading of pedagogical and biographical texts by and on violinists, written in the early twentieth century. It contributes to historical and discursive studies by providing a limited engagement with a largely neglected group of historical sources relating to musical performance, and further advances the historical research on subjectivity, the body, pathology, and erotics, in relation to discourses of music. The thesis also contributes to studies of performance practice, and empirical and psychological studies of musical performance, in that it engages with discursive notions of theoretical and performance categories, such as tempo, melody, vibrato and portamento. By taking a hermeneutic approach to detailed discussions of performative practices, primarily found in pedagogical texts, the project aims to provide a more nuanced assessment of many of the topics that have played a central role in the ongoing research on early twentieth-century performance (which principally consists of recordings analysis). The project does this by demonstrating the extent to which these practices are culturally and historically mediated. Following an introduction, chapter 2 demonstrates that notions of consciousness inform writers’ notions of musical virtuosity, and shows that Nietzschean and Wagnerian notions of self underpin the idea of the violinist as a superior producer of art. Chapter 3 argues that these ideas combine with metaphysical notions of melody to make the concept of ‘tone’/Ton the cornerstone of string playing during this period, which in turn has important implications for how writers conceive of tempo, rhythm, vibrato, portamento and dynamics. Chapter 4 demonstrates that writers perceive their ideal of tone to be threatened by moral and physiological disease, manifested in individual/social bodies, which leads to a very different articulation of these same practices. Chapter 5 explores traces of notions of intersubjectivity, arising from metaphors of erotic desire, which challenge the hegemonic ideal of universal mind. The conclusion frames the discourse as a problematic attempt to posit an authoritarian model of string playing. It also includes a preliminary study of early twentieth-century discourses of cello playing, and engages with the research to date on national styles of violin playing in the same period.

De l'invention du mourant à la figure de l'agonie. Recherche sur l'ultime épiphanie de la personne incarnée / From the invention of the dying, to the figure of agony : research on the final epiphany of the incarnated person

Tranchant, Blandine 11 January 2017 (has links)
A l’heure où la prise en charge médicale s’avère de plus en plus nécessaire pour accompagner la fin de vie, il nous apparait que sa place est de plus en plus importante et de moins en moins questionnée. Or, réduire la fin de vie à la question du mourant et de sa prise en charge est pour le moins problématique. L’arrêt d’hydratation et d’alimentation, les différentes formes de sédation, l’euthanasie, le suicide assisté, les soins palliatifs résument-ils à eux seuls ce que l’on peut dire de la fin de vie ? Peut-elle se résumer uniquement à une question d’ordre médical ? N’est-elle pas avant tout une question d’ordre existentiel où, à l’heure de notre déclin, nous sommes confrontés à l’agonie ? Souffrance et finitude se trouvent au cœur de notre interrogation et nous poussent à nous confronter au pâtir de la vie, nous dévoilant ainsi comme être de chair. Grâce à la philosophie henryenne, l’agonie va peu à peu se dévoiler comme une occasion ultime de révélation de soi à soi en tant que soi. Face à l’aporie du mal qui frappe, nous découvrons les hommes capables toujours d’y faire face par un effort de repersonnalisation. C’est cet effort nécessaire qui va se dévoiler tant dans le champ métaphysique, que dans le champ éthique, et que dans le champ politique. C’est ce même effort qui amène l’homme à prendre ses responsabilités et à répondre aux questions existentielles. La subjectivité de chacun se doit alors de devenir le centre de l’institution soignante. L’agonie devient possibilité de repenser la place de la personne au sein du système hospitalier : place de la personne soignante, de la personne soignée, de ceux qui accompagnent, tout en développant une éthique de l’accompagnement qui doit ensuite se décliner dans une politique. Car si, métaphysiquement, vivre son agonie ne peut se justifier que par l’Amour, éthiquement, il nous faut construire une nouvelle poétique de l’action faisant place à la fraternité issue de la chair, à l’imagination de l’homme pour répondre à l’appel d’autrui et de la vie, et à la subsidiarité, afin que chacun soit respecté dans son agir et sa conscience. Politiquement, cela nous ouvre alors à un système hospitalier respectueux de chaque « Je Peux » qui se déploie en son sein. Le respect du consentement du patient reste ainsi la pierre angulaire du système hospitalier ; mais il ne peut se construire que dans une alliance avec les soignants. / In the context of today’s world, medical care is becoming increasingly necessary to assist patients at the end of life. It appears that this care is taking on more and more importance and is subject to fewer and fewer questions. is less and less questioned. However, confining the end of life to the state of dying and its medical support is problematic. Can the end of life be resumed as stopping hydration and artificial feeding, sedation in its different forms, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and palliative care? Can it be summed up as a simple medical question? Isn’t the end of life, first and foremost, linked to an existential question in which, at the time of our decline, we come face to face with agony? Finiteness and suffering are at the heart of our questioning as we confront life’s hardships, revealing the mystery of the flesh. With the help of Michel Henry’s philosophy, agony will gradually reveal itself as an ultimate opportunity for self-revelation. Faced with the paradox of evil, we find Man capable of coping with an effort of re-personification. This necessary effort will unfold in the metaphysical, ethical and political fields. This same effort allows Man to take responsibility for himself and to contemplate existential questions. The subjectivity of each person must become the center of the healthcare institution. Agony becomes the possibility to rethink the place of the individual person within the hospital system: the care giver, the care receiver and those supporting them, all while developing an ethical personal assistance which must then translated into policies. Because even if metaphysically, living out agony cannot be otherwise justified but by Love, ethically we must build a new way of operating. We must leave room for fraternity as a consequence of being of the flesh, to imagination in order to respond to our fellow man and our life’s calling, and to subsidiarity so that everyone is respected in his actions and consciousness. Politically, it opens up the possibility of a hospital system respectful of each "I Can" which is echoed within its walls. Respect for the patient's consent remains the cornerstone of the hospital system but can only be built with an alliance with caregivers.

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