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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elevernas relationsskapande i leken på fritidshemmet : En studie om pedagogers barnperspektiv på elevernas förhållningssätt till varandra på fritidshemmet / The schoolchildren´s relationshipmaking while playing in the after-school center

Karlberg, Sophie, Lundin, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to get a greater understanding of children´s approach to each other in the after school center. We used a qualitative method consisting of interviews to collect the material to our study. We interviewed five educators that worked in the after school center and focused on their child perspective. The outset for our study was a gender perspective as well as an intersectional perspective. In recent years gender norms have got a lot of attention in media and The National Agency for Education (Skolverket) has come up with policydocuments that intend to make the schools a more equal and accepting place. In our examination we asked the educators about their view on gender- intersectional areas and how they have changed and developed in the last few years. The result in our study showed that it has been a change in equality and gender norm areas at the after school center. According to the educators, the schools have become a more accepting environment and the schools work a lot with having the children to form their identities and that they should be able to be themselves. Another result of our study was that boys and girls play with each other more nowadays than they did before. The educators think that this is because it is more accepted to break and question the gender patterns. Group pressure among children has according to the educators a large role in the selection of friends, games, activities and who should be the leader of the peer group. / Syftet med vår studie var att få en förståelse för barns förhållningssätt till varandra på fritidshemmet. För att samla in empirin till vår studie använde vi oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Vi intervjuade fem pedagoger som arbetar på fritidshemmet och utgick från deras barnperspektiv. Vår studie utgick från ett genus- och intersektionellt perspektiv. Genusnormer har på senare år fått mycket uppmärksamhet i media samt att Skolverket har utformat styrdokumenten för att skolorna ska sträva efter en jämställd och accepterande skolmiljö. I vår studie frågade vi pedagogerna om deras syn på hur genus och intersektionella områden har utvecklats och ändrats i skolans värld under de senaste åren. Utifrån vår studie blev resultatet att det har skett en förändring när det kommer till jämställdhet och genusnormerna på fritidshemmet. Skolan har blivit en mer accepterande miljö och pedagogerna vi intervjuade menar att man arbetar mycket med att eleverna ska få forma sina identiteter och kunna vara sig själva. Vi kom även fram till att pojkar och flickor leker mer tillsammans nu än för några år sedan. Enligt pedagogerna har det att göra med att det är mer okej nu än då att bryta och ifrågasätta genusmönster. Grupptrycket bland barnen spelar enligt pedagogerna en stor roll i val av kamrater, lek, aktivitet och vem som ska vara ledare i kamratgruppen.

Praktisk kunskap på fritidshemmet : Kan det defineras som en metod? / Practical knowledge/wisdom on the leisure center : Can it be defined as a method?

Backlund, Angelica, Etaat, Zahra January 2021 (has links)
Vi har genomfört en empirisk studie där vi undersökte forskningsfrågor relaterade till den praktiska kunskapen/klokheten fronesis på fritidshemmet. Forskningsfrågorna är baserade på att personalen kan relatera och formulera sina resonemang och handlingar utifrån verkliga situationer inom verksamheten. I genomförandet sökte vi svar på följande forskningsfrågor: Hur resonerar fritidshemspersonalen om den praktiska kunskapens möjligheter? Och hur kan den praktiska kunskapen komma till uttryck i fritidshemsverksamheten?  I denna empiriska studie använde vi oss av seminstrukturerade intervjuer, observationer och fältanteckningar. Resultatet av denna forskning visar att personalen tar stöd av en metod inom arbete i verksamheten, hellre än sin erfarenhet inom yrket. Uppsatsen problematiserats i relation till metoder. / We have conducted an empiric study where the practical wisdom and phronesis at after-school centers are investigated. The research questions are based on the teacher’s ability to relate to the subject and reason for their actions in real situations within the work.  For this purpose, these research questions were formulated: How do the leisure-time teachers reason about the possibilities of practical wisdom, and how can the practical wisdom be expressed at the leisure center? In order to collect data semi-structured interviews, observations and field notes were used.  The results of this research show that the leisure-time teachers get support from a method within the work area, rather than their experience in the profession. The essay is problematized in relation to method.

Elevers delaktighet och inflytande i skolan genom rastverksamheten : En kvalitativ analys av elevers delaktig och inflytande i rastverksamheten utifrån ett fritidshemsperspektiv

Hägglund, Christer, Ottoson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Pupils’ participation and influence in school by means of recess. We believe that recess and recess activities are an important arena for the leisure center'steaching. Therefore, in this study, we have investigated students' and teachers' perceptions of recess activities and its possibilities to offer students the right to democratic exercise from a leisure center perspective. Through interviews and surveys, students who do not feel involved within recess have been made visible.The thoughts and expressions of these students and educators have a joint contribution to insight into the possibility of recess activities as an arena for inclusive work, but also what obstacles exist. By having activated a relational perspective, a norm-critical perspective as well as children's perspective and child perspective in our analysis, our conclusion is that a broader intercultural approach, a distinct professional language and clearer consensus in the design of recess are needed. We hope that this study will contribute to a professional development of recess. A development where established terms and concepts regarding participation and influence become part of educators' daily work. We believe this would lead to more extensive democratic work where more students are enabled to participate and exercise influence.

Problematiskt språkbruk bland elever i skolan och på fritidshemmet : En studie om fult språk och svordomarur ett elev- och pedagogperspektiv

Hedin, Jessica, Makdissi Altun, Esther January 2024 (has links)
We are constantly surrounded by language, which affects our view of ourselves and the world around us. Children are especially affected by their language environment and will often adapt their speech to fit in among their friends. Nowadays it seems like cursing and insults has become more common among young students in the school environment, which worries us. This study presents our research on what we call problematic language, it is specified on students in middle school and their experience of the use of curses and insults around them. Our research was done by qualitative interviews with both students and teachers as the aim was to get different perspectives on how the students are affected. We have chosen to take the social perspective of language in our study together with the perspectives of previous research in the field of offensive language. What we discovered was that the students have a different view of the language use than teachers do. How words are perceived is very individual, it depends on the situation and the relations to those around. What is clear is that students get affected by their language environment and therefore need support and guidance in order to understand the effects of problematic language use. With this study we intend to bring awareness and knowledge that can benefit a healthy language environment for students in school and after school care

Relationer i blickfånget : Ett pedagogperspektiv på lärar-elev-relationen i fritidshem / Relationships in the spotlight : An educator’s perspective on the teacher-pupil relationship in school-age educare centres

Ljungmark, Antonia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I en asymmetrisk relation såsom mellan vuxen och barn, har den vuxne alltid det yttersta ansvaret för relationens kvalitet (Juul & Jensen, 2002/2003). Skolverket (2016) framhåller att relationer som präglas av närhet, respekt och positivitet är en del av fritidshemsundervisningen. Skapande av tillit, trygghet och tillhörighet gör lärandet meningsfullt för eleverna. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva vilka uppfattningar pedagoger i fritidshem har om lärar-elev-relationen i det egna yrkesutövandet. Metod: För insamling av datamaterial har semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts. För att bearbeta datamaterialet har tematisk analysmetod använts (Bryman, 2011; Braun & Clarke, 2018). Omsorgsetik (Colnerud, 2006; Bergman, 2004) och livsvärldsteorin (H. Dahlberg, 2019; K. Dahlberg, 2019) har använts för att tolka materialet. Resultat: Pedagogerna handlar på ett sätt som tyder på att de i yrkesrollen tar på sig det yttersta ansvaret för relationerna till sina elever och kvaliteten på relationerna. I samspel med eleverna arbetar pedagogerna för att skapa en god grund att stå på som gynnar elevernas utveckling och lärande. / Background: In an asymmetrical relationship such as between an adult and a child, the adult always has the ultimate responsibility for the quality of the relationship (Juul & Jensen, 2002/2003). Skolverket (2016) emphasizes it is important that relationships characterized by closeness, respect and positivity are part of the teaching. Creating trust, security and belonging for the pupils at the school-age educare centre enables learning to feel meaningful. Aim: The aim is to describe perceptions of educators in school-age educare centres relating the teacher-pupil relationship in the professional practice. Method: Datamaterial for this study has been collected through semi-structured interviews. The datamaterial has been processed using thematic analysis method (Bryman, 2011; Braun & Clarke, 2018). Care ethics (Colnerud, 2006; Bergman, 2004) and the life world theory (H. Dahlberg, 2019; K.Dahlberg, 2019) has been used to interpret the data. Results: The educators act in a way that indicates that they take on the ultimate responsibility for the relationships with their pupils and the quality of those relationships. In interaction with the pupils, the educators work to create a good foundation which benefits the pupils' development and learning.

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