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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valstybės plėtros strategijos formavimas globalizacijos sąlygomis / National development strategy formation in the perspective of globalisation

Baubinaitė, Kristina 27 May 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos objektas – valstybės plėtros strategijos (VPS) paradigminė kaita globalizacijos sąlygomis. Pristatytas kokybiškai naujas VPS analizės modelis, pagrįstas holistine paradigma. Šiuolaikinės VPS konstruojamos kaip kokybiškai nauja politines, ekonomines, socialines, kultūrines-tapatybines veiklas integruojanti priemonė, kuri išreiškia valstybės santykį su globalia konkurencine aplinka ir poindustrinės visuomenės raidos dinamika. Strategijų konkurencinio pranašumo svorio centras slenkasi nuo materialių išteklių link intelektinėmis žiniomis grindžiamų ir jomis remiantis kuriamų strateginių pranašumų. Dėl to pirmą kartą istorijoje mažos valstybės įgyja galimybę projektuoti savo strategijas globaliose erdvėse. Globalizacijos sąlygomis didėja VPS svarba. Tikėjimas ilgalaikės vizijos perspektyva tampa valstybės jėga, kuri padeda išrasti ateitį.Vis didesnę reikšmę įgyja dėmesys holistiniams valstybės gebėjimus atskleidžiantiems kokybiniams elementams, tokiems kaip: globalizacijos refleksija; VPS struktūrinė subordinacija, susiejanti politinę valią su prioritetų įgyvendinimu; valstybės „įsitinklinimo“ gebėjimai, jos identiteto konsolidavimas ne tik valstybės geografinėje platumoje, bet ir globaliose medijų platformose; pažangiausių ekonominio konkurencingumo modelių taikymas, darni plėtra bei geras valdymas. / The thesis focuses on the paradigmatic change of national long-term development strategies in the context of globalisation. Presented is a new qualitative national development strategy analysis model based on a holistic paradigm.Contemporarynational development strategies are constructed as a qualitatively new means, which integratepolitical, economic, social and cultural activities and expresses the states relationship with the global competitive environment and the post-industrial society’s dynamics. The gravity centre of strategic competitiveness is gradually moving from material resources towards knowledge-based strategic advantages. Therefore, for the first time in history, small statesare provided a unique opportunity to develop their own strategies on global dimension. The importance of long term development strategies is increasing.Faith in the long-term vision is becoming a national force, which under conditions of globalisation helps to invent the future. With paradigmatic change in strategic management, the focus in states‘ strategies is laid on holistic elements, such as: reflection of globalisation; structural subordination of the strategy; functionality via global networks; consolidation of national identitynot only in the geographical latitude of the state, but also in global media platforms; advanced models of economic competitiveness;sustainable development and good governance.

Koncept globalnog grada kao pristup razumevanju savremenih obrazaca urbanizacije i globalizacije

Pajvančić-Cizelj Ana 01 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Koncept globalnog grada, koji predstavlja osnovni predmet ove disertacije, je vodeća ideja u razumevanju odnosa globalizacije i urbanizacije. Unutar njega, gradovi se posmatraju kao strate&scaron;ka mesta lokalizacije, artikulacije i realizacije (ili čak proizvodnje) globalizacije, odnosno mesta na kojima se kristali&scaron;u dijalektički odnosi izmeĎu lokalnih i globalnih pojava i procesa. Osnovni cilj disertacije je odgovor na pitanje da li je, i u kojoj formi, koncept globalnog grada adekvatan okvir za razumevanje urbane budućnosti sveta i da li se moţe primeniti kao integri&scaron;uća paradigma u urbanoj sociologiji. U radu se izlaţe geneza i evolucija koncepta globalnog grada i njegova kritička evaluacija. Ističe se da je on nezaobilazan za savremenu (urbanu) sociologiju jer omogućava teorijsko i metodolo&scaron;ko objedinjavanje op&scaron;tih (globalnih) i posebnih (lokalnih) dimenzija globalizacije čime se produbljuju mogućnosti za istraţivanja odnosa aktera i strukture. Da bi se ovakav potencijal realizovao, koncept globalnog grada mora da bude redefinisan i to tako da se prevaziĎu njegovi ključni problemi: zapadnocentričnost, prezentizam i ekonomizam.<br />Zaključujemo i da bi dublja integracija koncepta globalnog grada i urbane sociologije omogućila objedinjavanje jake metodolo&scaron;ke osnove za analizu globalnih urbanih procesa sa kritičkom (urbano) sociolo&scaron;kom teorijom, čime se otvaraju mogućnosti za obnovu urbane sociologije i njen povratak u centar savremene kritičke dru&scaron;tvene misli i prakse.</p>

Lietuvių emigrantų išsilavinimas kaip kultūrinės adaptacijos veiksnys (Lietuvių, gyvenančių Anglijoje, išsilavinimo ir adaptacijos tyrimo pagrindu) / Lithuanian emigrants' calibre as the factor of cultural adaptation (on the grounds of the research of Lithuanian people, who live in the UK, calibre and adaptation)

Danikauskienė, Jurgita 21 June 2006 (has links)
Over the years hundreds of thousands Lithuanian people found themselves far away from their native country because of various reasons. When Lithuania became a member of European Union in 2004, Europe’s open states’ frontiers activated Lithuanian people to migrate to the USA, Ireland, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany and the West. Lithuanian emigrants and their children at all times getting into a different linguistic tone and sphere permanently or for a short period confront with many problems: emigrants’ adaptation and integration in the sphere of foreign countries keeping their nationally. Expression of successful migrants’ adaptation and integration is social involvement in new society. Polysemantic conception of social involvement is associated with political and civic awareness, involvement in economical, political, cultural and society life, development of ethnic culture and keeping the nationally. Herein scientific work it was tried to explore Lithuanians’ who live in Great Britain caliber as the factor of their cultural adaptation. The records of this research established that most Lithuanian migrants who live in England now belong to the emigratory surge which started after Lithuania became a member of European Union. These emigrants are looking for bigger emolument, better quality of life so they can be ascribed to economical emigrants. Most respondents are young and single (or they left their families in Lithuania), most of them finished vocational... [to full text]

Šiaurės Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis, jos veiklos mechanizmas bei įtaka šalių dalyvių ekonominei ir socialinei raidai / North American free trade agreement, its mechanism, and its impact on economic and social development of member countries

Maslauskaitė, Indrė 06 January 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis pasaulinis ūkis pasižymi nuolatos vykstančiais integraciniais procesais, visos šalys dalyvauja tarptautin÷je prekyboje, išskyrus tokias retas išimtis kaip Šiaur÷s Kor÷ja. Šalys d÷l įvairiausių priežasčių jungiasi į asociacijas, bendrijas, sąjungas, sudarydamos sutartis, konvencijas, susitarimus. Globalizacijos procesas daro reikšmingos įtakos tarptautin÷ms kapitalo rinkoms, prekių rinkoms, makroekonominei (biudžeto) politikai, pramon÷s santykiams ir darbo rinkos reglamentavimui. Šiuolaikiniame pasauliniame ūkyje, vykstant globalizacijos procesams, šalys jungiasi į integracines grupuotes, o integraciniai procesai keičia pasaulinę ūkio struktūrą, darbo pasidalijimą, gamybos veiksnių jud÷jimo apimtis ir mastą. Šiaur÷s Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutarties (original. klb. North American Free Trade Agreement) šalių integracin÷ grupuot÷ – viena stambiausių ir ekonomiškai stipriausių pasaulio integracinių grupuočių. Šiaur÷s Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis (NAFTA) – tai sutartis, sudaryta tarp Kanados, Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų ir Meksikos. NAFTA’os susitarimas pasirašytas 1994 m. sausio 1 d. NAFTA – tai trišal÷ prekybin÷ Šiaur÷s Amerikos šalių integracin÷ grupuot÷. Šiaur÷s Amerikos laisvosios prekybos sutartis sudaryta pratęsiant 1989 m. Kanados ir JAV laisvosios prekybos sutartį. NAFTA, priešingai nei ES, neturi nei antinacionalinių valdžios organų, nei įstatymin÷s sistemos, viršesn÷s už nacionalines. NAFTA – tai sutartis, sudaryta vadovaujantis tarptautine... [to full text] / Integrative processes are very characteristic to contemporary global economy, every country participates in the international trade, except for such rare exceptions as North Korea. Due to various circumstances countries integrate into associations, communities, unions, by concluding agreements, conventions and contracts. The process of globalizations makes significant influence on international markets of capital, product markets, macroeconomic (budget) policy, industrial relationship and on the regulation of labour market. In contemporary global economy, in the presence of globalization, countries integrate into integrative groups, as a result, the integrative processes change the structure of the global economy, labour division, volumes and scope of production. The integrative group of North American Free Trade Agreement is one of the largest and economically strongest world’s integrative groups. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement, which was concluded among Canada, United States of America and Mexico. NAFTA was concluded on the 1st of January 1994. NAFTA is a trilateral integrative group of North America. North American Free Trade Agreement was concluded as an extension of Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA, contrary to EU, has nor antinational organs of authority, neither legislative system, which would be superior to national legislative system. NAFTA is an agreement, which was concluded following the international legislative... [to full text]

Mokytojų ir mokinių bendravimo kultūra ir jos įtaka ugdymo procesui / Culture of Personal Contacts and collaboration between Teachers and Students and it's influence

Botyriūtė, Danguolė 22 May 2005 (has links)
Object of the research – problems of collaboration and personal contacts at secondary school. Hypothesis: There is some concern about culture of students` personal contacts. Negative features of national character can exert influence on students` unwillingness to learn in cooperation. Strained relations between teachers and law level of collaboration have a negative effect upon upbringing process. Not good enough relations between teachers and students impede to achieve the better progress in learning. Purpose of research – to investigate influence of communication culture and it`s components on upbringing process in sociological – pedagogical aspect. Goals: to analyze scientific publications about communication especially at school; about source of problems connected, with communication culture in Lithuanian schools; about personal contacts and collaboration culture; about active teaching methods. To investigate teachers` regulations of communication and collaboration with students and teachers. To analyze influence of communication culture on students` learning results. To give practical recommendations to the teachers of Kazlu Ruda administration schools about contacts and importance of collaboration culture for learning and upbringing process. The opinions of respondents are found out by using questionnaire in this research. There were 2 questionnaires formed for teachers and for students. It was done the pilotage before the basic research. Then there were... [to full text]

Z. Baumano socialinė filosofija / Z. Bauman's Postmodern Social Philosophy

Barevičiūtė, Jovilė 23 May 2005 (has links)
Postmodern social philosophy of Z. Bauman is considered in this master’s thesis making emphasis on its main frames and aspects. The thinker analyses the phenomenon of globalization basing on dialectics of globalism and localism and states that globalization in fact is glocalization, that means some are becoming more and more global while others become more local and provincial. Globalization and localization are two sides of this process: some are globalizing because others are localizing, and there are no any without others. In Z. Bauman’s opinion, the phenomenon of globalization has become vital for the concept of the society itself. Release from the panoptical individuals’ levelling mechanisms and regimes of modernity marks the end of the traditional community as well as reign of individualistic communitarianism. In his philosophy, Z. Bauman emphasizes significance of growing urbanization and individualization as its result for decay of collective relations. This problem discloses transformations of postmodern ethics and morality. Z. Bauman defines postmodern morality as morality without ethics. Following E. Levinas’ asymmetry of I-Thou relation, the thinker analyses problems of individual’s identity, mass culture and Holocaust. Z. Bauman’s social research of postmodernity is essential for philosophic consideration of certain transformations of modernity phenomena in the era of postmodernity and for defining of modernity and postmodernity relation as well distinguishing... [to full text]

Vestfalijos modelio valstybių suverenumas ir globalizacijos procesų iššūkiai / Westphalian States’ Sovereignty and Challenges of the Globalization

Nekrašas, Dovidas 05 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama suverenumo istorija, apibrėžiama globalizacija, aptariama globalizacijos istorija, globalizacijos įtaka tradicinei valstybių politikai, globalizacijos procesų kritika, apžvelgiami antiglobalistiniai judėjimai. Įvardijami globalizacijos iššūkiai Vestfalijos modelio valstybių sistemai, tautinio valstybių suverenumo taikymo ribos, atskiriama tautiškumo ir Tautos sąvokos, apžvelgiamos viršnacionalinių idėjų teorijos. Įvardinus globalizacijos procesų metamus iššūkius tautinėms valstybėms, pabrėžiama švietimo sistemos atnaujinimo būtinybė, įvertinama minėtojo modelio žlugimo galimybė. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: Angliškas ir lietuviškas apibendrinimai, Įvadas, Suverenumo idėjos istorija, Globalizacija ir jos procesų apžvalga, Suverenumo instituto taikymo ribos, Išvados, Literatūros sąrašas. / 500 years ago both a doctrine and institution of sovereignty were created; both were changed frequently in order to meet contemporaneous political demands. After World War I a system of sovereign nation-states was formed, which has become extremely conservative and suspicious towards any change in the status quo. If history has taught us anything, it is to doubt any theory or ideology that claims to have knowledge of the end of sovereignty. Globalization processes have raised many challenges never before seen by nation states: the loss of control of both global and local economies; migration and technological advancement taking away the monopoly of information flows in and out the countries; global issues forcing states to introduce supranational organizations such as the EU and NATO. Anti-global movements arise within the frames of globalism, and therefore a paradox emerges: anti-global processes work in the global field. With this in mind we can say that they will not change the world’s tendencies towards globalism, but they can change the sources of global flows and disassociate Western capitalism and Westernism from globalization. While nation-states remain an important political structure, attention should be drawn to discussions about decreasing control and increasing the economic information and human flows that fall outside of the purview of states. The doctrine of state sovereignty has never been so ideologically – as well as legally – weak, and the limits of... [to full text]

Globalizacijos įtakos pajamų nelygybei Europos Sąjungos šalyse įvertinimas / The impact of globalization on income inequality in Europe Union countries

Misiukonytė, Agnė 06 June 2013 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – pasiūlyta metodika įvertinti globalizacijos proceso įtaką pajamų nelygybės kitimui 1995-2011 metais Europos Sąjungos šalyse. Pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami teoriniai globalizacijos veiksnių ir pajamų nelygybės sąryšiai, bei šių reiškinių kiekybinio įvertinimo metodai. Antroje dalyje pateikiama pajamų nelygybės ir globalizacijos situacijos analizė Europos Sąjungos šalims 1995-2011 metais, iškeliamos hipotezės nusakančios globalizacijos poveikį pajamų nelygybei ir pateikiama empirinio tyrimo metodika. Trečiame skyriuje pateikiami empirinio tyrimo rezultatai, jų analizė ir statistinis bei ekonominis vertinimas. Pateikiamos metodinės rekomendacijas tolesniems analogiškos tematikos tyrimams ir ekonominės rekomendacijos pajamų nelygybės mažinimui. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad globalizacija didina pajamų nelygybę per mokslo ir technologijų plėtrą bei tarptautinę prekybą, bei mažina per demokratijos lygio augimą. / The goal of this paper – to suggest a methodology and evaluate the impact of globalization on income inequality in Europe Union countries during period 1995-2011. The first part of the paper deals with theoretical aspects of relationship between globalization and unequal income distribution, as well as analyzes quantitative methods of measuring globalization and income inequality. In the second part, the analysis of factors and indexes of globalization and income inequality is made within Europe Union countries during period 1995-2011. The methodology of empirical research is presented, as well as hypotheses with respect to the goal of the paper. In the third part results are represented and analyzed. The recommendations are made: firstly, methodological ones for the future researches in the analogic topic, secondly, economic ones with a purpose of reducing income inequality. The empirical results showed that research and development increases income inequality as well as international trade, while democracy reduces the level of unequal income distribution.

Etnopolitika ir ją įtakojantys veiksniai / Ethnic policy and its factors

Trakšelys, Kęstutis 18 May 2006 (has links)
1.MASTER THESIS: “Ethnic policy and its factors“ 2.AUTHOR: Kęstutis Trakšelys 3.OBJECTIVE: Analyse ethnic policy’s phenomenons and factors which influence its purposefulness and independence. 4. Nowadays in our modern life ethnic policy has became very urgent. Various worldwide processes and relationships are global. Integration into EU causes ethnic policy. As a result, each country tries to save its ethnic identity and traditions. Ethnic policy could not be separated from the nation. But we have to find the differences between the ethnic policy and ethnic politics, which is better known as state’s political policy to ethnic groups in its territory. Ethnic policy is an interaction of ethnic groups in political system. Lithuanian nation is our state’s foundation, therefore national authority must prosecute such internal and foreign politics that our nation’s interests should be represented. Politics of our nation depends on citizens’ political mentality and preference. In the future it will be obviously if Lithuania maintains national traditions and can resist to the influence of the other powerful countries. Now we can see the consequences, lots of people emigrate, youth is becoming cosmopolitan, less of them relate themselves with Lithuania. Nation, Its state is an entity, as well. Its a very complicated, social entity. The state, which prosecutes proper ethnic policy and resists the interests of the nation, fosters its... [to full text]

Verslumo kompetencijų ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / The education and training of enterpreneurship in the secondary school

Danikauskienė, Regina 21 June 2006 (has links)
SUMMARY The education and training of entrepreneurship is a new thing in Lithuania. It includes knowledge, skill development, and individual qualities corresponding student’s age and logic level. Primary, secondary, and vocational training schools develop entrepreneurship and learning by doing. Because of entrepreneurship, the cooperation between training institutions and business enterprises, teachers’ training, encouragement of business initiatives at universities takes place. The work’s research problem consists of questions like entrepreneurship conception, aspects, and growth potential. The objective of this research is to show secondary schools students and teacher’s attitude towards entrepreneurship education competence. To achieve this objective and to reveal problematic aspects, different scientific pedagogical, psychological, and other issues were used. The research is made to evaluate the importance of entrepreneurship education from the secondary schools students and teacher’s viewpoint; to develop the ways of entrepreneurship teaching, to explore education abilities of the entrepreneurship competences; to determine the necessary qualities and skills for entrepreneurship competence and give recommendations. The work reveals the essence of entrepreneurship competence: entrepreneurship is not only the creation of your business, but the growth of your qualities as well. Entrepreneurship competences are influenced by the growth of certain natural and acquired... [to full text]

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