Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ennovation atemsystem"" "subject:"ennovation systsystem""
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Knowledge network management and territorial innovation systems – a comparative analysis of science parksBrinkhoff, Sascha 21 August 2017 (has links)
Lern- und Innovationsprozesse erfordern den Zugang zu externem Wissen und die Zusammenführung von Wissensbasen verschiedener Akteure und Akteursgruppen (u.a. Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, öfffentliche Verwaltung, sowie weitere Innovationsträger). Wissenschafts- und Technologieparks (WTP) sind in diesem Zusammenhang ein wichtiges Instrument der wissensbasierten Regionalentwicklung, um konkrete Orte des Lernens und von Innovationen zu schaffen. Jedoch die relativ schwache Interaktion zwischen Unternehmen und Wissenschaft in diesen Innovationsräumen sowie die gleichzeitig zunehmend empirisch belegte Relevanz von globalen Wissensflüssen und Innovationsnetzwerken erfordern die Spezifizierung der maßgebenden Einflußfaktoren von Wissensbeziehungen.
Mehrdimensionale Nähe- und Distanzbeziehungen kennzeichnen interorganisatorische Beziehungen des Wissensaustauschs und der Wissensgenerierung. Diese Arbeit analysiert die spezifischen Nähekonstellationen zwischen Unternehmen und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in direkten sowie - durch Wissensnetzwerk-Management systematisch organisiert - in indirekten Wissensbeziehungen. Die konzeptionellen Ansätze der Proximity-Forschung sowie des Wissensmanagements bieten die Grundlage für die empirische Untersuchung der Wissensnetzwerke von Technologiefirmen in den WTP Berlin-Adlershof und Sevilla-Cartuja.
Unterschiedliche Typen von Technologieunternehmen in Hinblick auf die Struktur und räumliche Dimension der Wissensbeziehungen zu Wissenschaft und Forschung stellen ein wesentliches Ergebnis der Arbeit dar. Die Arbeit belegt zudem die Funktion mehrdimensionaler Nähe in den Wissensbeziehungen. Des Weiteren wird die Organisation notwendiger und wichtiger Nähedimensionen durch Instrumente des Wissensnetzwerk-Managements aufgezeigt, um Wissensbeziehungen zu erschließen, zu aktivieren und nutzbar zu machen. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen werden Handlungsempfehlungen für das Management von WTP und weiteren räumlichen Innovationssystemen abgeleitet. / In the knowledge-based ecomomy, innovation is characterized by a dynamic and interactive learning process involving diverse actors; industry, science, public administration, as well as other entities and sub-systems. In this regard, science and technology parks (STP) have become a prominent instrument of regional governments to create specific localities of learning and innovation. However, empirical evidence increasingly points to rather weak local industry-academia interaction in STPs in specifically and the equivalent importance of local and non-local connections as roots of knowledge diffusion and innovation more generally.
Multi-faceted proximity determines the multi-scalar process of knowledge sourcing and knowledge interaction. This dissertation thesis analyses the specific proximity configurations given in direct ties and organized through knowledge network management (KNM) in STP resident firms’ indirect linkages to scientific knowledge sources. The theoretical approaches of the proximity framework and knowledge management provide the analytical framework for the empirical analysis of egocentric knowledge networks to academia of high-technology firms located in the Berlin-Adlershof and Seville-Cartuja science parks.
Based on this theoretical and methodological framework, I identify distinct types of knowledge-seeking STP resident companies in regard to the quality, form and geography of interactive ties to science. Furthermore, the thesis sheds light on the specific proximity configurations relevant in successful industry-academia knowledge relations. Furthermore, it reveals the underlying mechanisms of specific KNM instruments organizing necessary and critical proximities in order to forge, activate and harness knowledge networks on distinct geographical scales. Based on the analysis’ findings, specific policy recommendations for the management of STPs and other kinds of territorial innovation systems are developed.
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The role of university-industry-government relationship in cluster development : the case of MSC MalaysiaMohd Yusof, Zatun Najahah January 2013 (has links)
Malaysia is a transition economic country that aims to be a developed country by 2020. In realising this mission (Vision 2020), the cluster concept has been an interest and adopted by the central authorities. There are few years ahead to reach the targeted year and it interest of this study to investigate the relevant development on its own engineered cluster of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) that was put forward on the success of Silicon Valley in the US. This thesis focuses on the development of the MSC cluster in the Malaysia context. It examines and measures the state of the cluster, the role played by its core actors (from Triple Helix perspective) and their relationship in the MSC. The role of collaboration has been used to measure the relationship among actors with the key determinants of cluster formation. A mixed data collection method was used to answer the research question and objectives involved. A conceptual model for analysing the MSC cluster is proposed, bringing together insights from the literature on clusters, role of actors, collaborative relationship and the complex systems of innovation approach. This conceptual model uncover the weaknesses of social dimension (social infrastructure) in Porter’s diamond model and the general approach of Triple Helix model in the cluster development. The cluster lifecycle model is used to add the depth to the analysis on the condition of cluster development.
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Le Système d’Innovation Technologique des agroénergies de la canne à sucre, un outil de développement durable au Brésil, quels enseignements pour la formation des politiques de développement liées au capital naturel en Afrique de l’Ouest ? / The sugar cane bioenergies Technological Innovation System, a tool for sustainable development in Brazil, what lessons for the formation of development policies linked to the natural capital in West Africa? / O Sistema de Inovação Tecnológica da agroenergia de cana de açúcar, ferramenta de desenvolvimento sustentável no Brasil, que lições para a formação de políticas de desenvolvimento relacionadas com o capital natural na África Ocidental?Lanckriet, Edouard 07 February 2017 (has links)
Au Brésil, la canne à sucre sert de matière première à la fabrication de sucre, de carburant, et d’électricité. Ce modèle industriel a permis au pays d’ériger en avantage compétitif sa productivité en biomasse. Il a été promu en Afrique mais la majorité des projets d’agroénergies y a été un échec. Ce constat pose la question de l’intérêt du modèle au Brésil et du rôle des agroénergies dans une stratégie de développement. Notre analyse pose le « modèle brésilien » comme Système d’Innovation Technologique - le SIT de la canne - dont nous analysons la trajectoire de long terme afin d’en saisir les déterminants de succès et d’échec ainsi que le rôle socio-économique historique. Il se structure depuis la fin du XIXème et sert une stratégie de diversification des marchés de la canne à sucre par l’importation, l’adaptation et la diffusion des technologies nécessaires à l’essor de ces nouveaux marchés. La filière biocarburant a en particulier nécessité de créer un système technologique alternatif. Le soutien public a été déterminant dans l’évolution du SIT de la canne, façonnée par les crises sociales et économiques du pays. Par le SIT de la canne, le Brésil a pu former son capital humain à la valorisation du capital naturel, cela lui permet aujourd’hui d’expérimenter une conversion agroécologique du mode de culture, afin de régénérer le capital naturel sol.Notre analyse du modèle brésilien nous permet de préciser la fonction des agroénergies dans une stratégie de développement : elles sont avant tout un outil de soutien à l’économie agricole. Au regard de cela nous analysons les facteurs d’échecs des projets africains de jatropha-énergie et formulons une proposition pour la structuration d’un SIT des agroénergies adapté aux enjeux de développement de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, que nous proposons d’adosser à la filière oléagineuse. / In Brazil, sugar cane is used as a raw material for the production of sugar, fuel, and electricity. This industrial model has enabled the country to build a competitive advantage on the biomass productivity of its soils. It has been promoted in Africa but the majority of African bioenergy projects have been a failure. This raises the question of the interest of the model in Brazil, of the role of bioenergy in a development strategy.The Brazilian model is a Technological Innovation System, the sugar cane TIS, which we analyze in the long term. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been structured to import, adapt and spread technologies in order to diversify sugar cane markets. The biofuel sector required the creation of an alternative technological system, financed by the State through the Proalcool Program (1975 to 1985); Created to absorb the surpluses of the sugar sector and for the energy security of the country. Public support was key in the evolution of the TIS, forged in the wake of the country's social and economic crises. The sugar cane TIS has enabled Brazil to train its human capital in the valorization of natural capital, which enables it today to experiment a new change : the agroecological conversion of the cane cultivation model, that would allow regenerating the Natural Capital soil. Based on our analysis of the Brazilian model we formulate an analysis of the factors of failure of the African jatropha biofuel projects and make a proposal for the structuring of a biofuel TIS adapted to West Africa stakes of development, which we suggest to back up to the oilseed chain. / No Brasil, a cana-de-açúcar é utilizado como matéria-prima na fabricação de açúcar, combustível e eletricidade. Este modelo de negócio tem permitido ao país para transformar a produtividade de biomassa de seu solo em uma vantagem competitiva. Ele foi promovido na África, mas a maioria dos projetos de agroenergia africanos houve uma falha. Isso levanta a questão do interesse do modelo no Brasil, bem como o papel da bioenergia em uma estratégia de desenvolvimento. O modelo brasileiro é um Sistema de Inovação Tecnológica, o SIT da cana, que analisamos a longo prazo. Ele é estruturado desde o final do século XIX para importação, adaptação e difusão de tecnologias afim de diversificar os mercados de cana. O setor do etanol combustível tem necessidade de um sistema tecnologia alternativa, financiado pelo governo através do Programa Proálcool (1975-1985); ele foi criado para absorver os excedentes do sector do açúcar e para a segurança energética do país. O apoio público tem sido fundamental para a evolução do SIT, foi forjada pelas crises sociais e económicas do país. Hoje o SIT da cana-de-açúcar experimenta um modelo de produção agroecológica para o cultivo da cana, ele deveria ser capaz de regenerar o capital natural. Nossa análise do modelo brasileiro nos permite fazer uma análise dos fatores de não-sucesso dos projetos africanos de produção de biocombustível de jatropha. Nós formular uma proposta de estruturação de um SIT da agroenergia Oeste Africano adaptado às questões de desenvolvimento locais, propomos a ser associado ao setor oleaginosa.
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Aménagement du territoire, levier de développement durable : étude comparée des systèmes d'innovation français et sud-coréens dans le processus de métropolisation / Spatial planning as a driving force for sustainable development : comparative study of French and South Korean innovation systems in the metropolization processPark, Jiyeon 20 October 2016 (has links)
Faire métropole est très souvent associée à l’aménagement d’un vaste territoire, ce qui le limite à la simple recherche d’un périmètre ou d’une échelle pertinents. Or, elle implique bien davantage. L’intercommunalité française, ouverte à des formes de coopération diverses et variées entre les différentes entités territoriales, constitue une piste intéressante à explorer. C’est pourquoi à l’étranger, la France est souvent présentée comme un exemple en matière de coopération et de décentralisation, notamment dans les pays à forte tradition centralisatrice, comme la Corée du Sud. Dans cette perspective, nous effectuerons des études de cas comparatives à effet miroir sur le processus de métropolisation en France et en Corée du Sud. Notre étude cherche à illustrer la structuration du système d’innovation (SI) selon le schéma de co-construction PAS, qui permet, entre autres, de co-créer un écosystème d’échange, de partage et d’arbitrage -servant ainsi de force motrice et optimisatrice au système urbain par spécialisation. Notre étude vise enfin à orienter l’aménagement du territoire vers la démarche intégratrice de développement durable. / The development of a Metropolis is very often associated with the construction of a vast territory, which limits it to the simple search for a pertinent perimeter or level. It implies, however, much more. The French intercommunality, that opens up to various forms of cooperation between different territorial entities, is an interesting approach in this respect. France is, indeed, often presented aborad as an example of cooperation and of decentralization, especially in countries with a strong centralizing tradition, such as South Korea. In this perspective, we will carry out comparative case studies mirroring the process of metropolisation in France and in South Korea. Our study seeks to illustrate how to structure the innovation system (IS) according to the co-construction scheme PAS, making it possible, among otherthings, to co-create an ecosystem of exchange, sharing and arbitration -and thus serving as a driving force and optimizing force in an urban system of specialization. Finally, our study aims at orienting spatial planning towards the integrated approach of sustainable development.
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Development of a GIS-based decision support tool for environmental impact assessment and due-diligence analyses of planned agricultural floating solar systemsPrinsloo, Frederik Christoffel 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English / In recent years, there have been tremendous advances in information technology, robotics, communication technology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, resulting in the merging of physical, digital, and biological worlds that have come to be known as the "fourth industrial revolution”. In this context, the present study engages such technology in the green economy and to tackle the techno-economic environmental impact assessments challenges associated with floating solar system applications in the agricultural sector of South Africa. In response, this exploratory study aimed to examine the development of a Geographical Information System (GIS)-based support platform for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and due-diligence analyses for future planned agricultural floating solar systems, especially with the goal to address the vast differences between the environmental impacts for land-based and water-based photovoltaic energy systems.
A research gap was identified in the planning processes for implementing floating solar
systems in South Africa’s agricultural sector. This inspired the development of a novel GIS-based modelling tool to assist with floating solar system type energy infrastructure planning in the renewable energy discourse. In this context, there are significant challenges and future research avenues for technical and environmental performance modelling in the new sustainable energy transformation. The present dissertation and geographical research ventured into the conceptualisation, designing and development of a software GIS-based decision support tool to assist environmental impact practitioners, project owners and landscape architects to perform environmental scoping and environmental due-diligence analysis for planned floating solar systems in the local agricultural sector. In terms of the aims and objectives of the research, this project aims at the design and development of a dedicated GIS toolset to determine the environmental feasibility around the use of floating solar systems in agricultural applications in South Africa. In this context, the research objectives of this study included the use of computational modelling and simulation techniques to theoretically determine the energy yield predictions and computing environmental impacts/offsets for future planned agricultural floating solar systems in South
Africa. The toolset succeeded in determining these aspects in applications where floating
solar systems would substitute Eskom grid power. The study succeeded in developing a
digital GIS-based computer simulation model for floating solar systems capable of (a) predicting the anticipated energy yield, (b) calculating the environmental offsets achieved by substituting coal-fired generation by floating solar panels, (c) determining the environmental impact and land-use preservation benefits of any floating solar system, and (d) relating these metrics to water-energy-land-food (WELF) nexus parameters suitable for user project viability analysis and decision support. The research project has demonstrated how the proposed GIS toolset supports the body of geographical knowledge in the fields of Energy and Environmental Geography. The new toolset, called EIAcloudGIS, was developed to assist in solving challenges around
energy and environmental sustainability analysis when planning new floating solar installations on farms in South Africa. Experiments conducted during the research showed how the geographical study in general, and the toolset in particular, succeeded in solving a real-world problem. Through the formulation and development of GIS-based computer simulation models embedded into GIS layers, this new tool practically supports the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA Act No. 107 of 1998), and in particular, associated EIA processes. The tool also simplifies and semi-automates certain aspects of environmental impact analysis processes for newly envisioned and planned floating solar installations in South Africa. / Geography / M.Sc. (Geography)
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Implementation of a Mobile Healthcare Solution at an Inpatient Ward / Implementation av ett mobilt informationsstöd på en sjukhusavdelningOttosson, Ulrika, Rönnlund, Siri January 2020 (has links)
Healthcare is a complex system under great pressure for meeting the patients’ needs. Implementing technology at inpatient wards might possibly support healthcare professionals and improve quality of care. However, these technologies might come with issues and the system might not be used as intended. This master thesis project investigates how healthcare professionals communicate at an inpatient ward and how this might be affected by implementing a Mobile Healthcare Solution (MHS). Further, it sought to question why healthcare professions might, or might not, use the MHS as a support of their daily work and what some reasons for this might be. Research methods were of qualitative approach. Field studies were performed at an inpatient ward and further, two healthcare professionals were interviewed. Grounded Theory (GT) was chosen as a method to process the data and obtain understanding for communication at the inpatient ward. The results showed that healthcare professionals communicate verbally, written and by reading, using different tools. The most prominent ways of communication were verbally, where it was common to report or discuss about a patient. The means for communication did not get drastically affected by implementing the MHS and reasons for this were of social, technical and organizational types. Some reasons for not using the MHS were habits and due to healthcare professionals perceiving the MHS as more time consuming than manual handling. However, a specific investigation of whether this might affect the usage of the MHS is yet needed
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Enabling socio-technical transitions – electric vehicles and high voltage electricity grids as focal points of low emission futuresAlbrecht, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Today humankind is facing numerous sustainability challenges that require us to question CO2 intensive practices like those present in the transport and energy sector. To meet those challenges, many countries have adopted ambitious climate targets. Achieving such targets requires an understanding of the wider socio-technical context of transitions. The aim of this licentiate thesis is therefore to analyse such socio-technical transitions towards low-emission futures enabled by the electrification of passenger cars and high voltage grid development. A combination of different transitions theories (for ex. Multi-level perspective and Technological innovation systems) and institutional theory has been used. To reach the aim paper I analyses the climate impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) and policy measures to achieve a breakthrough scenario for EVs. The results show that a mixture of short and long term policies are needed that take into account the technology development stage and behavioural aspects of EV adopters. Paper II addresses the need to include the high voltage transmission grid and its planning procedures as a central part of debates on transitions. Therefore the opportunities, challenges and reasons for conflict in the established regime are studied. The results show that in order to achieve a sustainable grid development regime, it is necessary to spend time on achieving legitimacy and social sustainability. The third paper uses semi-structured expert interviews and focuses on innovation dynamics for EV adoption. By focusing on dynamics instead of single policy measures, it is possible to grasp interactions within a niche, but also in between a niche, regime and landscape. The results show that strong initial technology legitimacy was needed to start substantial innovation dynamics. This could be further strengthened with a strong and broad coalition of actors. Both those factors led, if present, to an improved variety and match of policy instruments. As such this thesis has shown that transitions are not just about technology or policy instruments as such but about the dynamics and processes needed to enable them. This can be relevant in other transitions that otherwise may underestimate the importance of these components. / <p>QC 20170512</p> / Norstrat
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Navigating Sustainability : A case study exploring alternative energy sources for maritime shipping / Navigerar hållbarhet : En fallstudie som undersöker alternativa energikällor till fraktfartygNordenskiöld, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis studies alternative energy sources for maritime shipping in Sweden. With current climate goals, and a need for change, the maritime sector currently undergoes intense transitions. For shipping companies to lower their carbon footprint, the need to replace non decarbonised fuels is hence critical. With numerous alternatives, currently being developed, actors are phasing obstacles regarding which energy source that is most mature in terms of technical readiness as well as how adequate it will fulfil current climate goals. This study will analyse four different energy sources, liquid hydrogen (LH2), electro-methanol (emethanol), electro-ammonia (e-ammonia) and wind (sails), and answer which out of these energy sources will be most suitable for actors to adapt. To answer this question, the Technological Innovation System framework has been utilised, and the results has been applied to some chosen climate target actions developed by Swedish authorities. The findings proved that e-methanol currently is most mature and has reached most alignment with current climate goals, followed by LH2/wind and lastly e-ammonia. / Detta examensarbete studerar alternativa energikällor för fraktfartyg i Sverige. Med nuvarande klimatmål, och ett behov av förändring, genomgår den maritima sektorn intensiva omställningar. För att rederier ska kunna sänka sitt koldioxidavtryck är behovet att ersätta icke koldioxidneutrala bränslen därför stort. Med ett flertal alternativ, som för närvarande är under utveckling, står aktörer inför hinder angående vilken energikälla som är mest redo gällande teknikmognadsgrad samt hur adekvat den kommer att uppfylla nuvarande klimatmål. Denna studie kommer att analysera fyra olika energikällor, flytande väte (LH2), elektro-metanol (e-metanol), elektro-ammoniak (e-ammoniak) och vind (segel), och ta reda på vilka av dessa energikällor som är mest lämpad för aktörer att använda sig av. För att svara på denna fråga har ramverket Technological Innovation Systems använts och resultaten har tillämpats på några utvalda klimatmålsåtgärder som tagits fram av svenska myndigheter. Resultaten visade att e-metanol för närvarande är mest mogen och har nått mest anpassning till nuvarande klimatmål, följt av LH2/vind och slutligen e-ammoniak.
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Análisis crítico del discurso de los stakeholders del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de ParaguayDávalos Dávalos, Luis Alberto 13 June 2022 (has links)
[ES] Este estudio se propuso analizar los discursos usados por los principales actores implicados en el sistema nacional de ciencia y tecnología -mediante entrevistas a investigadores, gestores académicos universitarios, funcionarios y empresarios- para contribuir a la descripción del estado actual de la ciencia en Paraguay y su lugar en la sociedad del conocimiento globalizada. El hecho de indagar sobre el sistema nacional de innovación a partir de la consulta directa a los skateholders permitió profundizar por sobre la información que aportan los policy makers. Y es aquí donde radica el carácter innovador de este material, en el contexto de investigaciones que abordan la política de innovación y que se centran en el análisis de documentos o declaraciones de los policy makers, mientras que aquí se ha trabajado con una multivocalidad que puso en relieve discursos opuestos, otros que se complementan y aquellos dominantes. Así pues, desde una perspectiva basada en el constructivismo social -de acuerdo con la cual el lenguaje construye la realidad social-, se analizó la forma en que el discurso de determinados grupos incide sobre cómo se constituye el sistema nacional de ciencia y tecnología paraguayo. Esto permitirá dar cuenta de cuáles son las posturas, convergentes y divergentes, que subyacen a la construcción social del sistema nacional de ciencia y tecnología paraguayo y en qué medida dichas posturas inciden en los procesos actuales de transformación de este impulsados por el Estado. El análisis discursivo efectuado puso en relieve problemáticas y percepciones que evidencian que el sistema conformado por el sector público y el sector privado no funciona adecuadamente. A la par de ello, los discursos de los distintos tipos de stakeholders involucrados en el sistema nacional de ciencia y tecnología paraguayo, obedecen a sus intereses de parte, sin tener en cuenta -en ciertos casos- las reales necesidades de la sociedad en post de su beneficio, y anteponiendo el beneficio sectorial o particular. / [CA] Aquest estudi es va proposar analitzar els discursos emprats pels principals actors implicats en el sistema nacional de ciència i tecnologia -mitjançant entrevistes a investigadors, gestors acadèmics universitaris, funcionaris i empresaris- per a contribuir a la descripció de l'estat actual de la ciència a Paraguai i el seu lloc en la societat del coneixement globalitzada. El fet d'indagar sobre el sistema nacional d'innovació a partir de la consulta directa als *skateholders va permetre aprofundir per sobre la informació que aporten els *policy *makers. I és ací on radica el caràcter innovador d'aquest estudi, en el context d'investigacions que aborden la política d'innovació i que se centren en l'anàlisi de documents o declaracions dels *policy *makers, mentre que ací s'ha treballat amb una *multivocalidad que va posar en relleu discursos oposats, uns altres que es complementen i aquells dominants. Així doncs, des d'una perspectiva basada en el constructivisme social -d'acord amb la qual el llenguatge construeix la realitat social-, es va analitzar la forma en què el discurs de determinats grups incideix sobre com es constitueix el sistema nacional de ciència i tecnologia paraguaià. Això permetrà donar compte de quins són les postures, convergents i divergents, que subjauen a la construcció social del sistema nacional de ciència i tecnologia paraguaià i en quina mesura aquestes postures incideixen en els processos actuals de transformació d'aquest impulsats per l'Estat. L'anàlisi discursiva efectuada va posar en relleu problemàtiques i percepcions que evidencien que el sistema conformat pel sector públic i el sector privat no funciona adequadament. A l'una d'això, els discursos dels diferents tipus de *stakeholders involucrats en el sistema nacional de ciència i tecnologia paraguaià, obeeixen als seus interessos de part, sense tindre en compte -en uns certs casos- les reals necessitats de la societat en post del seu benefici, i anteposant el benefici sectorial o particular. / [EN] This study aimed to analyze the discourses used by the main actors involved in the national science and technology system - through interviews with researchers, university academic managers, officials, and businesspeople - to contribute to the description of the current state of science in Paraguay and its place in the globalized knowledge society. The fact of inquiring about the national innovation system based on direct consultation with the stakeholders made it possible to delve deeper into the information provided by the policy makers. And this is where the innovative character of this study lies, in the context of research that deals with innovation policy and that focuses on the analysis of documents or declarations by policy makers, while here we have worked with a multivocality that put in relief opposing discourses, others that complement each other and those that are dominant. Thus, from a perspective based on social constructivism -according to which language constructs social reality-, the way in which the discourse of certain groups affects how the Paraguayan national science and technology system is constituted was analyzed. This will allow us to account for the positions, convergent and divergent, that underlie the social construction of the Paraguayan national science and technology system and to what extent these positions affect the current processes of transformation of this promoted by the State. The discursive analysis conducted highlighted problems and perceptions that show that the system made up of the public sector and the private sector does not work properly. At the same time, the speeches of the diverse types of stakeholders involved in the Paraguayan national science and technology system, obey their interests, without considering -in certain cases- the real needs of society in post of its benefit, and prioritizing the sectoral or particular benefit. / Dávalos Dávalos, LA. (2022). Análisis crítico del discurso de los stakeholders del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Paraguay [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183317
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Sozioökonomische Bewertung nachhaltiger Innovationen zur Überwindung der Nachbaukrankheit bei Äpfeln. Eine Ex-ante-Akzeptanzanalyse mit Hilfe der Strukturgleichungsmodellierung.Petzke, Nicole 12 December 2019 (has links)
Aufgrund des gesellschaftlichen Wandels, globaler klimatischer und marktlicher Veränderungen sowie zunehmender Ressourcenknappheit sind landwirtschaftliche Betriebe immer mehr gefordert, ihre Produktionsverfahren anzupassen. Doch sind solche Innovationen häufig komplex und weisen einen systemischen Charakter auf. KMU sind
häufig nicht in der Lage, diese oft mit höherem Risiko behafteten Innovationen voranzutreiben oder zu übernehmen. Zur Förderung ihrer Diffusion ist es notwendig, die äußeren und inneren Rahmenbedingungen der Innovationsumgebung zu kennen.
Am Fallbeispiel der Innovationsprozesse zur Überwindung der Nachbauproblematik im Apfelanbau werden potenzielle Einflussfaktoren auf die Adoption neuer Maßnahmen mithilfe des sektoralen Innovationssystemansatzes nach Malerba und einem erweiterten Technology Acceptance Model erfasst.
Hierbei wurde deutlich, dass trotz der günstigen natürlichen Rahmenbedingungen in der Untersuchungsregion, Faktoren wie sinkende Erzeugerpreise, Lohnsteigerungen, Wettbewerbsdruck, Klimawandel, die abnehmende Verfügbarkeit jungfräulicher Flächen sowie steigende Anforderungen des LEH und der Gesellschaft einen wirtschaftlichen
Anbau zunehmend erschweren. Vor allem aber für Baumschulen sind die Folgen der Bodenmüdigkeit aufgrund des hohen Produktionswertes pro Hektar Kulturfläche besonders schwerwiegend. Maßnahmen, die bisher gegen Bodenermüdung ergriffen wurden, sind wenig effektiv, oder unwirtschaftlich.
Die Analyse der Akzeptanzbefragung potenzieller Adopter zum Einsatz von
Mikroorganismen gegen Bodenmüdigkeit ergab, dass die Nützlichkeit des Verfahrens positiv wahrgenommen wird und sich dies in einer hohen Übernahmeabsicht widerspiegelt. Eine Strukturgleichungsanalyse des in dieser Studie entwickelten Akzeptanzmodells mittels SmartPLS mit einem Bestimmtheitsmaß von 68% verdeutlichen, dass nicht vorrangig ökonomische Faktoren, sondern in erster Linie die Kompatibilität der Maßnahme, Einfluss auf eine potenzielle Übernahme ausüben würde. / Due to social change, global climatic and market changes as well as increasing scarcity of resources, agricultural enterprises are increasingly required to adapt their production processes. However, innovations often have a systemic character. SMEs are often not in a position to promote or adopt these innovations, which are often associated with higher risks. In order to promote their diffusion, it is, therefore, advantageous to know the external and internal framework conditions of the environment for innovation. Using the case study of innovation processes to overcome the problem of apple replant disease, potential influencing factors on the adoption of new measures are identified on the basis of the Sectoral Innovation System Approach according to Malerba and an extended Technology Acceptance Model. It became clear that, despite the favourable natural conditions in the study region, factors such as falling producer prices, wage increases, competitive pressure, climate change, the decreasing availability of virgin land and the increasing demands of food retailers and society are making commercial cultivation increasingly challenging. However, the consequences of soil fatigue are particularly severe for tree nurseries due to the high production value per hectare of cultivated land. Measures that have so far been taken to combat soil fatigue are ineffective or uneconomical. The analysis of the acceptance survey of potential adopters of microorganisms against soil fatigue showed that the usefulness of the method is perceived positively and that this is reflected in a high intention to adopt it. A structural equation analysis of the acceptance model developed in this study using SmartPLS and a coefficient of determination of 68% make it clear that not primarily economic factors, but primarily the compatibility of the measure, would influence a potential adoption.
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