Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasion"" "subject:"lnvasion""
981 |
Ukraїnas självständighet 1917 i svensk press 1917–1918 / Ukraine’s independence 1917 in swedish press 1917–1918Bergman, Leo January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is a quantitative study with elements of qualitative analysis. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate WHAT was written about Ukraine's independence 1917 in Swedish press 1917–1918. The qualitative part of the survey was intended to answer the question if the newspaper's political attitude influenced the news reports during the chosen period. The exact periodization was determined to be between March 1, 1917 and June 30, 1918. This periodization was chosen because of the March Revolution in 1917, which triggered independence declarations in a number of countries oppressed by Moscow, who now saw their chance of freedom. June 1918 became the end of the investigation because it was just when the peace agreement between Ukraine and the Soviet Union was signed. The source material has been chosen to represent a multitude of ideological orientations. It was liberal, moderate, conservative, liberal and left-wing orientations. The source material consisted of newspaper articles from the following newspapers: Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs Aftonblad, Svenska Dagbladet, Dalpilen, Kalmar Tidning and Norrskensflamman. Quantitative methodology was used on the source material. This method consisted of a reviewing of newspaper articles in searching of news reports from Ukraine or articles which had something to do with the events in Ukraine. Every newspaper was searched day after day. The crawled material was presented in two chapters representing different periods. The first chapter of the results presented the results from 1917, and more precisely from March to December 1917. The second chapter presented the results from 1918, but also from December 1917, that is, the result from December 1917 through June 1918. The whole result was then discussed in a separate chapter where the qualitative analysis was also discussed. The result of the quantitative analysis showed that it has been written relatively sparcely about Ukraine's independence although the volume of articles increased from December 1917 and even more in 1918. Sometimes there were articles on the first page. But for the most part, the articles with Ukraine issues were placed among other foreign articles. It was also found in the survey that it was the first World War that drew attention to the newspapers, even though the events in Petrograd and then in Ukraine took more space. This survey also showed that what was written about Ukraine's independence was also what appears in the reference literature. The news reports reported how Ukraine proclaimed independence in March 1917 and later on proclaimed an independent republic in November 1917 when the Bolsheviks conducted their coup d'état in Petrograd. The newspapers also wrote how the Russian Communists sent a declaration of war to Ukraine in December 1917 and about the war that followed. The articles also tell us how negotiations on Ukraine Peace went on in Brest-Litovsk, and how they ended up with alliance between Germany and Ukraine with the campaign against the communists. It was told how the German army marched into Ukraine to free it from the bolsheviks. Until May 1918 there were battles between the German-Ukrainian Army and the Communists. In June 1918 the peace agreement was signed and this survey’s investigation ended. The survey showed that it was written about Ukraine's independence in all newspapers. Dagens Nyheter had the most news articles linked to the survey. Although the number of articles was not subject for analysis in this survey. The qualitative analysis was based on using Höjelid's theoretical concepts "positive sound" and "negative sound" on the quantitative analysis material. The qualitative analysis’ result showed that it was almost impossible to see the differences between the newspapers because the articles were traded between the newspapers, i.e. the content was copied straight away. It should be noted that not all content was the subject of copying between the newspapers. Copying occurred to a greater extent, but there were still original articles derived from the respective newspaper. Most of the articles were also direct telegrams that were communicated abroad to the newspaper's editors. A lot of these telegrammic articles were sent with a purpose to mislead society. These angled articles were published without further examination in Swedish press. There were articles from, for example, Dagens Nyheter whose editors noted the "strange Petrograd reports" and informed about it for the purpose of enlightening the public. However, as most newspapers were occupied with World War I, as was shown in the source material, the newspaper editorial office was less interested in other foreign events. Therefore, such angled articles could be found in Swedish press on a larger scale. / Denna avhandling är en kvantitativ studie med inslag av kvalitativ analys. Syftet med denna kvantitativa studien var att undersöka VAD som skrevs om Ukrajinas självständighet 1917 i svensk press 1917–1918. Den kvalitativa delen av undersökningen ämnade att besvara frågan om tidningens politiska hållningen påverkade nyhetsrapporteringen under den valda perioden. Den exakta periodiseringen fastställdes att vara mellan den 1 mars 1917 och den 30 juni 1918. Denna periodisering valdes på grund av marsrevolutionen 1917 som utlöste självständighets-förklaringar i en rad länder som var förtryckta av Moskovitien och som nu såg sin chans till frihet. Juni 1918 blev slutpunkten i undersökningen därför att det var just då som fredsavtalet mellan Ukrajina och Sovjet undertecknades. Källmaterialet har valts att representera en mångfald ideologiska inriktningar. Det var liberal, moderat, konservativ, frisinnad samt vänstersocial inriktningar. Källmaterialet bestod av tidningsartiklar från följande tidningar: Dagens Nyheter, Aftonbladet, Göteborgs Aftonblad, Svenska Dagbladet, Dalpilen, Kalmar tidning och Norrskensflamman. Det användes kvantitativ metod på källmaterialet som bestod i en genomsökning av tidningsartiklarna efter nyhetsrapporter från Ukrajina eller som hade något med händelserna i Ukrajina att göra. Varje tidning genomsöktes dag för dag. Det genomsökta materialet presenterades i två kapitel som representerade olika perioder. Det första resultatkapitlet presenterade resultatet från år 1917, och mer exakt från mars till december 1917. Det andra kapitlet presenterade resultatet från år 1918, men även från december 1917, det vill säga resultatet från och med december 1917 till och med juni 1918. Det hela resultatet diskuterades sedan i ett eget kapitel där även den kvalitativa analysen diskuterades. Resultatet från den kvantitativa analysen visade att det har skrivits relativt sparsmakat om Ukrajinas självständighet även om artikelmängden ökade från december 1917 och ännu mer under 1918. Ibland förekom det artiklar på första sidan. Men för det mesta placerades artiklarna med Ukrajina-frågor bland andra utlandsartiklar. Det framgick också i undersökningen att det var mest första världskriget som upptog tidningarnas uppmärksamhet, även om händelserna i Petrograd och sedan i Ukrajina tog allt mer plats allt eftersom. Denna undersökning visade också att det som skrevs om Ukrajinas självständighet var också det som förekommer i referenslitteraturen. Nyhetsrapporterna berättade hur Ukrajina utropat sin självständighet i mars 1917 tills landet proklamerat en oberoende republik i november 1917 när bolsjevikerna genomförde sin statskupp i Petrograd. Tidningarna skrev också hur de ryska kommunisterna skickade krigsförklaring till Ukrajina i december 1917 och om det kriget som följde efter det. Artiklarna berättar även om hur förhandlingarna för Ukrajinafreden gick till i Brest-Litovsk samt hur dessa avslutades med att Tyskland allierade sig med Ukrajina i kampen mot kommunisterna. Det berättades hur den tyska armén marscherade in i Ukrajina för att befria det från bolsjevikerna. Fram till maj 1918 pågick det strider mellan tysk-ukrajinska armén och kommunisterna. I juni 1918 undertecknades fredsavtalet och där slutade undersökningen. Undersökningen visade att det skrevs om Ukrajinas självständighet i samtliga tidningar. Dagens Nyheter hade flest nyhetsartiklar kopplade till undersökningen. Även om antalet artiklar ej var i syfte att analysera i denna undersökning. Den kvalitativa analysen gick ut på att använda Höjelids teoretiska begrepp ”positiv klang” och ”negativ klang” på den kvantitativa analysens resultatmaterial. Det kvalitativa resultatet visade att det var nästintill omöjligt att se skillnad mellan de olika tidningarna eftersom artiklarna traderades mellan tidningarna, det vill säga innehållet kopierades rakt av. Det bör påpekas att inte allt innehåll var ämne för kopiering mellan tidningarna. Kopieringen förekom i större utsträckning men det fanns ändå originella artiklar som härstammade från respektive tidning. De flesta av artiklarna var dessutom direkta telegram som kommunicerades i utlandet till tidningens redaktioner. En hel del av dessa telegraferade artiklar skickades med ett givet syfte att vilseleda samhällsopinionen. Dessa vinklade artiklar publicerades utan vidare granskning i svensk press. Det förekom artiklar från exempelvis Dagens Nyheter vars redaktion uppmärksammat de ”märkliga Petrogradrapporter” och informerat om det i möjligt syfte att upplysa allmänheten. Men eftersom de flesta tidningarna var upptagna med första världskriget, som det visades i källmaterialet, var tidningsredaktionerna mindre intresserade av andra utländska händelser. Därför kunde sådana vinklade artiklar förekomma i svensk press i en större omfattning.
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Urbanisation and the development of informal settlements in the City of JohannesburgNgonyama, Hasani Lawrence 02 1900 (has links)
Urbanisation in South African cities is a worrying phenomenon. Cities such as the City of Johannesburg are faced with a severe housing backlog. This situation could be attributed to many issues such as lack of suitable land for housing, and the existence of informal settlements. This study has been undertaken to investigate whether the interventions implemented by City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality to eradicate informal settlements are effective in addressing challenges faced by informal settlement dwellers. In South Africa, informal settlement upgrading process is acknowledged as an effective means of eradicating informal settlements. In this regard, interventions to eradicate informal settlements require extensive research in order to have proposals for future policy interventions. This study has been also undertaken to make some recommendations that might resolve the challenges of informal settlements in the City of Johannesburg. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Public Administration)
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Thousand Cankers Disease of Eastern Black Walnut: Ecological Interactions in the Holobiont of a Bark Beetle-Fungal DiseaseGeoffrey M Williams (11186766) 27 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Eastern black walnut (<i>Juglans
nigra</i> L.) ranks among the most highly valued timber species in the central
hardwood forest and across the world. This valuable tree fills a critical role
in native ecosystems as a mast bearing pioneer on mesic sites. Along with other
<i>Juglans</i> spp. (Juglandaceae), <i>J. nigra</i> is threatened by thousand
cankers disease (TCD), an insect-vectored disease first described in 2009. TCD
is caused by the bark beetle <i>Pityophthorus
juglandis</i> Blackman (Corthylini) and the phytopathogenic fungus <i>Geosmithia morbida</i> Kol. Free. Ut. &
Tiss. (Bionectriaceae). Together, the <i>P.
juglandis</i>-<i>G. morbida</i> complex has
expanded from its historical range in southwest North America throughout the
western United States (U.S.) and Europe. This range expansion has led to
widespread mortality among naïve hosts <i>J.
nigra</i> and <i>J. regia</i> planted
outside their native distributions.</p>
<p> The severity
of TCD was previously observed to be highest in urban and plantation
environments and outside of the host native range. Therefore, the objective of
this work was to provide information on biotic and abiotic environmental
factors that influence the severity and impact of TCD across the native and
non-native range of <i>J. nigra</i> and
across different climatic and management regimes. This knowledge would enable a
better assessment of the risk posed by TCD and a basis for developing
management activities that impart resilience to natural systems. Through a
series of greenhouse-, laboratory- and field-based experiments, environmental
factors that affect the pathogenicity and/or survival of <i>G. morbida</i> in <i>J. nigra</i>
were identified, with a focus on the microbiome, climate, and opportunistic
pathogens. A number of potentially important interactions among host, vector,
pathogen and the rest of the holobiont of TCD were characterized. The <i>holobiont</i> is defined as the whole
multitrophic community of organisms—including <i>J. nigra</i>, microinvertebrates, fungi and bacteria—that interact with
one another and with the host.</p>
<p>Our findings indicate that
interactions among host, vector, pathogen, secondary pathogens, novel microbial
communities, and novel abiotic environments modulate the severity of TCD in
native, non-native, and managed and unmanaged contexts. Prevailing climatic
conditions favor reproduction and spread of <i>G.
morbida</i> in the western United States due to the effect of wood moisture
content on fungal competition. The microbiome of soils, roots, and stems of
trees and seedlings grown outside the host native range harbor distinct,
lower-diversity communities of bacteria and fungi compared to the native range,
including different communities of beneficial or pathogenic functional groups
of fungi. The pathogen <i>G. morbida</i> was
also associated with a distinct community of microbes in stems compared to <i>G. morbida</i>-negative trees. The soil
microbiome from intensively-managed plantations facilitated positive feedback
between <i>G. morbida</i> and a
disease-promomting endophytic <i>Fusarium
solani</i> species complex sp. in roots of <i>J.
nigra</i> seedlings. Finally, the nematode species <i>Bursaphelenchus juglandis</i> associated with <i>P. juglandis</i> synergizes with <i>G.
morbida</i> to cause foliar symptoms in seedlings in a shadehouse; conversely,
experiments and observations indicated that the nematode species <i>Panagrolaimus</i> sp. and cf. <i>Ektaphelenchus</i> sp. could suppress WTB
populations and/or TCD outbreaks.</p>
<p>In conclusion, the composition,
function, and interactions within the <i>P.
juglandis</i> and <i>J. nigra</i> holobiont play
important roles in the TCD pathosystem. Managers and conservationists should be
aware that novel associations outside the host native range, or in monocultures,
intensive nursery production, and urban and low-humidity environments may favor
progression of the disease through the effects of associated phytobiomes,
nematodes, and climatic conditions on disease etiology. Trees in higher
diversity, less intensively managed growing environments within their native
range may be more resilient to disease. Moreover, expatriated, susceptible host
species (<i>i.e.</i>, <i>J. nigra</i>) growing in environments that are favorable to novel pests
or pest complexes (<i>i.e.</i>, the western
U.S.) may provide connectivity between emergent forest health threats (<i>i.e.</i>, TCD) and native host populations (<i>i.e.</i>, <i>J. nigra</i> in its native range).</p>
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沙皇亞歷山大一世之研究 / The Study of Tsar Alexander高克銓, Kao, Ko-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
「沙皇亞歷山大一世之研究」主要以歷史分析法(History Analysis Method)為主軸,針對俄國沙皇亞歷山大一世(Tsar Alexander Ⅰ)從出生(24 Dec 1777)一直到逝世(26 Dec 1825)的一生事蹟,包括了少年成長時期、執政時期(1801-1825年)的社會情況、內政外交、軍事行為等加以研究分析,以提出對此段歷史的分析解釋以及對其後歷史的影響。
本文第一章緒論針對研究動機與目的、研究途徑與架構、文獻分析與研究限制與問題提出說明。第二章係對亞歷山大一世之成長背景,主要探討十八世紀末俄國現況,凱薩琳二世及保羅一世對亞歷山大一世成長的影響。第三章則對亞歷山大一世的內政改革,包括農奴政策、憲政改革、以及其他經濟文教的改革加以研究論述。第四章論述亞歷山大一世的外交與軍事作為,包括俄法戰爭、維也納會議、歐洲協調、四國同盟與神聖同盟等問題。第五章針對亞歷山大一世晚期的作為提出綜合檢討與回顧。第六章為結論。 / The Study of Tsar Alexander I mainly explores the history of the whole life of the Russian Tsar Alexander I (1801-1825). This article basically use the historical analysis method to describe and analysis the history from Alexander I's birth (24 Dec 1777) until his death (26 Dec 1825), which covers his childhood, youth, and his behaviors after his ascended to the throne. And finally provides the explanation and analysis of the history about this period of time, and it’s influence for later history.
Due to Catherine II’s delicated education, Alexander I was the first tsar who had the enlightened thoughts and had dreams to reform Russia. But his behaviors were usually contradictory to his words. More than once he professed he was unsuitable for the exercise of power, yet he ascended to the throne in a bloody coup which involved the murder of Paul I; He claimed to love constitutions, yet he failed to realize his ideal to implement the constitutional reform; He frequently expressed his abhorrence of serfdom, yet he did little to challenge this institution; He asserted that his only ambition is to promote the peace of the Europe, yet he fought not only with France, but also with Sweden and the Ottoman Empire. Historians usually explained the incongruities of his highly paradoxical reign by portraying Alexander as everything from scheming and insincere to idiotic to schizophrenic. In addition to this kind of explanation for his reign, This article aims at exploring the tsar’s personality and character more deeply and taking the outside constraints on his reign into consideration in order to analysis and explain the history of his lifetime more broadly.
Through his lifetime, Alexander I spent most of his time in domestic reforms and diplomatic affairs. After his coronation, he eagerly engaged in domestic reform. However, the difficulties he faced in domestic reforms and the oppressions from Napoleon gradually pushed him to turn away to diplomatic affairs. Until the temporary relief of Tilsit treaty, he proceeded to domestic reforms again. He appointed Mikhail Speransky as the state secretary, and ordered him to draft the plan of constitution. Due to a lot of reasons Speransky’s plan was canceled and the constitution reform was delayed again. In 1812, Russia faced the aggression oeagerly engaged in domestic reform. However, the difficulties he faced in domestic reforms and the oppressions from Napoleon gradually pushed him to turn away to diplomatic affairs. Until the temporary relief of Tilsit treaty, he proceeded to domestic reforms again. He appointed Mikhail Speransky as the state secretary, and ordered him to draft the plan of constitution. Due to a lot of reasons Speransky’s plan was canceled and eagerly engaged in domestic reform. However, the difficulties he faced in domestic reforms and the oppressions from Napoleon gradually pusArakachev to start oppressive and cruel rule until his death. Despite of his failure to fufill all the reforms, generally speaking, he still is a dominant figure in both Russian and European history in the nineteenth century.
The construction of this article is as follows:The first chapter focuses on the tropics about motives and intentions of this study, study methods and construction, the article analysis and the study limits. The second chapter explores the background of Alexander I’s growth, which about the tropics of current situations of the end of 18 century, and the influence of Catherine II and Paul I on the growth of Alexander I. The third chapter explores the tropics about the domestic reforms which include the serfs question, the constitutional reform, and other reforms about economy and education. The fourth chapter explores the diplomatic and military behaviors of Alexander I, which includes the tropics of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, the Vienna conference, the European settlement, the Quadruple Alliance and the Holly Alliance. The fifth chapter explores the last years of AlexanderⅠ’s rule, and provide the full analysis and overview. The sixth chapter is conclusion.
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Academic life under occupation : the impact on educationalists at Gaza's universitiesJebril, Mona A. S. January 2018 (has links)
This sociological study explores the past and current higher education (HE) experience of educationalists at Gaza’s universities and how this experience may be evolving in the shifting socio-political context in the Arab World. The thesis is motivated by three questions: 1. What are the perspectives of academic staff in the Faculties of Education at Gaza’s universities on their own past HE experiences? 2. What are the perspectives of students and their lecturers (academic staff) in the Faculties of Education at Gaza’s universities on students’ current HE experiences? 3. How do educationalists in the Faculties of Education at Gaza’s universities perceive the shifting socio-political context in the Arab World, and what current or future impact do they think it will have on the education context at Gaza’s universities? To examine these questions, I conducted an inductive qualitative study. Using 36 in-depth, semi- structured interviews which lasted between (90-300 min), I collected data from educationalists (15 academic staff; 21 students) at two of Gaza’s universities. Due to difficulties of access to the Gaza Strip, the participants were interviewed via Skype from Cambridge. Informed by the literature review, and triangulated with other research activities, such as reviewing participants’ CVs, browsing universities websites, and keeping a reflective journal, a thematic analysis was conducted on the interview data. Theoretically, although this study has benefited from conceptual insights, such as those found in Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and in Pierre Bourdieu’s work on symbolic violence, it is a micro-level study, which is mainly data driven. The findings of this research show that in the past, educationalists were relatively more passive in terms of shaping their HE experiences, despite efforts to become resilient. In the present, students and their lecturers continue to face challenges that impact negatively on their participation and everyday life at Gaza’s universities. However, how the HE experience will evolve out of this context in the future is uncertain. The Arab Spring revolutions have had an influence on Gaza HE institutions’ campuses as they have triggered more awareness of students’ grievances and discontent. Because of some political and educational barriers, however, students’ voices are a cacophony; they remain split between “compliance” and resistance (Bourdieu, 1984, p. 471; Swartz, 2013, p. 39). Previously, Sara Roy (1995) rightly indicated a structure of “de-development” in the Gaza Strip (p.110). The findings from this research show that the impact of occupation and of the changes in the Arab World on the educational context in Gaza are more complex than previously thought. There is a simultaneous process of construction and destruction that is both external and internal to educationalists and which undermines academic work at Gaza’s universities. Based on this, the study concludes by explaining six implications of this complex structure for academic practice at Gaza’s universities, offering nine policy recommendations for HE reform, and highlighting six areas for future research.
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Kristián IV., Mansfeld a vpád do Slezska a na Moravu. Vybrané kapitoly z dějin dánské fáze třicetileté války / Christian IV., Mansfeld and the Invasion of Silesia and Moravia. Several Aspects of the Danish Phase of the Thirty Year's WarMišaga, Vít January 2014 (has links)
Vít MIŠAGA, Christian IV, Mansfeld and the Invasion of Silesia and Moravia. Several Aspects of the Danish Phase of the Thirty Years' War, PhD dissertation, Charles University in Prague 2014 Summary In Czech and European historiography of the early modern period, the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) is one of the most discussed topics. Among Czech historians, there has always been an understandable emphasis on the revolt of the Bohemian estates, also known as the Bohemian phase of the war (1618- 1621). The Danish phase (1625-1629) is considerably less popular. The winners had already been or - to be more precise - seemed to be almost determined, and the further developments of the war did nothing to change the fate of the Czech lands. Analysis of the second half of the 1620s is therefore dominated by other topics - the recatholisation process, exile waves or the character of Albrecht von Wallenstein. Foreign historiographers also seem to downplay Denmark's influence. It is as if King Christian's unsuccessful attempt to fight the Emperor was only biding everyone's time until the "Lion of the North", Gustav II Adolf of Sweden, makes his great entrance. Or at least that is the perspective of an "all-knowing" historian who already knows the result. This thesis is trying to bring a different perspective. It is based...
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Soundscape dynamics in the social-ecological systems of Tierra del FuegoDante P Francomano (9738650) 14 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Human society is presently beset by an array of anthropogenic social-ecological crises that threaten the sustainability of the social-ecological systems that sustain our livelihoods. While research alone will not rectify these issues, it can help to answer key questions that must be addressed to develop effective solutions. To address such questions in a cohesive, compelling manner, social-ecological research can be bounded, structured, and distilled through innumerable organizing principles or theoretical frameworks. For this dissertation, I focused on the geographic region of Tierra del Fuego and sought to draw from the array of disciplines and methods that use sound as a lens for biological, ecological, and/or social inquiry. I also endeavored to consider various temporal, spatial, and organizational scales while investigating a selection of topics with a) specific importance in the social-ecological systems of Tierra del Fuego and b) general relevance to global social-ecological challenges. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the dissertation, and Chapter 6 serves as a conclusion.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>The objective of Chapter 2, “Biogeographical and analytical implications of temporal variability in geographically diverse soundscapes”, was to provide some guidance to passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) practitioners on how to design appropriate temporal sampling schemes based on the temporal variability of the sounds one wishes to measure and the power and storage limitations of acoustic recorders. We first quantified the temporal variability of several soundscape measurements and compared that variability across sites and times of day. We also simulated a wide range of temporal sampling schemes in order to model their representativeness relative to continuous sampling.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>For Chapter 3, “Sentinels for sentinels: passive acoustic and camera trap monitoring of sensitive penguin populations”, we tested the utility of PAM to monitor behavior and abundance of Magellanic (<i>Spheniscus magellanicus</i>) and southern rockhopper penguins (<i>Eudyptes chrysocome</i>) at different spatial and temporal scales. We conducted <i>in situ</i> observations of the acoustic behavior of each species, and we compared acoustic metrics with penguin counts from narrowly focused camera traps and larger-extent observations of colony density. </p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>Chapter 4, “Acoustic monitoring shows invasive beavers (<i>Castor canadensis</i>) increase avian diversity in Tierra del Fuego”, is focused on impacts of the invasive North American beaver (<i>Castor canadensis</i>) on Fuegian bird communities. We sought to determine how bird communities might differ between intact riparian forests, beaver ponds, and beaver meadows created by pond drainage. We conducted PAM and classic avian point counts under each of these conditions across seasons to test for differences between impact conditions and to compare the two methodologies.</p><p><br></p><p> </p>For Chapter 5, “Human-nature connection and soundscape perception: insights from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina”, we evaluated the relationship between soundscape perception and nature relatedness by conducting surveys and soliciting responses to soundscape audio prompts. We also examined the potential for any demographic influences on nature relatedness or soundscape perception in the context of local social tensions.
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Flora alòctona de les Illes Balears. Ecología de dos especies invasoras: Carpobrotus edules y Carpobrotus aff. acinaciformisMoragues Botey, Eva 24 March 2006 (has links)
La llegada de plantas exóticas fuera de su rango de distribución original y su posterior asentamiento en ecosistemas naturales no es una excepción en las Islas Baleares. En la actualidad tenemos 308 especies no nativas naturalizadas y subespontáneas que representan el 16% del total de la flora Balear. En esta tesis se ha evaluado el estado de la cuestión a nivel global y local. Se ha confeccionado el primer catálogo de flora introducida y se ha analizado cuales de ellas son más abundantes y peligrosas; así como también qué ecosistemas son más vulnerables a la introducción de éstas. También se ha profundizado en el conocimiento de dos de las especies exóticas más peligrosas en el litoral Balear: Carpobrotus edulis y C. affine acinaciformis. Se ha evaluado su influencia sobre la polinización, su tasa de crecimiento bajo diferentes escenarios ambientales, se ha confeccionado un modelo de crecimiento y se ha evaluado su impacto sobre la composición y estructura de las comunidades nativas. / L'arribada de plantes exòtiques fora del seu rang de distribució original i el seu posterior assentament a ecosistemes naturals no és una excepció a les Illes Balears. A l'actualitat tenim 308 espècies no natives naturalitzades i subespontànies que representen el 16% del total de la flora Balear. En aquesta tesi s'ha avaluat l'estat de la qüestió a nivell global i local. S'ha confeccionat el primer catàleg de flora introduïda i s'han analitzat quines d'elles són més abundants i perilloses; així com també quins ecosistemes són més vulnerables a la introducció d'aquestes. També s'ha profunditzat en el coneixement de dues de les espècies exòtiques més perilloses del litoral Balear: Carpobrotus edulis y C. affine acinaciformis. S'ha avaluat la seva influència damunt els vectors de pol·linització, la taxa de creixement a diferents escenaris ambiental, s'ha confeccionat un model de creixement, i s'ha avaluat el seu impacte damunt la composició i estructura de les comunitats natives. / The constant arrival of exotic plants into areas outside their original distribution range and further settlement in natural ecosystems is not an exception in the Spanish Balearic archipelago. At the moment we have 308 non native species (naturalized and casual), the 16% from the total Balearic flora. This thesis has evaluated the exotic plant problematic at global and local level. We have elaborated the first exotic plants list, its distribution and abundance, as well as its degree of impact on the more vulnerable environments. We went deeply into the knowledge of two very invasive plants along the coast of the Balearic islands: Carpobrotus edulis y C. affine acinaciformis. We have evaluated its influence over pollen transmission, its growth rate at different environmental conditions, we have too elaborated a non liner growth model and its impact on composition and structure in natural communities
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Role of Ring1B in ephitelial to mesenchimal transition, invasion and migration of mammary epithelial cellsBosch Gutiérrez, Almudena 21 December 2009 (has links)
The Polycomb group (PcG) family of proteins form chromatin-modifying complexes essential for embryonic development, and stem cell renewal and are commonly deregulated in cancer. There are several reports that address the possible implication of PcG proteins in tumor progression and metastasis, but very little is known about the specific role of these proteins in tumor progression and invasion. On the other hand, the molecular processes of the worst cancer prognosis, metastasis, which leads to an incurable disease, are yet incompletely elucidated. Here we show a role for Ring1B, a PcG protein, in three processes related to metastasis: in the Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a critical morphogenic event that occurs during embryonic development and during the progression of various epithelial tumors, an in the migration and the invasion of mammary epithelial cells. / Las proteínas del grupo Polycomb (PcG) forman complejos modificadores de la cromatina esenciales en el desarrollo embrionario y en la renovación de las células madre, y su desregulación ha sido asociada al cáncer. Varios estudios muestran la posible implicación de las proteínas de PcG en la progresión tumoral y en la metástasis, pero a pesar de ello se sabe muy poco de los procesos moleculares en los que estas proteínas están participando. Por otro lado, los procesos moleculares responsables del peor pronóstico en cáncer, la metástasis, que continua siendo una enfermedad incurable, siguen sin estar completamente elucidados. En esta disertación mostramos el papel de Ring1B, una proteína del PcG, en tres procesos implicados en la metástasis: en la transición epitelio-mesénquima (EMT), un proceso morfogénico crítico en el desarrollo embrionario y durante la progresión de varios cánceres epiteliales, y en la migración y la invasión de las células epiteliales mamarias.
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Histologische Charakterisierung eines murinen Knorpeldestruktionsmodells in der BALB/c MausNaue, Janine 02 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die rheumatoide Arthritis ist eine chronisch-entzündliche Bindegewebserkrankung mit symmetrischem Befall der Gelenke. Die genaue Ätiologie ist bisher unbekannt. Aktivierte synoviale Fibroblasten sollen durch gesteigerte Adhäsion und Produktion von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen und Matrix-lysierenden Proteasen maßgeblich an der Gelenkdestruktion beteiligt sein. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein neues in-vivo-Knorpeldestruktions-Modell zu etablieren, in welchem unter immunkompetenten Bedingungen, die Invasion und Destruktion von Gelenkknorpel durch die Fibroblasten-Zelllinie LS48 über einen längeren Zeitraum simuliert werden kann. Die am Institut für klinische Immunologie der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig etablierte Zelllinie LS48 wurde in die ipsilateralen Kniegelenke von BALB/c-Mäusen injiziert. Die dadurch induzierte Gewebsdestruktion wurde über zehn Wochen in zweiwöchigem Abstand histopathologisch beurteilt und klassifiziert. Als vergleichende Fibroblasten-Zelllinie wurden nicht-invasive NIH/3T3-Zellen eingesetzt. An Hand der Score-Parameter Zellinvasion, Pannusformation und Knorpeldestruktion wurde eine mäßige bis schwer-wiegende Gewebsdestruktion durch die LS48-Zellen bereits ab der zweiten Untersuchungswoche lichtmikroskopisch nachgewiesen, ohne dass dabei pathologische Effekte in den kontralateralen Kniegelenken aufgetreten sind. Polarisationsmikroskopisch wurden für den Parameter Knorpeldestruktion vergleichbare Ergebnisse erzielt. Damit wurde gezeigt, dass das Modell BALB/c LS48 ein erfolgversprechendes Instrument darstellt, das zur Testung neuer therapeutischer Strategien gegen die Gelenkdestruktion verwendet werden kann. Inwieweit die Auseinandersetzung der LS48-Zellen mit dem spezifischen Immunsystem der BALB/c-Maus Auswirkungen auf den Verlauf der Gewebsdestruktion hat, sollte in weiterführenden Experimenten untersucht werden.
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