Spelling suggestions: "subject:"carta"" "subject:"marta""
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Detekce pohyblivého objektu ve videu na CUDA / Moving Object Detection in Video Using CUDAČermák, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with model-based approach to 3D tracking from monocular video. The 3D model pose dynamically estimated through minimization of objective function by particle filter. Objective function is based on rendered scene to real video similarity.
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A participatory approach to the development of specifications for a 3D puzzle for visually impaired and sighted users / Utveckling av specifikationer för ett 3D-pussel, för användare med eller utan synnedsättning, med hjälp av deltagande designmetodikALEXANDRAKIS, VASSILIS January 2016 (has links)
Det finns begränsad tillgång till pussel för personer med synfel (inklusive blinda personer). För att undersöka behovet av potentiella användare i 3D kartpussel och identifiera deras preferenser, behov och krav, användes en kvalitativ metod som på engelska kallas ”participatory design”. Projektet utfördes i Kreta och alla deltagare kom från ön. Då Icke-standardiserade subjekt användes i forskningsprojektet användes lämpliga tillgängliga metoder och kommunikationsvägar för att anpassa studien för denna grupp. Stor vikt lades ner på bakgrundsstudier, inklusive intervjuer med experter och undersökning av befintligt material inom detta ämne. För att underlätta förståelsen av konceptet och skapa en gemensam referensram för alla deltagare gjordes funktionella 3D prototyper av kartpussel föreställande Kreta. Prototyperna gjordes i trä, antingen tall eller MDF. Därefter organiserades fokusgrupper och intervjuer. I fokusgrupperna deltog vuxna och barn med synnedsättning. Aktiviteterna var scenariokreation, utvärdering av användarvänlighet och en enkätundersökning som fylldes in av de som kunde (personer med tillräckligt god syn). Data som samlades analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Resultatet av testerna visade potentiella användarvänlighetsproblem för prototyperna, de flesta relaterade till synskadade individers erfarenheter av linkande produkter. Dessutom identifierades deltagarnas preferenser och behov angående temat, storlek, material, typ av samband och andra faktorer av pusslet. Resultaten visar att osäkerhet eller brist på bekräftelse huruvida pusselbitarna var lagda rätt eller fel var den största svårigheten bland deltagare med synnedsättning. Den mest populära metoden för låsning av pusselbitarna bland de med synnedsättning var ”fit in a frame” och ”magnets”. Majoriteten av deltagarna uppmuntrade att lägga till färger på pusslet och markera olika städer. Sex av åtta deltagare var intresserade av att köpa pussel liknande det som de testat. Av 22 icke synskadade personer svarade nio av dem att det är möjligt att de skulle köpa pusslet och elva svarade att det är väldigt möjligt att de skulle köpa tredimensionella pussel. Mer än hälften såg färger som ett tilläggselement på pusslet. De två mest populära låsningsmetoderna var ”loose contact” och ”fit in a frame”. Angående materialvalet, togs trä emot väl av både synskadade och icke-synskadade testpersoner. Träprototyper var dock det enda tillgängliga under testet. Deltagare gav flera förslag angående temat, storlek och extra egenskaper för produkten. Det resulterade i att många idéer genererades under ”workshopen”. Utfall, problem och begränsningar relaterade till de använda metoderna diskuterades och rekommendationer för framtida studier gjordes. / There are a limited number of puzzles accessible to visually impaired people (including the blind population) and also limited 3D map-puzzles available in the market. In order to explore the interest of potential users in 3D map-puzzles and identify their preferences, needs and demands, a participatory design approach was adopted. The project took place in Crete and all participants came from the local population. Because of the non-standard population included in this research project (visually impaired people) accessible methods and means of communication had to be selected. Therefore an extensive background research was performed, including interviews with experts and a thorough study of existing knowledge and previous research in related fields. Aiming to facilitate understanding of the concept and to provide a common point of reference for all participants, functional prototypes of a 3D map-puzzle of the island of Crete were developed and manufactured. Prototypes were made of wood, either Pine or MDF. Subsequently, focus group and interview sessions were organized. Visually impaired and sighted, adults and children, participated in these sessions which included usability testing of the prototypes, scenario creation and a questionnaire (for the sighted participants). Data collected in the conducted sessions were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The results revealed usability problems of the prototypes and provided signs of potential problems, most of them related to the use of similar products by visually impaired individuals. Additionally, preferences and needs of the participants about the theme, the size, the material, the type of connection and other elements of the puzzle, were identified. According to the findings, the most severe problem, occurring when visually impaired participants tried to assemble the puzzle, was the uncertainty or “lack of confirmation” whether pieces were assembled in the right way or not. The most popular connection types among visually impaired participants were “fit in a frame” and “magnet”. Additionally, the majority of visually impaired participants were in favor of adding colors on the puzzle and marks for the different cities. Regarding buying interest, six out of eight visually impaired participants stated that they would buy a puzzle like the one they tested. Out of the twenty-two sighted participants, nine answered that it is “possible” and eleven answered that it is “highly possible” to buy a 3D map-puzzle. More than half of the sighted participants selected colors as an additional element on the puzzle while the two most popular connection types were “loose contact” and “fit in a frame”. Regarding the material of the puzzle, wood was well accepted by both sighted and visually impaired participants. However, only prototypes made from wood were available to the participants. Additionally, participants made various suggestions regarding the theme, the size and additional elements of a 3D puzzle. As a result, many ideas were produced during the sessions. Eventually, outcomes, problems and limitations related to the methods used during the study were discussed and recommendations for future work were made.
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A participatory approach to the development of specifications for a 3D puzzle for visually impaired and sighted users / Utveckling av specifikationer för ett 3D-pussel, för användare med eller utan synnedsättning, med hjälp av deltagande designmetodikALEXANDRAKIS, VASSILIS January 2016 (has links)
Det finns begränsad tillgång till pussel för personer med synfel (inklusive blinda personer). För att undersöka behovet av potentiella användare i 3D kartpussel och identifiera deras preferenser, behov och krav, användes en kvalitativ metod som på engelska kallas ”participatory design”. Projektet utfördes i Kreta och alla deltagare kom från ön. Då Icke-standardiserade subjekt användes i forskningsprojektet användes lämpliga tillgängliga metoder och kommunikationsvägar för att anpassa studien för denna grupp. Stor vikt lades ner på bakgrundsstudier, inklusive intervjuer med experter och undersökning av befintligt material inom detta ämne. För att underlätta förståelsen av konceptet och skapa en gemensam referensram för alla deltagare gjordes funktionella 3D prototyper av kartpussel föreställande Kreta. Prototyperna gjordes i trä, antingen tall eller MDF. Därefter organiserades fokusgrupper och intervjuer. I fokusgrupperna deltog vuxna och barn med synnedsättning. Aktiviteterna var scenariokreation, utvärdering av användarvänlighet och en enkätundersökning som fylldes in av de som kunde (personer med tillräckligt god syn). Data som samlades analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Resultatet av testerna visade potentiella användarvänlighetsproblem för prototyperna, de flesta relaterade till synskadade individers erfarenheter av linkande produkter. Dessutom identifierades deltagarnas preferenser och behov angående temat, storlek, material, typ av samband och andra faktorer av pusslet. Resultaten visar att osäkerhet eller brist på bekräftelse huruvida pusselbitarna var lagda rätt eller fel var den största svårigheten bland deltagare med synnedsättning. Den mest populära metoden för låsning av pusselbitarna bland de med synnedsättning var ”fit in a frame” och ”magnets”. Majoriteten av deltagarna uppmuntrade att lägga till färger på pusslet och markera olika städer. Sex av åtta deltagare var intresserade av att köpa pussel liknande det som de testat. Av 22 icke synskadade personer svarade nio av dem att det är möjligt att de skulle köpa pusslet och elva svarade att det är väldigt möjligt att de skulle köpa tredimensionella pussel. Mer än hälften såg färger som ett tilläggselement på pusslet. De två mest populära låsningsmetoderna var ”loose contact” och ”fit in a frame”. Angående materialvalet, togs trä emot väl av både synskadade och icke-synskadade testpersoner. Träprototyper var dock det enda tillgängliga under testet. Deltagare gav flera förslag angående temat, storlek och extra egenskaper för produkten. Det resulterade i att många idéer genererades under ”workshopen”. Utfall, problem och begränsningar relaterade till de använda metoderna diskuterades och rekommendationer för framtida studier gjordes. / There are a limited number of puzzles accessible to visually impaired people (including the blind population) and also limited 3D map-puzzles available in the market. In order to explore the interest of potential users in 3D map-puzzles and identify their preferences, needs and demands, a participatory design approach was adopted. The project took place in Crete and all participants came from the local population. Because of the non-standard population included in this research project (visually impaired people) accessible methods and means of communication had to be selected. Therefore an extensive background research was performed, including interviews with experts and a thorough study of existing knowledge and previous research in related fields. Aiming to facilitate understanding of the concept and to provide a common point of reference for all participants, functional prototypes of a 3D map-puzzle of the island of Crete were developed and manufactured. Prototypes were made of wood, either Pine or MDF. Subsequently, focus group and interview sessions were organized. Visually impaired and sighted, adults and children, participated in these sessions which included usability testing of the prototypes, scenario creation and a questionnaire (for the sighted participants). Data collected in the conducted sessions were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative methods. The results revealed usability problems of the prototypes and provided signs of potential problems, most of them related to the use of similar products by visually impaired individuals. Additionally, preferences and needs of the participants about the theme, the size, the material, the type of connection and other elements of the puzzle, were identified. According to the findings, the most severe problem, occurring when visually impaired participants tried to assemble the puzzle, was the uncertainty or “lack of confirmation” whether pieces were assembled in the right way or not. The most popular connection types among visually impaired participants were “fit in a frame” and “magnet”. Additionally, the majority of visually impaired participants were in favor of adding colors on the puzzle and marks for the different cities. Regarding buying interest, six out of eight visually impaired participants stated that they would buy a puzzle like the one they tested. Out of the twenty-two sighted participants, nine answered that it is “possible” and eleven answered that it is “highly possible” to buy a 3D map-puzzle. More than half of the sighted participants selected colors as an additional element on the puzzle while the two most popular connection types were “loose contact” and “fit in a frame”. Regarding the material of the puzzle, wood was well accepted by both sighted and visually impaired participants. However, only prototypes made from wood were available to the participants. Additionally, participants made various suggestions regarding the theme, the size and additional elements of a 3D puzzle. As a result, many ideas were produced during the sessions. Eventually, outcomes, problems and limitations related to the methods used during the study were discussed and recommendations for future work were made.
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Akcelerace genetického algoritmu s využitím GPU / The GPU-Based Acceleration of the Genetic AlgorithmPospíchal, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This thesis represents master's thesis focused on acceleration of Genetic algorithms using GPU. First chapter deeply analyses Genetic algorithms and corresponding topics like population, chromosome, crossover, mutation and selection. Next part of the thesis shows GPU abilities for unified computing using both DirectX/OpenGL with Cg and specialized GPGPU libraries like CUDA. The fourth chapter focuses on design of GPU implementation using CUDA, coarse-grained and fine-grained GAs are discussed, and completed by sorting and random number generation task accelerated by GPU. Next chapter covers implementation details -- migration, crossover and selection schemes mapped on CUDA software model. All GA elements and quality of GPU results are described in the last chapter.
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Application development of 3D LiDAR sensor for display computersEkstrand, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
A highly accurate sensor for measuring distances, used for creating high-resolution 3D maps of the environment, utilize “Light Detection And Ranging” (LiDAR) technology. This degree project aims to investigate the implementation of 3D LiDAR sensors into off-highway vehicle display computers, called CCpilots. This involves a study of available low-cost 3D LiDAR sensors on the market and development of an application for visualizing real time data graphically, with room for optimization algorithms. The selected LiDAR sensor is “Livox Mid-360”, a hybrid-solid technology and a field of view of 360° horizontally and 59° vertically. The LiDAR application was developed using Livox SDK2 combined with a C++ back-end, in order to visualize data using Qt QML as the Graphical User Interface design tool. A filter was utilized from the Point Cloud Library (PCL), called a voxel grid filter, for optimization purpose. Real time 3D LiDAR sensor data was graphically visualized on the display computer CCpilot X900. The voxel grid filter had a few visual advantages, although it consumed more processor power compared to when no filter was used. Whether a filter was used or not, all points generated by the LiDAR sensor could be processed and visualized by the developed application without any latency.
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Univerzální mikropočítačová jednotka / Universal Microcontroller UnitKulenda, Vít January 2011 (has links)
Master’s thesis contains description parameters of microcontroller ATMEGA644P, also contains differences between older and newer version of microcontrollers ATMEGA644 and ATMEGA644PA. Inside structure of microcontroller, memories and peripherals are described here. The construction of the universal microcontroller unit is main target of this thesis. The unit contains supply, A/D converter, current loop, communication interfaces, temperature sensor, accelerometer and other. The unit collects and saves data, communicates by interfaces and manages other functions. Using devices and circuits are described in this thesis. Development of software for microcontroller(firmware) are positioned to last part of this thesis. This software control functions of all parts positioned on the unit.
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Monitorovací systém vodních toků s GSM komunikací / River mionitoring system with GSM communicationPačinek, David January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis is dedicated to system of water monitoring for use of alternative source power supply and GSM communication. The thesis carried out research on the possibilities to take measurements on watercourses, also detailed research of photovoltaic panel, available accumulators and their charging and a synopsis of similar systems. Furthermore, the master thesis also captures design and implementation datalogger device type with possibility to send measured data to the website.
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Systém pro zabezpečení a střežení objektů a prostor / System for Guarding and Securing Objects and AreasKuchařík, David January 2008 (has links)
This project deals with given safeguard possibilities, both mechanical and electronic. A row house with garden was chosen for being secured. Subsequently, were elaborated two`s proposals of securing and guarding of this object. First, was based on camera`s system and second on common system ESS. Later on they were evaluated and the most considerable benefits were emphasized. A system based on control panel with connected detectors was selected upon specification. Subsequently was created a model of the chosen system, at which the required behaviour was simulated and verified. An outline of an implementation was created in the C language.
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Dynamic Speed Adaptation for Curves using Machine Learning / Dynamisk hastighetsanpassning för kurvor med maskininlärningNarmack, Kirilll January 2018 (has links)
The vehicles of tomorrow will be more sophisticated, intelligent and safe than the vehicles of today. The future is leaning towards fully autonomous vehicles. This degree project provides a data driven solution for a speed adaptation system that can be used to compute a vehicle speed for curves, suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. A speed adaptation system for curves aims to compute a vehicle speed suitable for curves that can be used in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or in Autonomous Driving (AD) applications. This degree project was carried out at Volvo Car Corporation. Literature in the field of speed adaptation systems and factors affecting the vehicle speed in curves was reviewed. Naturalistic driving data was both collected by driving and extracted from Volvo's data base and further processed. A novel speed adaptation system for curves was invented, implemented and evaluated. This speed adaptation system is able to compute a vehicle speed suitable for the underlying driving style of the driver, road properties and weather conditions. Two different artificial neural networks and two mathematical models were used to compute the desired vehicle speed in curves. These methods were compared and evaluated. / Morgondagens fordon kommer att vara mer sofistikerade, intelligenta och säkra än dagens fordon. Framtiden lutar mot fullständigt autonoma fordon. Detta examensarbete tillhandahåller en datadriven lösning för ett hastighetsanpassningssystem som kan beräkna ett fordons hastighet i kurvor som är lämpligt för förarens körstil, vägens egenskaper och rådande väder. Ett hastighetsanpassningssystem för kurvor har som mål att beräkna en fordonshastighet för kurvor som kan användas i Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) eller Autonomous Driving (AD) applikationer. Detta examensarbete utfördes på Volvo Car Corporation. Litteratur kring hastighetsanpassningssystem samt faktorer som påverkar ett fordons hastighet i kurvor studerades. Naturalistisk bilkörningsdata samlades genom att köra bil samt extraherades från Volvos databas och bearbetades. Ett nytt hastighetsanpassningssystem uppfanns, implementerades samt utvärderades. Hastighetsanpassningssystemet visade sig vara kapabelt till att beräkna en lämplig fordonshastighet för förarens körstil under rådande väderförhållanden och vägens egenskaper. Två olika artificiella neuronnätverk samt två matematiska modeller användes för att beräkna fordonets hastighet. Dessa metoder jämfördes och utvärderades.
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