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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Everything you wanted to know about the TPA molecule adsorbed on Au(111)

Svensson, Pamela H.W. January 2020 (has links)
The electronic properties of Triphenylamine (TPA) in gas phase and adsorbed on gold(111) have been simulated with Quantum Espresso using Density Functional Theory (DFT). To better understand how the presence of a gold surface affects sunlight absorption in the system, partial Density Of States (pDOS) and Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) of the system have been calculated. To describe the electronic excitation, three different methods have been used, No Core Hole (NCH), Full Core Hole (FCH) and Half Core Hole (HCH) approximation. The excitation of the TPA molecule was made in the nitrogen (N) atom and in the four different carbon (C) atoms with different electronic environments, C-ipso, C-ortho, C-meta and C-para. When using the HCH method, the absorbing atom must be described by a pseudopotential (PP) which includes half of a hole in the 1s orbital. This PP has been generated and a detailed summary of the process is described. The TPA/gold system relaxes to a position with the central N atom of TPA above an gold (Au) atom in the second layer of the surface and at a distance of 3.66 Angstrom, to the first layer. TPA keeps its symmetry with only small differences in the length of atomic bonds when adsorbed. The most striking result of this study is how the band gap of TPA is affected by the gold layer. From the pDOS we can observe that TPA in gas phase has a clear band gap of 2.2 eV with C-ortho dominating in the valence region and the four carbons dominating in the first unoccupied states. When depositing the molecule on the surface of Au(111), the band gap is essentially gone and a number of states appear between the previous highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital in TPA. These new states align in energy with three clusters of states of the gold suggesting an interaction between the molecule and the surface. In the generated NEXAFS of nitrogen and carbon in TPA gas phase, one can observe a small pre-peak before the first unoccupied state. This is reinforced when adsorbing the molecule, which generates a pre-peak of approximately 3 eV in width. The pre-peak is connected to the new peaks seen in pDOS, correlating with experimental results on the same system.

The rights and obligations of a bank when opening a bank account

Makgane, Innocent 16 October 2015 (has links)
The opening of a bank account serves as the genesis of a bank customer relationship. It is imperative that the establishment of a bank customer relationship be regulated by law. Both the common law and statutory law regulate the admission of new clients to the realm of banking. It is a minimum requirement, in terms of both statutory and common law, that the identity of a prospective client who wishes to open a bank account must both be established and verified. This, the need to know one’s customer, is not only good law but common sense and an effective measure to prevent criminals from accessing the banking system. Parties who work together must know each other. The need to establish and verify the identity of a potential customer is commonly referred to as the Know Your Customer standards, alternatively the Customer Due Diligence framework. The Know Your Customer standards are neither unique to South Africa nor have their origins in South Africa. The Know Your Customer standards are international standards which the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision have been advocating for quite some time. A confluence of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision greatly influenced the birth of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act in South Africa. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 prescribes the steps that a bank has to take in order to establish and verify the identity of a potential client. It will be shown in this dissertation that the identification and verification regime established by the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 0f 2001 and the common law are not fool proof. This dissertation makes recommendations on how the current loopholes that exist in the law can be addressed. / Mercantile Law / LLM

Var Jung religiös? : hur såg i så fall hans gudsbild ut?

Eriksson, Alva January 2007 (has links)
<p>Carl Gustav Jung växte upp i en prästfamilj och kom redan i barndomen i kontakt med den religiösa problematiken. Jung har tidiga starka Gudsupplevelser men föreställde sig inte Gud på samma sätt som fadern gjorde. För denne var Gud bibelns och dogmatikens Gud medan Carl Gustavs Gud var snarare en panteistisk naturgud, stundom konkretiserad i ren fetischdyrkan. Hans religiösa föreställningar var lika mycket förbundna med underjordiska makter, med magi och trolldom. Carl Gustav Jungs konfirmation blev en stark besvikelse och efter denna tog han mer och mer avstånd ifrån den kristna religionen. Han hade under tonåren djupa tvivel som han inte kunde dela med någon i sin omgivning utan förde en inre diskussion mellan sina personligheter 1 och 2. Successivt kom han att utforska det kollektivt omedvetna framförallt under sin kris efter brytningen med Freud och individuationen och Självet kom att bli det som i första hand uppfyllde hans liv och tankar. Även om den analytiska psykologin som han utarbetade var ägnad som en terapi vid psykisk sjukdom har den i dagsläget ingen större plats i arsenalen. Jung har däremot kommit att få stor betydelse för New-Age-rörelsen och även för det så kallade tolvstegsprogrammet där Jung har tillskrivits äran av att ha tillfört den andliga dimensionen.</p>

Dialog, engagemang &amp; neutralitet : Vad gör en professionell facilitator? / Dialogue, Commitment &amp; Neutrality : Skills of a Professional Facilitator

Dunne, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
I denna uppsats ställer jag mig frågan vilken praktisk kunskap jag har, i min yrkesroll som professionell facilitator.  En professionell facilitator är en för gruppen neutral mötesledare vars huvudsakliga syfte är att planera, förbereda och genomföra arbetsmöten och workshops som bygger på dialog, engagemang och delaktighet. Inte sällan med inriktning på erfarenhetsutbyte och kunskapsutveckling. Men, vad är det jag gör när jag skapar delaktighet och engagemang i en grupp, när jag får deltagarna att se sakfrågan i ett större sammanhang och genom olika metodval ger dem förutsättningar till konstruktiva dialoger? När jag underlättar för deltagare att inte bara närvara fysiskt under ett möte utan säkerställer att alla i gruppen aktivt deltar och bidrar till ett konkret resultat. Uppsatsen har skrivits inom ramen för magisterprogrammet i yrkeskunnande och professionsutveckling vid Linnéuniversitetet i Växjö under våren 2013. Empirin utgörs av de reflekterande texter som jag har skrivit inom ramen för kurserna mellan åren 2011-2013, baserade på 18 års erfarenhet av att leda och facilitera arbetsmöten och workshops. Mina erfarenheter har jag kopplat ihop med de olika teorierna inom ämnesområdet yrkeskunnande och professionsutveckling. Resultatet av uppsatsen vittnar om att mina erfarenheter och min praktiska kunskap har jag fått genom att öva och utveckla en känsla för olika människors och gruppers beteenden. Jag har också utvecklat en förtrogenhetskunskap beträffande vilka metoder och tekniker som fungerar i olika situationer och för olika sakfrågor. Varje möte som jag leder är direktsändning och det finns aldrig någon möjlighet att generalrepetera några repliker. I realtid reflekterar och analyserar jag vad som händer i gruppen. Jag använder olika metoder och tekniker. Planerat eller improviserat. Jag kallar det ibland för planerad improvisation. Jag kommer nämligen alltid väl förberedd och med en skräddarsydd mötesplan i handen, för att i själva mötessituationen kunna improvisera. Det är något jag vet av erfarenhet alltid blir fallet. Vad som kommer att hända under ett möte går aldrig att förutse. För att lyckas med denna konst behöver facilitatorn tro på varje individs lika värde, bortse från förutfattade meningar, lyssna och höra, både vad som sägs, men också lyssna efter vad som inte sägs. Facilitatorn underlättar för gruppen genom att driva mötet framåt utifrån ett specifikt syfte och önskat slutresultat. Att som facilitator vara mentalt närvarande under hela mötet och förhålla sig neutral till sakfrågan, gruppen och slutresultatet, men även till uppdragsgivaren, även om det är svårt, är kärnan i facilitatorns yrkesroll. Uppdragsgivarens betydelse ska aldrig underskattas och jag har myntat följande uttryck: Jag kan aldrig facilitera ett möte bättre än vad min uppdragsgivare tillåter. / This thesis explores a number of questions around the skills of a Professional Facilitator. It has been completed as part of the Programme on Skill and Professional Development, within the Faculty of Technology at Linneaus University, Sweden. A Professional Facilitator is a person who is both neutral to the group, and the subject under discussion. The facilitator plans, prepares, and runs workshops where dialogue, commitment and neutrality all play a central role. The practical insights presented within, are derived from the texts that I have submitted as part of the programme requirements during 2011-2013. The insights are based on my direct experience from facilitating professional workshops over the last 18 years. These insights have been presented in the context of the relevant literature and research within the areas of skill and technology. The conclusions from my work clearly show that the development of my skills is as much grounded in a structured approach to continued Professional Development as it is in experiential learning. I have developed skills regarding group dynamics, as well as methods and tools that can be appropriately applied in different contexts, subjects and groups. Every meeting I facilitate is completed in real-time, which means that I do not have the opportunity to rehearse or prepare for all eventualities. However, I am always very well prepared and have a tailor-made plan for every meeting. Improvisation is key, and is always required no matter what level of planning has been completed. My experience clearly shows that a Professional Facilitator needs to believe in the individuals potential, show no prejudice, and listen and hear what is being said both directly and indirectly. A facilitator needs to be alert throughout the whole meeting and take a neutral stance in relation to the group, the subject and the Meeting Sponsor.

Var Jung religiös? : hur såg i så fall hans gudsbild ut?

Eriksson, Alva January 2007 (has links)
Carl Gustav Jung växte upp i en prästfamilj och kom redan i barndomen i kontakt med den religiösa problematiken. Jung har tidiga starka Gudsupplevelser men föreställde sig inte Gud på samma sätt som fadern gjorde. För denne var Gud bibelns och dogmatikens Gud medan Carl Gustavs Gud var snarare en panteistisk naturgud, stundom konkretiserad i ren fetischdyrkan. Hans religiösa föreställningar var lika mycket förbundna med underjordiska makter, med magi och trolldom. Carl Gustav Jungs konfirmation blev en stark besvikelse och efter denna tog han mer och mer avstånd ifrån den kristna religionen. Han hade under tonåren djupa tvivel som han inte kunde dela med någon i sin omgivning utan förde en inre diskussion mellan sina personligheter 1 och 2. Successivt kom han att utforska det kollektivt omedvetna framförallt under sin kris efter brytningen med Freud och individuationen och Självet kom att bli det som i första hand uppfyllde hans liv och tankar. Även om den analytiska psykologin som han utarbetade var ägnad som en terapi vid psykisk sjukdom har den i dagsläget ingen större plats i arsenalen. Jung har däremot kommit att få stor betydelse för New-Age-rörelsen och även för det så kallade tolvstegsprogrammet där Jung har tillskrivits äran av att ha tillfört den andliga dimensionen.

The rights and obligations of a bank when opening a bank account

Makgane, Innocent 16 October 2015 (has links)
The opening of a bank account serves as the genesis of a bank customer relationship. It is imperative that the establishment of a bank customer relationship be regulated by law. Both the common law and statutory law regulate the admission of new clients to the realm of banking. It is a minimum requirement, in terms of both statutory and common law, that the identity of a prospective client who wishes to open a bank account must both be established and verified. This, the need to know one’s customer, is not only good law but common sense and an effective measure to prevent criminals from accessing the banking system. Parties who work together must know each other. The need to establish and verify the identity of a potential customer is commonly referred to as the Know Your Customer standards, alternatively the Customer Due Diligence framework. The Know Your Customer standards are neither unique to South Africa nor have their origins in South Africa. The Know Your Customer standards are international standards which the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision have been advocating for quite some time. A confluence of the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision greatly influenced the birth of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act in South Africa. The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 prescribes the steps that a bank has to take in order to establish and verify the identity of a potential client. It will be shown in this dissertation that the identification and verification regime established by the Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 0f 2001 and the common law are not fool proof. This dissertation makes recommendations on how the current loopholes that exist in the law can be addressed. / Mercantile Law / LLM

Les droits de l'enfant a l'épreuve des droits parentaux : l'exemple du rattachement familial de l'enfant / The rights of the child against parental entitlements : the example of children affiliation to the family

Gris, Christophe 19 December 2013 (has links)
Les mutations profondes qui ont eu lieu dans notre manière de vivre : aspiration à l'égalité ; féminisme ; généralisation des familles recomposées ; acceptation sociale de l'homosexualité ; société de consommation ; dématérialisation et réappropriation de l'identité de l'individu sur les réseaux numériques... ont accompagné un changement radical de la manière de penser le rattachement familial de l'enfant. La mention du nom des parents dans l'acte de naissance ou la reconnaissance de l'enfant sont autant de supports dont le potentiel reste à explorer. Pour sa part, l'adoption est désormais fondée sur un lien plus abstrait de volonté qui exige de ne peut-être plus s'intéresser aux circonstances qui l'ont entourée. Enfin, en parallèle de la filiation génétique et de la filiation volontaire se dessine une nouvelle catégorie de filiation : le lien de filiation polygonéique, fondé sur le fait et mu par l'affection que l'on porte à l'enfant auquel il conviendra de donner un contenu juridique dans l'intérêt de l'enfant. Au delà de toutes ces formes d'appropriation générationnelle se pose dès lors la question de savoir où se trouvent les nouveaux droits de l'enfant. L'enfant a-t-il le droit à des parents en particulier ? Quels seront les critères d'égalité entre les enfants à l'avenir ? Quels bénéfices pourra-t-il tirer de ces évolutions ? Quelle doit-être la place de sa parole ? Plus que jamais il devient nécessaire de repenser un cadre juridique prévisible et stable pour le rattachement familial de l'enfant qui tienne compte du nouvel ordre public de la famille : les droits de l'enfant. / The profound changes in our way of life, (desire for equality, feminism, generalization of reconstituted families, social acceptance of homosexuality, consumer society, individuals’ identity becoming immaterial on digital networks), have gone along with a radical change in the way of thinking of how children are affiliated to a family. The mention of both parents’ names on a birth certificate, or the recognition of a child are two promising medium, yet to be examined. Concerning adoption, it is founded upon a more abstract link based on volition, meaning that it may no longer require to take into account the circumstances surrounding the adoption. Finally, parallel to genetic filiation and voluntary filiation, a new category of filiation is taking shape: polygoneic filiation (multi-parental filiation), which is based on facts and pushed by the affection felt for the child, and which will require a legal content in the best interests of the child. Beyond all these forms of belonging to a family, we can then wonder what will become new rights for children. Will a child have the right to have specific parents? What will be the criteria for equality between children in the future? What benefits will the child attain after these evolutions? What importance should be given to his/her views? More than ever, it will be crucial to re-examine an equable and predictable legal framework for family bonds which would take into consideration the new public order of the family: the rights of the child.

Analýza a návrh informačního systému řízení know-how v ICT společnosti / Analysis and Design of Know-How Management System in ICT Company

Pospíšil, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with a problem of the design of information system. The design of system is provided with Rational Unifeid Process methodology. This thesis creates a list of requests to system. It makes an analysis and a design of current information system. It useses a RUP methodology to realize two first phases, inception phase and elaboration phase. Created elaboration phase of document is a base for creating programming prototype in Ruby on Rails environment using Ruby language with combination of HTML code.

Shillelaghs, Shovels, and Secrets: Irish Immigrant Secret Societies and the Building of Indiana Internal Improvements, 1835-1837

Perry, Jay Martin January 2009 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In the 1830s, Indiana undertook an ambitious internal improvements program, building the state’s first railroad and multiple canals. To complete the projects, Indiana used Irish immigrant laborers. The Irish laborers developed a reputation for brawling amongst themselves, highlighted by a riot involving 600 laborers working on the Wabash and Erie Canal in 1835. Multiple volumes of Indiana history identify the Wabash and Erie riot as a one-time event inspired by Protestant and Catholic animosity imported from Ireland. A review of the historical record, however, contradicts these long-held assumptions. Inspired by Irish traditions of faction fighting and peasant secret societies, Irish immigrant laborers formed secret societies that used violence against competitors in hopes of securing access to internal improvement jobs for their own membership. The rival secret societies, the Corkonians and the Fardowns, organized based on their provincial origins in Ireland. Examples of Corkonian and Fardown violence occurred throughout the country. In Indiana, a pattern of Corkonian and Fardown conflict resulted in skirmishes on at least three different construction sites between 1835 and 1837. In contrast to the traditional narrative, the Corkonians and Fardowns were both pioneers of the first wave of large-scale Irish Catholic immigration whose rivalry centered on job protection and economic grievances.

In Real Life (Or Elsewhere) : om kreativa processer och parallella verkligheter i dokumentärfilm

Nevanti, Kirsi January 2017 (has links)
Reality isn’t what it appears to be. Contexts are not always clear and visible. People don’t always say what they really mean. And they don’t always mean what they say. When life is your stage manager, anything can happen. I often say, life is hard, my head is harder. Making documentaries is not for the faint-hearted.This PhD project explores creative processes and parallel realities in documentary film, and discusses and conceptualizes the artistic practice of documentary filmmaking. The project consists in part of artistic works and essays that are critical reflections on the creative process and how that process can be conceptualized. The cinematic centerpiece of the thesis is entitled Images and the Worlds of Being (2011–2016). Previous subprojects are A Shift Between Worlds (2013–2015) and an essay book entitled In Real Life (or Elsewhere) (2013). Between 2013 and 2017, more essays were written, some of them translated to English. All the Swedish essays are available in PDF format. All of the works in the PhD project explore creative processes and parallel realities in two different ways: A Shift Between Worlds (2013–2015) explores identity and parallel realities in the gendered world. These works are based on two workshops led by Diane Torr, “Man for a Day” and “Woman for a Day.” They resulted in several component works, including two video essays, two audio works and two large-format photographic works, the latter in collaboration with photographer Johan Bergmark, as well as a short commentary film entitled Diane Speaks Out (2016). Images and the Worlds of Being (2011–2016) – a VR Classic Style film – explores what happens when documentary images are shown on four screens forming the walls of a room. This work also focuses on the view through the camera lens through which the filmmaker meets the world, in a hypnotic tapestry of parallel realities in a tenderly portrayed, runaway present. A sort of logical reasoning about the illogic of our era, in search of elusive reality (to paraphrase Jean Baudrillard) – the presence in the act of seeing. An experiment in the forms of visual knowledge, outside the traditional display windows. Shooting location: The World.

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