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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Land and calendar : the priestly document from Genesis 1 to Joshua 18 /

Guillaume, Philippe January 2009 (has links)
Habil.-Schr., Bern. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

`The Troubles´ och dess musik : Identitet genom musik i Nordirland mellan 1968–1998

William, Granath January 2021 (has links)
During the late 1960s pandemonium and chaos spread throughout the northeast part of the Irish island in the area known as Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom. The conflict was the culmination of many factors such as the British colonization of the island during the 12th century, the semi-liberation and divide of the Island during the 1920s, local religious persecution and the advancing civil rights movement. At the heart of the conflict were organizations that gained most of their infamy through the terror and violent conflict, like the IRA and their related factions. These fought for the “liberation” of the entire Irish island as the northern part had been left under British control after the easter rising revolution which established the current Irish Republic, or Ireland.The inhabitants of Northern Ireland had to endure 30 years of conflict during 1968-1998 between the IRA, local police, British military and other loyalist terror organizations. At the end of the conflict, it was evidently clear that the majority of the victims of violence had not been tied to the perpetrators of it. These were civilians whose deaths can be seen as a result of terrorist attacks, sectarian violence and a situation far beyond any official authority's control.This thesis explores one of the many facets of expression during the conflict, music. Specifically, it's an attempt to categorize and contextualize what is known as Irish rebel music. The rebel music can be seen as an outlet for republican individuals and groups to express their reasoning and legitimization for their own actions, thus creating a form of propaganda through discourse. During the paper nine different songs, mostly gathered from republican publications, will be analyzed to see how the so-called rebels choose to portray themselves, their enemies and their reasoning. What becomes apparent is the ever-present violence and how it's used as a tool to create a discourse where the struggles and brutality of the IRA are justified. Furthermore, it looks at the constructs of the other within the British and official government forces which can also be tied to the sectarian violence that’s been a large part of the population's history.

Ella Hermon, La colonie romaine: espace, territoire, paysage. Les Gromatici entre histoire et droit pour la gestion des ressources naturelles. Besançon, Presse Universitaire de Franche-Comté 2020. 494 S. [Rezension]

Schubert, Charlotte 13 June 2024 (has links)
In diesem Werk fasst Hermon als Summe ihrer zahlreichen Arbeiten (worauf sie in ihrer „Conclusion générale“ auch hinweist) das Spektrum der Formen zusammen, die wir für die römische Kolonisation und ihre territorialen sowie rechtlichen (aber auch vermessungstechnischen) Instrumente rekonstruieren können. Zwei Schwerpunkte zeichnen dieses Buch aus: die Betonung der Vielfalt in der Geschichte der römischen Kolonisation sowie der Fokus auf die Umweltbezogenheit vieler Aspekt dieser Unternehmungen.

De historier vi berättar för varandra : En komparativ analys av historiebruket rörande kulturell interaktion under koloniseringen av Piteå lappmark från år 1749 till 1800-talets slut. / The stories we tell each other : A comparative analysis of the use of history concerning cultural interaction during the colonization of Piteå Lapland from the year 1749 to the end of the 19th century.

Lööv, Johan January 2021 (has links)
De historier vi berättar för varandra berättas med ett syfte. Men vem berättar dem och med vilket bakomliggande syfte? I denna kvalitativa studie som bedrivs som en komparativ flerfallstudie undersöks och jämförs användningen av det existentiella historiebruket i lokalhistoriska publikationer. Författarna till dessa publikationer har antingen en samisk kulturell bakgrund eller en kulturell bakgrund som kan ses svara mot nybyggarkulturen. De lokalhistoriska publikationerna handlar om orterna Arvidsjaur och Glommersträsk samt de personer som där levde. Uppsatsen visar på hur författarna drivs av en tydlig personlig tendens och att valet av berättelser har ett bakomliggande syfte. Uppsatsen visar även hur författarna konstruerar ett ”vi” och ”dom” som primärt definieras av antingen etnicitet eller moraliskt handlande och att de använder denna konstruktion för att styrka det historiska narrativ författarna vill förmedla. / The stories we tell each other aret old with a purpose. But who tells them and for what reason? In this qualitative study, witch is conducted as a comparative multiple-case study, the use of existential history use in local history publications is examined and compared. The autors of these publications have eather Sami cultural background or a cultural background that can be seen as corresponding to the settler culture. The local history publications are about the places Arvidsjaur and Glommersträsk as well as the peaople who lived there. The essay shows how the authors are driven by a clear personal tendency and that the choice of stories has an underlying purpose. The essay also shows how the authors construct a ”we” and ”them” that is primarily defined by eather ethnicity or moral action and that they use this constuction to strengthen the historical narrative the authors want to convey.

Ett mesolitiskt gränsland : En GIS-baserad studie av Närkes kolonisationsprocess / Mesolithic Borderland : A GIS-based Study of Närke’s Colonization Process

Solfeldt, Erik January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand the colonization process of the county Närke in relation to the surrounding archaeologically defined areas western Sweden and eastern central Sweden. By using a comparative analysis and a landscape analysis in combination with a theoretical framework that advocates for colonization as a process and not an event, I argue that Närke was colonized from within eastern central Sweden around 8 500 BC, based on the use of local raw material quartz. Further, I argue for the importance of the sea to the mesolithic people in the area around 7 500–4 500 BC as more than just an economic resource. Around 4 500 BC contact with groups in western Sweden increased which in time brought the idea of farming to the area. The late mesolithic sites in Närke show continuity into the early neolithic age, rejecting the idea of a Funnelbeaker migration in the area.

Äktenskap i Sápmi : Giftermålsmönster och etnisk komplexitet i kolonisationens tidevarv, 1722-1895 / Sápmi marriages : Marriage Patterns and Ethnic Complexity During the Era of Colonisation

Nordin, Gabriella January 2009 (has links)
This thesis explores a period in Northern Sweden when contacts between Sami and non-Sami became more frequent as the colonisation progressed. The investigated period is 1722-1895 and eight parishes in northern Sweden are under study. Both the northern as well as the southern Sami area are represented. The main purpose of the thesis is thus to see whether the cultural meeting between Sami and non-Sami affected the way people chose to make significant decisions. In this study these cultural meetings are represented by the way people married.      To understand the consequences of cultural contacts, where individuals from different backgrounds meet, concepts developed within the field of acculturation theories are used. The marriage patterns among the inhabitants are viewed with regard to three key variables founded by Ruth Dixon, as these help to explain changes or continuations in the individuals’ marital behaviour.      The southern Sami area seamed to be rather unaffected by the colonisation process, at least according to the marriage pattern. The analysis revealed limited economic openings for marriage as well as cemented marriage traditions, and these prevailed throughout the investigated period. During the 18th and 19th centuries it was evident that the northern Sami areas were significantly affected by the in-migrated newcomers.  Even though the gender distribution in each parish seemed to matter, analysing the overall marriage pattern illuminated chiefly economic reasons for changes that occurred during the colonisation process. As the in-migration of non-Sami progressed, the age at first marriage increased particularly among Sami women. Furthermore, the results indicates that even though settled Sami probably interacted with non-Sami on a daily basis, and were integrated in their lifestyle, Sami settlers continuously estranged themselves from a complete assimilation and stuck to their Sami culture and traditions. Thus, language and cultural expressions seemed to have mattered when it came to marriage.       The thesis concludes that according to the marriage pattern, economic prerequisites for preferentially the Sami, changed dramatically through the colonisation process. Most affected by the changes were thus the Sami women, who experienced an unfavourable marriage market as the colonisation progressed. Towards the end of the nineteenth century the preferable form of coexistence was still the legal marriage in the area, and the marriage as an institution was of considerable importance, which is also evident since the marriage to some extent still seemed to be a family affair. The study also showed that Sami people in the southern Sami area interacted with non-Sami to a less degree than was the case in the north. However, in the north, the more ethnic complex parishes revealed an integrating population, rather than assimilating. The more ethnically homogenous parishes instead pointed towards an assimilated state among the newcomers.

Establishing a Survey of Refugees in Germany: Challenges in Sampling, Field Work and Measurement

Jacobsen, Jannes 16 September 2020 (has links)
Diese Dissertation betrachtet verschiedene Schritte einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Erhebung zur Integration Geflüchteter in Deutschland. Anhand von vier Zeitschriftenartikeln wird eine neuartige Strategie, um eine Zufallsstichprobe von Geflüchteten in Deutschland zu ziehen, besprochen, die Folgen fehlender muttersprachlicher Übersetzungen von Fragebögen analysiert, latente Konstrukte auf Vergleichbarkeit getestet und Fragen ökonomischer Integration in sich verändernden Migrationsregimen diskutiert. Der erste Artikel befasst sich mit einer sequentiellen Ziehungsstrategie für Zufallsstichproben. Diese ermöglicht eine zeitnahe Erhebung von Zuwanderern in Zeiten hoher Immigration, da Registerdaten Migranten nur mit zeitlicher Verzögerung umfassend abdecken. Im zweiten Artikel wird gezeigt, dass fehlende muttersprachliche Übersetzungen von Umfragen die Item-Nonresponse erhöhen. Auch die Bereitstellung von Audio-Aufnahmen kann diesem Effekt nicht entgegenwirken. Im dritten Artikel wird die Vergleichbarkeit latenter Konstrukte in multikulturellen und multisprachlichen Erhebungen am Beispiel von Vorstellungen zu demokratischen Systemen untersucht. Messinvarianztests deuten darauf hin, dass Vorstellungen von Demokratie über verschiedene Herkunftsländer und Sprachen nicht vergleichbar sind. Der letzte Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der ökonomischen Integration Geflüchteter und argumentiert, dass diese auf institutioneller Ebene betrachtet werden muss. Fixed-Effects- Regressionsanalysen kombiniert mit einem exakten Matching führen zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass sichere Aufenthaltstitel und die Teilnahme an Integrationskursen bei Geflüchteten in Deutschland zu einer erhöhten Anstrengung führt Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt zu bekommen. / This dissertation looks at the different steps in the process of conducting a survey on refugees living in Germany and discusses key focal points of integration research. In four different articles, I discuss the novel sampling strategy used in a survey of refugees, analyze the effects of missing questionnaire languages, test latent constructs for measurement invariance, and discuss the analysis of economic integration in a changing migration regime. In the first article, I propose a sequential sampling strategy to sample refugees in times of high immigration. In the second article, I show that the lack of questionnaires in a respondent’s mother tongue increases item nonresponse. Providing additional audio recordings of the questions does not diminish this effect. In the third article, I use conceptions of democracy as a case study to show that latent constructs in multi-cultural and multi-linguistic surveys face specific challenges and limitations in their comparability. By employing tests for measurement invariance, my results show that conceptions of democracy are likely not comparable across countries of origin or across languages. The fourth and last article looks at the economic integration of refugees. In it, I propose that integration trajectories have to be observed within the specific institutional settings in which they take place. Fixed-effects regression analyses combined with a coarsened exact matching lead to the conclusion that a secure residence permit and participation in integration classes lead to increasing investments in future labor market access of refugees in Germany.

Social Networks and Refugee Mental Health – From Social Isolation to Family Reunification

Löbel, Lea-Maria 11 January 2022 (has links)
Geflüchtete sind aufgrund ihrer Fluchterfahrung eine besonders vulnerable Gruppe. Dennoch fehlt es an Wissen über den Ressourcengewinn und andere schützende Faktoren, die mentale Gesundheit von Geflüchteten positiv beeinflussen. In dieser Dissertation wird ein soziales Ressourcenmodell der psychischen Gesundheit von Geflüchteten entwickelt, das theoretische Überlegungen aus der Soziologie und Gesundheitsforschung kombiniert (Kapitel 1). Darüber hinaus leistet diese Dissertation einen Beitrag zum Verständnis sozialer Ressourcenverluste und -gewinne sowie deren Zusammenhänge mit der psychischen Gesundheit von Geflüchteten unter Verwendung des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels. In Kapitel 2 werden Theorien zum Bedarf sozialer Ressourcen, emotionaler Taubheit und der Selbstselektion konkurrierende Hypothesen zur Stärke des Zusammenhangs zwischen sozialer Isolation und Einsamkeit bei Geflüchteten, der Aufnahmebevölkerung sowie anderen MigrantInnen getestet. Die Anfälligkeit unter sozialer Isolation an Einsamkeit zu leiden ist bei Geflüchteten und der Aufnahmebevölkerung gleich ausgeprägt. Kapitel 3 untersucht die Familienstrukturen von Geflüchteten nach der Flucht. Unter Anwendung sozialer Netzwerktheorie und der Theorie zu familiären Rollenbeziehungen weisen die Analysen auf einen signifikant positiven Zusammenhang zwischen der Größe der Kernfamilie und der psychischen Gesundheit hin. Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, wie die Trennung von der Kernfamilie mit einem niedrigeren Niveau der psychischen Gesundheit von Geflüchteten korreliert. Kapitel 4 betrachtet Familienzusammenführungen von Geflüchteten in Deutschland und wie dieser Ressourcengewinn mit deren psychischer Gesundheit zusammenhängt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Familienzusammenführung mit der Kernfamilie einen signifikant positiven Zusammenhang mit der psychischen Gesundheit von Geflüchteten hat. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Analyse keine klaren Geschlechterunterschiede der Assoziationen. / Refugees are a particularly vulnerable group of migrants, given experiences throughout forced migration. Yet, knowledge on their resource gain and protective factors is largely missing. This dissertation develops a social resource model of refugee mental health, combining theoretical considerations from health with sociology (Chapter 1). Moreover, this dissertation makes an empirical contribution to understanding social resource loss and gain as well as links to refugee mental health, using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study. Chapter 2 asks the initial question whether refugees are more susceptible to social isolation with regards to loneliness. Drawing on theories of resource needs, numbing and self-selection, the analysis tests competing hypotheses on the strength of association between social isolation and loneliness among refugees, host populations and other migrants in Germany. Susceptibility to social isolation with regards to loneliness is equally strong for refugees and host populations. Chapter 3 investigates refugee family structures after resettlement and how this potential social resource relates to refugee mental health. Applying social network theory and approaches on family role relations, the analyses point towards a significant positive association between the size of the nuclear family and mental health. Moreover, the chapter shows how separation from the nuclear family is associated with lower levels in refugee mental health. Chapter 4 observes family reunification taking place in Germany and how this resource gain specific to the migration context is associated with refugee mental health. Results show how family reunification with the nuclear family has a significant positive association with refugee mental health. However, the return on mental health outcomes decreases for additional members joining. Moreover, the analysis does not show clear gender differences between these associations.

Kärlek i virusets tid : att hantera relationer och hälsa i Zululand / Love in the time of the virus : managing relationshops and health in Zululand

Wickström, Anette January 2008 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med avhandlingen är att förstå hur människor tänker om och hanterar kärlek, sexualitet och hälsa i sina vardagliga liv på landsbygden i nordöstra KwaZulu Natal i Sydafrika. Målet är att förstå vad kärlek innebär för dem, men också hur större samhälleliga processer påverkar erfarenheter av kärlek, hälsa och relationer. Studien baserar sig på sex månaders etnografiska fältstudier bland framförallt åtta familjer. Data samlades in genom deltagande observationer och öppna intervjuer. Vid sidan om familjerna intervjuades tio örtdoktorer. Materialet består av 60 bandade intervjuer och cirka 340 sidor fältanteckningar. Analysen visar att man talar mer om kärlek i termer av respektfulla handlingar och en social ordning än om kärlek som en känsla. Kärleken är visserligen känslofull, men talet om respektfulla handlingar som kännetecknet på kärlek visar att invånarna ser sig som djupt beroende av varandra. Individen definieras av en väv av relationer där även förfäderna, både levande och döda, ingår. Kärlek mellan två individer hänger därför intimt samman med släkten och relationer i närsamhället, vilket skapar tillhörighet men också utsatthet. Kärleksmediciner tillverkade av örter utgör en möjlig väg att stärka ett förhållande eller att vinna någons kärlek. Berättelser om kärleksmediciner visar emellertid vad människor drabbas av och vad som anses vara ett omoraliskt agerande, vilket ger förklaring och lindring i svåra situationer men också lyfter fram att strukturella omständigheter under vilka människor lever behöver förändras. Kolonisation, apartheid och under senare år demokratisering har inneburit radikala förändringar för kärleks- och familjerelationer. Män, och fler och fler kvinnor, försörjer sig som migrantarbetare, vilket har lett till en uppsplittring av familjen mellan stad och landsbygd och skapat nya slags försörjningsnätverk. Förändringarna har lett till svårigheter med att visa kärlek i handling och till efterfrågan på nya sorters handlingar som bevis på kärlek. Arbetslöshet och sjukdomar utgör dock det allvarligaste hotet mot kärleken. I brist på effektiva åtgärder mot aids åberopar människor en tydligare moralisk ordning och försöker finna alternativa vägar att skydda sig. För att lyfta fram både det individuella och det gemensamma ansvaret för sexuella relationer och för att stärka flickors position har invånarna skapat en ritual för att kontrollera flickors oskuld, som en preventiv snarare än en diagnostisk åtgärd. En välkänd historisk ritual som lyfter fram oskuldens och kollektivets betydelse används i en modern strategi för att försöka hejda spridningen av aids och göra kärleken möjlig. Studien lyfter fram hur både inomstatliga och västerländska projekt som syftar till att förbättra zulufolkets situation grundar sig i perspektiv och föreställningar som är främmande för dem, och ibland krockar med deras sätt att uppfatta kärlek, relationer och sexualitet. Invånarna ser ömsom nya möjligheter, ömsom försöker de bevara sin tidigare moraliska ordning, men framförallt transformerar de sin specifika förståelse av hur samlevnad fungerar till dagens behov och villkor. / The main purpose of this study is to investigate how people think about and manage love, sexuality and health in their daily lives in northeastern rural KwaZulu Natal. The goal is to understand what love means to them, as well as how bigger social processes influence experiences of love, health and relationships. The thesis is based on six months of ethnographic field studies concentrated around eight families. Data were gathered through participant observations and open-ended interviews. Ten traditional healers were also interviewed. Data comprises 60 tape-recorded interviews and about 340 pages of fieldnotes. The analysis shows that people speak about love in terms of respectful actions and a social order rather than in terms of love as an emotion. Certainly love is about feelings, but the view that respectful actions are the primary signs of love reflects the way in which people see themselves as deeply dependent on one another. The individual is woven into a web of relationships where even the ancestors are an integral part. Thus love between two individuals is intimately connected to the family and to wider social relations in a way that creates a sense of belonging but also vulnerability. Love medicines made from herbs offer one way to strengthen a relationship or win somebody’s love. However, stories about love medicines reveal what trials people face, what they see as amoral actions, and in addition provide explanations and comfort as well as point out that structural circumstances under which people live need to be changed. Colonisation, apartheid policies, and more recently democratization have all led to radical changes for love and family relations. Men and increasingly women have been drawn into migrant labor, dividing families between rural and urban areas and creating new types of support networks. These changes have obstructed individuals’ ability to show love through actions and also led to individuals expecting new types of actions as proof of love. The most serious threats to love, however, are unemployment and sickness. In the absence of effective measures against aids people refer to a more distinct moral order to find alternative ways to protect young people. To emphasize both the individual’s and the community’s responsibility for sexual relations, and to strengthen girls’ position, Zulu have created virginity testing as a preventive ritual more than a diagnostic measure. An old tradition that emphasizes the status of virgin girls and the significance of the collective is used in a modern strategy to try to combat the spread of aids and to make love possible. The study emphasizes how both South African and Western projects that aim to improve the situation for the Zulus are grounded in perspectives and ideas that are unfamiliar to them, and sometimes collide with how they perceive love, relationships and sexuality. The interviewees sometimes see new possibilities, sometimes try to preserve their old moral order, but most of all work to transform their specific understandings of love and life to meet today’s needs and conditions.

International Students as Future Immigrants?! / An Analysis of How Higher Education Institutions Respond to Changing Societal Expectations

Morris-Lange, Simon 15 March 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie Hochschulen und ihr Personal politische und gesellschaftliche Erwartungen wahrnehmen, interpretieren und letztendlich in ihre Praxis einfließen lassen. Im Zentrum der Analyse steht der Verbleib hunderttausender internationaler Studierender, die zwischen 2010 und 2019 zum Studium nach Deutschland und Kanada zugewandert sind. Ihnen wird seitens der Politik ein hohes Fachkräfte- und Einwanderungspotenzial attestiert. Das Erkenntnisinteresse der Arbeit umschließt drei Teilbereiche: Erstens, das Ausmaß der deutschen und kanadischen ‚Bleibepolitik‘ sowie die einschlägigen Erwartungen an Hochschulen. Zweitens, die berichtete Hochschulpraxis und drittens, die institutionellen Zusammenhänge zwischen Erwartung und Praxis. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Mehrheit der untersuchten Hochschulen den Verbleib internationaler Studierender auch ohne eine von außen zugeschriebene Zuständigkeit aktiv fördert. Einerseits konnten die befragten Hochschulprofessionellen ihre Beratungs- und Betreuungsangebote größtenteils frei und eigenverantwortlich gestalten. Andererseits war der Raum dessen, was aus Sicht des Personals als möglich und wünschenswert erschien, stark vorgeprägt durch den jeweiligen Landeskontext und die dort institutionalisierten Erwartungen: In Kanada stand der Gedanke des Wettbewerbs um internationale Studierende als zahlende Kundschaft und potentielle Einwanderinnen und Einwanderer häufig im Vordergrund. In Deutschland waren Hochschulen vergleichsweise weniger markt- und wettbewerbsorientiert. Die Handlungs- und Interpretationsmuster des Personals zeugten häufig von dem gleichen migrationspolitischen Pragmatismus, der in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Bundes- und Landespolitik mitbestimmt hatte. Internationale Studierende wurde somit als potenzielle Fachkräfte konstruiert, nicht aber als mögliche Einwanderinnen und Einwanderer. / This research explores how higher education institutions respond to societal expectations, asking three interconnected questions: First, what are Canada and Germany’s public higher education institutions expected to do to support the post-study retention of international students? Second, what do they report to be doing? And third, how are their reported practices and rationales associated with the expectations held by government agencies, the private sector, and other audiences outside of their formal boundaries? The findings show that between 2010 and 2019, a majority of higher education institutions in Canada and Germany chose to actively facilitate international students’ transition to host country employment and, albeit to a lesser extent, immigration. Although the surveyed career development and international education professionals had considerable leeway to design student services, their actions were found to be focused by the oftentimes pro-(im)migration rules, norms, and beliefs that surrounded them. In Canada, many of the professionals were found to have internalized the same market and human capital orientation that had been promoted by the Canadian government and other stakeholders for decades. To them, international students were potential immigrants and paying customers in a competitive, globalized education market. In Germany, higher education practices were found to be less market-driven. Furthermore, most professionals in Germany were found to echo their country’s historically reluctant and pragmatic approach to migration. Many reported to actively prepare international students for employment in Germany, but not for long-term immigration.

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