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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O acordo de leniência e seus reflexos penais / The leniency agreement and its criminal effects

Maíra Beauchamp Salomi 08 May 2012 (has links)
Com as mudanças do mundo moderno surgiu uma justificada preocupação global com a crescente prática de delitos contra a ordem econômica e a dificuldade que as autoridades enfrentam para apurá-los. Para socorrê-las surge o acordo de leniência, instrumento de investigação altamente eficaz de ampla aplicação em nações estrangeiras. Mas não por isso, este instituto deve ser importado ao nosso ordenamento tal qual utilizado em terras alienígenas, ignorando-se os direitos do delator e em flagrante desrespeito aos princípios constitucionais. Diante dessa problemática, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma análise crítica acerca deste acordo e dos reflexos que provoca no âmbito penal, a fim de serem detectadas as falhas e incongruências de seu procedimento, bem como os seus aspectos inconstitucionais e, com isso, contribuir para a sua adequação ao ordenamento jurídico e seu desenvolvimento como meio de investigação para o combate aos crimes contra a ordem econômica, sobretudo, a formação de cartel. Em vista disso, será feito um estudo inicial sobre a relação entre Direito e Economia, Direito Concorrencial, seus interesses e a necessidade de tutela, inclusive pela via penal, da concorrência pelo Estado. Posteriormente, passar-se-á à análise das condutas anticoncorrenciais e dos crimes contra a ordem econômica, constatando-se os empecilhos para a investigação de tais delitos. A partir deste exame, far-se-á uma apresentação do acordo de leniência, suas origens, sua regulamentação em outros países para, então, a par das preocupações éticas que o circundam, realizar uma apreciação crítica dos efeitos que provoca na esfera penal. Ao final, em concordância com a necessidade de se manter o instituto, o presente trabalho buscará sanar as deficiências da atual legislação sobre o tema e, inclusive, da recémaprovada Lei nº 12.529/2011 , propondo alterações que visam minimizar a discricionariedade, o subjetivismo e a insegurança jurídica que permeiam o acordo, de modo a adequá-lo aos ditames constitucionais e torná-lo mais atraente aos candidatos. / The modern world has undergone changes that justify the global concern with the increasing occurrence of criminal offenses against the economic order and with the difficulty the authorities face to ascertain them by investigation. Precisely to aid the authorities, looms the leniency agreement, a highly effective investigation instrument of broad use in foreign countries. In spite of that, this institute shall not be imported to our legal system as regularly applied abroad ignoring the rights of the delator and of flagrant disrespect to constitutional principles. Before this issue, the current paper has the objective to promote a critical analysis concerning the leniency agreement and the reflexes it triggers in the criminal field, in order to evidence the flaws and incompatibility of its procedure, as well as its unconstitutional aspects, by that, be able to contribute with its suitability to the criminal systemand to its development as a mean of investigation to fight crimes against the economic order, overall, the formation of cartel. Due to that, an initial study is proposed about the relation between Law and Economics, Competition Law, their interests and the need of tutelage containing the criminal manner and the competition by the State. Later, an analysis of anti-competitive conducts and of crimes against the economic order containing the impediments to the investigation of such criminal offenses. Resulting from this examination, there will be a presentation of the leniency agreement, its origins, regulations in other countries, so that, in addition to the ethical concerns that surround the agreement, be possible the fulfillment of critical appraisal to the effects it causes in the criminal field. Finally, in accordance to the need to support the institute, the current paper seeks to heal the gaps of the current legislation related to the theme including, the newly approved Law number 12.529/2011 proposing changes that aim at minimizing the discretion, subjectivism and juridical insecurity that permeates the agreement, in a way to adequate it to the constitutional precepts and make it become more engaging to the candidates.

Ett svenskt kronvittnessystem? Att vara eller inte vara ett kronvittne

Markusson, Caroline January 2014 (has links)
Kronvittnessystem har vid ett flertal tillfällen diskuterats i svensk politik som en möjlig åtgärd i arbetet mot organiserad brottslighet. Ett kronvittne är en person som vittnar om sin egen eller andras brottslighet och på grund av detta erhåller ett mildare straff för sina brott. Flera andra länder använder sig av kronvittnessystem på grund av de nyttor som finns med det, men forskning visar att det även finns problem med systemet. Syftet med denna studie är att besvara frågan vad kriminella personer har för uppfattning om att kronvittna i ett kronvittnessystem. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med före detta kriminella med erfarenhet av organiserad brottslighet. Resultaten visade att det fanns många aspekter av att kronvittna som skulle leda till problem. Det mest framträdande resultatet var bilden av det hot och våld som blir en effekt mot den person som kronvittnar, samt mot denna persons familj och vänner. Det rådde stor konsensus om att ett kronvittnessystem är farligt för människor och för med sig svåra konsekvenser. Resultaten pekar på att kriminella personer inte vill se ett kronvittnessystem införas i Sverige. / Crown witness systems have previously been discussed in Swedish politics as a possible way to fight organized crime. A crown witness, or supergrass, is a person who in return for giving information about his or her own crime or another person’s crime, is rewarded with a penalty discount. Many other countries use crown witness methods because of the positive things with doing so, but studies also show that there are problems with such a procedure. The purpose of this study is to answer the question what opinions criminals have about being a crown witness/accomplice witness within a crown witness system. The method that was used was interviews with former criminals who had experience regarding organized crime. The results showed that there are many aspects of testifying as a crown witness that would lead to problems. The most important result was that the crown witness and its family and friends would as an affect of the testimony be subjects of threats and violence against them. It was agreed that a crown witness system is dangerous for people and lead to severe consequences. The results indicate that criminals do not want to see a crown witness system be incorporated in Sweden.

Acordo de leniência na Lei de Improbidade Administrativa e na Lei Anticorrupção / Leniency agrements under the Misconduct in Office Act and under the Anticorruption Act

Santos, Kleber Bispo dos 30 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-04-06T12:48:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Kleber Bispo dos Santos.pdf: 1476369 bytes, checksum: 4b9e17fc7f4f7b932833463fdb9eb1d3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-06T12:48:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kleber Bispo dos Santos.pdf: 1476369 bytes, checksum: 4b9e17fc7f4f7b932833463fdb9eb1d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-30 / The leniency agreement stated by Brazilian Law no. 12.846/2013, also known as Anticorruption Act, is an extremely useful tool in preventing corruption because it provides for severe administrative sanctions to legal entities involved in practices that harm both domestic and foreign Public Administration, particularly in major agreements involving public works, infrastructure and the rendering of public services. However, before enactment of the Anticorruption Act, the Misconduct in Office Act, in Article 3, already provided for the liability of legal entities that induce, cooperate or benefit from misconduct practices, which are defined by law as being similar, and sometimes equal to the harmful practices outlined by the Anticorruption Law. In such a scenario, where two systems defining liability for legal entities coexist, and in view of the uncertainties and legal insecurity surrounding the adoption of leniency agreements, which is why this institute is scarcely used, and which in our view represents a drawback for society, we endeavor to present a reading and an interpretation of so valuable an institute by applying the principles enshrined in the Federal Constitution and by approaching issues such as the relevant requirements, the possibility to refuse a proposal, the agents endowed with competence to enter into leniency agreements, the effects thereof on other spheres or systems defining liability, with specific focus on the system under the Misconduct in Office Act, and also on the possibility that leniency agreements be made by legal entities under the system defining liability provided for the Misconduct in Office Act– Law no. 8429/92 / O acordo de leniência, previsto na Lei n. 12.846/2013, conhecida como Lei Anticorrupção, é instrumento de grande utilidade na prevenção à corrupção por prever severas sanções administrativas às pessoas jurídicas envolvidas em atos lesivos à Administração Pública nacional e estrangeira, sobretudo nos grandes contratos de obras públicas, infraestrutura e prestação de serviços públicos. Todavia, antes do advento da Lei Anticorrupção, a Lei de Improbidade Administrativa, por força do seu artigo terceiro, já previa a responsabilização de pessoas jurídicas que induzissem, concorressem ou se beneficiassem desses atos de improbidade administrativa, que em sua tipificação se assemelham e em algumas hipóteses até mesmo coincidem com os atos lesivos previstos na Lei Anticorrupção. Diante desse cenário, em que coexistem os dois sistemas de responsabilização das pessoas jurídicas, e considerando-se as incertezas e insegurança jurídica que giram em torno da adoção do instituto do acordo de leniência e que tem acarretado a sua pouca utilização, o que a nosso ver é uma perda para a coletividade, envidamos esforços para apresentar uma leitura e interpretação desse valioso instituto jurídico através da aplicação dos princípios previstos na Constituição Federal, abordando questões como requisitos para celebração, possibilidade de recusa da proposta, agentes competentes para celebração, efeitos sobre outras esferas ou sistemas de responsabilização com enfoque especial no sistema da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa, e ainda, sobre a possibilidade de celebração do acordo de leniência pelas pessoas jurídicas no sistema de responsabilização da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa - Lei n. 8.429/92

Les ententes dans les économies en transition : réflexions d'une perspective thaïlandaise / Cartel in transitional economy : reflection of a thai perspective

Sukvibul, Nusara 14 November 2015 (has links)
La politique et le droit de la concurrence ont pour objet de contrôler le comportement des opérateurs dans le marché. Du fait des effets pervers des ententes illégales à l’économie et à la société, la majorité des autorités de la concurrence autour du monde surveillent sérieusement ce genre de comportement. Néanmoins la Thaïlande est à la traîne. Cette recherche cherche la réponse à la question « pourquoi la politique et le droit de la concurrence ne sont pas efficaces en particulier dans les économies en transition ? ». La politique et le droit de la concurrence aux niveaux local (Thaïlande), régional (ASEAN) et international (OMC, OCDE, CNUCED et RIC) ont été traités, car ils reflètent les finalités du gouvernement à l’égard du marché économique. A fortiori, la démocratie , la corruption, la culture des affaires, l’influence abusive de l’administration des entreprises et des hommes politiques, le système judiciaire et législatif, la capacité des autorités concernées, le soutien financier, l’engagement du gouvernement, la responsabilité civique, l’arrangement institutionnel, le respect du droit de la concurrence des entreprises, la coopération des autorités aux niveaux local, régional et international sont autant de facteurs majeurs influençant le régime de la concurrence. En conclusion, il faut d’abord avoir la politique de la concurrence et ensuite le droit de la concurrence, la compétence d’autorité de la concurrence, l’efficacité d’implémentation des lois et les mécanismes exécutoires et non exécutoires / The competition policy and law are introduced to control the companies’ behaviors that restraint competition. The majority of the authorities from all around the world monitor this kind of behavior very closely and carefully because of the perverse effects of illegal agreements (Cartel) that hinder the economy and society. Given that Thailand is lagging behind. This research seeks for the answer to the question "why competition policy and law are not effective particularly in transition economy?". The competition policy and law at the local level (Thailand), regional level (ASEAN) and international level (WTO, OECD, UNCTAD and ICN) were analysed to reflect the aims of the government in the economic market. A fortiori, the political system (Democracy), the business culture and the bribery, the compliance of competition law by enterprises, the misuse of power by administrative agency and politicians, the judicial and legislative system, the capacity of the authorities, the financial support, the commitment of the government, civil responsibility, the institutional arrangement, the cooperation of the authorities at the local, regional and international level are all the major factors influencing the effective competition regime. In conclusion, first of all, the competition policy and law were required before the competition authority is established, followed by the effectiveness of implementation of laws and the binding and non-binding mechanisms

Právní následky dohod narušujících hospodářskou soutěž / Legal consequences of agreements interfering with economic competition

Sloupová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This work presented here, named "Legal consequences of agreements interfering with economic competition" seeks to answer several questions, that are dealt with in five sections. Principal notions are explained in first three chapters. The core of the work is found in chapters four and five. The first part describes the competition policy in general. Precise definition of Competiton doesn't actually exist. In practice the economic-viewed interpretation is mostly used. It is a very dynamic process, which, as history shows us, needs for its effective functioning not only to be secured by fundamental freedoms, but also needs a framework of strict rules of law. These boundaries are established by the Competition Law. This branch of law overlaps both the Public law and Private law. My work addresses ontly the part of the Competition Law that depicts protective methods concerning anti-competitive agreements and its violations. Regarding the applicable law sources needs to be examined within the frame of the membership of the Czech Republic in European Union. The third part deals with prohibited agreements in the scope of the Substantive Law. An interesting point of view is brought in by comparing particular characteristic features and its concept with regard to the decisional practice of both The European...

聯合行為下寬恕政策的有效性分析 / The Effectiveness Analysis of Leniency Policy under Cartel

陳姿伶, Chen, Tzu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
寬恕政策為政府打擊卡特爾不可或缺的重要工具,為了維持市場競爭公平性,各國相繼將其引入法條之中,該政策透過廠商主動揭露涉案行為,使得政府可有效掌握證據將其處置。本文建立兩種賽局模型並分別利用子賽局完全均衡及序列均衡的概念,嘗試討論一般情況下寬恕政策的效率及納入資訊不對稱情形下的政策有效性,並由兩模型推論出:實行寬恕政策且廠商主動申報聯合行為為社會最有效率的均衡、透過政府制定適當的罰鍰區間引導下,主動申報聯合行為的行為可視為一區隔廠商型態的訊號。 / The leniency policy plays an indispensable role in thwarting cartel formation. To maintain the fairness of market competition, most countries successively bring this policy into their antitrust legislation. After the enforcement of the policy, the involved firms may have incentive to self-report and provide evidences to the Antitrust Authority. Therefore, the authorities can get enough evidences to convict those firms of being cartel members. In this paper, we develop two kinds of game theoretical model and use the concept of subgame perfect equilibrium and sequential equilibrium to discuss the efficiency of leniency policy in general conditions, and the effectiveness of the policy under the condition of information asymmetry. We show that it is efficient to the society and the authorities when the cartel members self-report under the enforcement of leniency policy. Moreover, by setting up an appropriate fine payment, self-reporting can be a signal for the authorities to segment the type of the involved firms.

Reparação de danos como desestímulo à prática de cartel: uma abordagem prática

Rego, Cristiane Roberta Franco da Cruz 27 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Roberta Franco da Cruz Rego (cristiane.rego@braskem.com) on 2018-05-14T20:46:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane Rego FGV mestrado profissional biblioteca digital.pdf: 1100282 bytes, checksum: cb859577287a95cc2058f90db22d20fe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Thais Oliveira (thais.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2018-05-14T21:16:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane Rego FGV mestrado profissional biblioteca digital.pdf: 1100282 bytes, checksum: cb859577287a95cc2058f90db22d20fe (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-05-15T13:23:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane Rego FGV mestrado profissional biblioteca digital.pdf: 1100282 bytes, checksum: cb859577287a95cc2058f90db22d20fe (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-15T13:23:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane Rego FGV mestrado profissional biblioteca digital.pdf: 1100282 bytes, checksum: cb859577287a95cc2058f90db22d20fe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-27 / O presente trabalho de conclusão de mestrado visa contribuir para esclarecer conceitos, propor novos caminhos e fomentar o debate a respeito da busca pela reparação de danos como forma de desestimular a prática de cartel. Para tanto, foram observados alguns os cartéis já condenados e alguns casos ainda em andamento no CADE, bem como a legislação do Brasil e de outras jurisdições. A primeira parte contém breve explicação sobre o Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência e infrações à ordem econômica, bem como a configuração e a punição do cartel perante o CADE. A segunda parte identifica as implicações do Acordo de Leniência e do Termo de Cessação de Conduta - TCC, bem como o prazo de prescrição para propositura de ação indenizatória. Além disso, descreve as características da ação judicial e as dificuldades que precisarão ser enfrentadas, com destaque para a questão do cálculo do dano. Na terceira parte deste trabalho, são apresentadas contribuições de medidas que, se adotadas, poderão desestimular a prática 9de cartel e aumentar o enforcement da reparação de danos à concorrência. Algumas poderão ser implementadas de imediato e outras dependerão de alteração legislativa. Neste aspecto, também foi realizada a análise do projeto de lei do senado que visa alteração a Lei de Defesa da Concorrência – LDC (Lei nº 12.529/2011), para estimular o ajuizamento de ações visando ressarcimento de danos decorrentes de infrações à ordem econômica. Por fim, o trabalho contém três anexos, sendo o primeiro deles referente à legislação aplicável às regras de prazo e contagem de prescrição no Brasil e em outras jurisdições. O segundo anexo trata de jurisprudência, listando, de forma exemplificativa, algumas ações coletivas e ações indenizatórias individuais, bem como traz exemplos de protestos para interromper a contagem do prazo de prescrição. / This dissertation aims to contribute to clarify concepts, discuss practical cases, propose new ways and foster debate regarding the search for damages as a way to discourage cartel practice. In order to do so, we have observed the already convicted cartels and the cases still in progress at CADE and the laws of Brazil and other jurisdictions. The first part contains a brief explanation of the Brazilian System of Defense of Competition and infractions to the economic order, as well as the configuration and punishment of the cartel before CADE. The second part identifies the implications of the Agreement of Leniency and the Term of Cessation of Conduct - TCC, as well as the limitation period for filing a claim. In addition, it describes the characteristics of the lawsuit and the difficulties that will need to be faced, with emphasis on the issue of the calculation of damages. In the third part of this work, contributions of measures are presented that, if adopted, could discourage the practice of cartel and increase the enforcement of the reparation of damages to the competition. Some may be implemented immediately and others will depend on legislative change. Finally, the work contains three annexes, the first of which refers to the legislation applicable to the rules about period limitation and counting of statute limitation in Brazil and in other jurisdictions. The second annex deals with jurisprudence, listing the main issues discussed in collective actions and individual indemnification actions, as well as showing examples of protests to stop the counting of the period of limitation. The last annex contains an analysis of the Senate bill drafting that seeks to amend the Competition Law - LDC (Law nº 12.529/2011), to stimulate the filing of actions to recover damages arising from breaches of the economic order.

Os limites formais para a celebração do acordo de leniência (Lei 12.846/13) em face das garantias do particular

Rodrigues, Diogo Alencar de Azevedo 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Diogo Alencar de Azevedo Rodrigues (diogoalencar@mla-advogados.com.br) on 2016-03-28T21:44:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação FGV Direito Rio TRABALHO FINAL 28 de março de 2016 VF.pdf: 846464 bytes, checksum: da855db5a1010b7931b7931001b8ba72 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by BRUNA BARROS (bruna.barros@fgv.br) on 2016-03-30T18:44:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação FGV Direito Rio TRABALHO FINAL 28 de março de 2016 VF.pdf: 846464 bytes, checksum: da855db5a1010b7931b7931001b8ba72 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Almeida (maria.socorro@fgv.br) on 2016-03-31T13:56:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação FGV Direito Rio TRABALHO FINAL 28 de março de 2016 VF.pdf: 846464 bytes, checksum: da855db5a1010b7931b7931001b8ba72 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-31T13:56:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação FGV Direito Rio TRABALHO FINAL 28 de março de 2016 VF.pdf: 846464 bytes, checksum: da855db5a1010b7931b7931001b8ba72 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / This paper presents a study on the recent Law 12.846/13, in particular on the institute's leniency agreement, seeking to establish a framework for the conclusion of such adjustments in view of the rights and guarantees established by the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil in 1988. Initially, it approaches the intense changes promoted in the modern state and sanctioning rights in general, the question is, then, the existence of a common core between criminal law and the sanctioning administrative law. Search is finally propose solutions to maximize the effectiveness of the control system and sanction of Law 12.846/13, in view of the need to harmonize the Public Regulation of legal certainty and the constitutional rights of legal entities investigated, especially when she celebrates the leniency agreement. / O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a recente Lei n. 12.846/13, em especial sobre o instituto do acordo de leniência, buscando estabelecer um marco para a celebração desses ajustes tendo em vista os direitos e garantias estabelecidos pela Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil de 1988. Inicialmente, aborda-se as intensas mudanças promovidas no Estado moderno e no direito sancionador de forma geral, questiona-se, em seguida, a existência de um núcleo comum entre o direito penal e o direito administrativo sancionador. Busca-se, por fim, propor soluções para maximizar a eficácia do sistema de controle e sanção da Lei n. 12.846/13, tendo em vista a necessidade de se harmonizar a Regulação Pública com a segurança jurídica e os direitos constitucionais da pessoa jurídica investigada, em especial quando ela celebra o acordo de leniência.

Le contentieux privé des pratiques anticoncurrentielles : Étude des contentieux privés autonome et complémentaire devant les juridictions judiciaires / Private litigation of competition law (cartels and abuses of dominance) : Study of stand alone and follow-on litigations in national courts

Amaro, Rafael 05 December 2012 (has links)
L’actualisation des données sur le contentieux privé des pratiques anticoncurrentielles fait naître laconviction que l’état de sous-développement souvent pointé est aujourd’hui dépassé. Les statistiquessont nettes : des dizaines d’affaires sont plaidées chaque année. Toutefois, ce contentieux s’esquissesous des traits qui ne sont pas exactement ceux du contentieux indemnitaire de masse faisant suite àla commission d’ententes internationales. C’est un fait majeur qui doit être noté car l’essentiel desprojets de réforme furent bâtis sur cet idéal type. Trois des caractères les plus saillants de la réalitéjudiciaire témoignent de cette fracture entre droit positif et droit prospectif. D’abord, le contentieuxprivé est majoritairement un contentieux contractuel entre professionnels aux forces déséquilibrées. Ensuite, c’estun contentieux national – voire local – plus qu’un contentieux international. Enfin, c’est plutôt uncontentieux autonome se déployant devant les juridictions judiciaires sans procédure préalable oupostérieure des autorités de concurrence (stand alone). Paradoxalement, les actions complémentaires(follow-on), pourtant réputées d’une mise en oeuvre aisée, sont plus rares. Ces observations invitentalors à réviser l’ordre des priorités de toute réflexion prospective. Ainsi, la lutte contre l’asymétried’informations et de moyens entre litigants, l’essor de sanctions contractuelles efficaces, larecomposition du rôle des autorités juridictionnelles et administratives dans le procès civil ou encorele développement des procédures de référé s’imposent avec urgence. Mais s’il paraît légitime desoutenir ce contentieux autonome déjà existant, il n’en reste pas moins utile de participer à laréflexion déjà amorcée pour développer le contentieux indemnitaire de masse tant attendu et dont onne peut négliger les atouts. De lege ferenda, le contentieux privé de demain présenterait donc uncaractère bicéphale ; il serait à la fois autonome et complémentaire. Il faut alors tenter de concevoir unrégime efficace pour ces deux moutures du contentieux privé en tenant compte de leurs exigencesrespectives. Or l’analyse positive et prospective de leurs fonctions révèlent que contentieuxautonome et contentieux complémentaire s’illustrent autant par les fonctions qu’ils partagent que parcelles qui les distinguent. Il serait donc excessif de vouloir en tous points leur faire application derègles particulières ou, à l’inverse, de règles identiques. C’est donc vers l’élaboration d’un régime commun complété par un régime particulier à chacun d’eux que s’orientera la présente recherche.PREMIÈRE PARTIE. Le régime commun aux contentieux privés autonome et complémentaireSECONDE PARTIE. Le régime particulier à chacun des contentieux privés autonome et complémentaire / Pas de résumé en anglais

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