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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Τα δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας στην ψηφιακή εποχή: ζητήματα προστασίας και διαχείρισης. Ένα πρότυπο σύστημα ψηφιακής διαχείρισης των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων. / Intellectual property rights in the digital age: protection and management. an innovative digital rights management system.

Μεϊδάνης, Δημήτριος 17 September 2007 (has links)
Καθώς η Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας αναπτύσσεται με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς, οι τεχνολογικές κατακτήσεις από το χώρο της επιστήμης των υπολογιστών και τηλεπικοινωνιών, αποτελούν σημαντικό κεφάλαιο σε αρκετούς επιμέρους τομείς του κοινωνικού βίου, ανάμεσα στους οποίους είναι και ο Πολιτισμός. Η πολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία του υπάρχοντος υλικού και η διάθεση για αξιοποίηση της επιπρόσθετης εκπαιδευτικής του αξίας, σε συνδυασμό με την απαίτηση για διάσωση των πρωτότυπων έργων, συνθέτει ένα πολύπλοκο τεχνολογικό πρόβλημα με νομικές και κοινωνικές προεκτάσεις. Η διαδικασία της ψηφιοποίησης και η δημιουργία μιας νέας άυλης ηλεκτρονικής υπόστασης για τα έργα πολιτισμού, γεννά νέες δυνατότητες αλλά παράλληλα θέτει νέους περιορισμούς. Η έμπνευση και η δημιουργικότητα των καλλιτεχνών εκφράζεται με τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα, η προστασία και η διαχείριση των οποίων αποτελεί το αντικείμενο της διπλωματικής εργασίας. Το σύνολο των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων και ο τρόπος που αυτά ορίζονται, δεσμεύονται, εγείρονται και μεταβιβάζονται, μεταβάλλεται ριζικά καθώς περνάμε από την πραγματική αναλογική μορφή στην άυλη ψηφιακή απεικόνιση. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, ορίζονται οι διάφοροι τύποι δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας και αποσαφηνίζονται οι δεσμεύσεις και οι περιορισμοί που προκύπτουν από αυτά συναρτήσει της Διεθνούς,της Ευρωπαϊκής και της Ελληνικής Νομοθεσίας. Επίσης, καθορίζεται η ενδεικτική διαδικασία που πρέπει να ακολουθηθεί από μια οντότητα (πολύ συχνά από έναν πολιτιστικό οργανισμό) για την εκκαθάριση των δικαιωμάτων των έργων που κατέχει, κατά τη διαδικασία της Ψηφιοποίησης με σκοπό την προβολή τους στο Διαδίκτυο. Σε δεύτερη φάση, μελετάται το ευρύ φάσμα των τεχνολογικών μέσων, τα οποία μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την προστασία των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων που δεσμεύουν τους ψηφιακούς πόρους, παράλληλα με κάποιο κατάλληλα επιλεγμένο σύνολο μεταδεδομένων. Ιδιαίτερο τμήμα της εργασίας, αποτελούν τα συστήματα ψηφιακής διαχείρισης των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων (DRMs). Πραγματοποιείται αναλυτική παρουσίαση των προτεινόμενων προτύπων που πρέπει να ακολουθούν τα συστήματα αυτά, όσον αφορά την αναπαράσταση και μοναδική αναγνώριση των δεδομένων, αλλά και την αναπαράσταση των δικαιωμάτων μέσων των γλωσσών περιγραφής πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται, η αρχιτεκτονική, οι βασικές λειτουργίες και η υλοποίηση ενός πρότυπου συστήματος διαχείρισης πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων για ψηφιακές εικόνες. / As Information Society is rapidly developing, technological conquests in computer science and telecommunications are becoming a very important part in many areas of social life, including Culture. The diversity of the cultural material and the intention of utilizing the added educational value, combined with the demand for preservation of the original works, compose a complex technological problem with legal and social extensions. The inspiration and creativity of the artists are expressed by Intellectual Property Rights – IPR, the protection and management of which is the subject of this thesis. The set of rights as well as the way they are specified, rised, binded and assigned changes while we pass from the analog to the materialess digital display. In this thesis we define the several types of Intellectual Property Rights and clarify the engagements and restrictions that result from them in connection with the International, European and National legislation. We also define the process that an entity (usually a cultural organization) must follow in order to clear the rights of the works it owns, during a digitization process which will lead to publication on the Internet. In the second part we study the technological solutions that can be used for the protection of IPR in parallel with a suitable metadata set. A special part of the thesis is the study of Digital Rights Management Systems – DRMs. We analytically present the standards on which modern DRMs must be based on in terms of identification and declaration of digital resources, as well as the representation of rights through rights expression languages. Finally we present the architecture, basic functionality and realization of a new Digital Rights Management System for digital images.

The right to health, the TRIPS agreement and the public health safeguards to encourage the universal access to essential medicines

St-Martin, Frédéric 03 1900 (has links)
The privileges arising from patent protection on pharmaceutical products often prevent the full realization of the right to health, especially in developing countries with scarce resources. This thesis first identifies the international agreements that have established the right to health in international law, obligations and violations associated with it, the problems encountered in the implementation of human rights on the field, compared with the implementation and sanctions associated with economic rights from the World Trade Organization regulatory framework. A comparative study of the legislative frameworks of both developed and developing countries will reveal to what extent Canada, the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, and South Africa conformed with patent protection exceptions arising from international patent law to protect public health. Finally, the author identifies the crucial indicators that need to be considered in order to assess the conformity of a given approach with the right to health, before he underscores the temporary character of the relevant WTO measures, and the future stakes concerning an increased access to essential medicines. / Les droits issus des brevets d'invention sur les produits pharmaceutiques empêchent souvent la réalisation pleine et entière du droit à la santé, plus spécialement dans les pays en voie de développement ayant des ressources plus limitées. Ce mémoire de recherche retrace d'abord les accords internationaux ayant établi le droit à la santé en droit international, les obligations et les violations qui en découlent, la problématique quant à la mise en oeuvre des droits de l'homme sur le terrain, en comparaison avec la mise en oeuvre et les sanctions pour le non-respect de droits économiques dans le cadre réglementaire de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC). Ensuite, une étude comparative des cadres législatifs de pays développés et de pays en développement révèlera dans quelle mesure le Canada, les États-Unis, l'Union Européenne, le Brésil, l'Inde, et l'Afrique du Sud se sont conformés aux exceptions aux règles de protection issues du droit international des brevets pour cause de santé publique. L'auteur identifie finalement les points de première importance qu'il considère primordial de considérer afin d'évaluer si une approche conforme au droit à la santé a été respectée dans le commerce de médicaments essentiels, avant de souligner l'aspect temporaire des mesures courantes prévues dans l'OMC et des futurs enjeux quant à l'accroissement de l'accès aux médicaments essentiels. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit des biotechnologies". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 10% des mémoires de la discipline. Commentaires du jury : "Le jury est impressionné par l'ampleur de la recherche et de la synthèse très instructive du débat Nord-Sud".

Nature et particularismes du contrat de progiciel

Candéago, Fabienne 12 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire a pour ambition d'analyser la nature juridique et les particularismes du contrat de progiciel. Dans une première partie, nous examinerons les obligations mises à la charge des parties puis nous tenterons de qualifier le contrat de progiciel au regard du droit civil. Dans une seconde partie, nous examinerons la formation du contrat de progiciel dans un environnement traditionnel puis dans les environnements électroniques. Nous aborderons plus particulièrement deux nouveaux modes de formation des contrats, que sont les mécanismes du «shrink-wrap» et du «click-wrap». Nous analyserons ensuite les clauses limitatives ou exonératoire de garantie et de responsabilité, la clause d'élection de for et les clauses relatives à la propriété intellectuelle. / This thesis is intended to analyse the nature and the particularities of software license package contracts. Firstly, the obligations of each party will be studied, after which it shall be endeavoured to qualify the software license package contract with regard to civil law. Secondly, the creation of the software license package contract in a generalised situation as well as in an electronic environment will be examined. Furthermore, two new methods of contract creation will be contemplated, namely the "shrink-wrap" and the "click-wrap" methods. Finally, clauses limiting or exonerating responsibilities and guaranties, the de for election clause and clauses in relation to intellectual property will be analysed.

Essais sur les logiciels libres : licences doubles, effets de réseau, et concurrence

Latulippe, Johan 10 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the microeconomic consequences of the arrival of open source in the software market. Specifically, it analyzes three features of open source software by using specific models of industrial organization. Open source software is free, and may be modified or duplicated by anyone. The first paper studies the entry of an open source software in a closed source software market. Using a model of horizontal differentiation, the analysis considers a closed source firm's investment in the quality of its software. The introduction of open source on the market reduces the firm's investment in quality and increases the price of its software. Moreover, the entry of open source software may reduce consumer welfare. Post-entry by an open source software, the reduction in market share lowers the firm's incentive to invest in quality. The second paper features vertical differentiation to study a monopolist selling supporting product to its software. The study begins by contrasting the supply of support by an open source provider and a closed source vendor. The model shows that in both cases the levels of support offered are the same. In addition, consumer welfare is higher and profit lower under an open source software. Then, the paper considers the competition in the provision of support. Here, the supply of high level support is greater than under a monopolist. Finally, the monopolist adopts a dual licensing strategy to extract more surplus from developers interested in modifying open source software and redistributing the resulting product. This technique, when the developers place high value on the source code, generates more profit if the monopolist chooses to publish as open source rather than closed source. The last paper studies how a closed source firm is affected by the introduction of an open source benefiting from contributions by users. A vertical differentiation model is used, and reveals that, when contribution of users is present, the closed source vendor may lower its price to a level where it forces the open source out of the market. The firm's lower price not only increases demand for its software, but also induces consumers into switching from open to closed source software therefore reducing the contribution of users. / Les logiciels libres sont uniques en leur genre\ : non seulement sont-ils distribués gra-tuitement, mais on peut aussi les modifier et les copier. Cette thèse étudie l'impact de ces propriétés du logiciel libre sur la compétition et sur les entreprises de logiciel propriétaire. Des modèles propres à l'organisation industrielle sont utilisés. Le première étude examine l'arrivée d'un logiciel libre sur un marché occupé par un logiciel propriétaire. En utilisant un modèle de différenciation horizontale, le papier consi-dère une firme propriétaire qui investit dans la qualité de son logiciel. L'arrivée d'un logiciel libre cause l'entreprise du logiciel propriétaire à réduire le niveau de son investissement et à augmenter le prix de son produit. Il s'avère alors que l'introduction du logiciel libre sur le marché réduit l'investissement de l'entreprise et engendre même l'augmentation du prix du produit. De plus, l'arrivée du logiciel libre peut réduire le niveau de bien-être des consommateurs. Comme le logiciel libre ne réagit pas aux décisions stratégique de l'entreprise, cette dernière voit son marché réduit peu importe sa stratégie. La firme décide conséquemment de vendre un produit de moindre qualité à un prix plus élevé à une clientèle réduite. Le deuxième papier propose un modèle qui utilise la différenciation verticale afin d'exa-miner un monopoleur offrant un produit complémentaire à son logiciel. L'étude compare d'abord les cas d'un logiciel libre et d'un logiciel propriétaire, toujours dans le contexte d'un monopoleur offrant du support professionnel pour son logiciel. Il est établi que le bien-être des consommateurs est plus élevé, et le profit inférieur dans le cas d'un distributeur de logiciel libre. Ensuite, le modèle initial est modifié avec l'ajout d'une seconde entreprise offrant du support professionnel. Dans ce cas, l'offre de support de haut niveau est plus élevée. Finalement, le monopoleur adopte une stratégie de licences doubles. Ce concept permet au monopoleur de proposer la vente d'une licence même si son logiciel est libre. Cette technique génère plus de profits, certaines conditions étant présentes, que si l'entreprise optait pour un logiciel propriétaire. Un logiciel libre profite des contributions de ses usagers pour améliorer son produit. Le troisième papier examine l'arrivée d'un tel produit sur un marché dominé par un logiciel propriétaire. Le modèle de différenciation verticale utilisé contraste les deux logiciels dans un marché donné et révèle que la contribution des utilisateurs peut diminuer la part de marché du logiciel libre au profit de son conccurrent. De fait, en diminuant ses prix le licenceur du logiciel propriétaire incite le consommateur à délaisser le logiciel libre pour le produit de son concurrent.

2G無線電頻譜回收之研究:以澳門「全城3G」為例 / A Study on 2G Spectrum Reallocation in Macau

黃首豪, Wong, Sao Hou Unknown Date (has links)
澳門電信管理局在2012年1月推出「全城3G」計劃,規定2012年7月8日停用所有GSM服務,16萬2G用戶要在半年內轉移到3G服務,但是外地遊客仍可繼續在澳門使用2G漫遊服務,政府希望透計劃推動3G服務的發展,讓無線電資源更具效率地利用,然而在計劃推行期間澳門出現多宗電信故障,加上澳門廉政公署就「全城3G」計劃所發表的調查報告指有關計劃過份介入市場運作,使得本地用戶失去選擇權,損害用戶及業者的權益,而且不符合公共利益,最終「全城3G」計劃無法如期實行,各業者的2G執照與其3G執照一同延長有效期至2023年6月4日。   本研究利用文獻分析法,透過蒐集澳門「全城3G」計劃的相關資料,分析澳門「全城3G」計劃的得失,與此同時借鏡與澳門政治體制相似的香港政府的頻譜政策,檢視兩地政府在回收2G頻譜的成效。本研究綜合分析下發現澳門與香港回收2G頻譜最大的差異在於香港回收的是兩個閒置的CDMA及TDMA系統,對業者有一定的影響,但是影響民眾的範圍卻很小,而且給予3年緩衝的時間讓業者轉移用戶,而澳門則是停用一個在世界上仍算主流的GSM服務,而且要在半年內轉移十多萬用戶到3G,加上在過渡期間出現5宗電信故障,讓民眾質疑計劃的可行性,最終把技術問題變成社會問題。因此本研究建議政府未來要避免直接介入市場,以間接的方式例如徵收階梯式的頻譜使用費來推動行動通訊業發展,回收頻譜時要以平穩適度的方式進行,以及提高電信故障的罰款。 / In January 2012, the Telecommunications Regulation Bureau of Macau (DSRT) announced its decision to scrap the city’s 2G network and rely solely on 3G capabilities. Effective on July 8, 2012, the policy change left about 160,000 local users without 2G service, primarily affecting local tourists still on the 2G roaming network. DSRT stated that the objectives of its decision were to create more investment opportunities and to facilitate the adequate diversification of economic development. However, during this time, two mobile operators failed to provide stable and adequate network services and the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC) of Macau stated that DSRT’s decision deprived consumers of their right to choose their own cellular network and their right to fair treatment. This prompted the 2G service cancellation to be further postponed until June 4, 2023. This study used literature analysis to review the termination of the 2G mobile network in Macau, and to examine the 2G spectrum reallocation in Hong Kong. This study found that Hong Kong terminated two unused mobile network services (CDMA and TDMA), while Macau is planning to scrap a GSM service which will affect about 150,000 users in Macau. Therefore, opposition to network terminations are greater in Macau than in Hong Kong. At the same time, the failure to provide adequate mobile services by two network operators in Macau led to public mistrust of the government. This study suggests that 1) the DSRT should not have used administrative means to force consumers into using a specific mobile system, and 2) the DSRT should have amended the penalties for mobile operators to closer reflect the current social situation.

Serviceorientierte Architekturen im E-Learning

Frankfurth, Angela, Schellhase, Jörg 15 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


洪健雄, Hung,Chien-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,商業交易多半是單純為取得某種物品或權利,由交易雙方協商並訂立合約,如買方為取得房地而願給付價金,賣方為取得金錢乃願出售房屋。然而二十世紀之後,經濟型態的轉變為交易的內容帶來了重大的轉變,智慧財產權的讓與或授權交易漸趨熱門,在商業經營中時時刻刻上演。如同典型的交易一樣,就取得權利者而言,其願意將所有的專利、商標、著作權等權利加以利用,以獲取金錢利益;反之,欲利用者則透過與權利擁有者訂立合約的方式,將之利用於所生產的商品或服務,增加其邊際效用,獲取更大的利潤。 在此背景之下,智慧財產的讓與或是授權,其交易的型態與方式漸行複雜,對於企業的經營更是有著決定性的影響,加上智慧財產權,可說是法律所創設出來的權利,其異於傳統財產實體的特質,更難以令習慣傳統交易的我們加以掌握,因此有深入研究的必要,本論文即基於此背景,開始關於智慧財產諸多活動中的一個課題-「授權」活動展開研究。 因此,本篇論文研究有以下的目的: 一、 從高科技產業獨特的環境去瞭解智慧財產授權所扮演的角色。 二、 智慧財產授權對於高科技企業經營策略之影響與作用,反之,高科技經營策略之擬定後,是否可以傑由授權達成其目的。 三、 高科技企業在面臨智慧財產授權契約談判時,應如何爭取最佳利益。 四、 高科技企業營運策略中,關於簽訂授權契約可能引發的法律相關議題應如何面對。 本研究即基於上述目的,從法律面及商業管理的角度去探討智慧財產授權活動所引發企業經營的策略意涵,以三個層次分別來說明:一、企業經營層次;二、授權契約談判層次;三、相關法律議題層次。透過三個層次的分析與歸納,本研究針對高科技企業之經營與智慧財產權授權的策略運用提出下列數點之建議: (一) 智慧財產授權是一個複雜的領域,涉及法律、管理、技術等面向,因此我國高科技企業必須走出權利金追索與授權的泥沼中,重新架構授權與企業的經營策略。 (二) 我國高科技企業若欲藉由授權活動予以獲利,則最重要的是將企業轉型為真正的知識型企業,持續研發,蓄積優質的智慧財產權,如此才能將智慧財產授權活動的功用發揮到最大。 (三) 企業應培養相關智慧財產權授權相關人才,並考量是否建制一個獨立的智慧財產授權部門。 (四) 授權契約的簽訂將會影響企業未來研發的發展方向,因此建議企業於簽署授權契約時,必須考量企業本身是否可以自行研發該技術,或是其他替代性技術的可行性,切勿因為被國外的企業一警告,即簽署智慧財產權的授權契約。 (五) 反之,既然專利訴訟需耗費大量的人力、物力、時間與金錢,因此面對專利侵權訴訟時,應考量接受授權的可能性,授權所付出的成本與進行訴訟的成本相較後取其較低者。但是需注意的是,縱使獲得他人授權,然亦不代表會侵害第三人之專利,換言之獲得一家企業的授權,並不表示已經一勞永逸的無侵權可能性。故建議企業在接受專利授權時,必須詳細的評估該專利的範圍。 (六) 授權與智慧財產的保護與執行有緊密的關係,因此企業應加強智慧財產的保護與執行,才可以降低授權活動所面臨的風險。 (七) 智慧財產授權,基於智慧財產的無形性的特性而生,與傳統的有形財產有迥然不同的性質,善加利用智慧財產權的特性,將可使企業擺脫傳統的營業模式,邁向新的獲利境界。建議企業應重新的審視自己所有的智慧資產,加以稽核與評估,結合本研究所提出的授權策略架構,重新思索企業的營運方向與智慧資產的利用是否完善,有效的提升企業的競爭地位,創造更多的經營優勢。

從傳統照明跨足LED照明之策略佈局-以OSRAM公司為例 / The strategy of traditional lighting company entering LED lighting industry- A case study of OSRAM

洪于舒 Unknown Date (has links)
過去台灣LED產業伴隨著面板業的發展而崛起,但目前正是投入LED照明,放眼進千億美元市場的機會,本研究針對傳統照明大廠OSRAM於技術、專利、與商業策略等角度分析,探討LED照明的佈局策略,期望能給台灣LED廠商一些啟發。整體而言,LED照明取代傳統照明的趨勢是肯定的,關鍵在於LED照明的價格走勢以及政府政策的支持。目前雖然LED照明市場仍然以美國為主,但以整體亞洲市場而言,市佔率已經越來越高。而亞洲區域市場最重要的國家-中國,目前在LED照明應用市場僅次美國,差距已經越來越小,未來極可能成為最主要的市場。 在一開始進入半導體照明時,OSRAM受惠於母公司Siemens,在專利、技術上就已取得領先,OSRAM並採取垂直整合的策略,從磊晶、晶粒、封裝、模組都有佈局,使LED的生產更有效率。除此之外,由於未來LED照明產業的趨勢是照明整合服務,OSRAM也透過併購的方式,補強照明設備、照明系統的能力。未來OSRAM不僅供應LED元件,也提供照明解決方案,觸手一路延伸至終端應用。OSRAM初期都是以合資為主以分散風險,若合資公司經營順利,OSRAM便以併購的方式,強化OSRAM的全球佈局。此外,OSRAM 建立了一個平台,聚集了熱管理、光學、電子相關的專業廠商,以及照明整合的系統廠商,形成產業群聚,一方面可以鞏固供應商、被供應商關係,一方面透過產業群聚的效果,建立緊密的合作網路。此外,於經營策略方面,不僅提供整合型產品,開拓銷售管道,且透過生產基地的轉移,降低生產成本,並隨著市場導向,轉換銷售區域,加強於亞太地區的在地化發展。最後,OSRAM之專利申請策略配合市場需求,且除了LED以外,也鞏固OSRAM於省電燈的領先地位;在專利授權部份,OSRAM採取開放式專利授權策略,為Nichia增加競爭者,也為自身帶來大量的授權金以及代工廠商。 研究結論顯示,OSRAM成功的因素在於掌握專利、品牌以及通路,以及LED元件垂直整合的供應鏈,並積極的貼近市場,瞭解市場趨勢,將LED光源技術的挑戰成功的轉化成OSRAM新的產品線。因此本研究建議台灣廠商應與中國之照明廠商合作,台灣廠商於LED技術以及製造仍具優勢,但缺乏品牌以及通路的佈局,台灣LED廠商與其自己發展品牌,不如以代工的方式與既有的傳統照明品牌廠商合作,與中國照明廠商合力抵抗來自國際照明廠的威脅。此外,台灣廠商應認清產業定位,台灣於半導體、電子領域擁有領先技術,可以從LED照明產業鏈的中游模組切入,像是熱處理或是驅動IC等,會是台灣廠商切入照明產業的利基。 / The LED manufactures in Taiwan now actively involved in the general lighting application of LED. In order to provide the manufacturers with some suggestions, the main goal of this thesis is to study OSRAM’s LED lighting layout and strategy, including patent, technology and business strategy. In the long run, LED lighting replacing traditional lighting is in a positive direction. Key factors are the price of LED lamps and the support of government policies. At the present time, the US market is still the main market. However, the market share in Asia-Pacific is steadily increasing. The most important country in the Asia-Pacific region, China, is getting closer and very likely to become the most important market in the near future. Benefited from parent company, Siemens, OSRAM took the leading position at the beginning of semiconductor lighting. OSRAM then adopted the strategy of vertical integration of epitaxy, chip process, packaging and end applications. Therefore, OSRAM can manufacture LED products in a more efficient way. Furthermore, OSRAM also reinforces the capability of the lighting fixtures and lighting systems via mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures. OSRAM not only provides LED components but also lighting systems and solutions. To spread risks, OSRAM use joint ventures instead of mergers and acquisitions in the beginning. Once the company has operated smoothly, OSRAM will then merge the company. In addition, OSRAM has established a platform to gather companies that provide electronic, optical, or thermal solutions. Industry cluster is formed. With the effect of cluster, the relationship between buyers and suppliers is enhanced. About business strategies, OSRAM developed integrated products to extend channels and moved manufacturing overseas. Referring to patent application strategy, OSRAM meet the demand of market. In addition to LED-related patents, OSRAM also filed many efficient lamp patents these years. And OSRAM actively licensed patents to other companies, not only created competitors against Nichia but also received licensing fee. In conclusion, the main reasons why OSRAM succeed are the strategies of brand, channel and patent. As the lack of branding and channel, this study suggests that Taiwan manufacturers could cooperate with traditional lighting companies in China. With the OEM service of Taiwan manufacturers, supplying LED components, and the channels and brand of China lamp manufacturers, Taiwan and China may have a chance to compete with other international companies. In addition, Taiwanese firms should recognize their positions in the industry value chain. In addition to building a brand, investing in LED lamp, there’ll be a better choice to develop midstream light engines like thermal management or driver IC.

Proposta de diretrizes para gestão do relacionamento com comunidades: análise do caso em empresa extrativista brasileira

Faria, Marcio Carapeto Silveira 05 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-11-18T13:30:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marcio Carapeto.pdf: 4480984 bytes, checksum: e3f0fb0f00ff4670fb57164024fcccd6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2018-01-08T13:27:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marcio Carapeto.pdf: 4480984 bytes, checksum: e3f0fb0f00ff4670fb57164024fcccd6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-08T13:27:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Marcio Carapeto.pdf: 4480984 bytes, checksum: e3f0fb0f00ff4670fb57164024fcccd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-05 / A presente pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, qualitativo e descritivo, surge diante necessidade em jogar luz à crescente preocupação das empresas, em especial as extrativistas, em relação à pressão exercida sobre as suas atividades e operações por parte das comunidades nas localidades onde se instalam. Os impactos e os riscos gerados, inerentes aos seus processos, quando não tratados de forma correta são propulsores de movimentos capazes de gerar prejuízos operacionais, financeiros, patrimoniais, de segurança e reputacionais. Neste sentido as empresas buscam estabelecer orientações corporativas adequadas e um modelo de gestão eficiente para se relacionarem com as comunidades. A temática relacionamento comunitário, enquanto ciência, é muito recente, assim a coleta de dados demandou uma triangulação de métodos que garantissem a validação de seus resultados. Foi realizada uma extensa revisão literária, a partir dos conceitos chave da pesquisa, um estudo de caso aprofundado, com uma empresa extrativista brasileira a partir de análise documental e observação de campo e entrevista com profissionais e especialistas. Destaca-se que as orientações e diretrizes analisadas na empresa estudada se mostram coerentes com a revisão literária realizada, rendendo um rico material técnico e teórico para a escassa literatura existente sobre o tema. Como conclusão do trabalho, ainda, revela-se a importância da prática, da rotina das atividades de relacionamento para o sucesso do processo. Diante da destacada importância do tema o presente estudo apresenta orientações eficientes, a luz da bibliografia científica e técnica existente, para as empresas do segmento e uma nova perspectiva científica para pesquisadores ao confrontar um modelo real e a revisão literária visitada. / This research, exploratory, qualitative and descriptive, arises from the need to understand the growing concern of extractive companies, about the pressure exerted on their activities and operations by the communities in the places where they are installed. The impacts and risks generated, inherent in their processes, when not treated in a right way can start movements capable of generating operational, financial, property, safety and reputational losses. In this sense, companies seek to establish adequate corporate guidelines and an efficient management model to relate to communities. “Community relations”, as a science, is very recent, so the data collection required a triangulation of methods that could guarantee its results. An extensive literary review was carried out, based on the key concepts of the research, and a case study, with a brazilian extractive company based on documentary analysis and field observation and, finally, interviews with professionals and specialists were realized. It should be noted that the guidelines analyzed in the studied company are consistent with the literary review, yielding a rich technical and theoretical material for the scarce existing literature on the subject. As conclusion, it also reveals the importance of practice, from the routine of relationship activities to the success of the process. In view of the importance of the topic, the present study presents efficient guidelines, if compared with the existing scientific and technical bibliography, for the companies of the segment and a new scientific perspective for researchers when confronting a real model and the literary review visited.

Monitoramento de indicadores-chave do turismo sustentável em unidades de conservação: um estudo de caso no Parque Estadual do Jalapão - Tocantins / Monitoring of key indicators of sustainable tourism in protected áreas: the Parque Estadual do Jalapão/Tocantins - a case study

DUTRA, VERUSKA C. 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T13:30:20Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T13:30:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Desde que foi reconhecida a importância de se planejar um turismo sustentável, tem-se buscado ferramentas adequadas para monitorá-lo nas destinações turísticas, tornando esse um dos principais desafios da academia científica de estudos do turismo na atualidade. Diante desse contexto, o desafio apresenta-se ainda maior, quando tratamos de turismo em unidades de conservação, tendo em vista que envolve um ambiente altamente sensível e comunidades em seu entorno que podem ter, no desenvolvimento dessa atividade, sua principal renda econômica. Assim, o que se propõe neste estudo é analisar a aplicabilidade e a eficiência metodológica do monitoramento que visa ao auxílio na construção da sustentabilidade do turismo, em unidades de conservação, através de um estudo de caso no Parque Estadual do Jalapão, localizado no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. Prioriza-se a investigação de indicadores locais abordados a partir da definição estipulada pela Organização Mundial do Turismo. Os resultados alcançados demonstraram que os indicadores estudados são instrumentos a serem considerados no processo de avaliação e quantificação do turismo em um destino com semelhantes configurações ambientais, o que viabiliza a compreensão e o fortalecimento da noção de sustentabilidade. Este estudo caracteriza-se pela sua vertente interdisciplinar e teve como norteador o método dedutivo. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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