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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antisemitismus v československé zahraniční armádě: vzpomínání aktérů / Antisemitism in the Czechoslovak foreign army: memories of participants

Sedlická, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
In the beginning the thesis describes development of antisemitism in the Czech lands from the end of 19th century till the end of the Second republic. It puts emphasizes on the topic of antisemitism in the czech foreign army in France, Middle East and Great Britain during the WWII. It follows the particular cases and attacks against the Jews in the army. It deals with situation of the Jewish soldiers and with the crisis of the Czechoslovak army after the arrival to Great Britain. It looks into the problem of disagreement of the Zionist organisations in Palestine with entering of the Jewish soldiers to the Czechoslovak foreign army.

Řehlovice 1880-1970 / Řehlovice 1880-1970

Dytrtová, Anežka January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is looking into the history of the village Řehlovice in the Northbohemian region in years 1880 - 1970. This village was located till the end of the Second World War deep in the mostly by Germans inhabited territory named Sudetenland. The thesis wants in the time span study the changes of the local social conditions and the constitution of the inhabitants and other interesting themes whose are related to the situation before and after the Second World War which was a big turning point. In this time span changes the peaceful coexistence of two nations under the influence of the Nazi-ideology. This is the culmination point of the thesis, because it gains information from in German written and from in Czech written and till today unpublished eleven local chronics. It shows data and stories from small locality which could help to map unresearched places of history. The result of the thesis is a close look on these data and their evaluation. Parts of the thesis are illustrative graphs and illustrations taken from unpublished sources. They were given from the Czechs that staid but also from the deported Germans. Years after 1948 are briefly adapted for the comparison. Information about local education, parish and the gathering of deported Germans are situated in separated chapters.

L'effectivité en droit international public / Effectiveness in international law

Couveinhes, Florian 13 December 2011 (has links)
Suggérant une forme de primauté du fait sur le droit, la notion d’effectivité est paradoxalement présente au sein même du droit international positif. Sa signification fait l’objet de nombreuses controverses qui ont pour racine la dichotomie existant entre ce qu’elle évoque sur un plan général, et ce qui est fait en son nom. En pratique, l’effectivité est à la fois opposée et intégrée au droit international. De nombreuses règles internationales limitent la reconnaissance de situations ou de pratiques au nom de différentes valeurs. Mais dans certains cas, la prise en compte de ces « effectivités » paraît indispensable à l’effectivité du droit. Le souci d’assurer le respect du droit mène alors parfois les Etats, les juges et les auteurs de doctrine à apprécier les faits au regard de leur seule « effectivité », c’est-à-dire sans égard à certaines règles qui semblent pourtant applicables, ou à certaines représentations juridiques de ces faits. Cette exclusion du droit dans le traitement du fait est cependant toujours partielle, et ses dimensions comme les conséquences juridiques qui en sont tirées varient en fonction de choix politiques. Le recours à la notion d’effectivité en droit international ne peut donc être compris comme le simple « enregistrement » du fait en droit. Dans l’ordre juridique international, « l’effectivité » remplit principalement deux fonctions : en premier lieu, l’effectivité du pouvoir est un critère d’identification des sujets de droit, qui permet de délimiter le champ territorial et personnel de leurs compétences, de les soumettre aux règles internationales et d’engager leur responsabilité de manière pragmatique. En second lieu, l’effectivité des prétentions émises par les Etats sur la scène internationale, et l’effectivité de certains éléments de leur droit interne sont employées comme des conditions de leur opposabilité internationale. Plutôt que la primauté du fait sur le droit, l’étude menée montre le caractère paradoxal des exigences pratiques d’une défense efficace de la sécurité juridique, de la justice et de la paix. / The principle of effectiveness suggests that facts have primacy over law. However the notion of effectiveness is paradoxically featured in international law itself. The meaning of effectiveness is the subject of much controversy due to the dichotomy between what effectiveness means in general and the actions taken to achieve it. The notion of effectiveness is, in practice, both contrary to and included in international law. For moral reasons, many international rules restrict the recognition of effective situations. Yet, in many cases taking effective situations into account is essential for the effectiveness of the law. In order to ensure compliance with the law, the States, judges and scholars may assess the facts as regards their “effectiveness”, without considering the rules which seem however to be applicable or the legal representations of these facts. However law is only partially excluded when dealing with the facts and the way it is done as well as the legal consequences of this exclusion differ according to political choices. That is why the use of the principle of effectiveness in international law cannot be considered as a mere registration of fact. In international law the notion of effectiveness has two main functions. Firstly, the effectiveness of power acts as a way of identifying subjects of international law which makes it possible to define the territorial and personal scope of their jurisdiction, makes them subject to international rules and pragmatically assesses whether they are liable. Secondly, the effectiveness of States' international claims or the effectiveness of some aspects of their national laws are used as conditions to assess their legal effects internationally. This research does not focus on the primacy of fact over law but shows the paradox between the practical requirements of an effective defence of legal certainty, justice and of peace.

L'enfant ROM / The Roma Child

BIDAUD, Laure-Amélie 16 February 2012 (has links)
La spécificité de l’étude juridique du cas de l’enfant rom nécessite la coordination de différentes notions du droit. En effet, l’enfant rom se distingue par son appartenance à une minorité nationale et/ou ethnique, son statut de mineur de dix-huit ans et sa nationalité généralement étrangère, qu’il soit ressortissant communautaire ou issu d’un État tiers l’Union européenne ; qualifications dont la portée à l’égard de la personne de l’enfant doit être appréciée. Si l’intégration en droit interne de l’appartenance à un groupe minoritaire est de prime abord discutable, l’influence des normes de droit international et de droit européen relatives aux minorités, ainsi que l’orientation jurisprudentielle de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, témoignent de l’importance de cette notion dans le domaine du droit. En outre, la situation de mineur de dix-huit ans de l’enfant rom le place en principe sous la protection d’un statut adapté aux particularismes de l’enfance. Cependant, la difficile conciliation du droit aux circonstances de fait entourant la présence en France de l’enfant rom l’expose à des traitements non respectueux de son statut de mineur ou du principe de non discrimination, dans les domaines de la législation régissant l’entrée et le séjour en France des étrangers, de la jouissance des droits fondamentaux à l’instruction, à la santé, aux prestations sociales et familiales ou encore de sa protection contre la délinquance. / What makes the legal analysis of the rights of the Roma Child so unique is that he is at the cross-road of several legal approaches. Indeed, the Roma Child is unique in the sense that he belongs to an ethnic and/or national minority, is less than 18 years old, in most cases is considered as a foreigner where he lives (whether from one of the European Union countries or not), all this to be put in perspective of his legal status of Child. If the integration of the fact that this child belongs to a « minority community » is very challengeable in regard to the National Legal Rights, it is obviously much more meaningful in regard to the international and European rights of the Minorities, both in terms of laws and jurisprudence of the European court of Justice. Furthermore, the legal rights of the Roma child as member of a minority are superseded by the rights of the children under the age of 18. However, the reality is sometimes not aligned with the legal principles when the actual circumstances of the presence of this child on the French territory expose him to treatment which are un-respectful to his status of child, and to the legal principles against discrimination. This is particularly true with respect to the laws regulating the entrance and circulation of foreigners on the French territory, which will collide with his rights to education, health, social benefits and protection against delinquency.

Le statut personnel à l'épreuve de la citoyenneté européenne : contribution à l'étude de la méthode de reconnaissance mutuelle / Personal status in the ordeal of European citizenship : contribution to the study of the mutual recognition method

Panet, Amélie 13 February 2014 (has links)
La Traité de Maastricht a institué la citoyenneté européenne. Envisagée initialement comme une conséquence de la nationalité d’un État membre, la notion a connu un développement extraordinaire au travers d’interprétations ambitieuses de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. Statut fondamental des ressortissants des États membres, la citoyenneté de l’Union se conjugue avec la liberté de circulation et les droits fondamentaux pour mettre à l’épreuve le statut personnel. Le temps est ainsi venu de s’interroger sur l’aptitude de la citoyenneté européenne à devenir le terreau d’un renouveau de la méthode du droit international privé au sein de l’Union européenne. La citoyenneté de l’Union constitue un fondement à la généralisation d’une méthode de reconnaissance mutuelle en bouleversant le statut personnel / The Maastricht Treaty establishes the European citizenship. Initially conceived as a consequence of Member State’s nationality, the concept has incredibly increased through ambitious exegesis analysis of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Fundamental status of nationals of the member States, EU citizenship brings together and fundamental Rights to improve the personal status. Time has now come to find out if or not the European citizenship will becomes the spring of a new Private international law method for the European Union. European citizenship constitutes the substructure of the globalization of a mutual recognition method, overthrowing the personal status.

Demografické chování vietnamské populace v České republice / Demographic patterns of Vietnamese Population in the Czech Republic

Nemec, David January 2019 (has links)
Demographic behaviour of the Vietnamese people in the Czech Republic Abstract The Vietnamese have been living on the Czech territory for many years, even for several generations. Besides the Ukrainians and the Slovaks, the Vietnamese are the third largest group of foreigners in the Czech Republic. Even though the Vietnamese are nowadays an integral and common part of the Czech population, they have not yet received much demographic attention based on national data sources. This diploma thesis is focused on demographic issues of this minority. The thesis also deals with demographic differences between the Czech and Vietnamese population living in the Czech Republic. In addition, the thesis offers selected demographic features through which demographic disparities between the two parts of the population are analysed. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the legislative issues of terms such as: citizenship, nationality and mother tongue, as it is very important to understand and distinguish these terms, especially for the analytical part of the thesis. Each term is defined and described in the introduction, so the differences between terms are explained. However, more attention is paid to the term citizenship, as the analytical part of the thesis is based primarily on this term. In the theoretical...

L’étranger, entre l’État membre et l’Union européenne : étude des interactions normatives / The foreigners, between member States and the European Union : a study on normative interactions

Gicquel, Héloïse 05 December 2014 (has links)
Le développement de compétences de l’Union européenne en matière migratoire a pourconséquence de soustraire au seul cadre étatique, la gestion des questions relatives au droitdes étrangers et, de soustraire dans le même temps les citoyens de l’Union de la catégorie del’étranger ordinaire. Dorénavant, l’Etat doit distinguer entre les étrangers possédant lanationalité d’un autre Etat membre (les étrangers européens) et les étrangers possédant lanationalité d’un Etat tiers. Le droit de l’Union conduit ainsi à fragmenter et refaçonner lacatégorie juridique de l’étranger au sein de l’Etat. Cependant, il ne se substitue pas à l’Etatdans la définition de l’étranger et, ne se traduit pas par une unification des règles applicablesdans les Etats membres. Par conséquent, l’étranger est à la fois un sujet du droit de l’Etatmembre et un sujet du droit de l’Union. Cette recherche vise à démontrer que ce postulat dedépart doit être considéré. L’analyse des influences du droit de l’Union sur le processusnational de catégorisation des étrangers conduit à démontrer que d’une part, la définitioneuropéenne de l’étranger tend à s’autonomiser et que d’autre part, le droit de l’Union desétrangers tend à devenir commun voire à se substituer au Etats membres. / As a result of the development of EU competences in the field of immigration, the memberStates have lost their monopoly to enact foreigners Law. As well, the EU citizens are nolonger “ordinary” foreigner. Nowadays, the member States have to make a difference betweenthe foreigners with the nationality of another Member State (European foreigners) andforeigners with third countries (extra- European foreigners). Thus, the EU law tends to bothsplit and reshape the legal category of “foreigner”. As well, EU law does not result in aunification of the relevant rules within the member States. Therefore, the foreigner is a thesame time a subject to the EU law and a subject for the national legislations. This researchintends to prove that this assumption must be reconsidered. The analysis of the EU influenceson the national categorization of the foreigners proves that firtsly, the EU definition offoreigner tends to become more and more autonomous and, on the other hand, the EU Law onforeigners tends to become more and more a common Law to the member States.

Utrikesjournalistikens antropologi : Nationalitet, etnicitet och kön i svenska tidningar / The Anthropology of Foreign News : Nationality, ethnicity and gender in Swedish newspapers

Roosvall, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to identify, map and understand the anthropology – the science of man – that can be distinguished in foreign news pages in Swedish daily papers. Concepts of nationality, ethnicity and gender are crucial parameters in this anthropology. Foreign news can be regarded as a textual system in which form and content interact to create its own object of knowledge: the Other, or rather, the Others. Thus, the relationship between foreign news as a textual system and foreign news as anthropology is central to this dissertation.</p><p>The years 1987, 1995 and 2002 have been selected for examination on the following grounds: 1987 belongs to the cold war era; 1995 belongs to the post-cold war era, and is also the year when Sweden joined the EU; and 2002 belongs to the era defined by the events of September 11 2001. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of a total of 1,162 foreign news articles published during one week in each year, was carried out. The qualitative analysis consists mainly of discourse analysis. Foucault’s discourse theory constitutes the theory of knowledge in the study. It is combined with Barthes’ theory on myths as well as postcolonial and other theories on nationality, ethnicity and gender and the representation of these aspects in journalism and elsewhere.</p><p>Discourse type is a central concept in the analysis. Discourse types resemble subgenres, but are specifically defined by certain perspectives. Other defining aspects are voices, style, mode of address and closeness/distance to an event/a development. Seven discourse types that constitute the order of the discourse in foreign news pages were identified in this study: On location narratives, Elite event reports, Catastrophe event reports, Situation reports, Commentaries, Picture paragraphs and Quotation paragraphs. The representation of different regions of the world, of different nationalities and ethnicities, and of men and women, are related to these discourse types throughout the study.</p><p>The anthropology of foreign news establishes vast differences between people. These differences depend on regions, spheres in society, gender and skin colour. They also depend on the textual setting, i.e. the discourse type. Some regions, like Western Europe, USA, the Middle East and North Africa, are always centred. Others, like South America and parts of Africa, are practically ignored. Women are also ignored, hence “othered” by exclusion. When women do appear, this occurs in discourse types which exoticize them concerning gender as well as nationality/ethnicity. Women with darker skin are generally more negatively represented, compared to “white” women. The ruling groups, normally represented by men, appear as quite alike around the world. They are not exoticized and generally speak for themselves. However, powerful men from the Middle East and North Africa and from the (former) Soviet Union are treated differently and represented as threats, sometimes even as tabooed.</p><p>All these aspects stand out as relatively stable during the research period. Differences in the order of discourse consist mainly of an increase of exoticizing perspectives and of the use of pictures — both of which correspond to a relative increase of women — and of a simultaneous decrease of plain, scanty reports and increase of explicitly subjective articles. International aspects also increase over the years. However, this undermining of the hegemony of the nation on the foreign news pages, still exists within the discourse of the nation. The idea of the nation still limits the understanding of the world. In a similar way, the explicitly subjective articles increase within the discourse of journalistic objectivity. This is an interesting and thought-provoking paradox in the genre of foreign news.</p>

Utrikesjournalistikens antropologi : Nationalitet, etnicitet och kön i svenska tidningar / The Anthropology of Foreign News : Nationality, ethnicity and gender in Swedish newspapers

Roosvall, Anna January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study is to identify, map and understand the anthropology – the science of man – that can be distinguished in foreign news pages in Swedish daily papers. Concepts of nationality, ethnicity and gender are crucial parameters in this anthropology. Foreign news can be regarded as a textual system in which form and content interact to create its own object of knowledge: the Other, or rather, the Others. Thus, the relationship between foreign news as a textual system and foreign news as anthropology is central to this dissertation. The years 1987, 1995 and 2002 have been selected for examination on the following grounds: 1987 belongs to the cold war era; 1995 belongs to the post-cold war era, and is also the year when Sweden joined the EU; and 2002 belongs to the era defined by the events of September 11 2001. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of a total of 1,162 foreign news articles published during one week in each year, was carried out. The qualitative analysis consists mainly of discourse analysis. Foucault’s discourse theory constitutes the theory of knowledge in the study. It is combined with Barthes’ theory on myths as well as postcolonial and other theories on nationality, ethnicity and gender and the representation of these aspects in journalism and elsewhere. Discourse type is a central concept in the analysis. Discourse types resemble subgenres, but are specifically defined by certain perspectives. Other defining aspects are voices, style, mode of address and closeness/distance to an event/a development. Seven discourse types that constitute the order of the discourse in foreign news pages were identified in this study: On location narratives, Elite event reports, Catastrophe event reports, Situation reports, Commentaries, Picture paragraphs and Quotation paragraphs. The representation of different regions of the world, of different nationalities and ethnicities, and of men and women, are related to these discourse types throughout the study. The anthropology of foreign news establishes vast differences between people. These differences depend on regions, spheres in society, gender and skin colour. They also depend on the textual setting, i.e. the discourse type. Some regions, like Western Europe, USA, the Middle East and North Africa, are always centred. Others, like South America and parts of Africa, are practically ignored. Women are also ignored, hence “othered” by exclusion. When women do appear, this occurs in discourse types which exoticize them concerning gender as well as nationality/ethnicity. Women with darker skin are generally more negatively represented, compared to “white” women. The ruling groups, normally represented by men, appear as quite alike around the world. They are not exoticized and generally speak for themselves. However, powerful men from the Middle East and North Africa and from the (former) Soviet Union are treated differently and represented as threats, sometimes even as tabooed. All these aspects stand out as relatively stable during the research period. Differences in the order of discourse consist mainly of an increase of exoticizing perspectives and of the use of pictures — both of which correspond to a relative increase of women — and of a simultaneous decrease of plain, scanty reports and increase of explicitly subjective articles. International aspects also increase over the years. However, this undermining of the hegemony of the nation on the foreign news pages, still exists within the discourse of the nation. The idea of the nation still limits the understanding of the world. In a similar way, the explicitly subjective articles increase within the discourse of journalistic objectivity. This is an interesting and thought-provoking paradox in the genre of foreign news.

Finska immigranter i Katrineholm : Politiska hegemoniers och sociala relationers betydelse för immigranters politiska integration och aktörskap i ett svenskt lokalsamhälle 1944-1991 / Finnish immigrants in Katrineholm : The relevance of political hegemonies and social relations for the political integration of immigrants in a Swedish local community. 1944-1991

Boberg, Per January 2011 (has links)
The present memorandum outlines the structure, theoretical starting points and disposition of a thesis about the activities of Finnish immigrants in a Swedish local community, more specifically their political integration. The intention is to study the municipality of Katrineholm in the years 1944 to 1991. Previous research about the actorship of immigrants in spheres such as politics, labour unions, immigrant associations, educational associations and mass-education, as well as churches and religion, is presented to give an overview of possible areas connected to political integration that can be studied. The overview of previous research also covers local immigrant politics. The intended theoretical starting points for the proposed thesis are political economy and hegemony. The latter is intended to be investigated through its expression in the social relations class, gender, ethnicity, nationality and generation. It is suggested in this memorandum that hegemonies and social relations within a local political economy can be operationalised fruitfully in a study of political integration. Hence, theoretical viewpoints and definitions connected to political integration are also elaborated on. Methodologically it is suggested that quantitative and qualitative analysis be undertaken to study the sources that the thesis is intended to be based on. Sources such as documents from the exemplified activity fields are to be used. Also, it is suggested that oral sources such as interview be used. Another possible method is a research circle, if preconditions in Katrineholm favour such an approach. The conclusion of this memorandum is that no previous studies have been undertaken using the approach presented and further that few studies of the local political integration of immigrants exist. Hence, the proposed thesis will make a significant contribution to the study of immigrant actorship, political integration and contributions to the formation of social relations and hegemonies in a local political economy.

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