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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gränsöverskridande arvskiften : En analys av domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågan med beaktande av EU:s förordning nr 650/2012 samt dess förhållande till tredjestat

Widforss, Julia, Näs, Erica January 2013 (has links)
In today’s society it is not uncommon for people to move across borders. We are more likely to work and study in other countries, initiate cross-border relationships, acquire property in other states and change our residence. Therefore it is not uncommon for a per-son to leave inheritance in several states. The laws of succession differ between countries which creates an uncertainty among the devisors when planning their successions. This un-certainty, to which court has jurisdiction and to which country’s law is applicable, is con-sidered as incompatible with the free movement of people and capital within the EU. Therefore, the EU regulation No 650/2012 has been introduced to reduce the uncertainty and enable the EU citizens to govern their successions in advance.The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the regulation solves the current problems regarding the court of jurisdiction and applicable law in cross-border situations concerning succession within the EU and how this regulation in these matters relate to third state. To answer the purpose of this paper the applicable law is studied from a problem-based per-spective. The sources of law is systematized, interpreted and defined in the paper with a descriptive method.The regulation states that the principle of domicile is to be used as a harmonizing principle both regarding jurisdiction and applicable law. The regulation however, does not provide a clear definition of the term domicile. The authors of this paper consider this to be a problem in the enforcement of the principle. The regulation has universal application, wherefore the court may have to apply another state’s law when judging the succession. In such situations it may, for several reasons, be difficult to maintain a high level of legal certainty. The regu-lation only binds the Member States but may still be beneficial in successions related to a third State. / I dagens samhälle är det vanligt att människor rör sig över landsgränserna. Gränsöverskri-dandeförhållanden inleds, allt fler personer arbetar och studerar utanför medborgarskaps-landet, de byter hemvist och förvärvar egendom i andra stater, vilket gör att det vid en per-sons bortgång inte är ovanligt att denne efterlämnar kvarlåtenskap i flera stater. Staters arvsrättsliga regler skiljer sig åt vilket skapar en osäkerhet hos arvlåtaren då denne ska pla-nera för sin kvarlåtenskap. Denna oförutsägbarhet, avseende främst vilken domstol som är behörig samt vilken lag som är tillämplig, har ansetts strida mot den fria rörligheten av människor och kapital inom EU. Därför har en EU-förordning, nr 650/2012 av den 4 juli 2012 om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar samt godkän-nande och verkställighet av officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg, förhandlats fram för att minska osäkerheten och underlätta för EU:s medborgare att utforma sina arvsrättsliga förhållanden i förväg.Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda huruvida förordning nr 650/2012 löser nuvarande problematik avseende domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågorna i gränsöverskridanade arvsituationer inom EU samt hur denna förordning i dessa frågor förhåller sig till tredjestat. För att be-svara syftet utreds gällande rätt ur en problemorienterad synvinkel. Rättskällorna systemati-seras och tolkas för att sedan framställas i uppsatsen med en deskriptiv metod.I förordningen anges hemvistprincipen som harmoniserande anknytningsprincip både av-seende domsrätt och lagval. Det anges dock ingen klar och tydlig definition av hemvistbe-greppet, vilket uppsatsförfattarna anser utgör ett problem vid tillämpningen av principen. Förordningen är universell varför den behöriga domstolen kan tvingas tillämpa en annan stats lag. I sådana situationer kan det av flera anledningar vara svårt att upprätthålla en hög rättsäkerhet. Förordningen binder endast unionens medlemsstater men kan ändå vara till fördel i arvsmål med anknytning till tredjestat.

"goda influenser utifrån" : En textanalys av hur föreställningar om feminism och nationalitet konstrueras i ett kommentarfält på Newsmill

Jangmyr, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
In ”goda influenser utifrån” (positive effects from abroad) the purpose is to explore how ideas about feminism and nationality is created within the commentarys on Newsmill (swedish websight for debate). The questions which is directed on the basis of my purpose is drafted to enable my enquiry. On intersectional premisses, and with the help of a textanalysis, i will dress the data which i collected from one field of commentarys. The analysis is divided into themes in which and everyone i tend to immerse on that particular theme.

Treatments of Aliens and Special Status Nationals --A Comparative Perspective of International Human Rights

Kwan, An-Lu 04 September 2012 (has links)
The Republic of China¡¦s Legislative Yuan approved International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Enforcement Act of the two international human right covenants on March 31 th , 2009. The President promulgated the Enforcement Act of the two international human right covenants on April 22 th , 2009, and ratified the two international human right covenants on May 14th, 2009. Subsequently, the President ordered the Executive branch to promptly formulate a complete set of relevant legislative framework to domesticate the two international human right covenants. Such move symbolizes that the government has taken a significant step forward on the human right issues. Presently, the government should comprehensively review all the laws, regulations, administrative ordinances, and administrative measures for the protection and deepening of human rights especially after the ratification of the two international human right covenants. Under the contemporary trend of embracing human rights, democratic states have incorporated alien into their national fundamental rights protection system. Within the scope of protection, aliens enjoy the same fundamental human rights as that of the country¡¦s nationals, and are equally protected under the constitution. However, aliens are different from nationals in certain regards. Therefore, on the issues of the suffrage, social welfare, and economic human rights, discrimination toward aliens are permissible under the two international human right covenants and the constitutions of each state. However, according to constitutional equal protection theory, discrimination on aliens could not be premised on prejudice, unless there is a legitimate purpose and reasonably distinguishable criteria. Under international human rights development in the 20th century, international norms likewise influence the rights enjoyed by aliens and the treatments to alien in a state, in addition to limits stipulated by constitution and the laws of the state. The research purpose of this thesis is to discuss if the rights enjoyed by aliens and the treatment of aliens in our state conform with the two international human right covenants and consistent with the equal protection principle under the ROC constitution. In addition to the category of alien, there is a distinct set of laws and regulations that apply to people from the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau in Republic of China (Taiwan). To appreciate a macro picture, the scope of the article will include aliens, people from the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau, and identify the legal status of each category of people in Republic of China (Taiwan). Based on the aforementioned research purpose, the thesis will firstly introduce the contents of the two international human right covenants and the constitutions of each state in order to understand the fundamental human rights that aliens enjoy. The thesis will also illustrate the discriminations permitted by the constitution of each state and the two international human right covenants, and refer to the legislative and judicial practice of each state, to analyze and identify reasonable discrimination criteria and judicial review standards for aliens in each state. Based upon the above criteria, the article will proceed to survey and discuss the relevant applicable regulations to aliens, people from the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau in Republic of China (Taiwan), and also review the multi-track legislative model. I will explore the existing norms and describe their inconsistencies with the two international human right covenants or their violations of the equal protection principle under the Constitution, and make recommendations for the legislators to amend the relevant legislations accordingly.

Chinese Television as a Medium of National Interpellation

Cui, Yawei 24 February 2010 (has links)
This dissertation considers how the party-state of the People’s Republic of China has been mobilizing various forms of interpellation in an attempt to sustain a continuous imagination of a particular community defined on the terms of a shared “Chinese” national identity. As well, the research considers how these forms of interpellation have been challenged by a range of complex diasporic viewer responses. Taking media productions of the Mainland China television industry as my point of reference, I have studied in detail, multiple productions of the widely popular, complex program, the Spring Festival Gala (SFG) produced by China Central Television. Though not without its contradictions, this show has employed various interpellative strategies, persistently and continuously hailing viewers into the subject position of loyal members of an enduring “Chinese Nationality.” However, interpellation is one thing, subjectification within it is another. To better grapple with the cultural citizenship of transnationalized Chinese, this dissertation also considers observations regarding the receptions of the SFG by diasporic “Chinese subjects” who now live in Canada. While their continuous imagining of the “Chinese Nationality” helps to better understand the complex mechanisms which contribute to the retaining power of interpellation, their moments of “de-imagining” also shed light on the problems and difficulties of such interpellation. These moments are considered as possible openings to the formation of fluid, multiple Chinese subjectivities that lay the groundwork for a “flexible citizenship” (Ong, 1993; 1999) for all “Chinese,” furthering the endeavor to go beyond certain nationalist and/or statist visions of identity, subjectivity, and citizenship.

Tautinio ugdymo perspektyva ikimokykliniame ugdyme / National upbringing perspective in pre-school upbringing / Perspektive der Nationalerziehung in der Vorschulbildung

Krasnickienė, Daiva 03 August 2009 (has links)
Šiandien tautinio auklėjimo problema yra gana aktuali. Vis labiau plintant kosmopolitinėms idėjoms, šeima ima nutautėti, o maišantis tautoms, praranda ir savo tautinį identitetą. Nežiūrint to, kad švietimą reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose tautinis auklėjimas deklaruojamas kaip prioritetinė kryptis, tačiau taip vadinamas „pilietiškumas“ formuoja priešingas nuostatas toms tautiškumo idėjoms, kurios buvo puoselėjamos tarpukario Lietuvoje ar deklaruojamas pirmaisiais nepriklausomybės atgavimo metais. Todėl svarbu, kad vaikų darželyje būtų siekiama nuo pat mažens ugdyti tautinės savimonės jausmą, etninę dorovę, pagarbą tradicijai. Tai turi atsispinėti ugdymo turinyje etnokultūrą integruojant į visas ugdymo sritis. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti tautinio ugdymo perspektyvą ikimokyklioniame ugdyme. Uždaviniai: • Išsiaiškinti tinkamų sąlygų sudarymą tautiškumui ugdyti. • Atskleisti vaikų tautinio ugdymo aspektus įvairių veiklų metu. • Išsiaiškinti svarbiausius veiksnius, kurie įtakoja tautinės asmenybės ugdymą vaikų darželyje ir šeimoje. • Išsiaiškinti pedagogų ir tėvų požiūrį į tautinį auklėjimą ir perspektyvą. Tyrimo problema – veiksniai, lemiantys tautinio ugdymo sėkmę, perspektyvas. Tyrimo metodai: anketavimas: statistinių duomenų lyginamoji analizė. Tyrimo dalyviai: Marijampolės apskrities X lopšelių – darželių 50 pedagogų ir 50 tėvų. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti Microsoft Excel programa. Tyrimas parodė, kad darželio ir šeimos aplinka, ugdymo bazė, bendruomenės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today nation education problem is pretty urgent thing. More and more spreading cosmopolitical ideas, because of that family starts to forget her national culture. When nations is shuffling nation loses speech and national identity. Heute ist das Problem der Nationalerziehung ganz aktuell. Kosmopolitische Ideen verbreiten sich immer mehr, und die Familie verliert allmählich ihre Nationalität, die Völker vermischen sich und verlieren ihre nationale Identität. Ungeachtet dessen, dass die Nationalerziehung in den bildungsreglamentierenden Dokumenten als eine Prioritätsrichtung erklärt wird, formiert jedoch die sogenannte „Bürgerlichkeit“ entgegengesetzte Vorurteile den Nationalideen, die in Litauen der Zwischenkriegszeit gepflegt oder in den ersten Jahren der nationalen Unabhängigkeit erklärt wurden. Deswegen ist es wichtig, im Kindergarten von klein an das Gefühl des nationalen Bewusstseins, Ethnosittlichkeit, Traditionenrespekt zu erziehen. Das muss sich im Bildungsinhalt wiederspiegeln, während die Ethnokultur in alle Bildungsbereiche integriert wird. Ziel der Forschung: Perspektive der Nationalerziehung in der Vorschlbildung zu erforschen. Aufgaben: Erklärung der passenden Bedingungen für die Nationalerziehung. Erklärung der Aspekte der Nationalerziehung der Kinder während verschiedener Tätigkeit. Erklärung der wichtigsten Faktoren, die die Erziehung der nationalen Persönlichket im Kindergarten und in... [to full text] / Heute ist das Problem der Nationalerziehung ganz aktuell. Kosmopolitische Ideen verbreiten sich immer mehr, und die Familie verliert allmählich ihre Nationalität, die Völker vermischen sich und verlieren ihre nationale Identität. Ungeachtet dessen, dass die Nationalerziehung in den bildungsreglamentierenden Dokumenten als eine Prioritätsrichtung erklärt wird, formiert jedoch die sogenannte „Bürgerlichkeit“ entgegengesetzte Vorurteile den Nationalideen, die in Litauen der Zwischenkriegszeit gepflegt oder in den ersten Jahren der nationalen Unabhängigkeit erklärt wurden. Deswegen ist es wichtig, im Kindergarten von klein an das Gefühl des nationalen Bewusstseins, Ethnosittlichkeit, Traditionenrespekt zu erziehen. Das muss sich im Bildungsinhalt wiederspiegeln, während die Ethnokultur in alle Bildungsbereiche integriert wird. Ziel der Forschung: Perspektive der Nationalerziehung in der Vorschlbildung zu erforschen. Aufgaben: Erklärung der passenden Bedingungen für die Nationalerziehung. Erklärung der Aspekte der Nationalerziehung der Kinder während verschiedener Tätigkeit. Erklärung der wichtigsten Faktoren, die die Erziehung der nationalen Persönlichket im Kindergarten und in der Familie beeinflussen. Erklärung der Meinung der Pädagogen und Eltern über die Nationalerziehung und die Perspektive. Das Problem der Forschung – Faktoren, die für den Erfolg und Perspektiven der Nationalerziehung... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Chinese Television as a Medium of National Interpellation

Cui, Yawei 24 February 2010 (has links)
This dissertation considers how the party-state of the People’s Republic of China has been mobilizing various forms of interpellation in an attempt to sustain a continuous imagination of a particular community defined on the terms of a shared “Chinese” national identity. As well, the research considers how these forms of interpellation have been challenged by a range of complex diasporic viewer responses. Taking media productions of the Mainland China television industry as my point of reference, I have studied in detail, multiple productions of the widely popular, complex program, the Spring Festival Gala (SFG) produced by China Central Television. Though not without its contradictions, this show has employed various interpellative strategies, persistently and continuously hailing viewers into the subject position of loyal members of an enduring “Chinese Nationality.” However, interpellation is one thing, subjectification within it is another. To better grapple with the cultural citizenship of transnationalized Chinese, this dissertation also considers observations regarding the receptions of the SFG by diasporic “Chinese subjects” who now live in Canada. While their continuous imagining of the “Chinese Nationality” helps to better understand the complex mechanisms which contribute to the retaining power of interpellation, their moments of “de-imagining” also shed light on the problems and difficulties of such interpellation. These moments are considered as possible openings to the formation of fluid, multiple Chinese subjectivities that lay the groundwork for a “flexible citizenship” (Ong, 1993; 1999) for all “Chinese,” furthering the endeavor to go beyond certain nationalist and/or statist visions of identity, subjectivity, and citizenship.

Holländares emigration till Sverige: "Vi kommer alltid att vara immigranter"

Lock, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka kontinuitet och förändring i holländares identitet(er) när de flyttar till Sverige. Teorier kring identitet och förändring/förhandling appliceras på empiri som framkommer ur intervjuer med fyra holländska informanter som har emigrerat till Sverige. Resultatet visar att identitet är något som informanterna anser vara relativt konstant under livets gång vad gäller personlighet, karaktärsdrag och nationalitet. Dock är de överens om att identitetsförändringar sker beroende på ålder och nya livsroller som exempelvis när man blir företagare eller förälder. Holländare och svenskar tycks vara så lika vad gäller utseende att myndigheter tror att även sociala, ekonomiska och politiska system liknar de svenska systemen. Hos de holländska informanterna finns dock ett behov att särskilja sig från svenskarna samtidigt som de vill integrera med svenskarna. Integrationsprocessen innebär även att i vissa sammanhang identifierar de sig som holländare och i andra sammanhang identifierar de sig mer som svenskar. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate continuity and change in Dutch peoples´ identities as they immigrate to Sweden. Identity and change/negotiation theories will be applied to empirical material gained from interviews with four Dutch participants who have immigrated to Sweden. The result shows that identity is something that the immigrants view as relatively constant through their lives what concerns personality, character and nationality. They agree that changes in identity occur when factors such as age and new roles in life as for an example when one becomes a company owner or a parent. Dutch and Swedish people seem to be the same when it comes to appearance that one thinks that even social, economic and political systems are the same as the Swedish systems. Because of this the Dutch participants seem to separate themselves from the Swedes and at the same time they want to integrate with the Swedes. The integration process contains that in some contexts the Dutch immigrant identify him-/herself as a Dutch person and in other contexts they identify more as a Swedish person.

Aktivity studentů domova mládeže spojené se společenskou participací ve volném čase / Activities of boarding houses´ students related to social participation within leisure time.

STRAKOVÁ, Ilona January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on students´ activities related to social participation in leisure time and information sources where they get information about courses of events in society. These activities are associated with residence in two chosen boarding houses Boarding house belonging to grammar school, secondary school of economics and secondary training school in Kaplice and boarding house and school canteen in Holečkova street in České Budějovice. This thesis includes tutors´ opinions on students´ social involvement in their leisure time. Theoretical part of this thesis defines youth in current society, characterizes students´ leisure time culture, their attitude to social participation and it also describes the impact of value orientation on development of both their personality and environment. This part also describes youth´s lifestyle in information society and there are described basic characteristics of boarding houses, tutor´s personality and his part within the process of youth´s participation in society. The last chapter of theoretical part introduces chosen education approaches based on training leading to youth´s participation and there is stated their influence on individual lifelong and social impact. Experimental part defines research task, research questions and defines hypothesis. It is followed by question-forms assessment that were filled in by students and tutors and assessment of defined hypothesis. There are discussed results of the research in the end of this thesis.

O Brasil e o combate à apatridia no sistema interamericano de proteção dos direitos humanos.

Reis, Ulisses Levy Silvério dos 20 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-26T17:51:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1610081 bytes, checksum: 11a5b3d3b84e3cd2325afb18b85e30c6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-26T17:51:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1610081 bytes, checksum: 11a5b3d3b84e3cd2325afb18b85e30c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-20 / The focus of this dissertation is fixed on the forecasting and implementation of the right to nationality in normative documents and internal and international bodies as a responsible tool for eliminating the problem of not guarantee human rights to stateless persons. Under the inter-American system of human rights protection, both the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man as the American Convention on Human Rights guaranteeing the right to nationality to anyone, but on the continent there are still millions of individual who can’t enjoy a nationality for discriminatory reasons. From this fact, it discusses up the measures taken by Brazil to combat statelessness and if there is a transnational way to treat it from an interaction of the states around the Organization of American States. The investigation is justified by the fact that Brazil regularly sponsor global meetings aimed to resolving the issue of the right to nationality of such individuals, as well as the need to increase the studies in our country about the human rights norms of the Organization of American States. The methodology follows the deductive model subject to hermeneutic and comparative procedures. The exploratory and descriptive work’s bias is presented based on the analysis of international standards norms for protection of right to nationality, while comparing it under the light of Brazilian legal system will present proposals about the appropriateness or the need to improve the internal regulatory framework. The work is divided into four chapters. In the first, the concepts concerning the right of nationality and statelessness phenomenon will be displayed, their most common causes and the breaking point identified by Hannah Arendt in relation to the failure of the standard of human dignity to guarantee rights to those who do not enjoy a nationality. The second presents the development of international human rights law with regard to nationality. The next section reviews the milestones of the Brazilian law regarding the treatment of stateless persons, with an emphasis on its shortcomings and promoting a comparison – at legal level – with other Latin American countries. The last chapter discusses the Habermas’s proposal to form transnational states and how could such architecture contribute to the protection of stateless persons. The research shows that Brazil, despite having ratified the universal conventions on statelessness and be a signatory of the San José Pact, has an insufficient legal frame for the protection of these people which entails helplessness on the part of official institutions and violation of their basic rights of citizenship; at the same time, the formation of a transnational state based on the Organization of American States set up the possibility of ensuring the protection of stateless in the continent through the construction of a discursive and normative public sphere common to people and governments. / O ponto central investigado nesta dissertação fixa-se na previsão e aplicação do direito à nacionalidade em documentos normativos e órgãos internos e internacionais como ferramenta responsável por eliminar o problema da não garantia de direitos humanos aos apátridas. No âmbito do sistema interamericano de proteção dos direitos humanos, tanto a Declaração Americana de Direitos e Deveres do Homem quanto a Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos garantem o direito à nacionalidade a qualquer pessoa, mas no continente ainda existem milhões de indivíduos que não podem gozar de uma nacionalidade por razões discriminatórias. A partir deste fato, problematiza-se quais as medidas tomadas pelo Brasil para combater a apatridia e se existe uma maneira transnacional de tratá-la a partir de uma interação dos Estados em torno da Organização dos Estados Americanos. A investigação justifica-se pelo fato de o Brasil periodicamente patrocinar encontros mundiais visando solucionar violações ao direito à nacionalidade, bem como pela necessidade de se aprimorarem no país estudos sobre a normatização de direitos humanos da Organização dos Estados Americanos. A metodologia adotada segue o modelo dedutivo sujeito aos procedimentos hermenêutico e comparativo. O viés exploratório e descritivo do trabalho se apresenta a partir da análise das normas internacionais de proteção do direito à nacionalidade, enquanto a comparação à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro apresentará proposições sobre a adequação ou a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento do marco normativo interno. O trabalho divide-se em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, serão apresentados os conceitos relativos ao direito à nacionalidade e do fenômeno da apatridia, suas causas mais comuns e o ponto de ruptura identificado por Hannah Arendt com relação à insuficiência do padrão da dignidade humana para a garantia de direitos aos que não gozam de vínculo patrial. O segundo apresentará o desenvolvimento do Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos no tocante à nacionalidade. A seção seguinte analisa os marcos da legislação brasileira com respeito ao tratamento dado aos apátridas, com ênfase em suas insuficiências e promovendo uma comparação – em nível legislativo – com outros países da América Latina. O último capítulo discute a proposta de Habermas de formação de Estados transnacionais e como poderia tal arquitetura contribuir com a proteção dos apátridas. A pesquisa demonstra que o Brasil, apesar de ter ratificado as convenções universais sobre apatridia e ser signatário do Pacto San José, possui um ordenamento lacunoso e insuficiente quanto à proteção destas pessoas, o que enseja o desamparo por parte de instituições oficiais e a violação dos seus direitos básicos de cidadania; ao mesmo tempo, a formação de um Estado transnacional com base na Organização dos Estados Americanos configura a possibilidade de garantir a proteção dos sem nacionalidade no continente a partir da construção de um espaço público discursivo e normativo comum para as pessoas e os governos.

La politique d'intégration des étrangers / Integration policy of foreigners

Azarete, Adrien 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’intégration des étrangers présents sur le sol français constitue l’un des enjeux les plus importants de l’ère contemporaine. L’objet de la présente étude est ainsi de s’intéresser à la manière par laquelle le droit transcrit la politique d’intégration. L’ouvrage se divise en deux parties consacrées à l’analyse des leviers juridiques intéressant l’intégration de l’étranger. La première partie met en lumière des facteurs qui, sans être directement issus d’une politique spécifique destinée à intégrer les étrangers, concourent à cet objectif. La seconde partie est consacrée aux facteurs juridiques dédiés à l’intégration des étrangers. La reconnaissance de l’étranger en tant que bénéficiaire de droits fondamentaux et la garantie indirecte d’un droit au séjour ont réduit l’écart entre le statut de l’étranger et celui du national. Cependant, si le dernier titre a révélé la mise en place d’un service public de l’intégration, il a dans le même temps mis en exergue la collusion entre les politiques d’immigration et d’intégration. L’intégration se transforme progressivement en une injonction pour l’étranger en vue de précariser sa situation, dans une logique contraire aux objectifs affichés. / The integration of foreigners on the French territory is one of the most important problems in the contemporary era. The theme of the present study is to deal with how the law transcribes the integration policy. The present work is divided into two parts dedicated to the analysis of the legal levers regarding the integration of foreigners. The first part highlights factors which do not arise directly from a specific policy intended to integrate foreigners but contribute to this aim anyway. The second part deals with the legal factors which are dedicated to the integration of foreigners. Both the recognition of the foreigner as protected by the fundamental rights and the indirect guarantee of the right of residence by the law ,reduced the gap between the status of the foreigner and the national’s one. However, if the last title revealed the setting up of a public service of integration, it , highlighted at the same time , the collusion between immigration and integration policies The integration is gradually transformed into an order for the foreigner so as to make his situation precarious, contrary to the stated objectives.

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