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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bloggens Nyheter : En diskursanalys om mediernas nya utmanare

Sundkvist, Sofia, Johansson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur man inom bloggosfären legitimerar sig som en viktig medial kanal i relation till redan etablerade medier. Vi söker genom en diskursanalytisk metod finna bloggarens tillvägagångssätt att i sina texter legitimera sitt eller arenans skrivande, och finner i vår analys en trend som kan komma att leda till stora förändringar i traditionella redaktioners arbetssätt.</p>

En dag i riksdagens Twitterrum : En språklig analys av samtliga riksdagsledamöters twittrande under 24 timmar

Åberg, Mats E January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva riksdagsledamöternas twittrande och försöka lyfta framnågot av det som kännetecknar Twittermediet. Det uppfylls genom att besvara frågorna: • Vilken typ av interpersonella språkhandlingar utförs i riksdagsledamöternas twittrande? • Hur kan man kategorisera och beskriva de interpersonella språkhandlingarna? • Skiljer sig språkhandlingarna åt beroende på parti-, blocktillhörighet eller kön? • Finns det några språkliga särdrag som är typiska för riksdagsledamöternas användande avTwittermediet? Frågorna besvaras genom att undersöka alla tweets som skrevs av någon ledamot av Sverigesriksdag den 5 mars 2013. Uppsatsen beskriver flera aspekter av riksdagsledamöternas twittrande. Vanligaste allmänna språkhandling är ett påstående, ibland följt av en fråga. Både beröm och kritikutdelas men följer då alltid mönstret kritik åt politisk motståndare och beröm åt politisk vän. Sverigedemokraterna uttalar sig oftare med tvärsäkerhet och mer sällan med garderingar än övrigapartier. Inga stora skillnader mellan könen och Alliansen respektive de Rödgröna står att finna. Twittermediet är ofta informellt och snabbt vilket ger upphov till nya språkliga konstruktioner ochibland rena fel.

Museers kommunikation, publicering och delaktighet: - En fallstudie av Kulturen i Lunds kommunikationsstrategi

Cupric, Adrian, Smedman, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
Utvecklingen av digital kommunikation och nya medier har anfört till ett framgångsrikt sätt att kommunicera. Museer har tidigare jobbat med kommunikation riktad från avsändare till mottagare där narrativet mottagaren tagit del av har skett på plats i museet i form av fysiska utställningar. Då sättet museer når målgruppen tidigare varit bristfällig kan museum med hjälp av kultursegment och narrativ finna ny publik att nå i nya medier. Denna fallstudie har fokuserat på att ta reda på hur museer jobbar med att nå sina målgrupper och lägger fokus på Kulturen i Lunds konvergens, med andra ord hur museet väljer att övergå från fysiska publiceringar till digitala. Museet har undersökts med hjälp av kvalitativ intervju, enkät, jämförelse och netnografisk observation där resultatet visat att engagemanget för den valda målgruppen kan bli högre om den digitala publiceringen från museerna skapar mer narrativ till publiken. Slutsatsen är att Kulturen i Lund kan gagnas av att använda kultursegment och narrativ för att hitta målgrupper och skapa en röd tråd i sin publicering. / The evolution of digital communication and new media have led to better and more fruitful ways to communicate to target audiences. Museums have previously worked with communication aimed from sender to recipient where the narrative has been received by visiting the physical venue of the museum. Since reaching the target audience in a digital way can be difficult, cultural segments and narratives may be used to reach the audience in new media. This case study aims to find out how museums work to reach their target groups and focuses on Kulturen in Lund's convergence. In other words – how the museum transitions from physical publications to digital ones. The museum has been studied using qualitative interviews, questionnaires and netnographic observation. Results have shown that the engagement of the selected target group can be higher if the digital publications from the museums show a more coherent narrative to the target audience. The conclusion is that Kulturen in Lund could benefit from the using culture segment and a wider narrative to target groups and creating a common thread in its publication.

”Det här är slutet på hotellbranschen, såsom vi förstår den” : En kvalitativ studie av konvergenskulturens, review-sajters och den digitala kommunikationens påverkan på hotellbranschen / This is the end of the hotel industry, the way we know it : A qualitative study of the influence of the convergence culture, review sites and the digital communication on the hotel industry.

Serneberg, Ida January 2016 (has links)
Title: This is the end of the hotel industry, the way we know it – A qualitative study of the influence of the convergence culture, review sites and the digital communication on the hotel industry. This study aims to examine the digitalisation of the hotel industry and how the industry relates to review sites, partly from an organisational point of view and partly how the communication and the replies at the review site may look like. The study focuses on three hotel employees and how they relate to the review site TripAdvisor. Through a qualitative content analysis and interviews I aim to find out how the industry relates to digital communication. As a complement to the three internal voices I have interviewed a digital expert in the digital communication industry.   We live in a convergence culture where old and new media meet. Earlier studies in the area show that reviewers leave many digital footprints that indicates identity, demography an situation based information at review sites. It has shown that it is easier for a reader to percieve information from people the can identify themselves with. This study aims to complement current and previous studies in the area with a inside-out perspective, and a perspective from inside the hotel industry.   The study shows that the responding hotel employees have their own tone of voice and the relate to the medium in their own unique way. Despite different tone of voice it is clear that there is some kind of unwritten formula on how to organize the arguments in a review. Many tracks of intertextuality were found in the reponses of the hotel employees, either to other web texts such as other reviews or references to web pages. There is a explicit desire to interact and to connect with the guest or the reviewer. This confirms previous studies made on the topic.   This study shows that digitalisation has contributed to the increase of decentralisation in the industry and this decentralastion is necessary for digitalisation. Decision-making power in regards of publishing has moved from one department to involve and engage many departments and levels in the organisation. The three hotel employees who were interviewed had three different approaches to digital communication. One of them was well integrated and seemed to move naturally between the digital and the analogue world. When she answered digitally, she would often refer to the analouge world and in the analogue world she would refer to the digital. One of the others had a more segregated view on Internet. She is a occasional visitor at the review site and interpret the organisation as an analogue unit, where you actively have to visit the Internet. At the same time she would highlight how serious and important the reality of Inernet is. When she responds on review sites, she act carefully, systematically and with great consideration.            The last hotel employee experienced Internet at young age and act as a native citizen there. He claims that Internet has changed the analogue reality for him, his staff and for the guests. He refers to digital sources when he is online, as well as to the analogue reality. The digital reality incuses the analogue reality and vice versa. He claims that there is a clear before and after The Internet.   None of the employees address issues connected to reliability and the trustworthyness in the reviews they respond to. This is something that the digital expert on the other hand adresses. This is worth continue studying. In addition, every month 2,000 reviewers write a review at a hotel in the Nordic Choice Hotel group. At the same time and during the same month, more than 100,000 guests leave digital footprints at the social platforms Facebook and Instagram. Even though this is the end of the hotel industry, the way the industry knows it, the research on digital footprints has just begun.

Skola och medier : Aktiviteter och styrning i en kommuns utvecklingssträvanden / Education and Media : Activities and Governance in a Municipality's Development Efforts

Hansson, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
Over time, the state has undertaken various reforms to govern the development of education. The issue of using new media may be seen as such an example. A change in the use of media in education imposes great challenges on both municipalities and teachers. This thesis aims to visualise and discuss governance in the contradictions that arise in practical activities aimed at integrating new media in school teaching, based on three actors’ perspectives, namely the dilemmas of the teacher, the media pedagogue and the media developer. The study is based on systemic thinking about governance and I employ both activity theory and the concept of governmentality to visualise and discuss the governance. The study is conducted in the form of a case study. The case consists of a municipality where, based on the curriculum’s mission, teachers have tried to find ways to integrate new media into their teaching. My own connection to the case consists of having been a driving and governing force in the work as a teacher, media pedagogue and media developer. The case was chosen because the municipality’s work on the national level and via the media has been held up as a good example. The empirical part consists of both my own life narrative and studies of different documents, texts, images, films and sound recordings that show how govern­mentalities are formed and take shape on the micro, macro and meso levels. I use a methodological prism, a combination of different analytical perspectives, discourse, activity, narratives and governmentality. The results reveal that the driving actors are innovatively handling the systemic contradictions that arise in the work of carrying out the curriculum’s mission. The governance of the activities is based on a trust rationality. The more the use of new media is spread in the municipality’s schools, the more contradictory it becomes for the middle level’s actors. The trust rationality has been superseded by a distrust rationality, creating a growing gap between the administration and the activities.

Self-branding on elite level : How female athletes use social media for empowerment

Wiebach, Stephanie January 2022 (has links)
Professional athletes use social media for many different purposes. That includes sharing personal lives, sport achievements as well as endorsements and branding activities with sponsors. Women’s professional sports gain more and more popularity which is why creating a brand around oneself becomes more important and essential to stay valuable and attractive to sponsors. Online settings have become a stage for self-presentation and social media has enabled athletes to not only share marketing content but to communicate and spread a message. Based upon Goffman’s self-presentation theory, performances and “economies of visibility”, this research aims to understand how female athletes use social media, especially Instagram, and how new media is used as a tool for empowerment and as a tool to raise awareness around social justice causes. For that, a content thematic analysis has been conducted. The sportswomen who have risen to the top level demonstrate how their sports have helped them to build self-confidence and use their power on and off the field. The result indicates that the majority of Instagram posts focus on the athletes’ personal life and backstage insights are shared as well as empowering and motivational messages. / Professionella atleter använder sociala medier för många olika syften. Det inkluderar att dela med sig av personliga livet, sportprestationer samt endossement och varumärkesaktiviteter med sponsorer. Samtidigt blir kvinnors professionella idrotter allt mer populära och det är därför det blir viktigare att skapa ett varumärke runt sig själv för att förbli värdefulla och attraktiva för sponsorer. Onlinemiljöer har blivit en scen för självpresentation och sociala medier har gjort det möjligt för idrottare att inte bara dela marknadsföringsinnehåll utan också att kommunicera och sprida ett budskap. Baserat på Goffmans teori om självpresentation, prestationer och "synlighetsekonomier", strävar denna forskning till att förstå hur kvinnliga idrottare använder sociala medier, speciellt Instagram, och hur nya medier används som ett verktyg för att stärka egenmakten och för att öka medvetenheten kring social rättvisa. Därför har en tematisk innehållsanalys utförts. Idrottskvinnorna som har tagit sig upp till toppnivån visar hur sporten har hjälpt dem att stärka sina självförtroenden och använda sin makt på och utanför idrottsplatsen. Resultatet av studien indikerar att majoriteten av Instagram-inläggen fokuserar på de kvinnliga atleternas personliga liv och att de innehåller insikter bakom kulisserna såväl som stärkande och motiverande budskap.

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