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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ošetřovatelská péče o novorozence v rámci perioperační péče. / Nursig care about newborn within the perioperation care.

BENEŠOVÁ, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the thesis Nursing Care of Newborns in the Process of Perioperative Care deals with specific and distinct features of such care from the viewpoint of nursing. The main objective was to specify all tasks of nurses in the process of perioperative care and the procedures they use. Last but not least, we focused on how the nursing care differs with regard to the age of newborns. The selected research method was qualitative research using semi-structured interviews with nurses from perinatology centers. The research covered 10 respondents with various levels of education and lengths of practical experience. Nurses most frequently understand the term of perioperative care as the care provided before, during and after a surgery. Most of them actually perform preparation of the child before the surgery and then they provide postoperative care. Only 2 out of the 10 respondents are directly involved in the surgery procedure and thus accompany the newborns throughout the entire process of perioperative care. The care provided before the surgery most often includes identification of the child, checking of its vital functions, involvement in blood collection, including intravenous cannulation, administration of prescribed medication, preparation of the surgical site and communication with the parents. Children are most frequently accompanied by their mothers and nurses need to communicate with them. Nurses transport the child to the operating room, hand the child over and subsequently take it back after the surgery. They also record all those activities in the medical files and in some cases they check signed informed consents. Intraoperative care consists mainly of monitoring of the newborn, assisting to the physician in airway management - intubation and during the entire surgery procedure. The most common surgical procedures performed in children are hernia, bowel and heart surgeries. The nurses also generally mentioned surgeries of developmental disorders. After the surgery nurses usually move the child to the neonatology intensive care unit which is equipped with a ventilator, incubator and all types of medication. They regularly check and record child´s vital functions, monitor the surgical wound and its proximity, intake and excretion, they provide nutrition etc. Nurses also assess the pain, most frequently using the NIPS scale, and they educate the parents. Post-surgery complications occur only sporadically and they include infections, bleeding or abstinence syndrome after administration of opiates. The collected data have shown only one difference relating to the age of newborns who underwent a surgery. Specifically, certain surgeries, e.g. of necrotic enterocolitis, are performed more frequently on less mature newborns. In general, most of the surgeries are performed on prematurely born neonates and extremely immature neonates. When asked what they would like to change or improve in the perioperative care from the nursing point of view the nurses primarily mentioned more contacts between the mother and child and consistent compliance with aseptic procedures. The responding nurses were mostly content, they praised the highly specialized care and the good cooperation between the nursing team and the medical team which consists of pediatricians and specialists. Results of those teams thus contribute to continually decreasing mortality rate of high-risk and pathological newborns and to better quality of life of those children after the surgery.

Centralizace operačních sálů z pohledu sestry / Centralization of operating rooms from the perspective of nurses

DRAŽANOVÁ, Monika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the work: The aim of this thesis is to provide detailed information about organization and operation of today's operating rooms from nurse´s point of view. Operational treatment requires high demands on technical and material equipment, special staff training, perfect adherence to asepse, antisepsis, sterility as well as work organization. The thesis should also introduce the most urgent problems of the current situation of the operating rooms management. The most recent discoveries and proven methods are summarized in a simple and comprehensible form that will serve as a guide for perioperative nurses. Method: Qualitative research methods in the form of a semi-structured interview have been used. This thesis will use the qualitative survey method in the form of a semistructured interview along with snowball sampling. The research consists of respondents with finished specialization in instrumentation for the operating room who are still active in the given field. Current status: The organization and operation room management consists of two functional models. These are so called "sideline sterilization" versus central operating rooms. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages related to workload, general nursing education, and operating rooms management. However, the least preferred option is a combination of both perioperative operations. Results: The results of the research focused on the centralization and operating rooms management show that "sideline sterilization" is considered an obsolete model of tool sterilization for operating rooms. The results also show that the model of central operating rooms with the combination of central sterilization is more modern and efficient both in terms of expenses and effort, not just for nurses but for all healthcare professionals. Conclusion: In accordance with the aim of this work the issue of centralization of operating rooms is pointed out, considering both the construction with the necessity to follow all known procedures in compliance with aseptic conditions, as well as the need of good management or nurse education. The results can be used for further research and as a further source of information for non-medical fields, mainly perioperative care.

Análise funcional do endotélio no perioperatório de operações vasculares / Perioperative evaluation of endothelial function in patients undergoing vascular surgery

Daniela Calderaro 09 April 2008 (has links)
Apesar dos grandes avanços na medicina perioperatória, as operações vasculares ainda estão associadas a elevada morbi-mortalidade. A fisiopatologia dos eventos perioperatórios é complexa, envolvendo a instabilização de placas ateroscleróticas, o que não é contemplado nos algoritmos para estratificação de risco cardíaco perioperatório. Acreditamos que a identificação de características relacionadas à instabilização de placas incipientes, como alterações na reatividade vascular e maior atividade inflamatória, pode melhorar a acurácia da estimativa de risco e a análise do comportamento perioperatório destas características pode elucidar importantes mecanismos fisiopatológicos. Estudamos 100 pacientes com indicação de operação vascular e aferimos por meio de ultrassom-Doppler de artéria braquial, a hiperemia reativa (HR), marcador de função microvascular, e a dilatação mediada pelo fluxo (DMF), marcador de função endotelial, antes e após a operação. Analisamos também os níveis de proteina-C reativa ultra-sensível (PCR-us). A operação foi realizada em 96 pacientes e 27 deles apresentaram algum evento até o 30º dia pós-operatório: 4 óbitos cardíacos, 5 infartos agudos do miocárdio, 2 acidentes vasculares cerebrais isquêmicos, 2 elevações isoladas de troponina, 1 embolia de pulmão, 2 reoperações e 11 óbitos não cardíacos. Detectamos disfunção endotelial em 70% dos pacientes, mas não observamos nenhum padrão característico de comportamento perioperatório da DMF, ou associação significativa entre a mesma e os eventos. Observamos significativo aumento da PCR-us após a intervenção cirúrgica (0,5mg/dL x 3,01mg/dL, P=0,001), mas sem associação com eventos. Identificamos forte associação entre disfunção microvascular, representada pela menor velocidade de fluxo na artéria braquial durante a hiperemia reativa, e eventos: 81 cm/s + 20 x 95 cm/s + 28 ( P= 0,02). Concluímos que a identificação de disfunção microvascular no pré-operatório pode estratificar o risco de complicações perioperatórias e que embora não tenhamos observado piora da vasodilatação mediada pelo fluxo, não podemos afastar que haja piora da função endotelial no perioperatório. O aumento de PCR-us denota grande diátese inflamatória, que pode estar relacionada à disfunção endotelial. / Despite great advances in perioperative care, major vascular surgeries are still related to high morbidity and mortality. The pathophysiology of perioperative cardiac events is complex and comprehends atherosclerotic plaque instability, witch is not contemplated in the current algorithms for cardiac risk estimation. We hypothesized that the identification of characteristics related to predisposition for plaque instability, such as abnormalities in the vascular reactivity, is very promising and the characterization of this parameter`s behavior in the perioperative setting contributes to the better understanding of event\'s pathophysiology. We prospectively studied a cohort of 100 patients, candidates for elective major vascular surgery and assessed, by Doppler ultrasound in the brachial artery, reactive hyperemia(RH), a marker of microvascular function, and flow mediated dilation(FMD), a marker of endothelial function, before and after surgery. We also obtained C-reactive protein-high sensitive assay (CRP-hs) before and after surgery. Ninety six patients were submitted to the planned vascular surgery and 27 patients had an event up to the 30º postoperative day. We observed 4 cardiac deaths, 5 acute myocardial infarctions, 2 isolated troponin elevations, 2 ischemic strokes, 1 pulmonary embolism, 2 reoperations and 11 noncardiac deaths. Results: although there was no significant difference in the preoperative FMD between patients with and without events: 4.83% + 6.81 x 5.88% + 6.00 (p= .457), respectively, low RH response, measured as lower peak flow velocity in RH, was associated to events: 81 cm/s + 20 x 95 cm/s + 28 (p=0,02). There was no significant difference in the preoperative CRP-hs between groups (median: 0.51mg/dL (IQR 2.12) x 0.41mg/dL (IQR 0.59), p= .234). There was no significant difference between FMD before and after surgery but we detected an almost 6-fold increase in CRP-hs after surgery: 0.50mg/dL x 3.01mg/dL (p < .001), respectively. Our study demonstrated that microvascular dysfunction is closely related to perioperative events after major vascular surgery and is a better marker of perioperative risk than endothelial dysfunction, in specific conditions.

Möten med patienten under den perioperativa vårdprocessen : Operationssjuksköterskans perspektiv / Meetings with the patient during the perioperative nursing process : The operating theatre nurse's perspective

Männimägi, Karen January 2017 (has links)
Introduktion: Operationssjuksköterskor har begränsade möjligheter till att möta patienten och studier fokuserar huvudsakligen på den intraoperativa vården. Operationssjuksköterska möter patienten ett kort ögonblick strax innan operationen och oftast tillsammans med övriga i operationsteamet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva operationssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av möten med patienten under den perioperativa vårdprocessen. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie. Totalt genomfördes sex intervjuer med operationssjuksköterskor med minst tre års yrkeserfarenhet, verksamma vid ett sjukhus i mellersta Sverige. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I analysen framkom tre kategorier med tillhörande underkategorier som beskrev operationssjuksköterskans möte med patienten inom perioperativ vård: Etablera en första kontakt - ge sig till känna, skapa en vårdrelation, att göra patienten delaktig i vården; Att säkerställa patientens vård - att förhindra att patienten utsätts för skador, ha möjlighet att kunna utvärdera genomförda omvårdnadsåtgärder; Att bevara patientens integritet – viljan att göra gott. Slutsats: I mötet med patienten skapas en vårdrelation, vilket medför att patienten blir delaktig i vården och operationssjuksköterskan ges möjlighet att kunna planera, genomföra och utvärdera genomförda omvårdnadsåtgärder, vilket bidrar till utveckling av patientens vård och operationssjuksköterskans kompetens. / Introduction: Operating theatre nurses have limited opportunities to meet the patient and studies focuses mainly on the intraoperative care. Operating theatre nurse meets the patient briefly just before the surgery together with other members of the surgical team. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe operating theatre nurse´s experiences of meeting with the patient during the perioperative nursing process.Method: The study was a qualitative interview study. In total six interviews with operating theatre nurses with at least three years of professional experience and were working at a hospital in central Sweden. The data was analysed through a content analysis. Results: The analysis revealed three categories with associated subcategories that described the operating theatre nurses´ meeting with the patient in the perioperative care: To establish a first contact – to make themselves known, to create a care relationship, making the patient involved in care; To ensure patient care – to prevent patient exposure to injuries, having the opportunity to evaluate the implemented care measures; To preserve patient privacy – wanting to do good. Conclusion: In the meeting with the patient a care relationship is created, which makes the patient involved in the care and the operating theatre nurse is given the opportunity to plan, to implement and to evaluate the implemented care measures, which contributes to the development of the patient´s care and the operating theatre nurse´s competence.

Uso do índice tornozelo-braquial como preditor de eventos cardiovasculares no pós-operatório de cirurgias não cardíacas / Ankle-brachial index estimating cardiac complications after general surgery

Gabriel Assis Lopes do Carmo 25 April 2014 (has links)
A avaliação perioperatória é uma etapa importante antes de encaminhar o paciente para a realização de uma operação. Algoritmos e escores podem ajudar durante este processo de estratificação de risco e na tomada de decisões. Entretanto, a maior parte deles foram descritos e desenvolvidos em um contexto diferente que pode não representar a realidade médico atual. O índice tornozelo-braquial (ITB) é capaz de quantificar o risco cardiovascular na população em geral. É um método barato e passível de ser realizado ambulatorialmente e poderia ser útil antes da realização de procedimentos cirúrgicos. O trabalho atual é um estudo observacional e prospectivo que avaliou pacientes de risco cardiovascular perioperatório intermediário a alto antes de serem submetidos a cirurgias não cardíacas. O ITB foi aferido em todos os pacientes. Um valor <=0,9 foi considerado alterado, definindo o grupo portador de doença arterial periférica. Os demais pacientes constituíram o grupo controle. Traçados eletrocardiográficos e dosagem sérica de troponina foram obtidos em todos os pacientes nas primeiras 72 horas após o procedimento. Todos os pacientes foram seguidos por um período de 30 dias, sendo o desfecho primário um combinado de eventos cardiovasculares (mortalidade cardiovascular, síndrome coronariana aguda, elevação isolada de troponina, insuficiência cardíaca descompensada, choque cardiogênico, arritmias instáveis, parada cardíaca não fatal, edema agudo de pulmão, acidente vascular cerebral e doença arterial periférica descompensada). Foram avaliados 132 pacientes (61,3% do sexo masculino; idade média 65,4 anos). Durante o período de acompanhamento especificado 57,9% dos pacientes com ITB <= 0,9 apresentaram o desfecho primário vs 25,7% no grupo controle (p=0,011). Após análise multivariada por regressão logística, o odds ratio (OR) para a ocorrência desta complicação foi de 7,4 (IC 95% 2,2-25,0, p=0,001) e o valor de P para o teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow foi de 0,626. A elevação isolada de troponina foi o principal evento encontrado (78,9%). Análise de desfecho secundário mostrou um OR de 13,4 para a ocorrência de elevação isolada de troponina após regressão logística (IC 95% 3,0-59,9, p=0,001) com o valor de P do teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow de 0,922. Concluímos então que, no período perioperatório, a presença de ITB anormal está associado a pior prognóstico cardiovascular, principalmente devido à elevação isolada de troponina / Perioperative evaluation is an important step before referring a patient to surgery. Scores and algorithms can help during this process. However, most of them were developed in different context that may not represent the actual medical scenario. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) can quantify cardiovascular risk in general population. It is inexpensive and easy to perform in office care and could be useful before surgery. This is a prospective and observational study that evaluated intermediate to high cardiovascular risk patients referred for general surgery. ABI were performed in all patients before surgery. A value <= 0.9 was considered abnormal and defined the peripheral artery disease group, and the remaining patients constituted the control group. Troponin-I and electrocardiogram were provided in the first 72 hours. All patients were followed for 30 days and primary endpoint was a composite of cardiovascular events (cardiovascular mortality, acute coronary syndrome, isolated troponin elevation, decompensated heart failure, cardiogenic shock, unstable arrhythmias, non fatal cardiac arrest, pulmonary edema, stroke and peripheral artery disease decompensation). We evaluated 132 patients (61.3% male; mean age 65.4 years). During the specified period 57.9% of patients with ABI <= 0.9 had a cardiovascular event vs 25.7% in the control group (p=0.011). After logistic regression, the odds ratio (OR) was 7.4 (CI 95% 2.2-25.0, p=0.001) and Hosmer-Lemeshow P=0.626. Isolated troponin elevation was the main event (78.9%). Secondary analysis revealed an OR of 13.4 for the occurrence of secondary endpoint after logistic regression (CI 95% 3.0-59.9, p=0.001) and Hosmer-Lemeshow P = 0.922. In conclusion, in the perioperative setting, an abnormal ankle-brachial index is associated with a worse cardiovascular prognosis, especially due to isolated troponin elevation

Detecção de infarto do miocárdio perioperatório pela ressonância magnética em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica / Detection of perioperative myocardial infarction after coronary artery bypass graft surgery with magnetic resonance imaging

Guilherme Urpia Monte 29 March 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas e cuidados intensivos, o infarto do miocárdio perioperatório (IMPO) ainda é uma complicação da cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM), de difícil diagnóstico. Nessa situação, os parâmetros clínicos habitualmente utilizados para o seu reconhecimento têm limitações, podendo estar alterados pelo trauma cirúrgico. A ressonância magnética cardiovascular (RMC), por sua vez, detém alta acurácia para a detecção de necrose miocárdica. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a detecção de IMPO pela RMC, comparando-a com os critérios de diagnóstico clínico (DC) e com a cintilografia miocárdica, com pirofosfato de tecnécio-99m (SPECT), assim como investigar a repercussão das áreas de IMPO visualizadas à RMC sobre a função sistólica ventricular esquerda. MÉTODOS: Entre agosto de 2003 e março de 2006, foram estudados 24 pacientes adultos, portadores de doença arterial coronária crônica, com indicação de CRM. Eles foram submetidos a RMC, com técnicas de cine-ressonância e realce tardio, antes e depois da cirurgia, analisando-se o surgimento de novas áreas de necrose miocárdica (IMPO) e/ou disfunção contrátil ventricular esquerda. Também foram realizados: eletrocardiogramas (ECG) seriados, visando detectar o surgimento de novas ondas Q patológicas, depois da cirurgia; dosagens seriadas de marcadores bioquímicos de lesão miocárdica (CKMB e troponina I), para determinar o pico de sua elevação, depois da cirurgia; e SPECT, pré e pós-operatória, analisando-se a presença de novas áreas de hipercaptação do radiofármaco. O DC foi feito com base nos achados de ECG, contração segmentar do ventrículo esquerdo e níveis séricos dos marcadores bioquímicos. Os pacientes foram acompanhados por, pelo menos, 6 meses, depois da cirurgia e submetidos a uma terceira RMC, ao final deste período, para reavaliação da função ventricular. RESULTADOS: A RMC detectou IMPO em significativamente mais pacientes do que o DC (8 [33%] x 1 [4%], p=0,016). Em sua maioria, as áreas de necrose miocárdica visualizadas à RMC foram de pequena extensão (massa média de 5,7±10,2g) e padrão focal. Apesar disto, nos pacientes com IMPO à RMC, houve significativa redução pós-operatória da fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda (de 50±18 para 43±18%, p=0,044), que se manteve após 6 meses, e elevação maior do que 10 vezes o nível sérico normal dos marcadores bioquímicos, após a CRM, o que não ocorreu no grupo sem IMPO. Houve moderada correlação entre a massa de IMPO, medida pela RMC e o pico de elevação sérica dos marcadores bioquímicos (CKMB: r=0,705, p<0,001; troponina I: r=0,625, p=0,003). Observou-se moderada concordância diagnóstica entre a RMC e a SPECT para a detecção de necrose miocárdica perioperatória (Kappa=0,46). As características clínicas e cirúrgicas foram semelhantes entre os dois grupos, com exceção do perfil lipídico e a dose média de estatina (sinvastatina), em uso pelos pacientes, antes da cirurgia (significativamente menor no grupo com IMPO à RMC). CONCLUSÕES: A RMC revelou-se um método útil para o diagnóstico de IMPO, que foi subestimado pelo DC. O achado de necrose perioperatória à RMC associou-se a significativa diminuição da função sistólica ventricular esquerda e grande elevação sérica dos marcadores bioquímicos de lesão miocárdica. / INTRODUCTION: Despite advances in surgical technique and intensive care, perioperative myocardial infarction (POMI) remains a complication of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) with a challenging diagnosis. In this condition, clinical parameters usually utilized in the detection of POMI have limitations, since they can be affected by surgical trauma. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI), on the other hand, provides highly accurate detection of myocardial necrosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate POMI findings on CMRI and compare them to clinical diagnosis (CD) and technetium-99m pyrophosphate myocardial scintigrams (SPECT), as well as investigate the impact of POMI areas detected by CMRI on left ventricular systolic function. METHODS: Between August 2003 and March 2006, 24 adult patients with stable coronary artery disease, referred for CABG surgery, were studied. CMRI with cine and delayed-enhancement techniques was performed, before and after surgery, in order to evaluate the occurence of new areas of myocardial necrosis (POMI) and/or left ventricular systolic disfunction. Additional procedures included: serial electrocardiograms (ECG), to assess the appearance of new pathologic Q waves after surgery; serial measurements of biochemical markers of myocardial injury (CKMB and troponin I), to determine their peak serum levels after surgery; and SPECT, before and after surgery, in order to analyse the occurence of new areas of radionuclide increased uptake. CD was based on ECG findings, left ventricle regional contraction results and serum levels of biochemical markers. Patients were followed for, at least, 6 months after surgery, and a third CMRI scan was then repeated, in order to reassess ventricular function. RESULTS: CMRI revealed POMI in significantly more patients than CD (8 [33%] x 1 [4%], p=0.016). In most cases, areas of myocardial necrosis detected by CMRI were small (mean mass of 5.7±10.2g) and had focal distribution. Notwithstanding, patients who presented with POMI on CMRI had a significant decrease in postoperative left ventricular ejection fraction (from 50±18 to 43±18%, p=0.044), which persisted after 6 months, and a more than ten-fold increase in serum levels of biochemical markers after CABG. There was a moderate correlation between POMI mass measured by CMRI and peak serum levels of biochemical markers (CKMB: r=0.705, p<0.001; troponin I: r=0.625, p=0.003). Also, there was a moderate diagnostic agreement between CMRI and SPECT for the detection of perioperative myocardial necrosis (Kappa=0.46). Patient clinical and surgical characteristics were similar between groups, except for plasma lipid profile and mean statin (simvastatin) dosage before surgery (which was significantly lower in the group with POMI on CMRI). CONCLUSIONS: CMRI was found to be a useful tool in the diagnosis of POMI, which was underestimated by CD. Detection of perioperative myocardial necrosis by CMRI was associated with a significant decrease in left ventricular systolic function and high serum levels of biochemical markers of myocardial injury.

Patienters upplevelser av oro perioperativt : En litteraturstudie / Patients' experience about perioperative anxiety

Holm, Viktor, Hansson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Anestesi och operation är en stor händelse för många patienter och kan leda till rädsla och oro där höga krav ställs på anestesisjuksköterskans förmåga att kommunicera och bemöta patienterna professionellt. Patienterna överlämnar sig själva och sin kropp i någon annans händer, detta kan skapa känslor av maktlöshet och utsatthet. Oro är något alla människor erfar någon gång och är en del av livet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av oro perioperativt. Metod: En litteraturstudie där urval skett med inklusions- och exklusionskriterier och datainsamling har utförts genom systematisk sökning. Resultatet består av elva kvalitativa artiklar som har granskats och analyserats enligt Bettany-Saltikov och McSherrys (2016) riktlinjer. Resultat: Resultaten presenteras i tre huvudkategorier. Förlorad autonomi, Rädsla för operationen och dess resultat samt Ovisshet inför framtid. Resultatet visar att i upplevelsen av oro finns vissa återkommande mönster som kan gestalta sig i känslor av att förlora kontrollen över sig själv och sin kropp, av sårbarhet och utsatthet, av rädsla för operationen exempelvis att vakna och att dö under anestesin och operationen. En osäkerhet beskrevs i väntan på operation där behovet av att få information varierade. Patienterna beskrev även en osäkerhet över sin rehabilitering samt hur livskvaliteten skulle vara efter operation. Slutsats: Alla känslor som skapar oro i samband med en operation kan skapa ett lidande för patienten. En viktig del som framkommer i studiens resultat är att dessa olika känslor ofta uppstår på grund av att patienterna inte vet vad som ska hända. Detta visar att tydlig information är viktigt för att kunna lindra patientens oro och lidande perioperativt. Där spelar anestesisjuksköterskor en stor roll i att ge denna information och skapa ett förtroende hos patienten. Genom att lindra patientens oro preoperativt kan patienternas mående postoperativt påverkas. / Background: Anesthesia and surgery are a major event for many patients that can lead to fear and anxiety where high demands are placed on the anesthesia nurse's ability to communicate and respond to patients professionally. Patients surrender themselves and their bodies in someone else's hands, this can create feelings of powerlessness and vulnerability. Anxiety is a part of life and something everyone experience. Aim: The purpose was to describe patients´ experiences of perioperative anxiety.   Method: A literature study where selection with inclusion and exclusion criteria and data collection have been carried out through systematic searches. The result consists of eleven qualitative articles that have been analyzed according to Bettany-Saltikov and McSherry's (2016) recommendations.   Results: The results are presented in three main categories. Lost autonomy, Fear of the operation and its results, and Uncertainty for the future. The result shows that in the experience of anxiety there are certain recurring patterns that can manifest themselves in feelings of losing control of oneself and one's body, of vulnerability and of being exposed, of fear of the operation, for example, of waking up and of dying during anesthesia and surgery. An uncertainty was described while waiting for surgery where the need to obtain information varied between patients. Patients also described uncertainty about their rehabilitation as well as what the quality of life would be after surgery.   Conclusion: All feelings that create anxiety in connection with an operation can create a suffering for the patient. An important part that is evident in the study's results is that these different emotions often arise because patients do not know what is going to happen. This shows that distinct information is important in order to relieve the patient's anxiety and suffering perioperatively. Anesthesia nurses play a major role in providing this information and creating patient confidence. By alleviating the patient's concerns preoperatively, the patients' well-being can be affected postoperatively.

Den perioperativa sjuksköterskans upplevelser av informationsöverföring, pre- och postoperativt : Litteraturstudie med systematiskt tillvägagångssätt / The perioperative nurse experience of information transfer, pre- and postoperative : A systematic literature review

Pettersson, Linnéa, Klintsäter, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Informationsöverföring sker kontinuerligt i den perioperativa vården. Det anses vara ett riskmoment när patient och information överförs till ny personal och vårdenhet. Kontinuitet, kvalitet, effektivitet och patientsäkerhet uppnås genom att operationssjuksköterskan initierar och genomför adekvat informationsöverföring i samband med patientens kirurgiska ingrepp. Syfte: Var att belysa den perioperativa sjuksköterskans upplevelser av informationsöverföring, pre- och postoperativt. Metod: En litteraturstudie med systematiskt tillvägagångssätt i enlighet med Bettany-Saltikov och McSherry (2016). Resultatet baseras på analysen av tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultatet påvisade att det fanns flertalet brister i den perioperativa informationsöverföringen och att den upplevdes som komplex. Resultatet redovisades i tre huvudkategorier; Utspridd och bristfällig information, Förutsättningar för informationsöverföring samt Människans inverkan på informationsöverföring. Slutsats: Många faktorer påverkar informationsöverföringen pre- och postoperativt utifrån den perioperativa sjuksköterskans upplevelser. Då medlemmar av det kirurgiska teamet inte alltid medverkar vid den postoperativa patientöverlämningen  finns en risk för att kirurgisk information kan gå förlorad. När  informationsöverföringen brister kan det ge upphov till negativa konsekvenser för patienten. / Background: The transfer of information within perioperative care, is a continuous process. When a patient, together with the relevant patient-information is transferred to a new carer and care unit, there is considered to be an element of risk involved. Continuity, quality, efficiency and patient safety will be achieved when the operating theatre nurse initiates and implements an adequate transfer of information, in connection with the patient’s surgical procedure. Aim: To illustrate how perioperative nurses experience the pre and postoperative transfer of information. Method: A systematic literature review in accordance with  Bettany-Saltikov and McSherry (2016).  The result is based on an analysis of twelve qualitative, scientific articles. Results: The study results demonstrate that there are several deficiencies during the transfer of perioperative information, and that it is perceived as complex. The results are presented in three main categories; Scattered and inadequate information, Prerequisites for information transfer and The human influence on information transfer. Conclusion: Based on the experiences of the perioperative nurses, there are many factors which influence the pre and postoperative transfer of information. As members of the surgical team do not always participate in the postoperative patient handover, there is a risk that surgical information may be lost. There can be negative consequences for the patient when the transfer of information is inadequate.

Att hålla patienten varm : En kvalitativ studie om specialistsjuksköterskans värmebevarande åtgärder inom dagkirurgi

Bremberg, Nikolina, Muñoz, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar på att mellan 32–90% av patienter som genomgått någon form av kirurgi utvecklar oavsiktlig hypotermi perioperativt. Ofta har patienterna redan mild hypotermi vid ankomst till operationssalen. De perioperativt verksamma specialistsjuksköterskorna har ett gemensamt ansvar att förhindra samt åtgärda oavsiktlig nedkylning av patienten perioperativt. Trots mycket forskning om hypotermi och dess konsekvenser visar studier på att det finns kunskapsluckor inom ämnet hos specialistsjuksköterskor som ingår i operationsteamet. Vidare finns det för närvarande inga svenska nationella riktlinjer för värmebevarande åtgärder under kirurgi utan mer övergripande rekommendationer om vikten av att upprätthålla patientens temperatur.  Syfte: Att beskriva hur specialistsjuksköterskor inom dagkirurgi arbetar för att bibehålla normotermi hos patienten.  Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tio specialistsjuksköterskor på två operationsavdelningar med dagkirurgisk verksamhet. Datan analyserades med manifest innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier: beslut om värmebevarande åtgärder, förutsättningar för att förebygga perioperativ hypotermi och viljan att göra gott. Kategorierna hade sammanlagt åtta tillhörande subkategorier.   Slutsats: Specialistsjuksköterskans arbete för att bibehålla normotermi hos patienten var komplext där många olika faktorer spelade in. Det fanns goda kunskaper om perioperativ hypotermi och värmebevarande åtgärder i operationsteamet. Resultatet synliggjorde dock att arbetet i att förebygga perioperativ hypotermi inte alltid baserades på evidens och att det inte fanns tillräckligt med beslutsunderstöd för värmebevarande åtgärder. / Background: Previous research shows that 32–90% of patients who have undergone some sort of surgery develop accidental perioperative hypothermia. Often, patients already have mild hypothermia upon arrival at the operating room. The perioperative specialist nurses have a shared responsibility to prevent and treat unintended cooling of the patient. Despite a lot of research on hypothermia and its consequences, studies show that there are knowledge gaps within the subject in specialist nurses who are part of the surgical team. Furthermore, there are currently no Swedish national guidelines for perioperative heat conservation measures during surgery, but more general recommendations on the importance of maintaining the patient’s temperature. Aim: To describe how specialist nurses in ambulatory surgery work to maintain normothermia in the patient. Method: Qualitative interview with inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews with ten specialist nurses at two ambulatory surgery departments. The data were analyzed with manifest content analysis according to Graneheim and Lundman.  Results: The results revealed three categories: decisions on heat conservation measures, conditions for preventing perioperative hypothermia and a desire to do good. The categories had a total of eight associated subcategories.  Conclusion: The specialist nurse’s work to maintain normothermia in the patient was complex in which many different factors came into play. There was a good knowledge of perioperative hypothermia and heat conservation measures in the surgical team. However, the results showed that the work in preventing perioperative hypothermia was not always based on evidence and that there was not enough basis for decision for perioperative heat conservation measures.

Hur påverkar effektivitet patientsäkerheten? - Från operationssjuksköterskors perspektiv / How does efficiency affect patient safety? - From a theatre nurse perspective

Alágo, Marisa, Bohman, Majny January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Operationssjuksköterskor har många uppgifter perioperativt att kontrollera samtidigt som det finns ett krav på effektivitet. Tidigare studier visar att effektivitet kan orsaka stress hos operationssjuksköterskor samt att de oroar sig för att pressen kan utgöra ett hot mot patientsäkerheten. Studier visar även att operationssjuksköterskor kan känna sig tillfredsställda av effektivitet i sitt arbete. Det är således viktigt att belysa hur effektivitet påverkar patient­-säkerheten och hur den kan förbättras. Syfte: Beskriva operations­sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av hur effektivitet påverkar patientsäkerheten perioperativt. Metod: Kvalitativ metoddesign med individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer samt kvalitativ innehållsanalys med manifest ansats. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två kategorier: att effektivitet kan ha en gynnsam inverkan på patientsäkerhet och även att effektivitet kan påverka patientsäkerhet ogynnsamt. Operations­sjuksköterskor beskrev att effektivitet kan bidra till snabbare vårdförlopp och undvika inställda operationer, minska tid för generell anestesi samt att effektivitet i form av kontinuitet bidrar till bättre patientsäkerhet. Det beskrevs också att effektivisering orsakar brister inom perioperativa förberedelser, patientsäker positionering, intraoperativ omvårdnad och kontroller, samt kan leda till negativa upplevelser för patienten. Slutsats: Deltagarna i studien skildrade generellt fler negativa erfarenheter än positiva. Att medvetandegöra fenomenet, förbättra kommunikationen i teamet, utföra organisatoriska förändringar kan möjliggöra att operationssjuksköterskor följer patienten under hela perioperativa förloppet vilket ingår i kompetensbeskrivningen. Samt öka villigheten att rapportera avvikelser kan vara tänkbara vägar till förbättring.

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