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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Does Social Role Functioning Predict Work Productivity? Further Validation of the Social Role Scale of the Outcome Questionnaire

Allred, Aaron M. 05 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mental health problems are associated with significant losses in work productivity and, consequently, have significant ramifications for business entities and the general economy. Several instruments have been developed to measure productivity-related constructs such as absenteeism and presenteeism. The current study examines the utility of the Outcome Questionnaire-45 (OQ), a commonly used mental health questionnaire, in predicting work productivity. This relationship is explored as a preliminary step in assessing the degree to which changes in mental health brought about by psychotherapy will improve work productivity. Forty-nine participants were recruited from a call center in a small market research firm based in the Western United States. Work productivity was measured using four subscales of the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI) questionnaire as well as an objective measure. The OQ and WPAI were administered on a weekly basis over the course of five weeks. Participant characteristic variables and work-time variables were also measured. A mixed models analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with repeated measures showed that the Social Role (SR) Scale, a subscale of the OQ, was a significant predictor of Presenteeism, Overall Work Impairment, and Activity Impairment subscales. Latent growth modeling (LGM) was used to examine the relationship between the variables while accounting for individual trajectory differences. Although the results suggested that an unconditional model of Overall Work Impairment with SR as a time-varying covariate provided a good fit for the data, standardized regression weights between the variables were not significant. Implications of findings, limitations, and recommendations for future research are discussed.

Управление благополучием персонала производственного предприятия : магистерская диссертация / Well-being management of the manufacturing enterprise personnel

Фрелих, М. В., Frelikh, M. V. January 2022 (has links)
Целью магистерской диссертации является изучение современной литературы по проблеме благополучия персонала организаций, проведение мониторингового исследования влияния организации на благополучие персонала и разработка практических рекомендаций по повышению уровня благополучия персонала на рабочем месте. В теоретической части работы представлены основные понятия благополучия персонала, его виды, методы оценки уровня благополучия, а также охарактеризована программа повышения уровня благополучия персонала в организации. В практической части приводится краткая характеристика исследуемого производственного предприятия и системы управления персоналом, описываются результаты анализа кадрового состава предприятия, оценки уровня физического и психологического благополучия персонала с применением инструментария социологического опроса, мониторинга самочувствия работников с использованием авторского чат-бота, а также анализа действующей на предприятии системы по поддержанию уровня благополучия персонала. На основе полученных эмпирических данных разработаны предложения по повышению уровня благополучия персонала на основе развития программы «Благополучие». В заключении подведены итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The purpose of the master's thesis is to study modern literature on the well-being of personnel in organizations, conduct a monitoring study of the impact of the organization on the employee well-being and develop practical recommendations for improving the well-being at work. The theoretical part of the work presents the basic concepts of personnel well-being, its types, methods for assessing the level of well-being, and also describes a program to increase the level of well-being at work. The practical part provides a brief description of the production enterprise and the personnel management system under study, describes the results of the analysis of the personnel composition of the enterprise, assesses the level of physical and psychological well-being of personnel using the tools of a sociological survey, monitors the well-being of employees using the author's chat bot, and also analyzes the current at the enterprise systems for maintaining the level of employees' well-being. On the basis of the empirical data obtained, proposals were developed to improve the personnel well-being based on the development of the "Well-Being" program. In conclusion, the results are summarized in accordance with the tasks set.

Hur mäter företag friskvård? : En kvalitativ studie om friskvård som nyckeltal.

Into, Sarah, Schimmele, Annika January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukfrånvaro, sjukskrivningar och ohälsa är något som kostar både samhället och företagen mycket pengar. En medarbetares personliga hälsa spelar en stor roll när det kommer till både lönsamhet och produktivitet på arbetsplatsen. Motion leder till att en individ blir bättre på att planera arbetsuppgifter, får bättre koncentration och initiativtagande. Många företag investerar i sin personal i form av friskvård, men den förbättrade prestationen varken redovisas eller mäts på ett specifikt konto i redovisningen.  Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om och hur företag använder sig av nyckeltal som mäter den ekonomiska resultateffekten av friskvård och andra hälsofrämjande insatser.  Metod: Vi kommer i det här arbetet använda oss av en kvalitativ metod tillsammans med en deduktiv ansats. Datainsamling sker genom semistrukturerade intervjuer eftersom vi då har möjlighet att anpassa våra frågor och följdfrågor. Totalt har 14 respondenter från 13 olika företag intervjuats.  Slutsats: Studien har visat att företag vanligtvis inte mäter den ekonomiska effektiviteten av friskvård och hälsofrämjande insatser, varken generellt eller med hjälp av bestämda nyckeltal. Flertalet upplever att det saknas ett enkelt tillvägagångssätt och många upplever inte sjukfrånvaron som ett problemområde. Samtidigt visade studien att sjukfrånvaron kan vara missvisande eftersom anställda underpresterar på grund av sjuknärvaro. / Background: Absence due to illness, sick leave and ill health is something that costs both society and companies a lot of money. An employee's personal health plays a big role when it comes to both profitability and productivity in the workplace. Exercise leads to an individual becoming better at planning tasks, gaining better concentration and initiative. Many companies invest in their staff in the form of wellness, but the improved performance is neither reported nor measured in a specific account in the accounting. Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to investigate whether and how companies use key performance indicators that measure the financial performance effect of employee welfare benefits and other health-promoting efforts. Method: In this essay we will mainly use a qualitative method together with a deductive approach. Data collection is conducted through semi-structured interviews, since we then have the opportunity to both adapt our questions and follow-up questions. A total of 14 respondents from 13 different companies were interviewed. Conclusion: The study has shown that companies usually do not measure the financial effectiveness of employee welfare benefits and health promotion efforts, neither generally nor with the help of specific key performance indicators. The majority feel that there is no simple approach and many do not experience sickness absence as a problem. At the same time, the study showed that sickness absence can be misleading because employees underperform due to presenteeism.

Presenteeism and absenteeism in the manufacturing sector: A multilevel approach identifying underlying factors and relations to health

Nowak, Joshua, Emmermacher, Andre, Wendsche, Johannes, Döbler, Antonia-Sophie, Wegge, Jürgen 04 June 2024 (has links)
Presenteeism is problematic since it relates to lower health and productivity. Prior research examined many work and attitudinal variables relating to presenteeism at the individual level. Here, we conceptualize presenteeism as multilevel phenomenon also shaped by the overall attendance behavior (absenteeism and presenteeism) at the work unit. We surveyed employees at a manufacturing plant on presenteeism, health-related lost productive time (HLPT) and absenteeism (N = 911, 22 units) and collected preceding (past 12–7 and 6 months) objective absence data aggregating it at unit level. Considering the individual-level antecedents only higher physical demands predicted higher absence duration. Presenteeism related positively to physical demands, a burdensome social environment, and organizational identification and negatively to ease of replacement, and core self-evaluations. These relationships were similar for HLPT as outcome. Regarding unit-level factors, preceding unit-level absence frequency (but not duration) negatively related to presenteeism. The negative relationship between core self-evaluations and individual presenteeism decreased under a stronger presenteeism context supporting the hypothesized cross-level effect of unit-level presenteeism context strength. Moreover, individual and unit-level presenteeism correlated, as expected, more strongly with health complaints than absenteeism. Our study demonstrates the value of a contextual, multilevel approach for understanding antecedents and consequences of attendance behavior.

Atividade física e morbidade cardiovascular referidas pelos gerentes e diretores de uma indústria automobilística: influência de um programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado / Physical activity and cardiovascular morbidity as referred by a group of managers and directors of automotive industry: the influence of a supervised physical activity program

Santos, Luciana Alves dos 30 April 2008 (has links)
É reconhecida a importância da atividade física e do estilo de vida na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares. Programas corporativos de condicionamento físico têm sido utilizados por empresas na tentativa de melhorar a saúde de seus funcionários. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se existe relação entre atividade física e morbidade cardiovascular referidas por gerentes e diretores de uma indústria automobilística. Como objetivos secundários avaliar a associação entre atividade física e outras variáveis relacionadas com o estilo de vida, com a utilização de serviços de saúde, absenteísmo e presenteísmo. Por último, avaliar se a participação em um programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado influenciou a atividade física habitual dessa população. Para tanto, foram estudados 376 indivíduos ativos ou inativos, participantes ou não do programa de condicionamento físico. A atividade física habitual, que foi avaliada por meio do Escore de Baecke, e outras variáveis relacionadas com o estilo de vida, como consumo alimentar de gorduras, frutas e vegetais, hábito de fumar e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas foram levantadas por meio de questionário. O escore de atividade física apresentou associação negativa tanto com relação ao absenteísmo como quanto em relação ao indivíduo que executa trabalho quando doente. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa com morbidade cardiovascular referida, procura por atendimento médico e presenteísmo. Os indivíduos que relataram morbidade cardiovascular apresentam média de idade mais alta e índice de massa corpórea mais elevada. O presenteísmo se associou positivamente com o maior consumo de frutas e vegetais . E o inverso foi observado nos indivíduos com maior absenteísmo, que consumiram menor quantidade de frutas e vegetais. Verificou-se que os participantes regulares do programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado, por um lado, apresentaram escore mais elevado de atividade física, e por outro referiram maior proporção de morbidade cardiovascular. Esta última característica também foi observada entre os que procuraram e participaram do programa mas não foram aderentes. / There is no doubt that the fitness activity together with a sound life style has a strong impact on preventing cardiovascular diseases. Corporate fitness programs have been utilized by most companies in an attempt to improve the overall health of their employees. The primary objective of this study was to verify if there is any relation between physical activity and cardiovascular morbidity as referred by a group of managers and directors of automotive industry. As a secondary objective we intended to evaluate the relationship between physical activity and other variants directly related to some issues, such as life style, utilization of health services, absenteeism and presenteeism. At last, evaluate if the attendance to a under supervision physical activity program has influenced the habitual physical activity of this mentioned population. In order to accomplish that, we have studied 376 individuals, actives or not, attending or not to a physical activity program. The habitual physical activity, which has been evaluated by the \"Escore de Baecke\" and some other variants related to life style, such as intake of fat, fruits and vegetables, smoking habits as well as alcohol intake. These data have collected by the application of a questionnaire. The physical activity score has shown a negative association either with regards to absenteeism or with regards to the individual who performs his or her job when sick. There has not been any significant statistic association among the referred cardiovascular morbidity, search for medical assistance and presenteeism. The individuals who reported cardiovascular morbidity showed a higher age average and also higher body mass. The presenteeism was positively associated with the higher intake of fruits and vegetables. And the opposite was also observed in individuals with higher absenteeism with a less intake of fruits and vegetables. It was also observed that the regular attendees of under supervision physical activity program, at one side, show higher physical activity score and by the other side showed a higher proportion of cardiovascular morbidity. This last characteristic was also observed among those individuals who looked for and participated in a physical activity program but did not have the opportunity to attend it.

Pasitenkinimo darbo sąlygomis, saviveiksmingumo ir subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumo sąsajos / The relationship between satisfaction with job conditions, self-efficacy and subjective evaluation of work effectiveness

Talalaitė, Agnė 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pasitenkinimo darbo sąlygomis, saviveiksmingumo ir subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumo sąsajas bei įvertinti ar pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis ir saviveiksmingumas gali prognozuoti subjektyviai suvokiamą darbinės veiklos efektyvumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 204 Kauno ir Vilniaus miestų įmonių įvairių specialybių darbuotojai ( 98 vyrai ir 106 moterys). Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis 29,75 metai. Tiriamieji buvo parinkti patogiosios atrankos būdu. Pasitenkinimui darbo sąlygomis įvertinti buvo sudarytas klausimynas remiantis literatūros apžvalga. Tai vienfaktorinis reiškinys, kuris sudarytas iš 17 klausimų. Saviveiksmingumui nustatyti buvo naudota bendra saviveiksmingumo skalė (The General Self – Efficacy Scale, Jerusalem M. ir Schwarzer R., 1993), kurią sudaro dešimt teiginių. Subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumas buvo matuojamas dviem aspektais: nedalyvavimo darbinėje veikloje skale (SPS6 scale, Koopman et al., 2002), antrasis aspektas yra neatvykimo į darbą dažnumo indeksas, sudarytas šiam tyrimui doc. Dr. L. Gustainienės ir Talalaitės A. (2012) Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didėjantis pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis siejasi su mažėjančiu nedalyvavimu darbinėje veikloje ir nebuvimu darbe. Taip pat didėjant saviveiksmingumui, mažėja nedalyvavimas darbinėje veikloje. Rezultatai parodė, kad moterų imtyje nedalyvavimą darbinėje veikloje ir nebuvimą darbe prognozuoja pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis, o vyrų imtyje saviveiksmingumas. / The aim of the study was to assess relationship between the satisfaction with job conditions, self-efficacy and subjective evaluation of work effectiveness. There were 204 employers (106 – women, 98 – men) who participated in the research. The respondents were from Kaunas and Vilnius organizations. The average age of the participants 29,75 years. For the assessment of satisfaction with job condition was made a questionnaire with reference from literature review. The questionnaire consist of 17 propositions. For the assessment of self-efficacy was used The General Self – Efficacy Scale (Jerusalem, M., Schwarzer, R., 1993). Subjective evaluation of work effectiveness was evaluating by two aspects: The first one is a phenomen as being present at work but unable to be fully engaged with the work environment so for the assessment was used Presenteeism Scale (SPS6, Koopman et al., 2002). The second aspect is absenteeism (frequency index of not being at work) – it was made with reference from literature review. Results of a study showed that increasing satisfaction with job conditions correlates with decreasing presenteeism and absenteeism. Moreover, increasing self-efficacy decreases presenteeism. Furthermore, study showed that presenteeism and absenteeism is prognosticated by satisfaction with job conditions in cluster of women and presenteeism and absenteeism is prognosticated by self-efficacy.

Repérer, reconnaître et prévenir les risques psychosociaux : une analyse institutionnelle et économique du cas français / Identify, recognize and prevent psychosocial risks : an institutional and economic analysis of the French case

Gaillard, Aurélie 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les risques psychosociaux (RPS) sont devenus en France une préoccupation majeure pour la société par leurs enjeux en termes de santé publique, de coûts pour les entreprises et les travailleurs. Les ministères du Travail et de la Santé se sont emparés de ces enjeux à la fin des années 2000 en suscitant enquêtes, collectes de données et travaux scientifiques. Malgré le développement de la connaissance sur les RPS et leurs conséquences, l’intégration de ces nouveaux risques dans les politiques publiques et managériales est encore très modeste.A travers une analyse économique, institutionnelle et empirique, l’objectif principal de cette thèse est de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des conséquences de l’exposition aux RPS pour l’individu et pour l’entreprise, et d’analyser le rôle des instances de prévention actuelles dans la réduction des niveaux de RPS perçus et dans la préservation de la santé des travailleurs. Les différentes analyses empiriques réalisées révèlent que l’exposition des travailleurs aux RPS conduit à une dégradation de leur santé mentale, à davantage d’absence-maladie et de présentéisme. Il semble donc nécessaire de mettre en place des actions de prévention visant à limiter ces conséquences néfastes. Une analyse institutionnelle et économique du cadre de prévention français établit le rôle important du Comité d’Hygiène, de Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail (CHSCT) malgré les moyens d’action limités dont l’instance dispose. / In France, psychosocial risks (PSR) became a major concern for society by their stakes in termsof public health, costs for companies and workers. In the late 2000s, the Ministries of Labor and Health took up these challenges by initiating surveys, data collection and scientific works. Despite the development of knowledge about PSR and its consequences, the integration of these new risks into public and managerial policies is still very modest.Through an economic, institutional and empirical analysis, the main objective of this thesis is to contribute to a better knowledge of the consequences of PSR’ exposure for individual and for company, and to analyze the role of prevention authorities to reduce the perceived levels of PSR and preserving the workers’ health. The empirical analyzes carried out reveal that workers' exposure to PSR leads to a degradation of their mental health, more sick leave and presenteeism at work. It therefore seems necessary to put in place prevention measures to limit these harmful consequences. An institutional and economic analysis of the French prevention framework establishes the important role of the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT) in spite of the limited means of action available.

Motivation pro-sociale et don du travail : une comparaison entre le secteur public et le secteur privé / Pro-social motivation and donated labour : comparison between public and private sector

Lemoyne, Priscilla 08 December 2017 (has links)
En raison de la nature des biens et services distribués à caractère social et collectif et des missions sociales rendues, le secteur public est davantage susceptible d’attirer des travailleurs développant une motivation pro sociale que le secteur privé. Notre thèse élabore des tests empiriques afin de révéler la présence de cette forme de motivation chez les agents du secteur public. Notre premier chapitre cherche à évaluer les différences de satisfaction dans l’emploi au regard de diverses caractéristiques le définissant afin de mettre au jour des préférences différentes entre les salariés des secteurs public et privé, nous renseignant ainsi sur leur source de motivation respective. Nous trouvons que les employés du secteur public font montre d’une motivation pro sociale supérieure aux salariés du privé en étant prêts à travailler de plus longues heures tout en acceptant des salaires plus faibles que les salariés du privé. Dans les deux chapitres suivants, nous testons l’existence d’un comportement de don du travail supérieur de la part des agents du secteur public à l’aide de deux mesures de sur-effort dans l’emploi : la probabilité de faire des heures supplémentaires non payées et le phénomène du présentéisme au travail. Les résultats montrent que la présence d’une motivation pro sociale des agents du secteur public ne les conduit pas à fournir un don d’effort supérieur aux salariés du privé. Toutefois, dès lors que l’on cherche à modifier les méthodes d’incitation et d’organisation du travail ou encore la source de leur motivation spécifique, les agents du secteur public réduisent ce comportement d’effort supplémentaire gratuit. / Because of the nature of the public goods provided and the social services performed, the public sector is more likely to attract workers with a higher prosocial motivation than the private sector. Our thesis develops empirical tests to reveal the presence of this form of motivation among public sector agents. Our first chapter seeks to evaluate the differences in job satisfaction, defined with respect to various characteristics, in order to identify different preferences between employees in the public and private sectors, thus providing information on their respective sources of motivation. We find that public sector employees show greater prosocial motivation than private sector employees, the former being willing to work longer hours and accepting lower wages than the latter. In the two following chapters, we test whether public sector employees put more effort in the workplace, all other things being equal, using two measures of overeffort: the probability of working unpaid overtime and the phenomenon of presenteeism at work. The results of these studies highlight the presence of a pro-social motivation of public sector employees which however does not lead them to provide an effort greater than that provided by private sector employees. We find that the incentive to effort takes different forms according to the specific managerial and organizational characteristics of the work, and is compatible with motivations of different nature. Finally, we show that if such specific motivation did not exist, the provision of effort of public employees would be less frequent.

Atividade física e morbidade cardiovascular referidas pelos gerentes e diretores de uma indústria automobilística: influência de um programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado / Physical activity and cardiovascular morbidity as referred by a group of managers and directors of automotive industry: the influence of a supervised physical activity program

Luciana Alves dos Santos 30 April 2008 (has links)
É reconhecida a importância da atividade física e do estilo de vida na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares. Programas corporativos de condicionamento físico têm sido utilizados por empresas na tentativa de melhorar a saúde de seus funcionários. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se existe relação entre atividade física e morbidade cardiovascular referidas por gerentes e diretores de uma indústria automobilística. Como objetivos secundários avaliar a associação entre atividade física e outras variáveis relacionadas com o estilo de vida, com a utilização de serviços de saúde, absenteísmo e presenteísmo. Por último, avaliar se a participação em um programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado influenciou a atividade física habitual dessa população. Para tanto, foram estudados 376 indivíduos ativos ou inativos, participantes ou não do programa de condicionamento físico. A atividade física habitual, que foi avaliada por meio do Escore de Baecke, e outras variáveis relacionadas com o estilo de vida, como consumo alimentar de gorduras, frutas e vegetais, hábito de fumar e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas foram levantadas por meio de questionário. O escore de atividade física apresentou associação negativa tanto com relação ao absenteísmo como quanto em relação ao indivíduo que executa trabalho quando doente. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa com morbidade cardiovascular referida, procura por atendimento médico e presenteísmo. Os indivíduos que relataram morbidade cardiovascular apresentam média de idade mais alta e índice de massa corpórea mais elevada. O presenteísmo se associou positivamente com o maior consumo de frutas e vegetais . E o inverso foi observado nos indivíduos com maior absenteísmo, que consumiram menor quantidade de frutas e vegetais. Verificou-se que os participantes regulares do programa de condicionamento físico supervisionado, por um lado, apresentaram escore mais elevado de atividade física, e por outro referiram maior proporção de morbidade cardiovascular. Esta última característica também foi observada entre os que procuraram e participaram do programa mas não foram aderentes. / There is no doubt that the fitness activity together with a sound life style has a strong impact on preventing cardiovascular diseases. Corporate fitness programs have been utilized by most companies in an attempt to improve the overall health of their employees. The primary objective of this study was to verify if there is any relation between physical activity and cardiovascular morbidity as referred by a group of managers and directors of automotive industry. As a secondary objective we intended to evaluate the relationship between physical activity and other variants directly related to some issues, such as life style, utilization of health services, absenteeism and presenteeism. At last, evaluate if the attendance to a under supervision physical activity program has influenced the habitual physical activity of this mentioned population. In order to accomplish that, we have studied 376 individuals, actives or not, attending or not to a physical activity program. The habitual physical activity, which has been evaluated by the \"Escore de Baecke\" and some other variants related to life style, such as intake of fat, fruits and vegetables, smoking habits as well as alcohol intake. These data have collected by the application of a questionnaire. The physical activity score has shown a negative association either with regards to absenteeism or with regards to the individual who performs his or her job when sick. There has not been any significant statistic association among the referred cardiovascular morbidity, search for medical assistance and presenteeism. The individuals who reported cardiovascular morbidity showed a higher age average and also higher body mass. The presenteeism was positively associated with the higher intake of fruits and vegetables. And the opposite was also observed in individuals with higher absenteeism with a less intake of fruits and vegetables. It was also observed that the regular attendees of under supervision physical activity program, at one side, show higher physical activity score and by the other side showed a higher proportion of cardiovascular morbidity. This last characteristic was also observed among those individuals who looked for and participated in a physical activity program but did not have the opportunity to attend it.

Sjuknärvaro : Stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa & organisationskulturens påverkan / Presenteeism : Stress-related mental ilness & the impact of organizational culture

Persson, Simone, Kraft, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: För arbetsgivare kan sjuknärvaro anses vara ett positivt beteende men då missas ofta de negativa konsekvenserna såsom de medföljande produktionsförlusterna och även risken för försämrad hälsa hos individen, som kan leda till en längre sjukfrånvaro. Inom företag används ofta nyckeltalet sjukfrånvaro vilket ger en tydlig indikation på medarbetarnas hälsa och välbefinnande, däremot är sjuknärvaro svårare eftersom arbetstagaren befinner sig på arbetsplatsen. Det finns en mängd med kvantitativ forskning om ämnet och de finns även påvisat att sjuknärvaro har negativa konsekvenser för dels arbetstagarna, dels organisationer och dels samhället i stort. Dock finns fortfarande en brist på djupgående forskning om vad som påverkar fenomenet inom organisationskulturen utifrån individernas perspektiv. Syfte och metod: Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen om hur organisationskulturen och arbetsmiljön kan påverka förekomsten av stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa och sjuknärvaro. För att infria syftet med studien valdes en kvalitativ ansats med dels fokusgruppsintervju som hölls med fyra individer innehavande ledande roller, dels semistrukturerade intervjuer med 20 respondenter. Resultat och slutsats: Studien visar att det är förhållandevis många faktorer i organisationskulturen samt arbetsmiljön som påverkar upplevelsen av stress på arbetsplatsen, som kan leda till stressrelaterad psykisk ohälsa och sjuknärvaro. Det lyfts även att valet av att sjuknärvara är individuellt och påverkas dels av kulturen dels av individens egen situation och antaganden. / Background: For employers, attending work despite illness can be perceived as a positive behavior. However, the negative consequences are often overlooked, such as losses in productivity and the risk of deteriorating individual health, which in turn can lead to longer periods of sick leave. In corporate environments, the absenteeism rate is commonly used as a guiding indicator of employees' health and well-being. On the other hand, presenteeism poses a more complex challenge, as the employee remains at the workplace despite being unwell. A significant amount of quantitative research exists on this subject, and it has been proven that presenteeism has detrimental effects both at the individual level for employees, at the organizational level, and on society as a whole. However, there is still a lack of in-depth research on what influences the phenomenon within organizational culture from the perspective of individuals. Purpose and method: The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of how the organizational culture and work environment can affect the occurrence of stress-related mental illness and presenteeism. In order to fulfill the purpose of the study, a qualitative approach was chosen, with a focus group interview held with four individuals holding leading roles, and semistructured interviews with 20 respondents. Results and conclusion: The study shows that there are relatively many factors in the organizational culture and the work environment that influence the experience of stress in the workplace, which can lead to stress-related mental illness and presenteeism. It is also highlighted that the choice of presenteeism is individual and is partly influenced by the culture and partly by the individual's own situation and assumptions.

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