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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isomorphic Visualization and Understanding of the Commutativity of Multiplication: from multiplication of whole numbers to multiplication of fractions

Malaty, George 16 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Die invloed van die SA skolewet (1996) op dissipline in intermediêre skole in die Namakwa distrik van die Noord-Kaapprovinsie = The influence of the South African schools act (1996) on discipline in intermediate schools in the Namaqua district of the Northern Cape Province

Hoorn, Lukas George 30 June 2006 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie studie van beperkte omvang is om inligting in te samel oor die probleem van dissipline soos dit manifesteer in Intermediêre Skole in die Namakwa Distrik van die Noord-Kaap Provinsie. Die aandag word toegespits op: * wetgewing met betrekking tot dissipline in skole; * soorte van probleme; * faktore wat aanleiding gee tot probleme; * maatreëls wat gebruik word om dissiplinêre probleme te hanteer en te voorkom. Deur literatuurstudie word begrip en kennis verkry wat as agtergrond dien vir die kwalitatiewe ondersoek waardeur `n kontekstuele begrip verkry word van die ervaring van dissipline en probleme deur `n geselekteerde groep skoolhoofde van Intermediêre Skole in die Namakwa Distrik van die Noord-Kaapprovinsie. Ten slotte word voorstelle gemaak met die oog op die verbetering van `n komplekse situasie. / The aim of this study on a small scale is to gather information about the problem of discipline as manifested in Intermediate Schools in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape Province. The attention is focused on: * legislation in connection with discipline in schools; * types of problems; * factors that cause problems; * measures to cope and prevent disciplinary problems. The study of literature provides understanding and knowledge that serves as background to the qualitative study by way of which a contextual understanding is developed of the experience of discipline and specific problems by a selected group of principals of Intermediate Schools in the Namaqua District of the Northern Cape Province. In conclusion proposals are made aimed at the improvement of a complex situation. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese model

De Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk. Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan 'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich, descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

The impact of a curious type of smoothness conditions on convergence rates in l1-regularization

Bot, Radu Ioan, Hofmann, Bernd January 2013 (has links)
Tikhonov-type regularization of linear and nonlinear ill-posed problems in abstract spaces under sparsity constraints gained relevant attention in the past years. Since under some weak assumptions all regularized solutions are sparse if the l1-norm is used as penalty term, the l1-regularization was studied by numerous authors although the non-reflexivity of the Banach space l1 and the fact that such penalty functional is not strictly convex lead to serious difficulties. We consider the case that the sparsity assumption is narrowly missed. This means that the solutions may have an infinite number of nonzero but fast decaying components. For that case we formulate and prove convergence rates results for the l1-regularization of nonlinear operator equations. In this context, we outline the situations of Hölder rates and of an exponential decay of the solution components.

Using a modelling task to Elicit Reasoning about data

Wessels, Helena 20 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Reconstructing Functions on the Sphere from Circular Means

Quellmalz, Michael 09 April 2020 (has links)
The present thesis considers the problem of reconstructing a function f that is defined on the d-dimensional unit sphere from its mean values along hyperplane sections. In case of the two-dimensional sphere, these plane sections are circles. In many tomographic applications, however, only limited data is available. Therefore, one is interested in the reconstruction of the function f from its mean values with respect to only some subfamily of all hyperplane sections of the sphere. Compared with the full data case, the limited data problem is more challenging and raises several questions. The first one is the injectivity, i.e., can any function be uniquely reconstructed from the available data? Further issues are the stability of the reconstruction, which is closely connected with a description of the range, as well as the demand for actual inversion methods or algorithms. We provide a detailed coverage and answers of these questions for different families of hyperplane sections of the sphere such as vertical slices, sections with hyperplanes through a common point and also incomplete great circles. Such reconstruction problems arise in various practical applications like Compton camera imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, photoacoustic tomography, Radar imaging or seismic imaging. Furthermore, we apply our findings about spherical means to the cone-beam transform and prove its singular value decomposition. / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Problem der Rekonstruktion einer Funktion f, die auf der d-dimensionalen Einheitssphäre definiert ist, anhand ihrer Mittelwerte entlang von Schnitten mit Hyperebenen. Im Fall d=2 sind diese Schnitte genau die Kreise auf der Sphäre. In vielen tomografischen Anwendungen sind aber nur eingeschränkte Daten verfügbar. Deshalb besteht das Interesse an der Rekonstruktion der Funktion f nur anhand der Mittelwerte bestimmter Familien von Hyperebenen-Schnitten der Sphäre. Verglichen mit dem Fall vollständiger Daten birgt dieses Problem mehrere Herausforderungen und Fragen. Die erste ist die Injektivität, also können alle Funktionen anhand der gegebenen Daten eindeutig rekonstruiert werden? Weitere Punkte sind die die Frage nach der Stabilität der Rekonstruktion, welche eng mit einer Beschreibung der Bildmenge verbunden ist, sowie der praktische Bedarf an Rekonstruktionsmethoden und -algorithmen. Diese Arbeit gibt einen detaillierten Überblick und Antworten auf diese Fragen für verschiedene Familien von Hyperebenen-Schnitten, angefangen von vertikalen Schnitten über Schnitte mit Hyperebenen durch einen festen Punkt sowie Kreisbögen. Solche Rekonstruktionsprobleme treten in diversen Anwendungen auf wie der Bildgebung mittels Compton-Kamera, Magnetresonanztomografie, fotoakustischen Tomografie, Radar-Bildgebung sowie der Tomografie seismischer Wellen. Weiterhin nutzen wir unsere Ergebnisse über sphärische Mittelwerte, um eine Singulärwertzerlegung für die Kegelstrahltomografie zu zeigen.

Isomorphic Visualization and Understanding of the Commutativity of Multiplication: from multiplication of whole numbers to multiplication of fractions

Malaty, George 16 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen - Demokratisierung, De-Konstruktion oder Reproduktion des sexistischen Geschlechterverhältnisse?

Schulze, Detlef Georgia 13 December 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie zum Thema „geschlechternormen–inkonforme Körperinszenierungen“ ist die theoretisch fundierte, empirische Überprüfung der These von Judith Butler, daß eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen queer Praxen und der Subversion der herrschenden Geschlechterordnung bestehe. Die Arbeit untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Körperpraxen und anderen Praxen, insbesondere Arbeit und politischer Praxis. Der Begriff „geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen“ bezieht sich auf drei Praktiken bzw. drei Arten des Verhaltens von Personen in Bezug auf deren eigenen Körper: Er bezieht sich erstens auf Transsexuelle, die ihren Körper mit medizinischen Mitteln haben verändern lassen; zweitens auf transgender Personen, die zeitweise oder permanent cross dressing praktizieren ohne physische Veränderungen an ihrem Körper vorgenommen zu haben; und drittens auf drag kings und drag queens, die auf der Bühne ein anderes Geschlecht als im Alltag darstellen. Alle Personen inszenieren eine geschlechternormen-inkonforme Geschlechtlichkeit, d. h. eine Geschlechtlichkeit, die nach hegemonialen Kriterien nicht mit dem ‚wahren’ oder ‚ursprünglichen’ Geschlecht dieser Person übereinstimmt. Die Methode des empirischen Teils der Studie besteht aus der Datengewinnung durch das „Problemzentrierte Interview“ nach Witzel und der Datenanalyse durch die „Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse“ nach Mayring. Die Studie geht davon, daß die Überwindung der Herrschaft das Verschwinden der sozialen Gruppen (hier: Männer und Frauen), zwischen denen eine Herrschaftsbeziehung besteht, einschließt, denn diese Gruppen sind die Produkte der Praktizierung von Herrschaft. Die Studie zeigt, daß im interviewten sample – statt einer Subversion von Herrschaft – eine kontinuierliche Reproduktion von Geschlechtern und Geschlechterhierarchien stattfindet. Die .pdf-Datei mit der vollständigen Arbeit enthält Zusammenfassungen in englischer, französischer, kastilischer und deutscher Sprache, die länger als das vorliegende abstract sind. / The present study dealing with the topic ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen’ (approximately: body styling / body formation which is contrary to the hegemonic gender rules) is a theoretically based, empirical scrutiny of Judith Butler’s thesis, that there exists a possible connection between queer practices and the subversion of existing gender hierarchy. The thesis explores the relationship between body practices and other practices, especially labour and political practice. The term ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen’ refers to three practices or three different ways of a person’s behaviour towards his or her own body: it refers firstly to transsexuals, who changed their body physically; secondly it refers to transgender people, who occasionally or permanently do cross dressing in everyday life without having changed their bodies physically; and thirdly on drag kings and drag queens who show a different sex on stage than in everyday life. All people stage a ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Geschlechtlichkeit’, that means a gender that doesn’t coincides with their “true” or “natural” sex due to hegemonic criteria. The method of the empirical part of the study consists of obtaining data through the ‘Problemzentriertes Interview’ (problem-focussed interview) invented by Witzel, and the analysis of the data through the ‘Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse’ (qualitative content analysis) invented by Mayring. The study assumes that the deconstruction of domination includes the disappearance of the social groups (in the case at issue: men and women), between whom exists a relation of domination, because that groups are products of the practices of domination. The study shows, that – far from this – there happens within the interviewed sample a permanent reproduction of genders and gender hierarchies. The .pdf-file of the entire thesis consists summaries in English, French, Castilian, and German language longer than the present abstract.

Vestiging en handhawing van konstruktiewe dissipline as 'n sleuteltaak van die onderwyser in die klaskamer / The establishment and maintenance of constructive discipline as a key task of the teacher in the classroom

Van Dyk, Adri Louisa Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Afrikaans text / Die afname in dissipline en dissipline handhawing in skole is 'n omvangryke probleem. Die fokus van hierdie studie is om die aard en omvang van dissiplinêre probleme te ondersoek om sodoende riglyne daar te stel om konstruktiewe dissipline in klaskamers te vestig as 'n sleutel taak van die onderwyser. In hierdie studie maak die navorser gebruik van die gekombineerde benaderingsmetode, naamlik die kwalitatiewe-kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetode. Vraelyste (kwantitatief) en onderhoude (kwalitatief) is as data insamelingstegnieke gebruik om vas te stel wat die aard, omvang en moontlike oplossings is, vir die navorsingsprobleem. Die navorsingstudie is gedoen deur 106 onderwysers in die intermediêre- en senior fase van ses laerskole van die Noordweste van Pretoria te betrek. Daar is ook onderhoude gevoer met ses senior onderwysers wat in beheer was van hul skole se dissiplinêre stelsels. Die navorsingstudie het bevind dat onderwysers, leerders en ouers bydraend is tot dissiplinêre probleme in klaskamers. Positiewe strategieë sluit in kommunikasie en toepassing van klasreëls. Uit die bevindinge van die navorsing is daar ongetwyfeld 'n sterk behoefte aan leiding vir onderwysers om dissiplinêre probleme aan te spreek. Onderwysers moet bemagtig word om konstruktiewe dissipline te ontwikkel, te bevorder en te handhaaf. / The decline in discipline and discipline enforcement in schools is a massive problem. The focus of this study is to examine the nature and extent of discipline problems in order to set guidelines to establish constructive discipline in the classroom as a key task of the teacher. In this study, the researcher makes use of the combined approach method, namely the qualitative - quantitative research methodology. Questionnaires (quantitative) and interviews (qualitative) were used as data collection techniques to determine the nature, extent and The research study was conducted by involving 106 teachers in the intermediate and senior phase of six primary schools of the North West of Pretoria. There were also interviews with six senior teachers who were in charge of their schools' disciplinary systems. The research study found that teachers, pupils and parents are contributing factors to discipline problems in classrooms. Positive strategies include communication and application of rules. From the findings of the research there is undoubtedly a strong need for guidance for teachers to address disciplinary problems. Teachers should be empowered to develop positive, promote, and maintain constructive discipline in the classroom. possible solutions of the research problem. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Data-driven goodness-of-fit tests / Datagesteuerte Verträglichkeitskriteriumtests

Langovoy, Mikhail Anatolievich 09 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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