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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O impacto no Brasil da casuística internacional relativa à violação do direito de informação sobre a assistência consular para preso estrangeiro / The impact on Brazil of the international jurisprudence regarding the violation of the right to consular information and notification for foreign detainee.

Analluza Bravo Bolivar 24 November 2011 (has links)
Trata-se do estudo da casuística internacional sobre as violações cometidas pelos Estados Unidos da América contra o artigo 36 da Convenção de Viena sobre Relações Consulares de 1963. A Corte Internacional de Justiça e a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos interpretam, regulamentam e aprimoram o direito de informação sobre assistência consular para preso estrangeiro, que deixa de ser visto como um direito puramente inter-Estatal por ambos os tribunais. Abordamse questões de Direito Internacional Público, como a força vinculante das decisões da Corte Internacional de Justiça, e sua íntima relação com o direito interno do Estado parte do tratado, inclusive com relação aos Estados terceiros ao litígio internacional, como o Brasil. Em sendo um componente do pacote das garantias do devido processo legal, o prejuízo causado ao réu estrangeiro pela falta de informação sobre o direito de assistência consular pode ensejar o reconhecimento de nulidade processual penal absoluta. / This is the study of international cases relating the violations committed by the United States of America against the article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963. The International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have the opportunity to interpret, regulate and enhance the right to information on consular assistance to foreign detainee, who is no longer seen as a purely inter-State law by both Courts. The study addresses issues of Public International Law, as the binding force of decisions of the International Court of Justice, and its close relationship with the Domestic Law of the State party to the treaty, including with respect to third states to the international dispute. Considered a human right, part of the package of guarantees of due process, the demonstrated prejudice caused to the foreign defendant for lack of information about his right to consular assistance may cause the recognition of absolute nullity of criminal procedure.


THIAGO BOTTINO DO AMARAL 23 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação tem por objetivo estabelecer critérios para a ponderação no Direito Penal e Processual Penal utilizando a contribuição da teoria garantista ao debate brasileiro sobre direitos fundamentais. Esses critérios estão orientados para a prevalência dos direitos fundamentais e, em especial, das liberdades individuais, sobre o interesse público repressivo, no âmbito do direito criminal. A utilização da técnica de ponderação, por implicar num juízo subjetivo e valorativo do direito, traz consigo o risco de uma atuação jurisdicional que ameace conquistas como o Estado de direito, a democracia e os direitos fundamentais. Pretende-se estabelecer uma reserva de ponderação dessas garantias a partir da afirmação de margens ou limites para essa atuação do Poder Judiciário. Outrossim, esses critérios são estabelecidos sob a égide da racionalidade (que deve estar presente na fundamentação do Estado, na justificação do direito e na atuação jurisdicional) e da teoria garantista. / [en] The present dissertation has for objective to establish criteria for the balancing in the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law using the contribution of the garantist theory to the Brazilian debate on fundamental rights. These criteria are guided for the prevalence of basic rights and especially the individual freedoms over the repressive public interest. The use of the balancing technique, for implying in a subjective and valorative judgment of the law, brings the risk of a jurisdictional performance that threatens conquests as the Rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights. It is intended to establish a balancing reserve of these guarantees by the affirmation of edges or limits for this performance of the Judiciary Power. These criteria are established using the rationality (that must be present in the justification of the State, of the law and of the jurisdictional performance) anda the garantist theory.

Le principe de proportionnalité à l'aune des technologies de l'information : pour une modernisation en modération de la procédure civile / The principle of procedural proportionality applied to information technologies : for a modernization in moderation of civil procedure

Guilmain, Antoine 18 January 2018 (has links)
Depuis le 1er janvier 2016, un nouveau Code de procédure civile est entré en vigueur pour faire passer la justice civile québécoise au XXIe siècle. Bien plus qu’une simple réforme, c’est une « nouvelle culture judiciaire » qui est encouragée, assurant des solutions adaptées aux besoins des justiciables. Dans cette perspective, il convient désormais, selon la lettre du Code, de «privilégier l’utilisation de tout moyen technologique approprié», c’est-à-dire satisfaisant au principe de proportionnalité. Une telle proposition, anodine de prime abord, est en réalité assez inédite : un principe relativement ancien – la proportionnalité procédurale – vient réguler un objet nouveau – les technologies de l’information. La présente thèse vise en ce sens à identifier toutes les ramifications et implications d’une telle approche, et ce, en deux temps successifs. Dans un premier temps, nous délimiterons la notion juridique de proportionnalité procédurale, qui a été relativement peu étudiée jusqu’à présent. Quant à ses origines, le principe de proportionnalité remonte à des millénaires avant notre ère, et n’a cessé de gagner de l’importance dans de nombreux domaines de droit : c’est donc l’histoire d’un «succès en puissance». Néanmoins, ce n’est qu’au milieu du XXe siècle, dans un contexte de crise de la justice civile et sous l’influence des théories utilitaristes, que la proportionnalité s’est développée en procédure civile (d’abord aux États-Unis, puis en Angleterre, pour ensuite percoler dans plusieurs autres juridictions). Ainsi, au Québec, la proportionnalité est aujourd’hui érigée en principe directeur de la procédure civile, qui porterait un véritable «effet système». Cette réussite n’est toutefois pas unanime puisque d’autres pays civilistes, dont la France au premier plan, relèguent la proportionnalité à l’état de simple concept, à la croisée de nouveaux principes managériaux (qualité, efficacité, célérité, etc.). Dans un deuxième temps, nous dégagerons l’action technologique que peut jouer le principe de proportionnalité procédurale. Selon nous, la nouvelle «procédure technologique», fondée sur la transmission technologique des actes et les technologies audiovisuelles, est insuffisante à elle seule : il s’agit d’un amas de règles techniques, sans cohérence, sans cohésion, trop mécaniques. Le principe de proportionnalité, appliquée aux moyens technologiques, apparaît alors comme une piste intéressante pour unifier et humaniser cette procédure technologique. Concrètement, le tribunal devrait autoriser, refuser ou ordonner le recours aux moyens technologiques selon une appréciation in concreto et in globo des intérêts en jeu. Par exemple, dans le cas d’un litige complexe, un témoignage à distance du témoin principal par Skype qui vivrait à côté du Palais de justice, devrait être refusé, car manifestement disproportionné. On voit alors poindre un sous-principe émergent de «proportionnalité technologique» qui aurait sa propre définition, son propre test, ses propres finalités. Plus avant, le juge devrait désormais assumer un nouvel office par rapport aux technologies de l’information, notamment en faisant des choix technologiques, en assurant une forme de Technology Assessment. Au bout du compte, une telle approche, qui se développe dans le contexte québécois, offre un discours assez inédit sur la technique en procédure civile : la proportionnalité n’est ni reniée (passé, tradition, juridico), les technologies ne sont ni rejetées (avenir, innovation, technico), l’un et l’autre doivent être indissociables. C’est donc un message en trois mots que porte la présente thèse : modernisation en modération. / January 1, 2016 marked the entry into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure, leading Québec’s civil justice system into the 21st century. This new Code is much more than a simple reform; rather, it encourages a wholly “new legal culture” by providing solutions adapted to the needs of its citizens. As such, to quote the Code itself, “appropriate technological means should be used whenever possible”, i.e. conforming to the principle of proportionality. This proposition may appear trivial upon first glance, but actually contains a fairly innovative reality: a well-established principle – that of procedural proportionality – now regulates a new area of activities – being information technologies. This thesis aims to identify all of the ramifications and implications of this application and will do so in two steps. First, we will begin by defining the legal concept of procedural proportionality, which has been relatively little studied until now. As to its origins, the concept of proportionality itself goes back millennia and, throughout time, has gained prominence in several fields of law: it is therefore the story of an ever-growing trend. That being said, it was only in the middle of the 20th century, against a backdrop of civil justice crises and under the influence of utilitarian theory, that proportionality was introduced as a matter of civil procedure (first in the United States, then in England, to finally percolate into other jurisdictions). In Québec, proportionality is today a guiding principle of procedure, which qualification has had a genuinely systemic effect. This gain is however not unanimous, as several other civil jurisdictions, France being the first, relegates proportionality to the rank of mere concept, theoretically located at the intersection of new managerial principles of civil procedure (such as quality, efficiency, celerity, etc.) In a second step, we will examine the practical technological effects of the principle of procedural proportionality. In our opinion, what we call “technological procedure” based on electronic transmission of documents and audiovisual technologies is insufficient in and by itself: it is only a mass of technical rules, without coherence or cohesion, much too mechanical. The principle of proportionality, applied to technologies, is therefore an interesting way to unify and humanise technological procedure. Concretely speaking, this means that a court should authorize, refuse or order the use of technologies according to an in concreto and in globo analysis of the interests at stake. For instance, in the case of a complex litigation, the use of Skype for the remote testimony of a main witness who lives next to the courthouse should be refused, since it is manifestly disproportional. In this manner, we are witnessing the emergence of a new sub-principle, what we call “technological proportionality” herein, which has its own definition, test and finalities. Furthermore, judges will henceforth have to assume a new role with respect to information technologies, notably by making technological choices and performing a form of “technology assessment”. In the end, such an approach, as it develops in Québec, offers a novel discussion on technology in civil procedure: neither proportionality (ancient, traditional, legal) nor technologies (futuristic, innovative, high-tech) are rejected; in fact, one cannot be dissociated from the other. The message of this thesis can therefore be summarised by three simple words: modernization in moderation.

Skadestånd i gränsöverskridande brottmål : Internationellt privat- och processrättsliga frågor om domsrätt och lagval / Damages in Cross-border Criminal Cases : Issues in Private International Law and Civil Procedural Law

Khajehdehi, Armin January 2020 (has links)
Skadestånd i gränsöverskridande brottmål är ett ämne som berör frågor om såväl domstols internationella behörighet som frågor om lagval. I uppsatsen har särskilt frågor om behörighet och lagval diskuterats för det fall det enskilda anspråket avskiljs från brottmålet. Är det självklart att svensk lag ska tillämpas på hela brottmålsprocessen eller ska det vara annorlunda vid handläggningen av det enskilda anspråket? Frågan om domstols internationella behörighet uppmärksammas sällan i domstol, medan bestämmelserna i 2 kap. BrB gör det. När domstolen konstaterat att den är behörig enligt BrB har svensk lag, som regel, tillämpats på hela processen. Det är något som ifrågasätts i uppsatsen. Uppsatsen har också tagit ställning till frågan om vem som ansvarar för att utländsk rätt ska uppmärksammas. Vidare har uppsatsen belyst problemet att tillämpningen av skadeståndsrättsliga principer varierar beroende på vilken myndighet som handlägger frågan. Sammanfattningsvis är det min uppfattning att lagvalsfrågor inte hanteras enligt gällande rätt. Ett annat problem som uppmärksammas är att EU:s Bryssel I a-förordning och Rom II-förordning får något av en fakultativ ställning i svensk rätt i så kallade blandade mål – det vill säga när domstolen handlägger brottmålet och tvistemålet gemensamt i en och samma rättegång. Uppsatsen illustrerar att svensk nationell lagstiftning i fråga om behörighet och lagval behöver ses över för att bättre samspela med unionsrättsliga bestämmelser i skadeståndsfrågor i gränsöverskridande brottmål. En av slutsatserna i uppsatsen är att de oklarheter som föreligger i dessa avseenden leder till rättsosäkerhet. / This master thesis illustrates and analyzes the various problems which might occur when dealing with questions of damages in cross-border criminal cases. In the Nordic legal systems the tradition is to join the private claim with the criminal case and handle them together in the criminal trial procedure. In Sweden the criminal case is decided under the Swedish Criminal Code (brottsbalken, SFS 1962:700) while the question of indemnity liability is decided under the Tort Liability Act (skadeståndslagen, SFS 1972:207) which is a part of the civil procedural law. In modern days Internet is often used as an aid to commit crimes. The Internet-related crimes have increased during the past decades. The perpetrator in one country can, by using Internet, commit crimes towards victims in other countries. Accordingly, I have analyzed the following questions: How should the courts’ international jurisdiction be decided when dealing with a private claim in a criminal case? Furthermore, which law is applicable when deciding the private claim? Other issues concern under what circumstances a court can separate the private claim from the criminal case. My analysis may shed some light on the needs of updating national regulations in these questions. Some of the issues this master thesis focuses on are that the Brussels Ibis Regulation and Rome II Regulation is treated as optional law instead of non-optional law. These instruments are to have priority as they originate in EU law. This master thesis shows that these issues must be dealt with in order to have confidence in the legal system and also to defend the rule of law such as legal security and foreseeability.

Svensk domstols hantering av EU-rätten : domstolens skyldigheter gentemot EU och faktiska genomförande av dessa

Petersson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
Sveriges inträde i EU 1995 har lett till många förändringar i det svenska rättssystemet. Svenska domstolar har därmed fått en ny arbetssituation och nya skyldigheter. Flera förändringar har skett i svensk processrätt, och grundläggande EU-rättsliga principer som de om direkt effekt och EU-rättens företräde framför nationell rätt, har ställt de nationella domstolarna inför flera utmaningar. Den mest grundläggande skyldigheten de svenska domstolarna har gentemot EU är förpliktelsen att inhämta förhandsavgörande från EU-domstolen. Sistainstansrätterna är skyldiga att göra detta närhelst de är osäkra på tolkningen och/eller tillämpningen av en EU-rättslig bestämmelse. Detta är en långtgående förpliktelse som endast har två undantag: det första är i de fall EU-domstolen redan dömt i ett identiskt fall (acte éclairé); det andra är då den nationella domstolen anser att den EU-rättsliga bestämmelsen är tillräckligt klar och tydligt för att den självständigt ska kunna tillämpa den (acte clair). Dessa skyldigheter har lett till ett flertal problem för de svenska domstolarna. Sverige har fått skarp kritik från Kommissionen för sistainstansrätternas obenägenhet att inhämta förhandsavgörande. Huruvida EU borde ta hårdare tag mot medlemsstaternas nationella domstolar eller om kriterierna för när skyldigheten att inhämta förhandsavgörande borde mjukas upp diskuteras flitigt i nuläget. Det finns företeelser som talar för en utveckling åt både det ena och det andra hållet, vilket gör detta till ett väldigt spännande ämne att studera. / Since Sweden joined EU in 1995 many things has changed in the Swedish legal order. This has led to several new obligations for the Swedish courts. There have been a number of changes in Swedish law of procedure, and fundamental principles of law set down by EU, like the principle of direct effect of EU law and its precedence over national law, has presented many challenges before the national courts. The most fundamental obligation of the Swedish courts to EU is the duty to make a reference for a preliminary ruling to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The courts of last instance are obligated to do this in any case where they are insecure of the appropriate application of EU-law. There are only two exceptions to this rule, namely when the ECJ already has ruled in an identical matter (acte éclairé) and in cases where the national court feels that the correct interpretation of the rule of law in question is obvious (acte clair). These obligations have lead to a number of problems for the Swedish courts. The Commission has criticized Sweden because of the national courts of last instance unwillingness to request preliminary rulings. Whether EU should toughen up and take action against the national courts disobedience or if the criteria for when an obligation to make a reference for a preliminary ruling should get more flexible is constantly discussed at this time. There are several things that speaks for both of these developments and that makes this a very interesting topic to study.

Justiční a policejní spolupráce v Evropské unii / Judicial and Police Cooperation in the European Union

Coufalová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The criminal justice as well as the persons participating in criminal proceedings, they both are currently facing number of newly posed challenges and unanswered questions so far, due to the onward going integration of the European Union and much closer cooperation of the Member States, in the field of the Procedural Criminal Law. There have been established many new institutions within the field of the European Union in last few years and there were adopted many legal tools which directly influence the cooperation between the judicial and police authorities of individual countries. In connection with newly emerging forms of the crime and more coherent cooperation of the perpetrators of severe crime, the relevant authorities at the union level as well as at the national level encounter situations not being resolved at all, or which are specified by theoretical standards only and have not been put into practice yet. Due to the diversity and abundance of the legal tools and institutions which interfere the criminal law sphere without adjusting their mutual cooperation or without having sorted out the priority of application in many cases, the author of this thesis considers as an appropriate to have such comprehensive view to this relevant issue introduced to the specialized public, as well as having...

A manifesta improcedência como técnica para coibir o abuso do direito no processo

Martins, Renato Castro Teixeira 22 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato Castro Teixeira Martins.pdf: 1083653 bytes, checksum: e06707211cba98c41bcc338a7c81cda7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-22 / The studies on the abuse of the procedures in the law process, found in the doctrine, are about punishment of the part and the indemnification of the injured part, especially in face of the malicious abuse of legal process hypotheses. The current paper aims to show that the technique of the so-called impertinence must be used as a manner to restrain the abuse of the law in the process, avoiding as much as possible injury to the parts and to Justice Administration, emphasizing its restraining role. The first part of the paper concerns the phenomena of the civil process constitutionalization, analyzing the constitutional guarantees that are directly connected to the theme of this study. On the second part, the theories of law abuse are analyzed, as well as their incidence on the material and procedural spheres concerning the law exercises of sueing and defending, including appeals and procedural incidents. The third part is dedicated to the study of many hypotheses of the so-called impertinence that are present in the Brazilian civil process system, analyzing the instructions of the doctrine and the understanding of the jurisprudence. Finally, we defend the use of the technique of the so-called impertinence in cases that are not explicitly seen in the system / Os estudos sobre o abuso do direito no plano processual, encontrados na doutrina, abordam o tema destacando a punição da parte e o ressarcimento do prejudicado, especialmente diante das hipóteses de litigância de má-fé. A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de mostrar que a técnica da manifesta improcedência deve ser utilizada como forma de coibir o abuso do direito no processo, evitando, tanto quanto possível, a ocorrência de danos às partes, ressaltando a sua característica inibitória. A primeira parte do trabalho aborda o fenômeno da constitucionalização do processo civil, analisando as garantias constitucionais que estão diretamente ligadas ao tema deste estudo. Na segunda parte, são examinadas as teorias sobre o abuso do direito, bem como a sua incidência nos planos material e processual, no que diz respeito ao exercício dos direitos de demandar e de defesa, inclusive por meio de recursos e incidentes processuais. A terceira parte é dedicada ao estudo das diversas hipóteses de manifesta improcedência que estão previstas no ordenamento processual civil brasileiro, analisando-se os ensinamentos da doutrina e os entendimentos jurisprudenciais. Ao final, defendemos a utilização da técnica da manifesta improcedência em casos que não estão previstos expressamente no sistema

A reclamação no novo Código de Processo Civil: um desafio entre a segurança jurídica e o poder criativo do julgador

Moraes, José Magno Linhares 10 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Magno Linhares Moraes.pdf: 904489 bytes, checksum: fa1af1b5d6ab124bbe5ab9f801f41a40 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-10 / This thesis aims to study the legal institute of Reclamação in two aspects, which should be seen as complimentary to obtain adequate legal certainty to a complex, pluralist and mutant society, namely, as a guarantee instrument of the authority of court decisons and their respective powers, and, on the other hand, as a legal means of promoting the necessary adjustments of paradigma decision to the case. For this purpose, the study of specialized doctrine, case law of our higher courts and the new civil procedure law was fundamental (Law n. 13.105 of 16 March 2015). Since the recognition of reclamação by the Supremo Tribunal Federal case law, as appropriate legal means to ensure the authority of its decisions, based on the theory of implied powers, it became clear that this institute, genuinely Brazilian, would have great utility in our country, deeply marked by cultural and economic contrasts. Court decisions, as legal rules, may give rise to plurality and interpretive inconsistencies. However, in the Democratic Rule of Law, legal certainty is a value of utmost importance. This certainty, in turn, should allow progress on a social reality that suffers daily influx of economic and political events. Therefore, the analysis of legal certainty in the light of systems theory. Also, it is important to highlight the impacts of the discipline of reclamação in the Brazilian legal system. With the possibility of all the country s courts settle legal arguments with binding power through procedural issues, the assumption of jurisdiction and resolution of repetitive demands, reclamação begins to have far-reaching. This new scenario approaches, in a way, our legal system to the world of the stare decisis theory of common law by privileging, now, respect for the determining reasons for the decision. Thus, through reclamação opens a new path to the desired stability, coherence and equality of law and adjudication / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal estudar o instituto jurídico da reclamação sob dois aspectos, que devem ser vistos como complementares para a obtenção de uma segurança jurídica adequada a uma sociedade complexa, pluralista e mutante, a saber: como instrumento de garantia da autoridade das decisões dos tribunais e de suas respectivas competências; e, por outro lado, como meio jurídico para promover os necessários ajustes da decisão paradigma ao caso concreto. Para tanto, foi fundamental o estudo da doutrina especializada, da jurisprudência dos nossos tribunais superiores e da nova legislação processual civil (Lei n. 13.105, de 16 de março de2015). Desde o reconhecimento da reclamação pela jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, como meio jurídico adequado a garantir a autoridade de suas decisões, com base na teoria dos poderes implícitos, ficou evidente que esse instituto, genuinamente brasileiro, teria grande utilidade em nosso país, marcado profundamente por contrastes culturais e econômicos. As decisões dos tribunais, como normas jurídicas, podem ensejar pluralidade e inconstâncias interpretativas. Todavia, no Estado Democrático de Direito a segurança jurídica é um valor de alta importância. Essa segurança, por sua vez, deve permitir avanços diante de uma realidade social que cotidianamente sofre influxo de eventos econômicos e políticos. Por isso, a análise da segurança jurídica à luz da teoria dos sistemas. Também é importante ressaltar os impactos do novo disciplinamento da reclamação no sistema processual brasileiro. Com a possibilidade de todos os tribunais do país fixarem teses jurídicas com poder vinculante, por meio de incidentes processuais da assunção de competência e da resolução de demandas repetitivas, a reclamação passa a ter largo alcance. Esse novo cenário aproxima, de certo modo, o nosso sistema jurídico do mundo dos precedentes do direito, do common law, ao privilegiar o respeito aos fundamentos determinantes da decisão. Assim, por meio da reclamação, abre-se um novo caminho para a desejada estabilidade, coerência e igualdade do direito na prestação jurisdicional

Svensk domstols hantering av EU-rätten : domstolens skyldigheter gentemot EU och faktiska genomförande av dessa

Petersson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sveriges inträde i EU 1995 har lett till många förändringar i det svenska rättssystemet. Svenska domstolar har därmed fått en ny arbetssituation och nya skyldigheter. Flera förändringar har skett i svensk processrätt, och grundläggande EU-rättsliga principer som de om direkt effekt och EU-rättens företräde framför nationell rätt, har ställt de nationella domstolarna inför flera utmaningar.</p><p>Den mest grundläggande skyldigheten de svenska domstolarna har gentemot EU är förpliktelsen att inhämta förhandsavgörande från EU-domstolen. Sistainstansrätterna är skyldiga att göra detta närhelst de är osäkra på tolkningen och/eller tillämpningen av en EU-rättslig bestämmelse. Detta är en långtgående förpliktelse som endast har två undantag: det första är i de fall EU-domstolen redan dömt i ett identiskt fall (acte éclairé); det andra är då den nationella domstolen anser att den EU-rättsliga bestämmelsen är tillräckligt klar och tydligt för att den självständigt ska kunna tillämpa den (acte clair).</p><p>Dessa skyldigheter har lett till ett flertal problem för de svenska domstolarna. Sverige har fått skarp kritik från Kommissionen för sistainstansrätternas obenägenhet att inhämta förhandsavgörande.</p><p>Huruvida EU borde ta hårdare tag mot medlemsstaternas nationella domstolar eller om kriterierna för när skyldigheten att inhämta förhandsavgörande borde mjukas upp diskuteras flitigt i nuläget. Det finns företeelser som talar för en utveckling åt både det ena och det andra hållet, vilket gör detta till ett väldigt spännande ämne att studera.</p> / <p>Since Sweden joined EU in 1995 many things has changed in the Swedish legal order. This has led to several new obligations for the Swedish courts. There have been a number of changes in Swedish law of procedure, and fundamental principles of law set down by EU, like the principle of direct effect of EU law and its precedence over national law, has presented many challenges before the national courts.</p><p>The most fundamental obligation of the Swedish courts to EU is the duty to make a reference for a preliminary ruling to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The courts of last instance are obligated to do this in any case where they are insecure of the appropriate application of EU-law. There are only two exceptions to this rule, namely when the ECJ already has ruled in an identical matter (acte éclairé) and in cases where the national court feels that the correct interpretation of the rule of law in question is obvious (acte clair).</p><p>These obligations have lead to a number of problems for the Swedish courts. The Commission has criticized Sweden because of the national courts of last instance unwillingness to request preliminary rulings.</p><p>Whether EU should toughen up and take action against the national courts disobedience or if the criteria for when an obligation to make a reference for a preliminary ruling should get more flexible is constantly discussed at this time. There are several things that speaks for both of these developments and that makes this a very interesting topic to study.</p>

Constitutionalization of Peruvian Law / La constitucionalización del derecho peruano

Landa Arroyo, César 10 April 2018 (has links)
Constitutionalizaton of Law’s different areas is a phenomenon gradually more ingrained in our cultural and legal framework. Maybe the best demonstration is the increasingly prominent role of the Constitutional Court (TC) – Constitution’s Supreme Interpreter – in defining and redefining concepts, rights and legal principles touching a range of subjects, from TaxLaw to Human Rights. This is relevant to understand the Law and its current effects whether it is valued positively or negatively. / La constitucionalización de las distintas áreas del Derecho es un fenómeno cada vez más arraigado en nuestra cultura y contexto jurídicos. Tal vez la forma más evidente en que se haya manifestado sea el creciente protagonismo del Tribunal Constitucional (TC), supremo intérprete de la Constitución, en la significación y resignificación de conceptos, derechos y principios jurídicos que, a través de sus sentencias, han afectado desde el derecho tributario hasta los derechos humanos. Sea que esto se valore positiva o negativamente, su relevancia para comprender el derecho y sus efectos en la actualidad es innegable.

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