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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om att lära matematik i relation till matematisk resiliens : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med gymnasie- och vuxenstuderande i matematiksvårigheter / About Learning Mathematics in Relation to Mathematical Resilience : A Qualitative Interview Study with Students in Upper Secondary and Adult Education Experiencing Mathematical Difficulties

Sinclair Hällgren, Malin, Fröjelid, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Föreliggande studie är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som syftar till att undersöka erfarenheter av och uppfattningar om matematiklärande hos gymnasie- och vuxenstuderande i matematiksvårigheter för att därigenom öka kunskapen om denna elevgrupp och bättre kunna möta skilda undervisningsbehov. Frågeställningarna som ämnas besvaras är hur gymnasie- och vuxenstuderande som befinner sig i matematiksvårigheter beskriver sina möjligheter till lärande och utveckling i matematik och på vilket sätt dessa uppfattningar och erfarenheter kan relateras till begreppet matematisk resiliens. Matematisk resiliens härstammar ifrån psykologisk resiliens och handlar bland annat om att hantera och övervinna motgångar knutna till matematiklärande. Tidigare forskning kring matematisk resiliens är framförallt gjord i USA och Storbritannien och fenomenet är ännu inte studerat i någon högre utsträckning i svensk kontext. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats tematiskt med en hermeneutisk ansats. Studiens resultat presenteras i teman som beskriver möjlighet till lärande och utveckling i matematik kopplat till synen på förmåga, synen på arbete och ansträngning, synen på matematikens relevans och värde samt synen på hur känslor påverkar matematiklärandet. Resultatet diskuteras i relation till matematisk resiliens och vi konstaterar att arbetet med att öka elevers matematiska resiliens kan vara ett sätt för lärare och speciallärare i matematik att öka måluppfyllelse och att uppmärksamma de affektiva aspekterna av matematiklärande. Detta kan exempelvis ske genom användningen av the growth zone model och explicit undervisning kring olika studiestrategier samt att teorier om mindset särskilt beaktas vid utformandet av undervisningen. Sammanfattningsvis visar vår analys av resultatet att det är viktigt att ta i beaktande äldre elevers erfarenhetsmässiga bagage av återkommande misslyckanden och komplexa relation till matematiklärande.

Företags förmåga att förebygga, hantera och återhämta sig frånstörningar i försörjningskedjan : En kvalitativ studie om ett företag inom livsmedelsindustrin och ett inomskogsindustrin utifrån ett resiliensperspektiv.

Hansson, Felix, Rågberger, Johan January 2023 (has links)
The supply chain is the underlying process which enablescompanies and customers to exchange goods and services. Centralto a functional supply chain is its resilience against disruptions.Resilience in the supply chain is its capability to prevent, manageand recover from disruptions. The last couple of years has beencharacterized by events that have caused disturbances in the supplychain. This study is set to research how two Swedish companieshave managed three specific disruptions, the Covid-19 pandemic,the blocking of the Suez Canal and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Thepurpose of this paper is to contribute with knowledge and researchabout resilience in the supply chain and how companies can adaptin a volatile world with unpredictable events that may occur. Themethod used consists of semi-structured interviews with the casecompanies and collection of literature and previous research withinthe research area. The results from the study presents that thecompany operating in the retail industry main strategy is tomaintain a transparent communication to its suppliers as well ascustomers in order to maintain a high level of certainty in its supplychain. The company operating in the forest industry explained inthe interview that the company prioritizes a high level of self-sufficiency in raw materials, energy and transportation in order tomaintain a high level of certainty in the supply chain. The resultalso explains that cooperation between the three abilities, prevent,manage and recover from disruptions is the foundation tomaintaining a high level of certainty in the supply chain. The studycontributes with insights on how companies are affected by andmanage the ongoing situation in Ukraine, with the supply chain as astarting point. / Försörjningskedjan är den bakomliggande processen som möjliggörför utbyte av varor och tjänster mellan företag och kunder. Centraltför en fungerande försörjningskedja är att den är resilient motstörningar. Resiliens i försörjningskedjan handlar om förmågan attförebygga, hantera och återhämta sig från störningar. De senasteåren har präglats av händelser som har orsakat störningar iförsörjningskedjan. Denna studie undersöker hur två svenskaföretag har hanterat tre specifika störningar, Covid-19 pandemin,stoppet i Suezkanalen samt det pågående kriget i Ukraina. Syftetmed detta arbete är att bidra till kunskapen och forskningen omresiliens i försörjningskedjor och hur företag kan anpassa sig till envolatil värld med oförutsägbara händelser som uppstår. Metodenutgörs av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fallföretagen ochinsamling av litteratur samt tidigare forskning inomforskningsområdet. Studiens resultat visar att företaget som verkarinom livsmedelsindustrin främst arbetar med att bibehållatransparent kommunikation till sina leverantörer och kunder för attupprätthålla en hög nivå av tillförlitlighet i sin försörjningskedja.Företaget som verkar i skogsindustrin anger i intervjun att företagetprioriterar en hög självförsörjningsgrad på råvaror, energi ochtransport för att upprätthålla en hög nivå av tillförlitlighet iförsörjningskedjan. Studiens resultat redogör dessutom attsamverkan mellan de tre förmågorna, förebygga, hantera ochåterhämta sig från störningar är grunden till att uppnå hög nivå avtillförlitlighet i försörjningskedjan. Studien bidrar bland annat medinsikter om hur företag påverkas och bemöter den rådandesituationen i Ukraina med försörjningskedjan som utgångspunkt.

Exploring Urban Rainwater Harvesting in the city of Madrid applying GIS based MCDA expert tools / Utforska Urban Rainwater Harvesting i staden Madrid med hjälp av GIS-baserade MCDA expertverktyg

Börjesson Ballesteros, Silvia January 2022 (has links)
Due to climate change, water resources’ scarcity and distribution variability have generated a growing interest in sustainable water management in recent years. In addition, the growing interest in implementing nature-based solutions for urban resilience leads to the development of decentralized water supply systems such as rainwater harvesting systems (RWHS) as a complementary resource to conventional centralized water supply systems. The study is motivated by the climatic risks that the city of Madrid is subject to face in the upcoming years such as pronounced summer droughts and urban heat waves, leading to the reduction of water resources availability. This study aims to use Multi-criteria decision analysis and Geographic Information systems as tools for locating optimal space for the installation of pond harvesting systems (PHS) in Madrid for water recollection for non-potable purposes in the city. Attaining this aim, two objectives were set. Firstly, to evaluate and select the most relevant criteria for the installation of PHS and secondly, to generate a map of the most suitable locations for installation of PHS in the city of Madrid through a proposed GIS-MCDA methodology and a complimentary evaluation for each possible solution, to obtain a global vision of the applicability of PHS in Madrid. Through the first objective, several criteria were set for PHS installation, namely: distance to the river, rainfall, slope, soil characteristics, and land use. These criteria were applied to Madrid through a GIS-MCDA methodology, using these two tools’ synergy to obtain a suitability map for PHS installation. Two criteria weightings will be performed to evaluate the model’s robustness by modifying the criteria’ weights resulting in two different suitability scenarios. The discussion will analyze the results obtained considering the two scenarios and propose the most suitable location clusters identified. Finally, the conclusion will reflect the study’s most important findings and open the door to further research on the topic, such as the design, operation infrastructure, drainage logistics distribution, and other modifications in Madrid’s current water management system. / Som en konsekvens av den pågående klimatförändringen och dess inverkan i distributionen av vattenresurser har det skapats ett växande intresse för en hållbar vattenförvaltning de senaste åren. Detta växande intresse leder till implementationen av naturbaserade lösningar för urban resiliens och till en utveckling av decentraliserade vattenförsörjningssystem som regnvattenuppsamling (RWHS) som en komplementerande resurs till konventionella centraliserade vattenförsörjningssystem. Huvudsyftetmed denna studie är att täcka forskningsklyftan och att genom användning av verktyg som multikriterieanalys och geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) lokalisera en optimal plats för installation av dammar för regnvattenupptagning som del av stadsplanering för att skapa en hållbar vattenförvaltning i staden. För att uppnå detta, sattes två mål. Det ena var att utvärdera och välja de mest relevanta kriterierna för installation av dammuppsamlingssystem (PHS), det andra målet var att generera en karta över de lämpligaste platserna för installation av PHS i Madrid (Spanien) genom en föreslagen GIS-MCDA-metod och en kompletterande utvärdering för varje möjligt resultat i syfte att få en global vision av tillämpligheten av PHS i Madrid. De främsta kriterierna som utsågs för att göra utvärderingen av uppsamlingssystems installationen var: avstånd till f loden, nederbörd, sluttning, markegenskaper och markanvändning. Dessa kriterier tillämpades genom en GIS-MCDA-metodik, och med hjälp av dessa verktygs synergi erhölls en lämplighetskarta för PHS-installationer. Två kriterie viktningar kommer att utföras för att utvärdera modellens robusthet och vilket även kommer att resultera i två olika lämplighetsscenarier. Diskussionen kommer bestå av en analys av resultaten med hänsyn till de två scenarierna, och föreslå de två lämpligaste lokaliseringsklustren som identifierats. Slutligen kommer slutsatsen att återspegla studiens viktigaste resultat och öppna dörren för ytterligare forskning i ämnet, såsom design, driftinfrastruktur, dräneringslogistikdistribution och andra modifieringar i Madrids nuvarande vattenledningssystem.

Ensuring Safety and Security in the Era of Digital Water : A qualitative study on the implications following the digital transformation of the Swedish water industry / Digitaliseringens effekt på vattensektorn ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie av den svenska VA-sektorns digitala transformation

BJÄRKBY, SARAH, VÄRNLUND, FRIDA January 2021 (has links)
As water systems are critical infrastructures, their continuous service is essential for maintaining vital functions of society. During the past decades, a number of severe global challenges have put increasing pressure on the water systems, threatening the quality and availability of water. Digitalization is expected to play a fundamental role in managing these challenges, making the digital transformation of the water industry an imperative rather than a choice for water utility providers. However, the implementation of digital solutions also entails a number of challenges, risks and vulnerabilities to water systems. As such, water utility providers are faced with increased complexity and uncertainty, where the safety and security of the system is at stake. This thesis addresses the potential implications of a digital transformation of the water industry by exploring how digitalization affects the Swedish water sector from a safety and security perspective. By doing so, the thesis aims to enhance the understanding of how Swedish water utility providers can manage its ongoing digital transformation. The thesis consists of a qualitative research study where interviews with 16 representatives from the Swedish water industry contributed with a broad perception of the implications of the digital transformation. Theory on high reliability organizations and resilience was applied to obtain a deeper understanding of what the potential safety and security implications may entail for Swedish water utilities in managing and reaping the benefits of their digital transformation. The study finds that representatives from the Swedish water sector mainly view benefits related to the efficiency of their operations from their ongoing digital transformation, while the mentioned drawbacks are generally related to their organizational abilities in managing the emerging risks and increased level of complexity. With increasing digitalization, Swedish water utilities coincide with the high reliability organization theory to a higher extent, which emphasizes the increasing importance of employing bothtechnical reliability and organizational resilience practices. This thesis concludes that technical reliability has historically been well-managed and prioritized by utilities, whilst organizational resilience has become an increasingly important aspect to focus on with increasing digitalization. Hence, practices of organizational resilience, such as incorporating clear strategies, integrating work between divisions and increasing follow-up from disturbances, should be employed on a wider scale among water utilities. / Då vattensystem är kritisk infrastruktur är deras kontinuerliga funktion avgörande för att upprätthålla vitala funktioner i samhället. Under de senaste decennierna har ett antal allvarliga globala utmaningar ökat trycket på vattensystemen, vilket hotar vattnets kvalitet och tillgänglighet. Digitalisering anses vara avgörande för att hantera dessa utmaningar, vilket gör digitalisering av vattenindustrin till en nödvändighet snarare än ett val för VA-bolag. Att implementera digitala lösningar medför emellertid också ett antal utmaningar, risker och sårbarheter för vattensystem. VA-bolagen står således inför en ökad komplexitet och osäkerhet där systemsäkerheten står på spel. Denna uppsats behandlar de potentiella implikationer som kan uppstå av en digital transformation av vattenindustrin genom att undersöka hur digitalisering påverkar den svenska VA-sektorn ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Genom detta syftar uppsatsen till att öka förståelsen för hur svenska VA-bolag kan hantera sin pågående digitalisering. En kvalitativ forskningsstudie har genomförts där intervjuer med 16 representanter från den svenska VA-sektorn bidrog med en bred uppfattning om digitaliseringens implikationer för den svenska VA-sektorn. Teori om high reliability organizations och resiliens användes för att fördjupa förståelsen för vad de potentiella säkerhetsimplikationerna kan innebära för svenska VAbolag, både för hantering av riskerna och för att ta till vara på fördelarna med den digitala transformationen. Studien visar att representanter från den svenska VA-sektorn, i deras pågående digitalisering, huvudsakligen ser fördelar relaterade till effektiviteten i vattenproduktionen, medan de nämnda nackdelarna i allmänhet är relaterade till deras egna förmågor att hantera de framväxande riskerna och den ökade komplexiteten. Med ökad digitalisering kan svenska VA-bolag i högre utsträckning beskrivas med teori kring high reliability organizations, vilket medför en ökad vikt av att arbeta med både teknisk tillförlitlighet och organisatorisk resiliens. Teknisk tillförlitlighet har historiskt hanterats väl och prioriterats av VA-bolag, medan organisatorisk resiliens har blivit allt viktigare att fokusera på med ökad digitalisering. Därför drar denna uppsats slutsatsen att arbete med organisatorisk resiliens, såsom att införa tydliga strategier, integrera arbetet mellan avdelningar och öka uppföljningsarbetet efter störningar, bör utföras i större skala bland VA-bolag.

An effective model of psychological defence as a key component of societal resilience : A Case Study of Lithuania

Gresius, Tomas January 2024 (has links)
How do the strategic documents of the Republic of Lithuania contribute to the efforts of its institutions and organisations to build societal resilience to threats? Although the need for overall preparedness is recognised, the division of responsibilities remains unclear and fragmented. This thesis identifies the gaps between policy and its implementation by examining the strategic documents and expert opinions. The results show that the policies are summarising, visionary and directional. This leads to a lack of clarity for the institutions or to haphazard initiatives. By explaining the relationship between policy expectations and the actual willingness of the public to contribute to the defence of the state, this study contributes to the study of warfare. It also provides theoretical and empirical data for building and strengthening societal resilience in Lithuania. Promoting active dialogue, strengthening coordination between institutions and non-governmental organisations can strengthen societal resilience and thus promote better prepared national defence. / Hur bidrar Republiken Litauens strategiska dokument till dess institutioners och organisationers ansträngningar att bygga samhällelig resiliens mot hot? Även om behovet av allmän beredskap erkänns, förblir ansvarsfördelningen oklar och fragmenterad. Denna avhandling identifierar klyftorna mellan politik och dess genomförande genom att undersöka de strategiska dokumenten och expertutlåtanden. Resultaten visar att policyn är sammanfattande, visionär och riktgivande. Detta leder till en brist på tydlighet för institutionerna eller till slumpmässiga initiativ. Genom att förklara sambandet mellan policyförväntningar och allmänhetens faktiska vilja att bidra till statens försvar, bidrar denna studie till krigsvetenskap. Den tillhandahåller också teoretiska och empiriska data för att bygga och stärka samhällelig resiliens i Litauen. Att främja aktiv dialog och stärka samordningen mellan institutioner och icke-statliga organisationer kan stärka samhällelig resiliens och därigenom främja en bättre förberedd nationellt försvar.

Att leda socialt arbete i skymningsläge och krig : En kvantitativ studie om enhetchefers perspektiv på krisberedskap på vård- och omsorgsboenden / Leading social work in grayzone and war : A quantitative study on first line managers' perspectives on crises preparedness in elder care facilities

Rasmusson, Amalia, Rasmusson, Sigrid January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the level of crisis readiness within the eldercare sector. Because of the worsened security landscape in the world, crisis readiness has become a focal point on the political agenda. The crisis we explore are the types of crisis that could follow a war or the grayzone between war and peace which in Swedish is called “skymningsläge”. The crisis we focus on in the study are power failure, crisis regarding water supply, food and medicin distribution and cyber-attacks. Our survey aimed to explore the new institutional theory to gain insights into the dynamics of social work within the context of crisis management,focusing on organizations' adaptability to new security challenges. By examining the responses of frontline managers, we sought to understand the impact the organizations have on the elder care facilities. Our findings showed discrepancies between municipal and private sectors with front line managers within the private sector demonstrating a culture of greater openness to make changes for improved crisis readiness. However, in terms of crisis readiness, no significant advantage was found for private facilities. By exploring the perspectives of the first line managers we could also understand what impact the organizations have on the managers situation. Our study also showed a correlation between training in crisis management and confidence in leading during crises. The survey also showed that the organizations has taken measures to develop crisis readiness after the pandemic to be more resilient.

Community Continuity Management : An Exploration of the Energy Production and Use of a Fictional Stockholm Neighbourhood in a Crisis / Kontinuitetshantering för gemenskaper : Att utforska energiproduktion och användning i ett fiktivt kvarter i Stockholm

Brattgård, Nils January 2023 (has links)
In an increasingly interconnected, and electricity-reliant world, households are asked to build up their resilience to crises. Local, distributed electricity production within a microgrid with capability to operate disconnected from the larger grid has been shown to be an effective tool for increasing power system resilience in the past. The energy production of local renewable sources is, however, not sufficient in meeting normal household energy demand. This thesis explores whether the forming of communities can be utilised to reduce energy demand and as a result, increase the resiliency of both the community and urban environments. The analysis of household energy use and the subsequently developed toolbox provide insights into energy use both under normal societal function and during a crisis. Through living and cooking together as a community, significant energy-efficiency gains were possible, exceeding those reasonably achieved within each individual household. Community was further determined to be important in the planning and development of more resilient combinations of renewable energy, going beyond solar power. When implemented in theoretical scenarios, energy communities at a building and block level could provide sufficient energy for the households’ most immediate needs without major sacrifices of wellness. The scheme proposed is argued to require not only monetary investments, but also larger societal shifts. Producing sufficient quantities of electricity within urban environments will mean a large change in how cities are experienced. Public understanding and acceptance for such a change is likely to be necessary. Through the implementation, the role of the municipality would go from action-taking to mostly laying the groundwork for the formation of communities, as well as advising these as they achieve higher household resilience. Most critically, however, there is a need for the broader population to embrace working together in communities.

Att säkerställa ett begränsat material för mindre aktörer : En fallstudie på KG List / To secure limited material for smaller enterprises : A case study on KG List

Olsen, Oskar, Strandberg, Axel January 2024 (has links)
Course: Degree project in Supply Chain Management, Master of science within business and economics, 30 credits Title: To secure limited material for smaller enterprises - A case study on KG ListAuthors: Oskar Olsen & Axel StrandbergSupervisor: Åsa GustavssonExaminator: Peter Berling Background: In an increasingly competitive business market, the sourcing process needs to be optimized to gain advantages over competitors. Companies using limited resources suffer from not being able to secure material in different ways. Being a small enterprise also gives additional negative consequential effects. To be able to decrease the effects, working methods with solutions and key performance indicators need to be found. Smaller enterprises in the wood industry have been identified as actors suffering from the consequential effects. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to identify negative consequential effects experienced by smaller enterprises regarding the securing of limited resources. In addition, the aim is to describe a working method with solutions and associated key performance indicators to counteract the consequential effects regarding the securing of limited resources. Research questions: RQ1: What consequences do smaller enterprises experience when securing limited material?RQ2: What solutions and key performance indicators can be applied to counteract identified consequential effects when securing limited material for smaller enterprises?Method: The paper uses a deductive approach while applying a qualitative research method with elements of quantitative data. The primary empirical data was collected by unstructured and semistructured interviews, observations and the in-depth method focus-group interviews. Results: The study shows multiple consequential effects of not being able to secure limited resources as a smaller enterprise. The three major findings were: uncertainty in supply, decreased purchasing power due to being a smaller enterprise in the industry, and being forced to import materials. The study finds working methods with solutions and associated key performance indicators to counteract each effect. With supply chain resilience the effects of uncertainty in supply decreases. The purchasing power could increase by developing supplier relationships or increase the purchase price. By outsourcing a part of or the whole production process the effects of being forced to import could be counteracted. The key performance indicators for each solution needs to be developed individually for every company and should focus on critical moments related to the consequential effects.   Keywords: Limited resources, smaller enterprises, securing resources, consequential effects, solutions, key performance indicators, KPI, sourcingprocess, purchasing power, resilience, supply chain, supplier relationships, outsourcing, supplier pool, the wood industry, oak, oak log

Network Based Tools and Indicators for Landscape Ecological Assessments, Planning, and Design

Zetterberg, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Land use change constitutes a primary driving force in shaping social-ecological systems world wide, and its effects reach far beyond the directly impacted areas. Graph based landscape ecological tools have become established as a promising way to efficiently explore and analyze the complex, spatial systems dynamics of ecological networks in physical landscapes. However, little attention has been paid to making these approaches operational within ecological assessments, physical planning, and design. This thesis presents a network based, landscape-ecological tool that can be implemented for effective use by practitioners within physical planning and design, and ecological assessments related to these activities. The tool is based on an ecological profile system, a common generalized network model of the ecological infrastructure, graph theoretic metrics, and a spatially explicit, geographically defined representation, deployable in a GIS. Graph theoretic metrics and analysis techniques are able to capture the spatio-temporal dynamics of complex systems, and the generalized network model places the graph theoretic toolbox in a geographically defined landscape. This provides completely new insights for physical planning, and environmental assessment activities. The design of the model is based on the experience gained through seven real-world cases, commissioned by different governmental organizations within Stockholm County. A participatory approach was used in these case studies, involving stakeholders of different backgrounds, in which the tool proved to be flexible and effective in the communication and negotiation of indicators, targets, and impacts. In addition to successful impact predictions for alternative planning scenarios, the tool was able to highlight critical ecological structures within the landscape, both from a system-centric, and a site-centric perspective. In already being deployed and used in planning, assessments, inventories, and monitoring by several of the involved organizations, the tool has proved to effectively meet some of the challenges of application in a multidisciplinary landscape.</p>

Network Based Tools and Indicators for Landscape Ecological Assessments, Planning, and Design

Zetterberg, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
Land use change constitutes a primary driving force in shaping social-ecological systems world wide, and its effects reach far beyond the directly impacted areas. Graph based landscape ecological tools have become established as a promising way to efficiently explore and analyze the complex, spatial systems dynamics of ecological networks in physical landscapes. However, little attention has been paid to making these approaches operational within ecological assessments, physical planning, and design. This thesis presents a network based, landscape-ecological tool that can be implemented for effective use by practitioners within physical planning and design, and ecological assessments related to these activities. The tool is based on an ecological profile system, a common generalized network model of the ecological infrastructure, graph theoretic metrics, and a spatially explicit, geographically defined representation, deployable in a GIS. Graph theoretic metrics and analysis techniques are able to capture the spatio-temporal dynamics of complex systems, and the generalized network model places the graph theoretic toolbox in a geographically defined landscape. This provides completely new insights for physical planning, and environmental assessment activities. The design of the model is based on the experience gained through seven real-world cases, commissioned by different governmental organizations within Stockholm County. A participatory approach was used in these case studies, involving stakeholders of different backgrounds, in which the tool proved to be flexible and effective in the communication and negotiation of indicators, targets, and impacts. In addition to successful impact predictions for alternative planning scenarios, the tool was able to highlight critical ecological structures within the landscape, both from a system-centric, and a site-centric perspective. In already being deployed and used in planning, assessments, inventories, and monitoring by several of the involved organizations, the tool has proved to effectively meet some of the challenges of application in a multidisciplinary landscape.

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