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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärares upplevelser av anpassningar i SO-undervisningen i åk 1-3 / Teachers' Experiences of Adjustments in Social Studies in School Year 1-3

Rasovic, Jennifer, Rasmussen, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie omfattar dels hur lärare beskriver sitt arbete med elevanpassningar i SO- undervisningen, men även hur lärare upplever arbetet med elevanpassningarna. Syftet är att visa hur lärare kan arbeta för att anpassa sin SO-undervisning utifrån ett heterogent klassrum men också att visa hur lärare känner inför detta uppdrag och hur förändringar i läraryrket kan ha påverkat dessa känslor. Studien synliggör lågstadielärares upplevelser av hur man kan arbeta med anpassningar i SO-undervisningen, dels ur Gardners (1983) teori om multipla intelligenser. Men även hur lärarna upplever detta arbete ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv. Då empirin som ligger till grund för studien behandlar lärares upplevelser av fenomenet anpassningar så bär även studien på ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts som metod för att kunna besvara frågeställningarna och dessa har utförts med hjälp av fem lärare som arbetar i åk 1-3 med SO-undervisning på tre olika grundskolor. De intervjuade lärarna har alla olika lång erfarenhet av läraryrket. Studiens resultat och analys grundar sig på den empiri som samlats in under intervjuerna. Slutsatsen som dras i studien är att lärare arbetar med tydliggörande pedagogik och varierande undervisning för att anpassa SO-undervisningen i förhållande till elevernas behov i ett heterogent klassrum. En annan slutsats är att lärare upplever att de inte räcker till i förhållande till tiden de har att tillgå för arbetet vilket visar sig ha kopplingar till läraryrkets förändring och fråga om deprofessionalisering. Då forskning visar att flera lärare upplever en stress inför arbetet med anpassningar så är denna studie av relevans för läraryrket. Detta eftersom studien dels lyfter lärares upplevelser av fenomenet men också orsakerna som ligger bakom upplevelserna av arbetet med anpassningar, med hänsyn till det omfattande arbetet som medförs.

Intuition of an Outsider: From Nothing to Voice in George Scarbrough’s Poetry

Moore, William 01 May 2021 (has links)
Long acknowledged as a committed poet of place, this thesis examines tones of outsiderness and alienation that characterize George Scarbrough’s poetry. Scarbrough draws on familiarity with his childhood in southeast Tennessee, and from an outsider’s outlook, a perspective veritably prompted by the rejection he suffered as a homosexual and lover of language, Scarbrough’s poetry addresses the daunting themes of fear and nothingness. Analysis of his poetry also reveals qualities of hope and endurance, a commitment to received forms, and Modern innovation. Through his poetic voice, culminating in the alter ego of Han-shan, Scarbrough provides vital insights into the human experience.

Nyckelfaktorer för utveckling av demokratisk kompetens hos mellanstadieelever inom samhällskunskap: En forskningssammanställning / Key factors for developing democratic competence in middle school students through social studies: a research compilation

Lundblad, Emma, Thelin, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Detta arbete utforskar utvecklingen av demokratisk kompetens hos mellanstadieelever inom samhällskunskap. Studiens syfte är att ge lärare en fördjupad förståelse för praktisk implementering av demokratiuppdraget, en central aspekt i den aktuella läroplanen för grundskolan (Lgr 22). Genom en kritisk granskning och syntes av befintlig forskning identifieras fem nyckelfaktorer som är avgörande för att skapa en demokratisk lärandemiljö: professionellt ledarskap, innehållskunskap, inflytande, kommunikativ kompetens och aktivitet. Analysen fokuserar på hur dessa element kan integreras i klassrummet för att effektivt främja demokratiskt engagemang och förståelse hos eleverna.  Resultaten pekar på vikten av en integrerad ansats i undervisningen där alla fem faktorer samverkar. Professionellt ledarskap och innehållskunskap bildar grunden för en stabil och informativ miljö, medan inflytande, kommunikativ kompetens och aktivitet aktivt engagerar eleverna i demokratiska processer och främjar deras förståelse och deltagande. Dessa faktorer bidrar inte bara till elevernas förståelse och deltagande i demokrati, utan främjar även en djupare insikt i och engagemang för demokratiska värderingar och processer. Arbetet erbjuder därmed viktiga insikter och konkreta tips för lärare som strävar efter att integrera demokrati i sitt pedagogiska arbete och förbereda eleverna för ett aktivt samhällsengagemang.

Lärares erfarenheter av att undervisa elever med språkstörning/språklig sårbarhet inom ramen för SO- och NO-ämnena på låg- och mellanstadiet

Hedström, Malin, Lindberg, Sanna January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka några lärares erfarenheter av att undervisa elever med språkstörning/språklig sårbarhet samt deras erfarenheter vad gäller möjligheter och hinder inom ramen för specifikt SO- och NO- ämnena. Syftet är även att undersöka likheter/skillnader vad gäller undervisning och stödinsatser på låg- och mellanstadiet i SO och NO-ämnena. Forskning kring språkstörning specifikt inom ramen för undervisning i SO och NO saknas och därför blir denna studie viktig inom detta område. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att de flesta lärarna har kunskap om språkstörning/språklig sårbarhet och hur svårigheterna kan yttra sig. I resultatet framkommer det att lärare i studien önskar mer kunskap om arbetsmetoder och anpassningar som de kan använda i undervisningen för att möjliggöra för dessa elever att nå målen. Lärarna efterlyste även mer adekvat fortbildning inom området för språkstörning/språklig sårbarhet samt efterfrågade mer stöd från andra yrkesprofessioner såsom speciallärare, EHT och talpedagog. Samtliga lärare lyfte fram tidsbrist som ett stort hinder vad gäller möjligheter att ge dessa elever adekvat stöd. Likheterna vad gäller undervisning, anpassningar och stödåtgärder i SO och NO på låg- och mellanstadiet visar sig vara fler än skillnaderna. På mellanstadiet lyfter lärarna fram digitala verktyg i större utsträckning medan lärarna på lågstadiet menar att repetition med fler olika arbetsmetoder är en framgångsfaktor för dessa elever. Resultaten från de semistrukturerade intervjuerna diskuterades mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning, didaktiska undervisningsmetoder, Lgr 22 samt det sociokulturella perspektivet.

Translating Culture: Literary Translations into Swahili by East African Translators.

Flavia, Aiello Traore 27 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Lengo la makala hii ni kujaribu kufafanua jinsi wafasiri walivyotafsiri kwa Kiswahili baadhi ya riwaya zilizoandikwa kwa lugha za kigeni, enzi za baada ya nchi za Afrika kujipatia uhuru. Kwa ajili ya mada yenyewe nimechagua mkusanyo wa riwaya nne zilizotafsiriwa na Watanzania, yaani Shamba la wanyama (kilichoandikwa na Fortunatus Kawegere, 1967), Shujaa Okonkwo (Clement Ndulute, 1973), Mzee na bahari (Cyprian Tirumanywa, 1980) na Barua ndefu kama hii (Clement Maganga, 1994). Wafasiri hao walikabiliana vipi na vipengele vya kitamaduni vya lugha chanzi (za jamii zenye maisha, dini, misemo, methali tofauti na yao n.k.)? Kwa kuzingatia swali hilo, makala inaeleza baadhi ya mbinu zilizotumiwa na watafsiri wa Kiswahili wakishughulika na maandishi kutoka kwa fasihi ya kigeni.

Lärande utan läraren : Internetkällors framställningar av judendomar / Teaching Without the Teacher : Depictions of Judaisms in Online Sources

Mårtensson, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
As the digital age takes root, more and more students use the internet to acquire information for their studies. Common sources in Sweden are online encyclopedias like Wikipedia, SO-rummet and Nationalencyklopedin (NE). Seeing as these online encyclopedias can fill the role of teaching aids it is prudent to examine their contents to evaluate if they hold up to the standards established by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket). Focusing on the subject “religion” and the topic “Judaism”, this study evaluates the contents and framing used in the main articles about Judaism from both Swedish and English versions of the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia as well as the Swedish sources NE which is state sponsored and the commercial actor SO-rummet. Additionally this paper discusses how these sources compare with the central contents of the course Religionsvetenskap 1 (Religious Studies 1) for Swedish upper secondary school. The results show that the articles from NE and Swedish Wikipedia mostly state facts without elaborating and are more likely to give the reader a homogeneous picture of Judaism. SO-rummet is the most beginner friendly source while English Wikipedia is the most nuanced but perhaps most difficult source for students to comprehend. Generally, the sources fail to portray diversity within the tradition, with the exception being English Wikipedia. The sources that compare the best with the central contents for Religionsvetenskap 1 were in the following in descending order: English Wikipedia, SO-rummet, Swedish Wikipedia and lastly NE. This is problematic because previous studies show that students have greater faith in NE than they do in Wikipedia. It is worth keeping in mind however, that students are likely to use more than one source, especially if it is a group assignment. It is up to the teacher to recommend good sources, fill in the blanks and to guide the students with their own teaching.

Developing democratic virtues: priorities and practices of selected secondary educators in the Cape Town Metropolitan Area.

Afrika, Nthabiseng January 2005 (has links)
Recent political changes in South Africa emphasize democracy and the role of schools in promoting democratic virtues. The importance of schools responsibility in developing democratic virtues is also internationally recognized, although different authors

Přijetí tzv. "náhubkového zákona" a jeho dopad na česká média / Enactment of so-called "muzzle act" and its impact on czech media

Jozífek, Radek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Act no. 52/2009 Coll., which amends the Act no. 141/1961 Coll. (Penal Procedure Code), as amended by latter Acts, and some other Acts. Because of its alleged censorial character, it was often referred to as the "Muzzle Act" by local media. The thesis is composed of five parts. The first one describes methods used in the rest of the text, the second one explains main theoretical concepts and essential topics that are important for understanding the other parts - right to privacy, right to information, publication of transcripts obtained by eavesdropping devices etc. It also describes contents of the "Muzzle Act" and its amendment. The third part reviews how the Act passed the legislative process in both chambers of the Parliament, including protests of media and some scholars against it. All the main reasons why protestors considered the Act censorial or even unconstitutional are drawn up in the fourth part of the thesis. It also sums up thoughts and confronts thoughts of people who argued in favour of the Act. In the fifth part, journalists from Czech News Agency (ČTK), daily newspaper Mladá fronta DNES, weekly magazine Respekt and news website Aktuálně.cz describe how the Act influenced their working habits and contents of their media. One specialist in the field of journalism...

Certificação de candidato a material de referência para fertilizante mineral através da análise estatística de resultados obtidos em ensaio interlaboratorial / Certification of candidate for reference material for mineral fertilizer through the statistical analysis of results obtained in an interlaboratorial study

Toledo, Guilherme Teruaki Kuwahara de 10 January 2019 (has links)
O Brasil é atualmente um dos maiores contribuintes de produtos agrícolas do cenário mundial, em 2010 um quarto dos produtos agropecuários em circulação no mundo eram de exportação brasileira. Com o grande desenvolvimento agropecuário, a demanda por materiais de reposição nutricional de solo, como fertilizantes, cresceu na mesma proporção que a necessidade pelo controle da qualidade desses materiais. Este controle tem sido feito em laboratórios que operam de acordo com sistemas de gestão da qualidade, os quais fornecem ferramentas e procedimentos que permitem ao laboratório gerenciar e controlar todos os fatores que possam afetar a qualidade de suas analise, sendo os materiais de referência certificados primordiais para estes sistemas de gestão. Os MR ou MRCs (material de referência certificado) são materiais conhecidos por serem suficientemente homogêneos e estáveis e que trazem em seus certificados os valores de suas propriedades e suas incertezas associadas garantindo sua rastreabilidade metrológica. Neste projeto foi desenvolvido um material de referência para fertilizantes, em parceria com o Laboratório de fiscalização do ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento, MAPA (LANAGRO). Foram fornecidos 6 Kg de fertilizante mineral de utilização via solo, o qual foi processado de modo a se tornar um material de referência (verificação de tamanho de partícula através de peneiras, homogeneização do material e sua posterior divisão e envase) esse material foi distribuído aos laboratórios participantes do interlaboratorial organizado pelo LANAGRO. O material foi avaliado para homogeneidade onde foi determinado que o material se encontra homogêneo. Foi realizado um estudo de estabilidade para os elementos: Calcio, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco. Onde observou-se que todos os elementos se encontraram com estabilidade aceitável. A caracterização foi realizada através de um estudo interlaboratorial organizado pelo LANAGRO - SP contando com a participação de 13 laboratórios, que analisaram 2 amostras do material em triplicata. Os resultados fornecidos pelos laboratórios foram analisados estatisticamente de forma a fornecer os resultados de concentração esperada para os elementos: Calcio, cádmio, cobalto, cobre, cromo, chumbo, ferro, magnésio, manganês, molibdênio, níquel e zinco. A incerteza associada a cada elemento de interesse foi determinada e ao final foi produzido um material de referência com os elementos cálcio, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco certificados e contendo os restantes dos analitos como elementos de referência. Foi realizada a publicação de um artigo de revisão na revista Trends in Analytical Chemistry intitulado \"Trends in development of certified reference materials for chemical analysis - Focus on food, water, soil and sediment matrices\" / Brazil is one of the largest contributors of agricultural products in the world, in 2010 a quarter of the world\'s agricultural products were of the Brazilian export market. With the great agricultural development, the demand for soil nutritional replacement materials, as fertilizers, grew in the same proportion as the need to control the quality of these materials. This control its been done in laboratories that work according to quality management systems, which offer tools and procedures that allow the laboratory to manage and control all factors that may affect the quality of its analysis. Reference materials or certified reference materials are essential for these management systems. MR or MRC\'s (certified reference material) are materials known to be sufficiently homogeneous and stable that carry in their certificates the values of their properties and their associated uncertainties, ensuring their metrological traceability. In this project, a reference material for fertilizers was developed in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, MAPA (LANAGRO). 6 kg of mineral fertilizer was provided, which was processed to become a reference material (particle size verification through sieves, homogenization of the material and its subsequent division and packaging). these materials were distributed to the laboratories participating in the interlaboratorial organized by LANAGRO. The material was evaluated for homogeneity where it was determined that the material is homogeneous. A stability study was carried out for the elements: calcium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc. It was observed that all the elements met an acceptable stability. The characterization was performed through an interlaboratorial study organized by LANAGRO - SP with the participation of 13 laboratories, which analyzed 2 samples of the material in triplicate. The results provided by the laboratories were statistically analyzed to provide the expected concentration results for the elements: Calcium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, chromium, lead, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel and zinc. The uncertainty associated with each element of interest was determined and at the end a reference material with certified calcium, copper, iron, manganese and zinc elements was produced and the remainder of the analytes contained as reference elements. A review article was published in the journal Trends in Analytical Chemistry titled \"Trends in development of certified reference materials for chemical analysis - Focus on food, water, soil and sediment matrices\"

Gender, Myth, and Warfare: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women Warriors

Unknown Date (has links)
A combination of cross-cultural and symbolic methodologies suggests that women warriors occur in societies where there is both an emphasis on the sacred feminine that allows women greater access to positions of power and authority (as per Peggy Sanday) and where marital residency rules permit female fighters (following David B. Adams´s theory on women warriors). While neither theory can stand alone in explaining the existence of women warriors, when combined both theories give a solid picture of societies that allow for female combatants. In this paper I propose that by combining Sanday’s work on female power and Adams’s work on women warriors we can come to a better understanding about just what makes the cultures that allow for women’s participation in warfare unique, and perhaps what characteristics must be in place in order for a culture to have women warriors. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

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