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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinio darbuotojo kompetencijos teikiant paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimai / Competencies of social worker in the provesion of services to social risk family

Končiuvienė, Edita 29 June 2009 (has links)
Ekonominės krizės metu klostosi vis sudėtingesnė situacija, todėl ypatingai socialinės rizikos šeimai reikia didelio dėmesio ir paramos padėti spręsti iškilusias problemas. Materialinės paramos, pašalpos, paslaugų suteikimu šeimai dažniausiai rūpinasi socialiniai darbuotojai. Tikėtina, kad plečiant socialinio darbuotojo rengimo standartus ir specializuotų socialinių darbuotojų kompetencijų įvairovę teikiant vis kokybiškesnes socialines paslaugas, parama ir pagalba socialinės rizikos šeimoms ir individuali pagalba kiekvienam šeimos nariui būtų kokybiškesnė ir efektyvesnė. Šiame darbe siekiama pagrįsti socialinio darbuotojo kompetencijas, reikalingas teikiant paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimoms. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti socialinio darbuotojo kompetencijas, teikiant paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimoms. Didelis dėmesys buvo skirtas socialinės rizikos šeimos, kaip socialinės problemos, apžvalgai; profesinės kompetencijos socialinio darbo praktikoje, teikiant paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimai, apibūdinimui; socialinių darbuotojų kompetencijų, būtinų teikiant paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimoms, ir nuolatinio mokymosi reikalingumo aptarimui. Kiekybinio tyrimo (anketavimo) metu apklausti 122 socialiniai darbuotojai, teikiantys paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimoms Kauno mieste. Socialinio darbuotojo gebėjimų ir žinių, reikalingų teikiant paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimoms, tyrimas parodė, kad socialinio darbuotojo turimos kompetencijos ir nuolatinis jų tobulinimas turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During economic crisis the situation is becoming more and more complex, therefore social risk family needs especial attention and support to solve present problems. Generally, the provision of financial support, allowance and services to family is a concern of social workers. It is likely that support and help to social risk families and individual help to every member of family would be of higher quality and more effective, if the standards of social worker's training and the variety of competencies of specialized social workers were being developed, and services of higher and higher quality were being provided. In this work it is sought to reason the competencies of social worker, which are necessary for provision of services to social risk families. The purpose of work- to analyse the competencies of social worker in the provision of services to social risk families. Considerable attention was given to the review of social risk family as a social problem; to the description of professional competence in the practice of social worker in provision of services to social risk family; to the consideration of social workers' competencies, necessary for provision of services to social risk families, and the necessity of continual learning. During quantitative research (questionnaire) 122 social workers, providing services to social risk families in Kaunas City, were questioned. The study of social worker's abilities and knowledge, necessary for provision of services to social... [to full text]

Socialinė pagalba vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų dienos centre / Social support for children from social risk families at day centre

Skarbalienė, Inga 09 July 2010 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tikslas- ištirti požiūrį į socialinę pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų dienos centre. Tyrimo tikslą sukonkretina darbe keliami uždaviniai: išanalizuoti socialinės rizikos šeimų ir vaikų problemas; išnagrinėti dienos centre teikiamos pagalbos socialinės vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, kryptis; ištirti socialinio darbuotojo funkcijas dienos centre, teikiant pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų Pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami teoriniai socialinės rizikos šeimų atsiradimo veiksniai, valstybės teikiamos socialinės paramos vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų kryptys. Antroje darbo dalyje analizuojamos dienos centro galimybės ir projektai, teikiantys socialinę pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų ir socialinio darbuotojo funkcijos organizuojant pagalbos veiklas dienos centre. Trečioje darbo dalyje apibendrinami kokybinio tyrimo duomenys bei apibendrinamas respondentų požiūris į teikiamą socialinę pagalbą vaikams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų. Tyrimo metu nustatėme, kad aktualiausiomis socialinės rizikos šeimų problemomis įvardijamas skurdas ir materialiniai nepritekliai, nedarbas, socialinių įgūdžių stoka, blogi šeimos narių tarpusavio santykiai. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad vaikų užimtumo ir pamokų ruošimo, vaikų maitinimo veiklos, organizuojamos dienos centre, yra reikšmingiausios tėvams bei vaikams ir visų šeimų vertinamos teigiamai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad šeimų ir darbuotojų-specialistų požiūris į dienos centre... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The goal of the master’s thesis is to study the approach to social support for children from social risk families at day centre. The goal of the study is defined more specifically by the objectives that the thesis addresses: analysing issues of social risk families and children; studying directions of social support for children from social risk families; investigating social worker functions at day centre relating to the offering of support to children from social risk families. Part one of the thesis addresses theoretical factors pertaining to the emergence of social risk families, directions of governmental social support for children from social risk families. Part two analyses the possibilities and projects on providing social support to children from social risk families and the functions of the social worker relating to the organising of support activities at day centre. Part three of the thesis summarises the data of the qualitative study and the respondents’ opinion on social support for children from social risk families. In the process of study we established that the most significant issues that social risk families are facing are identified to be those of poverty and deprivation, unemployment, lack of social skills, poor relations among family members. The study has supported the hypothesis that the activities of children’s occupation, homework, nourishment available from the day centre are most important to the parents and the children and are viewed as a... [to full text]

Moters, priskiriamos socialinės rizikos šeimai, socialinių ryšių patirtis / Social Relationship Experiences of a Woman Ascribed to Social Risk Family

Bukauskaitė, Giedrė 07 February 2012 (has links)
Socialinės rizikos šeima - tai šeima, kuri neatitinka visuomenės nustatytų normų, patiria sunkumų, kurių nepajėgia pati išspręsti. Socialinės rizikos šeimose yra sutrikę santykiai tarp šeimos narių, dažnai vyrauja girtavimas, smurtas, vaikų nepriežiūra. Tokia šeima yra “už visuomenės ribų”, patiria socialinę atskirtį. Šeima yra artimiausia aplinka, kurioje žmogus turėtų jaustis saugus, palaikyti teigiamus ryšius su kitais šeimos nariais, tačiau socialinės rizikos šeimose ir už jos ribų ryšiai dažnai būna sutrikę, vyrauja disfunkciniai santykiai. Moterų, priskiriamų socialinės rizikos šeimoms, socialinių ryšių patirties tyrimu siekiama padėti geriau suprasti tiriamąjį reiškinį, atskleisti socialinių ryšių svarbą, pastebėti socialinės pagalbos galimybes šeimos aplinkoje. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti socialinės rizikos šeimų socialinius ryšius feministiniu požiūriu. Tyrimo klausimas: kokie socialiniai ryšiai vyrauja socialinės rizikos šeimose? Siekiant atskleisti moterų, priskiriamų socialinės rizikos šeimoms, socialinių ryšių patirtį, pasitelktas kokybinis tyrimas. Tyrimo metu remtasi subjektyvistine-interpretuojamąją epistemologija. Analizuojant moterų, priskiriamų socialinės rizikos šeimoms, socialinių ryšių patirtis, buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kokie socialiniai ryšiai vyrauja tyrimo dalyvių šeimose ir už jos ribų, kaip joms pavyksta užmegzti ir palaikyti santykius, kaip ankstesnė patirtis įtakoja bendravimą. Tyrimo dalyvės - 7 moterys, kurios yra priskiriamos socialinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Social risk family - a family that does not meet the norms of society and is having difficulties which the family is unable to find solutions to. Social risk families usually have disturbed relations between family members, often dominated by drinking, violence and child neglect. This kind of family is not accepted by the public and is exposed to social exclusion. A family has be the closest to an environment where people feel safe and maintain positive relationships with other family members, but in social risk families the relationship is often disturbed and dominated by dysfunctional relations. Social relationship experiences of a woman ascribed to a social risk family survey helps to better understand these kind of women, to reveal the importance of social relationships and to see the support options in the family environment. The research goal is to reveal social risk families social relationships through a feminist view. Survey question: What kind of social relations dominate in social risk families? In order to reveal social relationship experiences of a woman ascribed to a social risk family a qualitative study was invoked. The study was based on subjective-interpreted epistemology. The analysis of women, who are ascribed to a social risk family, social relations experience goal, was to find out what kind of social relations dominate in the study participants family and outside of it, how are they able to establish and maintain relationships and how their... [to full text]

Šeimos sąlygų poveikis paauglių tapatumui / The Effects of Family Status on Adolescent Identity

Nevulytė, Eligija 19 June 2012 (has links)
Tapatumui formuotis itin didelę reikšmę turi ankstyvieji santykiai su reikšmingais žmonėmis. Kadangi nuo mažų dienų vaikas gyvena, daugiausia laiko praleidžia šeimoje, tai reikšmingais žmonėmis tampa tėvai. Tačiau ne visos šeimos rodo savo vaikams teigiamus pavyzdžius, nesistengia jų auklėti, todėl šie vaikai sunkiai socializuojasi visuomenėje ir tuo pačiu sunkiai išgyvena tapatumo krizę. Todėl bakalauro darbe analizuojamas pilnose ir socialinės rizikos šeimose gyvenančių paauglių pasiektas tapatumas pagal keturias būsenas (difuzija, išankstinis sprendimas, moratoriumas bei pasiektas tapatumas) ideologijos (asmenybės) ir tarpasmeninių (socialinio) santykių srityse. / Very great importance of identity formation have the early relationship with significant people. Since the early days of the child lives he spend most time in the family, so the parents become significant people. However, not all families show positive examples for their children's, they do not try to educate these children's, so for this children's is hard and difficult to socialize society and experiencing a crisis of identity. So in this bachelor's paper deals with identity reached among the adolescents from regular and from social risk families, reached in four states (diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium and identity achievement) in two areas: ideology (personality) and interpersonal (social) relations areas.

Socialinis darbas su socialinės rizikos šeimomis, siekiant užtikrinti vaiko teises jose / Social work securing child rights in social risk families

Leonavičienė, Audronė 12 June 2013 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas socialinis darbas su socialinės rizikos šeimomis, siekiant užtikrinti vaiko teises jose. Supažindinama su vaiko teisėmis šeimoje, socialinio darbo su rizikos šeimomis organizavimu ir vykdymu. / This bachelor thesis analyzes the social work with social risk families to ensure children's rights in it. Introducing children's rights within the family, social work with families at risk organization and execution.

Socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų poreikių tenkinimo galimybės vaikų dienos centre / Opportunities to meet the needs in child day center for children from social risk families

Kumpiniauskienė, Andželinka 03 June 2014 (has links)
Aktualumas. Šiais laikais socialinės rizikos šeimos – tai aktualus ir neišvengiamas valstybės rūpestis, kuris reikalauja neatidėliotinų sprendimo būdų. Rizikos šeimose augantys vaikai reikalauja išskirtinio dėmesio, todėl situacijai pataisyti įsteigiami dienos centrai, kurių viena iš funkcijų yra vaikų poreikių tenkinimo galimybės – jų veikla itin aktuali, stengiantis socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikams sukurti pilnavertį gyvenimą. Darbo objektas – socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų poreikių tenkinimas vaikų dienos centre. Darbo tikslas – teoriškai ir empiriškai pagrįsti vaikų dienos centro galimybes, tenkinant socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų poreikius. Darbo metodai. Teoriniai. Su tyrimo problema susijusios mokslinės bei kitos literatūros, teisės aktų analizė. Empiriniai. Anketinė apklausa – sudaryta anketa, kuria naudojantis buvo siekiama surinkti informaciją apie socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų poreikių tenkinimo galimybes vaikų dienos centre. Duomenų analizės metodai. Programos Windows Microsoft Exel ir SPSS. 17.0 (Statistical package For Social Science). Tyrimo hipotezė. Tikėtina, kad vaikų dienos centre socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų poreikiai yra patenkinami. Tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai iš dalies patvirtino hipotezę – šiuo metu probleminėse šalies teritorijose esančiuose VDC yra pakankamai gerai patenkinami socialinės rizikos šeimų vaikų poreikiai mokymosi bei socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo atžvilgiu. Tačiau vaikų poreikiai sveiko gyvenimo būdo ugdymo atžvilgiu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance. Nowadays social risk families are actual and inevitable care of the state, which requires immediate solutions. Children from social risk families require special attention, so for this reason child day centers are establishing. One of function of these centers is opportunities to meet children needs – activity of these centers is very actual, because of efforts to make children life complete. Object of the thesis. Meeting of the needs in child day center of children from social risk families. Aim of the thesis. To base empirically child day center‘s opportunities to meet needs of children from social risk families. Thesis methods. Theoretical. Analysis of problem related scientific and other literature, legislation. Empirical. A questionnaire-based survey – was made questionnnaire, which was used in order to collect information about opportunities of child day centre to meet the needs of children from social risk families. Data analysis methods. Programs Windows Microsoft Exel ir SPSS. 17.0 (Statistical package For Social Science). Hypothesis of the research. It is likely that the needs of children from social risk families are met in child day center. Results of the research. The results partially confirmed the hypothesis – currently social risk families children needs of learning and social skills education in CDC located in problematical country‘s areas are is fairly well satisfied. But children needs of healthy lifestyle in most CDC are satisfied only... [to full text]

Moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, teikiančių sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas, bendradarbiavimo galimybių ir kliūčių analizė / Analysis of possibilities and obstacles of cooperation between women from families at social risk and public health care specialists providing health promotion services

Eidukaitytė, Aušra 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų ir visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistų, teikiančių sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas, bendradarbiavimo galimybes ir kliūtis. Tyrimo klausimai: 1. Ar moterys iš socialinės rizikos šeimų yra informuotos apie visuomenės sveikatos paslaugas? 2. Koks moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūris į bendradarbiavimą su visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistais, teikiančiais sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas? 3. Kokios galimybės ir kliūtys, moterų iš socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūriu, bendradarbiauti su visuomenės sveikatos priežiūros specialistais, teikiančiais sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugas? Tyrimo metodika. Buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, taikant pusiau struktūruotą giluminį interviu ir kokybinę turinio analizę. Pusiau struktūruotas interviu buvo atliktas naudojant parengtą klausimyną – vedamuosius klausimus. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas 2013 m. gruodžio– 2014 m. kovo mėnesiais. Viso atlikti 8 interviu. Tyrime dalyvavo 8 moterys iš socialinės rizikos šeimų, gaunančios socialinę pašalpą bei socialines paslaugas. Rezultatai. Tyrimo dalyvės yra nepakankamai informuotos apie visuomenės sveikatos biurus bei juose dirbančius specialistus. Nors sveikatos stiprinimą dauguma supranta, tačiau sveikatos stiprinimo paslaugų spektrą, teikimo būdus menkai žino. Informuotumą apie sveikatos stiprinimą lemia nesidomėjimas su sveikatos stiprinimu susijusia informacija dėl nepalankios pacientui sveikatos priežiūros sistemos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study is to analyze the possibilities and obstacles of cooperation between women from families at social risk and public health care specialists providing health promotion services. Research questions: 1. Are women from families at social risk informed about public health care services? 2. What is the viewpoint of women from families at social risk towards cooperation with public health care specialists providing health promotion services? 3. What are the possibilities and obstacles of cooperation with public health care specialists providing health promotion services as seen by women from families at social risk? Research methods. A qualitative research was carried out by employing a semi-structured in-depth interview and qualitative content analysis. The semi-structured interview was performed by using a prepared questionnaire, i.e. the leading questions. The study was carried out from December 2013 to March 2014. A total of eight interviews were held. Eight women from families at social risk receiving benefits and social services participated in the study. Results. The participants of the study were not sufficiently informed about public health care offices and their specialists. Even though many women understood what public promotion was, they had little knowledge about the range of health promotion services and their provision methods. The level of knowledge about health promotion depended on the lack of interest in information related to health... [to full text]

La notion de risque social : une responsabilité au secours de la dignité de la victime / Social Risk : a liability to protect the victim’s dignity

Courvalin, Thomas 16 December 2013 (has links)
La notion de risque social est immédiatement associée au droit de la sécurité sociale. Pourtant, cette notion est apparue dans un tout autre contexte, celui de la souveraineté de l’Etat. A la fin du XIXème siècle, la théorie de la souveraineté de l’Etat avait pour corollaire son irresponsabilité lorsqu’il exerçait ses trois prérogatives régaliennes, celle de rendre la justice, celle d’assurer la sécurité intérieure, celle d’assurer la sécurité extérieure. Par un parallélisme des formes parfait, la notion de risque social a été inventée en 1895 par les parlementaires pour permettre l’indemnisation des victimes d’erreurs judiciaires, puis en 1970, pour les victimes de détentions provisoires injustifiées, c'est à dire lorsque l’Etat exerçait sa première prérogative régalienne, celle de rendre la justice. En 1914, la notion de risque social est insérée dans un dispositif législatif qui prévoit que l’Etat est responsable d’indemniser les victimes d’émeutes, et en 1977, pour les victimes d’infractions, reconnaissant ainsi la responsabilité de l’Etat dans l’exercice de sa deuxième prérogative régalienne, celle d’assurer la sécurité intérieure. Enfin en 2004 et en 2007, la Cour de cassation est venu reconnaître qu’en vertu du risque social, l’Etat doit sa protection à ses nationaux qui se trouvent à l’étranger, reconnaissant ainsi la responsabilité de l’Etat dans le cadre de sa troisième et dernière prérogative, celle d’assurer la sécurité extérieure. Mais surtout, la reconnaissance de la responsabilité de l’Etat s’est opérée parce que le risque social vise à protéger la dignité de la victime ; celle de la victime d’une erreur judiciaire ou d’une détention provisoire injustifiée et celle de la victime d’une émeute ou d’une infraction. / The notion of social risk is traditionally presented being at the core of the French social security system, based on social insurances. However this study shows that the notion was invented in a totally different context: the sovereignty of the State. At the end of the XIXth century, the State could not be held liable for wrongful convictions and for not ensuring the security of citizens. However, Parliament enacted four laws recognizing the State’s liability in case of wrongful convictions, wrongful custody, in case of damages ensuing riots or criminal acts. In each case, the notion of social risk was set forth to recognize State’s liability towards an individual who had suffered in its dignity. The notion of social risk cannot be fully understood without the concept of the victim’s dignity.

The risky side of creativity : a scientific investigation of creativity and domain specific risk taking

Tyagi, Vaibhav January 2017 (has links)
Previous researchers have often speculated about the role of risk taking in creativity, however this association has rarely been systematically investigated. This thesis explores the association between domain specific risk taking and creativity in human participants. It presents a systematic review of the speculations and scientific studies which aimed at uncovering the association between creativity and risk taking in various populations. This discussion aims to bring together the current knowledge centred around the link between risk taking and creativity and poses two overarching questions – Are creative individuals risk takers and if so, is this association domain specific? In five studies, the present research investigated these questions and found that creativity is strongly associated with risk taking in the social domain (but not in the financial, ethical, health/ safety or recreational domains). Additionally, with an aim to further disentangle the association between creativity and risk taking in specific populations and social situations, this thesis explored creativity in a specific group of individuals (sexual minority) who are speculated to be highly creative and are known to be more likely to take health/ safety risks such as smoking tobacco, consuming illegal drugs or engaging in unsafe sexual encounters. It was found that sexual minority (specifically bisexual individuals) were highly creative and were also more likely to take risks in various domains. As opposed to the sexual minority, another group of individuals in which creativity and risk taking are hypothesised to be different, consists of individuals who subscribe to the right-wing socio-political ideologies. As predicted, individuals who affiliated to the right-wing socio-political ideologies (in the United States) were found to be low on creativity and were significantly less likely to take risks, specifically in the social domain. A mediating role of social risk taking on the relationship between sociopolitical attitudes and creativity was also found. The research work presented in this thesis illustrates the role that social risk taking plays in creativity and paves way for the development of new ways to foster creativity.

Desempenho motor e escolar, autopercepção de competência e estado nutricional de crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade social : efeito do sexo, da idade e de uma intervenção com o clima de motivação para a maestria / A mastery climate intervention : impacto on academic and motor performance, perceptions of competence, and nutritional status of children living in social economic vulnerability

Nobre, Glauber Carvalho January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a situação de risco ou vulnerabilidade social pode afetar importantes aspectos do desenvolvimento de crianças e programas de intervenção são imporantes para promover o desenvolvimento de crianças nessa situação. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: investigar o desempenho em habilidades motoras fundamentais (HMF), o estado nutricional, a auto percepção de competência (PC) e o desempenho escolar (DE) de crianças em vulnerabilidade social de acordo com: (1) sexo (2) com a idade; (3) verificar o impacto de uma intervenção com o clima de motivação para a maestria nesssas variáveis e (4) verificar como as associações entre o desempenho motor e escolar, o estado nutricional, a auto percepção de competência, o sexo e a idade nessas crianças se estabelecem a priori e como um programa de intervenção com o clima de motivação para a maestria pode promover alterações nas relações entre essas variáveis. Método: participaram deste estudo 211 crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade social, de ambos os sexos (87 meninas, 41%), com idade entre sete e 10 anos (M=8.3, DP=0.9) provenientes de escolas públicas do Ceará, Brasil. O Test of Gross Motor Development – 2 foi empregado para verificar o desempenho em HMF das crianças. O estado nutricional foi analisado por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC) para idade. A “Self-Perception Profile for Children" foi utilizada para avaliar a PC. O desempenho de leitura, escrita e aritmética foi avaliado por meio do Teste de Desempenho Escolar. No estudo interventivo, 117 crianças compuseram o grupo de intervenção (IG), 45 meninas, 38,5%) e 94 o grupo de comparação (CG), 65 meninas, 55,6%). A intervenção foi realizada em 36 sessões / 140 minutos cada sessão (60 minutos de atividades acadêmicas, 20 minutos de descanso e lanche e 60 minutos de práticas motoras), três vezes por semana durante 12 semanas A intervenção foi implementada o clima de motivação para a maestria. Resultados: análises multivariadas de covariância (MANCOVA) ajustadas pela idade não mostraram efeito significativo do sexo nas habilidades locomotoras (=0.945 F(6,203)=1.963 p=0.073 ²=0.055). Houve efeito do sexo nas habilidades de controle de objetos (=0.848 F(6,203)=6.052 p<0.001 ²=0.152); sendo observado desempenho superior dos meninos no rebater, no chutar, no arremesso por cima e no rolar. Análises de coraviância não paramétrica de Quade não mostraram diferenças no IMC bruto entre os sexos. A maioria das crianças apresentou peso saúdável (90.8%, meninas e 91.9% meninos). A MANCOVA não mostrou efeito do sexo sobre as dimensões da PC (=0.991 F(6,203)=2.508 p=0.931 ²=0.009). A maioria das crianças reportou percepção moderada. Não houve efeito do sexo no DE (=0.980 F(4,203)=1.058 p=0.378 ²=0.020). Em ambos os sexos, os resultados indicaram desempenho categorizado como inferior (entre 65.3% e 93.5% das crianças). A análise multivariada de variância (MANOVA) mostrou efeito da idade no salto horizontal (entre 9 e 10 anos), na corrida lateral (7 em relação as outras idades), no receber (7 e 10 anos) e no rolar (7 anos em relação a 8 e 10 anos). A maioria das crianças mostrou proficiência pobre. Houve diferenças significativas no IMC na maioria das idades. A MANOVA mostrou efeito da idade no desempenho escolar (DE) com as crianças de 7 demonstrando menor desempenho na escrita comparadas as de 9 e 10 anos. Na aritmética, na leitura e no desempenho escolar geral as crianças de sete anos mostraram menor desempenho em relação as outras idades. Não houve diferenças entre as idades de 8, 9 e 10 anos no DE. A MANOVA não mostrou efeito da idade na PC As crianças reportaram auto percepção moderada. Um percentual elevado de crianças mais jovens mostrou baixo peso para idade. Em todas as idades, a maioria das crianças mostrou desempenho inferior. Sobre o programa de intervenção com o clima de motivação para a maestria, houve impacto significativo no desempenho motor e escolar das crianças. Os resultados não mostram impacto do programa sobre a percepção de conduta comportamental nas crianças mais velha e sobre a autopercepção de aparência física das crianças em geral. Houve aumento significativo e com moderados a altos tamanhos de efeito nas outras dimensões da autopercepção de competência e no autovalor global das crianças. A estrutura das relações entre a maioria das variáveis mostrou similaridade entre o pré e pós intervenção. Mudanças no papel que algumas variáveis exerciam na estrutura das relações também foram observadas. Após o programa de intervenção com o clima de motivação para a maestria. As crianças aumentaram suas competências e as suas percepções e ao final da intervenção, dentre todas as variáveis, as percepções sobre a própria aparência física, sobre a aceitação social e sobre a conduta comportamental passaram a ter um papel mais central na rede. Conclusão: meninos e meninas em vulnerabilidade social mostraram desempenho pobre na maioria das habilidades motoras, auto percepção de competências moderada e desempenho escolar pobre. Os resultados ainda sugerem uma estabilização no desempenho de HMF, na PC, atrasos no DE além de alta prevalência de baixo peso nas crianças mais jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade social A intervenção com o clima de motivação para a maestria repercuteu positivamente no desempenho motor e acadêmico e nas auto percepções da competência das crianças que vivem a vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, reforçando o papel das intervenções que ajudam as crianças a se tornarem mais precisas e a percepção das próprias competências nos diferentes domínios do comportamento humano. o clima de motivação para a maestria causou impacto positivo sobre a maioria das variáveis investigadas reforçando a implementação de estratégias motivacionais efetivas e práticas apropriadas que permitem à criança experiências que respeitem seus recursos e restrições físicas e gerem satisfação, autonomia e motivação para realização. Ainda, no presente estudo, uma vez que as crianças aumentaram suas habilidades e suas percepções de competência talvez elas passaram a ter mais necessidade de utilizar as informações oriundas de parâmetros externos para manterem reforçando positivamente os julgamentos sobre a própria competência. / Introduction: The risk situation or social vulnerability can affect important aspects of child development and intervention programs are important to promote the development of children in this situation. The objectives of this study were: to investigate the performance in fundamental motor skills (HMF), nutritional status, self-perception of competence (CP) and school performance (SD) of children in social vulnerability according to: 1) gender; 2) with age; (3) to verify the impact of an intervention with the climate of motivation for mastery of these variables, and (4) to verify how the associations between motor performance and schooling, nutritional status, self-perception of competence, sex and age in these Children are established a priori and as an intervention program with the mood of mastery motivation can promote changes in the relationships between these variables. Method: 211 children in socially vulnerable situations (87 girls, 41%), aged seven to 10 years old (M = 8.3, SD = 0.9) from public schools in Ceará, Brazil participated in this study. The Test of Gross Motor Development - 2 was used to verify the performance in HMF of the children. The nutritional status was analyzed by means of the body mass index (BMI) for age. The performance of reading, writing and arithmetic was assessed by means of the School Performance Test. In the intervention study, 117 children comprised the intervention group (GI), 45 Girls, 38.5%) and 94 the comparison group (CG), 65 girls, 55.6%) The intervention was performed in 36 sessions / 140 minutes each session (60 minutes of academic activities, 20 minutes of rest and Snack and 60 minutes of motor skills), three times a week for 12 weeks, and the motivation climate for mastery was implemented. Results: multivariate analyzes of covariance (MANCOVA) adjusted for age did not show significant effect of gender on locomotor skills ( = 0.945 F (6.203) = 1.963 p = 0.073 ² = 0.055). There was gender effect on the control abilities of objects ( = 0.848 F (6.203) = 6.052 p <0.001 ² = 0.152); Being observed superior performance of the boys in the rebater, in the kick, in the throw over and in the roll. Quade's non-parametric analysis showed no difference in gross BMI between the sexes. The majority of the children presented healthy weight (90.8%, girls and 91.9% boys). MANCOVA did not show sex effect on PC dimensions ( = 0.991 F (6.203) = 2.508 p = 0.931 ² = 0.009). Most children reported moderate perception. There was no effect of sex on ED ( = 0.980 F (4.203) = 1.058 p = 0.378 ² = 0.020). In both sexes, the results indicated performance categorized as inferior (between 65.3% and 93.5% of the children) The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) showed the effect of age on the horizontal jump (between 9 and 10 years), on lateral running (7 in relation to other ages), on receiving (7 and 10 years) and on rolling (7 years in To 8 and 10 years). Most children showed poor proficiency. There were significant differences in BMI at most ages. MANOVA showed an effect of age on school performance (SD) with the children of 7 demonstrating a lower performance in writing compared to 9 and 10 years. In arithmetic, reading, and overall school performance, seven-year-olds showed lower performance than other ages. There were no differences between the ages of 8, 9 and 10 years in ED. MANOVA showed no effect of age on CP. The children reported moderate self-perception. A high percentage of younger children showed low weight for age. In all ages, most children showed inferior performance. Regarding the intervention program with the climate of motivation for mastery, there was a significant impact on children's motor and school performance. The results do not show the program's impact on the perception of behavioral behavior in older children and on the self-perception of the physical appearance of the children in general. There was a significant increase and with moderate to high effect sizes in the other dimensions of self-rated competence and the overall self-worth of children The structure of the relationships between the majority of the variables showed similarity between the pre and post intervention. Changes in the role played by some variables in the structure of relationships were also observed. After the intervention program with the mood of motivation for mastery. Children increased their skills and perceptions and at the end of the intervention, among all variables, perceptions about one's physical appearance, social acceptance and behavioral behavior began to play a more central role in the network. Conclusion: boys and girls in social vulnerability showed poor performance in most motor skills, self-perception of moderate skills and poor school performance. The results also suggest a stabilization in the performance of HMF, PC, delays in ED in addition to high prevalence of underweight in younger children in situations of social vulnerability. Intervention with the motivation climate for mastery had a positive impact on motor and academic performance and self-perceptions of the competence of children living with socioeconomic vulnerability, reinforcing the role of interventions that help children become more precise and the perception of their own Competence in the different domains of human behavior. The motivation climate for mastery has had a positive impact on most of the investigated variables, reinforcing the implementation of effective motivational strategies and appropriate practices that allow the child experiences that respect their resources and physical constraints and generate satisfaction, autonomy and motivation for achievement. Also, in the present study, since children have increased their abilities and perceptions of competence, they may have become more in need of using information from external parameters in order to positively reinforce the judgments about their own competence.

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