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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Có đi có lại mới toại lòng nhau" Circulation non marchande et relations sociales dans un village du delta du fleuve Rouge (Nord du Vietnam) : donner, recevoir et rendre pour s'allier

Pannier, Emmanuel 26 September 2012 (has links)
L'enjeu de cette recherche ethnologique consiste à saisir quelques traits et expressions de la socialité vietnamienne à travers l'étude de la circulation non marchande dans un village au Nord du Vietnam. La première partie vise à définir les manifestations concrètes, la nature et le fonctionnement de la circulation non marchande telle qu'elle se déploie dans le village. La deuxième partie s'attache à analyser les significations et les fonctions sociales de ce système de prestations symboliques. La description ethnographique de ce système montre qu'il s'affirme comme un dispositif de transferts ritualisés, selon lequel les agents sociaux donnent, lors d'occasions définies, à celui qui en a besoin au moment où il en a besoin. Ce système de dons cérémoniels est fondé sur l'entraide, la réciprocité des gestes et l'entretien de dettes morales. L'examen des rapports sociaux en jeu dans la circulation des dons permet de dresser une carte de l'organisation des relations sociales selon les degrés de proximité relationnelle. Cette étude se termine sur la fonction sociale de ces prestations réciproques, qui consiste à inaugurer et à perpétuer des relations tình cảm, c'est-à-dire des relations chargées d'affection spontanée et morale à la fois. En tant que dons d'alliance qui participent à réguler les relations personnelles, nous estimons que les transferts cérémoniels incarnent l'« instant fugitif où la société prend » (Mauss, 1999 : 275) en milieu rural au Nord du Vietnam. La conclusion tente une généralisation du propos à travers la description du giao lưu, qui consiste à se rencontrer et à échanger en vue d'actualiser, de sceller et de renforcer des relations sociales. / The following ethnological research aims at grasping a few characteristic features of the Vietnamese principles of sociality, through the study of non-commercial transactions taking place in a village located in the Northern Vietnam. The first part of the doctoral thesis lists the forms, the practices and the nature of non-commercial transactions occurring in the village. The second part analyses the social meanings and functions of those symbolics transactions. The ethnographic description of the system shows that most of the transactions occurring are ritualized : on defined occasions, villagers give a gift to someone else in need and at the moment when they need it. Those non-commercial transactions can be defined as a system of ceremonial gif-giving based on mutual aid, gesture reciprocity, and moral debt. The study of the connections between the gifts given and the social relations involved in the transactions allow us to map out the organization of the social relations according to the degrees of closeness. This study ends with the analysis of the social function entailed by mutual gifts. Their role is mainly to create and strengthen tình cảm, relationships, that is to say relationships filled with spontaneous and moral feelings. Because those « bonding gifts » participate to the regulation of the personnel relationship in the village, we can consider that they embody that «fleeting moment when society sets » (Mauss, 1999: 275) in rural area in Northern Vietnam.


Bellamy, Robyn Lyle, robyn.bellamy@flinders.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Social relationships, habitat utilisation and life history characteristics provide a framework which enables the survival of populations in fluctuating ecological conditions. An understanding of behavioural ecology is critical to the implementation of Natural Resource Management strategies if they are to succeed in their conservation efforts during the emergence of climate change. Egernia whitii from Wedge Island in the Spencer Gulf of South Australia were used as a model system to investigate the interaction of life history traits, scat piling behaviour and chemosensory communication in social lizards. Juveniles typically took ¡Ý 3 years to reach sexual maturity and the results of skeletochronological studies suggested longevity of ¡Ý 13 years. Combined with a mean litter size of 2.2, a pregnancy rate estimated at 75% of eligible females during short-term studies, and highly stable groups, this information suggests several life history features. Prolonged juvenile development and adult longevity may be prerequisite to the development of parental care. Parental care may, in turn, be the determining factor that facilitates the formation of small family groups. In E. whitii parental care takes the form of foetal and neonatal provisioning and tolerance of juveniles by small family or social groups within established resource areas. Presumably, resident juveniles also benefit from adult territorialism. Research on birds suggests that low adult mortality predisposes cooperative breeding or social grouping in birds, and life history traits and ecological factors appear to act together to facilitate cooperative systems. E. whitii practice scat piling both individually and in small groups. Social benefits arising from signalling could confer both cooperative and competitive benefits. Permanent territorial markers have the potential to benefit conspecifics, congenerics and other species. The high incidence of a skink species (E. whitii) refuging with a gecko species (N. milii) on Wedge Island provides an example of interspecific cooperation. The diurnal refuge of the nocturnal gecko is a useful transient shelter for the diurnal skink. Scat piling may release a species ¡®signature¡¯ for each group that allows mutual recognition. Scat piling also facilitates intraspecific scent marking by individual members, which has the potential to indicate relatedness, or social or sexual status within the group. The discovery of cloacal scent marking activity is new to the Egernia genus. E. Whitii differentiate between their own scats, and conspecific and congeneric scats. They scent mark at the site of conspecific scats, and males and females differ in their response to scent cues over time. Scat piling has the potential to make information concerning the social environment available to dispersing transient and potential immigrant conspecifics, enabling settlement choices to be made. This thesis explores some of the behavioural strategies employed by E. whitii to reduce risks to individuals within groups and between groups. Scents eliciting a range of behavioural responses relevant to the formation of adaptive social groupings, reproductive activity, and juvenile protection until maturity and dispersal are likely to be present in this species. Tests confirming chemosensory cues that differentiate sex, kin and age would be an interesting addition to current knowledge. The interaction of delayed maturity, parental care, sociality, chemosensory communication and scat piling highlights the sophistication of this species¡¯ behaviour. An alternative method for permanently marking lizards was developed. Persistence, reliability and individual discrimination were demonstrated using photographic identification and the method was shown to be reliable for broad-scale application by researchers. Naturally occurring toe loss in the field provided a context against which to examine this alternative identification method and revealed the need to further investigate the consequences of routine toe clipping, as this practice appears to diminish survivorship.

Influences de l’organisation du paysage sur l’abondance des abeilles sauvages, leur diversité et le service de pollinisation en prairie permanente / Influences of landscape organization on the abundance of wild bees, their diversity and the pollination service in permanent grasslands

Van Reeth, Colin 27 November 2017 (has links)
Les abeilles sauvages (20 000 espèces à travers le monde) participent à la pollinisation de 87,5% des espèces de plantes. Le récent déclin des abeilles sauvages en Europe met en péril la viabilité du service de pollinisation. Parmi les causes de ce déclin, la diminution des surfaces d’habitats semi-naturels (e.g. les prairies permanentes), fournissant aux abeilles sauvages des ressources floristiques diversifiées, joue un rôle particulièrement important. En parallèle de cette diminution des habitats semi-naturels qui s’est opérée depuis la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle, on observe sur la même période une forte expansion de la surface de colza en Europe. Cette culture offre une ressource abondante de nectar et de pollen pendant sa période de floraison. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer quelles sont les influences de l’organisation spatiale des habitats semi-naturels et du colza sur l’abondance des abeilles sauvages, leur diversité et le service de pollinisation en prairie permanente. Pour répondre à cet objectif, plusieurs expérimentations ont été mises en œuvre dans des prairies permanentes du Parc Naturel Régional de Lorraine, pendant et après la floraison du colza. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que les surfaces de colza en fleur et d’habitats semi-naturels influencent l’abondance et la richesse spécifique des abeilles en prairie permanente (effets différents en fonction de leur socialité) ainsi que la distribution intra-spécifique des tailles du corps d’Andrena cineraria. Les effets du colza s’estompent quelques semaines après la floraison du colza. Dans un second temps, nous avons trouvé que l’abondance en prairies d’Andrena cineraria (une espèce dont le pic d’émergence et le nourrissage des larves coïncident avec la floraison du colza) pendant une année N est reliée positivement à la surface occupée par le colza lors de l’année N-1. Enfin, une dernière expérimentation a été menée pour comprendre l’effet du colza sur le service de pollinisation en prairie permanente. Nos résultats montrent que l’augmentation de la surface de colza dans le paysage engendre une diminution du succès reproducteur chez Cardamine pratensis, une plante sauvage fleurissant à la même période que le colza. Ce travail de thèse souligne l’influence du colza et des habitats semi-naturels sur plusieurs niveaux trophiques (pollinisateurs, plantes sauvages) et niveaux d’organisation du vivant (communauté et population) en prairie permanente / Wild bees (20 000 species worldwide) contribute to the pollination of 87.5% of angiosperm species. The decline of wild bees in Europe jeopardizes the sustainability of the pollination service. Among the causes of this decline, the diminution of the surface of semi-natural habitats (e.g. permanent grasslands), providing diverse floristic resources, plays an important role. While the surface of semi-natural habitats has reduced since the second half of the 20th century, the surface of oilseed rape has considerably increased in Europe. Oilseed rape offers a large amount of nectar and pollen during its flowering. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the spatial organization of semi-natural habitats and oilseed rape fields on the abundance of wild bees, their diversity and the pollination service in permanent grasslands. To achieve this objective, we implemented several experiments in permanent grasslands of the “Parc Naturel Régional de Lorraine”, during and after oilseed rape flowering. Firstly, we showed that the areas covered by flowering oilseed rape fields and semi-natural habitats influence the abundance and species richness of bees in permanent grasslands (different influences according to their sociality) as well as the body size intra-specific distribution of Andrena cineraria. Effects of oilseed rape disappear few weeks after oilseed rape flowering. Secondly, we found that the abundance in grasslands of Andrena cineraria (a species whose peak activity and larval feeding coincide with oilseed rape flowering period), during year N is positively related to the area covered by oilseed rape during the year N-1. Finally, a last experiment was conducted to detect potential effects of flowering oilseed rape on the pollination service in permanent grasslands. Our results showed that increasing areas of flowering oilseed rape in the landscape lead to a reduction of the reproductive success of Cardamine pratensis, a co-flowering wild plant in permanent grasslands. This study highlights the influence of oilseed rape on several trophic levels (pollinators and wild plants) and levels of organization of life (community and population) in permanent grasslands

An interrogation of the context referentiality of postcolonial Shona popular music in Zimbabwe : a search for the contemporary leitmotifs

Mudzanire, Benjamin 11 1900 (has links)
The study interrogates the context reflectivity of postcolonial Shona popular music in Zimbabwe. It also explores the extent to which the legal environment in which the same music is produced, disseminated and consumed affects expressivity and artistic precision. The study is inspired by the New Historicism theory which assumes that every work of art is a product of the historical moment that created it and can be identified with the cultural and political movements of the time. The same is believed of popular music. The study is also beholden to the Marxist literary tradition for its assessment of the discourse of politics and socio-economic issues in popular music. For all the analysis, an Afrocentric eye view informs the thesis. Being qualitative in perspective, the research mainly uses the hermeneutic research design as an operational framework for the interpretation of lyrical data. Hermeneutics, as a method of textual analysis, emphasizes the socio-cultural and historic influences on qualitative interpretation. Postcolonial Shona popular music is purposively sampled and critically studied using the hermeneutic method to tease out latent social and political nuances in lyrical data. Interviews are roped in as alternative opinions to validate hermeneutic data. The research observes that the legislative environment in which Zimbabwean popular music is composed is, on paper, very conducive for the art but in practice severely restrictive. The constitution allows the artiste sufficient space to sing any subject but confessions by some critics alert on the incidences of some censored products. Even against that backdrop artistes have gone on to compose politically suggestive music. However, from the first decade of independence, the tendency for the artiste has been to flow with the meta-narrative or hegemonic discourses of the state, while in the later decades the artiste sounds critical of the nationalist government. Realising the power of music to articulate serious national issues; among other prescriptions, the study recommends that government creates a flexible and democratic legislation that allows for unbounded creativity and consumption of artistic products. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Teknologi i den tredje åldern : - Hur relationen mellan äldre och digitalisering avbildas inom forskning och media / Technology in the Third Age : - How the Relationship Between Seniors and Digitization are Portrayed in Research and Media

Algborn, Sebastian, Brankovic, Mahir January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur äldre människors relation till digitaliseringen avbildas inom forskning och media. Detta har gjorts genom att utföra en kvalitativ diskursanalytisk litteraturstudie över 13 st publicerade och referentgranskade forskningsartiklar samt 13 st publicerade artiklar i svenska dagstidningar. Resultaten från de olika diskurserna har sedan jämförts med varandra under ett avsnitt som täcker dess likheter och skillnader. Sammanfattningsvis så avbildas gruppen ”äldre” olika inom forskningsdiskursen och den mediala diskursen, där det finns märkbara skillnader över hur äldre avbildas som grupp i sig, samt vilka vägar som är bäst att gå när det kommer till äldres potentiella bemötande av digitaliseringsprocessen. / The purpose of this essay is to create a deeper understanding of how seniors' relationship with digitization are portrayed in research and media. We have done this by performing a qualitative discourse analytic literature study over 13 published and peer-reviewed research articles as well as 13 articles published in Swedish newspapers. The results from the different discourses have afterwards been compared with each other under a section that covers their similarities and differences. In summary, the group ”seniors” are portrayed differently within the research discourse and the media discourse, where there are noticeable differences over how seniors are portrayed, as well as a group within itself, also regarding which paths are best to take when it comes to the potential treatment of the process of digitization.

Eucharistic Unity, Fragmented Body: Christian Social Practice and the Market Economy

DeLong, Tyler Benjamin 27 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Ce sang qui n’est pas le mien : sens, liens et paradoxes de la transfusion sanguine : une étude anthropologique des familles en contexte clinique pédiatrique.

Gomez Cardona, Liliana 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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