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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiklassificering av reservdelar : En fallstudie om anskaffningsstrategi och lagerstyrning / Multicriteria classification of spare parts : A case study of procurement strategies and inventory management

Larsson, Philip, Sörman, Noah January 2019 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med studien är ”…att undersöka hur anskaffning av reservdelar kan effektiviseras, utifrån multipla klassificeringsaspekter”. För att besvara syftet har tre frågeställningar formulerats: 1. Vilka aspekter är viktiga vid anskaffning av reservdelar? 2. Hur kan reservdelar klassificeras utifrån aspekterna? 3. Vilka anskaffningsstrategier kan tillämpas på de olika kategorierna av reservdelar? Metod – Studien utfördes som en fallstudie där målet var att studera ett fallföretags processer i deras naturliga sammanhang. Studiens data insamlades via en dokumentstudie samt tre intervjuer med administrativ personal vilket användes tillsammans med tidigare akademisk litteratur. Resultat – Både tidigare teori och insamlad empiriska data pekade på fyra aspekter att beakta vid anskaffning av reservdelar; kriticitet, ledtid, efterfrågan och kostnad. Reservdelarna kunde utefter de fyra beskrivna aspekterna separat tilldelas en klassificering, där flera metoder kombineras till en multiklassificering-modell. Efter klassificering möjliggjordes utformningen av olika anskaffningsstrategier med lämpliga lagerpolicyers, partiformningsmetoder, orderpunkter och övervakningsmetoder för diverse kategori, för att effektivisera lagerstyrningen. Implikationer – Studiens resultat visar en möjlig kombination för att utföra en multiklassificering baserad på kriticitet, ledtid, efterfrågan och kostnad. En sådan klassificering kan hjälpa företag som är starkt beroende av reservdelar att veta vilka reservdelar som mest fokus bör läggas på i anskaffningen. Begränsningar – Studien innefattade enbart ett företag vilket reducerar dess generaliserbarhet. Fallföretaget var dessutom I underhållsbranschen vilket medförde att reservdelar användes till att underhålla kunders produkter och inte egen utrustning.

Utveckling av metoder för utlastningsytor : En analys för hur utlastningsytor kan standardiseras och effektiviseras

Liljegren, Filip, Lövstedt, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study has been to analyse how activities on loading spaces can be standardized and more effective. The following two questions have been chosen to answer the purpose of the study. 1. Which activities are currently being performed in a disadvantageous manner on loading spaces? 2. Which improvements can be made to enable optimization on loading spaces? Method – A pilot study was conducted at a fall company to identify the purpose to the study and its research questions. The case study was conducted in the form of a onecase design since case study was conducted at only one company. The case study consisted of observations, interviews and document studies. In order to design a theoretical framework as a theoretical basis of the study, a literature review was made. The literature review gave a background to theories in Lean, 5S, Standardized work, Muscle memory, ABC analysis, Poka-Yoke, Warehouse layout and Process mapping. Findings – The study presents several activities that are performed in a disadvantageous way. Examples of these activities are variation in placement of sorting codes, inbound goods or consumables on the loading space and plural wastes connected to a scanning process. An ABC analysis of sorting codes, implementation of 5S and standardized work together with has led to a finding who shows the correlation between the abovementioned methods and how it leads to a standardized and effective work on the loading space. Implications – Based on an existing problem, the study has been based on previously known theories and methods in the areas of inventory and logistics. The study do not present any new theory in these areas but shows the correlations between different methods to standardize and make loading spaces more effective. The correlation between the methods has led to a standardized work process and guideline for how a loading space can be designed which is a relatively unexplored area. Limitations – The study was conducted at a fall company based on their problems at the loading space. A benchmarking within a similar business could increase the understanding of the problems at loading spaces and thus increase generalization further. In the document study have some statistics concerning sorting codes been unspecified, which may have affected the ABC classification. Further does the study only cover activities on the loading space. Activities earlier in the flow have not been taken into consideration which could lead to more solutions to the purpose of the study. Keywords – Loading space, 5S, Standardized work, ABC classification, Wastes, Sorting code, Pallets, Visual aids, Scanning

Kontroll över informationsspridning vid outsourcing av underhåll för säkerhetskritiska system : En fallstudie inom industrisektorn

Törnell, Louise, Myr, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Outsourcing of the maintenance activities related to safety-critical systems poses several challenges, where unauthorised access can lead to severe consequences in terms of data vulnerability and huge income lost. Companies can prevent the dissemination of information by managing security, which also contributes to economic and social sustainability. The purpose of the study was to investigate how organizations in the industrial sector deal with the issues of information dissemination in the outsourcing of maintenance activities related to safety-critical systems. To study the area, eleven companies have been interviewed where the results have been compiled in a cross-case analysis, which has been analysed against previous research. The study shows that there are several factors leading to an increased risk of undesired dissemination. Furthermore, the study has resulted in a model for managing control over the dissemination of information in the outsourcing of maintenance for safety-critical systems.

Mapping of the Air Freight Handling at Stockholm Arlanda Airport

Henriksson, Frida Thoursie, Petersson, Joakim January 2019 (has links)
The main problem with air freight handling at Arlanda is the transportation of freight on airside, that is from the freight terminal to loading process at the aircraft. To approach this problem, a mapping of the physical flow as well as information flow has been made to identify underlying reasons to this problem. This has been the purpose of the study.The mapping has also facilitated the possibilities to identify improvements in the air freight handling process. To give a recommendation of what these improvements could be was the objective of the study.The underlying reasons for the main problem were identified. These causes were space restrictions on the apron, traffic congestion, and lack of freight storage areas by the gates. This aggravates the possibility to prepare freight for each flight departure. The recommendations to Swedavia are long-term measures that should be further explored. These recommendations regard total cost analysis of using fridge containers, co-owned ground handling equipment, IT possibilities,and comparison to other airports.

Införande av containerlager för ökad flexibilitet av intermodala transporter : En fallstudie hos Holmen Paper Braviken

Ottosson, Marcus, Sollerud, Nils January 2019 (has links)
A well-functioning transport system that can ensure efficient distribution is an important part of a mass-producing company. This is also the case for Holmen Paper Braviken, a paper mill with a widespread market base. Both today and historically, a large market share has been found in Europe, where a large proportion of the paper produced has been transported by truck and boat. In recent times, the demand for container transports has become higher as a result of sales in increasingly widespread markets. It is a trend that is forecasted to continue and to ensure that increased volumes henceforth still can be transported, Holmen Paper Braviken's current container transport solution has become interesting to investigate. In this study, the current process for container transports is examined as an outset and basis for identifying a possible solution that in the long term can facilitate a suitable development. It is clear that the current process for container transport is standardized with few adaptable possibilities but is well-functioning under the present conditions. However, hard endeavors are needed in specific periods due to high variations in volumes, which suggests a need to be flexible in adjustments. Furthermore, a container warehouse was identified as a possible development for the existing process. A container warehouse can lead to higher flexibility in transport activities by enabling the possibility to allocate and plan transports and resources to a greater extent. Since loading of containers is made possible when the undertakings are low, which can ease coming periods where there is a spike in demand. Therefore, loading operations can be spread out better over time and resources can more easily be redistributed based on the existing conditions of demand.   However, the introduction of a container warehouse is currently not seen as a feasible change since it involves significant investments and risks. If, on the other hand, the development on the market continues according to the current pattern, said investment will become a more and more reasonable solution. Since increasingly higher demands will be placed on flexible container transports, which would warrant a container warehouse to a higher degree. / Ett välfungerande transportsystem som kan säkerställa en effektiv distribution är en viktig del i ett massproducerande företag. Så är även fallet för Holmen Paper Braviken, ett pappersbruk med en spridd marknadsbas. Både idag och historiskt har en stor marknadsandel befunnit sig inom Europa där en stor andel av det producerade pappret transporterats med lastbil och båt. Under senare tid har dock efterfrågan på containertransporter blivit högre till följd av försäljning på allt mer spridda marknader. Det är en trend som prognostiserats fortsätta och för att säkerställa att ökande volymer fortsatt kan hanteras har Holmen Paper Bravikens nuvarande transportlösning för container blivit intressant att undersöka. Som utgångsläge i den här studien undersöktes den nuvarande processen för containertransporter för att identifiera en eventuell lösning som på sikt kan underlätta för den aktuella händelseutvecklingen. Det framgår att nuvarande process för containertransporter är standardiserad och väl fungerande under dagens förutsättningar men med få anpassningsmöjligheter. I perioder förekommer det ansträngningar på nuvarande system, främst baserat på höga variationer i volymer, vilket ställer krav på en flexibel anpassningsförmåga. Vidare identifierades ett containerlager som en tänkbar utveckling till den befintliga processen. Ett containerlager kan leda till en högre flexibilitet i transportaktiviteter genom att fördela om resurser och i högre utsträckning möjliggöra långsiktig planering av transporter. Eftersom förlastning av containrar är möjligt vid låg beläggning kan man underlätta för kommande tidsperioder med hög beläggning. Det innebär att beläggningen kan jämnas ut och resurser kan i perioder enklare fördelas om efter givet tillstånd i beläggning. Införandet av ett containerlager ses i dagsläget däremot inte som en genomförbar förändring eftersom det innebär betydande investeringar och risker. Om utvecklingen på marknaden däremot fortsätter enligt nuvarande mönster kommer sagda investering bli mer och mer aktuell. Då kommer allt högre krav ställas på flexibla containertransporter där ett införande av ett containerlager skulle kunna bli berättigat.

Citylogistik : Godsflöden till och godshantering i ett köpcentrum / City logistics : The flow and handling of goods to and inside a city mall

Neman, Emma, Öz, Siyabend January 2019 (has links)
Citylogistik är ett komplext fenomen som innefattar alla resor till, ut ur och inom ett utvalt stadsområde med vägfordon vars uppgift är hämtning eller leverans av varor. Städerna är en stor drivkraft till ett enskilt lands ekonomi och då godstransporter är fundamentala för vår befintliga livsstil är det viktigare än någonsin att godsflödet i städer fungerar för att öka tillgängligheten av produkter och material. Den ökade urbaniseringen i Sverige har ökat efterfrågan på godstransporter inom städerna. Transportaktiviteter leder dock till ökade luftföroreningar, växthusgasutsläpp, buller, visuellt intrång och trafikstockningar som är kostsamt för samhället. I Europa står stadstransporter idag för en fjärdedel av transporternas koldioxidutsläpp och 69% av alla trafikolyckor sker i städer. Transportplanering är en komplicerad uppgift som innefattar många interaktioner mellan olika aktörer. Det finns många olika intressenter längs en försörjningskedja, som alla har olika krav på och uppfattningar av godstransporter. Företag tenderar att bekymra sig mer över hur kunder ska ha tillgång till tjänster och varor snarare än hur varorna ska komma till butiken. Denna studie syftar till att få en fördjupad förståelse för det komplexa logistiksystemet som finns i Skövde för att sedan utforma citylogistik åtgärder som är hållbara och främjar aktörernas intressen. Köpcentrumet Commerce i Skövdes stadskärna erhåller godsleveranser varje dag till över 50 butiker via två lastbryggor som inte har full kapacitet. För att besvara rapportens problemfrågor har mätningar och observationer utförts samt intervjuer och enkätundersökning med de aktörer som berörs inom ramen av detta arbete. Författarna har identifierat en möjlighet att tillgängliggöra kapacitet på en av lastbryggorna genom att bygga en ramp. / City logistics is a complex phenomenon that includes all trips to, out of and within a selected urban area with road vehicles whose task is to collect or deliver goods. The cities are a major driving force for an individual country's economy and, since freight transport is fundamental to our existing lifestyle, it is more important than ever that the flow of goods in cities works to increase the availability of products and materials. The increased urbanization in Sweden has increased the demand for freight transport within the cities. However, transport activities lead to increased air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, noise, visual intrusion and traffic congestion that is costly to society. Today in Europe, urban transport accounts for a quarter of the transport's carbon dioxide emissions and 69% of all traffic accidents occur in cities. Transport planning is a complicated task that involves many interactions between different stakeholders. There are many different stakeholders along a supply chain, all of which have different requirements and perceptions of freight transport. Companies tend to worry more about how customers should have access to services and products rather than how the products should be delivered. This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the complex logistics system that exists in Skövde in order to design city logistics initiative that are sustainable and promote the interests of the stakeholders. Commerce, the city mall of Skövde receives deliveries of goods every day to over 50 stores through two loading docks with limited capacity. To answer the report's problem questions, measurements and observations have been carried out, as well as interviews and questionnaires with the actors involved within the framework of this work. The authors have identified an opportunity to make capacity available on one of the loading docks by building a ramp.


[pt] Este estudo procurou conhecer melhor a vida profissional dos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Inicialmente, fez-se um apanhado histórico sobre o ônibus e o posto de trabalho deste profissional. Em seguida, relatou-se sobre os custos humanos, físicos e psíquicos envolvidos no desempenho desta atividade. Uma problematização, como parte da Apreciação Ergonômica foi realizada para levantar os principais problemas dos motoristas em seus postos de trabalho. Foram sujeitos do estudo os motoristas de uma empresa de ônibus sediados no município do Rio de Janeiro. A hipótese levantada foi de que os movimentos repetitivos levam o motorista de ônibus a adquirir uma postura inadequada, podendo ocasionar constrangimentos físicos permanentes, que podem levar a insatisfação com o exercício profissional. Uma avaliação postural foi realizada, aliada a aplicação de questionários que tentavam avaliar as reações emocionais, distúrbios de pensamento, mudanças de comportamento; reações positivas e sensações e atenção dos motoristas durante sua atividade, objetivando comprovar a hipótese estabelecida. A hipótese foi comprovada, no que diz respeito a mudança de postura: a maior parte dos motoristas avaliados tem o ombro direito deprimido em relação ao esquerdo, a cabeça inclinada para a esquerda, anteriorizada, e sentem dores nestas partes do corpo. Por outro lado, os motoristas afirmam lidar muito bem com seu trabalho, e cerca de 98% dos entrevistados responderam que gostam de seu trabalho. O fato dos motoristas gostarem do que fazem minimiza os desgastes psicológicos da profissão, mas não consegue abrandar os problemas físicos causados por ela. / [en] This study tried to know a little better the professional life of the urban bus drivers in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Firstly, a brief historical revision was done about the bus and the urban bus driver professional. Then, main information about human, physical and psychic costs where presented. A problematization, as part of Ergonomic Appreciation was performed to question about the major problems of bus drivers in their workstations. In this phase, drivers from a specific bus enterprise in Rio de Janeiro were studied. The research hypothesis was that the repetitive movements leas the bus driver to an inadequate posture, that can result in permanent physical constraints, that can stimulate dissatisfaction in professional performance. A postural evaluation was carried out, joined to questionnaires that tried to evaluate emotional reactions; thinking disturb; behavioral changes; positive reactions and sensations and attention of the bus drivers during their task, aiming to validate the hypothesis. The hypothesis was confirmed, when related to the postural change: major of the evaluated bus drivers have the right shoulder depressed if compared to his left one, and head inclined to left, forward, and feel pain in these body parts. On the other hand, the bus drivers affirm that like their work, and circa of 98% of the subjects answered that they enjoy their job. The fact of the bus drivers likes their job minimize the psychological erode of the profession, but can t reduce the physical problems associated to her.

Modell för bestämning av tillverkningskostnad med utgångspunkt från materialflöden i produktion : En fallstudie på Alderholmens mekaniska

Krstic, Nikola, Eriksson, Fanny January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: Marknadstillväxten har gått framåt senaste åren och företag bör hitta konkurrensfördelar för att fortsätta vara lönsamma. Priser bör anpassas efter marknaden och vetskap om tillverkningskostnad blir viktigt för tillverkande företag. För att beräkna tillverkningskostnad för produkter kan självkostnadskalkylering och totalkostnadsmodellen användas. Ett materialflöde i en produktion består av processer som innefattar hantering, förflyttning och lagring av material. Studien har inte funnit någon tidigare forskning eller modell som förklarar relationen mellan materialflöden och tillverkningskostnad på en detaljerad nivå vilket motiverar studien. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att utforma och utvärdera en modell för bestämning av tillverkningskostnad med utgångspunkt från materialflöden i produktion med avseende på lagring, transport och tillverkningsoperationer. Metoder: En abduktiv ansats har använts för att besvara syftet och frågeställningar där teori och empiri har inhämtats parallellt under arbetets gång. I studien har teori och empiri lagt grund för kostnadsfaktorer som påverkar tillverkningskostnaden. Utformning av modell för bestämning av tillverkningskostnad: I studien har teoretiska och empiriska undersökningar utförts för att redogöra för olika kostnadsfaktorer som påverkar tillverkningskostnaden. Modellen använder tre aktiviteter för att kategorisera identifierade kostnadsfaktorer i ett materialflöde: operation, lagring och transport. Tillämpning och utvärdering av modell: Modellen tillämpades på fallföretaget Alderholmens mekaniska. Efter tillämpningen utvärderades modellen där styrkor och utvecklingsmöjligheter presenterades. Slutsats: Studiens bidrag är en modell för beräkning av tillverkningskostnad med utgångspunkt från materialflödet i produktionen. Modellen presenterar vilka faktorer som påverkar tillverkningskostnaden. Kapitlet avslutas med rekommendationer till framtida studier för att utöka kunskapen inom ämnet.

Models for Life Cycle Cost Estimation of Spare and Wear Parts for Urban Gondola Lift Systems : A Case Study

Borhidai, András January 2019 (has links)
Urban gondola lift systems are becoming a regular sight rather than a rarity throughout the globe. Authors attribute their increasing popularity to factors such as environmental sustainability, operational reliability and cost efficiency compared to other right-of-way transit solutions. Replacing conventional modes of transit with urban gondolas cannot however be achieved without tackling several operational challenges. As potential new operators often lack the human resources and knowledge base required to successfully man, operate and maintain systems, they turn to manufacturers for increased after-sale support. Companies of the Doppelmayr Garaventa Group, the world’s largest manufacturer of gondola lifts, responded to these demand patterns by offering complete operations & maintenance contracts which, among other services, include the delivery and installation of reserve components. Calculating the total cost of such components for the life cycle of a system however still proves to be demanding and requires new computational models to increase its efficiency. The applicative purpose of this paper was thus set to formulate a model that is capable of performing life cycle cost calculations for components of urban gondola lift systems, according to a set of criterion defined by industrial entities. Its research aim is accordingly to answer questions about how concurrent instruments are set up, what models does contemporary research regard as efficient in similar industries and whether these models are able to enhance life cycle cost calculation capability within the urban gondola lift market. These aims were achieved through an analysis of current company practices, followed by the formulation of two new model alternatives based on a review of contemporary scientific literature, and concluded by an iterative process wherein the two alternatives were compared to each other in terms of performance and then merged to combine the best performing features of each version. Through a second iteration, the merged model was then compared to current instruments and established as the superior choice, using industry criteria. The paper concludes by resolving the research questions it set out to answer and making further recommendations for the direction of future research and studies.

Analysis of Travel Patterns from Cellular Network Data

Breyer, Nils January 2019 (has links)
Traffic planners are facing a big challenge with an increasing demand for mobility and a need to drastically reduce the environmental impacts of the transportation system at the same time. The transportation system therefore needs to become more efficient, which requires a good understanding about the actual travel patterns. Data from travel surveys and traffic counts is expensive to collect and gives only limited insights on travel patterns. Cellular network data collected in the mobile operators infrastructure is a promising data source which can provide new ways of obtaining information relevant for traffic analysis. It can provide large-scale observations of travel patterns independent of the travel mode used and can be updated easier than other data sources. In order to use cellular network data for traffic analysis it needs to be filtered and processed in a way that preserves privacy of individuals and takes the low resolution of the data in space and time into account. The research of finding appropriate algorithms is ongoing and while substantial progress has been achieved, there is a still a large potential for better algorithms and ways to evaluate them. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the potential and limitations of using cellular network data for traffic analysis. In the three papers included in the thesis, contributions are made to the trip extraction, travel demand and route inference steps part of a data-driven traffic analysis processing chain. To analyse the performance of the proposed algorithms, a number of datasets from different cellular network operators are used. The results obtained using different algorithms are compared to each other as well as to other available data sources. A main finding presented in this thesis is that large-scale cellular network data can be used in particular to infer travel demand. In a study of data for the municipality of Norrköping, the results from cellular network data resemble the travel demand model currently used by the municipality, while adding more details such as time profiles which are currently not available to traffic planners. However, it is found that all later traffic analysis results from cellular network data can differ to a large extend based on the choice of algorithm used for the first steps of data filtering and trip extraction. Particular difficulties occur with the detection of short trips (less than 2km) with a possible under-representation of these trips affecting the subsequent traffic analysis.

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