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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do ensino em linha ao ensino online: perspectivas para a educação online baseada na mediação professor-aluno / From in line education to online education: perspectives for online education based in teacher-student mediation

Galasso, Bruno José Betti 17 October 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a educação online, apresentando os principais elementos do ensino online colaborativo, com intuito de problematizar as características de virtualização, interação, colaboração e mediação, que representam fatores essenciais para a compreensão teórica e empírica dessa modalidade de ensino. Nesse contexto, a tese contribui com o debate sobre o tema em seus aspectos teórico-metodológicos, buscando compreender como essa modalidade pode amparar o ensino de maneira adequada e significativa, por meio de discussões acerca das tecnologias utilizadas, bem como às competências necessárias do professor mediador. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica a respeito dos elementos essenciais à educação online colaborativa e das teorias de aprendizagem interacionistas associadas a essa modalidade. Em seguida, o trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso, desenvolvido a partir de uma análise estatística de correlação, extraída por meio de um questionário fechado aplicado em estudantes do ensino superior. Além disso, o estudo de caso traz também uma análise qualitativa, pautada nas respostas abertas dos estudantes. Dos resultados desta investigação, o que se pôde abstrair foi que existem algumas premissas fundamentais para o êxito dessa modalidade educacional. Dentre as principais, estão os recursos que o ambiente virtual do curso oferece, bem como a interação e colaboração entre os alunos e o papel desempenhado pelo professor nesse ambiente. Esses elementos constituem o alicerce da educação online, pois é por meio deles que ocorre a ação educativa. Dessa harmonia entre a tecnologia disponível e o papel do professor resulta o grande trunfo da educação online, que é a interação entre os agentes do ensino. Essa forma de organização possibilita a criação de uma comunidade virtual, que tem como base as teorias de aprendizagem interacionistas, fundamentando aspectos essenciais da educação online, como a presença social e a construção coletiva de conhecimento. / The present paper has as object of study online education, presenting the main elements of collaborative online education, aiming at questioning the characteristics of virtualization, interaction, collaboration and mediation, which represent key factors for theoretical and empirical understanding of this modality of teaching. In this context, this thesis contributes to the debate on the subject in its theoretical and methodological aspects, seeking to understand how this method can support the teaching in an appropriate and significant way, through the discussions on the technologies used, as well as the necessary skills of the teacher mediator. For this, we performed a literature search regarding the elements essential to collaborative online education and theories of interactional learning associated with this modality. Then, the paper presents a case study, developed based on a statistical analysis of correlation, extracted through a closed questionnaire applied to higher education students. Moreover, the case study also brings a qualitative analysis, based on the open-ended responses of the students. Based on the outcomes of this study, we could conclude that there are some basic requirements for the success of this educational modality. Among the main requirements are the resources the virtual education environment offers, as well as the interaction and collaboration between students and the role the teacher plays in this environment. These elements constitute the foundation of online education, because they represent the means for educational action to occur. From this harmony between the available technology and the role of the teacher comes the trump card of online education, which is the interaction between the agents of education. This form of organization allows the creation of a virtual community that is based on the theories of interactional learning, supporting key aspects of online education, such as social presence and collective construction of knowledge.

虛擬社區顧客輪廓資料、關係行銷及其隱私權議題 / Customer profile, relationship marketing and privacy issues in virtual communities

郭恬如, TienJuKuo Unknown Date (has links)
虛擬社區即指原本各自獨立的電腦,因某種秩序或某種共通性被逐一串連,而創造出的網路上的新世界。在匿名的環境中人們更容易傾吐心聲,表達真實感受,殊不知個人隱私正點點滴滴被記錄與分析,也成了目標行銷的一大利器。本研究的主要重點,即在探討目前虛擬社區蒐集的個人資料內容與用途,同時援用相關法令以分析該關係行銷作法是否可能違反若干隱私權保護原則,以及試圖尋找關係行銷與網路隱私權的平衡點,讓廠商與消費者兩造各取所需互蒙其利。   透過對Blizzard、AOL、Geocities、Liberty Financial、Amazon等五個個案的分析,發現儘管虛擬社區分屬不同行業,提供的服務也相去甚遠,但所蒐集的顧客資料其實大同小異,唯可以蒐集目的來劃分關係行銷層次。且虛擬社區在維護方面無甚弊病,然在蒐集與利用部份,泰半違反隱私權保護原則(即蒐集限制、目的明確化、利用限制等原則)。   針對目前仍具爭議性的問題,本研究乃站在客觀的角度加以描述,並加入來自各方廣泛的討論內容;在整理分析過後,試圖提出適當建議,例如虛擬社區在資訊中介者與資訊統合者之間的定位問題,研討虛擬社區應當如何調整與第三者公司的合作關係,以及如何建立管理機制,讓關係行銷與隱私權保護能兩者得兼。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的與研究問題 7 第二章 文獻探討 8 第一節 虛擬社區 8 第二節 顧客輪廓資料與關係行銷 14 第三節 隱私權概說 17 第四節 電腦處理個人資料保護法 27 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 觀念架構 34 第二節 研究變數與衡量 36 第三節 研究設計 41 第四節 研究限制 45 第四章 個案研究 47 第一節 個案描述與分析 47 第二節 問題與討論 73 第五章 命題發展 78 第一節 個案觀察 78 第二節 命題推論 87 第六章 結論與建議 93 第一節 研究結論 93 第二節 研究建議 96 參考文獻 99

大中華地區跨域實境事業之創新經營模式─以KTV產業為例 / An Innovative Business Model of Across Area Service - A Case Study of KTV Industry

李旗川 Unknown Date (has links)
在大中華地區,與親朋好友至實體店面KTV唱歌是極為常見的娛樂方式,但近年來至外地念書以及至外地工作的情形屢見不鮮,因此要與親友齊聚一堂、共同歡唱實屬不易。本研究的目的乃是要提出一種創新服務的經營模式,藉由現有攝影、投影和軟體技術的組合與改良,搭配空間情境的塑造,打破地域的限制,滿足不同地區親友與網友跨地域聚會歡唱的需求。 為了找出可行的商業模式,本研究透過實地訪查臺北、北京、深圳以及雲南等地的實體店面KTV,以比較各地經營模式與服務內容的差異性;並透過實際嘗試使用線上KTV網站,以了解目前線上KTV的營運模式與優缺點;更透過訪談各類潛在消費者以及問卷調查與分析,來確認目標客群並評估目標市場的大小。本研究從調查中發現,此種跨域實境的服務除了可以滿足各地親友互相聯繫的需求外,還可滿足商業溝通、愛唱歌者媒合以及陌生網友聯誼等需求。本研究針對這四種需求的目標客群,設計不同的行銷計畫與收費方式,並提出階段性的事業發展計畫。 / In the Greater China region, singing at KTV with friends and family members is a very common entertainment. Studying and working outside the hometown has become very popular recently, so if you want to sing and gather with family and friends it may be quite difficult. The purpose of this study is to propose an innovative service business model, by combining and improving the existing photography, projection and software technology. The purpose will be achieved by shaping space scenarios, creating innovative goods and services that can break the geographical restrictions, and will give people opportunity to gather together. In order to find the viable business model, in this study I will compare differences between business model and services in KTVs in Taipei, Beijing, Guangzhou and Yunnan. I will try to use the online KTV site to learn the operating mode, pros and cons of online KTV, interview potential consumers, use the questionnaire survey, and then evaluate the size of the target market, identifying target customers and a viable business model. After being verified and amended repeatedly, this service will not only satisfy the demand of those, who want to gather with relatives and friends, but will also satisfy the demand of commercial communication, matching the people who love singing, and will also satisfy the activities of unfamiliar netizens. In this study, according to the demand for these four target customers, different marketing plans and charging methods will be designed, and phased development plan will be proposed.

Unga vuxnas upplevelser av Internet Communities : En studie om hur virtuell gemenskap kan utveckla socialt kapital och lärande

Tefera, Behailu January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka upplevelser unga vuxna har beträffande den virtuella gemenskapen på Internet communities och hur det påverkar deras hälsa och lärande. Studien grundar sig på folkhälsopedagogiskt perspektiv och bygger på en kvalitativ studie. Under genomförandet av arbetet har åtta individer deltagit i individuella intervjuer. I bakgrunden belyser jag hur den teknologiska utvecklingen förändrar det sociala samspelet i samhället. Ökande kommunikation via Internet communities har bidragit till att människor kan ha större sociala nätvärk utan fysiska hinder. Problemområdet var, att den ökande användningen av communities kan framkalla beroende som i sin tur kan ge upphov till stillasittande livsstil. Stress och brist på sömn var de symptom som har visat sig vara vanliga. I litteraturgenomgången tar jag upp betydelsen av socialt kapital, fysisk hälsa och även lärande med multimedia. I diskussionen tar jag upp vikten av socialt kapital relaterat till det virtuella samhället och på vilket sätt det kan påverka hälsa och lärande. Min konklusion av studien är att kommunikation via Internet communities blivit så pass vardagligt att det kan påverka människors hälsa och lärande, samt det även kan vara en viktig faktor för hälsa och lärande. / The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of young adults concerning the virtual community of Internet communities and how it affects their health and learning. The study is based on public health educational perspective and was based on a qualitative study. During the execution of the study, eight individuals participated in individual interviews. In the background I illustrate how technological progress changes the social interaction in society. Increased communication through Internet community has contributed for peoples to have greater social network without physical barriers. The problem area was that the growing use of online communities can cause dependence, which in return can lead to sedentary lifestyles. Stress and lack of sleep were the symptoms that have been shown to be prevalent. In the literature review I illustrate the importance of social capital, physical health and even learning with multimedia. In the discussion I discuss the importance of social capital related to the virtual community and how it may affect health and learning. My conclusion is communication through the Internet comunities has become everyday issue and that it can affect people’s health and learning. Also that it may be an important factor for health and learning.

(Fern)studium n.0: FernUniversität als Gemeinschaft

Feldmann, Birgit 23 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Artikel stellt sich die Frage wie eine Informations- und Arbeitsumgebung einer (Fern)Universität gestaltet sein muss, um den veränderten technischen und personalen Lebensumwelten Fernstudierender gerecht zu werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Entwicklung eines Community-Konzeptes als zentrales Element der Lehre im Fernstudium. Dazu wird zunächst die Notwendigkeit einer solchen Community-Umgebung als Unterstützung für zukünftiges virtuelles Studieren Lernen und Lehren in der Fernlehre belegt, mit dem Ziel, ein geeignetes Community-Konzept zu entwickeln. Nach einer kurzen Einführung wird die aktuelle Situation der FernUniversität dargestellt. Es folgt die Bestandsaufnahme der Bedürfnisse der Studierenden mit entsprechenden Schlussfolgerungen für ein Anforderungsprofil. Darauf aufbauend soll das Konzept der zukünftigen Umgebung vorgestellt. Dieses Konzept kann nicht in der Kürze dieses Artikels dargestellt werden, daher soll eine exemplarische skizzenhafte Darstellung der fertigen Umgebung einen Eindruck über die tatsächliche Nutzung der Umgebung vermitteln. Wichtiges Hilfsmittel zum Entwurf sind neben bestehenden Forschungsergebnissen die Ergebnisse einer eigenen Erhebung unter Fernstudierenden sowie Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen Lehrveranstaltungen. Diese Studie ist gerade erst abgeschlossen und noch nicht im Detail ausgewertet, es lassen sich allerdings bereits Trends feststellen, die bereits im Artikel eingearbeitet sind. Die Ergebnisse der Studie (Virutelle Communities im Fernstudium) sind zum Konferenzvortrag fertig ausgewertet.

Virtual Communities in Egypt - The Digital Library as a Model

Ghonim, Ibrahim Ahmad 23 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Bewertung von Inhalten in Virtuellen Gemeinschaften im Gesundheitswesen

Dannecker, Achim, Lechner, Ulrike, Kösling, Robert, Schießl, Florian, Schütz, Oliver, Steinfurth, Sven 15 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Mobile Gemeinschaften im E-Government

Fritsch, Lothar, Stephan, Kerstin, Grohmann, Alexander 15 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In der E-Commerce-Forschung wird aus Sicht von Wertschöpfung und Marketing das Konzept virtueller Gemeinschaften ausgiebig erforscht. Solche Gemeinschaften sollten Wissen zu Verfügung stellen, Kundenkontakte vereinfachen oder zusammen eine Wertschöpfung erbringen, an der nach [1] der Anbieter der virtuellen Plattform Profite erwirtschaftet. E-Government zielt auf die elektronische Abbildung von Vorgängen der öffentlichen Verwaltung. Nach der Speyer Definition [2] besteht E-Government aus Informationsdiensten, Partizipation der Bürger und elektronischer Abwicklung der Transaktionen innerhalb der Verwaltung und zwischen Verwaltung und den anderen Sektoren. Auffällig ist die Beschränkung von E-Government auf die Umsetzung existierender Verwaltungsvorgänge. Dies beschränkt die Wertschöpfung im EGovernment auf Effizienzgewinne, schließt die Profite durch virtuelle Gemeinschaften in einer Bürgergesellschaft jedoch weitgehend aus.

美麗人生:網路相簿社群的互動行為研究 / Beautiful life: Study on the interaction among Web-Photo-Album-Community.

龐惠潔, Pang,Hui-chieh Unknown Date (has links)
網路相簿社群是本地新興的網路現象,本研究透過參與觀察與深度訪談,針對TaipeiLink和無名小站網路相簿社群進行觀察,旨在探究相簿社群內成員的使用行為、群內互動,以及「容貌」對社群權位分配的影響與效應。 研究發現,使用者最常於網路相簿中從事「觀看」與「發表」兩種行動。使用者透過發表影像╱文字訊息,在網路相簿中建構個人所欲呈現的形象,再經觀看彼此認識,並作為互動基礎。其中,男性關注相簿主的容貌與身材,渴望獲取感官性的愉悅滿足,女性則對圖片細節,諸如打扮、情境、身邊人物多所注意,還會透過觀看連結自身經驗,從中獲取想像式參與的愉悅。 其次,網路相簿社群因人數眾多、連結不均,內部呈現鬆散的互動關係。使用者因此會另覓管道發展出小型群體關係,形成社群內尚有次社群存在,以及次社群內部關係緊密、外部關係疏離的情景。 再者,相簿社群內尚存有權位差異;相簿主的容貌、技能、生活風格與互動意願,都是影響使用者在社群內所能據居位置差異的關鍵。值得注意的是,這些特徵與使用者在實體世界持具的資本相關,因而呈現出「實體資本-->虛擬資本-->虛擬社群內的權位差異」間的轉換關係。權位差異終將助長群內(1)依附之風、(2)反權力行為,與(3)寒蟬效應的出現,最終會導致社群生態發生變化,成員參與行動出現轉變。 網路相簿的興起帶動新的互動方式興起,突顯了「容貌」和實體資本都將成為網路權力的來源。而這種憑藉影像相互認識的行為,雖賦使相簿主更多操控可能,但也使得觀看者可自由詮釋影像,甚至產生與相簿主悖逆的詮釋內容,進而演變為觀看者和相簿主對影像意義的爭奪,為網路相簿社群埋下不定的風險。


徐國峰, Hsu, Kuo-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
1999年,味全龍在三連霸後意外解散,徒留龍迷無限思念,時至今日,許多龍迷仍在各BBS站的龍隊討論板,尋找、分享過去曾有的記憶。只是隨著時空的變遷,與龍隊相關的消息大幅減少,儘管仍有前龍將在球場上征戰,但他們的今日表現也不再與龍隊直接相關。假使網路中的虛擬社群能夠成為龍迷記憶過往的處所,對龍迷而言,社群記憶的形塑過程為何?社群成員之間又存在著什麼樣的關係? 不同於過去虛擬社群之研究取徑集中於效果論、控制論的範疇,本論文試著從James Carey的傳播儀式觀點出發,從人類的固有行為,特別是儀式活動中,重新檢視社群記憶的產生與成員關係。研究對象為批踢踢實業坊(ptt)的Dragons板,研究分析之理論基礎包括了Maurice Halbwachs的集體記憶理論、Victor Turner的社會劇理論,以及Turner儀式研究的中介性與交融概念,研究方法為文本分析與深度訪談。 研究發現,奧運期間,針對徐生明爭議所引發的各個討論串內容,不僅彼此扣連,也互相影響著,使得討論串的主題發展,宛如社會劇中的情節更迭。在社會劇的修正行動中,龍迷則在討論串的字裡行間透露出對過去記憶的重組與召喚,目的時常是為了合理現狀、弭平對立與衝突。同時,由於社群管理者的管理態度與對自我職權的認識,讓參與者在取得社群身份,以及為文互動的過程裡,展現出類中介性的特徵,Dragons板也成為龍迷面對社會之不規律性與緊張時,自願而非義務結合的交融狀態。 從研究發現進一步延伸,「龍魂不滅」作為Dragons板的社群記憶,並非指成員之間的共同記憶,也絕非永恆不變。事實上,「龍魂不滅」應視為社群記憶形塑過程中的象徵性資源,此象徵不僅是儀式過程中成員行動的力量來源,象徵意義也可能在記憶重組與召喚的動態過程中,被賦予新的意義。另一方面,Dragons板所具有的類中介性,是龍迷遭逢危機與不安時的自發性結合;Dragons板所以能成為記憶社群,從儀式觀點,社群的參與宛如朝聖,社群的意義以及成員之間的關係,則是在選擇之後產生,也就是交融。

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