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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av arbetsmiljöns betydelse för säker vård – en litteraturöversikt / Registered nurses' experiences of the importance of the work environment for safe care – A literature review

Brundin, Jessica, Revelj, Madelene January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Inom EU år 2020 uppskattades det finnas en brist på 970 000 hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Samtidigt rapporteras vårdskador som hade kunnat undvikas drabba 93 000–98 000 patienter varje år. Sjuksköterskor rapporterar att omvårdnad uteblir på grund av tidsbrist relaterat till hög arbetsbelastning och låg bemanning. Det är viktigt att alla inom hälso- och sjukvården arbetar för att minska vårdskador och skapa säker vård.Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av arbetsmiljöns betydelse för säker vård.Metod: En litteraturstudie där 20 vetenskapliga artiklar med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ design inkluderades i resultatet.Resultat: Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av arbetsmiljöns betydelse för säker vård beskrivs genom kategorierna organisatorisk arbetsmiljö och psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Det framkommer att chefer och organisation har stor betydelse för att sjuksköterskor ska kunna arbeta för en säker vård. Större lyhördhet krävs från chefer och fler utbildningar för sjukvårdspersonalen, optimala bemanningsnivåer, teamsamarbete, mindre övertidsarbete och mindre arbetsstress.Slutsats: Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter om arbetsmiljöns betydelse för säker vård är att varje organisation och chef anses behöva öka sin lyhördhet och information till arbetstagarna samt ge dem trygghet och kompetens i att använda avvikelserapportering i större utsträckning. En arbetsmiljö med hög arbetsstress och arbetsbelastning påverkar sjuksköterskors förmåga att arbeta mot säker vård då avvikelser, missad eller utebliven vård riskeras. / Background: Within EU in 2020, there was an estimated lack of 970 000 healthcare workers. At the same time, it was reported that 93 000-98 000 patients each year was affected by care injuries that could have been avoided. Registered nurses reported that care is missed due to lack of time related to high workload and low staffing. It is important that everyone in health care work to reduce adverse events as well as to provide safe care.Aim: To describe registered nurses experiences concerning the importance of work environment to provide safe care.Method: A literature review where 20 scientific articles with both quantitative and qualitative design were included in the results.Results: Registered nurses experiences concerning the importance of the work environment regarding providing safe care are described through the categories organizational work environment and psychosocial work environment. It emerges that the managers and the organizations are of great importance in enabling nurses to provide safe care. More responsiveness is required from managers and more education for healthcare workers, optimal staffing levels, teamwork, less overtime work and less work stress.Conclusion: Registered nurses experiences concerning the importance of the work environment in their ability to provide safe care. Every manager and organization should consider increasing their responsiveness and communication with health care professionals and give them security and competence in using incidence reporting to a considerable extent. A work environment with high workplace stress and workload affect nurse’s ability to provide safe care and increases the risk for incorrect, missed care.

Hur kan en mer motiverande arbetsplats uppnås för butikspersonal? / How can a more motivating workplace be achieved for retail employees?

Karlsson, Daniella, Augustin, Ellinore January 2021 (has links)
The study highlights the problem and the special work environment faced by retail as a workplace. Uncomfortable working hours, the presence of customers and stressful environments are some of the peculiar features familiar to those who work in retail, features that might be what attracts people to the industry in the first place. The purpose of the study is to gain in-depth knowledge of what factors in the workplace that drives motivation and specific motivation in the retail sector. In addition to which factors contribute to motivation, it also identifies what essential factors there are to form a functioning workplace. Based on Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory, these different factors are identified to create a greater understanding of the interaction in the workplace. Two main issues have been the driving force in the design of the current study. These were how applicable Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory is in retail and its current context in Sweden and how a more motivating workplace can be achieved for store staff. In order to be able to answer the questions, previous studies in the subject have been studied and interviews conducted. The interviews were conducted with both owners / store managers and employees at each workplace. Theory and empirics have then been analysed. The results of the study show that some factors from Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory are still current, some have changed and that some additional ones have been added. This has resulted in a modified model of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory. / Studien belyser problematiken och den särskilda arbetsmiljön som detaljhandeln som arbetsplats står inför. Obekväma arbetstider, närvarande kunder och stressiga miljöer är några av de säregna drag som är bekanta för den som jobbar inom detaljhandeln, likväl som även kan vara det som lockar att arbeta inom denna bransch. Syftet med arbetet är att få fördjupade kunskaper i vad det är på arbetsplatsen som driver motivation och specifikt motivation inom detaljhandeln. Utöver vilka faktorer som bidrar till motivation kartläggs även vilka grundläggande faktorer det finns för att det ska vara en fungerande arbetsplats. Med utgångspunkt i Herzbergs Tvåfaktorteori identifieras dessa olika faktorer för att skapa en större förståelse för samspelet på arbetsplatsen. Huvudsakligen två frågor har varit drivande i utformandet av den aktuella studien. Dessa var hur tillämpbar Herzbergs Tvåfaktorteori är inom detaljhandeln och dess nuvarande kontext i Sverige samt hur en mer motiverande arbetsplats kan uppnås för butikspersonal. För att kunna besvara frågorna har tidigare studier inom ämnet studerats och intervjuer genomförts. Intervjuerna genomfördes med både ägare/butikschefer och medarbetare på respektive arbetsplats. Teori och empiri har sedan analyserats. Studiens resultat visar på att några faktorer från Herzbergs Tvåfaktorteori fortfarande är aktuella, att några har fått en viss förskjutning och att några ytterligare tillkommit. Detta har resulterat i en modifierad modell av Herzbergs Tvåfaktorteori.

ATT VARA CHEF I PANDEMINS SPÅR : En intervjustudie med chefer i äldreomsorgen / TO BE A MANAGER IN THE TRACKS OF THE PANDEMIC : An interview study with managers in elderly care

Jeppesen, Tobias, Mancilla Palomino, Maribel January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka och få en förståelse för hur ledarskapet för avdelningar och enheter utövas i verksamheter som har blivit extra sårbara under Covid-19 pandemin. Studiens mål är att besvara frågeställningarna; vilka ledarskapsstrategier har enligt chefer inom äldreomsorgen varit avgörande för att kunna hantera utmaningarna som verksamheten ställts inför under pandemin, vad har enligt chefer inom äldreomsorgen utmanat deras ledarroll under pandemi, och med vilka konsekvenser för de själva och verksamheten. För att kunna besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod valts, och nio chefer i olika verksamheter inom äldreomsorgen intervjuats. Som bakgrund för studien används teoretiska ramar från Ekvalls & Arvonens beteende-ledarskapsmodell, samt Mitroffs & Anagnos modell om krishantering. Resultatet visar att även vid kort tid i en kris som många inte hade blivit adekvat förberedda på, och även fast ledarna hade blivit utmanade av pandemin, kan chefen med sitt ledarskap och sin relation med sina medarbetare handskas med problemen som pandemin innebar. Detta ger cheferna plats att växa och att bli bättre förberedda inför framtidens utmaningar. / The purpose of the present study is to investigate and gain an understanding of how the leadership of departments and units is exercised in activities that have become particularly vulnerable during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the study is to answer the questions; According to managers in the elderly care, which leadership strategies have been decisive in being able to handle the challenges faced by the business during the pandemic, what have, according to managers in the elderly care, challenged their leadership role during the pandemic, and with what consequences for themselves and the business. In order to be able to answer the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been chosen, and nine managers in different operations within elderly care have been interviewed. The background for the study uses theoretical frameworks from Ekvalls & Arvonen's behavioral leadership model, as well as Mitroffs & Anagno's model on crisis management. The results show that even in a short time in a crisis that many had not been adequately prepared for, and even though the leaders had been challenged by the pandemic, the manager with his leadership and his relationship with his employees can deal with the problems that the pandemic entailed. This gives managers space to grow and to be better prepared for the challenges of the future.

“Jag vill vara barnmorska men inte till vilket pris som helst” : En kvalitativ studie om sex barnmorskors upplevelse av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom förlossningsvården

Bäckemo, Erica, Larsson, Petra January 2022 (has links)
Förlossningskrisen beskrivs som en kris som eskalerat under 2021. Problematiken har däremot pågått under många år. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka barnmorskors upplevelse av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom förlossningsvården. Kvalitativ metod tillämpades. Studien genomfördes i Sverige. En respondent valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval och resterande fem via ett snöbollsurval. Semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpades via videosamtal och insamlad data analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Resultatet visade delvis i linje med tidigare forskning, att respondenterna upplevde sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö som påfrestande men meningsfull. Underbemanningen äventyrade patientsäkerheten och respondenternas möjlighet till att ge de stöd de önskade till patienterna begränsades. De främsta negativa faktorerna utöver underbemanningen var den höga graden av stress som respondenterna upplevde på arbetsplatsen, missnöjet kring att de tvingades arbeta treskift samt känslan av att de inte blev sedda. Stöd och gemenskap kollegorna emellan samt meningsfullheten i yrket beskrevs som bidragande faktorer till att respondenterna ville arbeta kvar inom förlossningsvården. / The maternity care crisis is described as a crisis that has escalated in 2021. Although the same issue has been ongoing for many years. This study aimed to examine midwives' experience of the psychosocial work environment within maternity care. Qualitative method was applied. The study was conducted in Sweden. The first respondent was selected through a convenience sample and the other five through a snowball sample. Semi-structured interviews were applied via video calls and the data were analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed partly in line with previous research, that midwives experienced their psychosocial work environment demanding but also meaningful. Understaffing compromised patient safety and limited respondents ability to provide the support they wanted to patients. In addition to understaffing, the main negative factors identified in the study were the high levels of stress experienced by respondents in the workplace, dissatisfaction with having to work three shifts and the feeling that they were not being seen. Support and community among colleagues and the meaningfulness of the profession were described as contributing factors to respondents' desire to remain working in maternity care

Olyckshantering och säkerhet på byggarbetsplatser : En jämförelsestudie mellan EQ Bygg AB och Byggmäster AB

Kaya, Augin, Jalal, Mariwan, Kollane, Sahal January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: This study where accidents often occur in the construction industry and most construction companies try to reduce the number of accidents at work each year. According to statistics, thousands of occupational accidents are reported annually. Dozens of these accidents have led to deaths. Construction companies have a challenge to secure the working environment on the construction site while trying to keep up with their final construction results on the contract. Method: This studies factors draws attention to the importance of safety and risk management in the construction site. It also highlights the measures to be taken into account so that future contracts can go through with reduced accidents at work. As a basis for this work, the safety work within two construction companies in Västerås has been investigated with the help of interviews and site visits. The questions were used as a clue to get answers to the study to be investigated. A literature study has been conducted in connection with a case study. At the beginning of the literature study, previous studies were analyzed using websites and scientific articles on how good work environment works together with laws and requirements. The case study had been based on interviews and surveys with the help of two construction companies in Västerås so-called EQ Bygg AB and Byggmäster AB. Results: The results of the study showed how these two construction companies differed on how they handle safety at the construction site. One company was a little bigger than the other, they had a stronger measures in terms of safety and risk management because they were working on larger contracts. The other company EQ Bygg had a little less capital than Byggmäster, but according to the interviews, they also had strong points on how they take care of their safety work. Conclusions: The biggest challenge that both companies had in common was that time pressure led to most work accidents because it creates stress for the employees. Proposals for measures that can help with the study are that construction companies should have good planning and work preparations to reduce future work accidents. Regular risk analyses are also recommended for construction companies to do. Safety thinking and risk management are important for both the contract and the employees.

Employee work performance during the COVID-19 pandemic : Effects of transformational leadership and employee work environment

Tran, Chi-Manh, Idodo, Paul January 2022 (has links)
This thesis explores the effect of transformational leadership, employee work environment, job satisfaction, and work-life balance on employee work performance. It begins by looking at existing literature on the effectiveness of transformational leadership as one of the relevant leadership styles in situations that require urgent business system transformation and adaptation as witnessed in the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the consequences of the pandemic is the definition of what a work environment is. Working from home, although not new, has become popular due to the pandemic and there are several publications around this subject under the “New Ways of Working” (NWW) theme. The implementation of working from home for employees within an organization as well as its success and support available to employees depend to some extent on the leadership style practised by persons in senior management positions of such organizations. Two research questions are investigated: (1) What are the effects of transformational leadership style on employee job satisfaction and consequently on work performance? (2) What are the effects of the employee work environment on work-life balance as well as employee satisfaction and consequently on work performance? To answer these questions, structural equation modelling (SEM) is applied to data from a survey questionnaires with 224 respondents. Since the overall aim of the thesis is to assess the effect of transformational leadership style and employee work environment on work performance, the survey measures two intermediate outcomes (employee job satisfaction, and employee work-life balance).  It has been demonstrated through other works that transformational leadership and employee work environment play an important role in overall work performance. Good transformational leadership promotes employee satisfaction. A suitable employee work environment promotes a positive work-life balance as well as high employee satisfaction.  Our findings regarding the effect of transformational leadership on employee work performance are in line with findings of previous work. The results of the SEM analysis demonstrate that transformational leadership positively affects employee job satisfaction which in turn positively affects employee work performance. Interestingly, despite several works suggesting that work environment positively affects work-life balance, our results did not show any statistically significant relationship either with work performance directly or with the mediating variables work-life balance and job satisfaction, to substantiate this link. We discuss our results and make suggestions for policy, practice, and future work implications.

Ett oändligt maraton : En studie av forskningsprojekt och dess effekter på individen / An endless marathon : A study of research projects and its effects on the individual

Ågren, Åsa January 2022 (has links)
Dagens forskningsprojekt kräver minst lika mycket metodik och styrning som andra projekt, men studier av hur man driver och leder forskningsprojekt är fortfarande väldigt få. Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att utforska forskningsprojektet som arketyp och genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer få insikt om hur individer upplever att arbeta med forskningsprojekt.  Den här studien kommer visa på en del av den problematik som finns inom den akademiska naturvetenskapliga forskningen. En av den är att individens framgång dominerar över gruppens, vilket gör det svårt att samarbeta och bidrar till konkurrens mellan kollegor.  En del av den här studien berör psykosocial arbetsmiljö och ledarskap. Forskare tenderar till att arbeta oändliga timmar och har generellt svårt att sätta upp gränser för att ta vara på fritid och familj, något som kan leda till utbrändhet. Den osäkra miljön, konkurrensen och ambitionerna som finns kan leda till att destruktiva ledarskap får fotfäste. Alla de faktorer i kombination med att forskaren nästan uteslutande drivs av inre motivation, eftersom den yttre återkopplingen sällan finns, drabbas många av en känsla av otillräcklighet och bristande självförtroende. / Today's research projects require at least as much methodology and management as other projects, but studies on how to run and manage research projects are still very few. The purpose of this study has been to explore the research project as an archetype and through ten qualitative interviews gain insight into how individuals experience working with research projects.  This study will highlight some of the problems that exist in academic scientific research. One of them is that the success of the individual dominates over that of the group, making it difficult to collaborate and contributing to competition between colleagues.  Part of this study concerns the psychosocial work environment and leadership. Researchers tend to work endless hours and generally find it difficult to set boundaries to allow for leisure and family time, which can lead to burnout. The precarious environment, competition and ambitions that exist can lead to destructive leadership taking root. All of these factors, combined with the fact that the researcher is driven almost exclusively by internal motivation with little external feedback, leave many suffering from a sense of inadequacy and lack of self-confidence.

Första tiden i den nya yrkesrollen- nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser : En litteraturstudie / The first time in the new professional role - the experiencesof newly graduated nurses : A literature study

Eckhardt, Celine, Wagné, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Den första tiden i yrkeslivet kan upplevas utmanande för den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan. Därför är det av stor betydelse att rätt förutsättningar ges från hälso- och sjukvården för att den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan ska kunna ge patienten en god vård. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors första tid i yrket. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes med en induktiv ansats som grundades på tio vetenskapliga artiklar, fyra kvantitativa, fem kvalitativa samt en med mixad metod. Resultatartiklarna analyserades utifrån en innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet utmynnade i fyra kategorier: vikten av en stödjande övergång in i yrkesrollen, arbetsklimatets betydelse den första tiden i yrket, värdet av kompetensutveckling för yrkesrollen och grundläggande resurser för god omvårdnad. Resultatet visade att den nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskan var i behov av mer stöttning vid övergången, ett bättre arbetsklimat och fler resurser för att kunna utveckla kompetens och bedriva arbetet med hög vårdkvalité. Konklusion: Kontinuitet och tillgänglighet hos arbetsgivare och kollegor samt stöttning i form av stödprogram förhindrade en ogynnsam transition för de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna och bidrog till en bättre vårdkvalité för patienten. / The first time in working life can be experienced as challenging for the newly graduated nurse. Therefore, it is of great importance that the right prerequisites are provided to the newly graduated nurse by the healthcare, in order to give good care for the patient. Aim: The aim was to illustrate newly graduated nurses' experiences of the first time in the profession. Method: A literature study was conducted with an inductive approach based on ten scientific articles, four quantitative, five qualitative and one with a mixed method. The result articles were based on a content analysis. Result: Data processing resulted in four categories: the importance of a supportive transition into the professional role, the importance of the work climate during the first period in the profession, the value of competence development for the professional role and basic resources for good nursing. The results showed that the newly graduated nurse was in need of a better work climate, more support during the transition and more resources to be able to develop skills and conduct the work with high quality. Conclusion: Continuity and availability of managers and colleagues as well as support in the form of support-programs prevented the transition to become overwhelming for the newly graduated nurses and contributed to a better quality of care for the patient.

Strategies For-Profit Educational Leaders Use to Reduce Employee Turnover and Maintain Sustainability

La Salle, Denise Janet 01 January 2018 (has links)
In educational institutions, employee turnover decreases productivity, profitability, and sustainability. In 2015, organizations lost $60 million in assets as the result of employee turnover. High employee turnover rates have an adverse influence on productivity, which leads to unsustainable business practices. Some college leaders lack strategies to reduce employee turnover and maintain sustainability. Using the motivation-hygiene needs (2-factor theory), the purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies for-profit educational leaders used to reduce employee turnover and maintain sustainability in Florida. Participants were purposefully selected to ensure they had experience implementing effective employee turnover reduction strategies. The data collection was through face-to-face semistructured interviews with 5 managers and the review of organizational documents on employee turnover. Data were analyzed using inductive coding of phrases, word frequency searches, and theme interpretation. The 3 themes that emerged were: Effective communication reduced employee turnover, creating a supportive work environment reduced employee turnover, and job satisfaction and competitive compensation decreased turnover. Reducing employee turnover contributes to social change by providing college leaders with valuable insight that can lead to improved organizational growth, enhanced sustainability, and increased profitability. A reduction of employee turnover might help leaders provide new employment opportunities and promote prosperity for local families and the community.

Strategies Outpatient Health Care Executives Use to Reduce Physician Turnover

Onyenacho, Maureen A. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Some outpatient health care executives experience high physician turnover leading to increased costs. To retain highly productive physicians, outpatient health care executives need to understand the best strategies for reducing physician turnover. Grounded in Herzberg 2-factor theory as the conceptual framework, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies outpatient health care executives used to reduce physician turnover. Data were collected from semistructured interviews of 4 outpatient health care executives and the review of proprietary documents from 2 outpatient health care facilities in the Southern California metropolitan area. Data analysis comprised compiling and disassembling the data into common codes, reassembling the data into themes, interpreting the themes, and reporting the themes. Member checking and methodological triangulation amplified the trustworthiness of the findings. The course of thematic analysis led to identification of 4 core themes: autonomy, satisfactory work environment, effective communication, and training and growth opportunity. Implications for positive social change include the potential to increase economic growth while benefitting employees, families, and communities; increasing the continuity of patient care; and increasing patients'€™ access to health care. Outpatient health care executives can use the results of this study to implement changes conducive to minimizing physician turnover and associated costs while enhancing the quality of health care.

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