Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda ZPD"" "subject:"ando ZPD""
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A lei 10.639/2003 e o ensino de inglês em uma escola pública / The law 10.639/2003 and the teaching of English in a public schoolJosé Augusto Rezende de Souza 08 August 2013 (has links)
A Lei 10.639/2003 institui a obrigatoriedade da temática \"História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira\" no currículo escolar, abrangendo os estabelecimentos de Ensino Fundamental e Médio das redes oficiais e particulares. Segundo esta lei, esses conteúdos devem ser ministrados no âmbito de todo o currículo escolar, incluindo, assim, o componente disciplinar inglês. O objetivo desta pesquisa consiste justamente em investigar as possibilidades de sensibilização para a temática étnico-racial, junto a um grupo de alunos de Ensino Fundamental da Escola de Aplicação da FEUSP, por meio da aplicação da lei nas aulas de inglês. A metodologia empregada está voltada para a criação e aplicação de materiais didáticos, bem como para a análise desse processo. O trabalho está embasado na teoria sócio-histórico-cultural de Lev Semenovich Vigotski, seus colaboradores e seguidores, principalmente no conceito de ZDP e de desenvolvimento humano por meio de ações mediadas, sejam por instrumentos como material didático ou por outros seres humanos o professor-pesquisador. Os resultados indicam a adequação da disciplina para a aplicação da lei, especialmente no sentido de promover engajamento e participação dos alunos, no uso da língua como meio de acesso a bens culturais e de promoção de reflexão, ao invés do estudo apenas de seu léxico e de suas estruturas gramaticais. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade de frequência das ações, bem como para a diversificação das estratégias didáticas. Também se evidenciou a relevância da lei como um esforço para a conscientização acerca das contribuições dos afrodescendentes na história e na formação da identidade e da cultura brasileiras como um todo. / The law 10.639/2003 establishes the obligation of \"history and Afro-Brazilian Culture\" themes in the school curriculum, comprehending the primary, secondary, public and private schools of the official educational system. According to the law, its contents must be taught in all curriculum subjects, thus, including English. The aim of this research is to investigate the possibilities of raising awareness about ethnic and racial themes with a group of secondary pupils at Escola de Aplicação da FEUSP, through the law implementation in the English lessons. The methodology involves the elaboration and use of teaching materials and the analysis of its process. The research is based on the historical sociocultural theory of Lev Semenovich Vigotski, his co-researchers and followers, mainly in the concepts of ZPD and human development through mediated action, either by tools or other human beings, seen here as the teaching material and the teacher-researcher respectively. Results show the English subject adequacy to implement the law, especially in terms of students\' engagement and participation, using the language as a means of access to cultural assets and reflection upon them, instead of lexicon and grammar practice only. Conclusions point to the need of frequency and diversification of didactical strategies, as well as to the relevance of the law as an effort to raise awareness about the afro-descendants importance in the history and in the formation of the Brazilian identity and culture as a whole.
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Ser sendo: a energia que se conserva ao se transformar - análise de situações da emergência do conceito de energia na aprendizagem em exposição científica e na história / To be by being: the energy that gets conserved by getting transformed - analysis of the situations of the emergence of the physical concept of energy in learning in scientific exhibition and in HistoryMarly Iyo Kamioji 21 September 1995 (has links)
Estudamos o conceito de energia na teoria física a nível histórico e a nível de ensino-aprendizagem, isto é, do ponto de vista de sua criação, representação conceitual, matemática e experimental, na constituição de seu significado na teoria científica e na linguagem comum. Como um exercício preliminar, analisamos alguns dados sobre o ensino de conceitos de física na exposição científica do IFUSP \"Ondas, Campos e Partículas\", de 1989 a 1990, e, em 1991, com o nome de \"Do Caleidoscópio ao Carrossel\", no prédio da Engenharia Mecânica (Escola Politécnica). A exposição apresenta fenômenos das teorias da física nos campos da mecânica, eletricidade e magnetismo, termodinâmica e ótica, fenômenos que implicam ações em escalas macroscópicas e a nível atômico. Descrevemos uma entrevista de 13 minutos com quatro alunos de 1o grau que visitaram a exposição com monitoramento. Durante a situação da entrevista, que chamamos de pedagógica, esses alunos constróem o conceito de energia. Essa entrevista é analisada em termos dos contextos fenomenológico e epistemológico, contidos na exposição, ainda que os monitores que acompanharam a visita não falassem em energia. Descrevemos também uma entrevista com um monitor sobre ensino e aprendizagem. Enfocamos o conceito de \"conhecimento prévio do aluno como requisito para ensino\", e analisamos usando o conceito de zona de desenvolvimento proximal (ZDP) de Vygotsky. Usamos a moldura de Vygotsky (VY 1896/1934) na análise da entrevista com os alunos, que é um exemplo de como considerar a ZDP. Ela não visa avaliação, e nem apenas coleta de dados. Propomos o desenvolvimento de entrevistas pedagógicas para já se constituir uma situação de ensino-aprendizagem, como uma interação desejável, dialógica, onde a ZDP, isto é, a capacidade do aluno \"vir a saber\", seja desenvolvida. A análise da emergência do conceito de energia no caso estudado da entrevista com alunos é feita com a perspectiva de sistemas dinâmicos, dada a natureza complexa dos fenômenos estudados. A História e Filosofia das Teorias Científicas são usadas como ferramenta heurística para identificar correlação na constituição do espaço de significação. Concluíremos que, se os monitores não enfocavam diretamente o conceito de energia e os alunos aprendiam mesmo assim, é porque a exposição é um bom contexto onde a entrevista pedagógica pode ser utilizada como instrumento de ensino, Por fim, falamos da necessidade de um treinamento para monitores, onde sua formação inclua estudos históricos e epistemológicos e uma preparação para suprir a deficiência que detetamos na exposição, isto é, a de não abordar os conceitos na sua forma matematizada. A pesquisa das condições para aprendizagem na Exposição Científica e em Entrevista se desenvolve com instrumentos próprios: um sistema de análise em vídeo foi construído para pesquisar a linguagem usada na interação entre professor e aluno. Objetivamos estabelecer condições propícias para interações dialógicas. Como resultado secundário, foi adquirida certa familiaridade em trabalhar com o vídeo como instrumento para, ao mesmo tempo, mostrar e desenvolver aquisição do conhecimento científico de conceitos de física. / We have studied the concept of energy in Physics in the historical and the Teaching-Learning contexts, i.e., from the point of view of its creation, its mathematical and experimental conceptual representation, of its scientific and ordinary meaning constitution. As a preliminary exercise, we analysed some data about the Physics concepts teaching at the \"Waves, Fields and Particles\" Science Exhibition Center located at that time, in the Engineering Building of the University of São Paulo. The content of the Exhibition was regular demonstrations of phenomena delineated by classical theories of Mechanics, Eletromagnetism, Thermodynamics and some topics in Modern Physics. An interpretation of the exhibition could be in terms of the concept of energy and its transformations, as was shown by an interview with four visiting students described here. During this interview set, which we named pedagogical, these students constructed the concept of energy. This interview is analysed in terms of phenomenological and epistemological implications in the exhibition. A monitor thinking about teaching and learning has also been situated out of an interview. This monitor considers the pupil\'s previous subject matter knowledge as a requirement for teaching. By means of the ZDP (zone of proximal development), we are warned by Vygotsky against the extreme pre-requisites, which can limit the learning. We also make use of Vygotsky\'s concept in the analysis of the interview with students. The interview described in the first part of this work is a ZDP application example. It neither aims evaluation nor just data gathering. It will be developed to be a teaching-learning instrument. We believe this is possible, for it will be an interaction where the ZDP or the pupil\'s ability to \"come to know\" is to be considered. The case study of the emergence of the concept of energy from the interview with pupils is analysed within the framework of dynamic systems given the complex nature of the considered phenomena. The interview was set out in the field of the interactions where information are exchanged between the interviewer and the group and between the peer to peer interaction. The meaning of the concept of energy in Physics was related to the context of the exhibition where the concept was implicitly present. We came to the conclusion that this science exhibition, where the pedagogical interview can be utilized as a tool for teaching, has a good context for learning, once the students showed to have learned even though the docents hadn\'t focused the concept of energy directly. Then we commented about the need of a monitor\'s training, where historical and epistemological studies should be included. This training should also account for the exhibition\'s detected deficiency in approaching the scientific concepts in their mathematical formulation. The research for the emergence of learning in the scientific exhibition center and in interviews is developed by proper tools: a video analysis system is devised to search for the most efficient language in the interaction between teacher and pupil, or in any other teaching-learning situations. Our aim is to establish propitious settings for dialogical interactions in the attempt of dealing with the Vygotsky\'s cognitive \"proximal zone of development\", which is important when we consider the \"process\" of learning a complex concept. As a parallel outcome, we got some familiarity with video recording and analysis as an instrument for both developing and showing the student\'s acquisition of scientific knowledge of physical concepts.
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Implications of peer tutoring as multi-grade teaching and learning strategy for learner performance in selected multi-grade schoolsMuthambi, Salome Kolobe 02 March 2016 (has links)
DEd / Department of Curriculum Studies / Multi-grade teaching is a situation where one teacher teaches several grades together
in one class. This phenomenon is common in both developed and developing countries.
However, the problem is, in South Africa there is no multi-grade policy in place,
curriculum and materials are written for mono-grade schools, pre-service and in-service
training for teachers are geared at a mono-grade classroom. Consequently, teachers
are not trained in appropriate multi-grade teaching and learning strategies; this may
affect learner performance at such schools. It has been indicated that there is a dearth
of research in the teaching and assessment practices in multi-grade setting in the
literature, especially in Africa.
This mixed methods study is based on the implications of peer tutoring as a teaching
and learning strategy in English First Additional Language (FAL) for Grade 5 multi-grade
learners’ performance. The purpose of this study was to determine implications of peer
tutoring as a multi-grade teaching and learning strategy on Grade 5 learner
performance in Vhembe District in Limpopo Province of South Africa.
The study used mixed-methods design and concurrent Triangulation approach where
both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used to collect data concurrently.
Quantitative data were collected through quasi experimental design and surveys while
qualitative data were collected using scheduled interviews. The six week one-on-one
peer tutoring programme was designed to assist grade 5 learners to read and spell
proficiently as a supplemental instruction. The literature review revealed that peer
tutoring as a teaching and learning strategy has been effectively used mostly in monograde
schools. The study sample consisted of 77 grade 5 learners from four random
sampled multi-grade schools whose first language (L1) or home language (HL) is
Tshivenda but learnt through English as a Second language (L2) or First Additional
Language (FAL), 4 teachers and 4 principals. Two schools served as treatment group
while two served as control group. Both groups took a pre-test and post-test; only the
treatment group received peer tutoring intervention.
The mixed method approach involved collected quantitative data through learners’ pretests,
post-tests and spelling activities during the peer tutoring intervention. This was to
compare the grade 5 learners’ results of those who had participated in the peer tutoring
intervention with those in the control group. Both teachers and principals and learners
completed a questionnaire on multi-grade teaching and peer tutoring.
The findings revealed that:
1. The peer tutoring group performed better than the control group.
2. Peer tutoring might possibly be an effective teaching and learning strategy for
multi-grade teaching.
3. Both teachers and principals expressed the need for in-service training
workshops in teaching and learning strategies specifically for multi-grade
4. They also revealed that pre-service training should provide training courses on
multi-grade teaching to prepare prospective teachers.
The study recommended the following:
The Department of Education should develop a multi-grade policy. In-service
training workshops should train multi-grade teachers in appropriate multi-grade
teaching and learning strategies. Institutions of higher learning should provide
pre-service training in multi-grade strategies, infuse some multi-grade modules
into their teacher training programmes and provide short courses on multi-grade
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Spectrum Disorder is an increasingly common developmental disability. Students
diagnosed with ASD can be challenging to
incorporate into mainstream
classrooms due to a lack of understanding and negative attitudes of neurotypical peers
towards those students. This thesis aims to address the problem in a unit plan
centered on the use of young adult literature
with a main protagonist on the Spectrum in the English Language Arts classroom.
Specifically, it argues the use of such texts in conjunction with a literature circles unit in providing
better understanding and greater acceptance of students with ASD. The unit and
lesson plans were written to reflect how Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal
Development, Bishop’s windows, doors, and mirrors , and the texts students read
can influence their thinking and behavior. Using goodreads and local ELA book
lists, I selected four YAL texts which
portrayed the main character with ASD as they go about their daily lives. These
texts were then incorporated into the twenty-lesson unit plan which aims at
supporting positive attitudes and acceptance of neurotypical students towards
their peers with ASD.
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Styrkor och utmaningar med utomhusundervisning i NO-ämnena utifrån ett elevperspektiv / Strengths and challenges of outdoor education from a student perspectiveEliasson, Caroline, Zreim, Layla January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie innefattar en enkätundersökning där mellanstadieelevers inställning till utomhusundervisning undersöks samt hur arbetsmetoden kan bidra till ett ökat intresse och motivation för NO-ämnena. I studien presenteras även vilken undervisningsmiljö som eleverna föredrar samt hur miljön bidrar till att stärka deras NO-relaterade kunskapsinhämtning. Metodiken består av insamling av statistiska data via en digital enkät som författats i Google Forms. Det statistiska underlaget har sedan omvandlats till grafisk statistik i form av cirkeldiagram, stapeldiagram och tabeller. För tydlighetens skull har vi delat upp statistiken i en tematisk analys med olika kategorier som motsvarar våra frågeställningar. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår från den sociokulturella teorin och pragmatismen. Vårt resultat visar att majoriteten av respondenterna är positivt inställda till utomhusundervisning och att arbetsmetoden bidrar till ett ökat intresse och motivation för NO-ämnena.
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Språkutvecklande arbetssätt inom SO-undervisning / Language development methods in social studies educationLantz, Viktoria, Bengtsson, Jessica January 2022 (has links)
I denna kunskapsöversikt är syftet att undersöka hur det sociala samspelet jämfört med ettpragmatiskt förhållningssätt kan främja språkutveckling i SO-undervisningen. Detta hargenomförts genom att jämföra olika vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna vi valde att undersöka,hämtades från olika databaser, Ebsco, Eric och Google Scholar. Vi valde att bryta ner detsociala och det pragmatiska förhållningssättet i mindre lärandemetoder för att kunnaundersöka vad forskningen säger om språkutvecklande arbetssätt inom SO-undervisningen.Kunskapsöversiktens resultat och slutats visar att det sociala samspelet och det pragmatiskaförhållningssättet kompletterar varandra och går att koppla samman.
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The impact of English first additional language on grade four learners' academic performance : case of a primary schoolMakgoale, Makobo Charmaine January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Language (Education)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The impact of the switch in LoLT between Grade 3 and 4 has been the subject of much research in South Africa which results in grade 4 low pass rate. What constitutes a problem is that during this transition from Sepedi to English as LOLT, most learners are linguistically not ready to make this leap (Heugh, 2006; Maswanganye, 2010). The change of the language of learning and teaching from Sepedi to English in Grade 4 is problematical because of the challenges in adjusting to the use of English as LOLT (Macdonald, 1990; Alexander, 2005; Heugh, 2006; Maswanganye, 2010). The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of English First Additional Language on learners‟ academic performance in Grade 4 at a primary school. A qualitative research approach was adopted in this study due to the fact that this study was explanatory and descriptive in nature. This study used a qualitative case study research design and qualitative interpretive paradigm which allowed the researcher to gather information through observations and interviews. This study was guided by sociocultural theory developed by Vygotsky (1978) because it emphasizes that teachers can use strategies to create classroom conditions that foster learning by modeling, scaffolding and the development of the learners‟ zone of proximal development (ZPD). The study used inductive thematic data analysis method to analyse data collected from observation schedule and interviews. The findings showed that learners‟ hindrance concerning reading and writing in the English language is home based factors because of socioeconomic factors. This study shows that less teacher training also poses challenges to English reading development as they do not have sufficient knowledge on reading strategies to deal with the transition of grade 4 learners from Sepedi to English First Additional Language as a language of learning and teaching. The study recommends training of teachers on how to teach reading and implementation of additive or bilingualism for the subsequent language policy development in South African education system should be considered.
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Barriers and bridges : child participation, second-language learning and the cognitive development of the young childSaneka, Nora 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research was to look critically at the language development of the
young second-language learner within their social context, in relation to theory and
practice (praxis), using as a ‘lens’, “the right to participation” (UNCRC General
Comment No 12, 2009). Language and communication were seen by the researcher
as fundamental to the child’s ‘right to participate’ as ‘agents of their own life’ (General
Comment No 7, 2005) as they engage in meaning-making with others, both at home
and at school. The research was conducted as a Case Study within a Pre-Primary
School over a three month period, with the lead-researcher involving the teachers as
co-researchers. A Participatory Action Research methodology was used, within a
praxeological conceptual framework. Parents and their young children (between the
ages of 2 – 6 years) were participants in the research. Ways were explored to build
‘bridges’ to overcome perceived ‘barriers’ to the children’s participation. Various data
collection techniques were used, including the Persona Doll approach, the Mosaic
Approach, Documentation of Learning and Learning Story Books.
The results of the research were increased awareness of the value of inclusive
practices that place a value on diversity and which actively support and promote the
use of the mother tongue, as well as the learning of English as a second language. In
the course of the research, it was seen as important for adults (parents or teachers) to
support the learning of concepts in the mother tongue or in English by verbalizing for
the child, while engaging in the process of meaning-making. The ‘choice’ to use English in preference over the mother tongue became apparent. Therefore the
research methodology was seen as an important way to develop ‘critical, reflective
practice’ amongst the teachers and to create partnerships with the parents. The aim
was to strive towards ‘phronesis’ or wise practice, using as a ‘lens’ for critical reflection,
the child’s ‘right to participation’ (UNCRC General Comment No 12, 2009). / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Educational Psychology)
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Guidelines for the teaching of reading in the intermediate phase within the context of inclusionLategan, Irene Anne Stewart 11 1900 (has links)
As theories on the process of reading have advanced so definitional changes have
resulted. This in turn has impacted on the teaching of reading. Comprehension is not
the result of successful word recognition, rather, meaning is constructed by the reader
using various sources as a frame of reference. Reading requires an interaction between
the reader, the text read and the context in vvhich it is read. Reader factors involve
language competencies, prior knowledge, vocabulary, the use of strategies and
attitudes and motivation. The text may be narrative or expository and encompasses
instructional materials. The tvvo broad categories in the context are the classroom
setting and the instructional context.
An 'interactive' or 'organisational' paradigm underlying inclusion recognises individual
differences as being a probable cause of failure but postulates that the school and all
that it encompasses, can be a barrier to learning and development. As such it is not
deficit driven, attributing failure to learners alone. In the case of reading, this means not
attributing reading failure to the reader alone but acknowledging the role of the text and
the context. This point of departure is confirmed by an interactive model of disability,
which, while still explaining reading deficits, advances that alternative areas also be
investigated. Focusing on abilities is conducive to proactivity in the prevention of
barriers to learning and development.
To be inclusive therefore, mainstream schools generally and classrooms specifically, will
need to be reformed and restructured to be more responsive to learners experiencing
barriers to learning and development. This will require enhanced teaching methods and
flexible support systems. Accommodating diversity presupposes the acknowledgement
of each learner's uniqueness in order to meet individual needs. This will be facilitated
when in the compilation of a reading programme to meet individual needs, the reader,
the text and context are matched through assessment and instruction .
A reading programme to enhance the teaching of reading and thereby meet individual
needs has been compiled and implemented in a mainstream, intermediate phase class.
From this practical experience and the literature studied, guidelines for the teaching of
reading have been formulated for teachers in the intermediate phase to use within the
context of inclusion. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Orthopedagogics)
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Investigating effective teaching of an online module in an Open Distance learning environment: a case studyHlatshwayo, Vivienne 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / In a quest to identify best practices in teaching courses in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), this study investigated effective teaching of an online English module in an Open Distance Learning (ODL) environment. Although ODL is attractive to both students and lecturers, there are significant problems regarding how learning, teaching, interaction and assessment should be conducted in this context. The problems are exacerbated by the limited knowledge of using the online systems and constraints linked to time spent on tasks. The study adopted the qualitative research approach, using a case study design and data collected from three research instruments, namely online questionnaires, an online observation schedule and a content analysis schedule. The research population in the current study comprised students, lecturers, and e-tutors based at one ODL university. In order to engender best practices of effective teaching in an ODL environment, the Community of Inquiry (Col) framework and Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) theory were applied to the research findings of the current study. The findings indicate that effective teaching of an online English module in an ODL context could take place when content is effectively structured; assessment reflects course content; there is teamwork and collaboration amongst lecturers; students effectively interact with the material, lecturers/e-tutors, and with each other. The findings of this study add to the volume of research on best practices for effective online ESP teaching in ODL higher learning institutions. / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (English)
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