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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationsstrategien in Schülergesprächen : Zur Identifizierung, Einordnung und Bewertung von Kommunikationsstrategien / Communication strategies in student conversations : A study on the identification, classification and evaluation of communication strategies

Galozy, Sophia-Kristin January 2020 (has links)
For a long time, the research of communication strategies has played an important role in the study of second language acquisition. They are a criterion for the evaluation of the oral presentation and interaction in the Swedish curriculum of modern languages. Unfortunately, there are only few examples of communication strategies in the curriculum and teachers may ask themselves how different types of communication strategies can be distinguished and categorized. This study showcases how communication strategies used by 9th graders in group discussions can be identified and categorized based on a taxonomy of strategies and how this may contribute to evaluating the use of communication strategies. The research method used in this study is based on qualitative deductive content analysis. Results show, that communication strategies can be assigned uniquely to two major types of strategies, namely avoidance and resource expansion strategies. However, the assignment of communication strategies to different sub-categories proved to be more problematic. Furthermore, it could be determined that knowledge about the two major types of strategies contributes to the evaluation of communication strategies in oral presentation and interaction.

Ovtta L2 sámegielčálli teavsttaid guorahallan gielalaš hástalusaid oaidninguovllus

Wågström Sevä, Linda Marie January 2022 (has links)
Abstrakt Jag har gjort en fallstudie där jag har sammanställt och analyserat fyra olika texter som är skrivna av en nordsamisk arvspråksskribent som har nordsamiska som ett av sina andraspråk och svenska som modersmål. I studien har jag tittat på språkliga svårigheter i skrivandet, utmaningar kopplade till specifik texttyp och på vilket sätt de språkliga utmaningarna har hanterats av skribenten efter att läraren har lämnat kommentarer på texten. Studien visar att skribenten haft vissa grammatiska svårigheter och att vissa morfologiska delar har varit speciellt problematiska. Man ser också att problem på sats- och meningsnivå ökar i och med att textens komplexitet ökar. Studien visar att hjälp och vägledning från läraren hjälper skribenten att implementera strategier för att kunna rätta till de fel som finns i texten. Dock blir även denna korrigering svårare att utföra i takt med att meningarnas struktur och komplexitet ökar. / Abstrákta Mun lean dahkan dáhpáhusdutkamuša mas lean buohtastahttán ja gielalaččat guorahallan njeallje teavstta maid lea čállán okta árbegielatčálli. Čálli leat davvisámegiella nubbegielas ja ruoŧagiella eatnigielas. Teavsttain mun lean guorahallan čállimii gullevaš gielalaš hástalusaid, čállinhástalusaid teakstatiippaid ektui ja dan mo čálli lea čoavdán daid hástalusaid mat teavsttaid álgoveršuvnnain leat ja dan mielde makkár bagadusa čálli lea ožžon oahpaheaddjis. Dutkamuš lea čájehan ahte čállis leat moadde giellaoahpalaš čuolmmat ja ahte moadde morfologalaš oasit leat leamaš erenoamážit čuolbmái. Go kompleksiteahtta teavsttain lasiha ja gihput ja cealkagat šaddet guhkit ja viiddit de maiddái dagahit eanet hástalusaid čállái. Veahki ja bagadus oahpaheaddjis sáhttá veahkit čálli implementeret strategiijaid ja njulget čuolmma teavsttas. Maiddái dát njulget šaddá eanet váttis čállis go cealkagat struktuvrra ja kompleksitehta lasiha.

Teachers’ Interpretations ofthe Reading Strategies in the ESL Syllabus : A Mixed Method Study on the Possible Advantages andDisadvantages of the Phrasing of Reading Strategies in theRevised ESL Syllabus for Swedish Upper Secondary School / Lärares tolkningar av lässtrategierna i ämnesplanen för engelska : En multimetodstudie om de möjliga fördelarna och nackdelarna med formuleringen av lässtrategier i denreviderade ämnesplanen för engelska i den svenska gymnasieskolan

Brude, Frida, Öhman Ekman, Alice January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how teachers interpret the reading strategies in the revised English as aSecond Language (ESL) syllabus from 2021, and what advantages and disadvantages they see with the syllabuswhen they teach reading strategies. Previous studies suggest that it is beneficial to teach reading strategies in school.The revised ESL syllabus for upper secondary in Sweden mentions reading strategies but gives no definition orinstruction, making it the teachers’ responsibility to choose an interpretation. However, there is not much researchon the interpretation of reading strategies in ESL in a Swedish context nor in upper secondary school.The study was made through interviews, which where analysed thematically, and a survey, where univariate analysiswas used. The results showed that most teachers were confident using and explaining the strategies, but ofteninterpreted them in different ways. The results also showed that while most teachers think the phrasing in thesyllabus is clear, there are some ambiguities. Most teachers also said they had the resources they needed, but somedidactic resources were mentioned as lacking by some.Conclusions from these results are: that the revised ESL syllabus provides room for interpretation and gives teachersautonomy which they see as positive; that the differences in strategy interpretation can affect the students’ right toequal education; that there are strategies of which teachers are unsure; and that the lack of some resources is anobstacle in the implementation of the syllabus and the teaching of reading strategies. Implications of this thesis arethat policy makers can use it in their development of future educational policy documents, and that teachers can useit to educate themselves on their role in interpreting the syllabus in their work.

Ovtta nubbingielat sámegielčálli teavsttaid guorahallan gielalaš hástalusaid oaidninguovllus

Wågström Sevä, Linda Marie January 2022 (has links)
Mun lean dahkan dáhpáhusdutkamuša mas lean buohtastahttán ja gielalaččat guorahallan njeallje teavstta maid lea čállán okta árbegielatčálli. Teavsttaid čállis lea davvisámegiella nubbingiellan ja ruoŧagiella eatnigiellan. Teavsttain mun lean guorahallan čállimii gullevaš gielalaš hástalusaid, čállinhástalusaid teakstatiippaid ektui ja dan mo čálli lea čoavdán daid hástalusaid mat teavsttaid álgoveršuvnnain leat ja dan mielde makkár bagadusa čálli lea ožžon oahpaheaddjis. Dutkamuš lea čájehan ahte čállis leat moadde giellaoahpalaš čuolmma ja ahte muhtin morfologalaš oasit leat leamaš erenoamážit hástaleaddjit. Go kompleksiteahtta teavsttain lassána ja gihput ja cealkagat šaddet guhkibun ja viiddibun de dat maiddái dagahit eanet hástalusaid čállái. Veahkki ja bagadus oahpaheaddjis sáhttá láidet čálli implementeret strategiijaid ja njulget čuolmma teavsttas. Maiddái cealkagiid divvun ja njulgen šaddá váddáset go cealkagiid struktuvra ja kompleksiteahtta lassána. / Jag har gjort en fallstudie där jag har sammanställt och analyserat fyra olika texter som är skrivna av en nordsamisk arvspråksskribent som har nordsamiska som ett av sina andraspråk och svenska som modersmål. I studien har jag tittat på språkliga svårigheter i skrivandet, utmaningar kopplade till specifika texttyper och på vilket sätt de språkliga utmaningarna har hanterats av skribenten efter att läraren har lämnat kommentarer på texten. Studien visar att skribenten har haft vissa grammatiska svårigheter och att vissa morfologiska egenskaper och strukturer har varit speciellt problematiska. Man ser också att problem på sats- och meningsnivå ökar i och med att textens komplexitet ökar. Studien visar att hjälp och vägledning från läraren hjälper skribenten att implementera strategier för att kunna rätta till de fel som finns i texten. Dock blir även denna korrigering svårare att utföra i takt med att meningarnas struktur och komplexitet ökar.

Los aspectos pragmáticos en manuales suecos de español como lengua extranjera : Su contribución al desarrollo de la competencia pragmática en el bachillerato / Pragmatic aspects in Swedish textbooks for Spanish as a foreign language : Their contribution in the upper secondary school to learners’ development of a pragmatic competence in Spanish

De Matos Lundström, Anna January 2013 (has links)
El objetivo de esta monografía es tratar de determinar en qué medida y de qué manera cuatro manuales didácticos suecos de español como lengua extranjera (ELE), usados en la enseñanza en el nivel de bachillerato, tratan aspectos pragmáticos. Además, evaluaremos el potencial y la relevancia de la información metapragmática y las actividades relacionadas a los aspectos pragmáticos para el proceso de adquisición de una competencia tanto metapragmática como pragmática. En este estudio se parte de la noción de la competencia pragmática como una destreza orientada a saber crear y comprender significados en la interacción de manera eficaz (Thomas, 1995), que supone, más que los conocimientos lingüísticos en una interacción intercultural, los conocimientos extralingüísticos (cf. Bravo, 2005). La hipótesis de partida de este trabajo postula que los manuales no explican a fondo por qué cierto lenguaje se utiliza en ciertos contextos y que el contenido pragmático sería poco variado y difícil de asimilar y que los ejercicios no estarían diseñados principalmente para desarrollar la competencia pragmática. Hasta cierta medida se puede decir que los resultados de esta investigación confirman la hipótesis: los manuales podrían efectivamente ser más exhaustivos en cuanto a los temas que abarcan, asimismo podrían variar y explicar más a fondo aquellos temas. No obstante, parece haber un esfuerzo de incorporar actividades comunicativas e información extralingüística, sin embargo, hace falta una conceptualización y progresión en cuanto a cómo tratar estos temas como el propósito principal. Ni siquiera se ofrecen en las guías del profesor modelos didácticos o información adicional, y por lo general, no se combina la información metapragmática en los manuales con actividades complementarias que pretenden desarrollar las destrezas comunicativas. / The purpose of this paper is to try to determine to what extent and in what way four Swedish textbooks on Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) treat pragmatic aspects, as well as to evaluate the potential and relevance of the metapragmatic information and activities related to pragmatic aspects provided by the textbooks, for the development of pragmatic awareness and competence in Spanish. This study parts from the notion of pragmatic competence as a skill of knowing how to create and understand meanings in interaction effectively (Thomas, 1995), which in intercultural interaction probably requires extra-linguistic knowledge more than language skills (cf. Bravo, 2005). The hypothesis postulated at the beginning of the study was that the manuals would not fully explain why certain language is being used in certain contexts, that the pragmatic content would be scarcely varied and rather difficult to assimilate and that the exercises would not be designed primarily to develop a pragmatic competence. To some extent it can be said that the hypothesis is confirmed: the manuals could have been more comprehensive in terms of the topics covered, they could also have varied and explained those issues further. Despite the fact that there seems to be an effort to incorporate extra-linguistic information and communicative activities, the results indicate that there is a lack of emphasis on or progression on how to treat these issues. For example, there are no didactic models or suggestions in the teacher’s guide, nor is additional information provided elsewhere; usually the metapragmatic information is not combined with any activities, and the activities that aim to develop communicative skills are not combined with further metapragmatic information.

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