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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppkopplad eller nedkopplad? -Konflikt mellan förnuft och känsla : En etnografiskt inspirerad studie av fyra studenters vardag online och offline / Online or Offline? -The conflict between reason and emotion : An ethnographically-inspired study of four student’s everyday lives online and offline

Saller, Nathalie January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of this thesis has been to study and obtain greater understanding of the consequences of active social media use. Specifically, in terms of social identity, social life and the sense of belonging. Secondly, the thesis studies the consequences of disconnecting and for a limited amount of time opt out of the social media context. Method/material:  The study is based on an explorative, cultural ethnographically-inspired method, in which four respondents were studied: two men and two women, all frequent users of social media. This was done in three steps: initial interviews, followed by social media diaries and finally a focus group. By allowing these methods to complement each other, the goal was to create an overall picture of the importance of social media in their everyday lives. The study's focus lies on the week in which the respondents kept social media diaries. This was done with an application designed to continuously provide me updates during the week. The first three days of the week, the respondents used the social media as usual. Every time they were active on social media, the task was to update the diary with the activity, as well as motivation, emotion, simultaneous offline activity and possible reflections. The last four days of the weak, the respondents were prohibited from using social media, and instead they updated the diaries every time they had an impulse to use social media. Main results: The study shows that social media plays a big role in shaping the self as well as the social identity. The respondents feel a social requirement to be constantly available, which stresses them and affects offline-activities and how they socialize in real life. The days without social media meant great relief in many ways; they began to read books, socialized more concentrated with friends and family and were able to relax more. Despite these surprising insights, they want to continue using social media since being disconnected was also very stressful since they often had the feeling of being excluded and left out. The conflict between reason and emotion arises. Sense dictates that they should cut down on their social media activity but the feeling tells them the opposite.

Konzeption und Implementierung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Visualisierung von Kunsttopographie am Beispiel Malerweg

Kien, Julia 26 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zuge der stärkeren Entwicklung des Web 2.0 und der damit vermehrten Veröffentlichung von nutzergenerierten Inhalten werden in dieser Arbeit neuartige Ansätze zur Analyse von hinzugefügten Tags, insbesondere von Geotags, betrachtet. Neben touristischen Erkenntnissen sind vor allem globale Fotosammlungen und 3D-Modelle aus einzelnen Fotos nennenswerte Ergebnisse dieser Forschungsarbeiten. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Diplomarbeit liegt bei der Entwicklung einer mobilen Anwendung zur Visualisierung von Kunsttopographien entlang des Malerwegs für das Betriebssystem Android. Mit dieser Applikation wird gleichzeitig ein Ansatz zur Zusammenarbeit der Fachgebiete Kunstwissenschaft und Kartographie geliefert. Hierfür sollen Landschaftsgemälde im Untersuchungsgebiet der Sächsischen Schweiz in der mobilen Anwendung dargestellt werden. Durch die Georeferenzierung der Malerstandorte dieser Gemälde können sie anhand der somit definierten Geotags in einer Karte visualisiert werden. Die Applikation soll den Nutzer nicht nur bei der Wahl eines Wanderweges unterstützen, sondern mit Hilfe einer passenden Signatur auch jederzeit entsprechende Informationen zu einem Landschaftsgemälde liefern, zum Beispiel Entstehungszeit, Epoche, Ausstellungsort oder Name des Künstlers. In der App zum Malerweg ist außerdem auch die Verlinkung zu Wikipedia-Artikeln, sowie die Kameranutzung integriert. Mit einem Usability Test wird schließlich die Gebrauchstauglichkeit der mobilen Anwendung ermittelt. / In the course of the greater development of Web 2.0 and the resulting increased publication of “User Generated Content”, this work consider innovative approaches to the analysis of added tags, espacially of geotags. In addition to tourist findings, global photo collections and 3D models of individual photos are especially noteworthy results of this research. The main focus of this diploma thesis is the development of a mobile application for the visualisation of art topographies along the so called “Malerweg” for Android operating system. At the same time, an approach to the coorperation of the subject areas of science of art and cartography is delivered with this application. Therefore, landscape paintings of the study area Saxon Switzerland should be shown in the mobile application. By geocoding the painterlocations of these paintings, they can be visualized in a map based on the thus-defined geotags. The application will not only assist the user in choosing a trail, but also provide a matching cartographic symbol for delivering relevant information about a landscape painting at any time, for example, time of origin, epoch, place of issue or the name of the artist. In the app to “Malerweg”, there\'s furthermore a linking to Wikipedia articles integrated, as well as the camera use. Finally, a testing determine the usability of the mobile application.

Facilitating participation : A joint use of an interactive communication tool by children and professionals in healthcare situations

Stålberg, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Children’s right to participation in situations that matter to them is stated in law and convention texts and is emphasized by the children themselves in research studies, too. When actively involved, their perspective is visualized. Children’s use of interactive technology has increased considerably during the last decade. The use of applications and web sites are becoming a regular occurrence in paediatric healthcare. The overall aim was to develop and test, together with children, an interactive communication tool meant to facilitate young children’s participation in healthcare situations. To understand children’s varied perceptions of their involvement in healthcare situations, interviews, drawings and vignettes were used in a phenomenographic approach (I). A participatory design iteratively evaluated evolving prototypes of an application (II). Video observations and hermeneutics captured the meanings of the participation cues that the children demonstrated when they used the application in healthcare situations (III). A quantitative approach was used to identify patterns in the children’s cue use (IV). In total, 114 children in two clinical settings and in a preschool were involved. The result showed that the children perceived themselves, their parents and the professionals as actors in a healthcare situation, although all were perceived to act differently (I). The children contributed important information on age-appropriateness, usability and likeability in the iterative evaluating phases that eventually ended up in the application (II). When using the application in healthcare situations, the cues they demonstrated were understood as representing a curious, thoughtful or affirmative meaning (III). Curious cues were demonstrated to the highest extent. The three-year-olds and the children with the least experience of healthcare situations demonstrated the highest numbers of cues (IV). Conclusion: when using the application, the children demonstrated a situated participation which was influenced by their perspective of the situation and their inter-inter-action with the application as well as the health professional. The children’s situated participation provided the professionals’ with additional ways of guiding the children based on their perspectives. / I lag- och konventionstexter, liksom i forskning, som använder barnens egna uttryck betonas deras rättighet att vara delaktiga i situationer av betydelse för dem. Genom att delta kan de göra sitt perspektiv synligt. Under det senaste årtiondet har barns användning av interaktiv teknik ökat kraftigt. Applikationer och web-sidor används nuförtiden även flitigt inom barnsjukvården. Avhandlingens övergripande syfte var att utveckla och pröva, tillsammans med barn, ett interaktivt kommunikationsverktyg avsett att möjliggöra yngre barns delaktighet i vårdsituationer. Intervjuer, teckningar och vignetter användes för att, fenomenografiskt, förstå barnens uppfattningar av att vara i en vårdsituation (I). En iterativ deltagarbaserad design användes för att utveckla en prototyp av en applikation. En hermeneutisk tolkning av video-observationer fångade meningen i barnens sätt att visa sin delaktighet (hintar) vid användningen av applikationen i vårdsituationer (III). En deduktiv, kvantitativ ansats användes för att identifiera mönster i barnens sätt att visa sin delaktighet när de använde applikationen (IV). Resultatet visade att barnen uppfattade sig själva, föräldrarna och vårdpersonalen som aktörer i situationen, även om alla uppfattades agera på olika sätt (I). Barnen bidrog i den iterativa processen med viktig information gällande aspekter som åldersanpassning, användbarhet och hur väl den tilltalar dem, vilket slutligen ledde fram till den färdiga applikationen (II). Barnens sätt att visa sin delaktighet när de använde applikationen förstods ha en nyfiken, tankfull och självbekräftande mening (III). Nyfikenheten visades mest vid användningen av applikationen. Treåringarna samt barnen med minst vårderfarenhet använde applikationen i störst utsträckning (IV). Sammanfattning: när applikationen användes i vårdsituationen visade barnen en situerad delaktighet vilken byggde på deras perspektiv på den aktuella situationen samt på deras inter-inter-aktion med applikationen och vårdpersonalen. Genom detta erbjöds vårdpersonalen ytterligare ett sätt att guida barnet utifrån barnets eget perspektiv.

Mobil trygghetsapplikation för operativsystemet  Android / A Mobile Application for Personal Safety in the Android Operation System

Johansson, Andreas, Dahlbäck, Peter January 2010 (has links)
This report details the development of an application for personal safety for the Android operating system. Android is a relatively new platform, primarily used on mobile phones. The purpose of the developed application is to give the user the possibility to easily and quickly alert a number of contacts by phone in case of emergencies, and to show the user’s location on a map. This is not only used during emergencies, but for other purposes as well – for example to monitor a jogging round. The project was carried out in co-operation with the company D-Safety, the developer of the "SoftAlarm" – the product on which the developed application is based. / Denna rapport redogör för utvecklingen av en trygghetsapplikation för Android, en relativt ny plattform som till största delen används i mobiltelefoner. Denna applikation skulle innefatta möjligheten att via telefonen snabbt och enkelt manuellt larma ett antal kontakter vid farliga och oroande situationer. Utöver detta skulle applikationen även kunna visa användarens position på en karta i samband med detta, och även mer sport- och fritidsrelaterade ändamål såsom löprundor. Arbetet utfördes åt D-Safety, och baseras på en applikation kallad SoftAlarm, som i skrivande stund är under utveckling hos företaget.

Tidsuppfattning för dövblinda / Time Understanding for Deafblind People

Remes, Johan January 2010 (has links)
This project is about the development of a application to aid deafblind people with time understanding. The application is written in C# language and have multiple functions to alarm the user. The application can alarm deafblind persons through a combination of sounds, pictures and vibrations. This makes the application very flexible and can be used by many different groups like deaf, blind and older people. This application have been evaluated by staff from Mo Gård resurscenter. / Det här arbetet handlar om att utveckla ett hjälpmedel för personer som lider av dövblindhet med en kognitiv nedsättning. Målet med projektet är att utveckla en applikation som ska hjälpa dessa personer med sin tidsuppfattning. Applikationen är skrivet i programmeringsspråket C# och har flera olika funktioner som ska ge användaren en tydligare uppfattning om tiden. Applikationens fördel är att den kan kombinera information via olika kommunikationsvägarna; visuellt, auditivt och taktilt. Det gör att applikationen är mycket flexibelt och att många olika målgrupper till exempel döva, blinda och äldre kan använda sig utav applikationen. Applikationen har utvärderats av Mo Gårds hemmets personal och har resulterat i positiv kritik.

Att visualisera en utställning på Internet i Flash : - ett arbete för Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C / To visualize an exhibition on Internet in Flash : - a work for Norrköping Visualization Center C

Kulin, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att, genom att kombinera kunskaperna inom interaktionsdesign med kunskaperna inom visuell kommunikation, ta fram en designlösning åt Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C som presenterar innehållet i deras utställning “Att visa det man inte kan se“ på deras hemsida. För att nå detta syfte har utvalda teorier och metoder använts och i uppsatsen beskrivs designprocessen steg för steg - hela vägen från uppdragsbeskrivning, genom teorier och metoder till den färdiga designlösningen. Teorierna i denna uppsats handlar om interaktionsdesign, gränssnittsdesign, användbarhet, visuell kommunikation och teknik. Metoderna för att få reda på användarnas åsikter behandlar användartester, Card sorting, LoFi- och HiFi-prototyper. Resultatet av rapporten beskriver hur Adobe Flash kan användas för att skapa en interaktiv design för en webbsideapplikation med kontroll över interaktion, visuell kommunikation och användbarhet. Resultatet visar också hur användarnas återkoppling under användartesten påverkade slutresultatet. Resultatet visar även att en designprocess är olik från gång till gång men att det finns vissa riktlinjer som kan hjälpa en designer genom processen på ett kontrollerat sätt. / Abstract The goal of this thesis is to combine knowledge from interaction design with knowledge from visual communication in order to create a design solution for Norrköping Visualization Center C and their exhibition “To show what can’t be seen“ for their website. To reach this goal, theories and methods have been used and in this thesis the design process is described - step by step - all the way from the clients brief to the final design solution. The theories in this thesis are concerned with interaction design, interface design, usability, visual communication and technology. The methods employed are usability tests, card sorting, and LoFi- and HiFi-prototypes. This thesis report describes how Adobe Flash can be used to create an interactive design for a website application that establishes control over the interaction, visual communication and usability. It also shows how the users feedback on the user tests affected the end result. This thesis also shows that a design process can vary from time to time but there are some guidelines that can help a designer through the process in a controlled way.

Implementering av ett bokningssystem med Google Calendar / Implementation of a Booking System with Google Calendar

Blom, Oskar, Kovan, Novan January 2014 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör för implementationen av ett bokningssystem med integrering av Google Calendar API. Uppdraget var främst till för att utvärdera potentialen av ett bokningssystem där Google Calendar användes som scheman för personalen. Projektet skulle även kunna användas som ett grundsystem för att skräddarsy bokningssystem för olika företagsmodeller. Det slutgiltiga systemet blev en hemsida för tidsbokning, ett Web-API för kommunikation med hemsidan, integration av Google Calendar API för att hämta och lägga till tidsbokningar på personalens scheman samt lagring av data i en databas. / This report describes the implementation of a booking system with the integration of Google Calendar API. The objective was primarily to evaluate the potential of a booking system where Google Calendar was used as schedules for staff. The project could also be used as a base system for customizing booking systems for different business models. The final system consisted of a website for making appointments, a Web API for communicating with the website, integration of Google Calendar API to retrieve and add appointments to the schedules of the staff and storing data in a database.

Parkering i Norrköping : Processen att skapa ett mobilt användargränssnitt för att underlätta reseplanering / Parking in Norrköping : The process of creating a mobile interface to facilitate trip planning

Farhadi, Anna, Norin, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Under sommaren 2014 kommer Norrköping locka många turister till staden genom ett flertal stora evenemang, till exempel Bråvallafestivalen och Harry Potter: The Exhibition. Som besökare från en annan stad kan det vara svårt att hitta lämpliga parkeringsplatser i sådana situationer. I nuläget har Norrköpings kommun en karta över parkeringsplatser på deras hemsida. Denna är endast anpassad till webbläsare och ger en översiktlig bild över var parkeringar finns utplacerade i de mest centrala delarna av staden. Att söka upp kartan på en mobil enhet, lokalisera sig på kartan, välja lämplig parkering och sedan hitta till denna kan vara svårt och tidskrävande för den som har bråttom eller inte hittar i staden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett användarvänligt gränssnitt för en mobil applikation som ska underlätta parkeringsprocessen för förare som bor i eller besöker Norrköping. Till studien har sekventiella blandade metoder använts och designprocessen har baserats på både en målinriktad och användarcentrerad designmetod. En enkät, intervjuer och andvändbarhetstester har använts som datainsamlingmetoder för att på bästa sätt utveckla ett gränssnitt som möter användarens behov. Studien har resulterat i ett gränssnitt för en parkeringsapplikation som kan användas i planeringssyfte och som navigationshjälp. Design- och interaktionsval är grundade på användarnas mål och preferenser. Slutsatsen är att i en stressfylld situation är det viktigt att informationen är lättöverskådlig, tydlig och kräver minimal ansträngning av användaren samtidigt som antal steg för att nå informationen bör minimeras. Överflödiga funktioner bör sorteras bort. Olika användare har även olika inställningar till användandet av mobila applikationer för reseplanering och parkering. I första hand vänder sig majoriteten av mobilanvändare till Google för informationssökningar således bör den enklaste lösningen vara att Norrköpings kommun upprättar en mobilanpassad hemsida med information om parkeringar i staden. Dock finns det komplexa funktioner i applikationen som inte går att efterskapa på en mobil hemsida och även för att nå en bredare målgrupp blir skapandet av en applikation nödvändigt. / With a series of prestigeous events such as the Bråvalla Music Festival and the European premiere of Harry Potter: The Exhibition, Norrköping will, during the summer of 2014, attract many tourists. As a visitor, it may be difficult to locate appropriate parking spots in situations like these. Norrköpings Municipality currently has a map on their website with an overview of parking spots in the central areas of the city. This map, however, is only suited for viewing on big screens. To search for the map on a mobile device, find an appropriate parking and then correctly navigate to its location may serve difficult for a user who is new to the town or pressed for time. The purpose of this study is to create a user-friendly interface design for a mobile application that aims to facilitate the parking process for drivers who live in, or are visiting, Norrköping. The study uses a sequential mixed method approach and the design process is based on a goal-directed and user-centered design. Surveys, interviews and usability testing have been employed to collect research in order to create an interface that meets the needs of the user. The study resulted in the creation of an interface for a parking application that can be used for planning purposes as well as navigation. Choices for design and interactivity are based on the users' goals and preferences. The study concludes that a stressful situation requires information to be clear, easily understood and call for minimum effort from the user's side. Redundant information should be removed and the steps it takes to obtain information should be reduced. Different users have different attitudes towards the use of mobile applications for planning and parking. The majority of interviewees would in a similar situation rely on a Google search for information. From this we can conclude that the easiest solution would be for Norrköping's Municipality to create a mobile website with information about parking in the city. However, in order to reach a broader target group and to incorporate certain complex functions and features, the creation of an application becomes necessary.

Functional testing of an Android application / Funktionell testning av en Androidapplikation

Bångerius, Sebastian, Fröberg, Felix January 2016 (has links)
Testing is an important step in the software development process in order to increase the reliability of the software. There are a number of different methods available to test software that use different approaches to find errors, all with different requirements and possible results. In this thesis we have performed a series of tests on our own mobile application developed for the Android platform. The thesis starts with a theory section in which most of the important terms for software testing are described. Afterwards our own application and test cases are presented. The results of our tests along with our experiences are reviewed and compared to existing studies and literature in the field of testing. The test cases have helped us find a number of faults in our source code that we had not found before. We have discovered that automated testing for Android is a field where there are a lot of good tools, although these are not often used in practice. We believe the app development process could be improved greatly by regularly putting the software through automated testing systems.

Key components of building customer trust in the space industry : An investigation of the future of satellite applications

Nittler, Josefine, Ahlsén, Mattias January 2021 (has links)
This study is an empirical case study of the Swedish space- and automation company Unibap AB about how to build trust in the space industry. The space industry is distinctive in the way that space missions are at high stakes because of the high costs and the fact that the technology can not be modified after launch. Reliability and trust are therefore crucial factors of doing business in the space industry. Also, AI-based satellite solutions can bring huge benefits but 60% of the resistance from companies to running AI is linked to lack of trust. The concept of trust has been discussed before in the industrial marketing literature and differentiates between social sources and offer-related sources of trust. However, there appears to be an empirical as well as a theoretical gap when it comes to building trust in the space industry. Because the topic is unexplored, an exploratory methodology is used when interviewing 12 actors in the space- and high-tech industry worldwide. Since one important aspect of offer-related trust seems to be usability, this study also includes a usability evaluation of Unibap's space computer solution SpaceCloud which enables on-board AI applications. Key antecedents of trust in the space industry were found to be transparency, competence, reliability of technology, and exact delivery times. It appears that social- and offer-related trust significantly influence partnerships between companies and that offer-related trust is the most important type of trust to win contracts of tax-funded agencies. Strengths and improvements of the usability of SpaceCloud are also identified, and it is concluded that SpaceCloud has the potential to offer a new way of building satellite applications in the future.

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