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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A internacionalização do terror : o caso argentino

Braga, Leonardo Marmontel January 2012 (has links)
A internacionalização do terror no Cone Sul, durante as décadas de 70 e 80, consistiu na integração dos esforços de um grupo de países para combater um ―inimigo‖ comum: o comunismo. Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguai e Uruguai – com apoio dos Estados Unidos – associaram suas forças militares e serviços secretos para desenvolver um plano de combate internacional contra a ―subversão comunista‖: a denominada Operação Condor. Através dela internacionalizou-se o terrorismo de Estado instaurado nesses países, disseminando a insegurança, a violência e o desrespeito aos direitos humanos em toda a região sul-americana, dando origem a uma verdadeira ―multinacional do terror‖. O Plano Condor visou evitar que a atuação das organizações guerrilheiras existentes nesses países pudesse levar a uma revolução semelhante à ocorrida em Cuba. A Argentina foi um importante ator dessa rede internacional de terror. Perseguiu, reprimiu e colaborou, de forma sistemática e com requintes de violência, na perseguição e no aniquilamento dos opositores do regime ditatorial argentino, bem como dos países vizinhos. Com o golpe de Estado de março de 1976, instalou-se na Argentina a ditadura civil-militar, denominada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, banalizando o terrorismo do Estado e gerando um clima de insegurança e medo em toda a sociedade argentina. Nesta fase instaurou-se uma política estatal que cometeu diversos crimes de lesa humanidade, no marco do genocídio para alguns, ou do politicídio de vários militantes de movimentos de oposição, tornando-se esta a tática mais utilizada para combater as ideias ―subversivas‖. Milhares de cidadãos abandonaram o país tomando o rumo do exílio para salvar suas vidas, a de seus familiares e para seguir combatendo, desde o exterior, os usurpadores da liberdade na Argentina e lutando pela volta da democracia ao país. / The internationalization of terror in the Southern Cone, between the 70‘s and the 80‘s, was the integration of efforts of a group of countries to combat a ―common enemy‖: the communism. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay – with support from the United States – connected its military forces and secret services to develop a plan to combat internationally the ―communist subversion‖: the named Operation Condor. It internationalized the State terrorism introduced in those countries, spreading insecurity, violence and disrespecting human rights in the entire South American region, giving rise to a genuine ―multinational of terror‖. The Operation Condor aimed to avoid that those guerrillas organizations, active in its countries, could lead to a revolution similar to which occurred in Cuba. Argentina was an important actor from that international network of terror. It persecuted, repressed and collaborated systematically and with refinements of violence in the harassment and the annihilation of enemies of the Argentinean dictatorial regime, such as from its neighbouring countries. With the coup d‟état of March of 1976 in Argentina it was installed the civil-military dictatorship named Proceso de Reorganización Nacional that trivialized State terrorism and generated an atmosphere of insecurity and fear for the Argentine society as whole. This stage introduced a State policy that committed several crimes against humanity, within the framework of genocide for some, or of the politicide of several militants of the opposition movements, making it the most widely used tactic to combat the ―subversive‖ ideas. Thousands of citizenships abandoned this country taking the road of exile to save their own lives, as well as their families‘ and to keep fighting against, from abroad, the usurpers of freedom in Argentina and struggling for the return of democracy to the country. / La internacionalización del terror en el Cono Sur, durante las décadas del 70 y 80, consistió en la integración de los esfuerzos de un grupo de países para combatir un ―enemigo‖ común: el comunismo. Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay – con el apoyo de los EE.UU. – asociaron sus fuerzas militares y sus servicios secretos para desarrollar un plan de combate internacional contra la ―subversión comunista‖: la denominada Operación Cóndor. Mediante ella se internacionalizó el terrorismo de Estado antes esos países, diseminando la inseguridad, la violencia y el desprecio de los derechos humanos a toda la región sudamericana, originando una verdadera ―multinacional del terror‖. El Operativo Cóndor estuvo destinado a evitar que las acciones de organizaciones guerrilleras existentes en esos países pudieran llevar a una revolución semejante a la que ocurrió en Cuba. La Argentina fue un importante actor de esa red internacional del terror. Persiguió, reprimió y colaboró, sistemática y violentamente, en la persecución y en el aniquilamiento de los opositores del régimen dictatorial argentino, así como lo de los países vecinos. Con el golpe de Estado de marzo de 1976, se estableció en la Argentina la dictadura civil-militar, denominada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, banalizando el terrorismo de Estado y generando una atmosfera de inseguridad y de miedo a toda la sociedad argentina. En esta fase se introdujo una política estatal que cometió diversos crímenes de lesa humanidad, en el marco del genocidio para algunos, o del politicidio de varios militantes de movimientos de oposición, convirtiéndose esta la táctica más utilizada para combatir las ideas "subversivas". Miles de ciudadanos abandonaron el país tomando el rumbo del exilio para salvar sus vidas, la de sus familiares y para seguir combatiendo, desde afuera, los usurpadores de la libertad en la Argentina y luchando por el regreso de la democracia al país.

A internacionalização do terror : o caso argentino

Braga, Leonardo Marmontel January 2012 (has links)
A internacionalização do terror no Cone Sul, durante as décadas de 70 e 80, consistiu na integração dos esforços de um grupo de países para combater um ―inimigo‖ comum: o comunismo. Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguai e Uruguai – com apoio dos Estados Unidos – associaram suas forças militares e serviços secretos para desenvolver um plano de combate internacional contra a ―subversão comunista‖: a denominada Operação Condor. Através dela internacionalizou-se o terrorismo de Estado instaurado nesses países, disseminando a insegurança, a violência e o desrespeito aos direitos humanos em toda a região sul-americana, dando origem a uma verdadeira ―multinacional do terror‖. O Plano Condor visou evitar que a atuação das organizações guerrilheiras existentes nesses países pudesse levar a uma revolução semelhante à ocorrida em Cuba. A Argentina foi um importante ator dessa rede internacional de terror. Perseguiu, reprimiu e colaborou, de forma sistemática e com requintes de violência, na perseguição e no aniquilamento dos opositores do regime ditatorial argentino, bem como dos países vizinhos. Com o golpe de Estado de março de 1976, instalou-se na Argentina a ditadura civil-militar, denominada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, banalizando o terrorismo do Estado e gerando um clima de insegurança e medo em toda a sociedade argentina. Nesta fase instaurou-se uma política estatal que cometeu diversos crimes de lesa humanidade, no marco do genocídio para alguns, ou do politicídio de vários militantes de movimentos de oposição, tornando-se esta a tática mais utilizada para combater as ideias ―subversivas‖. Milhares de cidadãos abandonaram o país tomando o rumo do exílio para salvar suas vidas, a de seus familiares e para seguir combatendo, desde o exterior, os usurpadores da liberdade na Argentina e lutando pela volta da democracia ao país. / The internationalization of terror in the Southern Cone, between the 70‘s and the 80‘s, was the integration of efforts of a group of countries to combat a ―common enemy‖: the communism. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay – with support from the United States – connected its military forces and secret services to develop a plan to combat internationally the ―communist subversion‖: the named Operation Condor. It internationalized the State terrorism introduced in those countries, spreading insecurity, violence and disrespecting human rights in the entire South American region, giving rise to a genuine ―multinational of terror‖. The Operation Condor aimed to avoid that those guerrillas organizations, active in its countries, could lead to a revolution similar to which occurred in Cuba. Argentina was an important actor from that international network of terror. It persecuted, repressed and collaborated systematically and with refinements of violence in the harassment and the annihilation of enemies of the Argentinean dictatorial regime, such as from its neighbouring countries. With the coup d‟état of March of 1976 in Argentina it was installed the civil-military dictatorship named Proceso de Reorganización Nacional that trivialized State terrorism and generated an atmosphere of insecurity and fear for the Argentine society as whole. This stage introduced a State policy that committed several crimes against humanity, within the framework of genocide for some, or of the politicide of several militants of the opposition movements, making it the most widely used tactic to combat the ―subversive‖ ideas. Thousands of citizenships abandoned this country taking the road of exile to save their own lives, as well as their families‘ and to keep fighting against, from abroad, the usurpers of freedom in Argentina and struggling for the return of democracy to the country. / La internacionalización del terror en el Cono Sur, durante las décadas del 70 y 80, consistió en la integración de los esfuerzos de un grupo de países para combatir un ―enemigo‖ común: el comunismo. Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay – con el apoyo de los EE.UU. – asociaron sus fuerzas militares y sus servicios secretos para desarrollar un plan de combate internacional contra la ―subversión comunista‖: la denominada Operación Cóndor. Mediante ella se internacionalizó el terrorismo de Estado antes esos países, diseminando la inseguridad, la violencia y el desprecio de los derechos humanos a toda la región sudamericana, originando una verdadera ―multinacional del terror‖. El Operativo Cóndor estuvo destinado a evitar que las acciones de organizaciones guerrilleras existentes en esos países pudieran llevar a una revolución semejante a la que ocurrió en Cuba. La Argentina fue un importante actor de esa red internacional del terror. Persiguió, reprimió y colaboró, sistemática y violentamente, en la persecución y en el aniquilamiento de los opositores del régimen dictatorial argentino, así como lo de los países vecinos. Con el golpe de Estado de marzo de 1976, se estableció en la Argentina la dictadura civil-militar, denominada Proceso de Reorganización Nacional, banalizando el terrorismo de Estado y generando una atmosfera de inseguridad y de miedo a toda la sociedad argentina. En esta fase se introdujo una política estatal que cometió diversos crímenes de lesa humanidad, en el marco del genocidio para algunos, o del politicidio de varios militantes de movimientos de oposición, convirtiéndose esta la táctica más utilizada para combatir las ideas "subversivas". Miles de ciudadanos abandonaron el país tomando el rumbo del exilio para salvar sus vidas, la de sus familiares y para seguir combatiendo, desde afuera, los usurpadores de la libertad en la Argentina y luchando por el regreso de la democracia al país.

Intrahousehold Allocation of Time and Consumption during Hard Times / Allocation Intrafamiliale des Ressources en Situation de Crise

Martinoty, Laurine 08 October 2015 (has links)
Les conséquences des chocs économiques négatifs sur les ménages ont été documentés extensivement, mais on en sait beaucoup moins sur la manière dont ces chocs sont transmis aux individus à travers la médiation du ménage. Le ménage contribue-il à modérer l'effet des chocs négatifs ? Dans quelle mesure le choc économique pèse-t-il dans la négociation familiale ? À partir de données sur la crise économique argentine de 2001, je montre d'abord que les femmes en couple ont une plus grande probabilité de devenir actives si leur mari a fait l'expérience d'un choc de revenu. Ensuite, je montre que le cycle économique importe dans les décisions d'investissement en capital humain. Sur le long terme, les profils de salaire et d'employabilité des hommes argentins sont affectés de manière persistante par les conditions économiques initiales au moment de l'obtention du diplôme. Enfin, je considère la dimension “man-cession” de la crise économique de 2009 en Espagne et montre que la part des ressources du ménage reçues par les femmes pour leur consommation privée augmente avec la diminution de l'écart des taux de chômage hommes-femmes, confortant l'hypothèse que les chocs négatifs modifient le pouvoir de négociation des individus au sein du ménage. / The consequences of adverse aggregate shocks on households have been repeatedly documented, but far less has been said on the way they are passed over to individuals through the mediation of the household. Does the household contribute in mitigating the effects? Or does the economic shock rather invite itself at the family negociating table? Using the Argentine 2001 economic crisis as a natural experiment, I first show that married women are more likely to enter the labor market if their husband experienced a loss in income, giving credit to the insurance mechanism. Then, I show that the business cycle matters for investments in education, and that long run labor outcomes of Argentine men are persistently affected by the initial conditions upon graduation. Finally, I consider the “Mancession” dimension of the Great Recession in Spain and demonstrate that the resource share accruing to wives for own consumption increases together with the decreasing unemployment gap, which comes in support to the bargaining hypothesis.

MERCOSUR - Union européenne : une comparaison des politiques publiques de reconnaissance académique professionnelle dans les cadres de l'Argentine et de la France / MERCOSUR - European Union : a Public Policy Comparison of Academic-Professional Recognition in Argentina and France Frameworks

Solanas, Facundo 08 March 2016 (has links)
Tant l’Union européenne (UE) que le Marché Commun du Sud (MERCOSUR) ont construit différentes politiques publiques pour la reconnaissance des diplômes à des fins académiques ou à des fins professionnelles. Ces politiques ont pour but principal de faciliter la mobilité des diplômés respectifs dans les pays membres qui composent chaque région.En dépit du fait qu’il s’agit de processus d’intégration régionale très différents, la construction des politiques de reconnaissance académique-professionnelle présente plusieurs similitudes. Les deux politiques se sont dédoublées dans un axe académique et un autre axe professionnel, comme s’il s’agissait de secteurs complétement éloignés l’un de l’autre. Conséquemment, nous avons analysé quatre enjeux dans ce travail : d’abord, le processus que lance la Commission européenne (CE) au début des années 1970 avec les directives sectorielles pour les « professions réglementées » et, qui après différents changements, culmine dans les Directives 2005/36/CE et 2013/55/UE. Deuxièmement, le processus qui se développe principalement à partir de la mise en œuvre du Programme Erasmus en 1986, et qui techniquement pose les bases pour que soit lancé de façon intergouvernementale en 1999 le « processus de Bologne ». Troisièmement, en 1998, le MERCOSUR décide de construire un premier instrument expérimental d’accréditation des cursus universitaires au niveau régional (le MEXA), qui suite à différents changements, est devenu un dispositif permanent : l’ARCUSUR. Finalement, les Ministères des affaires étrangères des pays membres du MERCOSUR ont avancé avec un protocole concernant le secteur des services de la région et, suite à différentes négociations, le Conseil du Marché Commun a permis la pratique professionnelle temporaire à partir d’un autre dispositif : la Décision 25/2003.Ce divorce entre reconnaissance académique et professionnelle nous a invité, d’un côté, à questionner les rapports contemporains entre l’État ou la CE et les différentes associations professionnelles, l’université et la construction des diverses politiques européennes ou du MERCOSUR. Et, d’un autre côté, à analyser la place de l’État et de la CE dans cette construction et les rapports avec les normes ou « recommandations » provenant des organisations internationales. / Both the European Union (EU) and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) have constructed different public policies for the recognition of diplomas for either academic or professional purposes. The aim of these policies is to facilitate the mobility of its respective graduates within the countries members of each region.Despite the fact that they are two different regional integration processes, the construction of academic and professional recognition policies have several similarities. The two policies were spread out in two axis, an academic one and a professional one, as if they were fully separated areas from each other. Hence, we analyzed four issues in this work. First, the process that launches the European Commission (EC) in the early 1970s with the sectorial directives for the “regulated professions” and which, after various changes, culminating in Directives 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EU. Second, the process initiated with the Erasmus Program’s implementation in 1986. This program provides the technical support for the intergovernmental launch the “Bologna process” in 1999. Third, in 1998 MERCOSUR decided to build a first experimental accreditation instrument of academic programs at the regional level (MEXA). After several changes, it has become a permanent device: the ARCUSUR. Finally, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of MERCOSUR members have made some progress in implementing a protocol for the regional services sector and followed by different negotiations, the Council of the Common Market allowed the temporary professional practice from another device: Decision 25/2003. This dissociation between academic and professional recognition invited us to analyze two distinctive phenomenons. On the one hand, is to question the contemporary relations among the State or the EC and the different professional associations, the university and the construction of the divers European or MERCOSUR policies. And on the other hand, is to analyze the role of the State and the EC in the construction and the relation with normative or “recommendations” from international organizations.

Trois partis verts latino-américains en perspective comparée avec les pays européens. Concurrence avec la gauche et stratégies de démarcation / Three Green Parties from Latin America in Comparative Perspective with Europe. Competiton with Left-wing Parties and Demarcation Strategies

Hanry-Knop, Diana 18 December 2015 (has links)
Le Partido Verde brésilien, le Partido Ecologista chilien et le Proyecto Sur argentin sont des partis politiques appartenant à la mouvance des partis verts ou de tendance écologiste. Ils constituent, dans leurs pays respectifs, des forces politiques nouvelles, qui entendent se distinguer par l’affirmation d’une identité particulière, fondée sur la place centrale accordée à la protection de l’environnement et au développement durable ainsi que sur la volonté de « faire de la politique autrement ». Si les membres de ces partis estiment ainsi se démarquer de la gauche, ils s’en rapprochent néanmoins par les idées qu’ils défendent en matière sociétale, mais aussi en matière économique et sociale. Ils participent ainsi au mouvement plus vaste de recomposition de la gauche et se trouvent en concurrence avec les autres forces de gauche, dont ils partagent l’électorat. Ces trois partis ont émergé, dans un contexte de renouvellement démocratique, en lien avec les acteurs de la société civile. Ils continuent à entretenir des liens étroits avec le monde associatif, syndical et artistique. Leur organisation est fondée sur un modèle basé sur des principes démocratiques tels que le pluralisme, la représentativité, la territorialité. Néanmoins, comme leurs homologues d’Europe occidentale et d’Europe centrale et orientale, ils font face à la difficulté de mettre effectivement ces principes en œuvre dans leur fonctionnement quotidien et sont confrontés à un phénomène de concentration du pouvoir à la tête du parti. Si le Partido Eccologista chilien, le Partido Verde brésilien et le Proyecto Sur argentin ont chacun su occuper un espace jusqu’alors vacant sur la scène politique de leur pays respectif, leurs perspectives d’évolution et de développement demeurent incertaines. / The Partido Verde from Brazil, the Partido Ecologista from Chile and the Proyecto Sur from Argentina are political parties belonging to the movement of green or ecologist parties. They represent, in each country, new political forces which aim at differentiating themselves through a particular identity, built on the focus on sustainable development and the strong will to do politics in a new fashion. Members of those three political parties believe they are apart from left-wing activists. Nevertheless, they do share similar ideas, regarding societal issues, as well as economic and social questions. These parties appeared in a particular context, influenced by democratic renewal, in connection with civil society activists. They continue to keep strong ties with associations, unions, and artistic movements. Their organisation is based on democratic principles such as pluralism, representativeness and territoriality. However, like their European counterparts, they have trouble applying these principles in actual fact. They also face the issue of monopolized power by party leaders. The Partido Verde, the Partido Ecologista and the Proyecto Sur were able to fill a political vacuum in their respective countries, yet their prospects in terms of electoral success remain uncertain.

Memoria y autoficción : la figura del desaparecido en la obra de hijos de militantes políticos en Argentina

Mildenberger, Juan Carlos 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse considère l'importance de la mémoire et de l'autofiction dans l'œuvre littéraire et cinématographique des enfants de militants politiques en Argentine pendant les années soixante-dix. L'analyse se concentre sur le documentaire Los rubios (2003) d'Albertina Carri, et sur les romans Los topos (2014) de Féliz Bruzzone et La casa de los conejos (2008) de Laura Alcoba. Ces auteurs, mais aussi d’autres auteurs de la même génération et des enfants de militants, abordent le passé de la dernière dictature (1976-1983) en se concentrant sur le personnage du « disparu ». En même temps, ils deviennent protagonistes de leurs propres histoires. La mémoire de membres de leurs familles et de survivants est nécessaire pour que les auteurs de ces œuvres sachent ce qui est arrivé à leurs parents disparus. L'autofiction devient une nécessité pour pouvoir élaborer leurs narrations, dans lesquelles se confondent la fiction, les faits réels et les données biographiques. L'autofiction des auteurs étudiés ici se distingue de l'autofiction canonique par un pacte de lecture différent. L'analyse tourne autour des concepts de mémoire et d'histoire, ce qui permet de voir la spécificité et la singularité avec laquelle les auteurs abordent le passé. L'œuvre culturelle, littéraire ou cinématographique, se constitue dans ces travaux comme un espace dans lequel le trauma est réélaboré. La remise en question de la mémoire du militantisme, les décisions des parents, la recherche de la propre identité, l'apparition de voix antérieurement ignorées ou peu écoutées sont des aspects qui apparaissent dans ces narrations. À travers leurs œuvres, les enfants de militants et/ou de disparus ont ouvert d'autres voies d'interprétation de la période la plus tragique de l'histoire argentine, en représentant d'autres mémoires et en évoquant un passé sur lequel tout n’a pas encore été dit. / This thesis considers the importance of memory and autofiction in the literary and audiovisual work produced by the children of the 1970´s Argentinian political activists. Our analysis comprises the documentary Los rubios (2003) by Albertina Carri, the novels Los topos (2014) by Félix Bruzzone, and La casa de los conejos (2008) by Laura Alcoba. These authors, along with others from their generation who also had activist parents, reflect on the events that took place during the last Argentinian dictatorship (1976-1983) by focusing on the figure of the desaparecido (the missing person). At the same time, these authors present themselves as the protagonists of their own stories. The memories of family members and of political survivors become an instrumental tool for the authors to understand the fate of their missing parents. For these authors, autofiction becomes necessary if they are to elaborate their narratives, which merge fiction, biographical experiences and historical events. The autofictional work of the authors we study here proposes a different reading contract from the one usually established by canonical autofiction. Our analysis delves into issues related to memory and history, which reveal the specific and original way in which these works consider the past. Cultural, literary or audiovisual works become a space for the working through of historical trauma. These narratives problematize the past, questioning the memory of 1970s political activism, doubting their parents´ decisions, searching for their own identities, and include voices that had been previously ignored. Through their work, the children of political activists and/or missing persons have opened new ways of considering one of the most tragic periods of Argentinian history, representing other memories and recalling a past about which not all has been told. / Esta tesis considera la importancia de la memoria y de la autoficción en la obra literaria y cinematográfica de hijos de militantes políticos de la Argentina de los años setenta. El análisis se centra en el documental Los rubios (2003) de Albertina Carri, y en las novelas Los topos (2014) y La casa de los conejos (2008) de Féliz Bruzzone y Laura Alcoba, respectivamente. Estos autores, junto a otros de la misma generación y también hijos de militantes, abordan el pasado de la última dictadura (1976-1983) centrándose en la figura del desaparecido. Lo hacen, además, como protagonistas de sus propias historias. La memoria de familiares y sobrevivientes resulta necesaria para que los autores de las obras sepan qué ocurrió con sus padres desaparecidos. La autoficción se torna una necesidad para poder elaborar sus narraciones, en las que convergen ficción, hechos reales y datos biográficos. Las autoficciones de los autores estudiados aquí se distinguen de las autoficciones canónicas por el diferente pacto de lectura que en ellas subyace. El análisis gira en torno a los conceptos de memoria e historia, lo cual permite ver la especifidad y singularidad con la que abordan el pasado. La obra cultural, literaria o cinematográfica, se constituye en estos trabajos como un espacio en que se reelabora el trauma. El cuestionamiento a la memoria de la militancia, a las decisiones de los padres, la búsqueda de la propia identidad, la aparición de voces antes ignoradas o poco escuchadas son aspectos que, en mayor o menos medida, son evidentes en estas narraciones. A través de sus obras, los hijos de militantes y/o desaparecidos han abierto otras vías de interpretación del periodo más trágico de la historia argentina, representando otras memorias y evocando un pasado sobre el que todavía no está todo dicho.

Du barrage au guichet. Naissance et transformation des mouvements de chômeurs en Argentine (1990 – 2015) / From Roadblocks to Welfare Offices. Rise and Transformation of Unemployed people’s Movements in Argentine (1990-2015).

Rodriguez Blanco, Maricel 12 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte dans une perspective sociohistorique et ethnographique sur le mouvement piquetero en Argentine et ses transformations successives durant les années 2000 en un vaste réseau d’organisation prestataires de services. Ce mouvement est né des actions collectives des chômeurs et travailleurs précaires à la fin des années 1990 contre les effets des réformes « néolibérales » et tient son nom de l’un de ses modes de protestation privilégié, le barrage de route ou piquete. Dès ses débuts, les piqueteros ont fait l’objet d’un double traitement de la part de l’État, entre répression et récupération dans le cadre de la mise en place de programmes de transferts conditionnés des ressources (Conditional Cash Transfer Programs). Dans cette nouvelle configuration de l’action publique ciblée, il s’agit désormais pour l’État de déléguer la distribution des aides sociales aux organisations, au regard de leur proximité territoriale avec les populations précarisées. Or, cette thèse montre que ce rôle flou de guichet, qui tend à introduire d’une manière ou d’une autre de la concurrence entre les organisations, a ainsi rapidement contribué à fragmenter l’espace piquetero, et produit des effets ambivalents sur les pratiques et les trajectoires des participants. La thèse s’appuie sur des méthodes mixtes, qualitatives et quantitatives, à partir d’une enquête de terrain menée pendant 40 mois, entre 2000 et 2015, dans deux provinces argentines. D’une part, à travers une ethnographie et des entretiens biographiques approfondis auprès des leaders, des délégués et des militants de la base (N=104), nous avons observé les interactions entre ces différentes catégories. Une prosopographie des leaders (N=76) nous a, d’autre part, permis à partir des méthodes statistiques de l’analyse factorielle (ACM) et de la classification (CAH) de rendre compte de la structuration de cet espace des organisations. Dans une première partie, la thèse s’attache – à l’appui d’archives et d’entretiens – à mettre en lumière les conditions de possibilité de la cristallisation progressive d’un mouvement social en un espace d’organisations. Nous avons cherché ici à appréhender le contexte, les enjeux et les moyens d’action de ce mouvement contestataire, en rapportant son inscription à l’évolution depuis le début du XXè siècle des rapports entre État, partis politiques et syndicats. La deuxième partie de la thèse est, elle, consacrée à l’analyse des pratiques militantes et des formes d’encadrement au sein des organisations. L’ouverture de la boîte noire des organisations révèle ainsi à quel point leur fonctionnement interne résulte de la capacité d’un ensemble d’intermédiaires à mener un travail de représentation, de mobilisation et de gestion des ressources vis-à-vis de certaines fractions des classes populaires particulièrement disposées à s’engager dans la durée. L’examen statistique des trajectoires de leaders nous renseigne par ailleurs sur les ressources nécessaires à l’occupation d’un tel poste et aussi sur ce que l’engagement fait aux parcours individuels. Enfin, une troisième partie a servi à appréhender les pratiques associatives au sein des organisations. Restituer les logiques de recrutement et les profils des recrutés a donné à voir dans la durée aussi bien les conditions de l’engagement de ces chômeurs et travailleurs précaires que les effets sur leurs trajectoires. L’observation des pratiques notamment lors des assemblées permet de montrer les principes d’encadrement tendus entre militantisme et entreprenariat qui pèsent sur les participants. Si cette fraction de précaires témoigne au sein des classes populaires de formes de mobilisation et de résistance particulièrement exemplaires, ils tendent également à déployer des modalités d’accommodement aux organisations, différenciées suivant leur socialisation et le volume et la nature de leurs ressources. / This thesis discusses the Piquetero movement in Argentina and its successive transformations during the 2000s into an extensive network of service provider organizations throughout the territory from a sociohistorical and ethnographic perspective. This movement was born out of the collective actions of the unemployed and precarious workers in the late 1990s against the effects of "neoliberal" reforms, and takes its name from one of their preferred modes of protest, the roadblock or picket. Since its beginnings, the Piquetero movement has been the subject of a double treatment by the State, between repression and recovery in the context of the establishment of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs. In this new configuration of targeted public action, it is now up to the State to delegate the distribution of social assistance to a network of organizations, given their territorial proximity to the underprivileged populations. However, this thesis shows that this fuzzy wicket role, which tends to introduce in one way or another the competition amid the organizations, has thus quickly contributed to fragment the piquetero space, and produces ambivalent effects on the practices and the trajectories of the participants. The thesis is based on mixed methods, qualitative and quantitative, from a large 40-month field survey conducted between 2000 and 2015 in two Argentinian provinces. On the one hand, through an ethnography and in-depth biographical interviews with leaders, delegates and grassroots activists (N=104), we observed the interactions between these different categories. A prosopography of the leaders (N=76) allowed us, on the other hand, from the statistical methods of factor analysis (ACM) and hierarchical classification (CAH), to report on the structuring of this space of organizations. In the first part, the thesis focuses – with the support of archives and interviews – on the conditions of the gradual crystallization of a social movement into a space of organizations. We sought here to understand the context, the stakes and the means of action of this protest movement, relating its inscription to the evolution since the beginning of the XXth century of the relations between State, political parties and unions. The second part of our thesis is devoted to the analysis of activist practices and forms of supervision within organizations. The opening of the black box of the organizations thus reveals to what extent their internal functioning results from the capacity of a set of intermediaries to carry out a work of representation, mobilization and management of resources among working classes particularly willing to engage in the long term. The statistical examination of the trajectories of leaders also informed us about the resources that were necessary to occupy such a position and also about the effects of their engagement to their individual trajectories. Finally, a third part serves to apprehend associative practices within organizations. Restoring the recruiting logics and the profiles of the recruits has shown in the long term both the conditions of the commitment of these unemployed and precarious workers and the effects on their trajectories. The observation of practices, especially during assemblies, shows the principles of supervision stretched between activism and entrepreneurship which weighed on the participants. If this fraction of precarious people testifies within the working classes of forms of mobilization and resistance particularly exemplary, they also tend to deploy modes of accommodation to organizations, differentiated according to their socialization, and the volume and nature of their resources.


ANA CAROLINE MATIAS ALENCAR 08 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] No ano de 1965, o cineasta Jorge Prelorán deu início a uma vasta série documental, intitulada Relevamiento Cinematográfico de Expresiones Folklóricas Argentinas, direcionada à pesquisa e ao registro audiovisual de regiões interioranas do país. O projeto, que contou com o patrocínio de instituições como a Universidad Nacional de Tucumán e o Fondo Nacional de las Artes, foi desenvolvido em meio a um pulsante contexto intelectual e artístico, marcado tanto pela emergência das mais diversas propostas de renovação da linguagem cinematográfica, como pelo amplo fenômeno conhecido como boom do movimento folclórico, ocorrido nos anos 1960, na Argentina. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta tese foi o de investigar de que maneira Jorge Prelorán teria reelaborado, nas películas por ele realizadas para o Relevamiento (1965-1975), um conjunto de temas, tópicas, metodologias, recursos narrativos e procedimentos discursivos provenientes de três amplos domínios, com os quais o diretor manteve os mais estreitos contatos: a larga tradição de ensaios de interpretação da Argentina, dedicada, ao longo do tempo, à tarefa de figuração da nação; os campos do folclore e da antropologia vigorantes no país, em suas múltiplas vertentes; e as correntes do cinema etnográfico com as quais o diretor chegou a estabelecer longevos vínculos. Os diálogos travados entre a obra de Prelorán e as tradições intelectuais e artísticas mencionadas – diálogos esses que estiveram quase sempre pautados nas estratégias de descrição da natureza, nos diferentes modos de figuração do tempo e do espaço e nos modelos de representação da arte e da cultura manejados pelo documentarista – foram concebidos, ao longo da pesquisa, como variações em torno de quatro grandes temas: a cartografia, a viagem, o compêndio e a metodologia empática de filmagem. / [en] In 1965, the filmmaker Jorge Prelorán began to develop a vast documentary series, entitled Relevamiento Cinematográfico de Expresiones Folklóricas Argentinas, dedicated to the study and filming of inlands regions of the country. The project, which was sponsored by Universidad Nacional de Tucumán and Fondo Nacional de las Artes, took place in the midst of an intellectual and artistic context marked both by the emergence of diverse proposals for the renewal of cinematographic language, and by the cultural phenomenon known as boom of the folk movement, which occurred in the 1960s in Argentina. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate how Jorge Prelorán reformulated, in the films he made for the project between 1965 and 1975, a set of themes, topics, methodologies, narrative resources and discursive procedures originated from three broad domains, with which the director maintained close contacts: the long tradition of Argentine essays, dedicated to the interpretation of the nation; the fields of folklore and anthropology prevailing in the country, in its multiple phases; and the modalities of ethnographic cinema with which the director related in those years. The dialogues that were established between Prelorán s work and the intellectual and artistic traditions mentioned previously – dialogues that were almost always based on the strategies of describing nature, on the different modes of representing time and space and on the models of depicting art and culture used by the filmaker – were conceived throughout this research as variations around four major themes: cartography, travel, compendium and empathic filming methodology.

Sovereignties Displaced: Avant-Garde Prose and Authoritarianism in Spain, Chile, and Argentina (1923-1936)

Ryan, William, 0000-0003-1748-469X January 2020 (has links)
Whereas contemporary debates in Latin American studies addressing sovereignty often focus on dictatorships and the transitions to democratic governments in Latin America in the late twentieth century, Sovereignties Displaced: Avant-Garde Prose and Authoritarianism in Spain, Chile, and Argentina (1923-1936) adopts a transatlantic framework and directs critical attention to the cultural production of the interwar period. The historical and cultural events preceding and following 1929 are connected to World War I, the political crisis of democratic systems, and the global socioeconomic instability of the period. The three countries studied in the present work would be affected by these conditions, sharing an almost synchronic development of the authoritarian governments of Miguel Primo de Rivera in Spain (1923-1930), of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo in Chile (1927-1931), and José Félix Uriburu in Argentina (1930-1932). Additionally, the rise of authoritarianism and the decay of parliamentary institutions characterizing this epoch condition and inscribe the political essays and avant-garde novels composed by the intellectuals and writers analyzed in this study: from Spain, María Zambrano (1904-1991), Ramón Gómez de la Serna (1888-1963), and Benjamín Jarnés (1888-1949); from Chile, Alberto Edwards Vives (1874-1932), Juan Emar (1893-1964), and Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948); and from Argentina, Ramón Doll (1896-1970), Norah Lange (1905-1972), and Roberto Arlt (1900-1942). It should be noted that while considering national circumstances, my argumentation is divided into sections organized not by country, but rather by subject matter: a methodological and theoretical introduction, three analytical chapters, and concluding remarks. Established critical assessments of the avant-gardes, as offered by experts like Renato Poggioli (1907-1963), have underscored that democratic forms of government would provide the initial conditions of possibility of the historical avant-gardes. Other scholars, however, have recognized the interdependency of early twentieth century artistic discourses, revolutionary ideas, and authoritarianism. Informed by the theorization of sovereignty and democracy of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004), and the concept of community of Roberto Esposito (1950-), my research examines, in political essays and vanguard novels, the opposition of individual vis-à-vis collective forms of rule. The texts of my corpus manifest a recurrent concern relating to the tension between self-rule and collective-rule, a dynamic which organizes and destabilizes avant-garde formations themselves. Consequently, I analyze the philosophical and political ramifications of these authors’ defense, negation, or destabilization of the individual-collective opposition in the context of the deterioration of parliamentarism. In my first chapter, I examine the following essays that represent a range of political positions from the interwar years: Horizonte del liberalismo (1930) by María Zambrano, Liberalismo en la literatura y la política (Con una segunda edición de: “Democracia mal menor”) (1934, n/d) by Ramón Doll, and La fronda aristocrática en Chile (1928) by Alberto Edwards Vives. Framed by the sociological assessments of José Ortega y Gasset in La rebelión de las masas (1930), this chapter considers these essayists’ observations regarding mass politics and the role of political and economic elites. I foreground the ethical problems relating to these authors’ conceptions of the human subject and their concomitant formulations of governance, deriving from various ideological orientations. The essayists’ comparable anxieties regarding the limits of democratic politics reveal the complexities of the period and serve as a springboard for the subsequent chapters that study the politics of avant-garde novels. In my second chapter, shifting from essayistic discourse to vanguard fiction, I analyze philosophical oppositions central to the configuration of sovereignty, and to the theory and practice of democracy. These tensions organize various components of the following novels: Un año (1935) by Juan Emar (pseudonym of Álvaro Yáñez Bianchi), 45 días y 30 marineros (1933) by Norah Lange, and El caballero del hongo gris (1928) by Ramón Gómez de la Serna. I demonstrate that, although these narratives do not contain explicit references to the emergence of authoritarianism and the erosion of parliamentarism of the period, these narratives are structured by problems that have implications for a thinking of issues relating to sovereignty and democracy. These novels similarly present how individuals interact with groups, such that it becomes imperative to consider the political consequences of these relations in order to critique, for example, fraternalistic and nationalistic notions of political filiation. My final chapter studies the narrative presentations of radical political projects that aim to restructure society in Los siete locos (1929) by Roberto Arlt, La próxima (1934) by Vicente Huidobro, and Lo rojo y lo azul (1932) by Benjamín Jarnés. In contrast to the narratives included in the second chapter, these avant-garde novels establish an explicit dialogue with the conditions of crisis of the interwar years. From insurrections and utopian settlements, to revolutionary military revolts, these narrations depict small vanguard groups that propose various plots that seek to radically reshape the social order. Even though poetry is often positioned as the paradigmatic form of vanguard literary expression, my research theorizes the understudied phenomenon of Hispanic avant-garde prose. In particular, I account for the variation among avant-garde novels of the period, by sustaining that there are gradations of vanguard narrative depending on different factors that range from the transparency or opacity of linguistic expression, to the organization of the narrative material. In this sense, some novels considered vanguardist, while approaching a certain radicality in terms of language and form, may incorporate elements of the realist-naturalist novelistic tradition. Likewise, I assert the importance of attending to the varied uses of meta-reflexive procedures in Hispanic vanguard prose. Given their implicit and explicit interaction with contemporary historical conditions and political and artistic discourses of the 1920s and 1930s, I contend that the essays and avant-garde novels analyzed offer a fertile ground to examine the nature of sovereignty, while also presenting, in some crucial instances, potential images of what a democracy worthy of this name could look like. / Spanish

Parcours africains en Amérique Latine ou comment s'ébauche un dispositif migratoire transatlantique sud-sud

Minvielle, Régis 29 May 2013 (has links)
Les migrations africaines en Amérique latine s'inscrivent dans un processus de reconfiguration du phénomène migratoire. Les parcours se déploient et se recomposent au gré non seulement de l'histoire des politiques migratoires, des crises et des opportunités économiques mais aussi en fonction des histoires de groupes et d'individus. La complexification des procédures de contrôle au Nord et la mondialisation des Suds engendrent un certain éclatement des destinations. Dès les années 1990, mais surtout depuis les années 2000, des migrants, en provenance surtout d'Afrique de l'Ouest, tissent les contours d'un dispositif migratoire transatlantique Sud-Sud.À Buenos Aires, les Africains s'inscrivent sur le territoire selon des modalités distinctes. Si la grande majorité développe une activité de commerce de rue sous l'impulsion notamment de la communauté mouride sénégalaise, d'autres essaient d'exploiter une demande d'africanité, ou encore de se frayer une voie dans le football et dans les affaires. De ces inscriptions multiples, naissent des liens cosmopolites avec les différents segments de population la société d'accueil. Ces interactions qui peuvent donner lieu à des processus de négociation, produisent des recompositions sociales et identitaires à caractère ethnique, religieux ou encore de genre. / African migration in Latin America is part of a process of reconfiguration of global migration. Paths unfold and recompose by the way of not only the history of migration policies, crises and economic opportunities but also by the groups and individuals stories. The rising complexity of the control procedures in the North, joint to the South globalization, results in bursting of destinations. By the 1990s, but especially since the 2000s, especially migrants from West Africa, weave the contours of a transatlantic migration South-South device. In Buenos Aires, the Africans try to be part of the territory in different ways. While the vast majority develops a street trading activity, driven mainly by the Murid Senegalese Community, others try to exploit a desire of Africanness, or maybe to find their way in football and in business. From these multiple origins, cosmopolitan links with the various segments of the host society population are born. These interactions, which can lead to negotiation processes, produce social and identity changes in ethnic, religious or gender dimensions. / Las migraciones africanas en América Latina hacen parte de un processo de reconfiguración global del fenómeno migratorio. Los recorridos se despliegan y se recomponenal ritmo, no solo de la historia de las politicas migratorias, las crisis y las oportunidades ecónomicas, sino también en función de las historias de grupos e individuos. Los procedimientos de control cada vez más complejos en los países del Norte y la globalización de los países del Sur generan cierta diversificación en los destinos. Desde la década de los 90, pero especialmente desde al año 2000, los immigrantes procedentes principalmente de Africa occidental,han tejido los contornos de un dispositivo transatlántico de migración Sur-Sur. En Buenos Aires, los Africanos se inscriben sobreel territorio según diversas modalidades. Si bien la gran mayoría desarrolla una actividad de comercia callejero, iniciada principalmentepor la comunidad mora senegalesa, otros tratan de explotar un deseo de africanidad, o aún, forjarse un camino en el fútbol y en los negocios. De estas inscripciones múltiples,nacen vinculos cosmopolitas con diversos segmentos de población de la sociedad de acogidad. Esta interraciones, que pueden dar lugar a procesos de negociación, producen recomposiciones sociales e identitarias de carácter étnico, religioso y hasta de género religioso.

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