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Det lilla bageriet i Mordor? : En kvantitativ kartläggning av folkbibliotekariers genrekunskap om fantasy / The little bakery in Mordor? : A quantitative survey of public librarians' genre knowledge of fantasyFunke, Linnea, Katby, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to conduct a quantitative overview of public librarians' genre knowledge of fantasy and examine how the genre is presented and linked to literature mediation activities. The fantasy genre is somewhat undefined and previous studies show that there is no common or accepted definition of the genre fantasy. Depending on a librarians' knowledge of the genre, the genre's location and exposure in the library are greatly affected. This study is based on the following questions: How do the librarians' genre knowledge affect literature mediating activities at the library and how is the genre presented in the library? What characteristics and distinctive features do public librarians in Västra Götaland County associate with the genre of fantasy? An online survey was conducted with 90 librarians. The analysis of the answers recorded from the survey is based on theories about literature mediation and genre knowledge. Our results show that librarians have a general knowledge of fantasy based on their answers concerning what characterizes the genre through distinctive features and elements. In our analysis, we conclude that genres can "borrow" each other's attributes, elements and features without a book or other media necessarily being classified as a particular genre. It was also concluded that the librarians based on their genre knowledge can implement fantasy elements in their literature and reading promotion activities.
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Erfarenheter, delaktighet, egenmakt och nytänkande : hur speglas modellen ”Four spaces” i folkbibliotekensansökningar om utvecklingsbidrag från Kulturrådet / Experience, involvement, empowerment and innovation : how is the model ”Four spaces” reflected in the publiclibraries' applications for development grants from the Swedish Arts CouncilBiel, Lena January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore how the Four spaces model developed by Jochumsen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Skot-Hansen is reflected in applications for development grants from the Swedish Arts Council. 58 successful applications for funds concerning library space in 2018 were analysed using content analysis. The model of the future public library is used as a theoretical framework. The findings show that the aspirations of Swedish public libraries are reflected in the Four spaces model. The most prominent aspiration concerns the development of inspirational space in the public library. Swedish public libraries also aspire to develop public programs, mostly for children and young adults. Other aspirations include the development of silent rooms or study spaces and performative spaces in the shape of makerspaces for children or young adults.
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Skönlitteratur i undervisningen - en intervjustudie från förskoleklass till årskurs 3Solvang, Matilda, Orest, Louise January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad lärare menar att de grundar sina val av skönlitteratur i, vid högläsning och individuell läsning. Syftet är också att undersöka vilka arbetssätt lärare menar att de använder vid bearbetning av skönlitteratur. För att ta reda på detta har åtta lärare intervjuats och deras svar har sedan granskats och analyserats med koppling till teoretiska perspektiv och tidigare forskning. Som teoretisk bakgrund till vår analys har de didaktiska frågorna Hur?, Vad?, Vem? och Varför? använts. Resultatet synliggör sex teman som tillsammans besvarar våra frågeställningar. Lärare grundar sina val vid högläsning och individuell läsning på om texterna är elevnära och har ett innehåll som fångar elevers intresse. Valen kan för några av lärarna grundas i vilken författare som skrivit boken. Bibliotekets utbud och bibliotekarien kan också ha en påverkan på valet samt kan temaområde eller värdegrundsarbete styra. Arbetssätten som är framträdande är boksamtal samt boktillverkning och gestaltning.
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Det är ju därför det heter Piratebay : Studenter i filmvetenskap söker information / That is why it is called Piratebay : Students of Cinema Studies seeking informationMårtensson, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Few studies have been done about information seeking among students of Cinema Studies. Cinema Studies is a unique area, which also requires information seeking in the form of moving images. What information resources do the students of Cinema Studies use? How do students of Cinema Studies experience their information seeking before the C-thesis? Using a qualitative method, five interviews were conducted with students of Cinema Studies at C-level from Sweden's largest department of Cinema Studies. Models of Wilson from 1999 and Kuhlthau from 2004 were used and applied to the result of the students' experiences of their information seeking. The results showed that moving images are important information resources, as are physical books, web pages, film library DVD-collections, but also illegal web pages. The Royal Library's archives and the Swedish Film institute’s cinema, the Cinematheque, open to the public, were rarely used. The students had no difficulty in gaining access to moving images, but often experienced great difficulties regarding laws and copyrights. Students often felt great enthusiasm at the beginning of their information seeking. After that, the emotions, thoughts and actions of the students varied. Some usually felt secure, but emotions also made students develop their information seeking. Overall, the students were satisfied with their information seeking.
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Vad betyder kultur? : En studie av kulturbegreppet i kulturpolitiska styrdokument i mycket glesa landsbygdskommuner / What is the meaning of culture? : A study of the concept of culture in cultural policy documents in very rural communitiesMårald, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
This thesis takes its starting point from examining the basis of culture and how the public library fits in that, all through a rural lens. This was achieved through an analysis of the use of the concept of culture in cultural policy documents from 15 very rural municipalities in Sweden. This thesis observes what content the cultural policy documents filled the concept of culture with. The results show that it is a very general and confused concept of culture that emerges through the analysis. Most of the time it seems to function as a “catch all” of what the municipality has to offer. There is also a strong focus on cultural heritage and the culture of national minorities and indigenous people. Strategies, presented in the documents, for solving a complex situation, with challenging geography, demographics and a lack of resources, includes a focus on cooperation with other actors, as well as an emphasis on the instrumentalization of culture. Another important aspect of the cultural policy documents was the libraries’ role as an actor in the cultural field, as well as an arena for the cultural field.
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E-boken och marknaden : Aktörer och diskurser / E-book and market : Players and discourseWesterbacka, David, Lindquist, Maria January 2020 (has links)
E-book and market: players and discourses This text is a discourse analysis and will focus on the Swedish e-book market and its development between 2010-2020. The text will go over where the current debate of e-books lies and who are the main players in the debate and what their stands are on the topic. The text will go over the background and the various definitions of the word e-book, the problem that we have found and will focus on within this text. The text will also go over previous research covering this topic, suchs as what e-book is as a medium as a media within the society, the e-bookmarket on a general scale and finally the e-book reader themself. The last part of the text will be about what theory and methods we have been using following our analysis and our results, then end with a final discussion and what kind of research could be interesting to do in the future.
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Fanfiction-aktiviteter på bibliotek : motiv och aktivitets-utformning från bibliotekariernas perspektiv / Fanfiction-Activities at Libraries : The Motives and activity-design From a Librarian’s PerspectiveToiva, Emely January 2020 (has links)
Fanfiction is a widely known phenomenon and has been researched in different disciplines other than library and information science. Such studies explain that fanfiction is popular among young people (Olin-Scheller & Wikström, 2010). However, there’s a lack of research within the field of library and information science that brings attention to fanfiction activities at libraries. This thesis aims to shed some light on the reasons behind fanfiction activities at libraries. Eight semistructured interviews with librarians who have held or planned a fanfiction activity for young people were conducted. The interview material was analyzed through a qualitative contentanalysis and coding based on The Four Space Model by Jochumsen, Hvenegaard and Skot-Hansen (2012) and brought to light by previous relevant research. The empirical results show that the librarians were familiar with fanfiction previous to arranging the activities. The results also show that the librarians conducted the activity either based on their own personal interests or because it was requested by young library users. The fanfiction activities were usually focused on the writing aspect of fanfiction or that they could attract young people to the library. The results explain that the activities simulate reading and creativity, but fanfiction activities can also encourage participation, making the library work as a meeting place that encourages both reading and writing for young people.
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Resursfördelningen inom Bibliotek Norrbotten : En studie om det gemensamma arbetet gällande resurser inom ett bibliotekssamarbete / Bibliotek Norrbotten's resource sharing : A study about resource sharing within a library collaborationEriksson Bylund, Isabelle January 2020 (has links)
The focus of this bachelor’s thesis are the strategies, goals, and guidelines for the sharing of digital resources and library materials of the collaborating libraries “Bibliotek Norrbotten”. The questions asked were; What goals do Bibliotek Norrbotten want to achieve with their resource sharing? How can resource sharing look in connection to services and media? What kind of strategies are there that apply to all libraries in the collaboration? Which challenges, if any, have been encountered and how did they work through them? The theoretical framework consist of Kaufman, P(2012) theory about how a successful collaboration is built up, Kanter, R. M(1994) theory on how a rewarding collaboration is similar to human relationship and Rowley, J(2011) theory about innovative strategies within libraries. The method that was used to collect material was in the form of interviews and supportive documents. Five informants were interviewed. This study concludes that it is not easy to create a collaboration with resource sharing, but Bibliotek Norrbotten is a god example of a successful collaboration. Libraries within Bibliotek Norrbotten have created common goals when it comes to their resource sharing and that their resource sharing is linked to these goals. The goal is to have the users in focus and to offer an improved library service. This study also shows that for collaborations to achieve their goals and to improve the library service, the collaboration must develop common strategies and guidelines.
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Läsfrämjande på Barnens bibliotek och Polarbibblo : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av två digitala barnbibliotek / Reading promotion at Barnens bibliotek and Polarbibblo : A qualitativ content analysis of two digital childrens’s librariesOlesen, Marie, Krasniqi, Blinera January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyse how reading is promoted in two digital libraries for children; Barnens bibliotek and Polarbibblo. Theoretically the websites are analysed using three main approaches to reading: traditional, pragmatic and emancipatory. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the material and to identify the ways in which reading is promoted through the websites. Findings showed that these children's digital libraries use their material and activities mainly to inspire and inform their users. Polarbibblo allows the children to act as authors and illustrators and to share a story or two. Barnens bibliotek is similar but puts more into guiding the children on how to find information and literature. Although these two libraries have different content and features, both libraries work to inspire and stimulate reading for children. The study shows that of the three reading approaches, the pragmatic and the emancipatory are dominant. The traditional approach doesn't seem to get any greater attention in these children’s digital libraries.
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Folkbibliotek som språklig integrationsresurs : En studie av ett stadsbiblioteks potentiella bidrag till vuxna nyanländas integration och språkutveckling / Public libraries as a language integration resourceSofia, Karlsson January 2020 (has links)
Genom analys av det språkliga landskapet på ett bibliotek i kombination med intervjuer med tre bibliotekarier har ett biblioteks potential för språkinlärning, integration samt samarbete med SFI undersökts. Resultatet visar att det språkliga landskapet domineras av det svenska språket och de gånger andra språk än svenska eller nationella minoritetsspråk används handlar användningen om information om språkutvecklande aktiviteter för invandrare. Resultatet visar även att det finns en stor medvetenhet hos bibliotekarierna om möjliga förbättringar av det språkliga landskapet. Resultaten visar även att många aktiviteter görs för att främja integrationen på biblioteket, vilket tyder på ett potentiellt fördjupat samarbete mellan biblioteket och SFI som sträcker sig längre än utlån av kursböcker. Slutsatsen är att biblioteket har en stor potential till både språkutveckling och integration för en nyanländ vuxenperson. Bibliotekets relativt neutrala roll kan dessutom motverka utanförskap.
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