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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teachers’ Perceptions of Job Satisfaction and School Climate in an Era of Accountability: A Mixed Methods Study of Two High Schools on Tennessee’s High Priority List

Knox, Jeffrey Anton 01 December 2011 (has links)
This mixed methods study examines how teachers and administrators react when the school is under the stress of an accountability system. In this study, teacher job satisfaction and school climate are measured as these often overlooked variables have a great impact on student academic achievement (Goddard, Sweetland, & Hoy, 2000). Accountability systems such as No Child Left Behind need to be explored for negative unintended consequences such as the lowering of teacher job satisfaction and school climate. Questionnaires, interviews, and observations are used to measure teachers’ job satisfaction and school climate of two high schools that have been on Tennessee’s High Priority List but have not yet experienced restructuring with alternative governance. This study uses sequential intermethod mixing with the qualitative component being the dominant portion. The quantitative data came from Lester’s (1987) TJSQ assessment of teacher job satisfaction and Hoy et al.’s (1991) OCDQ-RS assessment of school climate. In the two high schools, 148 teachers responded to both questionnaires. Qualitative data, in the form of interviews and observations, were obtained to further explore the results of the quantitative portion of the study. The researcher performed interviews with a purposive sampling of 30 teachers who had worked at the schools since placement onto the HPL. Although the two schools were demographically and academically very similar, they had very different levels of job satisfaction and school climate. The teachers at both schools had high confidence in their coworkers and took great pride in the cohesiveness of the faculty. Teachers in School A explained the levels of job satisfaction and school climate have lowered in result of the new principal’s controlling management style and the high pressure environment created through frequent teacher reprimands. The job satisfaction and school climate levels were significantly higher at School B, but teachers complained about non-instructional duties and blamed the school district’s supervisors for extra workload that distracted from their instructional duties.

Exploring the Effects of Cultural Consequences Identified through a Ranking Task on the Interlocking Behavioral Contingencies of Ethically Self-Controlled Responses with Participants with Pre-Existing Relationships

Elwood, Chelsea Christina 05 1900 (has links)
This study explored the effects of cultural consequences identified through a ranking task on the selection of interlocking behavioral contingencies and aggregate products constituting ethically self-controlled responses when participants had pre-existing relationships. Two experiments were conducted to explore these effects. Experiment 1 had two triads of three participants each recruited from a university-based autism center. Experiment 2 had three triads of three participants each; participants in Triads 3 and 4 were recruited from a university-based rock-climbing club while participants in Triad 5 were recruited from the same university-based autism center as in Experiment 1. All participants were exposed to a task that involved choosing odd or even rows from a matrix displayed throughout the experimental session. Individual contingencies were programmed in all conditions while metacontingencies were programmed in some conditions. Participants selected the topography of the cultural consequence through a pre-experimental ranking task prior to the onset of the experimental session. A change was made to the experimenter's verbal behavior in all operant and metacontingency conditions for Experiment 2. The results of both experiments indicate that identification of the cultural consequence through a ranking task with participants having pre-existing relationships did have an effect on the continued selection of the cultural consequence across all triads with quicker selection occurring during Experiment 2. This study extends the current literature on ethical self-control and provides new procedures and designs to further understand the variables involved in the selection of cultural consequences when there is competition with an immediate operant consequence.

Σωματική ανάπτυξη νεογνών καπνιστριών μητέρων

Καρατζά, Αγγελική 18 June 2010 (has links)
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Polyfarmaci hos äldre personer : konsekvenser av polyfarmaci inom äldrevården / Polypharmacy in elderly : consequences of polypharmacy in elderly care

Edholm, Christina January 2015 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING Polyfaramaci är ett stort problem bland äldre inom Sverige och internationellt inom hälso- och sjukvården. I Sverige har Socialstyrelsen kommit ut med en rekommendation om att läkemedelsgenomgångar skall erbjudas alla över 75 års ålder årligen eller patienter som har fler än fem läkemedel (Socialstyrelsen, 2015c). När människan åldras medför det att risken för sjuklighet ökar. Detta i kombination med det naturliga åldrandet medför att risken för oönskade biverkningar och interaktioner ökar. Även följsamheten till den farmakologiska behandlingen minskar på grund av polyfarmaci. Den äldre populationen drabbas av sjukdomar som i många fall kan behandlas farmakologiskt. Genom forskning inom det medicinska området har man utvecklat läkemedel och därigenom fått bättre behandlingsmöjligheter för sjukdomar som drabbar äldre (Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering [SBU], 2009). I förlängningen leder detta till att de äldre konsumerar fler läkemedel än yngre människor vilket benämns som polyfarmaci. Polyfarmaci innebär att en person behandlas med fem eller fler läkemedel. Studiens syfte var att belysa konsekvenserna av polyfarmaci för den äldre människan inom äldrevården. Studiens resultat visade att konsumtionen av olämpliga läkemedel bland de äldre patienterna är hög, enligt Beers Criteria. Studieresultatet visade även att den äldre personen med förekomst av polyfaramci löpte högre risk för interaktioner, biverkningar, fall, sjukhusinläggningar, smärtor, förvirring, diarré, förstoppning, blödningar, depression, muntorrhet samt att de äldre hade en sämre följsamhet till läkemedelsbehandlingar. Det är viktigt att all personal kring de äldre patienterna, speciellt sjuksköterskan är insatta i åldersförändringar hos den äldre personen och har god kunskap inom farmakologi. Slutsatsen kan dras att mer forskning kring konsekvenser av polyfarmaci för den äldre sköra människan krävs. Samtidigt som det behövs utbildning av sjuksköterskor i ämnet farmakologi rent allmänt rörande interaktioner, biverkningar samt olämpliga läkemedel. Specialistsjuksköterskan har ett helhetsperspektiv av patienten; uppföljningar av läkemedelsbehandlingar och bedriver även en personcentrerad omvårdnad.

”Jag är rädd, jag vill till mamma” : Yngre barns, föräldrars och sjuksköterskors levda erfarenheter av nålprocedurer i vården / “I’m afraid, I want my mommy” : Younger children's, parents', and nurses' lived experiences of needle procedures in health care

Karlsson, Katarina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att skapa kunskap om vad det innebär för yngre barn att genomgå nålrelaterade medicinska procedurer. Dessutom vad vårdande stöd i samband med dessa procedurer innebär utifrån barns, föräldrars och sjuksköterskors perspektiv. Nålrelaterade medicinska procedurer är undersökningar som barn behöver vara med om i vården för att motverka sjukdom, för att ta reda på varför barnet är sjukt och för att ge barnet behandling. Dessa åtgärder innebär att barn behöver vara med om nålstick. Med hjälp av deltagande observationer och livsvärldsintervjuer, som har dokumenterats genom videoobservationer, fältanteckningar och ljudinspelningar, har datainsamlingen genomförts i vården med yngre barn, 3-7 år, deras föräldrar och sjuksköterskor. Barnen har berättat om konsekvenser som de har upplevt av nålprocedurer och om att få stöd vid dessa åtgärder. Föräldrar och sjuksköterskor har berättat om sina erfarenheter av att ge stöd till barnen. Avhandlingens resultat visar att en framträdande konsekvens för barn under nålprocedurer är upplevelse av rädsla. Hur föräldrar och sjuksköterskor svarar an mot detta har en avgörande betydelse för om barnets rädsla ökar eller minskar. Denna avhandling bidrar med kunskap om barns upplevelser av nålprocedurer och behov av stöd samt hur stödet kan utformas vid dessa åtgärder. Emellertid, forskning inom området ärfortfarande otillräcklig och ytterligare forskning behövs där barns perspektiv lyfts fram i vården. / Aim: The overall aim of the thesis is to create knowledge about what it means for younger children to undergo needle-related medical procedures (NRMPs), and what caring support in relation to this means based on nurses’, parents’, and younger children's perspectives. Methods: The first and second papers used descriptive phenomenological analysis to describe the meanings of supporting younger children during NRMPs from the perspective of nurses (Ι) and parents(ΙΙ). The third and fourth papers used lifeworld hermeneutic analysis to explain and understand the consequences related to NRMPs (ΙΙΙ) and support (ΙV) during these procedures from younger children’s perspectives. Data has been collected by participant observations and lifeworld interviews documented by video-recorded observations, field notes, and audio-recorded interviews. In total 60 people participated, fourteen nurses, twenty-five parents, and twenty-one children. Main results: The results show that an important consequence for children of procedures with needles is experiences of fear. The child's fear affects how the child is able to manage the procedure and the support the child gets from adults is crucial to whether the child's fear increases or decreases. The support consists of giving support or receiving support. Parents support the child by safeguarding and protecting the child during the needle-related procedure; they “keep the child under the protection of their wings,” sometimes very close and sometimes a little further out under the wingtips. Nurses support the child by starting from individual child’s experiences and needs; they "balance on a tightrope" in an unpredictable situation. In the meeting between the child, the parents, and the nurses, the adults are guided by the child in what forms of support are provided. This continues until the needle-related medical procedure is completed and the child can walk proud and strong from the procedure with a feeling that "I can handle this.” Conclusions: Children’s need for support during needle-related medical procedures is primarily tied to children’s experiences of fear. For the child to experience a caring support, adults need to understand children’s experiences of fear as well as children’s need for support and what form the support should take. A caring support develops dialectically between children and adults in a circular movement. In such a dialectic, the child guides the adult and vice versa. That children have the capability of guiding adults during needle-related medical procedures shows that they are active and participating. Here it becomes clear that there is no objective location of the phenomenon of support. Support can therefore only be studied as a lived experience of those who need it.

Läsvänlig litteratur som skildrar utanförskap : En studie om oavsiktliga konsekvenser och symboliskt våld i skolan

Olterman, Hillevi, Kingstedt, Janina January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats belyser oavsiktliga konsekvenser som kan uppstå när skolpersonal rekommenderar läsvänliga böcker som skildrar utanförskap. Uppsatsen ämnar söka svar på om skolans pedagogiska åtgärd att rekommendera läsvänliga böcker kan ses som en oavsiktlig symbolisk våldföring samt undersöka vilka etiska dilemman som kan uppstå på grund av att böckerna skildrar utanförskap. Pierre Bourdieu och Jean-Claude Passerons teori om symboliskt våld och Donald Broadys teori om ”Den dolda läroplanen” visar att det finns en maktutövning mellan elever och lärare. Robert K. Mertons teori om oavsiktliga konsekvenser visar vilka konsekvenser som kan uppstå till följd av målmedvetna sociala handlingar. Den tidigare forskning som presenteras i uppsatsen pekar bland annat på att ungdomar ser ett samband mellan skolmisslyckanden och socialt utanförskap. Efter textanalys av Kim Olins bokserie samt blogginlägg skrivna av lärare och skolbibliotekarier har resultaten visat att tillhandahållandet av denna typ av läsvänlig litteratur kan ses som en form av symbolisk våldföring samt att det finns ett etiskt dilemma i böckernas innehåll i relation till den tänkta läsaren. / The aim of this essay is to seek an answer to if a schools educational measures in their recommendation of reader-friendly books can be seen as an utterance of symbolic violence and to examine what kind of ethical dilemmas can arise from a book that portrays social exclusion. Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron’s theories of symbolic violence and Donald Broady’s theory of the hidden curriculum show that teachers wield and exercise a kind of power against and in relation to their students. Robert K. Merton’s theory about unintended consequences exemplifies the kinds of consequences that purposive social action can have. Previous research presented in this essay show that young people often see a correlation between academic failures and social exclusion. After a textual analysis of Kim Olin’s book series about Simon, and blog posts written by teachers and school librarians, our results show that a provision of this type of reader-friendly literature can be seen as an action of symbolic violence against the reciever, and that there is an ethical dilemma to be found in the books subject matter in relation to the intended reader.

Perspectives complémentaires de l'éthique organisationnelle / Complementary approaches to organizational ethics

Mandalaki, Emmanouela 26 April 2017 (has links)
La thèse traite l'éthique organisationnelle à partir de différentes perspectives afin de fournir des analyses complémentaires sur l'organisation de la prise de décision éthique de managers et les évaluations morales de ces dernières. À travers trois articles, cette thèse vise à explorer les facteurs sous-jacents qui façonnent l'éthique managériale et organisationnelle ainsi que les évaluations morales de cette dernière en mettant l'accent sur le rôle des conséquences des actions éthiques comme facteur majeur de comportement moral et d'évaluation. / Recent research demonstrates that, in ethically relevant tasks, individuals base intentionality judgments on action outcomes, rather than mental states only. In a first place, the current thesis extends those findings to responsibility judgments and examines affective and attitudinal characteristics moderating the relationship between outcomes and moral judgment. At a second place, the current thesis discusses ethical organizational activity with a focus on intensified ethical behavior enacted following involvement in heavy unethical activity. In so doing, the current thesis intends to problematize the extent to which motivation behind such organizational attitudes is genuinely trying to compensate for the negative effects of organizational wrong-doing. At the same time, the current thesis examines human perception of the above mentioned organizational efforts to compensate for corporate malfeasance. We discuss the implications of our findings for understanding ethical decision making and ethical judgments, offering theoretical directions for future research and managerial implications.

La dysarthrie dans la maladie de Parkinson : corrélats physiologiques, cognitifs et fonctionnels / Dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease : physiological, cognitives and functional correlates

Atkinson-Clement, Cyril 23 October 2017 (has links)
La dysarthrie dans la maladie de Parkinson (MP) fait partie des symptômes qui ne répondent pas de manière satisfaisante aux prises en charge médicales. Bien que largement étudiée, certains aspects de la dysarthrie restent insuffisamment détaillés : quels sont ses corrélats physiologiques, ses liens avec des fonctions non-motrices et ses répercussions fonctionnelles ? Construit en quatre axes, ce projet doctoral avait pour objectif d'apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questionnements.Un premier axe a exploré les bases physiopathologiques de la dysarthrie. Considérant les effets du traitement médicamenteux et de la neurochirurgie, nous avons montré qu'aucun de ces traitements ne permettait de restaurer un profil neuro-fonctionnel similaire à celui de participants sains, d'autant plus lors d'une tâche combinant motricités axiale et distale. Le second axe a porté sur les liens entre dysarthrie et fonctions non-motrices. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces deux catégories de fonctions pourraient évoluer conjointement, mais aussi se majorer mutuellement. À l'aide de comparaisons inter-dysarthrie et inter-linguistique, le troisième axe a considéré l'impact fonctionnel de la dysarthrie. Nous avons rapporté que les conséquences de la dysarthrie ne sont pas fonction de l'intelligibilité, qu'elle affecte davantage les patients ayant un profil akinéto-rigide et qu'elle réduit les différences inter-linguistiques. L'étude des rééducations orthophoniques a constitué notre axe quatre. Nos conclusions ont relevé que pour être efficaces, les rééducations doivent être focalisées sur un unique paramètre de parole, être réalisées de manière intensive et apporter un retour au patient. / Dysarthria in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the symptoms that do not respond well to treatments. Even though it has been widely described, some aspects of dysarthria remain insufficiently detailed: what are its physiological correlates, its relations with non-motor functions and its functional consequences? Structured in four axes, this thesis aimed at bringing some elements to address these issues.The first axis explored the pathophysiology of dysarthria. Considering the effects of pharmacological and neurosurgical treatments, we demonstrated that none of these treatments allowed to restore a neuro-functional profile equivalent to healthy controls, especially during a task combining axial and distal actions. The second axis focused on the relations between dysarthria and non-motor functions. Some outcomes suggested that these two categories of functions could progress jointly, but also reinforce each other. Using between-dysarthria and between-linguistic comparisons, the third axis considered the functional consequences of dysarthria. We reported that the consequences of dysarthria do not depend on the intelligibility degradation, that it impacts more the patients with an akineto-rigid profile, and that it tends to weaken the between-linguistic differences. The study of speech therapies represented our fourth axis. We concluded that, to be effective, speech therapies in PD have to focus on a unique speech parameter, to be realised intensively and to give feedback to the patient on their productions.

Konsekvenser av våldtäkt : Kuratorers arbetssätt och erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våldtäkt

Andersson, Maritza January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utifrån kuratorers upplevelser studera hur kvinnor påverkas efter en våldtäkt, samt att studera kuratorernas förhållningssätt och hur deras arbete med våldtagna kvinnor sker. I studien genomfördes sex kvalitativa intervjuer med kuratorer. Resultatet från studien analyserades utifrån teorier och modeller som stigma, klientcentrerad terapi, kognitiv teori samt tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visade att de vanligaste konsekvenserna är posttraumatiskt stressyndrom med symptom som flashbacks, ångest, depression, mardrömmar och sömnsvårigheter. Även skam och skuld var framträdande konsekvenser och kuratorerna menar att det är vanligt att offren lägger skulden på sig själv för det som har hänt. De beskriver att ett empatiskt förhållningssätt och respekt för individen i mötet är viktigt för att kvinnorna ska våga berätta sin historia. När det kommer till metoder och arbetssätt framkom det att kuratorerna inte använder sig av några speciella metoder i arbetet. De arbetar med minnet av händelsen på olika sätt beroende på var kvinnan befinner sig. / The purpose of the study was to, based on counselors experience, study how women are affected after a rape, as well as to study counselors professional meeting and working methods. The study conducted six qualitative interviews with counselors. The result of the study was analyzed based on theories and models such as stigma, client-centered therapy and cognitive theory. The results of the study showed that the most common consequences are posttraumatic stress disorder with symptoms like flashbacks, anxiety, nightmares and sleep disorders. Feelings of shame and guilt are also common consequences and it is common for the victims to blame themselves for what has happened. The counselors describe that an empathetic approach and respect for the individual in the meeting is important for women to dare to tell their story. When it comes to methods, it was found that they don’t use any special methods in the work. They work with the client´s memory of the rape in different ways depending on where the client is.

Consequências emocionais, cognitivas e comportamentais da vitimização por roubo / Emotional, cognitive and behavioral outcomes of robbery victimization

Holanda, Leonardo Carneiro January 2017 (has links)
HOLANDA, Leonardo Carneiro. Consequências emocionais, cognitivas e comportamentais da vitimização por roubo. 2017. 116f. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2017. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-07-26T16:54:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_lcholanda.pdf: 1301087 bytes, checksum: ab0d475949d5eba23f9da43e2aaab82c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-07-27T16:11:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_lcholanda.pdf: 1301087 bytes, checksum: ab0d475949d5eba23f9da43e2aaab82c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-27T16:11:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017_dis_lcholanda.pdf: 1301087 bytes, checksum: ab0d475949d5eba23f9da43e2aaab82c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / The term mugging is used in the everyday referring to the action of one or more individuals, commonly armed, who approach other people to steal their property. Although this term is not used in the Brazilian Penal Code, there is an expected penalty for the crime of robbery, whose description is similar to the definition of mugging and differs from the crime of theft. Robbery is more serious because it presupposes the use of force, which can lead to death. In addition, damages resulting from a robbery restrict the ability of individuals to properly exercise various roles, such as parental, marital and occupational, resulting in significant impairment in interpersonal relationships in various settings, such as family, school, and work. In view of these elements, the present study has as main objective to evaluate the cognitive, emotional and behavioral outcomes of robbery victimization. Specifically, it is expected to estimate if and which specific situational variables contribute to greater sequelae in the victims and to evaluate to what extent the attenuating and aggravating factors pointed out in the literature are relevant in the local context. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, two empirical studies were carried out: Study I compared victims and non-victims with regard to factors identified as possible complications of crime, while Study II assessed the individual impact of specific contextual variables in the various sequelae and the specific effect of mitigating factors. As a result, it can be observed in Study 1 that victims and non-victims differed in terms of anxiety, fear of crime, perceptions of vulnerability and self-efficacy, and the taking of some protective measures. In Study 2, it was observed that only Control and Retraining, Conversion, Addiction strategies presented a relation with the analyzed impacts. Social Support was not related to the consequences of the robbery. These results were discussed based on the literature. It is considered that the objectives of this dissertation have been reached since it was possible to analyze the impacts of robbery victimization and its correlates that are more prominent in the literature. However, it is possible to point out some limitations in the research, such as the reduced size of the sample and the quality of some measures used. For future research, we suggest the use of larger samples, besides the previous adaptation of the scales to local context and the realization of longitudinal studies. / O termo “assalto” é usado no cotidiano referindo-se à ação de um ou mais indivíduos, comumente armados, que abordam outras pessoas para roubar os seus bens. Embora esse termo não seja empregado no Código Penal Brasileiro, há sanção prevista para o crime de roubo, cuja descrição é similar à definição de assalto. O roubo apresenta uma considerável gravidade por pressupor o uso da força, podendo levar as vítimas a óbito. Além disso, danos decorrentes de um roubo restringem a capacidade dos indivíduos de exercer adequadamente diversos papéis, como o parental, conjugal e ocupacional, acarretando em prejuízos significativos nas relações interpessoais em diversos ambientes, tais como familiar, escolar e laboral. Em face desses elementos, o presente estudo tem como principal objetivo avaliar o impacto cognitivo, emocional e comportamental da vitimização por roubo. Especificamente, espera-se estimar se e quais variáveis situacionais específicas contribuem para maiores sequelas nas vítimas e avaliar em que medida os fatores protetivos e agravantes, apontados pela literatura, apresentam relevância em contexto local. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, foram realizados dois estudos empíricos. Nesses estudos, contou-se com a participação de 348 pessoas de diversos estados do Brasil. O Estudo I comparou vítimas e não-vítimas no que se refere aos fatores apontados como possíveis complicações decorrentes do crime, enquanto o Estudo II avaliou o impacto individual de variáveis contextuais específicas nas diversas sequelas decorrentes do crime e o efeito específico dos fatores protetivos. Como resultado, pode-se observar, no Estudo I, que as vítimas e não-vítimas se diferenciaram quanto a ansiedade, medo do crime, percepções de vulnerabilidade e autoeficácia, além da tomada de algumas medidas de proteção. No Estudo II, observou-se que somente as estratégias de Controle e Retraimento, Conversão e Aditividade apresentaram relação com os impactos analisados. O Suporte Social não apresentou qualquer relação com as consequências do roubo. Tais resultados foram discutidos com base na literatura. Considera-se que os objetivos da presente dissertação tenham sido alcançados uma vez que foi possível analisar os impactos decorrentes da vitimização por roubo e seus correlatos que apresentam mais destaque na literatura. Contudo, pode-se apontar algumas limitações na pesquisa, como a dimensão reduzida da amostra e qualidade de algumas medidas utilizadas. Para pesquisas futuras, sugere-se a utilização de amostras maiores, além da adaptação prévia das escalas para contexto local e a realização de estudos longitudinais.

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