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Examining the College and Career Readiness Perspectives and Practices of Comprehensive High School Administrators Who Lead Career and Technical Education Programs of StudyJohnson, Jason L. 16 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Bewegingsaktiwiteite as 'n moonlike sleutel tot emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling vir rolstoelgebonde leerders / Movement activities as a possible key to emotional and social development of wheelchair bound learnersMarais, Eileen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The importance of the emotional and social development of a human being is highlighted by this research study, while the ability of the human spirit to transcend the human body has inspired the researcher to investigate movement activities as a potential key to the emotional and social development of wheelchair-bound learners. The researcher has chosen participation in wheelchair dancing to determine whether wheelchair-bound learners show development on emotional and social levels by investigating their intra- and interpersonal abilities before and after participating in wheelchair dancing. Intra- and interpersonal abilities are interdependent abilities and are regarded important components of emotional intelligence. In the interest of validity and reliability, the researcher used purposeful sampling in the selection of her participants. The participants had to meet certain requirements. She undertook a constructivist investigation, from an interpretive perspective, as a (primarily) qualitative study, with an interactive case study design and multimethod strategies. The smaller, quantitative component of the research study is the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2), which offers as pre- and post-test a baseline assessment for the participants’ emotional and social development in respect of self-concept. The theoretical approach for this study is a combination of the medical deficit model and the social model, with stronger emphasis on the development and healing approach of the social model, than on the deficit-and-control approach of the medical deficit model. The focus of the study is not on the constraints suffered by the wheelchair-bound learners, but rather on the possible development that may take place in the learners through their participation in movement activities. The researcher strongly relies on the social model in an attempt to gain understanding of the problems that wheelchair-bound learners currently experience in the education system, so that schools can be developed that would meet learners’ needs. The research results offer answers to the primary and secondary research questions and the general objective of this research study has been achieved. The researcher has determined that wheelchair-bound learners show emotional and social development after participation in movement activities. The emotional intelligence of all the participants has increased and each experienced increased self-actualisation since having participated in wheelchair dancing. The research results reflect more growth in respect of the learners’ intrapersonal abilities than in their interpersonal abilities. The researcher’s specific objectives would be achieved, when she submits the research results of this study to policy makers in the Department of Education, thus expanding the boundaries of existing knowledge about the relationship between wheelchair-bound learners’ participation in movement activities and their emotional and social development. / Die belangrikheid van die emosionele en sosiale ontwikkelingsgang in die mens se ontwikkeling word deur die navorsingstudie uitgelig, terwyl die vermoë van die menslike gees tot transendensie van die menslike liggaam, die navorser inspireer het om bewegingsaktiwiteite te ondersoek as ’n moontlike sleutel tot rolstoelgebonde leerders se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling. Die navorser het deelname aan rolstoeldanse gekies om te bepaal of rolstoelgebonde leerders op ’n emosionele en sosiale vlak ontwikkeling toon deur hul intra- en interpersoonlike vermoëns voor en ná deelname aan rolstoeldanse te ondersoek. Intra- en interpersoonlike vermoëns is interafhanklike vermoëns en word as belangrike komponente van emosionele intelligensie beskou. Die navorser het ’n doelgerigte steekproefneming gebruik in die seleksie van haar deelnemers om geldigheid en betroubaarheid in die hand te werk. Die deelnemers moes aan sekere vereistes voldoen. Sy loods ’n konstruktivistiese ondersoek vanuit ’n interpretivistiese perspektief as ’n (hoofsaaklik) kwalitatiewe ondersoek, met ’n interaktiewe gevallestudie-ontwerp en veelmetodestrategie. Die kleiner, kwantitatiewe komponent van die navorsingstudie is die Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2). Dit bied, as voor- en nátoets, ’n basislynassessering vir die deelnemers se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling ten opsigte van selfkonsep. Die teoretiese raamwerk waaruit die navorser hierdie navorsingsprobleem benader, is ’n vermenging van die mediesetekort- en die sosiale model, met sterker klem op die ontwikkelings- en helende benadering van die sosiale model, as die tekortkominge-en-beheer-benadering van die mediesetekort-model. Die fokus van die studie is nie op rolstoelgebonde leerders se inperkinge nie, maar juis op die moontlike ontwikkeling wat deur hul deelname aan bewegingsaktiwiteite in die leerders mag plaasvind. Die navorser steun sterk op die sosiale model in ’n poging om begrip vir die probleme wat rolstoelgebonde leerders tans in die onderwys ervaar, te verkry, sodat skole ontwikkel kan word wat in leerderbehoeftes voorsien. Die navorsingsresultate bied antwoorde op die primêre en sekondêre navorsingsvrae en die algemene doelstelling van hierdie navorsingstudie is bereik. Die navorser het vasgestel dat rolstoelgebonde leerders, deur hul deelname aan bewegingsaktiwiteite, emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling toon. Al die deelnemers se emosionele intelligensie het verhoog en almal beleef groter selfverwesenliking sedert hul deelname aan rolstoeldanse. Die navorsingsresultate weerspieël groter groei ten opsigte van die deelnemers se intrapersoonlike as hulle interpersoonlike vermoëns. Die navorser se spesifieke doelstellings word bereik, wanneer die navorser die navorsingsresultate van hierdie studie aan beleidmakers in die Departement van Onderwys voorlê en daardeur die grense van bestaande kennis omtrent die verband tussen rolstoelgebonde leerders se deelname aan bewegingsaktiwiteite en hul emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling kan uitbrei. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)
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Uncharted waters in a new era : an actor-centered constructivist liberal approach to the East China Sea disputes, 2003 - 2008Fox, Senan James January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the deep bilateral tensions surrounding the East China Sea (ECS) disagreements between Japan and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the period from August 19th 2003 to June 18th 2008 from an actor-centred constructivist liberal viewpoint. The East China Sea disputes could be described as a conflicting difference of opinion over a) the demarcation of maritime territory and Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) in which potentially significant energy deposits exist and b) the ownership of the strategically important and historically sensitive Pinnacle (Senkaku/Diaoyu) Islands. This research addresses the question of why, given the fact that China and Japan have a strong interest in co-operation and stable relations with each other, small incidents in the ECS blow up into larger problems, cause approaches to the East China Sea to wax and wane, and move the relationship in a direction that goes against preferred national objectives? In attempting to unravel this puzzle, this work argues that domestic politics and popular negative sentiment have been the major issues that have greatly amplified and politicised the ECS problems and have significantly affected positive progress in negotiations aimed at managing and stabilising these disputes. By examining these, the thesis addresses the question of why China and Japan have been so constrained in their attempts to find a workable bilateral agreement over disputed energy resources and demarcation in the East China Sea. It also indirectly deals with the question of why the conflicting legal complexities surrounding these disagreements contributed to both states so fervently maintaining and defending their claims.
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The importance of counter-culture in art and lifeOrtlieb, Paulina Elizabeth 03 February 2015 (has links)
Punk rock provided not only a watershed of creativity, innovation and a do-it-yourself spirit to a culture saturated in the mainstream, it physically brought like-minded people together in a community, or rather extended family, which in today’s hyper-d.i.y. culture, is progressively declining. As early as the 1940s, theorists such as Adorno and Horkheimer warned us about alienation in a society increasingly dependent on technology. By looking to punk, and other resilient and robust counter-cultures, perhaps we can find solutions to the pitfalls of the ‘culture industry’ (Adorno, Horkheimer, 1944).
My thesis, consisting of a feature-length documentary film and textual analysis, is a culmination of: ethnographic research into the punk scene in my own community; theoretical research into the sociology, ethnography and subculture theory; and my own subjectivity. My personal findings are presented to offer insight into punk philosophy and to spur discourse, rather than deliver an objective account or didactic reproach. / Graduate
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Politique européenne de coopération au développement et relations extérieures: des droits de l'homme à la bonne gouvernance, impact de l'interdépendance du droit et du politique sur le choix des instruments de régulationDusepulchre, Gaëlle 02 September 2008 (has links)
L'étude a porté sur deux outils élaborés par l’Union européenne à l'appui de ses politiques d'allocation d'aide extérieure au bénéfice principalement d'Etats en développement et participant à sa stratégie de promotion du respect de droits de l’homme dans les Etats tiers. Il s'agit du mécanisme de conditionnalité démocratique d’une part, et de la doctrine fondée sur le concept de gouvernance d’autre part. L'une des principales critiques que la doctrine adresse à l’Union au sujet de sa politique de conditionalité est son incapacité à répondre à l’une des attentes fondamentales qui la sous-tend, à savoir :la naissance d’une politique d’aide extérieure détachée des considérations géopolitiques et visant à protéger et promouvoir efficacement les droits de l’homme. Dans la mesure où la doctrine en attribue en général la responsabilité à l’absence de clarté et de prévisibilité du mécanisme de la conditionnalité démocratique, cette critique eut dû conduire à l’élaboration d’un régime davantage juridicisé. Or, l'émergence de la doctrine fondée sur le concept de gouvernance révèle que l’Union n’a pas opté pour une telle solution. C’est alors que, divisant mon étude en deux parties, la première affectée à l’étude du mécanisme conditionnel et la seconde affectée à l’étude de la doctrine de gouvernance, je me suis interrogée sur les raisons pour lesquelles l’Union avait pu choisir de recourir d’abord à un appel au droit, et ensuite à une repolitisation partielle de son mécanisme. Prenant appui sur une étude des documents officiels des institutions européennes, de la pratique de l'Union et des théories des relations internationales, l'étude tend à révéler les atouts et les limites théoriques de chacune de ces stratégies déstinées à suciter des réformes particulières dans les Etats partenaires de l’Union.Il apparaîtra que l’appel au droit opéré dans le cadre du mécanisme de conditionnalité répondait à des besoins et à une logique spécifiques lors de son institution, mais que la forme juridicisée du mécanisme conditionnel tel qu’institué se heurtait à diverses limites. La doctrine fondée sur le concept de gouvernance, dans le même temps qu’elle acte ces limites et tend à les dépasser, amène à de nouveaux questionnements.<p><p>The study related to both EU tools, affecting its external aid policies and contributing to its human rights strategy :conditionality and governance. One of the main critic that the doctrine addresses to EU conditionality, is its incapacity to lead to an external aid free of geopolitical considerations and acting to protect and promote effectively the human rights. The doctrine explains this weakness by pointing out the mechanism of conditionality’s lack of clearness and previsibility. Despite this critic is pleading for a more legalized mechanism, the governance strategy reveals that the Union did not choose such a solution.Then, dividing the study into two parts, the first assigned to conditional mechanism and the second assigned to governance, I’m asking the reason why a less legalized mecanism succeeded to conditionality. Based on cooperation agreements, strategic orientations, EU practice and the international relations theories, the study tends to reveal the assets and limits of the two strategies. It appears that the legalization process of conditionality can be explained by specific needs but it encountered various limits. At the same times, while strategy based on Governance adresses some of them, this new tool reveals new questions.<p><p> / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Bewegingsaktiwiteite as 'n moonlike sleutel tot emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling vir rolstoelgebonde leerders / Movement activities as a possible key to emotional and social development of wheelchair bound learnersMarais, Eileen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The importance of the emotional and social development of a human being is highlighted by this research study, while the ability of the human spirit to transcend the human body has inspired the researcher to investigate movement activities as a potential key to the emotional and social development of wheelchair-bound learners. The researcher has chosen participation in wheelchair dancing to determine whether wheelchair-bound learners show development on emotional and social levels by investigating their intra- and interpersonal abilities before and after participating in wheelchair dancing. Intra- and interpersonal abilities are interdependent abilities and are regarded important components of emotional intelligence. In the interest of validity and reliability, the researcher used purposeful sampling in the selection of her participants. The participants had to meet certain requirements. She undertook a constructivist investigation, from an interpretive perspective, as a (primarily) qualitative study, with an interactive case study design and multimethod strategies. The smaller, quantitative component of the research study is the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2), which offers as pre- and post-test a baseline assessment for the participants’ emotional and social development in respect of self-concept. The theoretical approach for this study is a combination of the medical deficit model and the social model, with stronger emphasis on the development and healing approach of the social model, than on the deficit-and-control approach of the medical deficit model. The focus of the study is not on the constraints suffered by the wheelchair-bound learners, but rather on the possible development that may take place in the learners through their participation in movement activities. The researcher strongly relies on the social model in an attempt to gain understanding of the problems that wheelchair-bound learners currently experience in the education system, so that schools can be developed that would meet learners’ needs. The research results offer answers to the primary and secondary research questions and the general objective of this research study has been achieved. The researcher has determined that wheelchair-bound learners show emotional and social development after participation in movement activities. The emotional intelligence of all the participants has increased and each experienced increased self-actualisation since having participated in wheelchair dancing. The research results reflect more growth in respect of the learners’ intrapersonal abilities than in their interpersonal abilities. The researcher’s specific objectives would be achieved, when she submits the research results of this study to policy makers in the Department of Education, thus expanding the boundaries of existing knowledge about the relationship between wheelchair-bound learners’ participation in movement activities and their emotional and social development. / Die belangrikheid van die emosionele en sosiale ontwikkelingsgang in die mens se ontwikkeling word deur die navorsingstudie uitgelig, terwyl die vermoë van die menslike gees tot transendensie van die menslike liggaam, die navorser inspireer het om bewegingsaktiwiteite te ondersoek as ’n moontlike sleutel tot rolstoelgebonde leerders se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling. Die navorser het deelname aan rolstoeldanse gekies om te bepaal of rolstoelgebonde leerders op ’n emosionele en sosiale vlak ontwikkeling toon deur hul intra- en interpersoonlike vermoëns voor en ná deelname aan rolstoeldanse te ondersoek. Intra- en interpersoonlike vermoëns is interafhanklike vermoëns en word as belangrike komponente van emosionele intelligensie beskou. Die navorser het ’n doelgerigte steekproefneming gebruik in die seleksie van haar deelnemers om geldigheid en betroubaarheid in die hand te werk. Die deelnemers moes aan sekere vereistes voldoen. Sy loods ’n konstruktivistiese ondersoek vanuit ’n interpretivistiese perspektief as ’n (hoofsaaklik) kwalitatiewe ondersoek, met ’n interaktiewe gevallestudie-ontwerp en veelmetodestrategie. Die kleiner, kwantitatiewe komponent van die navorsingstudie is die Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, Second Edition (Piers-Harris 2). Dit bied, as voor- en nátoets, ’n basislynassessering vir die deelnemers se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling ten opsigte van selfkonsep. Die teoretiese raamwerk waaruit die navorser hierdie navorsingsprobleem benader, is ’n vermenging van die mediesetekort- en die sosiale model, met sterker klem op die ontwikkelings- en helende benadering van die sosiale model, as die tekortkominge-en-beheer-benadering van die mediesetekort-model. Die fokus van die studie is nie op rolstoelgebonde leerders se inperkinge nie, maar juis op die moontlike ontwikkeling wat deur hul deelname aan bewegingsaktiwiteite in die leerders mag plaasvind. Die navorser steun sterk op die sosiale model in ’n poging om begrip vir die probleme wat rolstoelgebonde leerders tans in die onderwys ervaar, te verkry, sodat skole ontwikkel kan word wat in leerderbehoeftes voorsien. Die navorsingsresultate bied antwoorde op die primêre en sekondêre navorsingsvrae en die algemene doelstelling van hierdie navorsingstudie is bereik. Die navorser het vasgestel dat rolstoelgebonde leerders, deur hul deelname aan bewegingsaktiwiteite, emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling toon. Al die deelnemers se emosionele intelligensie het verhoog en almal beleef groter selfverwesenliking sedert hul deelname aan rolstoeldanse. Die navorsingsresultate weerspieël groter groei ten opsigte van die deelnemers se intrapersoonlike as hulle interpersoonlike vermoëns. Die navorser se spesifieke doelstellings word bereik, wanneer die navorser die navorsingsresultate van hierdie studie aan beleidmakers in die Departement van Onderwys voorlê en daardeur die grense van bestaande kennis omtrent die verband tussen rolstoelgebonde leerders se deelname aan bewegingsaktiwiteite en hul emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling kan uitbrei. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)
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F. A. Hayek's Critique of LegislationHolm, Cyril January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation concerns F. A. Hayek’s (1899–1992) critique of legislation. The purpose of the investigation is to clarify and assess that critique. I argue that there is in Hayek’s work a critique of legislation that is distinct from his well-known critique of social planning. Further that the main claim of this critique is what I refer to as Hayek’s legislation tenet, namely that legislation that aims to achieve specific aggregate results in complex orders of society will decrease the welfare level. The legislation tenet gains support; (i) from the welfare claim – according to which there is a positive correlation between the utilization of knowledge and the welfare level in society; (ii) from the dispersal of knowledge thesis – according to which the total knowledge of society is dispersed and not available to any one agency; and (iii) from the cultural evolution thesis – according to which evolutionary rules are more favorable to the utilization of knowledge in social cooperation than are legislative rules. More specifically, I argue that these form two lines of argument in support of the legislation tenet. One line of argument is based on the conjunction of the welfare claim and the dispersal of knowledge thesis. I argue that this line of argument is true. The other line of argument is based on the conjunction of the welfare claim and the cultural evolution thesis. I argue that this line of argument is false, mainly because the empirical work of political scientist Elinor Ostrom refutes it. Because the two lines of argument support the legislation tenet independently of each other, I argue that Hayek’s critique of legislation is true. In this dissertation, I further develop a legislative policy tool as based on the welfare claim and Hayek’s conception of coercion. I also consider Hayek’s idea that rules and law are instrumental in forging rational individual action and rational social orders, and turn to review this idea in light of the work of experimental economist Vernon Smith and economic historian Avner Greif. I find that Smith and Greif support this idea of Hayek’s, and I conjecture that it contributes to our understanding of Adam Smith’s notion of the invisible hand: It is rules – not an invisible hand – that prompt subjects to align individual and aggregate rationality in social interaction. Finally, I argue that Hayek’s critique is essentially utilitarian, as it is concerned with the negative welfare consequences of certain forms of legislation. And although it may appear that the dispersal of knowledge thesis will undermine the possibility of carrying out the utilitarian calculus, due to the lack of knowledge of the consequences of one’s actions – and therefore undermine the legislation tenet itself – I argue that the distinction between utilitarianism conceived as a method of deliberation and utilitarianism conceived as a criterion of correctness may be used to save Hayek’s critique from this objection.
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An investigation of teaching and learning methods in information technology : a case study at a selected high school in Kwa-Zulu-NatalOsei-Asiamah, Joel 10 1900 (has links)
The Information Technology (IT) as subject taught in South African secondary schools is
considered to be a very perplexing subject. The IT as a subject has four learning outcomes
which are E-Communication (weight 10%), Social and Ethical Issues (weight 10%), Hardware
and Systems Software (weight 20%) and Programming and Software Development (weight
60%). The Programming and Software Development enjoys the highest weight as outcome
of IT and it is believed to be the main cause of the difficulty of IT. The number of Grade 9
learners willing to offer IT as a subject in Grade 10 is decreasing and the number of learners
pursuing IT until Grade 12 is declining in every school in South Africa annually. The aim of
this research is to investigate methods that enhance teaching and learning Information
Technology at a selected high school focusing on Grade12 learners. Although this work
investigated many teaching and learning methods, it has come to be known that the hybrid
system or method is the best to adopt and apply in teaching and learning of IT in high schools
especially in the relevant target high school. Thirty (30) participants were sampled. Three (3)
data collection instruments, which were questionnaires, interviews and observations were
used. Results that were obtained from the use of these data collection instruments were
recorded and analysed. Results from these instruments were compared and conclusions
drawn. A major finding was that the hybrid system that combines both teacher-centered and
learner-centered teaching approaches was able to enhance the teaching and learning of IT. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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A conceptual framework for digital political communication to promote party-political issue ownership via an urban electioneering platformDhawraj, Ronesh 07 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / This Grounded Theory study focused on understanding how South Africa’s two
numerically-dominant political parties, the African National Congress (ANC) and
Democratic Alliance (DA), used micro-blogging site, Twitter, as part of their
electioneering arsenal in the 2016 municipal elections to promote party-political
digital issue ownership within an urban context. Using each party’s 2016 election
manifesto and corpus of tweets, this three-phased study found that while both the
ANC and DA used Twitter as a digital political communication platform to
communicate their election campaigns, the DA notably leveraged the social
networking site for intense ‘focused’ messaging of its negative campaign against the
ANC while simultaneously promoting positive electoral messages around its own
‘core’ issues and metro mayoral candidates. ‘Battleground’ metros were identified by
the DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay, leading to
an emphasised urban campaign here to either activate the party’s own support base
and/ or to suppress the ANC’s turnout in these highly-contested areas. Additionally, it
was found that both the ANC and DA used Twitter for explicit and implicit partypolitical
issue ownership claiming in the 2016 municipal elections. Lastly, this study
also culminated in the proposal of three but interconnected different elements of a
conceptual framework for digital political communication that political parties could
use to promote digital party-political issue ownership within a pronounced urban
electioneering setting. These elements – ‘coordinating and managing how an
election is tweeted’, 'focus' messaging the election’ and ‘audience-segmenting as a
message-tailoring strategy’ – when used in unison can help political parties
communicate better and ultimately more effectively in a highly mediatised
technological media landscape / Hierdie Gegronde Teorie Studie fokus op die verduideliking hoe Suid-Afrika se twee
numeriese dominante politieke partye, die African National Congress (ANC) en
Demokratiese Alliansie (DA), van die mikro-blog platform, Twitter, gebruik gemaak
het tydens hulle verkiessingsstrategie in die 2016 munisipale verkiessings om die
party politieke digitale kwessie rondom eienaarskap binne ‘n stedelike verband te
bevorder. Deur elke party se 2016 verkiessings manifesto en arsenaal van twiets te
gebruik, het hierdie drie-fase studie bevind dat beide die ANC en DA, Twitter gebruik
het as ‘n digitale politieke kommunikasie platform. Die DA het egter die sosiale
media netwerk kenmerkend gebruik vir ‘n intense gefokusde negatiewe veldtog teen
die ANC terwyl hulle terselfdertyd ‘n positiewe verkiessings boodskap rondom die
party se eie kernkwessies en metro burgermeesters kandidate gesentreer het.
‘Oorlogsgebied’ metros is deur die DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane en
Nelson Mandela Bay geidentifiseer wat ‘n defnitiewe stedelike veldtog tot gevolg
gehad het om die party se eie ondersteuningsbasis te bevorder en/of die ANC se
ondersteuning in hierdie hoogs betwiste areas te onderdruk. Daar was ook bevind
dat beide die ANC en DA van Twitter gebruik gemaak het vir eksplisiete en implisiete
party politieke kwessies rondom eiernaarskap tydens die 2016 munisipale
verkiessings. Hierdie studie kan saamgevat word in drie onderskeie maar verwante
elemente om ‘n raamwerk te vorm van die digitale politieke kommunikasie wat
politieke partye kan gebruik om digitale party politieke kwessies binne ‘n stedelike
verkiessings omgewing te bevorder. Wanneer hierdie elemente – ‘koordinering en
bestuur van hoe twiets tydens ‘n verkiesing gebruik word’, ‘’die focus van die
boodksap tydens die verkiessing’ and ‘die gehoorsegmentasie can ‘n boodskap
strategie’ – in ‘n eenheid gebruik word kan dit politieke partye help om beter en meer
effektief te kommunikeer binne ‘n baie kompiterende en tegnologiese
medialandskap. / Inkcazo-bungcali yesisifundo ibigxile ekuqondeni ukuba uMzantsi Africa lo
unamaqela amakhulu amabini ezopolitiko, ukutsho, iAfrican National Congress
(ANC) kunye ne Democratic Alliance (DA), la maqela asebenzise iwebhusayithi
encinane uTwitter, njengenxalenye yezixhobo zonxibelelwano kunyulo loo masipala
ngo-2016. Bekwenza oku ngelikhuthaza amaqela ezopolitiko nebango lawo kwimiba
yezinto abathi bazithethe kwisithuba sedijithali,kumxholo wendawo zase dolophini.
Esi sifundo sisebenzisa imanifesto kunye nothotho lwe tweets zeqela ngalinye,
nesenziwe ngokwezigaba ezithathu, sifumanise ukuba nangona iANC kunye ne DA
zisebenzise uTwitter njenge qonga lonxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali
(ngokolwimi lwasemzini) ukunxibelelana namaphulo onyulo, iDA izibonakalise
amandla kwindawo yokuncokola kwiqonga uTwitter,ngokuthi imiyalezo yayo igxile
kwaye itsole. Miyalezo leyo ithe yagxila ngokungafanelekanga kumkhankaso
weANC. Ngaxeshanye, imiyalezo yayo yona iDA ibeyeyakhayo, kwaye incedisana
nephulo layo kwimiba ephambili kunye nabagqatswa bosodolophu bo masipala
abambaxa. Oomasipala abambaxa abathi babenongquzulwano bachongwe yiDA
Ekurhuleni, eRhawutini, eTshwane nase Bhayi. Lonto ibangele ukuba bagxininise
ekukhokeleni iphulo ledolophu ukuze bavuselele inkxaso ye DA apho okanye
bacinezele ukuvela kwe-ANC kwezi ndawo kuphikiswana kakhulu ngazo. Ukongeza,
kufumaniseke ukuba iANC kunye neDA zisebenzise uTwitter ngokwendlela
ecacileyo nengathanga ngqo kwimeko yobunini bemicimbi yepolitiki ukuze bafumane
ibango kunyulo loomasipala lwango 2016. Okokugqibela, esisifundo sigqibele
kwisindululo sezinto ezintathu azahlukeneyo kodwa ezidityaniswe yinkqubosikhokelo
eqingqiweyo kunxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali. Ezi zinto zizinto
ezisenakho ukusetyenziswa ngamaqela ezopolitiko ukukhuthaza ubunini bemicimbi
yezopolitiko ngaphakathi kulungiselelo lonyulo lwedolophu olubhengeziweyo. Ezi
zinto- 'ukulungelelanisa nokulawula indlela unyulo luthunyelwe ngayo kusetyeziswa
uTwitter', 'kugxilwe' kwimiyalezo yonyulo kunye nokuhlukaniswa kwabaphulaphuli
okanye ababukeli njengecebo lokulungisa umyalezo '- xa zisetyenziswa ngazwinye
zinokuwanceda amaqela ezopolitiko anxibelelane ngcono kwaye ekugqibeleni
ngokuyimpumelelo kakhulu kuxhamlo olunamandla kakhulu kubume beendaba
kumhlaba wetekhnoloji (ngokolwimi lwesiNgesi). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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A conceptual framework for digital political communication to promote party-political issue ownership via an urban electioneering platformDhawraj, Ronesh 07 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This Grounded Theory study focused on understanding how South Africa’s two
numerically-dominant political parties, the African National Congress (ANC) and
Democratic Alliance (DA), used micro-blogging site, Twitter, as part of their
electioneering arsenal in the 2016 municipal elections to promote party-political
digital issue ownership within an urban context. Using each party’s 2016 election
manifesto and corpus of tweets, this three-phased study found that while both the
ANC and DA used Twitter as a digital political communication platform to
communicate their election campaigns, the DA notably leveraged the social
networking site for intense ‘focused’ messaging of its negative campaign against the
ANC while simultaneously promoting positive electoral messages around its own
‘core’ issues and metro mayoral candidates. ‘Battleground’ metros were identified by
the DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane and Nelson Mandela Bay, leading to
an emphasised urban campaign here to either activate the party’s own support base
and/ or to suppress the ANC’s turnout in these highly-contested areas. Additionally, it
was found that both the ANC and DA used Twitter for explicit and implicit partypolitical
issue ownership claiming in the 2016 municipal elections. Lastly, this study
also culminated in the proposal of three but interconnected different elements of a
conceptual framework for digital political communication that political parties could
use to promote digital party-political issue ownership within a pronounced urban
electioneering setting. These elements – ‘coordinating and managing how an
election is tweeted’, 'focus' messaging the election’ and ‘audience-segmenting as a
message-tailoring strategy’ – when used in unison can help political parties
communicate better and ultimately more effectively in a highly mediatised
technological media landscape. / Hierdie Gegronde Teorie Studie fokus op die verduideliking hoe Suid-Afrika se twee
numeriese dominante politieke partye, die African National Congress (ANC) en
Demokratiese Alliansie (DA), van die mikro-blog platform, Twitter, gebruik gemaak
het tydens hulle verkiessingsstrategie in die 2016 munisipale verkiessings om die
party politieke digitale kwessie rondom eienaarskap binne ‘n stedelike verband te
bevorder. Deur elke party se 2016 verkiessings manifesto en arsenaal van twiets te
gebruik, het hierdie drie-fase studie bevind dat beide die ANC en DA, Twitter gebruik
het as ‘n digitale politieke kommunikasie platform. Die DA het egter die sosiale
media netwerk kenmerkend gebruik vir ‘n intense gefokusde negatiewe veldtog teen
die ANC terwyl hulle terselfdertyd ‘n positiewe verkiessings boodskap rondom die
party se eie kernkwessies en metro burgermeesters kandidate gesentreer het.
‘Oorlogsgebied’ metros is deur die DA in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, Tshwane en
Nelson Mandela Bay geidentifiseer wat ‘n defnitiewe stedelike veldtog tot gevolg
gehad het om die party se eie ondersteuningsbasis te bevorder en/of die ANC se
ondersteuning in hierdie hoogs betwiste areas te onderdruk. Daar was ook bevind
dat beide die ANC en DA van Twitter gebruik gemaak het vir eksplisiete en implisiete
party politieke kwessies rondom eiernaarskap tydens die 2016 munisipale
verkiessings. Hierdie studie kan saamgevat word in drie onderskeie maar verwante
elemente om ‘n raamwerk te vorm van die digitale politieke kommunikasie wat
politieke partye kan gebruik om digitale party politieke kwessies binne ‘n stedelike
verkiessings omgewing te bevorder. Wanneer hierdie elemente – ‘koordinering en
bestuur van hoe twiets tydens ‘n verkiesing gebruik word’, ‘’die focus van die
boodksap tydens die verkiessing’ and ‘die gehoorsegmentasie can ‘n boodskap
strategie’ – in ‘n eenheid gebruik word kan dit politieke partye help om beter en meer
effektief te kommunikeer binne ‘n baie kompiterende en tegnologiese
medialandskap. / Inkcazo-bungcali yesisifundo ibigxile ekuqondeni ukuba uMzantsi Africa lo
unamaqela amakhulu amabini ezopolitiko, ukutsho, iAfrican National Congress
(ANC) kunye ne Democratic Alliance (DA), la maqela asebenzise iwebhusayithi
encinane uTwitter, njengenxalenye yezixhobo zonxibelelwano kunyulo loo masipala
ngo-2016. Bekwenza oku ngelikhuthaza amaqela ezopolitiko nebango lawo kwimiba
yezinto abathi bazithethe kwisithuba sedijithali,kumxholo wendawo zase dolophini.
Esi sifundo sisebenzisa imanifesto kunye nothotho lwe tweets zeqela ngalinye,
nesenziwe ngokwezigaba ezithathu, sifumanise ukuba nangona iANC kunye ne DA
zisebenzise uTwitter njenge qonga lonxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali
(ngokolwimi lwasemzini) ukunxibelelana namaphulo onyulo, iDA izibonakalise
amandla kwindawo yokuncokola kwiqonga uTwitter,ngokuthi imiyalezo yayo igxile
kwaye itsole. Miyalezo leyo ithe yagxila ngokungafanelekanga kumkhankaso
weANC. Ngaxeshanye, imiyalezo yayo yona iDA ibeyeyakhayo, kwaye incedisana
nephulo layo kwimiba ephambili kunye nabagqatswa bosodolophu bo masipala
abambaxa. Oomasipala abambaxa abathi babenongquzulwano bachongwe yiDA
Ekurhuleni, eRhawutini, eTshwane nase Bhayi. Lonto ibangele ukuba bagxininise
ekukhokeleni iphulo ledolophu ukuze bavuselele inkxaso ye DA apho okanye
bacinezele ukuvela kwe-ANC kwezi ndawo kuphikiswana kakhulu ngazo. Ukongeza,
kufumaniseke ukuba iANC kunye neDA zisebenzise uTwitter ngokwendlela
ecacileyo nengathanga ngqo kwimeko yobunini bemicimbi yepolitiki ukuze bafumane
ibango kunyulo loomasipala lwango 2016. Okokugqibela, esisifundo sigqibele
kwisindululo sezinto ezintathu azahlukeneyo kodwa ezidityaniswe yinkqubosikhokelo
eqingqiweyo kunxibelelwano lwezopolitiko zedijithali. Ezi zinto zizinto
ezisenakho ukusetyenziswa ngamaqela ezopolitiko ukukhuthaza ubunini bemicimbi
yezopolitiko ngaphakathi kulungiselelo lonyulo lwedolophu olubhengeziweyo. Ezi
zinto- 'ukulungelelanisa nokulawula indlela unyulo luthunyelwe ngayo kusetyeziswa
uTwitter', 'kugxilwe' kwimiyalezo yonyulo kunye nokuhlukaniswa kwabaphulaphuli
okanye ababukeli njengecebo lokulungisa umyalezo '- xa zisetyenziswa ngazwinye
zinokuwanceda amaqela ezopolitiko anxibelelane ngcono kwaye ekugqibeleni
ngokuyimpumelelo kakhulu kuxhamlo olunamandla kakhulu kubume beendaba
kumhlaba wetekhnoloji (ngokolwimi lwesiNgesi). / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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