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台灣TFT-LCD企業之策略管理:資源基礎理論的分析 / Strategic Management of Taiwan's TFT-LCD Enterprises: An Analysis under the Resource-Based Theory林千右 Unknown Date (has links)
三、臺灣TFT-LCD 企業的核心資源、核心能力和競爭策略、競爭優勢間,具有相關性:企業的核心資源和核心能力是制定和執行競爭策略的基礎;企業競爭優勢的來源為核心資源和核心能力,且最主要來源是核心能力;當企業有利潤時,將持續發展公司資源及能力,以維持企業持久性競爭優勢。 / The TFT-LCD industry is known as the “second semi-conductor industry” of Taiwan, where, thanks to joint efforts of local talents, in 2006 both the shipment volume and the output value of Taiwan’s large-size TFT-LCD became No. 1 in the world. Because the industry is situated in a competitive environment that changes drastically, there exist several important issues that deserve further study, including how to identify core resources and core competences of the companies, consider development of enterprise resource bases, help management formulate the most adequate competitive strategies, and allow companies to continuously grow and develop in the competitive environment.
This study adopts the qualitative case study method, where it uses three leading manufacturers that have the largest production output in Taiwan’s large-size TFT-LCD industry in 2006 (AU Optronics, Chi Mei Optoelectronics, and Chunghwa Picture Tubes, LTD.) as the subjects of this case study to conduct in-depth research on contents of and correlation among their core resources, core competences, competitive strategies, and competitive advantages. By induction from reference materials such as existing TFT-LCD-related data and the resource-based theory, as well as case study and analysis, this study presents main findings as follows:
1. The core resources owned by Taiwan’s TFT-LCD manufacturers come from
combinations of unique heterogeneous resources owned by the companies, where their most important resource is intangible resource, their most important core competence is organization capability, their main competitive strategy is the cost leadership (or concentration) strategy, and their main corporate competitive advantage is organization capability.
2. Every TFT-LCD manufacturer in Taiwan is a combination of unique heterogeneous resources, so that each company performs differently from its competitors.
3. Correlation can be found in core resources, core competences, competitive
strategies, and competitive advantages of Taiwan’s TFT-LCD manufacturers: core resources and core competences of the companies are the basis of formulation and execution of competitive strategies; corporate competitive advantages result from core resources and core competences, and the main resource is core competence; when a company makes profits, it is going to continuously develop company resources and competences, in order to maintain corporate sustainable competitive advantages.
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策略轉折點的策略構面與競技場分析之個案研究 / The Strategic Dimensions and Competitive Field Model Analysis for Organizational Strategic Turning Points--A case study of XXX company劉乾能 Unknown Date (has links)
本文第貳章說明研究動機與問題,並對本研究的各項變數做必要的定義。第參章對個案公司的基本資料與背景有較多的說明。本研究主體係個案公司責任中心二(Strategic Business Unit II),該事業單位為自動資料蒐集產業(Automatic Data Collection)的本土製造商,自1985年第一台條碼閱讀機問世至今,在產業中已將近十六年的時光。
十六年以來,由人機介面(Input Device)的定位,以開發個人電腦鍵盤與自動資料辨識產品(Automatic Identification & Data Capture,AID)的條碼閱讀機(Bar Code Reader),到目前以自動資料蒐集(Automatic Data Collection)產業的主流產品攜帶式自動資料蒐集終端機(Portable Data Collection Terminal)為主的經營範疇;經銷通路從貿易商為主的型態,轉而進入經銷商與系統整合商的通路;由完全沒有產業知名度,到進入美國前十名的自動資料蒐集產業供應商。地理構形也從本土企業出發,成為跨美、歐、日與大陸都有分支機構的跨國經營。
本文第伍章則提出研究發現與後續研究建議,其中的研究建議較值得注意的是個案公司最新的主流產品WinCE攜帶式終端機即將進入開放式的主流環境,在開放式的主流環境對未來成長有絕對的幫助,但風險當然也就大很多。而這項經驗在個案公司早期投入個人電腦鍵盤產品時期非常類似,若能透過對個人電腦產業的反思,相信面對未來的競爭思考能有方向的指引作用。 / “The Company” has been used as an example for my thesis, that helps to understand how an enterprise been successful and going dead. Those reasons and results to be successful and dead, which maybe not easy to get conclusion from simple examples, but we did understand all possible development from those tracks. We are also possible to find the way to adapt all those changes from all tracks’ studies.
In this case, the chapter 2 gives the motivation and answers about the reasons to have this thesis. It also defines all variables. In Chapter 3, I give more information and back ground about “The Company.” The major studied body is the SBU II (Strategic Business Unit II) of “ The Company”. That SBU II is the Taiwanese local maker for ADC (Automatic Data Capture) industry. The SBU II produced first Bar Code Reader since 1985 and is existed in the ADC industry more than 16 years.
Since last 16 years, “The Company” was positioned as “Input Device Provider,” that developed the keyboard for IBM Personal Computer and Bar Code Reader for AIDC (Automatic Identification and data collection) Industry. Up to now, the business scopes of “The Company” is producing the main trend products for ADC industry, which is Portable Data Collecting Terminal. During last 16 years, the distribution channels of “The Company” are changed from “Trading Company” to “VAR (Value Added Retails) and SI (System integrators). It is also changed from “ No Named Company” becomes one of ten major players of ADC industry in USA market. The geographical point of view is also changed from Taiwanese company to become multiple locations in Europe, USA, The Mainland China and Japan.
The description above helps to understand the development of “ The Company”. The detailed information will refer all details in “Three Dimensional Analysis” of those two strategic turning points in the Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. In these chapters, “The Competitive Field Model” is used to compare the different related positioning between two industrial structures, Products and Markets. After that study, I hope that can guide “The Company” to be much clear the way to the future.
In Chapter 5, I give some comments about my own development and also give some hints for future studies. There are some key comments about “The WinCE Portable Terminals”, which are going to be the main trend products and opened architecture environment. In the opened architecture environment that is very high growth in market size and industrial business. That is of course coming with very high risky in the future. This experience is very similar with the age of IBM PC Keyboard. If we can rethink the related experience from IBM PC age that may help a lot to face all future market competition. That is one of the key reasons to have this case study.
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日本綜合商社組織變革活化個案探討:兼松集團之電子事業再生邱東光 Unknown Date (has links)
綜合本研究探討,從兼松的轉型變革成功個案帶給台灣的啟示是:企業唯有經由重新定義的變革再思維,朝相關核心能耐做創新求變,並將變革思維、策略與結構調整三者緊密結合執行,以及培育持續變革的組織文化,才能確保變革轉型成功。 / This research studies the organization restructure in Japanese enterprise while facing the severe impact on business environmental changes. Kanematsu is selected as the research object because of the close business development relationship with Taiwanese electronic industry. The successful rejuvenation of Kanematsu by restructuring the organization can be a typical benchmark for Taiwan in transformation.
Under the long time economic recession, the value of the enterprise has been changed, and no more creating the continuous prosperity as usual. This research studies the practical approach that Kanematsu took to execute the transformation of structure through rethinking methodology of change management. By adopting the strategic rethinking of selection and focus, Kanematsu redefined the business to assure the continuous growth for enhancing enterprise's competence toward the changes. Kanematsu's successful transformation experience by implementing restructuring strategy can be a model for Taiwanese enterprise in facing the bottle neck of growth in order to leap into a new business field by integrated the core competence.
Kotter's eight steps of transformation: 1. Establish a sense of urgency, 2. Form a powerful guiding coalition, 3. Create a vision, 4. Communicate the change vision, 5. Empower employees for broad-based action, 6. Generate short-term wins, 7. Consolidate gains and producing more change, 8. Anchor new approaches in the culture, specifically outlines the ways of change management's strategic rethinking, re-structuring and executing corporate transformation. Some findings of this research exposure that through practical implementing and executing the transformation, Kanematsu successfully transformed from IT intermediator to informediator; leaped into a new era by congregating the core competency; and transformed from departmental structure to internal subsidiary.
What this research reveals can be an inspiration to Taiwanese enterprise in transformation. Only through the rethinking to redefine the business, restructuring to enhance the core competence, executing concurrent transformation thoroughly, and then building up the corporate culture of pursuing the advantage of managing the endless change can lead to successful transformation.
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中鼎工程公司設計部門核心能耐的建構機制之研究-以知識管理的觀點 / The core competence establishing mechanism of CTCI engineering departments - knowledge management perspective劉國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果也提出個案公司亟待努力的改善建議,包括(一)應持續召募適合員工,以利長遠之發展,就既有之人力斷層,則應加速訓練養成(二)應加強供應鏈管理,嚴格管控設備廠商設計文件到位時程(三)應採取適切的績效考核與究責方式,使員工產生積極整合態度(四)應加強設計、採購、建造與試車部門之間的互動(五)應加強投入公司層級的研發活動(六)應加強與Licenser和Client等之合作,以拓展上游端(基本設計)與下游端(試車)的核心能耐。 / This case study investigates the core competence of the engineering department of international turnkey contractors and the establishing mechanism of such competence in terms of knowledge management. A survey is conducted on the engineering department managers of CTCI Corporation to supplement this study.
Results show that engineering design integration is the core competence of the engineering department of international turnkey contractors. This includes the integration of (1) engineering departments, (2) hardware and software information platforms, (3) EPCK, (4) project objectives, and (5) corporate culture. International turnkey contractors will establish strict SOPs and provide solid education and training to ensure the quality of engineering work, and develop integrated design platforms to shorten design lead-time and reduce rework cost. Additionally, they emphasize cost concepts and consider the procurement, construction and commissioning requirements right at the beginning of design. Designers are equipped with adequate professional core competence, management and leadership competence, and English communication competence for international turnkey contractors to fully display team efficiency. Meanwhile, corporate culture, such as professionalism, sincerity, teamwork, and innovation, are also the keys to integration. As brand reputation is the synergy of all efforts and long-term accumulation, project owners pay special attention to the contractor’s brand reputation. Therefore the contractor’s engineering department is devoted to promote positive circulation of knowledge carriers and activities in order to build up core competence and enhance competitiveness.
Suggestions for immediate improvement of the case company were also proposed, including (1) continue to recruit suitable employees to facilitate long-term development and accelerate training process to close the gap of existing interrupted staffing; (2) strengthen supply chain management and apply strict deadline on suppliers’ technical documents; (3) adopt appropriate and fair performance assessment to motivate employees; (4) encourage interactions among engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning departments; (5) reinforce corporate level R&D activities; and (6) promote cooperation with licenser and client to expand upstream (basic design) and downstream (commissioning) core competence.
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從智慧資本的觀點探討臨床試驗服務公司CRO之核心能耐 / A study of the core competence of contract research organizations(CRO)- an intellectual capital perspective鍾婉平 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 運用外部關係資本-與其他企業進行聯盟合作,是臨床試驗服務公司用以提升服務能力、擴大服務範圍,及拓展核心能耐的重要方式。
2. 臨床試驗服務公司所具明確的企業價值與文化,有助於其營運上的發展以及獨有特色的創造。
3. 發展較成熟的臨床試驗服務公司會具備涵蓋人力資本、組織結構資本及顧客關係資本之核心能耐,所具備之核心能耐較不易再進行拓展,反之,較新進的臨床試驗服務公司則較易拓展其核心能耐。
4. 臨床試驗服務公司所擁有的「教育」及「品牌」智慧資本,有助於提升公司其他的智慧資本。
5. 我國本土臨床試驗服務公司較重視發展具差異性之核心能耐,而我國外商臨床試驗服務公司則較重視員工專案執行之能力。
關鍵詞:臨床試驗服務產業、CRO、核心能耐、智慧資本 / In the Bio-service Industry, clinical trial service is the most profitable and valuable item. In 2009, the revenue of clinical trial service accounted for about half of the revenue of CRO Industry. Recently, since all the countries in the world are speeding up developing Pharmaceutical Industry and pharmaceutical companies are gradually raising the proportion of clinical trial outsourcing, the demand of clinical trial service are grately increasing.
From 1997, Taiwan local companies have been working so hard in the clinical trial service area. Till now, Taiwan local companies have accumulated lots of successful experience. But when facing the oligopoly market of CRO Industry and competition of Asia new CRO companies, Taiwan CRO companies still have big stress on operation. However, since Taiwan CRO companies have had great competence in clinical trial service, we believe that if Taiwan CRO companies can tidy up, analyze and expand their own core competence, the competitive strength of Taiwan CRO companies will get improved to face the global competition. Besides, intellectual capital of CRO companies which are knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) shows real value of the CRO companies. Hence, this study is trying to investigate the core competence of clinical trial service companies from intellectual capital aspect, and also trying to compare the differences of the core competence in the different timing. We hope this study can on the one hand provide CRO companies a way to analyze their core competence, and on the other hand can provide the successful core competence information of the study cases for CRO companies as a reference.
There are several conclusions from this study:
1. Using relationship capital-business collaboration is an important way for the clinical trial service companies to improve their service ability, broaden their service area, and develop their core competence.
2. The clear values and culture of clinical trial service companies can help the development and operation of the companies, and create the characteristic of the companies.
3. A mature clinical trial service company has accumulated plentiful core competence in human capital, organizational capital and customer capital, and it’s hard for the company to deepen and broaden its core competence. Relatively, it’s easier for a young clinical trial service company to develop its core competence.
4. The intellectual capital of “Education” and “Brands” of clinical trial service companies can upgrade other intellectual capital of the companies.
5. Taiwan local clinical trial service companies emphasize the core competence with differenciation while foreign clinical trial service companies in Taiwan emphasize good executive ability of the employee.
Keywords: Clinical trial services, CRO, Core competence, Intellectual capital
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技術創業之價值創造與商業模式分析 / A Strategic Analysis on the Value Creations and Business Models of Technological Entrepreneurship吳其原, Wu, Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究得到的結論為技術創業公司在保齡球道確認自己的核心技術所能為顧客創造的價值之後,由於台灣新創公司通常無法自行掌控技術採用生命週期,因此隨著產業的發展與產業間的互動,會決定未來新創公司所走的技術採用生命週期的路徑。技術創業公司通常會在康莊大道開始積極培養新的能力來因應下一波的創新。價值創造方面以降低顧客的外顯單位效益成本為關鍵重點。商業模式若從本篇研究的角度來看,即是在技術採用生命週期上,價值創造與核心能耐的互動。若價值創造與核心能耐產生良性循環,則公司的商業模式會開始強化,這樣就能協助公司在各個技術採用生命週期的階段站穩腳跟。 / Academically, we usually use the standpoints of Product Life Cycle, Core Competence or The Position of the Industrial Structure to study high-tech companies in Taiwan. This research would combine the standpoints of Technology Adoption Life Cycle, Core Competence and Strategic Marketing Analysis to study the technological entrepreneurship in Taiwan, especially in value creations and business models.
This is a multi-case study, choosing the representative and comparable cases, including HC Photonics Corp., Phison Electronics Corp., CyberLink Corp. and Global Lighting Technologies Inc., which are younger and playing important roles in their industries.
By analyzing the four companies, this study concludes that:
1.A business model means the core competences interact with the costumer values at the Technology Adoption Life Cycle. A great business model means it’s a positive cycle of interaction and the positive cycle can help companies stand firmly at the Technology Adoption Life Cycle.
2.The most important costumer value is Over Cost per Unity (C1).
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Make or buy? : Developing a generic framework for make-or-buy decisions at Cardo ABEkelund, Martin, Pettersson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Cardo AB is an international corporate group that has performed major organizational changes the last few years. These changes utilize possible synergies that exist in a corporate group. One of the initiatives is that Cardo wants to develop a model for make-or-buy decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is stated as:</p><p><em>The study’s purpose is to develop a generic model for make-or-buy decisions at Cardo.</em></p><p>To develop the model, a theoretical study was conducted, where four main aspects were identified: core capability, risk, cost and relationship. For each aspect, a tool to define what the aspects consist of was identified. The aspects were combined together into a model, called model version 1. To enhance and adjust the model to suit Cardo’s situation, an empirical study was conducted. In the empirical study, it was investigated how different sites within Cardo are currently working with make-or-buy decisions. Moreover, in the empirical study it was also revealed how Cardo is dealing with each of the aspects identified in theory. The combination of theory and empirical study formed the enhanced model, called model version 2. The last step in the procedure was to let several end-users review the model and suggest improvements. After this step, the final model was formed, called model version 3.The model combines the best practices from Cardo with the latest theoretical aspects. Using this model will help Cardo deal with make-or-buy decisions in a structured way. The model highlights the importance of connecting business strategy with the core capabilities of Cardo and provides a tool to identify this connection. Furthermore, the model highlights risks connected to outsourcing and provides tools to identify these risks. The model also applies a total cost approach. To calculate the different costs, a model is presented that functions as a guide when quantifying costs. Lastly, the model shows the importance of developing a proper relationship with the supplier according to the strategic importance of the product.Cardo AB is an international corporate group that has performed major organizational changes the last few years. These changes utilize possible synergies that exist in a corporate group. One of the initiatives is that Cardo wants to develop a model for make-or-buy decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is stated as:The study’s purpose is to develop a generic model for make-or-buy decisions at Cardo.To develop the model, a theoretical study was conducted, where four main aspects were identified: core capability, risk, cost and relationship. For each aspect, a tool to define what the aspects consist of was identified. The aspects were combined together into a model, called model version 1. To enhance and adjust the model to suit Cardo’s situation, an empirical study was conducted. In the empirical study, it was investigated how different sites within Cardo are currently working with make-or-buy decisions. Moreover, in the empirical study it was also revealed how Cardo is dealing with each of the aspects identified in theory. The combination of theory and empirical study formed the enhanced model, called model version 2. The last step in the procedure was to let several end-users review the model and suggest improvements. After this step, the final model was formed, called model version 3.The model combines the best practices from Cardo with the latest theoretical aspects. Using this model will help Cardo deal with make-or-buy decisions in a structured way. The model highlights the importance of connecting business strategy with the core capabilities of Cardo and provides a tool to identify this connection. Furthermore, the model highlights risks connected to outsourcing and provides tools to identify these risks. The model also applies a total cost approach. To calculate the different costs, a model is presented that functions as a guide when quantifying costs. Lastly, the model shows the importance of developing a proper relationship with the supplier according to the strategic importance of the product.</p>
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Make or buy? : Developing a generic framework for make-or-buy decisions at Cardo ABEkelund, Martin, Pettersson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
Cardo AB is an international corporate group that has performed major organizational changes the last few years. These changes utilize possible synergies that exist in a corporate group. One of the initiatives is that Cardo wants to develop a model for make-or-buy decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is stated as: The study’s purpose is to develop a generic model for make-or-buy decisions at Cardo. To develop the model, a theoretical study was conducted, where four main aspects were identified: core capability, risk, cost and relationship. For each aspect, a tool to define what the aspects consist of was identified. The aspects were combined together into a model, called model version 1. To enhance and adjust the model to suit Cardo’s situation, an empirical study was conducted. In the empirical study, it was investigated how different sites within Cardo are currently working with make-or-buy decisions. Moreover, in the empirical study it was also revealed how Cardo is dealing with each of the aspects identified in theory. The combination of theory and empirical study formed the enhanced model, called model version 2. The last step in the procedure was to let several end-users review the model and suggest improvements. After this step, the final model was formed, called model version 3.The model combines the best practices from Cardo with the latest theoretical aspects. Using this model will help Cardo deal with make-or-buy decisions in a structured way. The model highlights the importance of connecting business strategy with the core capabilities of Cardo and provides a tool to identify this connection. Furthermore, the model highlights risks connected to outsourcing and provides tools to identify these risks. The model also applies a total cost approach. To calculate the different costs, a model is presented that functions as a guide when quantifying costs. Lastly, the model shows the importance of developing a proper relationship with the supplier according to the strategic importance of the product.Cardo AB is an international corporate group that has performed major organizational changes the last few years. These changes utilize possible synergies that exist in a corporate group. One of the initiatives is that Cardo wants to develop a model for make-or-buy decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is stated as:The study’s purpose is to develop a generic model for make-or-buy decisions at Cardo.To develop the model, a theoretical study was conducted, where four main aspects were identified: core capability, risk, cost and relationship. For each aspect, a tool to define what the aspects consist of was identified. The aspects were combined together into a model, called model version 1. To enhance and adjust the model to suit Cardo’s situation, an empirical study was conducted. In the empirical study, it was investigated how different sites within Cardo are currently working with make-or-buy decisions. Moreover, in the empirical study it was also revealed how Cardo is dealing with each of the aspects identified in theory. The combination of theory and empirical study formed the enhanced model, called model version 2. The last step in the procedure was to let several end-users review the model and suggest improvements. After this step, the final model was formed, called model version 3.The model combines the best practices from Cardo with the latest theoretical aspects. Using this model will help Cardo deal with make-or-buy decisions in a structured way. The model highlights the importance of connecting business strategy with the core capabilities of Cardo and provides a tool to identify this connection. Furthermore, the model highlights risks connected to outsourcing and provides tools to identify these risks. The model also applies a total cost approach. To calculate the different costs, a model is presented that functions as a guide when quantifying costs. Lastly, the model shows the importance of developing a proper relationship with the supplier according to the strategic importance of the product.
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The study of Taiwan's biotechnology and pharmaceutical competitive advantage.Lin, Yon-yu 06 July 2004 (has links)
Due to entrance of WTO and performance of cGMP, Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries has met with more challenge¡Bimpact and pressure that let enterprise must reflect the marketing concept rests on four pillars¡Gtarget market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and organizational objectives( profitability) that reflect completely and restructure the strategic marketing according to innovative rethinking and develop into vision and strategic target of enterprise.
The high-performance of business competitive advantage is focused on delivering customer value and satisfaction. Given the importance of customer value and satisfaction, we need to discuss the concepts of a value chain and value-delivery systems. Every firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design¡Bproduce¡Bmarket¡Bdeliver¡Band support its product. The firm¡¦s task is to examine the value chain and look for ways to improve its cost and performance in each value-creating activity. The firm should estimate its competitor¡¦s cost and performance as benchmarks against which to compare its own cost and performance. To the extent that it can perform certain activities better than its competitors, it can achieve a business competitive advantage. Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing these core competences.
According to current healthy policy of Taiwan¡¦s government and promotional projects of developing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, enterprise need to reflect and evaluate the core competence and focus on firm¡¦s resources. Enterprise need to find out and decide the strategic positioning and then fit with government¡¦s policy. How to combine about the low cost operation of business strategy and high profit of innovative strategy that develop and restructure the new business model that achieve the business competitive advantage.
This study will explore meantime that Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms desire for reaching competitive advantage and occupying the market quickly, the firms should think that saving resources¡Brestructuring business model¡Bmanaging risk¡Banalyzing critical success factors¡Boperating the strategy of alliance and co-marketing are necessary.
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The Business Competitive Advantage and the Structure of Innovation Business Model on Taiwan Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical IndustriesCheng, Kuang-Chuan 15 July 2003 (has links)
Keywords¡GBiotechnology, Business Competitive Advantage, Innovation Business Model, Strategic Marketing, Marketing Concept Rests on Four Pillars, Porter¡¦s Competitive Forces Model, Value-chain Model, Resources Advantage Orientation, Resources-Based Theory( view) , Core Competence, Customer Relation Management, Strategy Game
Due to entrance of WTO and performance of cGMP, Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries has met with more challenge¡Bimpact and pressure that let enterprise must reflect the marketing concept rests on four pillars¡Gtarget market, customer needs, integrated marketing, and organizational objectives( profitability) that reflect completely and restructure the strategic marketing according to innovative rethinking and develop into vision and strategic target of enterprise.
The high-performance of business competitive advantage is focused on delivering customer value and satisfaction. Given the importance of customer value and satisfaction, we need to discuss the concepts of a value chain and value-delivery systems. Every firm is a collection of activities that are performed to design¡Bproduce¡Bmarket¡Bdeliver¡Band support its product. The firm¡¦s task is to examine the value chain and look for ways to improve its cost and performance in each value-creating activity. The firm should estimate its competitor¡¦s cost and performance as benchmarks against which to compare its own cost and performance. To the extent that it can perform certain activities better than its competitors, it can achieve a business competitive advantage. Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing these core competences.
According to current healthy policy of Taiwan¡¦s government and promotional projects of developing biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, enterprise need to reflect and evaluate the core competence and focus on firm¡¦s resources. Enterprise need to find out and decide the strategic positioning and then fit with government¡¦s policy. How to combine about the low cost operation of business strategy and high profit of innovative strategy that develop and restructure the new business model that achieve the business competitive advantage.
This study will explore meantime that Taiwan¡¦s biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms desire for reaching competitive advantage and occupying the market quickly, the firms should think that saving resources¡Brestructuring business model¡Bmanaging risk¡Banalyzing critical success factors¡Boperating the strategy of alliance and co-marketing are necessary.
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