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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A la quête du « bout de papier» : les perceptions des expériences scolaires, des études et diplômes universitaires chez les lycéens guinéens du privé et du public

Diaby, Mohamed 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur les perceptions de l’université et des diplômes (universitaires) chez les lycéens guinéens du privé et du public en classe de terminale. L’atteinte de cet objectif exigeait une exploration de l’expérience scolaire et extrascolaire des élèves. La démarche privilégiée est qualitative et a consisté en des entrevues semi-dirigées auprès de 23 jeunes de deux lycées de la capitale, différents de par leur statut (privé/public) et l’origine sociale de leurs élèves. Les résultats de la recherche montrent que l’expérience scolaire et extrascolaire varie considérablement selon le type de lycée fréquenté. Si le parcours scolaire au privé s’est déroulé sans grands heurts, il est nettement plus chaotique parmi les élèves du public. Les premiers bénéficient d’un cadre d’apprentissage -tant au niveau infrastructurel que professoral- et d’un soutien familial clairement plus propices aux études que les seconds. Hors de l’école, si le temps est consacré aux loisirs pour les lycéens privés, il est marqué par une forte implication dans les activités économiques de survie pour les lycéens et lycéennes du public qui doivent tous se « battre » pour rester aux études. Les données révèlent en outre que la poursuite des études au-delà de la classe de terminale est perçue par les deux groupes de lycéens comme une suite logique de leur parcours scolaire. L’université attire et exerce une forme de « fascination » notamment pour le «bout de papier » qu’elle octroie. Le diplôme universitaire demeure perçu comme une marque distinctive et un symbole de prestige et, surtout dans des milieux populaires, comme un gage d’employabilité. Enfin, pour les jeunes filles du lycée privé, la poursuite des études est présentée comme un moyen d’acquérir une certaine indépendance même si, comme leurs homologues du public, la poursuite des études doit « coexister » avec le projet matrimonial. / This paper aims to analyze the perception of university education and university degree among senior high school students from public and private schools in Guinea. Using a qualitative analysis, the research explores the participants’ academic and nonacademic experience. Semi-directed interviews were conducted among 23 pupils from two high schools in the capital Conakry. The targeted schools differ by their statutes (private/public) and the social origin of their students. As illustrated by the analysis, the academic and nonacademic experiences vary notably depending on the type of high school attended. School trajectories of students from public institutions are more chaotic than those of students in public institutions. The first benefit from a better learning environment—equipment and teachers—and a more favorable familial context than the latter. Outside school, while students in private schools devote their spare time to leisure activities, their public counterparts spend most of their time involved in petty money-earning activities, ‘‘fighting’’ to pay their school fees. In addition, the data show that both private and public schools’ students perceive the pursuit of their studies beyond senior high school as a logical continuation of their academic journey. The university attracts and ‘‘fascinates’’ students, notably for the «piece of paper» it grants. The university degree remains a distinctive mark, a symbol of prestige and, especially among public schools’ pupils, a guarantee of employability. Finally, for girls in private schools, higher education is perceived as a way for future independence, even if they do not disconnect their schooling future from their marital plans.

La migration pour études : l’expérience de retour des diplômés guinéens dans leur pays d’origine après une formation au Canada

Barry, Mamadou Gando 11 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet la migration pour études et plus précisément l’expérience de retour et du non-retour des diplômés guinéens formés au Canada. Elle repose sur une démarche qualitative. Prenant appui sur des matériaux discursifs issus d’entrevues individuelles dans deux sites (en Guinée et au Canada), auprès d’un échantillon de trente et un diplômés, notre étude s’est attachée, dans un premier temps, à faire ressortir les motivations des étudiants à « retourner au pays » à la fin de leurs études au Canada ou, à l’inverse, à demeurer dans le pays d’accueil. Dans une seconde phase, la recherche s'est intéressée au devenir des enquêtés après leurs études et en particulier à l’insertion ou réinsertion sociale, familiale et professionnelle des diplômés retournés en Guinée ou installés au Canada. Enfin, notre étude examine les perspectives d’avenir de l’ensemble de nos répondants; leurs satisfactions et frustrations après le retour en Guinée ou l’installation au Canada, le bilan qu’ils tirent de leur expérience de migration pour études mais aussi les perspectives de retour éventuelles et les liens que ceux qui sont restés entretiennent avec leur pays d’origine. Pour les diplômés retournés en Guinée, l’analyse des données montre que les « perspectives d’emploi et de promotion » ont joué un rôle central dans leur décision de rentrer. Ils sont également nombreux a déclaré avoir choisi le retour pour des raisons familiales. Certains justifient aussi leur retour par « la volonté de servir le pays ». Si l’insertion familiale a été facile pour la plupart des diplômés retournés en Guinée, la réinsertion sociale, le retour à des pratiques sociales et à un environnement précaire « qu’ils avaient oublié » semble en revanche avoir été moins aisé. Sur le plan professionnel, le séjour canadien est perçu comme ayant eu un impact très positif sur leur carrière. Les diplômes canadiens semblent très valorisés en Guinée et les réseaux canadiens que les diplômés ont pu établir lors de leur séjour sont aussi très utiles. La possibilité de trouver un emploi décent au Canada domine également le discours des répondants qui ont choisi de demeurer au pays d’accueil après leur formation. Les répondants ayant choisi de demeurer au Canada évoquent également fréquemment l’idée de « sacrifier » leur retour au profit de « l’avenir » des enfants. La politique de l’immigration canadienne par « l’incitation » de demeurer au Canada après les études ont aussi influencé certains diplômés dans leurs décisions de ne pas retourner. Même s’ils évoquent fréquemment l’emploi pour justifier leur installation au Canada, nos répondants restés au Canada ne trouvent pas facilement un travail qui correspond à leur formation et doivent souvent se contenter de « petits boulots ». Plusieurs pointent du doigt le «bilinguisme» et la «discrimination» en milieu de travail comme obstacles majeurs. Enfin, pour bon nombre d’entre eux le « retour au pays » est une perspective jamais écartée, la plupart n’ont jamais coupé le lien avec leur pays d’origine et plusieurs tiennent à faire connaître la culture guinéenne à leurs enfants. / The present study deals with the phenomenon of migration for educational purposes. Based on a qualitative approach, it specifically looks at the experience of Guinean graduates, educated in Canada, both those that have returned home and those that chose to stay in the host country. Using discursive materials gathered through individual interviews carried out in both Guinea and Canada, the sample includes 31 graduates. The thrust of the study is threefold. It seeks, first, to identify the main motivations for Guinean graduates in their decision to “return home” or stay in the host country at the end of their studies. The second aim is to enquire about the future of the graduates, particularly their social, family and professional integration or re-integration back home or in Canada. Finally, the study examines the future prospects of the sampled graduates: their satisfaction or lack thereof with their current situations, their retrospective view about the experience of migration for studies, the prospects of eventual return back home for those who stayed in the host country, as well as the linkages they have maintained with their home country. In the case of those who returned home, the study shows that “employment and promotion prospects” had played a central motivating role in their decision to return. Family considerations constituted the main motivation for some, while others cited their “resolve to serve the home country”, as the main incentive for their return. If family reintegration was easy for most of them, re-adaptation to certain social practices “they had forgotten” seems to have been less smooth. On the professional front, it appears that their Canadian training had a positive impact on their careers, as the reputation of Canadian certificates seems quite valuable in Guinea. Also, the professional networks established during their stay in Canada seem to be useful to many. For those who remained in Canada, the possibility of finding a decent job seems to be the main incentive for staying. They often cite the opportunity that Canada offers for a “better future” for their kids as one reason for their decision to stay, which they consider as a worthy “sacrifice”. Another important motivation is the Canadian immigration policy, which encourages graduates to remain in the country. But while they often cite employment opportunities in Canada to justify their decision to stay, they do not, in most cases, get an appropriate employment in line with their qualifications. Thus, they generally end up taking up “petty jobs”. Many blame “discrimination” and their poor or non-existent “English” for this situation, given Canada’s bilingualism. Finally, however, the majority of them still do not exclude “returning home” one day, and they have not severed links with the home country. In fact, most of them strive to raise their kids in a way that would not detach them from Guinean cultures and customs.

Impact of neonatal total parenteral nutrition and early glucose-enriched diet on glucose metabolism and physical phenotypes in Guinea Pig

Najdi Hejazi, Sara 04 1900 (has links)
Les oxydants infusés avec la nutrition parentéral (NP) néonatale induisent une modification du métabolisme des lipides et du glucose, donnant lieu à l’âge adulte à un phénotype de carence énergétique (faible poids, baisse de l’activité physique). L’hypothèse qu’une diète précoce riche en glucose prévient ces symptômes plus tard dans la vie, fut évalué chez le cobaye par un ANOVA en plan factoriel complet à deux facteurs (p < 0:05) : NP du jour 3 à 7, suivit d’une nourriture régulière (chow) (NP+) vs. chow à partir du 3ième jour (NP-), combiné avec une eau de consommation enrichie en glucose (G+) ou non (G-) à partir de la 3ième semaine. Les paramètres suivant ont été mesurés à l’âge de 9 semaine: taux de croissance, activité physique, activité de phosphofructokinase-1 et glucokinase (GK), niveau hépatique de glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), glycogène, pyruvate et potentiel redox du glutathion, poids du foie, glycémie, tolérance au glucose, concentrations hépatiques et plasmatiques en triacylglycérides (TG) et cholestérol. Le groupe G+ (vs. G-) avait un taux de croissance plus bas, une activité de GK et une concentration en G6P plus élevée, et un potentiel redox plus bas (moins oxydé). Le niveau plasmatique de TG était moins élevé dans le groupe NP+ (vs. NP-). Les traitements n’eurent aucun effet sur les autres paramètres. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’indépendamment de la NP, une alimentation riche en glucose stimule la glycolyse et déplace l’état redox vers un statut plus réduit, mais ne surmonte pas les effets de la NP sur le phénotype physique de carence énergétique. / Neonatal exposure to oxidant molecules from total parenteral nutrition (TPN) alters future lipid and glucose metabolism, resulting in an energy deficient phenotype characterized by lower body weight and physical activity. Using a guinea-pig model, the hypothesis that early diet supplementation with glucose could overcome such symptoms at week 9 of age was tested in a two-factor full-factorial ANOVA design (p<0:05): TPN day 3-7, chow thereafter (TPN+) vs: chow from day 3 (TPN-), combined with glucose-enriched diet from week 3 (G+) vs: plain chow throughout (G-). The growth rate, physical activity, phosphofructose kinase-1 and glucose kinase (GK) activities, glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), glycogen and pyruvate concentrations, relative liver weight, fasting blood glucose, glucose tolerance, hepatic and plasma triacylglyceride and cholesterol levels, individual glutathione levels and GSH/GSSG-based redox potential were determined at 9 weeks. Glucose supplementation (vs: the lack thereof) resulted in a lower growth rate, higher GK activity, and higher G6P concentration at week 9. Plasma triacylglycerides at week 9 were lower in TPN+ (vs: TPN-) subjects. Hepatic GSH=GSSG-derived redox potential shifted to a more reduced state in G+ (vs: G-) subjects. No other parameters showed significant differences. Independently of TPN, an early glucose-rich diet stimulated the glycolysis pathway, shifted the redox potential towards a more reduced status ; however, it did not overcome the effects of TPN on future physical and metabolic phenotype.

A Triumph of improvisation : Australian Army operational logistics and the campaign in Papua, July 1942 to January 1943

Moremon, John Clifford, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examines the Australia Army???s campaign on Papua from July 1942 to January 1943 with the focus on logistic support of the fighting arms and the relation of logistics to the tactics of tropical jungle warfare. It begins by examining the traditional approach to logistics in the military profession - the experience of Australian officers and forces in particular - from the First World War until May 1942, when the Australian territory of Papua was invaded. It establishes that the Army was poorly prepared because, as well as having never anticipated a prolonged land campaign in Papua-New Guinea, it lacked the logistic resources and knowledge of logistics as applicable to tropical jungle warfare. It then proceeds to examine the retreat over the Kokoda Track and the turning-point battles for Milne Bay and Imita Ridge. It demonstrates that the principal factor in the Australian retreat was logistic failure, as geography and lack of logistic resources prevented adequate supply of the fighting arms at least until lines of communication had been shortened; even then, difficulties remained. The thesis is rounded off by assessing the counter-attack across the territory of Papua for the capture of the enemy???s beachheads at Buna, Gona and Sanananda. It concludes that, as the island???s geography and tropical environment so dominated operations and since shortages of logistic equipment and units persisted, the Army could not perfect its logistic organisation by the end of this first phase of the New Guinea campaign. It fell back on improvisation and the fortitude of troops to triumph over the Japanese.

Primary health care: knowledge development and application in Papua New Guinea

Davy, Carol January 2009 (has links)
Research into the use of information by health care professionals has generally been conducted in countries dominated by the biomedical model. In these contexts, illness is considered to have a scientifically identifiable physical cause, and treatment practices within the formal health care sector are prescribed and managed in accordance with this definition. Yet there are also contexts where other belief systems inform and guide the way that people think about their health. In comparison to the biomedical model, these contexts have contributed very little to our understanding of how health professionals develop their knowledge. This research investigates how primary health care workers (PHCWs) in one such context, Papua New Guinea (PNG), develop their knowledge about the health services they provide. In order to discover and understand the differing views of these PHCWs, 69 semi-structured interviews were conducted in three culturally and geographically diverse regions of PNG. In explaining the diagnostic and treatment practices they use, these participants provided insights into not only how PHCWs engage with information but also how it informs their professional practice. These data were analysed, interpreted and discussed using a framework consisting of four, primary but interconnecting aspects: the context in which information was provided, the interactions with the sources of information, the processes by which information was understood, and the outcomes realized as a result of the information being used. Findings indicated that the majority of participants in this study acknowledged, if not incorporated, information pertaining to biomedicine, Christianity and Indigenous belief systems into their diagnostic and treatment practices. Even when these belief systems clearly contradicted each other, PHCWs did not in general feel the need to make a conscious choice between them. From their comments it would appear that four factors contributed to this ability to incorporate diverse and often conflicting ideas into the way that patients were cared for. First, all of the belief systems were considered legitimate by at least one group of people connected to the community in which the PHCW worked. Second, although varying in degrees of availability and accessibility, members of these groups were able to disseminate information pertaining to the belief system they supported. Third, the PHCW had no particular affiliation with any one of these groups but instead regularly interacted with a range of different people. Lastly, the PHCW worked in situations where health practices were not generally well supervised by their employers and therefore they were relatively free to choose between various diagnostic and treatment practices. The qualitative interpretive approach adopted in this thesis contributes to the field of human information behavior by affirming that conflict is in the eye of the beholder. When a number of belief systems coexist and all are considered legitimate, information about them is freely available, and the recipients actions are neither constrained by their own dogma, nor imposed upon by others, individuals may quite comfortably embrace diverse beliefs. These findings may also contribute to a better understanding of health management practices in developing countries by suggesting that health professionals are not merely personifications of a biomedical model. Instead, the study demonstrates that multiple belief systems can be combined by PHCWs, and that in turn this benefits the formal health care sector through increased treatment options that are both appropriate and effective in such circumstances.

Participação dos canais de potássio na ação espasmolítica de Solanum agrarium Sendtner em íleo de cobaia e útero de rata / Participation of potassium channels in the spasmolytic action of Solanum agrarium Sendtner on guinea-pig ileum and rat uterus

Correia, Ana Carolina Carvalho 12 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:59:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 2110214 bytes, checksum: 4a28fa47726ea0c494b4de5c87f4f054 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Solanum agrarium Sendtner known popularly as babá , gogóia , and melancia da praia . In folk medicine, the decoction of its roots is used as abortive (AGRA, 1991). In a preliminary study, Santos et al. (2003) demonstrated that crude ethanolic extract of aerial parts from S. agrarium (SA-EtOH) showed non-selective spasmolytic activity on guinea-pig ileum and rat uterus. The aim of the study was evaluate on the cytotoxic potential of SA-EtOH in rats erythrocytes and to investigate the spasmolytic action mechanism on guinea-pig ileum and rat uterus. SA-EtOH extract showed moderate hemolytic activity only at concentration of 243 and 500 μg/mL (Emax = 21.2 ± 3.2%). On guinea-pig ileum, SA-EtOH extract inhibited the cumulative concentration-response curves to carbachol (CCh) and histamine, and these were shifted to the right, in a non-parallel manner, with depression of the maximal effect (Emax), suggesting a noncompetitive antagonism. SA-EtOH extract relaxed in a significant and concentration dependent manner the ileum pre-contracted with 40 mM KCl (EC50 = 17.4 ± 3.5 μg/mL), 10-6 M CCh (EC50 = 119.4 ± 24.3 μg/mL) or 10-6 M histamine (EC50 = 18.7 ± 4.6 μg/mL), suggesting that SA-EtOH extract could be acting on voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (Cav). This assumption was confirmed by observation that SA-EtOH extract antagonized the CaCl2 induced contractions in the depolarizing medium without Ca2+. The finding that SA-EtOH extract relaxed (EC50 = 187.2 ± 27.3 μg/mL) the guinea-pig ileum pre-contracted with S-(-)-BAY K8644 suggests that the Ca2+ channel subtype involved is the CaV1. As the SA-EtOH extract was more potent in relaxing the body pre-contracted with KCl than by S-(-)-Bay K8644, it is suggestive of indirect blockade of the Cav1. We decided to investigate the participation of K+ channels in the spasmolytic action of SA-EtOH extract. The relaxation curve induced by SA-EtOH extract was rightward displacement only in the presence of tetraethylammonium (TEA+) 1 mM, this concentration is a selective blocker of the large conductance clacium-activated K+ channels (BKca) (EC50 = 37.7 ± 4.9 μg/mL) and 4-aminopyridine, selective blocker of the voltage activated K+ channels (Kv) (EC50 = 48.9 ± 6.2 μg/mL). On rat uterus, SA-EtOH extract inhibited the cumulative concentration-response curves to oxytocin, and these were shifted to the right, in a non-parallel manner, with depression of the maximal effect (Emax) suggesting a noncompetitive antagonism. SA-EtOH extract did not effective at relax the uterus pre-contracted with 60 mM KCl (Emax = 10.5 ± 5.0%), however relaxed in a significant and concentration dependent manner the rat uterus pre-contracted with 10-2 UI/mL (EC50 = 56.3 ± 8.2 μg/mL). Therefore, suggesting that SA-EtOH extract could be promoting its spasmolytic effect of indirect blockade influx Ca2+ by Cav, as observed in guinea-pig ileum. However, the relaxation curve induced by SA-EtOH extract was rightward displacement only in the presence of glibenclamide (EC50 = 124.8 ± 21.0 μg/mL), selective blocker of the ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP), different from that observed in guinea-pig ileum. These results suggest that SA-EtOH extract is not promoting the membrane injury on rat erythrocytes and that the spasmolytic action mechanism of SA-EtOH extract involves modulation/activation of BKCa and KV on guinea-pig ileum, and of KATP on rat uterus. / Solanum agrarium Sendtner é conhecida popularmente por babá , gogóia e melancia da praia . O decocto da raiz é empregado popularmente como abortivo (AGRA, 1991). Em estudos anteriores, Santos et al., (2003) demonstraram que o extrato etanólico bruto obtido das partes aéreas de S. agrarium (SA-EtOH) apresentou atividade espasmolítica não seletiva em íleo de cobaia e útero de rata. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o potencial citotóxico do extrato SA-EtOH em eritrócitos de rato e investigar o mecanismo de ação espasmolítica em íleo de cobaia e útero de rata. O extrato SA-EtOH apresentou uma atividade hemolítica moderada apenas nas concentrações de 243 e 500 μg/mL (Emax = 21,2 ± 3,2%). Em íleo de cobaia, o extrato SA-EtOH inibiu as curvas cumulativas ao carbacol (CCh) e à histamina e estas foram desviadas para a direita de maneira não paralela com redução do Emax, sugerindo um antagonismo não competitivo. O extrato SA-EtOH relaxou de maneira dependente de concentração e significante o íleo de cobaia pré-contraído com 40 mM de KCl (CE50 = 17,4 ± 3,5 μg/mL), ou com 10 6 M de CCh (CE50 = 119,4 ± 24,3 μg/mL) ou de histamina (CE50 = 18,7 ± 4,6 μg/mL), sugerindo que o extrato SA-EtOH deve estar agindo bloqueando os canais de Ca2+ dependentes de voltagem (CaV). A confirmação desta hipótese veio com a observação de que o extrato SA-EtOH antagonizou as contrações induzidas por CaCl2 em meio despolarizante nominalmente sem Ca2+. O fato do extrato SA-EtOH ter relaxado (CE50 = 187,2 ± 27,3 μg/mL) o íleo pré-contraído com S-(-)-BAY K 8644 sugere que o canal de Ca2+ envolvido é o tipo CaV1. Como a potência relaxante do extrato SA-EtOH foi maior quando o órgão foi pré-contraído com KCl do que pelo S-(-)-Bay K8644, isto é sugestivo de que há um bloqueio indireto dos Cav1. Decidiu-se investigar a participação dos canais de K+ na ação espasmolítica do SA-EtOH. A curva de relaxamento induzida pelo extrato SA-EtOH foi desviada para direita apenas na presença de tetraetilamônio (TEA+) 1 mM, nessa concentração um bloqueador dos canais de K+ ativados por Ca2+ de grande condutância (BKCa) (CE50 = 37,7 ± 4,9 μg/mL) e na de 4-aminopiridina, bloqueador dos canais de K+ operados por voltagem (KV) (CE50 = 48,9 ± 6,2 μg/mL). Em útero de rata, o extrato SA-EtOH inibiu as curvas cumulativas à ocitocina e esta foi desviada para a direita de maneira não paralela com redução do Emax, sugerindo um antagonismo não competitivo. O extrato SA-EtOH não foi eficaz em relaxar o útero pré-contraído com 60 mM de KCl (Emax = 10,5 ± 5,0%), entretanto relaxou de maneira dependente de concentração o útero pré-contraído com 10-2 UI/mL ocitocina (CE50 = 56,3 ± 8,2 μg/mL). Diante deste fato, pode-se sugerir que o extrato SA-EtOH pode estar promovendo seu efeito espasmolítico pelo bloqueio indireto do influxo de Ca2+ através dos CaV, assim como o observado em íleo de cobaia. Entretanto, a curva de relaxamento induzida pelo extrato SA-EtOH foi desviada para direita apenas na presença de glibenclamida (CE50 = 124,8 ± 21,0 μg/mL), bloqueador seletivo dos canais de K+ sensíveis ao ATP (KATP), diferente do observado em íleo de cobaia. Esses resultados são sugestivos de que o extrato SA-EtOH não esteja promovendo injúrias a membrana dos eritrócitos de ratos e que o mecanismo de ação espasmolítica do extrato SA-EtOH se dá pela modulação/ativação dos BKCa e KV em íleo de cobaia e pelos KATP em útero de rata.

Aplicabilidade das normas de tratados internacionais no direito comercial: caso da Ohada no ordenamento jurídico guineense.

Valdez, Alassana January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-11T17:02:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Alassana.pdf: 921475 bytes, checksum: 1a3200ff14f69c80d13422277df8a17b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T17:22:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Alassana.pdf: 921475 bytes, checksum: 1a3200ff14f69c80d13422277df8a17b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T17:22:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alassana.pdf: 921475 bytes, checksum: 1a3200ff14f69c80d13422277df8a17b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a aplicabilidade das normas de tratados internacionais no direito comercial particularmente no caso do Tratado da OHADA na Guiné-Bissau do ponto de vista jurídico-constitucional e de direito internacional. Analisam-se na presente pesquisa os conflitos emergentes com a adesão da Guiné-Bissau a essa organização internacional não olvidando as teorias clássicas sobre o tema isto é as teorias monista e dualista. Neste caso enfatizou-se a problemática da supranacionalidade da OHADA a questão da aplicação direta e obrigatória dos seus atos normativos por parte dos Estados-Membros e na falta de normas constitucionais guineenses respeitantes à relação com as normas do direito internacional verificou-se quais as possíveis soluções oferecidas pela doutrina. Ademais procurou-se comparar os dois ordenamentos jurídicos com a finalidade de constatar as inovações introduzidas pelos atos normativos da OHADA considerando que não houve uma revogação total e global das normas comerciais vigentes. Tudo isso sem perder de vista a análise do seu ordenamento jurídico e suas características. Foi observado por outro lado que a Guiné-Bissau não somente carece de preceitos sobre o valor que as normas internacionais ocupam no seu direito interno, como também constatou-se que não admite a supranacionalidade, constituindo assim um verdadeiro obstáculo à integração política e supranacional visada pela OHADA. / Salvador

L'armée dans la démocratisation tardive en Guinée Conakry / The army in late democratization in Guinea

Deme, Mamadou Hady 06 October 2016 (has links)
En Afrique subsaharienne, la suprématie civile sur les forces armées été l’une des principales lacunes dans l’évolution des institutions étatiques. Les forces armées, dans la plupart des pays, ont encore un rôle politique important La démocratisation tardive en Guinée résulte en Guinée a toujours butté sur les relations ambivalentes et complexes entre l’armée et pouvoir politique. Ces relations s’inscrivent dans une problématique globale de politisation de l’armée. Avec à son actif deux coups d’Etats militaires, la politisation de l’armée est allée de pair avec une dégradation des bases institutionnelles de l’Etat. Cette étude analyse le va et vient permanent entre processus de démocratisation et restauration autoritaire. Les réformes menées allant dans le sens de redéfinition de la politique de sécurité en Guinée se sont cristallisées autour du programme Réforme des Systèmes de Sécurité qui est un enjeu essentiel pour la consolidation des acquis démocratiques d’une part et la dynamique de reconstruction de l’Etat d’autre part. / In Sub-Saharan Africa, civil supremacy over the armed forces has been one of the main gaps in the evolution of the state public institution. Armed forces, in most country, still play an important political role. Late democratization in Guinea results into ambivalent and complex relations between the army and the political power. Those relations are part of the global issue of the politization of the army. With two military coup d’Etats, the politization of the army went hand in hand with a degradation of institutional bases of the State. This study is the analysis and forth between democratization and authoritarian restoration. Policy reforms carried out so far that seeks to redefine the concept of security policy in Guinea have crystallised around the Security Reform System which is on the one hand, a key issue to consolidate democratic achievements and on the other hand, the dynamics of State reconstruction.

Política externa e Estado frágil na Guiné-Bissau : crises multidimensionais e o papel dos organismos internacionais "CPLP & CEDEAO" (1973-2014)

Carvalho, Ricardo Ossagô de January 2016 (has links)
L’étude part de la prémisse de l’analyse de la politique étrangère bissau-guinéenne en considérant le processus de la formation de l’État dans la période de la postindépendance, travers de leurs faiblesses (la dépendance) et de leurs potentiels (l’autonomie) par rapport au système mondial. Ainsi, l’étude s’insère dans le cadre temporel d’accumulation historique et institutionel de la Guinée-Bissau dans le système mondial contemporain (1973-2014).Notre hypothèse est que la politique étrangère bissau-guinéenne peut avoir résulté de deux facteurs: (a) des facteurs internes associés à l’instabilité politique et à la mauvaise gestion des ressources donnés; et (b) des facteurs externes liés à la mauvaise conduction de la politique étrangère et du financement externe, dans ses relations avec les organisations internationales. De ce fait, l’objectif de cette thèse de doctorat a été comprendre la politique étrangère de la Guinée-Bissau, en tenant compte le processusde la formation de l’État national, en considérant les crises multidimensionnelles et le rôle de deux organisations internationales – la Communauté des Pays de la Langue Portugaise (CPLP) et la Communauté Économique des États de l’Áfrique de l’Ouest (CÉDÉAO) – dans ses lignes directrices de politiques publiques, en obsérvant le degré d’influence de ces organisations internationales et le progrès atteint, ou non, au début du XXIème siècle. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons choisi la période de la postindepéndance pour être étudiée, dans laquelle nous avons délimité trois phases différentes pour analyser la politique étrangère de la Guinée-Bissau, deux organisations internationales et ses impacts dans la politique intérieure; sont-elles: (a) phase du parti unique (1973-1993) – dont le but principal a été examiner si la politique étrangère a impacté, ou non, dans la faisabilité de l’État-nation bissau-guinéen et au projet de coopération internationale et à l’aide extérieure; (b) phase découlant de transition politique, d’exécution de la démocratie et de la première eléction jusqu’au coup politique (1994-1998), réformes politiques, constitutionnelles, économiques et son impact dans la politique étrangère; et (c) phase d’instabilité politique, économique et social au pays, coups et contrecoups (1998-2014) qui ont causé des impacts directs ou indirects dans la politique étrangère de la Guinée-Bissau, en considérant la dispute et le conflit idéologique des organisations qui sont objets de cette étude (CPLP et CÉDÉAO) et qui font part de la même. / O estudo parte da premissa de análise da política externa guineense levando em conta o processo de formação do Estado na pós-independência a partir de suas fragilidades (dependência) e de suas potencialidades (autonomia) em relação ao sistema mundial. Assim, o estudo se insere no marco temporal de acúmulo histórico e institucional da Guiné-Bissau no sistema mundial contemporâneo (1973-2014). A nossa hipótese é que apolítica externa guineense pode ter resultado de dois fatores: (a) fatores internos associados à instabilidade política e ao péssimo gerenciamento de recursos doados; e (b) fatores externos relacionados à má condução da política externa e do financiamento externo, na sua relação com organismos internacionais. Com isso, o objetivo dessa tese de doutoramento foi compreender a política externa da Guiné-Bissau, levando em conta o processo de formação do Estado nacional, tendo em conta as crises multidimensionais e o papel de dois organismos internacionais- Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) e Comunidade Econômica dos Estados da África Ocidental (CEDEAO)- nas suas diretrizes de políticas públicas, levando em consideração o grau de influência destas organizações internacionais e o progresso ou não alcançado no início do século XXI. Neste estudo, o período pós-independência foi o estudado, no qual delimitamos três períodos distintos para analisar a política externa da Guiné-Bissau, dois organismos internacionais e os seus impactos na política interna; são eles: (a) período de partido único (1973 a 1993) - cujo objetivo principal foi analisar se a política externa teve ou não impacto na viabilização do Estado-Nação guineense e o projeto de cooperação internacional e ajuda externa;(b) período decorrente de transição política, implementação da democracia e primeira eleição até o golpe político (1994-1998), reformas políticas, constitucionais, econômicas e o seu impacto na política externa; e (c) período de instabilidade política, econômica e social no país, golpes e contragolpes (1998 a 2014) que causaram impactos diretos ou indiretos na política externa da Guiné-Bissau, levando em consideração a disputa e o conflito ideológico dos organismos objetos deste estudo (CPLP e CEDEAO) que da mesma fazem parte. / The study starts from the premise of analysis of the Guinean foreign policy, taking into account the process of formation of the State in the post-independence, through its weaknesses (dependence) and its potentialities (autonomy) regarding the world system. Thus, the present study is inserted in the time frame of historical and institutional accumulation of Guinea-Bissau in the contemporary world system (1973-2014). Our hypothesis is that the Guinean foreign policy can result of two factors: (a) internal factors associated to the political instability and to the terrible management of donated resources, and (b) external factors related to the bad conduction of foreign policy and of external financing, in its relationship with international organisations. Thereby, the aim of this doctoral thesis was to understand the foreign policy of Guinea-Bissau, considering the process of formation of the national State, taking into consideration the multidimensional crises and the role of two international organisations (CPLP and ECOWAS) in its guidelines of public policies, considering the degree of influence of such international organisations and the progress, or not, reached at the beginning of the XXI century. Therefore, in this study, the period of post-independence was studied, in which we will delimitate three different periods to analyse the foreign policy of Guinea-Bissau, two international organisations and its impact on domestic politics. They are: a) period of a single party (from 1973 to 1993) - whose main purpose is to analyse if the foreign policy had, or not, the impact into the viability of the Guinean nation state and the project of international cooperation and foreign aid, b) period due to political transition, implementation of democracy and first election until the political coup (1994-1998), political, constitutional and economic reforms and its impact on foreign policy, and c) period of political, economic and social instability in the country, coups and anti-coups (from 1998 to 2014) that caused direct or indirect impacts, in the foreign policy of Guinea-Bissau, considering the dispute and the ideological conflict of the organisations object of this study (CPLP and ECOWAS) that the same is part.

Ablação cirúrgica dos bulbos olfatórios em coelhos: modelo para estudos de patogenia de infecções por vírus neurotrópicos / Surgical ablation of the olfactory bulb in rabbits: a model to study the pathogenisis of neurotropic virus infections

Fonseca, Erika Toledo da 21 December 2006 (has links)
Rabbits have been used as animal models to study the pathogenesis of neurological infection by bovine herpesvirus type 5 (BHV-5), an important agent of meningoencephalitis in cattle. The olfactory system has been implicated as the main pathway for the virus to reach the brain after replication in the nasal mucosa. To investigate the role of the olfactory route in the pathogenesis of neurological infection, a technique of transfrontal craniotomy for ablation of the main olfactory bulbs (MOBs), using the eyes as the anatomic reference was developed and evaluated. Using this technique, twenty three 30 days-old rabbits were submitted to surgical ablation of the MOBs and subsequently inoculated with BHV-5. After skin, subcutaneous tissue and periosteum incisions, the craniotomy was performed in a point equidistant to the medial corner of the eyes, with a 3 mm drill coupled to a low intensity elyptic drilling machine. The removal of the MOB s tissue was performed by using a number 6 uretral probe coupled to a surgical vaccum pump. The anatomic references used were appropriate in allowing an adequate and easy access to the MOBs. Necropsy performed in three animals after the surgery demonstrated that the surgical procedure was efficient in completely removing the MOB tissue. This was also demonstrated by the interruption of the access of the virus to the brain after intranasal inoculation: only one animal (1/11) in the bulbectomized group developed neurological infection and disease, against 100% (10/10) of the control group. The transfrontal craniotomy using the eyes as the anatomical reference allowed for an adequate access for localization and removal of the MOBs in rabbits. This techique may be used in studies of viral pathogenesis requiring the complete interruption of the olfactory connection to the brain. / Coelhos têm sido utilizados como modelo para o estudo da neuropatogenia da infecção pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BHV-5), um importante agente de doença neurológica em bovinos. O sistema olfatório tem sido apontado como a principal via de acesso do vírus ao cérebro após replicação na cavidade nasal. Para investigar a importância da via olfatória na patogenia da infecção neurológica pelo BHV-5, foi elaborada e avaliada técnica operatória de craniotomia transfrontal para remoção dos bulbos olfatórios (BOs), definindo-se as órbitas como referência anatômica. Foram utilizados 45 coelhos com 30 a 40 dias de idade, sendo 23 submetidos à ablação cirúrgica dos BOs e posteriormente inoculados pela via intranasal (IN) ou no saco conjuntival (IC) com o BHV-5. Após incisões de pele, tecido subcutâneo e periósteo, a craniotomia foi realizada em um ponto eqüidistante entre os cantos mediais dos olhos, com uma broca sulcada de 3mm acoplada a uma perfuratriz elétrica de baixa rotação. A remoção dos BOs foi realizada com uma sonda uretral nº6 acoplada a um aspirador. O estudo macroscópico de três animais após a cirurgia comprovou que o procedimento foi eficiente na remoção total dos BOs. Isso também foi comprovado pela interrupção do acesso do vírus ao córtex cerebral: apenas um animal (1/11 ou 9,1%) no grupo submetido à ablação dos BOs com inoculação IN desenvolveu enfermidade neurológica, contra 100% (10/10) dos coelhos controle. Conclui-se que a técnica de craniotomia transfrontal utilizando a órbita como referência anatômica permite o acesso adequado para localização e remoção dos BOs e pode ser utilizada em estudos de patogenia de infecções por vírus neurotrópicos que exijam a interrupção completa da via olfatória.

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