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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Postpartum Health, and Breastfeeding: A Mixed Methods Study

McCloskey, Rebecca Jane 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Socioeconomic Hardship and the Redemptive Hope of Nature in John Steinbeck's <i>The Winter of Our Discontent</i>

Ciritovic, Linda 06 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Kupní smlouva v soukromém právu / Contract of Sale in Private Law

Chvátalová, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT CHVÁTALOVÁ, Daniela: Contract of Sale in Private Law. [Dissertation thesis]. Charles University. Faculty of Law; Department of Civil Law. Tutor: prof. JUDr. Jan Dvořák, CSc., Head of Department of Civil Law, Vice-Dean for the Doctoral Study Programme and Rigorosum Procedure. Level of professional qualification: Ph.D., Praha: PF UK, 2015. Key words: Civil Code No. 40/1964 Sb. Commercial Code No. 53/1991 Sb. Civil Code No. 89/2012 Sb. Principles of civil law. Purchase. Dual regulation. Precontracting negotiations. Offer and acceptance of the offer. Contract of sale. Purchase of personal property. Purchase of real property. Subject of the contract. Superficies solo cedit. Construction is a part of the land. Hardship clause. Purchase price and manner for determining the purchase price. Commercial terms and conditions. Decrease in a purchase price. Unreasonable decrease in the purchase price Laesio enormis. Price clause. Delivery of goods. Seller's delay in delivery of goods. Transfer of title. Rights in case of defective performance. Quality, quantity, type, and package. Rebus sic stantibus clause. Contractual penalty. Cancellation of a contract of sale. Sale of a plant. Advance payment and retainer. Supranational projects. Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). Principles of European Contract Law...


林政緯, Lin, Cheng-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來在我國,有關就業歧視所引起的爭議,已經因各弱勢團體權利意識之覺醒,而有逐漸受到社會的重視,除了一般較為熟知之性別歧視外,尚有其他有關宗教信仰、族群、黨派、身心障礙、語言、年齡及容貌等因素所造成的工作機會或待遇的不平等之現象,也曾引起廣泛的討論,究竟這些現象在我國之嚴重程度如何?我國現行法規制度是否能夠有效因應?有沒必要參酌其他先進國家法制,作禁止歧視之統一性立法?都是值得進一步探討的課題。 因此,本論文針對禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度發展最完備的美國作為探討的對象,首先討論美國禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之早期發展沿革,包括了禁止身心障礙之概念與理論之簡介以及一九六四年所通過之民權法第七章(Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964)、一九七三年通過之復健法(Rehabilitation Act of 1973)之重要規定及對於禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之影響。其次,則針對一九九0年所通過之美國身心障礙人士法(Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)作討論。而美國身心障礙人士法乃是禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之核心規範,因此,本文除了討論該法之立法背景外,同時更針對該法之重要條款規定以及平等就業機會委員會(Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: EEOC)對於該法所頒佈之相關指導原則作一個綜合之分析討論。進而,更針對該法在美國所引發之重大爭議中,選取美國最高法院在最近所作出之最具代表性之六個判決,也對判決作一個綜合之評析,以明瞭其利弊得失之所在及我國可資借鏡參考之處。 再其次,則討論我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及所遭遇之困境,主要是對於身心障礙者之就業困境及遭受就業歧視之情形、禁止身心障礙就業歧視之相關規範與制度、身心障礙之就業歧視評議制度運作情形及處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視所引發之爭議等幾個議題作分析,以期能夠對於我國目前建構禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之現狀及其所遭遇之困境有所瞭解。最後,則以美國處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之經驗,希望能對於我國建立一個正確之禁止身心障礙就業歧視制度之建構方向,以及關於目前我國在處理禁止身心障礙就業歧視問題之一些具體建議。 / Disputes resulted from the employment discrimination have been gradually noticed by Taiwan society due to the awakening consciousness of each disadvantaged minority in these years. In addition to the commonly known of sexual discrimination, other factors of unequal employment and treatment are also widely discussed, such as religion, race, party, disability, language, age and appearance. However, how serious are these phenomena in our country after all? Do existing laws and regulations could solve them effectively? Is it necessary to refer to other modern countries’ legal systems to legislate against discrimination? All of the above are worthy of further discussion. Therefore, America, the country with the most complete legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, is the object for discussion in this article. First to discuss is its early development history, including the introduction of concept and theory, the important regulations of Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964 and Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and their influences. Second to discuss is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which is the core regulation of the legislation system to protect a disability from the employment discrimination; Therefore, in addition to discussing its legislation background, this article also discusses comprehensively of its important regulations and the regulations to implement the equal employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act on it at the same time. Then selects 6 most representative decrees made by Supreme Court of the United State with regard to the important disputes, and also analyze those decrees comprehensively to realize their advantages and disadvantages to find some experiences that could learned in Taiwan. Moreover, is to discuss that the situation and the difficulty in the establishment of the legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination, which mainly focus on the analysis of the employment difficulties and discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities, relevant regulations and legislation system against employment discrimination, operation of committee on employment discrimination, and disputes arose from employment discrimination. Finally, it is expected to establish a correct direction for the establishment of legislation system to protect a disability from employment discrimination and to seek out specific suggestions relevant to problems we have in the management of the employment discrimination faced by the people with physical and mental disabilities through America’s experiences.

Mellan två samhällen : Inflyttat arbetsfolk i Linköping under det förindustriella 1800-talet / Between two societies : Migrant labourers in Linköping during the pre-industrial 19th century

Nygren, Victoria January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka den sammantagna livssituationen för ett begränsat urval individer (en primär kohort av 19 män och en utökad kohort av ytterligare 42 män, det vill säga totalt 61 män) i ett familjesammanhang. Det handlar närmare bestämt om att så långt källorna tillåter söka kvalitativt förstå och karaktärisera socioekonomiska villkor, familjeliv och hälsa, såsom de gestaltar sig i den vardagliga livsföringen och i relation till den specifika tiden och den lokala stadsmiljön. Gemensamt för dessa utvalda individer är att de företrädesvis tillhörde det undre samhällsskiktet och flyttade till staden under början av 1800-talet, innan inflyttningen till städerna blev fri. I denna skärningspunkt mellan individen och den yttre omgivningen undersöks såväl möjligheter som begränsningar, händelser och handlingar med ett mikrohistoriskt angreppssätt. I syftet ingår således också att gestalta själva det lokala samhället i förändring och dess förhållande till nya invånare och grupper, för att ge underlag för fortsatt forskning kring social förändring. Vidare karaktäriseras den utökade kohorten i förhållande till stadens demografiska profil. Studiens huvudmaterial utgörs av kyrkböckerna, det vill säga husförhörslängder, födelse- och dödböcker samt vigsel- och flyttlängder. Detta material kompletteras med ett flertal andra källor såsom sjukhusjournaler, saköreslängder, fattigvårdens protokoll, bouppteckningar, landshövdingens femårsberättelser, sockenstämmoprotokoll och lokala tidningar i syfte att få en så bred bild som möjligt. Individerna följs genom sina livskurser i staden under flera decennier och analyseras i nära kontakt med den lokala kontexten. Det senare innebär också en analys av de lokala auktoriteternas syn på och hantering av inflyttningsfrågan i staden under 1800-talets första hälft, det vill säga innan inflyttningen till staden, eller landsbygdens socknar, blev fri 1847. Staden var inte redo för detta arbetsfolk som valde att bo kvar där och skaffa familj. Det var ett ovanligt val, sett i förhållande till migrationsmönstret, och de gjorde det på eget bevåg, det vill säga de bosatte sig utanför husböndernas hushåll och tog därmed risken att inte få ett patriarkalt beskydd. Fattigvården tog också formellt avstånd från dessa arbetsfolkfamiljer och sökte hindra deras inträde i staden. Det visar sig i flera fall att fattigvården agerade utan lagligt stöd då de försökte fatta beslut kring inflyttning baserat på framtida försörjningsprognoser och antal barn i familjen att föda. Överhuvudtaget var dock stadens inflyttningsrestriktioner hårdare på pappret än de var i verkligheten. Relativt få fall blev ovillkorligen nekade inflyttning och de flesta som prövades individuellt fick flytta in med villkoret att de kunde visa försvar och/eller borgen. Staden var på så vis kluven inför arbetsfolket på ett sätt som tolkas som typiskt för den förändring som låg i tiden. Borgarna behövde det unga, ogifta tjänstefolket som arbetskraft men ville inte behålla det i staden när det skulle bilda familj. Männen i kohorterna, och deras familjer, behövde för sin del finna en ny plats att stadga sig på när landsbygdens möjligheter till försörjning började sina. Livet i staden blev för många av dem ett liv mitt emellan två samhällen. Det karaktäriserades, för många, av en svår försörjningssituation med inslag av en dold ekonomi men med sämre förutsättningar än på landsbygden och där till exempel tiggeriet troligen spelade en betydande roll. Det innebar ett begynnande arbetarliv men baserat på en mager lön som egentligen skulle räcka till en person, snarare än fem-sex stycken. Männens livsföring var i många fall tärande och de fick ta del av det ”urbana straffet” i form av hög dödlighet i den sena medelåldern. Nöden spred sig inom familjerna. Arbetsfolket i staden blev en länk mellan torparlivet och arbetarlivet. Många familjer bodde tillfälligt utökade och hyste släkt och familjemedlemmar utanför kärnfamiljen, vilket tolkas som ett sätt att tackla en svår situation. Genom sina livsval medverkade dessa individer till en betydande social förändring. / The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate the overall living situation for a selected group of individuals(one primary cohort of 19 men and one extended cohort of another 42 men, i.e. a total of 61 men) in a familycontext. This means, as far as the sources allow, trying to qualitatively understand and characterise socioeconomicconditions, family life and health, as it appears in the everyday life and in relation to the specifictime and the local urban environment. These individuals mainly belong to the lower social strata and havemoved to Linköping in the early 19th century before the regulations made it free to move into town. Possibilitiesand limitations, as well as events and acts are investigated in the intersection between individual and theenvironment, from a micro-historical point of view. In the purpose is thus also included to picture the localsociety in change and its relation to newcomers, as a foundation for further research regarding social change.Furthermore, the extended cohort is characterised from a micro-demographic perspective. The basic sources for this study are church books, i.e. records of catechetical meetings, records of births and deaths, records of weddings and migration. These sources are completed by several other sources like hospital records, records of fines, the chronicles of the county governor, records of the parish assembly and poor relief committee and the local newspapers, to get as rich a picture as possible. The individuals are followed throughout their life courses in town for several decades and are analysed in close connection to the local context. The latter also means that the local authorities are analysed in regard to their attitude and policy towards the migrants to town during the first half of the 19th century, i.e. before the 1847 legislation made migration free in the country. The town was not yet ready for these labourers who chose to stay there and start a family. They did thison their own responsibility, i.e. they settled outside the master´s household and risked being without thepatriarchal protection. The poor relief committee in town also rejected these families and tried to prevent theircoming into town. It is shown that the poor relief committee sometimes acted without legal support when ittried to make decisions regarding migration, based on estimated future incomes and the amount of children tofeed. Overall, the migration restriction was stricter in writing than it was in reality. Relatively few people weredenied access to the town and most who were tried individually got permission to move in on condition thatthey could show that they hade an employment and/or a personal guarantee. In this sense, the town was dividedin its attitude towards the servants and labourers in a manner typical of the situation. The burghersneeded the young, unmarried servants as labour force but were not interested in their staying in town to startfamilies. The men in the cohorts, and their families, on the other hand needed to find a new place to settlewhen the countryside ran out of opportunities. The life in the town became, for many of them, a life betweentwo societies. It was characterised by a constant struggle to support oneself, with a strain of a hidden economywhere for example begging was most likely important. This also meant a labourer´s life but with a meagresalary, sufficient only for one person, not for five or six. Many of the men in the cohorts were struck by the“urban penalty” with high mortality in late midlife. These labourers became a link between the crofter´s lifeand the labourer´s life. Many families were temporarily extended when they housed relatives and familymembers beyond the nuclear family and this is interpreted as a way of handling a tough situation. By their lifechoices these men and families contributed to an important social change.

Le pouvoir discrétionnaire du juge et l'inexécution du contrat : étude de droit comparé franco-allemande / Discretionary power of the judge and breach of contract : a comparative study of french and german law

Signat, Carine 14 November 2014 (has links)
La question de la mesure du pouvoir du juge s’impose lorsqu’on souhaite comparer l’étendue des pouvoirs du juge dans différents ordres juridiques donnés. Or force est de constater que les pouvoirs du juge sont appréhendés sous diverses notions dans les systèmes juridiques nationaux : il est fait tour à tour référence au pouvoir souverain d’appréciation du juge du fond, au pouvoir facultatif du juge, à son pouvoir modérateur, discrétionnaire, arbitraire. Toute la difficulté de la comparaison réside dans l’absence d’un instrument de mesure uniforme. A l’échelle supranationale, le terme anglais « Judicial discretion » constitue souvent le point de départ de discussions et d’analyses comparatives sur les pouvoirs du juge. Cette notion à forte coloration doctrinale sert de critère de mesure de l’ampleur des pouvoirs du juge dans les systèmes juridiques respectifs. On entend par pouvoir discrétionnaire le pouvoir donné au juge de choisir entre deux ou plusieurs décisions également conformes à la légalité. Le critère du libre choix est au cœur de la notion du pouvoir discrétionnaire du juge. Le pouvoir discrétionnaire constitue ainsi la forme la plus libre du pouvoir exercé par le juge. Bien qu’elle fasse office de dénominateur commun, la notion de pouvoir discrétionnaire est diversement entendue en droits français et allemand. Il en va ainsi en particulier à propos des notions-cadre et standards : ces derniers confèrent-ils au juge un pouvoir discrétionnaire ? Les réponses divergent d’un système à l’autre, ce qui a un impact sur l’image qu’on se fait des pouvoirs du juge. Une fois ces malentendus dissipés, reste à déterminer la part faite à ce pouvoir dans les suites de l’inexécution du contrat : exécution forcée en nature, délai d’exécution et révision, résolution. / How to measure a judge’s power? This question is necessary, when it comes to comparing the extent of the powers of a judge in various given jurisdictions. It has tobe noted, that the powers of a judge are gathered under diverse notions in national legal systems: successively, references are made to the sovereign judicial authority of the judge, the unfettered discretion of the lower courts, the authority to modify the legal situation, the discretionary power, the arbitrary power. The challenge in the comparison lies in the absence of a uniform measuring tool. On a supranational level,the English term“Judicial discretion”is very frequently the starting point for discussions and comparative analyses regarding the judge’s power. This notion serves as criteria to measure the extent of the judge’s powers in the respective legal systems. Discretionary power means the power given to the judge to choose between different decisions that are all conformable to law. The criterion of freedom of choice is in the center of the judge’s discretionary power. The discretionary power is the most powerful authority of the judge. It is common sense that the judge has a discretionarypower but the meaning of this term is differently interpretated by the national law,especially by the German and French law systems. This applies especially to the standards provisions or“open-textured”provisions : do they grant the judge a discretionary power? The answers vary from one system to the other, which has an impact on the image one has on the judge’s powers. Once these misunderstandings are dispelled, it remains to determine the proportion this power has in the consequences of the non-performance of contract: specific performance, delay inexecution, revision and termination.

Le contrat d'adhésion entre professionnels / The business-to-business adhesion contract

Briend, Cyril 20 November 2015 (has links)
Le professionnel que l'on croyait capable de défendre ses intérêts, par opposition au salarié ou au consommateur, s'est révélé tout autant victime de contrats déséquilibrés depuis quelques décennies. L'apparition de puissantes entreprises privées dans différents secteurs entraîne, de toute évidence, une inégalité entre les professionnels. Notre étude souligne la complexité de trouver un juste critère pour identifier de manière juste ce qu'est un professionnel partie faible. Il n'est pas possible de dire si, de manière générale, telle entreprise est plus puissante qu'une autre, car la personne morale partie au contrat peut cacher des intérêts difficiles à cerner au premier abord. Le juge ne peut pas non plus être l'arbitre autoritaire des prix sans risquer un détournement de sa fonction. Nous développerons le parti suivant : un contrat entre professionnels est dit d'adhésion lorsque celui-ci n'a pas donné lieu à une négociation idoine ; le juge doit alors s'efforcer de regarder le processus de pourparlers ainsi que les circonstances qui ont précédé la convention. De multiples critères peuvent aider le juge, tels que la taille de chaque entreprise, les parts de marché, les propos échangés par les parties, leur bonne ou mauvaise foi ou encore les efforts engagés par elles. Si le choix de l'analyse des négociations nous apparaît ultimement le plus juste, nous tiendrons cependant compte de ses limites. Il serait illusoire de penser que le juge peut toujours parvenir de manière certaine à connaître l'intégralité des circonstances antérieures au contrat. C'est pourquoi nous ajouterons à l'analyse des négociations un système de présomptions - quoique réfragables - lorsque la disproportion des prestations ou la différence de taille des entreprises ne laisse pas de place au doute. Nous mettrons enfin en lumière les stratégies employées par les parties fortes pour contourner cette analyse des négociations, comme des stipulations néfastes ou une tactique d'internationalisation. Il sera donc préféré une impérativité renforcée en droit national ainsi qu'en droit international. Une fois l'analyse des négociations effectuée, nous essayerons de proposer des sanctions à la hauteur du phénomène. Le juge, selon nous, doit être en mesure de modifier le contrat de façon souple, aussi bien de manière rétroactive que par un changement en cours d'exécution du contrat. Le caractère extrême de certains comportements contractuels nous incite à réfléchir à la possibilité d'un droit pénal plus dissuasif ou bien un droit « quasi pénal » sanctionnant ces comportements de manière plus appropriée. Néanmoins, c'est surtout au niveau de la procédure que se joue la protection contractuelle des professionnels. Un référé ajusté à cet objectif a tout lieu de répondre aux exigences de célérité qui gênent les parties faibles dans leurs démarches. Nous soulignerons aussi l'importance d'un système d'actions collectives qui surmontent efficacement l'écueil du coût du procès. À l'inverse, la sécurité juridique des entreprises nous conduira à proposer une procédure de protection par un système de droit doux. Première partie : L'identification du contrat d'adhésion entre professionnels. Deuxième partie : Le traitement judiciaire des contrats d'adhésion entre professionnels. / The professional, supposed to be able to defend his interests, by opposition to the employee or the consumer, has proven to also be victim of imbalanced contracts for a few decades. The emergence of powerful private companies in various sectors clearly leads to inequalities between professionals. Our study underlines the difficulty to find the best criterion to identify what a professional weaker party is. It is impossible to say that globally such company is stronger than another because the legal person party to the agreement can hide many interests, which are hard to seize at first sight. Nor can the judge arbitrate prices in an authoritarian way without risking a misappropriation of his part. We shall side for this idea: a business-to-business agreement is to be qualified of adhesion contract as long as it does not give place to adequate bargaining; so the judge has to look the bargaining process and the circumstances preceding the contract. Many criteria can help the judge such as the size of the company, market parts, exchanged words, the good or bad faith of the parties or the efforts they have made. If we consider the bargain analysis as the ultimately rightest choice, we have to contemplate its limitations. It would not be realistic to consider that the judge could always discover every circumstance prior to the agreement. This is why we shall join a system of presumptions - albeit rebuttable - to the bargain analysis, when the difference of size of companies or the disproportion of provisions is obvious. We shall put into light the strategies used by strongest parts to bypass the bargain analysis, such as harmful clauses or internationalization tactics. Thus, we shall opt for high obligatory standards, as well as in national law than in international law. Once the bargain analysis is done, we shall try to suggest sanctions adapted to the concern. The judge, in our opinion, must be able to modify the agreement in a very flexible way, either retroactively or during the implementation of the said agreement. The gravity of various contractual behaviors must lead us to think about a form of criminal law or a "quasi criminal" law in order to combat those behaviors in a more suitable mean. Nevertheless, the protection of the professional weaker part is also to be dealt on a procedural ground. A proceeding for interim measures is likely to face the needs for celerity, which bother the weakest parts for their action. We shall also underline the advantages of a class action, which could overcome the financial issue of the lawsuit. Conversely, the legal security of business will bring us to foster a protection by a soft law system. First Part: The identification of the business-to-business adhesion contract. Second Part: The judicial treatment of business-to-business adhesion contracts.

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