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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Language, Gender, and Sexuality in EFL Textbooks : The Case of Greek Public Secondary Schools

Koutsoupaki, Maria January 2022 (has links)
The past few decades have been marked by increasing awareness of issues pertaining to gender and sexuality, since both concepts have started being treated as continuums or spectrums, rather than as binaries. Therefore, the fields of gender and queer linguistics have been growing in significance, in an effort to identify underlying ideologies and biases in language, and to challenge them. Nevertheless, the reality is far from ideal, as gender inequalities and discrimination against non-normative sexualities are still prevalent in many sectors of life, one of which is education. In fact, education plays a prime role in shaping people’s views; not only do textbooks and other learning materials have a considerable effect on learners’ attitudes and sense of self, but also teachers’ beliefs and approaches can reinforce or challenge biases. In the present study, two English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks used in Greek secondary public schools were examined, in order to investigate how gender and sexuality are represented on a lexical and discursive level. Additionally, three EFL teachers using said textbooks were interviewed to investigate their awareness of these topics as well as their attitudes and approaches towards them. The results from the textbook content analysis reveal that gender is overwhelmingly treated as a binary concept, and inclusivity is not always a consideration. Specifically, stereotypical gender representations were identified both on a word and a discourse level. Moreover, any topics explicitly concerning sexuality are avoided, and the only vocabulary made available for students to discuss these topics indexes heteronormativity. The teachers interviewed demonstrated some awareness of these issues, but were only able to point out very few problematic representations and examples of non-inclusive language. All teachers emphasised the need for training in order to be able to address these topics with their learners, and agreed that learners show limited awareness of discrimination and sexism in the language used in the textbooks. Furthermore, they argued that lack of progress in education is due to the fact that Greek society is not ready to embrace changes in how gender and sexuality are viewed. The conclusion drawn in the present study is that this lack of progress can potentially be attributed to how deeply rooted religious beliefs are in Greek society, reinforcing traditional gender roles and family values, while denouncing non-heterosexual expression. Overall, the present study corroborated the results found in other, similar investigations of EFL textbooks from around the world, and suggested that linguistic change cannot happen independently, but should be part of radical social reforms.

Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i den svenska gymnasieskolan : En intervjustudie om gymnasielärares upplevelser av kunskapsområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer / Sexuality, consent and relationships in the Swedish high school : An interview study on high school teachers' experiences of the knowledge area of sexuality, consent and relationships

Nymark, Julia, Mukka, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om hur gymnasielärare upplever arbetet med 2022 års läroplan gällande kunskapsområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer (SSR) i den svenska gymnasieskolan. Studien utgår från den uppdaterade och reviderade läroplanen som verkställdes hösten 2022. Empirin samlades in via fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med verksamma gymnasielärare från olika orter i Sverige. Analysen av empirin genomfördes i form av en tematisk analys. Den analyserade empirin diskuterades och jämfördes sedan med hjälp av den tidigare forskning som valts ut för studien och performativitet som teori. De centrala begreppen i studien är kön, genus, könsidentitet, heteronormativitet, normer och normmedvetet förhållningssätt. Studiens resultat indikerar att gymnasielärarna upplever flera utmaningar med SSR och att de är i ett stort behov av utbildning inom SSR som kunskapsområde. / This is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews. The purpose of the study is to increase knowledge about how high school teachers experience the work with the 2022 curriculum regarding the knowledge area of sexuality, consent and relationships (SSR) in the Swedish high school. The study is based on the updated and revised curriculum that was implemented in the fall of 2022. The empirical evidence was collected by five semi-structured interviews with active high school teachers from different locations in Sweden. The analysis of the empirical evidence was carried out in the form of a thematic analysis. The analyzed empirical evidence was then discussed and compared using the previous research selected for the study and performativity as a theory. The central concepts in the study are sex, gender, gender identity, heteronormativity, norms and norm-conscious approach. The results of the study indicate that high school teachers experience several challenges with SSR and that they are in great need of education in SSR as an area of knowledge. / <p>Examinationsdatum: 2023-06-08.</p>

Den Queera Eddan : En undersökning av queera läckage i Den poetiska Eddan / The Queer Edda : A study of queer leakages in The Poetic Edda

Randeblad, Joel January 2022 (has links)
This essay analyses the songs from Den poetiska Eddan (The Poetic Edda) with a queer perspective through a queer reading. I use Tiina Rosenberg’s concept of queer leakage along with historical contextualization to figure out how to approach an older text through a modern perspective. Throughout the essay, I discuss how queer leakages appear throughout the text either in representations of gender and norm-breaking behavior, or through an analysis of the use of insults. The analysis establishes that there are queer leakages to be found in The Poetic Edda and that the conclusion avoids being anachronistic through the historical context that the evidence is tried against. The essay concludes that identities our society views as static are rather dynamic and in constant need of assertive actions for their own enforcement. / Den här uppsatsen analyserar tre kväden ur Den poetiska Eddan genom ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen använder Tiina Rosenbergs begrepp queera läckage tillsammans med en historisk kontext. Detta för att pröva hur en kan möta äldre texter genom ett modernt perspektiv. Under analysen diskuterar jag hur queera läckage ter sig genom texten, antingen genom olika typer av könsroller eller normbrytande beteende, samt genom en analys av förolämpningar. Analysen påvisar att det finns queera läckage i Den poetiska Eddan, och att slutsatsen undviker att bli anakronistisk på grund av den historiska kontext som textexemplen prövas gentemot. Uppsatsens slutsats är att de identiteter som vårt samhälle ser som statiska i själva verket är dynamiska, samt att de ständigt behöver hävdas för att fortsätta existera.

Möjligheter och förbehåll – en diskursanalytisk studie av lesbiska kvinnors erfarenheter av att bilda familj genom assisterad befruktning inom svensk sjukvård / Opportunities and restrictions – a discourse analysis on lesbian womens’ experiences of creating a family through assisted reproduction in Swedish public medical services

Rozental, Alexander January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att utforska och förstå de resonemang lesbiska par begagnar sig av i beslutsfattandet om reproduktionsmetod. Här ingår även berättelser kring de erfarenheter paren har av möten med professionella inom svensk sjukvård och myndighetsutövning. Studien består av tio intervjuer med lesbiska par, vilka har fått barn inom den offentliga sjukvården sedan detta blev tillgängligt den 1 juli år 2005. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ metod i det diskursanalytiska fältet. Resultatet visar att parens beslut har föregåtts av en process där alternativ har vägts mot varandra. Här återfinns två typer av tolkningsrepertoarer där svensk sjukvård har fått företräde på grundval av externa omständigheter. Den ena kretsar kring ett samhällsperspektiv där olika juridiska faktorer används retoriskt för att framhäva valet som rimligt. Den andra utgår ifrån ett familjeperspektiv, där det externa synliggörs genom konsekvenserna de får för den egna familjebilden.  Resultatet visar samtidigt på de erfarenheter paren har av att genomföra assisterad befruktning i Sverige. Dels beskrivs upplevelserna utifrån utsatthet, där rollen som vårdtagare och homosexuell framställs som en dubbel sårbarhet. Dels framkommer resonemang om acceptans, genom vilken paren hanterar och föregår bristande bemötande med olika argument som reducerar potentiella stressorer.

Psykologförbundet och regnbågsfamiljerna : en diskursanalytisk studie av konfliktpunkter mellan Sveriges Psykologförbund och homosexuellas familjebildningar / Controversies within the Swedish Psychological Association on lesbian and gay families

Malmquist, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har svensk lagstiftning ändrats vid två tillfällen som möjliggjort för homosexuella par att gemensamt prövas som adoptivföräldrar och för lesbiska par att få barn med hjälp av assisterad befruktning inom den svenska sjukvården. I anslutning till att lagförslagen lagts fram har Sveriges Psykologförbund fungerat som remissinstans. Syftet med studien är att närmare undersöka och skapa en fördjupad förståelse för Sveriges Psykologförbunds ställningstaganden i frågor som rör homosexuellas familjebildningar. Undersökningen består av nio enskilda intervjuer med personer som funnits i Psykologförbundets ledning under den aktuella tidsperioden. Materialet har analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ metod inom det diskursanalytiska fältet. Resultatet visar att homosexuella familjer framställs som problematiska med hjälp av två diskurser, vilka i sin tur är relaterade till vilken fråga som behandlas. En diskurs om svårigheter som tillförs familjen utifrån, i form av negativa samhällsattityder till homosexualitet, är retoriskt användbar i argumentation mot homoadoptioner. Frågan om assisterad befruktning för lesbiska par framställs däremot som problematisk genom argumentation som knyts till svårigheter som tillstöter inifrån familjen. Genom att jämföra den lesbiska familjen mot en heterosexuell norm skapas föreställningar om problem som kretsar kring ett underskott av män och ett överskott av kvinnor som föräldrar. Normativa bilder av biologi, kön och sexualitet framträder, vilka analyseras och diskuteras i uppsatsen.


FELIPE BASTOS 28 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Mais do que um ambiente de aprendizagem acadêmica, a escola é também espaço onde as e os jovens se desenvolvem comportamental, emocional e cognitivamente e estabelecem relacionamentos sociais positivos. Atitudes preconceituosas, como a homofobia e a misoginia, vão de encontro com os objetivos educacionais e impactam negativamente no aspecto relacional que compõe o clima escolar. A presente pesquisa busca compreender este impacto através de um estudo sobre as relações existentes entre climas escolares distintos com ambientes menos ou mais preconceituosos em relação à diversidade sexual e de gênero. Para cumprir estes objetivos, traçamos um desenho de investigação quantitativo a partir das respostas de estudantes a dois questionários. O primeiro, inserido em uma pesquisa maior sobre preconceito, forneceu dados sobre as atitudes contra a diversidade sexual e de gênero na visão de estudantes do sétimo ano de dez escolas públicas localizadas no município do Rio de Janeiro. A partir destes dados, selecionamos duas escolas com posicionamentos distintos, a Escola Iracema e a Escola Hora da Estrela, e aplicamos um segundo questionário, dessa vez voltado para todo o segundo segmento do Ensino Fundamental, com questões acerca do clima da escola, além de mais itens sobre preconceito em relação à diversidade sexual e de gênero. A partir da elaboração de índices, observamos que apesar de estarem geograficamente próximas e possuírem um corpo discente social e culturalmente parecido, oriundo dos mesmos bairros do entorno, as duas escolas possuem diferenças marcadamente significativas em relação ao clima e às visões e atitudes preconceituosas: as alunas e os alunos da Escola Iracema percebem um clima escolar menos positivo e indicam apresentar pensamentos mais preconceituosos contra a diversidade sexual e de gênero do que as e os estudantes da Escola Hora da Estrela. Observamos que as visões preconceituosas quanto à diversidade sexual e de gênero das e dos estudantes se associam positivamente com o bom relacionamento com seus pares e negativamente com: (i) a percepção do respeito à diversidade pela comunidade escolar; (ii) a compreensão do papel da gestão na resolução dos conflitos escolares; (iii) o comportamento e os sentimentos de engajamento e pertencimento na escola e (iv) a violência sofrida por bullying. Conclui-se que um ambiente escolar marcado por um clima mais positivo pode apresentar, ao mesmo tempo, estudantes menos misóginos e homofóbicos. / [en] More than an academic learning environment, the school is also a place where young people develop behaviorally, emotionally and cognitively and form positive social relationships. Prejudiced attitudes such as homophobia and misogyny are opposed to educational goals and negatively impact the school climate relational aspect. This research aimed to understand this impact through the relationships between different school climates with less or more prejudiced environments in terms to sexual and gender diversity. To fulfill these goals, we draw a quantitative research design from student responses to two surveys. The first, integrating a larger research on prejudice, provided data on attitudes against sexual and gender diversity in the view of 7th grade students from ten Rio de Janeiro city public schools. From these data, we selected two schools with different positions, Iracema School and Hora da Estrela School, and applied a second questionnaire, this time focused on the entire second segment of elementary school, with questions about the school climate, and more items on prejudice against sexual and gender diversity. Despite geographically close and with socially and culturally similar student configuration, coming from the same neighborhoods, the two schools have markedly significant differences in relation to its school climate and prejudiced views and attitudes: from the established indices, it is concluded that Iracema School students perceive a less positive school climate whereas indicate more prejudiced thoughts against sexual and gender diversity than Hora da Estrela School students. We observed that the prejudiced students’ views regarding sexual and gender diversity are positively associated with good peer relationships and negatively associated with: (i) the perception of respect for diversity by the school community; (ii) the school management role on conflict resolution; (iii) the behavior and the feelings of engagement and belonging at school and (iv) the peer victimization through bullying. It is concluded that a school environment marked by a more positive climate can have, at the same time, less misogynist and homophobic students.

Kan du inte ta ett skämt? : En queerteoretisk analys av framställningar av kön i dassböcker mellan 2003-2020

Streger, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines gender related jokes in Swedish outhouse books (dassböcker), and howwomen and men are constructed and portrayed in text and image between 2003-2020. Outhouse bookstypically consist of jokes based on stereotypes of women, men and other groups and are intended toamuse readers during visits to the outhouse or private toilet. I used critical analysis and queer theoryto examine assumptions regarding gender visible in the material. The analysis shows how Swedishouthouse books employ genusslentrianer, (unreflected and repeated gender stereotypes) in theirportrayal of women and men, constructing women as ’naturally’ responsible for unpaid labour in thehome, and reproductive work such as caring for children. Further, women and men are in the materialdepicted as opposites based on binary and essentialist assumptions about gender and gender roles, andthe material adopts a male gaze which portrays men as simple and women as (unnecessarily)complicated. The analysis makes visible normative assumptions about woman and men as cis,heterosexual, and aspiring to live in nuclear families. However, it also shows taken for granteddifferences between assumed male and female heterosexuality, constructing women as ’naturally’monogamous, while men are presumed to aspire to have multiple sex partners. Finally, in theirportrayal of gender and heteronormative gender roles, Swedish outhouse books establish men’sdiscrimination, objectification, and sexual abuse of women as not only normative gendered practices –but also as humorous.

Queer Invisibility in Upper Secondary Language Course Textbooks? : A Discourse Analysis of EFL and Swedish as a Second Language Textbooks, and Teachers’ Perceptions on Representation

Eriksson, Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
The erasure of queer identities in EFL textbooks has been well documented, both in Swedish and international contexts. However, not much has been studied regarding queer representation is Sweden’s other L2 subject, Swedish as a second language (SVA). The present study aimed to examine queer representation and ideologies on gender and sexuality within Swedish upper secondary EFL and SVA textbooks, as well as to examine teachers’ perceptions on queer-inclusive education. Two textbooks per subject were analysed (N=4), and two teachers per subject (N=4) were interviewed; The data was analysed using both qualitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis. The results showed that all textbooks constructed gender as binary, actively erasing non-binary identities. In all textbooks, the construction of sexuality was mostly influenced by heteronormativity. There was also a tendency to have the queer representations be famous people (e.g., Oscar Wilde). Additionally, queer characters (unlike heterosexual ones) were not allowed to be portrayed partaking in explicit sexual or romantic activities, creating a distance to the queer characters where they passively exist “over there”. Regarding the interviews, all teachers reported that queer-inclusive teaching was important, but their reports also indicated to a discourse of tolerance where only explicit discriminatory practices are engaged with (allowing underlying discriminatory ideologies perpetuate). They reported of challenges in implementing queer-inclusive education such as: students challenging queer topics, cultural differences, and a disconnect between the schools’ values and the values at students’ homes. A striking difference between the EFL and SVA teachers were that the SVA teachers displayed difficulties in explicitly using queer-related vocabulary (such as gay and LGBTQ+), and instead relied of referential pronouns. Overall, the findings showed that the textbooks displayed ideologies of heteronormativity and gender binarism, and the interviewed teachers perceived queer-inclusive education as desirable, but with difficulties in addressing. Generally, there were no differences between the subjects, with the exception of the SVA teachers’ difficulties in using queer vocabulary.

Pride and Prejudice : Lesbian Families in Contemporary Sweden / Stolthet och fördom : Lesbiska familjer i dagens Sverige

Malmquist, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Options and possibilities for lesbian parents have changed fundamentally since the turn of the millennium. A legal change in 2003 enabled a same-sex couple  to share legal parenthood of the same child. An additional legal change, in 2005, gave lesbian couples access to fertility treatment within public healthcare in Sweden. The present thesis focuses on families where two women share legal parenthood of their children. It aims to provide knowledge about lesbian parenting couples and their children, and to focus on the interplay between family members within lesbian families, and between family members and their surroundings. Furthermore, the thesis aims to visualize and analyse notions of heteronormativity and homonormativity in contemporary Sweden. The thesis draws on interviews with 118 parents in 61 families, and 12 children in 11 families. The participants’ stories, descriptions, reflections and discourses have been analysed using discursive psychology and thematic analysis. The thesis includes five empirical papers. Paper I focuses on encounters with healthcare professionals prior to and during pregnancy, at childbirth and during the early stages of parenthood. Paper II deals with the participants’ experiences of second-parent adoption processes. Paper III focuses on equality in parenting relations. Paper IV focuses on encounters with fertility clinics within public healthcare. Paper V highlights the children’s reflections and shows how the children talk about fathers and donors. / För lesbiska par har förutsättningarna för föräldraskap förändrats i grunden sedan millennieskiftet. År 2003 möjliggjorde en lagändring att ett barn kan ha två rättsliga föräldrar av samma kön. Ytterligare en lagändring öppnade år 2005 möjligheten för lesbiska par att få barn genom assisterad befruktning inom svensk sjukvård. I avhandlingen fokuseras familjer där två kvinnor delar det rättsliga föräldraskapet om sina gemensamma barn. Studien syftar till att bredda kunskaper om lesbiska familjeliv och fokuserar samspelet mellan familjemedlemmar såväl som samspelet mellan familjen och dess omgivning. Vidare syftar studien till att synliggöra och analysera uttryck för heteronormativitet och homonormativitet i dagens Sverige. Studien bygger på intervjuer med 118 föräldrar i 61 familjer och 12 barn i 11 familjer. Deltagarnas berättelser, beskrivningar, reflektioner och diskurser analyseras med diskursiv psykologi och tematisk analys. Avhandlingen består av fem empiriska artiklar och en kappa. I Artikel I analyseras föräldrarnas berättelser om att möta sjukvården i samband med graviditet och förlossning. Artikel II belyser deltagarnas berättelser om att genomgå en närståendeadoption. I Artikel III fokuseras hur föräldrarna pratar om jämställdhet i sina föräldraroller. Artikel IV analyserar intervjuer med föräldrar som vänt sig till svensk sjukvård för fertilitetsbehandling. I Artikel V, är det barnen som står i fokus. Studien bygger på intervjuer med tolv barn som var mellan 5 och 8 år gamla och växte upp i familjer med två mammor. I artikeln analyseras barnens beskrivningar av pappor och spermadonatorer.

Analyse des représentations et des enjeux de pouvoir produisant la personnalité publique politique célèbre au Québec : le cas de Justin Trudeau

Durocher, Myriam 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à comprendre comment, par la représentation de politiciens en tant que personnalités publiques « célèbres », se pose un ensemble d’enjeux de pouvoir. L’analyse de la récurrence et des particularités de ces représentations, qui circulent dans et à travers le discours, permet de mieux comprendre comment s’exerce le pouvoir par, entre autres, la naturalisation. Cette recherche s’appuie principalement sur les concepts de représentation proposé par Hall (1997) et de pouvoir élaboré par Foucault. Le cas de Justin Trudeau, objet d’un ensemble de discours de célébrité produits à travers le discours médiatique à l’occasion de la course à la chefferie du Parti libéral du Canada (PLC), constitue un terrain riche pour l’analyse. Dans un premier temps, les représentations existantes et en circulation dans des textes médiatiques portant et produisant diverses significations sont analysées discursivement. Dans un deuxième temps, l’analyse s’attarde aux savoirs que ces représentations participent à produire et aux effets de pouvoir qu’elles induisent. Il est alors possible de comprendre que les représentations dont fait l’objet le politicien célèbre d’aujourd’hui sont organisées par la filiation et que ce mode d’organisation procède à la fois de la biographisation et de l’hétéronormativité. / This master’s thesis aims to understand how, by the representation of politicians as public individual celebrities, arise power issues. The analysis of recurrence patterns and particularities of those representations, which circulate through discourse, enable a better understanding of how power is exercised by, among other things, naturalization. This research is supported by Hall’s (1997) concept of representation and Foucault’s definition of power. The case of Justin Trudeau, object of celebrity discourses produced through media discourse at the time of the Liberal Party of Canada Leadership contest, was a prolific ground for analysis. Firstly, existing and circulating representations by media texts producing diverse significations are discursively analysed. Secondly, the analysis is concerned with knowledge these representations participate to produce and with power effects they induce. It is then possible to understand that representations which produce today’s celebrity politician are organised by filiation which proceed through biographisation and heteronormativity.

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