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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbarhetsredovisning inom industribranschen : En komparativ kvantitativ studie av innehållet i hållbarhetsupplysning inom industribranschen mellan Sverige och USA

Williams, Marcus, Yacoub, Ghandi January 2022 (has links)
Background: Disclosure of sustainability within companies is voluntary and previous research shows that there are differences in disclosure within CSR reports that can be affected by various factors. GRI is the most used framework in the preparation of CSR reports. Although some countries use the same GRI framework, previous studies have shown that different countries' enlightenment levels as well as enlightenment information differ in sustainability.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the information in sustainability reporting within the “Industrial Industry” in Sweden and the USA. Moreover, the purpose is to make a comparison of how companies choose to report information and based on which aspects. Furthermore, the study will examine and compare the difference between the companies after their sustainability reports were prepared according to the latest GRI framework in both countries for the years 2018 and 2020. Method: The study performs a quantitative content analysis with a deductive approach to compare disclosure of sustainability information from Sweden and the USA for the years 2018 and 2020. The study examines 6 companies from each country and this resulted in 24 observations. The study's conclusions and results are presented using a t-test as well as descriptive statistics. Conclusion: The study could not determine if there are significant differences in the disclosure of sustainability reporting between the United States and Sweden for the years 2018 and 2020. The reason for this may be due to contradictions between results obtained by the study based on t-tests and descriptive statistics.

Kvalitetsarbete i vården : Skillnaden i kvalitetsarbetet inom offentlig och privat verksamhet – sektor vård och omsorg / Quality work in healthcare : The difference in the quality work in public and private organizations - sector care and nursing

Andersson, Julia, Olsson, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sveriges vård och omsorg har sviktat de senaste åren vilket har gjort att frågan om vilken vårdleverantör en kund ska välja uppmärksammats. Det finns olika faktorer som har en inverkan på kundens val, bland annat förtroende och kvaliteten för tjänsten. Där kommer valet mellan offentlig och privat vård in. Därigenom har frågan om vinst i välfärden lyfts, och vad som egentligen är skillnaden mellan privat och offentlig vård och omsorg. Kvalitetsarbetet blir således det som ger förtroendet för vården. För att kunna utveckla den kvaliteten som kunden efterfrågar behöver ett lärande finnas i verksamheten. Utan lärande kan inte kvalitetsarbetet utvecklas och det sviktande förtroendet för vården återstår. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen ämnar undersöka begreppet kvalitetsarbete och hur privata samt offentliga aktörer inom vård och omsorg arbetar med fenomenet. Studien vill uppnå en ökad förståelse för hur kvalitetsutveckling bedrivs inom olika verksamheter. Studien har för avsikt att jämföra den privata vård- och omsorgssektorn med den offentliga för att få en så stor överblick och insikt i ämnet som möjligt. Teoretisk referensram: Föreliggande studie använder teorier och begrepp som exempelvis new public management, kaizen och lärande organisationer. Kärnbegreppen som studien bygger på är ständiga förbättringar, vilket kommer från kaizen, och organisatorisk lärande. Dessa utgör kvalitetsarbetet i en verksamhet och är därav sammankopplade. Dessa teorier kommer att stöjda studiens undersökning av skillnaderna mellan privat och offentlig verksamhet. Metod: Studien använde en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där semistrukturerade intervjuer utgjorde den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen och kompletterades med en dokumentanalys. Studien undersökte två fallstudieorganisationer, vilket gjorde att en triangulering utfördes. Slutsats: Det studien indikerade var att privata verksamheter känner en stark press för att både leverera till sina aktieägare och till sina kunder, vilket blir en paradox där vinstmaximering och god service möts. Offentliga verksamheter har en automatisk tillgång till brukare vilket gör att de inte känner samma påtryckningar. Generellt indikerade studien att kvalitetsarbetet inom organisationerna var liknande, det som skiljde sig kom framförallt ifrån skillnader inom arbetssätten. Privata verksamheter arbetar mer med att skapa konkurrenskraftiga tjänster, där lärande och konkurrenskraft kan kopplas samman. Det kan i sin tur härledas till att offentliga verksamheter inte känner samma press att arbeta konkurrenskraftigt.

A Study on Personal Firsthand Lived Experiences in Self-organizing in Curating Profession Around 2000-2020s in Sweden : The Phenomenon of the Swedish Curators’ Association

Stepanyan, Sona January 2023 (has links)
With the outbreak of COVID-19, the Swedish government allocated specific financial support to cultural practitioners, however, excluding curators from this assistance. As a result, a group of engaged professionals formed the Swedish Curators’ Association, marking a recent effort in curatorial self-organization. This study aims to understand and illuminate the phenomenon of curatorial self-organization and how the experience of self-organizing is understood by curators in 2022. It investigates the past and current personal lived experiences of four curators through phenomenological methodological, and theoretical approaches. Next, the study explores how their perception correlates with the current curatorial lifeworld. At the core of this study is the hypothesis that in a consolidated lifeworld, curatorial self-organization becomes a model of a joint phenomenological body, functioning as a mechanism of sustainability, balance, and orientation due to the diversity of curatorial practices and experiences of its members. Archival materials and four interviews are at the core of the research. Study results showed that curatorial self-understanding and perception of self-organization are formed very individually; therefore, it would be inaccurate to generalize the phenomenon without having that in mind. Additionally, several internal and external factors played a significant role in the latest formation and perception of the phenomenon. The study also revealed that previous experiences of curatorial self-organizations have not been present in today’s active curatorial lifeworld, existing as familiar yet distant memories. Finally, the study goes beyond its initial hypothesis to find that the current attempt to self-organize curatorially in Sweden can be equated to a tool for curators to self-define, articulate the changing curatorial roles, and re-understand the essence of the profession.

Bakomliggande faktorer och hinder av vuxna papperslösas tillgång och möjlighet till vård i Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Undocumented adults and underlying obstacles and challenges in accessing healthcare in Sweden

Sado, Michelia January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the underlying factors and barriersinfluencing undocumented adults' access to healthcare in Sweden. By focusing on the experiences of five respondents associated with the Swedish Red Cross, the essay seeks to shed light on and enhance the understanding of the limitations faced by undocumented adults, regarding their access to healthcare in Sweden. This study has a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews. The studyaddresses three theories for understanding the factors and barriers that affect the access to healthcare by using Goffman (1963) stigma, Young (2011) social justice and Rothstein (2003) trust and social contract theory. The result of the study shows insights information from five respondents of the factors affecting undocumented adults' healthcare access in Sweden. The study ultimately reveals that stigmatization, trust, fear, and social networks are underlying factors that impact the access to healthcare for undocumented adults in Sweden. Additionally,socio-economic barriers are identified as limiting the opportunities for undocumented adults to access healthcare in Sweden. The research highlights that these challenges are not merely individual choices or priorities but rather a result of complex factors and structural impediments. Therefore, addressing the obstacles and underlying factors requires a collective approach to observe and understand the root causes affecting the access to healthcare in Swedenfor undocumented adults.

Analysis of Single Echelon Logistics Model for Delivering Temperature Sensitive E-groceries in Cities using Electric Vehicle

Narayanasamy, Harivignesh January 2022 (has links)
With the increase in the growth of the e-commerce sector since the past decade, the pressure has been progressively more applied to the operations and supply chain. As the pandemic has pushed the companies to provide services at the customer doorstep due to the difficulties in accessing services from brick-and-mortar stores, the logistical operation of the companies is continuously put under pressure. Though the performance aspect of the supply chain operations is achieved as per company’s objectives, the sustainability part is always overlooked. For any logistics provider, the last mile is considered as one of the main deterrents in their supply chain operations. Some of the main factors include performance of the distribution process, delivery time window, level of service, congestion in the urban area, etc. The above and some other factors make it extremely difficult for the logistics provider to be sustainable in their operations.  There is a growing interest among the logistics provider to use electric vehicles in urban logistics. In particular, light electric vehicles are considered to be a valid alternate for fossil fuel powered sprinters or vans. The purpose of the study is to identify the logistical, technological and infrastructural challenges associated with implementing electric vehicles with refrigeration system in delivering e-groceries in cities. The thesis follows the methodology of collecting data from developed electric vehicle and analysing the data to identify the feasibility of implementing electromobility in last mile delivery. In order to identify the commercial application of electromobility, the collected data is applied in the developed simulation model. The scenario-based analysis has been used in the data collection and in simulation modelling experimentation. The scenario analysis has been used to have an in-depth understanding of all the possible outcomes. The results from the test observations provided data for further studies while the results from simulation modeling presented evidence for the effective application of electric vehicles in delivering e-groceries in last-mile. The comparison of electric vehicle (EV) with fossil fuel powered vehicle provided the strong performance of EV’s in terms of environmental, operational, and socio-economic aspects. The thesis provides new knowledge in the area of electromobility in last-mile research and also proposes potential future work which will be assisting the forthcoming research in advancing the boundary of the research topic. / Med den ökade tillväxten inom e-handelssektorn sedan det senaste decenniet har trycket successivt applicerats mer på verksamheten och leveranskedjan. Eftersom pandemin har drivit företagen att tillhandahålla tjänster utanför kunddörren på grund av svårigheterna att få tillgång till tjänster från tegelbutiker, sätts företagens logistiska drift kontinuerligt under press. Även om prestandaaspekten av leveranskedjans verksamhet uppnås enligt företagetsmål, förbises alltid hållbarhetsdelen. För alla logistikleverantörer betraktas den sista milen som en av de främsta avskräckningarna i deras leveranskedja. Några av huvudfaktorerna inkluderar distributionsprocessens prestanda, leveranstidsfönster, servicenivå, trängsel i tätorten etc. Ovanstående och några andra faktorer gör det extremt svårt för logistikleverantören att vara hållbar i sin verksamhet.  Det finns ett växande intresse bland logistikleverantören att använda elfordon i stadslogistik. I synnerhet anses lätta elfordon vara ett giltigt alternativ för sprinter eller skåpbilar som drivs med fossila bränslen. Syftet med studien är att identifiera de logistiska, tekniska och infrastrukturella utmaningarna i samband med att implementera elfordon med kylsystem för att leverera e-livsmedel i städer. Avhandlingen följer metodiken för att samla in data från utvecklade elfordon och analysera data för att identifiera genomförbarheten av att implementera elektromobilitet i sista mils leverans. För att identifiera den kommersiella tillämpningen av elektromobilitet, tillämpas den insamlade informationen i den utvecklade simuleringsmodellen. Den scenariobaserade analysen har använts i datainsamlingen och i simuleringsmodellexperiment. Scenarioanalysen har använts för att få en fördjupad förståelse av alla möjliga utfall. Resultaten från testobservationerna gav data för ytterligare studier medan resultaten från simuleringsmodellering presenterade bevis för den effektiva tillämpningen av elfordon för att leverera e-livsmedel på sista milen. Jämförelsen av elfordon (EV) med fossilbränsledrivna fordon gav elbilarnas starka prestanda när det gäller miljömässiga, driftsmässiga och socioekonomiska aspekter. Avhandlingen ger ny kunskap inom området elektromobilitet inom forskning på sista milen och föreslår även potentiellt framtida arbete som kommer att hjälpa den kommande forskningen att flytta fram gränsen förforskningsämnet.

Potentiella säkerhetsrisker med växelriktare för solceller / Potential security risks associated with solar inverters

Axelsson, Ebba, Tonell, Vera January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the risks associated with connected inverters in solar power installations, focusing on properties owned by Vasakronan, a real estate company with 166 properties, that has invested in solar panel installations on a majority of its buildings. The thesis explores the potential security measures related to both energy and information. Energy security encompasses multiple aspects of ensuring a reliable supply of energy within an infrastructure, necessitating tools for balancing energy production and usage and minimizing dependence on single resources. Robust information security requires the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability, which is considered given the organization, cloud and communication security. Interviews were conducted with representatives from Vasakronan’s suppliers of inverters, IT service provider, employees and external field experts. One property served as a case study to understand the internal real estate network structure and data on energy consumption, production and prices was collected. The risk of security breaches was assessed as the sum of factors influencing the likelihood of intrusion, as well as the consequences of such breach. Interviews with employees and IT service providers revealed Vasakronan’s awareness of information security and continuous efforts to enhance it. Interviews with inverter suppliers show varying levels of commitment to information security, with a general recognition of its importance but inconsistent knowledge of mitigation strategies. Many suppliers are cautious about production location, expressing skepticism about Chinese intelligence activities. However, the current risk for Vasakronan and the Swedish power grid is considered low, though the increasing use of solar panels may heighten this risk in the future. Specific threats such as extortion attempts, are identified as more probable, potentially resulting in production interruptions and increased energy costs. The importance of risk diversification through security measures and supplier diversification is concluded from the interviews with field experts. Data analysis indicates that security breaches primarily entail economic losses for Vasakronan, while the societal consequences are seen as potentially serious but unlikely in the short term. The thesis contributes to understanding the risks and the necessity of security measures in solar power installations through an analysis of potential energy and economic consequences of data breaches.

”Vårt mål är ju att få människor att må bra” : En diskursanalys av det civila samhällets verksamhet som involverar migranter i Kalix kommun

Tillö, Petronella January 2016 (has links)
In this essay I investigate the role of civil society in relation to migrants in the municipality of Kalix, in a rural area in northern Sweden. The purpose is to discover which subject positions that leaders from the civil society describe as possible and which positions they see as possible for migrants. I also want to see which discourses the leaders from the civil associations are a part of and contribute to. The material comes from interviews completed with people involved in civil society and from meetings, organized by the municipality and with participants from civil associations, discussing the subject. The method used is discourse analysis, influenced by Laclau and Mouffes theory about discourses. Foucault´s theory of governmentality is used to examine how civil society and migrants are affected by state control. This control manifests in control mechanisms such as the Swedish government’s establishment program, legislation about migrants rights and economic grants. The analysis is supported by earlier research and theories about multiculturalism and rights. The leaders mainly moved within four discourses: ´multicultural´, ´repressive liberalism´, ´rural preservation´ and ´quality of life and humanity´. The multicultural discourse had a positive view of cultural and religious differences. This discourse made the subject positions of organizer of cultural activities possible for the leaders. Migrants were described as having the position of representatives of specific cultural groups and as group members in need of extra support. The repressive liberalism discourse viewed difference as something negative. The goal was for migrants to be assimilated into the local culture. The leaders adopted the role of tutors. Migrants were described as occupying the subject positions of employment oriented, able to assimilate, and as representatives of all immigrant people. In the discourse about ‘rural preservation’ activities were motivated by goals for a bright future for Kalix. The leaders’ subject positions were understood as coordinators, mentors and debaters. Migrants were understood as competent in particular professions and as desirable long term residents of Kalix. Governmental Control mechanics were considered to be something that limited migrants’ possibilities. The quality of life and humanity discourse has the goal that everyone shall have the possibility to live a good life. The leaders adopted the role as creators of safety and confidence and migrants were considered to be both victims of unfair regulation that limited their legitimacy, and as developers of civil associations. There were antagonisms between the discourses about rights/justice, integration and culture. Because of these conflicts the activities are striving towards different goals and consider different phenomena to be obstacles. Cooperation and the possibilities of getting along are therefore made difficult. Both these antagonisms and the governmental control mechanisms affect which activities can be performed and thereby which subjects positions that are made possible.

Moi et Desprez: : Om Louis Jean Desprez’ teaterdekorationer och Gustaf III:s nationella projekt / Moi et Desprez: : On the stage Painting on Louis Jean Desprez’ and the National Project of Gustaf III

Erlander, Lillemor January 2008 (has links)
<p>En studie av teaterdekoratören, konstnären och arkitekten Louis Jean Desprez' betydelse för Gustaf III nationella projekt, att förena sitt folk och skapa en nationell identitet med hjälp av opera och teater.</p> / <p>A study in the importance of the theatre decorateur artist and architect Louis Jean Desprez' for the national project of Gustaf III, to unite his people and create a national identity by using theatre and opera</p>

Moi et Desprez: : Om Louis Jean Desprez’ teaterdekorationer och Gustaf III:s nationella projekt / Moi et Desprez: : On the stage Painting on Louis Jean Desprez’ and the National Project of Gustaf III

Erlander, Lillemor January 2008 (has links)
En studie av teaterdekoratören, konstnären och arkitekten Louis Jean Desprez' betydelse för Gustaf III nationella projekt, att förena sitt folk och skapa en nationell identitet med hjälp av opera och teater. / A study in the importance of the theatre decorateur artist and architect Louis Jean Desprez' for the national project of Gustaf III, to unite his people and create a national identity by using theatre and opera

"Religionen, hejdå! Ateism, välkommen!" : Nyanlända elevers självpositionering och upplevelser av religionskunskapsundervisningen i Sverige / "Religion, goodbye! Atheism, welcome!" : The religious self positioning and experience of RE in Sweden among recently immigrated pupils

Bergenfelz, Charlotte, Silverglimth, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur nyanlända elever ser på religion utifrån två teman. Det första behandlar hur dessa elever positionerar sig till religiösa traditioner, samt på vilka sätt dessa positioner kan ha förändrats i diaspora. Det andra temat behandlar hur de nyanlända eleverna upplever religionskunskapsundervisningen i Sverige. Studiens resultat är baserat på kvalitativa intervjuer med sex nyanlända elever och deras lärare i religionskunskap. Intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån kritisk diskursanalys och ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Studiens resultat på det första temat visar hur de flesta av eleverna inte ser sig som religiösa, utan benämner sig som troende, och deras religionsutövning präglas av en stor variation. Av de sex eleverna kommer fem från en muslimsk bakgrund, och hos flera av de fem finns ett språk som tyder på stereotypisering av muslimer. Samtliga muslimska elever beskriver en förändring av tro och minskad praktik som ett led av att befinna sig i diaspora. Resultatet av det andra temat visar hur elevernas upplevelser av religionskunskapsundervisningen i Sverige generellt sett är positiv, men en elev har en negativ bild av undervisningen och menar att undervisningen leder till ateism. Undervisningen och läromedel upplevs som bra eller neutrala på att skildra islam, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare forskning, samtidigt som några av de muslimska eleverna anmärker på felaktigheter. / The aim of this study is to explore how recently immigrated pupils perceive religion based on two themes. The first theme deals with how these students position themselves in regard to religious traditions, and how these positions might have changed in the diaspora. The second theme deals with how the pupils experience Religious Education (RE) in Sweden. The results are based on semi-structured interviews with six recently immigrated pupils and their RE teacher. Critical discourse analysis and postcolonialism are used as theoretical and analytical approaches. The findings on the first theme indicate that most of the pupils do not see themselves as religious, and instead refer to themselves as believers, and their religious practice is characterised by a large variation. Five of the six pupils come from a muslim background, and the language these pupils use show signs of stereotyping muslims. All the muslim pupils describe a change in belief and a decrease in practice as a result of being in diaspora. The findings on the second theme indicate that the pupils generally have a positive experience of their RE in Sweden. One pupil had a negative view of the education, which was seen as a leading factor in becoming an atheist. The teaching and study materials used in the classroom were perceived as good or neutral in their depiction of islam, which does not match the findings of previous research, although some of the muslim pupils remarked on a few inaccuracies.

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