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Nedskrivning av goodwill - I enlighet med marknadens förväntningar? : En kvantitativ studie om goodwill och resultatmanipulering / Goodwill Impairment - According to the markets expectations? : A quantitative study about goodwill and earnings managementBona, Simon, Hernehult, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
I och med verkställandet av IFRS 3 och revideringen av IAS 36 gick de svenskamarknadsnoterade bolagen från att skriva av goodwill linjärt till att årligen testa posten förnedskrivningsbehov. Den direkta effekten blev större goodwillposter och lägre av- och nedskrivningskostnader. Studien ämnar undersöka huruvida det föreligger utrymme försubjektiva bedömningar när goodwill ska testas för nedskrivningsbehov. Studien ämnar även att undersöka om det föreligger incitament för en företagsledning att utnyttja bedömningen av goodwill för att manipulera bolagets resultat i enlighet med earnings management-teorin. Studien omfattar 138 observationer från 2017, vilka är svenska börsnoterade bolag noterade på OMX Stockholms listor Mid cap och Large cap. Den inhämtade datan kommer från databaser samt manuellt hämtad från samtliga bolags årsredovisningar. Med studiens syfte och deduktiva utgångspunkt har en kvantitativ ansats antagits och fyra hypoteser utvecklats. Den första hypotesen testar sambandet mellan marknadens förväntan på nedskrivning av goodwill och ett bolags faktiska nedskrivning av goodwill. Övriga hypoteser behandlar sambandet mellannedskrivning av goodwill och earnings management-faktorerna resultatbaserade bonusar, lånekontrakt och VD-byte. Med hjälp av linjära regressioner testas även om de sistnämnda variablerna påverkar nedskrivning av goodwill. Studien visar inte på några signifikanta resultat och samtliga nollhypoteser accepteras. Vi kan inte dra slutsatsen att det finns några samband mellan de testade earnings managementfaktorerna. Vi kan heller inte säga om det finns något samband mellan marknadens förväntan på nedskrivning av goodwill och ett bolags faktiska nedskrivning av goodwill. Trots att studien inte uppnår några signifikanta resultat hoppas vi att den kan bidra med en diskussion som kan ligga till grund för framtida och fortsatt forskning inom ämnet. / With the implementation of IFRS 3 and the readjusted version of IAS 36, all Swedish companies listed on OMX Stockholm went from goodwill write-off on a straight-line basis to testing the asset annually for impairment. The direct effect was greater goodwill assets and lower depreciation and impairment costs. This study aims to investigate whether there is scope for subjective assessments when goodwill is to be tested for impairment. The study also intends to investigate whether there is an incentive for a business management to utilize the assessment of goodwill to manipulate the company's results in accordance with the earnings management theory. The study contains 138 observations from 2017, which are all Swedish listed companies on OMX Stockholm on the lists Mid cap and Large Cap. The collected data comes from databases and manually retrieved from the company’s annual reports. A quantitative approach has been adopted and four hypotheses have been developed based on the aim of the study and the deductive starting point. The first hypothesis tests the correlation between the market’s expectation of goodwill impairment and a company's actual impairment of goodwill. The other hypotheses deal with the correlation between impairment of goodwill and earnings management factors such as performance-based bonuses, debt covenant and CEO changes. Linear regressions also test whether the latter variables affect decisions regarding goodwill impairment. The study do not show any significant results and all null hypotheses are accepted. We cannot conclude that there are any connections between the earnings management factors tested, neither can we say if there is any correlation between the market's expectation of goodwill impairment and a company's actual impairment. Although the study does not achieve any significant results, we hope that it can contribute with a discussion that can form the basis for future and continued research within the subject.
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Transparens och jämförbarhet i IFRS 17 : En undersökning utifrån ett intressentperspektiv / Transparency and comparability in IFRS 17 : A review from a stakeholder perspectiveJarl, Pontus, Karlsson, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Efter cirka 20 års arbete kommer en ny redovisningsstandard för försäkringskontrakt, den 1januari 2022, att träda i kraft. Standarden namnges International Financial Reporting Standards17 (IFRS) och kommer ersätta den nuvarande interimstandarden IFRS 4. Under denna tid har International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) tagit fram flera olika förslag förutformningen av IFRS 17. År 2013 publicerade IASB en så kallad reviderad Exposure Draft(ED) där företag och organisationer bjöds in att kommentera på de förslag som tagits fram. Dessa kommentarer, så kallade Comment Letters (CL), är av väsentlig karaktär för hur den slutgiltiga standarden kommer att se ut. Därav utgjorde dessa CL det empiriska underlaget i denna studie. Problemdiskussionen i studien visar att IFRS 4 har fått mycket kritik för att inte vara en tillräckligt transparent och jämförbar redovisningsstandard. Detta leder sedermera framtill studiens syfte. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om intressenterna, som genom sina CL kommenterat på IASB:s reviderade ED från 2013, anser att förslagen i densamma kommer att leda till en merjämförbar och transparent redovisningsstandard. Dessutom syftar studien till att ta reda på om det föreligger mönster i intressenternas attityder till förslagen i 2013 års reviderade ED och i så fall vilka dessa mönster är. Totalt genererade den reviderade ED:n 198 CL från olika typer av intressenter. Studiens urvalsprocess medförde att 67 av dessa CL utgjorde det empiriska materialet. Då studiens syfte är att analyserna och tolka intressenternas attityder till förslagen i den reviderade ED:ngenomförs en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som innehåller inslag av både en induktiv och deduktivforskningsansats. Studiens resultat visar att majoriteten av intressenterna håller med om att förslagen som framförs av IASB i den reviderade ED:n från 2013 kommer leda till en mer transparent och jämförbar redovisningsstandard. Däremot är det många intressenter som påpekar att flera avförslagen är komplexa och svårförstådda. Vissa av kommentarerna från företagen och organisationerna som analyserats uttrycker även att denna komplexitet är något som riskerar att skada jämförbarheten och transparensen. De tydligaste mönstren från de CL som analyserats är att förslagen är en förbättring från nuvarande redovisningsstandard samt tidigare förslag från IASB. Dessutom uppvisas mönstret att förslagen i den reviderade ED:n kommer att leda tillökad jämförbarhet och transparens. Dock menar många intressenter att implementeringsprocessen kommer vara mycket tids- och resurskrävande. Studiens slutsatser visar att en majoritet av intressenterna ställer sig bakom förslagen som framförs i den reviderade ED:n. Däremot ställer sig många kritiska till komplexiteten i förslagensamt bristen på vägledning. Dessa slutsatser påvisar att IASB är på rätt väg att uppnå sitt mål med en redovisningsstandard som har en högre grad av transparens och jämförbarhet än den nuvarande. / After approximately 20 years of work, a new accounting standard will take effect January 1st, 2022. The standard is called International Financial Reporting Standards 17 (IFRS) and will replace the current interim standard IFRS 4. During this time The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has worked out several proposals for modeling IFRS 17. In year 2013IASB published a so called revised Exposure Draft (ED) where companies and organizations were invited to comment on the proposals. These comments, so called Comment Letters (CL) are of significant nature for how the final standard will be designed. Thus, the CL made up the empirical basis of this study. IFRS 4 has received a lot of criticism for not being comparable and transparent enough. This problem subsequently led to the purpose of this study. The purpose of this study is to ascertain if stakeholders who commented on IASB:s revised ED from 2013 consider that the proposals in the ED will lead to a more comparable and transparent accounting standard. Furthermore, the study aims to find out if there are patterns in stakeholders’ attitudes towards the revised ED and if so, what those patterns are. The revised ED generated 198 CL in total from several different stakeholders. The study’s selection process ended with a total of 67 CL which made up the empirical material. Because the purpose of this paper is to analyze and interpret the stakeholders’ attitudes towards the proposals in the revised ED, a qualitative content analysis will be performed. It will include elements of both an inductive and deductive research approach. The results of the study show that a majority of stakeholders agree with the proposals in the revised ED from 2013 and that it will lead to a more transparent and comparable accounting standard. However, many stakeholders point out that several of the proposals are complex and hard to understand. Some of the comments from the companies and organizations that have been analyzed expresses that the complexity is a factor that may damage comparability and transparency. The most distinct patterns from the CL that have been analyzed are that the proposals constitute an improvement compared to the previous accounting standard as well as earlier proposals from the IASB and that the proposals in the revised ED will lead to increased comparability and transparency. Nevertheless, many stakeholders’ express concerns that the implementation process will be very time- and resource consuming. The study’s conclusion shows that the majority of stakeholders are in favor of the proposals in the revised ED. However, many also raise concerns regarding the complexity in the proposals and the lack of guidance. In light of these conclusions, IASB is on the right path to achieve their objective of an accounting standard with a higher degree of transparency and comparability than the current one.
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Förmedling av kvalitet i redovisningslagstiftning : moralens betydelse / Communication of quality in accounting law : the meaning of ethicsAndersson, Amanda, Magnusson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Kvalitet är i redovisningssammanhang ett komplext begrepp som är under ständig omvandling. Forskning kring begreppet syftar ofta till att kartlägga indikatorer som tillsammans ger en korrekt beskrivning av betydelsen av kvalitet. Forskare utgår från dessa indikatorer då de studerar redovisning med syfte att säga något om dess kvalitet. Särskild vikt har i denna studie lagts vid indikatorerna relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet vilka kompletterar varandra och tillsammans utgör en helhetsbeskrivning av begreppet kvalitet. Forskning inom redovisning har ofta gjorts ur ett perspektiv där man ser till hur den färdiga redovisningen presenteras till användarna. Denna studie utgör ytterligare en dimension vid beskrivning av problematiken då utgångspunkten utgörs av flera olika infallsvinklar. Både tolkning, kommunikation och handling täcks in i studiens resultat. Resultatet av studien tolkas på filosofiska grunder och ytterligare en dimension tillförs då diskussion förs angående betydelsen av moral och etik. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ analys av lagtext utifrån ett hermeneutiskt tolkningsperspektiv. Resultaten inbegriper även tolkning av uttalanden i fackpress och datamaterialet har kodats utefter de beskrivningar av relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet som vi arbetat fram i den teoretiska referensramen. Studien undersöker skiftet av redovisningsstandard för leasing som skett vid inledningen av 2019 då IAS 17 ersattes av IFRS 16. Detta standardskifte utgör studiens urval för den lagtext som studeras. Resultaten illustreras genomgående genom analysen med hjälp av ett fiktivt bolag vars redovisning följer den redovisningsstandard för leasing som studien undersöker. Den teoretiska modellen som använts för analys av våra resultat bygger på tidigare forskning samt teorier gällande redovisning och dess användare. Modellen används för tolkning av resultat och illustration samt utgör en koppling mellan dessa. Studien utmynnar i slutsatsen att elasticiteten i beskrivningen av relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet i lagtext bidrar till att företag ges möjlighet att snedvrida redovisningen vilket resulterar i att användbarheten för de finansiella rapporterna som beslutsunderlag sjunker. Elasticiteten mäts i vår studie med hjälp av kodning av lagtext samt uttalanden i fackpress utefter vår beskrivning av relevans, tillförlitlighet och jämförbarhet. Kodningen bidrar till beskrivning av lagens tolkningsutrymme i form av det spelrum företagen har att utforma redovisningen på olika sätt men samtidigt hålla sig inom ramen för vad som är lagligt. Studien ger slutligen resultaten filosofisk betydelse och understryker vikten av moral hos företagen och företagsledaren som komponent i en redovisning som håller hög kvalitet. Denna studie skiljer sig från tidigare forskning då den genomförs i alla led av redovisningen. Inledningsvis studeras lagstiftares incitament vid utformning av redovisningsstandard, studien övergår sedan till den faktiska redovisningen och företags tolkning av redovisningsstandard för att slutligen se till det sätt på vilket färdiga finansiella rapporter presenteras för användarna. Studiens bidrag är ökad konceptuell förståelse av begreppet kvalitet inom redovisning samt underlag till diskussion om betydelsen av filosofisk insikt och moral vid tolkning av redovisningsstandarder vid utformning av finansiella rapporter. / In the context of financial reporting the concept of quality is complex and under perpetual transformation. Historically scientific research has aimed to chart indicators to the concept of quality that together add up to correct description of the importance of quality. Researchers originate from these indicators in studies of accounting when the purpose of the studies is to say something about the quality. Special emphasis for this study has been placed on the indicators relevance, reliability and comparability. These indicators complement each other and together they form an overall description of the concept of quality. Scientific research in accounting has frequently been carried out from a perspective where the researcher merley studied how the accounting is presented to users. This study forms an additional dimension of the matter as the basis of the research is composed of several perspectives. The result of the study is interpreted on a philosophical basis and another dimension is added by discussion about the importance of morality and ethics. We have carried out a qualitative analysis of accounting legislation from a hermeneutic perspective. The results also include interpretation of statements in specialist press and the data material has been coded according to our description of the concepts relevance, reliability and comparability. The study investigates the shift of financial reporting standard for leasing that took place at the beginning of 2019 when IAS 17 was replaced by IFRS 16. The results are consistently illustrated in the analysis using a fictitious company whose accounting follows the accounting standard for leasing that the study investigates. The theoretical model used for analysis of our results is based on previous research and theories on accounting and its users. The process of this study leads us to the conclusion that the elasticity in the description of relevance, reliability and comparability in accounting standards contributes to companies being given the opportunity to disort the accounting, which results in the usefulness of the financial reports as a basis for decision-making is falling. In our study the elasticity is measured by coding legal text and statements in the specialist press according to our description of relevance, reliability and comparability. The coding contributes to the description of the leeway of the law in terms of latitude for companies to formulate their accounting in different ways but at the same time stay within the scope of what is legal. In conclusion the results is given a philosophical significance and emphasizes the importance of morals among the companies and the company leader as a component of a high quality accounting. This study differs from previous research because it analyzes all stages of the accounting. Initially the legislature’s incentives when designing accounting standards are studied, the study then goes to the actual accounting and the company’s interpretation of the accounting standard. Lastly the study analyze the finished financial reports are presented to the users. The study’s contribution is increased understanding of the concept of quality in accounting and the basis for discussion on the meaning of philosophical insight and morality in the interpretation of accounting standards when designs financial reports.
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Övergången till IFRS 16 : En studie av detaljhandelsföretag och flygbolag / The transition to IFRS 16 : A study on retail and airline companiesDahir Ali Elmi, Adna, Yalda, Gorgees January 2019 (has links)
Leasingstandarden IAS 17 har motstått en del kritik eftersom företag har kunnat ta del av fördelarna av operationell leasing då både leasade tillgångar och motsvarande skulder har effektivt hållits utanför balansräkningen med endast not-upplysningar om framtida leasing skyldigheter. Under 2005 uttrycktes oro över brist på öppenhet och information gällande leasingförpliktelser av US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), något som redan bekymrade investerare och andra intressenter. Som svar på kritiken initierade International accounting standards board (IASB) tillsammans med Financial accounting standards board (FASB) ett projekt i hopp om att förbättra redovisningen av leasingavtal. Den nya standarden, IFRS 16, innebär att alla operationella leasingavtal kapitaliseras och redovisas i balansräkningen, det vill säga, en modell som liknar redovisningen av finansiella leasingavtal. Således elimineras uppdelningen av leasingavtal i operationella och finansiella leasingavtal. Syftet med denna studie är genom att analysera skillnaderna mellan IAS 17 och IFRS 16, utforska vilken inverkan IFRS 16 kommer att ha på företagens finansiella rapporter och nyckeltal. Vidare utgörs syftet av att förklara hur effekterna på nyckeltal förhåller sig till jämförelseperioder särskilt vid tillämpning av den modifierade retroaktiva övergångsmetoden. I denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats i kombination med ett induktivt angreppssätt tillämpats. Undersökningen har genomförts på ett fiktivt bolag samt åtta årsredovisningar från åtta olika företag inom detaljhandel och flygbranschen. Vad gäller de verkliga företagen har datamaterialet som extraheras från årsredovisningarna bearbetats med hjälp av den konstruktiva kapitaliseringsmodellen utformad av Imhoff, Lipe och Wright (1991, 1997) och modifierad av Fülbier, Silva och Pferdehirt (2008). Utifrån studiens undersökning blir det tydligt att IFRS 16 handlar om öppenhet och delgivning av information. IFRS 16 inverkan på resultat- och balansräkningen leder till att nyckeltal som bland annat soliditet, skuldsättningsgrad, räntabilitet på eget- och totalt kapital och genomsnittlig skuldränta påverkas. Användare av finansiella rapporter använder dessa nyckeltal för att identifiera problemområden samt möjligheter inom ett företag. Vi finner att kapitaliseringen av operationella leasingavtal förser användare av finansiella rapporter med mer verklighetstrogen information. Vidare bidrar studien till en djupare förståelse för hur och varför en del nyckeltal kommer att påverkas av IFRS 16 i förhållande till jämförelseperioder. Studien bidrar även till att förstå relevansen av IFRS 16 och hur denna standard bidrar till redovisningens informationsvärde. / The lease accounting standard IAS 17, has been criticized for enabling companies to take advantage of the benefits of operational leasing, since both leased assets and their corresponding liabilities have been kept off-balance sheet with information on future lease obligation presented only in notes. In 2005, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) raised some concerns due to the lack of transparency and information on lease obligations, something that already worried investors and other stakeholders. In response to the criticism, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), together with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), launched a project hoping to improve the accounting of leases. With the new IFRS 16 standard, all operating leases will be capitalized and reported on the balance sheet. Hence, a model similar to the accounting for financial leasing agreements eliminating the division of lease agreements into operational and financial leases. The aim of this study is to analyze the differences between IAS 17 and IFRS 16, examine what impact IFRS 16 will have on the companies' financial reports and key ratios. Furthermore, the study aims to explain how the effects on key ratios relate to comparative periods in particular when applying the modified retrospective approach. In this study, a qualitative approach in combination with an inductive approach has been applied. The study has been carried out on a fictitious company and eight annual reports from eight different companies within the retail and airline industry. With regard to the actual companies, the data material extracted from the annual reports has been processed using the constructive capitalization model designed by Imhoff, Lipe and Wright (1991, 1997) and modified by Fülbier, Silva and Pferdehirt (2008).Based on the study's results, it becomes clear that IFRS 16 is about transparency and disclosure of information. IFRS 16’s impact on the income statement and balance sheet results in key ratios such as equity ratio, debt/equity ratio, return on equity and total capital and average debt interest rate to change. Users of financial reports use these key ratios to identify problem areas and opportunities within a company. This study finds that the capitalization of operating leases provides users of financial reports with more accurate information. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how and why some key ratios will be affected by IFRS 16 in relation to comparative periods. The study also helps in understanding the relevance of IFRS 16 and how this standard contributes to the information value in accounting.
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Nedskrivning av goodwill i nordiska storbanker / Goodwill impairment in major Nordic banksClaeson, Lisa, Mört, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Sedan IFRS infördes 2005 skall goodwill inte lägre skivas av utan istället testas för nedskrivning minst en gång per år. Nedskrivningsprövningen har sedan dess kritiserats av flertalet forskare och ansetts vara ett ämne för earnings management (EM). Eftersom goodwill skall värderas till verkligt värde följer viss problematik, särskilt under lågkonjunkturer då det är svårt att förutspå hur långvarig den ekonomiska nedgången förväntas bli. Cykliska branscher, såsom bankbranschen, är känsliga för förändringar i konjunkturen och således borde sådana förändringar avspeglas i bankernas goodwillpost. Syfte Studien har två övergripande syften, dels att kartlägga nedskrivningar av goodwill i nordiska storbanker och dels att testa samband mellan dessa och olika konjunkturlägen, Big Bath Accounting och Income Smoothing. Målet med studien är att komplettera det redan befintliga forskningsområdet gällande EM vid nedskrivning av goodwill. Detta genom att ta konjunkturens påverkan i beaktning samt inkludering av nordiska storbanker. Metod Då tidigare studier inom området har exkluderat bankbranschen, var det just av denna anledning som banker valdes ut för studien. För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställning föll sig en kvantitativ metod mest lämplig. Insamlad data från årsredovisningar perioden mellan 2006–2017 sammanställdes i statistiska modeller och tester och därmed kunde studiens resultat erhållas. Resultat & Slutsats Studiens resultat visar att varken konjunktur, utövande av Big Bath Accounting eller Income Smoothing signifikant påverkar nedskrivning av goodwill i nordiska storbanker. Studien kan därmed inte påvisa förekomsten av någon av dessa två strategier för EM, vilket motsäger tidigare forskning. Gällande konjunkturens påverkan på nedskrivning av goodwill föreligger en negativ korrelation där nedskrivningar tenderar att vara som störst under en lågkonjunktur. Dock har inget tydligt mönster för när nedskrivningar har gjorts kunnat urskiljas. / Background Since IFRS was introduced in 2005, goodwill should no longer be amortized but instead be tested for impairment at least once a year. The impairment test has been criticized by most researchers and blamed to be a topic for earnings management (EM). Because goodwill is measured at fair value, certain problems follow. Especially during recession, when it is hard to predict how long the economic downturn is expected. The banking industry are particularly sensitive to changes in the business cycle. Therefore, should these changes should be reflected in their goodwill. Purpose This study has two main purposes, partly to identify impairments of goodwill in major Nordic banks and partly to test the statistical relationship between these and different economics conditions, Big Bath Accounting and Income Smoothing. The aim of the study is to supplement the existing research regarding earnings management and impairment of goodwill. This by taking different economic conditions in account and including Nordic major banks. Method Previous studies in the research area has excluded the banking industry, for this reason, banks were selected for our study. To answer the study's purpose and issue, a quantitative method fell most suitably. To be able to perform statistical models and tests to obtain a result, data was collected from each bank annual reports during 2006–2017. Results and conclusion The result of the study shows that neither the economic conditions, Big Bath Accounting or Income Smoothing has a significant impact on the impairment of goodwill in banks Nordic Large Cap. The study could not demonstrate the presence of any of these two strategies for earnings management, which contradicts previous research. Regarding the impact of economic conditions of goodwill impairment, there is a negative correlation where write-downs tend to be greater during a recession. Thus, no pattern for when write-downs of goodwill have been made.
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Effekter av införandet av IFRS 16 : En kvantitativ studie på svenska börsnoterade företagEriksson, Johan, Gref, Axel January 2019 (has links)
The background for this essay is the problems associated with the previous leasing standard IAS 17, and the implementation of the new, IFRS 16. During the appliance of IAS 17 leasing was either classified as operating- or finance leasing. Here the focus is whether there are similarities in the lease contract to a repayment purchase or not. For finance leases there are similarities to a purchase of the asset, where the lessee shall report both the asset and liability in the balance sheet. Simultaneously neither the asset or liability is reported in the balance sheet when establishing operating leases.The previous standard IAS 17 has received great criticism for allowing the operating leases to be outside the company's accounting, because they have meant that the transparency and reliability of the reported information has been inadequate. Companies that establish operating leases results in misleading key ratios, and may consequently therefore underestimate their financial risks associated with the leased asset. A lower debt ratio may be related to a higher debt financing of the balance sheet.The study is conducted to examine the potential effects the implementation of IFRS 16 has on different industries in Sweden, and how it will affect the key ratios EBITDA, debt, leverage and solidity. Relevant previous literature concerning potential effects in industries will be presented in the theoretical section. The result of the study will there after be presented and analyzed with previous scientific research. / Bakgrunden till denna uppsats är problemen i samband med den tidigare leasingstandarden IAS 17 och införandet av det nya IFRS 16. Under tillämpningen av IAS 17 klassificerades leasingavtal som antingen operationell eller finansiella. Klassificeringen handlar om det finns likheter i hyreskontraktet till ett återbetalningsköp eller ej. För finansiella leasingavtal finns det likheter till ett köp av tillgången, där leasetagaren ska redovisa både tillgång och skuld i balansräkningen. Samtidigt redovisas varken tillgång eller skuld i balansräkningen vid upprättandet av operationella leasingavtal. Den tidigare standarden IAS 17 har fått stor kritik för att de operationella leasingavtalen tillåts vara utanför bolagets bokföring, det har inneburit att insynen och tillförlitligheten hos den rapporterade informationen har varit otillräcklig. Operationella leasingavtal leder till vilseledande nyckeltal och att företagen därmed kan underskatta deras finansiella risker i samband med den hyrda tillgången. En lägre skuldkvot kan vara relaterad till en högre skuldfinansiering från balansräkningen. Studien genomförs för att undersöka de potentiella effekter som IFRS 16 har på olika branscher i Sverige, och hur införandet påverkar nyckeltalen EBITDA, skuldsättning, skuldsättningsgrad och soliditet. Relevant tidigare litteratur om de potentiella effekterna inom branscherna kommer att presenteras i det teoretiska avsnittet. Resultatet av studien kommer därefter att presenteras och analyseras med tidigare vetenskaplig forskning.
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Mudanças geradas pela IFRS 9 e operacionalização do provisionamento de perdas de crédito esperadas / Changes from IFRS 9 and operationalization of the provisioning of expected credit losses.Soreira, Andressa 08 February 2018 (has links)
Instrumentos financeiros ativos estão diretamente expostos ao risco de inadimplência - nesse cenário, as instituições financeiras, a fim de manterem sua solvência, são obrigadas a estimarem certo montante capaz de suprir as perdas de crédito esperadas. Na crise financeira mundial de 2007-2008 os incumprimentos dos contratos imobiliários geraram grandes perdas de crédito - o tardio reconhecimento dessas perdas creditícias criou um cenário de insegurança e o questionamento por parte das instituições financeiras, que passaram a cobrar dos reguladores e emitentes das normas contábeis uma forma de provisionamento que melhor se adequasse ao mercado de crédito e que, de certa forma, proporcionasse melhores condições de preparação para as instituições financeiras, minimizando as perdas em épocas de crise. Nesse contexto, ocorre a emissão da norma internacional Financial Instruments do International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 9) que passa a vigorar, com adoção obrigatória a partir de 1º de janeiro de 2018. Esta norma prevê um provisionamento desde o início do contrato, ponderado pelo risco de crédito associado e uma revisão desse montante durante toda a vida do contrato, quando necessário. Essa nova dinâmica de cálculo requer tratamentos estatísticos específicos para que sejam corretamente tratadas as probabilidades de default, bem como os valores expostos passíveis de perda e suas variações no tempo. Dessa forma, tendo em mente os objetivos propostos, indica-se que: a) este trabalho abordou a nova dinâmica citada com o intuito de entender a relação da norma com os parâmetros de risco necessários para o cálculo do montante a ser provisionado, b) visando satisfazer a abordagem forward-looking e a incorporação de informações macroeconômicas, a partir da aplicação em dados simulados e através do tratamento estatístico da Análise de Sobrevivência e de modelos de stress testing, ofereceu tratamento para os parâmetros EAD e PD, respectivamente e c) como resultado dessas aplicações, observou-se que as estimações das perdas sob a IFRS9 são mais tempestivas quando comparadas à norma vigente, no sentido de que minimizam as perdas em épocas de crise dada a sua característica oportuna. Além disso, a abordagem sugerida através da Análise de Sobrevivência vai ao encontro do conceito de estágios pelo qual a nova norma é caracterizada. Para as análises realizadas foram utilizados dados simulados a partir de distribuições teóricas conhecidas dos parâmetros envolvidos no cálculo, a partir dos quais foram obtidos resultados que fornecem uma prévia do que se pode esperar na aplicação prática da IFRS9. / Active financial instruments are directly exposed to the risk of default - in this scenario, financial institutions, in order to maintain their solvency, are obliged to estimate a certain amount capable of supplying the expected credit losses. In the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, defaults on real estate contracts generated large losses of credit - the late recognition of these credit losses created a scenario of insecurity and the questioning of financial institutions, which started to charge regulators and issuers of accounting standards a form of provision that best suited the credit market and that, to a certain extent, provide better preparedness for financial institutions, minimizing losses in times of crisis. In this context, the Financial Instruments International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS 9) will be issued, which will become effective, with mandatory adoption as of January 1, 2018. This provision provides for a provisioning from the beginning of the contract, weighted by the associated credit risk and a revision of that amount over the life of the contract, when necessary. This new dynamics of calculation requires specific statistical treatments so that the probability of default, as well as the exposed values of loss and its variations in time, are correctly treated. In this way, considering the proposed objectives, it is indicated that: a) this work addressed the new dynamics mentioned in order to understand the relation of the standard with the necessary risk parameters for the calculation of the amount to be provisioned, b) aiming to satisfy the forward-looking approach and the incorporation of macroeconomic information, from the application in simulated data and through the statistical treatment of Survival Analysis and stress testing models, offered treatment for the parameters EAD and PD, respectively, and c) as a result of these applications, it was observed that the estimates of the losses under IFRS9 are more timely when compared to the current norm as they minimize losses in times of crisis given its characteristics of anticipating losses. In addition, the approach suggested through Survival Analysis meets the concept of stages by which the new standard is characterized. For analyzes, simulated data from known theoretical distributions (of the parameters involved in the calculation) were used - the obtained results provides a preview of what can be expected in the practical application of IFRS9.
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En Ex-Ante Analys av IFRS 16 / An Ex-Ante Analysis of IFRS 16Jonsson, Linnéa, Svensson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den 1 januari 2019 infördes IFRS 16, som är en ny standard för hur börsnoterade företag ska redovisa leasingavtal. Tidigare har företag som följer IFRS haft möjlighet att redovisa leasingavtal finansiellt eller operationellt. Fram tills nu har det varit vanligt att företag redovisar leasingavtal operationellt, inte minst inom industribranschen där leasing av maskiner och fastigheter är vanligt. I och med IFRS 16 ska alla leasingavtal istället redovisas som en nyttjanderätt i balansräkningen. Målet med IFRS 16 är att redovisningen av leasingavtal korrekt ska återspegla företagets faktiska finansiella ställning och ge en rättvisande bild av verksamheten. Det finns dock de som är kritiska till den nya standarden som menar att den är onödig och endast kommer medföra ytterligare jobb för företagen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om IFRS 16 kommer uppfylla sin funktion, och således minska informationsasymmetrin mellan företag och investerare, eller endast är ett ”onödigt ont”. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ ansats för att kunna generalisera effekterna inom industribranschen. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har vi med en kapitaliseringsmetod för operationell leasing undersökt hur 30 börsnoterade industriföretags finansiella rapporter och nyckeltal kan komma att påverkas av reglerna i IFRS 16. Vi har även, med hjälp av en regressionsanalys som testade sambandet mellan redovisning av operationell leasing och ett företags marknadsvärde, undersökt hur IFRS 16 kan komma att påverka investerares värdering av företag. Slutsats: De slutsatser vi kan dra är att företagens balansnyckeltal är de som kommer påverkas mest av IFRS 16, oavsett företagens storlek. Lönsamhetsnyckeltal och likviditetsnyckeltal påverkas endast signifikant för medelstora och stora börsnoterade industriföretag. Studien visar även att IFRS 16 inte kommer minska informationsasymmetrin mellan företag och investerare, då informationen kring operationell leasing redan finns tillgänglig i noterna. IFRS 16 kommer dock uppfylla sin funktion för mindre sofistikerade investerare samt minska de resurser investerare behöver lägga på att justera de finansiella rapporterna. Vi kan därmed dra slutsatsen att IFRS 16 inte är ett ”onödigt ont”. / Background: The new standard for lease accounting, IFRS 16, was introduced January 1st, 2019. Until this date, companies that comply with IFRS have had the choice to report leasing agreements as financial or operating leases. Before IFRS 16, the majority of lease agreements have been reported as operating leases, not least in the industrial sector where machines and properties are frequently used. In accordance with IFRS 16, all leasing agreements will instead be reported as a right-of-use asset in the balance sheet. The objective of IFRS 16 is that the accounting of leases should accurately reflect the company's actual financial position and give a true and fair view of the business. However, there are critics of the new standard, who consider it an “unnecessary evil”. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether IFRS 16 will fulfill its objectives and reduce information asymmetry between companies and investors, or if it is only an "unnecessary evil". Methods: In order to generalize the effects of IFRS 16 in the industrial sector, this paper was conducted with a quantitative approach. To fulfill the purpose of the paper, we used a capitalization method for operating leases, to examine how the financial statements and ratios of 30 listed companies may be affected by IFRS 16. A regression analysis was conducted to test the correlation between operating lease accounting and a company's market value in order to observe how IFRS 16 may affect investors' business valuation. Conclusion: In conclusion, the financial ratios most effected by IFRS 16, are the balance ratios, regardless of the size of the companies. Performance ratios and liquidity ratios are only significantly affected for medium-sized and large listed industrial companies. The study also shows that IFRS 16 will not reduce information asymmetry between companies and investors, as the information on operating leases is already disclosed in the notes. However, IFRS 16 will fulfill its function for less sophisticated investors and reduce the costs of adjusting the financial statements for investors. We can therefore conclude that IFRS 16 is not an "unnecessary evil".
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Reconstitution of the field of accounting regulation in Brazil during the adoption of the IFRS / Reconstituição do campo da regulação contábil no Brasil durante a adoção das IFRSHomero Junior, Paulo Frederico 08 February 2018 (has links)
In 2010, Brazil completed the convergence towards the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). As the politics of this process has been little explored, the objective of this thesis is to investigate how the field of accounting regulation was reconstituted during the convergence. Relying on the Bourdieusian concepts of field, capital and habitus, the analysis of accounting regulation in Brazil is split into two phases: firstly, the field as of the early-2000s is mapped through a literature review that identifies its main institutional agents. From the early-2000s on, when the discussions about the creation of a private standard-setter began, the linguistic habitus associated to the field is mapped through discursive analyses of several archival data, including parliamentary proceedings and documents issued by institutional agents that operate in the field. This investigation indicates that the constitution of the field was driven by a relationship of accommodation between the State and the accountancy profession. During the 1970s, an interpretative community linked to the capital markets was consolidated, including financial sector regulators and segments of the professional and academic fields, that issued and disseminated Anglo-American inspired accounting standards framed by a decision-usefulness approach. In opposition, during the 1980s the Federal Council of Accounting (Conselho Federal de Contabilidade - CFC) started to dispute the primacy within the field, issuing accounting standards framed by a discourse of scientificity that preserved the Continental-European influence on Brazilian accounting. From the early-2000s on, the efforts to approve the legislative reforms necessary for the adoption of the IFRS were characterised by a high level of discursive homogeneity: it was claimed that such an adoption would enhance the transparency, comprehensibility, comparability and reliability of the financial reports of Brazilian firms, attracting foreign investments and promoting the economic development of the country. However, none of these claims was supported by substantive empirical evidences. Initially, the CFC opposed the creation of a private standard-setter, claiming that it would undermine the self-regulation of the accountancy profession. In October 2005, though, the CFC itself created the Committee of Accounting Pronouncements (Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis - CPC), apparently solving the conflict that had structured the field until then. The influence of taxation on Brazilian accounting practices played a pivotal role in this process, as a common adversary that justified the alliance between the CFC and the capital market pole. As the CPC frames itself as only a translator and interpreter of the IFRS, the field as a whole is not a space of power anymore, given that substantive decisions in the standard-setting process are not made in Brazil. Nevertheless, some regulators still challenge CPC\'s hegemony, requiring firms under their jurisdictions to prepare and disclose alternative sets of accounts. Contributing for a deeper understanding about the role of local agents in the adoption of the IFRS, this thesis suggests that in Brazil this process was conducted by an interpretative community constituted some decades ago, whose agents exchanged the symbolic capital they previously possessed for the economic capital they earned through the expansion of the market for accounting services. / Em 2010, o Brasil completou a convergência para as Normas Internacionais de Relatório Financeiro (International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS). Como a política deste processo tem sido pouco explorada, o objetivo desta tese é investigar como o campo da regulação contábil foi reconstituído durante a convergência. Baseando-se nos conceitos bourdieusianos de campo, capital e habitus, a análise da regulação contábil no Brasil é dividida em duas fases: primeiramente, o campo no início dos anos 2000 é mapeado através de revisão de literatura que identifica seus principais agentes institucionais. A partir do início dos anos 2000, quando as discussões sobre a criação de normatizador privado começaram, o habitus linguístico associado ao campo é mapeado através de análises discursivas de vários dados de arquivo, incluindo arquivos parlamentares e documentos emitidos por agentes institucionais que operam no campo. Essa investigação indica que a constituição do campo foi conduzida por uma relação de acomodação entre o Estado e a profissão contábil. Durante a década de 1970, consolidou-se uma comunidade interpretativa ligada aos mercados de capitais, incluindo reguladores do setor financeiro e segmentos dos campos profissional e acadêmico, que emitia e divulgava padrões contábeis de inspiração anglo-americana, moldados por uma abordagem de utilidade para decisão. Em oposição, durante a década de 1980 o Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC) começou a disputar a primazia no campo, emitindo padrões contábeis moldados por um discurso de cientificidade que preservava a influência europeia continental na contabilidade brasileira. A partir do início dos anos 2000, os esforços para aprovar as reformas legislativas necessárias para a adoção das IFRS caracterizaram-se por alto nível de homogeneidade discursiva: Alegava-se que tal adoção aumentaria a transparência, compreensibilidade, comparabilidade e confiabilidade dos relatórios financeiros das empresas brasileiras, atraindo investimentos estrangeiros e promovendo o desenvolvimento econômico do país. No entanto, nenhuma dessas alegações era apoiada por evidências empíricas substantivas. Inicialmente, o CFC se opôs à criação de um normatizador privado, alegando que isso debilitaria a autorregulação da profissão contábil. Em outubro de 2005, porém, o próprio CFC criou o Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC), aparentemente resolvendo o conflito que havia estruturado o campo até então. A influência da tributação nas práticas contábeis brasileiras desempenhou papel central nesse processo, como um adversário comum que justificou a aliança entre o CFC e o polo do mercado de capitais. Como o CPC enquadra a si próprio apenas como tradutor e intérprete das IFRS, o campo como um todo não é mais um espaço de poder, dado que decisões substantivas no processo de normatização não são tomadas no Brasil. No entanto, alguns reguladores ainda desafiam a hegemonia do CPC, exigindo que as empresas sob suas jurisdições preparem e divulguem demonstrativos contábeis alternativos. Contribuindo para uma compreensão mais profunda sobre o papel de agentes locais na adoção das IFRS, esta tese sugere que no Brasil esse processo foi conduzido por uma comunidade interpretativa constituída há algumas décadas, cujos agentes trocaram o capital simbólico que possuíam anteriormente pelo capital econômico que obtiveram através da expansão do mercado de serviços contábeis.
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Aplicação IFRS para pequenas e médias empresasSousa, Rejane Gomes de 06 August 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-06 / The economic globalization impact has created the need to introduce accounting models that could standardize financial statements to be understood and used by different users in several parts of the world. The information symmetry lack -- where the same transaction could generate different information, depending on the country of origin -- undermined investors‟ and creditors‟ decisions, as there was nothing standards for decision making. In order to harmonize the International Accounting Practices, in 2000 the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) recommended that the capital market regulators in each country authorized multinational companies to submit their financial statements according to the International Accounting Standards. The International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) was responsible for the working up of international standards, that is, for the worldwide accepted Accounting Standard that is already in convergence process in more than 100 countries. In Brazil, the Law Amendment nº 6.404/76 led to the Law nº 11.638/07, bringing significant implications to companies required to follow the Law S/A. Among them, the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) should issue its norms according to the International Accounting Standards. Consequently, the Brazilian Accounting Standards undergone a gradual process of converging its accounting standards to the International Accounting Standards by means of a process coordinated by the Committee of Accounting Pronouncements (CPC). In 2009, the Technical Pronouncement PME - Accounting for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - was approved by the CPC. This study aims at contributing to the preparation of small and medium-sized enterprises for meeting the market demands, thus making them more competitive. The objective is to identify the main changes of accounting information aligned with international standards. The study was carried out through a literature review applicable to the International Accounting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. The final remarks show that the convergence process brings challenges, as well as that one can have a higher quality and reliability by applying the standard accounting information / O impacto da globalização da economia gerou a necessidade de implantar modelos contábeis que padronizassem as demonstrações para que elas fossem compreendidas e utilizadas por diferentes usuários em diversos lugares do mundo. A falta de simetria nas informações, onde uma mesma transação poderia gerar informações diferentes, dependendo do seu país de origem, prejudicava as decisões de investidores e credores, visto que não havia padrões para tomada de decisão. Visando harmonizar as práticas contábeis internacionais, a International Organization of Securities Comission (IOSCO), no ano de 2000, recomendou que os órgãos reguladores de mercado de capitais, em cada pais, autorizassem as sociedades multinacionais a apresentar as suas demonstrações financeiras de acordo com as normas internacionais de contabilidade. O Internacional Accounting Standard Board (IASB) ficou responsável pela elaboração de normas internacionais, ou seja o padrão único de contabilidade aceito mundialmente, que já esta em processo de convergência em mais de 100 países. No Brasil, a alteração da Lei nº. 6.404/76 deu origem à Lei nº. 11.638/07, que trouxe implicações significativas para as empresas, obrigadas a seguir a Lei da S/A, entre elas, que a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) deveria expedir suas normas de acordo com os padrões internacionais de contabilidade, e gradativamente as normas contábeis brasileiras convergiram para as normas internacionais, por meio de um processo coordenado pelo Comitê de Pronunciamentos Contábeis (CPC). Em 2009, foi aprovado pelo CPC o Pronunciamento Técnico PME Contabilidade para Pequenas e Medias Empresas. Este trabalho busca contribuir para que as empresas de pequeno e médio porte se preparem para as exigências do mercado, tornando-as mais competitivas. O objetivo é verificar as principais mudanças trazidas nas informações contábeis alinhadas às normas internacionais. O estudo se dá por meio de revisão bibliográfica aplicável a norma internacional de contabilidade para Pequenas e Médias Empresas. Nas considerações finais é possível verificar que o processo de convergência traz desafios e, ao adotar as normas, o padrão de informações contábeis tem-se maior qualidade, aumentando a confiabilidade
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