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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solidaritet, etisk press och skepsis : Vårdpersonals vaccinationsvilja under Covid-19-pandemin / Solidarity, ethical pressure and skepticism : Healthcare professionals' willingness to get vaccinated during the Covid-19 pandemic

Näslund, Petra January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Desinformation kring vaccination kan leda till ökad misstro mot hälsomyndigheter och undergräva folkhälsoresponsen. Vaccintveksamhet bland medicinsk personal är särskilt problematiskt då de ofta ses av allmänheten som medicinskt sakkunniga, och deras inställning till vaccinet kan avsevärt bidra till allmänhetens vaccinationsvilja. Att undersöka vaccinationsviljan och dess faktorer är relevant för att kunna hitta strategier för att främja vaccinationstäckningen. Syfte: Att beskriva vaccinationsvilja hos olika professioner inom vården samt vilka faktorer som påverkat den individuella vaccinationsviljan. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes utifrån ett snöbollsurval. Sammanfattningsvis deltog totalt 5 sjuksköterskor, 2 undersköterskor och 2 medicinska sekreterare i studien, samtliga verksamma på sjukhus. Som metod för analys av det insamlade materialet valdes kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Vaccinationsvilja är beroende av faktorer som etnicitet, yrkesroll, politisk tillhörighet, kunskapsnivå om svårighetsgraden av Covid-19 och vaccinets effektivitet. Vaccinationsbeslut förknippas med etisk stress och en känsla av tvång och otrygghet. Myndigheterna anses inte vara transparanta i sin kommunikation och det finns en stor oro i att delar av viktig information utelämnas. De som vaccinerat sig gjorde det av solidaritet, för att bidra till pandemins slut och för att de ville skydda sina patienter, sin familj och sina vänner. Bruket av sociala medier har ökat under pandemin, för att hålla kontakt med vänner och familj, men även för att hitta hälsoinformation. Slutsats: Kunskap kring vaccin och hur de fungerar är inte en självklar del av utbildningen bland de professioner som deltog i studien. Vårdpersonal måste ges kunskaper för att tryggt och faktabaserat kunna diskutera denna viktiga fråga med patienter då rekommendationer kring vaccin måste tydliggöras. Eftersom informationen ska tas emot av människor med stora variationer i ålder, utbildning och förkunskaper kan det vara lämpligt att skala ner den biomedicinska utbildningsstrategin och istället rikta in hälsokommunikationen på en kulturell och politisk bakgrund för att diskutera hälsofrämjande åtgärder som vaccination. / Background: Misinformation about vaccination can lead to increased mistrust of health authorities and undermine the public health response. Vaccinehesitancy among medical staff is particularly problematic as they are often seen by the public as medical experts, and their attitude to the vaccine can significantly contribute to the public's willingness to get vaccinated. Examining the willingness to get vaccinated and its factors is relevant in order to be able to find strategies to promote vaccination coverage. Aim: To describe the willingness to get vaccinated against Covid-19 among different professions in healthcare and what factors have influenced their determination to get vaccinated. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted based on a snowball selection. In summary, a total of 5 nurses, 2 assistant nurses and 2 medical secretaries participated in the study, all active in hospitals. Qualitative content analysis was chosen as the method for analysis of the collected material. Results: Acceptance of vaccines depends on factors such as ethnicity, professional role, political affiliation, level of knowledge about the severity of Covid-19 and the vaccine's effectiveness. Vaccination decisions are associated with ethical stress, coercion and insecurity. The authorities are not considered to be transparent in their communication and there is great concern that parts of important information are omitted. Those who accepted the vaccine did so out of solidarity, to help end the pandemic and to protect their patients, family and friends. The use of social media has increased during the pandemic, to keep in touch with friends and family, but also to find health information. Conclusion: Knowledge about vaccines and how they work is not an obvious part of the education among the professions that participated in the study. Nursing staff must be given knowledge to be able to safely and fact-based discuss this important issue with patients as recommendations regarding vaccines must be clarified. As the information is to be received by people with large variations in age, education and prior knowledge, it may be appropriate to scale down the biomedical education strategy and instead focus health communication on a cultural and political background to discuss health promotion measures such as vaccination.

Avlastande eller hämmande? : En analys av insatsen Unga IT-värdar på Stockholms stadsbibliotek / Unburdening or impeding? : A study of the Young IT-support project at Stockholm Public Library

Ericson, Signe January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to gain a greater understanding of Stockholm Public Library’s democratic role in a society that is increasingly digitalized. This is done by studying the Young IT-support project at the library, and how it aligns with the library’s mission for digital inclusion. Critical discourse analysis methods are used to understand for which “problem” the project was formulated as a solution. By using theories about digital inclusion the study also investigates if the Young IT-support project contributes to the library users’ digital competence, and how the project effects the library’s own mission of digital inclusion. The empirical material consists of policy documents connected to the Young IT-support project and interviews with young IT-supporters, librarians and administrators involved with the project. The results show that the project is formulated as a solution to two different types integration “problems”: social and digital. But the responsible authorities are only interested in whether or not the goals of social inclusion are achieved. The study shows that the project mainly contributes to increase the users’ operational skills rather than their information and strategic skills, and that it favours socioeconomically strong groups. The project does have an unburdening effect on the library’s heavy workload on digital issues. However, the study also shows that it has a potentially impeding effect on the library’s digital mission, as librarians are overlooking the deeper digital work. In conclusion, the project partially has a positive effect on the digital inclusion but that it isn’t enough to bridge the digital divide. I argue that the library needs to examine if these external collaborations are a long-term solution to social developments, or if they are a short-term solution in place until other authorities take responsibility for democratic needs and rights. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Flödets Arkitekt : Hur medie- och informationskunnighet formar unga kvinnors upplevelser av skönhetsindustrin på Instagram / The Social Media Architect : How Media Literacy Contributes to Young Women's Experiences of the Instagram Beauty Industry

Vainio Ali, Nadie, Torndal, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how media and information literacy (MIL) among young women affect their views on beauty-related advertisements and posts on Instagram, in accordance with infrastructure knowledge, mental health and purchase behavior. This is conducted through semi-structured interviews with 6 young Swedish women in the age range of 20-25 years old, through which an analysis of the retrieved answers is made. The analysis of the empirical materials takes a stamp in the theories of uses and gratifications theory and cultivation theory in relation to MIL in order to further prove the arguments and conclusions being made. The importance of MIL in this context needs to be highlighted in order to make young women more aware of the ways in which the media takes advantage of them and tries to manipulate them into a spiral of beauty standards and advertisements, making them the targets for further consumption. Considering that the digitalization is moving at a rapid speed, the possibilities for economic growth are doing the same thing. This means that beauty companies, just like any other corporation with a motive of profit, will continue to evolve their marketing strategies in accordance with female consumers' interest and needs.  The collected empirical data of this study shows that the interviewees have at least some basic knowledge of Instagram’s technical infrastructure in the meanings of algorithms and cookies, and therefore understand the basics of how their actions construct their Instagram feeds. The study also shows that the interviewees have a generally negative image of the beauty industry on Instagram; they like the possibilities of using Instagram as a source of inspiration and entertainment, but heavily dislike and disagree with the beauty standards being portrayed. They have all in some shape or form been affected negatively by beauty related content on Instagram - however, it shows that the ones with supposedly higher MIL and knowledge about algorithms more easily could identify the sources of negativity and steer away from it, showing the benefits of MIL in this context. The study also concludes that the interviewees generally are highly skeptical of advertisements and sponsorships on Instagram and therefore rarely purchase anything because of said platform. However, they have a higher tendency to do so if the product being advertised is endorsed by a, according to them, highly trusted influencer or if a discount code is being provided.  It is of importance to continue studies within this area in order to make deeper analysis of potential consequences of the beauty industry and standards on Instagram, so that more women can be taught and informed about how they can protect themselves from negative influences.

Med en fot i varje värld - en studie av medie- och informationskunnighet inom svenskämnet

Sten, Viola January 2015 (has links)
I dagens medielandskap lever många människor en stor del av sitt liv genom digitala medier, något som även påverkar skolvärlden. Denna studie undersöker den digitala utvecklingen i relation till lärarrollen och svenskämnet. Det empiriska materialet består av kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare som arbetar med medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK) inom svenskundervisning och skolutveckling samt en kompletterande intervju med Statens medieråd. Syftet med studien är att genom svensklärarnas upplevelse av att arbeta med MIK försöka förstå den digitala utvecklingens betydelse i relation till svenskämnet. Min hypotes är att dagens lärare behöver öka sin medie- och informationskunnighet för att kunna möta elevernas behov och kunna utföra sitt allt mer komplexa demokratiuppdrag. Genom teorierna New Literacy Studies, Critical literacy, begreppet multimodalitet och aktuell tidigare forskning har jag försökte förstå vad den digitala utvecklingen innebär för lärandet och språket.Studien visar att osäkerhet, okunskap, tidsbrist och vaga direktiv är några skäl till att utvecklingen går långsamt framåt. Tydligare nationella direktiv, ett större kollegialt samarbete och kompetensutveckling är några av de faktorer som nämns skulle kunna påskynda progressionen. I den avslutande reflektionen diskuteras MIKs öppningar för att arbeta med normkritisk pedagogik och möjlighet till fortsatt forskning inom detta.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på lärare och elever – en kunskapsöversikt / The Impact of Digitalization on Teachers and Students – An Evaluation of Knowledge

Håkansson Wickander, Elsa, Lysgren, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
The following essay has the purpose of giving an account of how the increasing digitalization, medialization and flow of information has affected social science as a subject, and how this has changed the expectations put on students and teachers. Furthermore, the way teachers’ TPACK knowledge and web literacy skills affect their teaching is also examined. Lastly, students’ level of understanding for the term media and information literacy is further investigated.  This is being done with the help of the following three question formulations: 1. What further demands does the increasing digitalization, medialization and flow of information pose for students and teachers, and how does it connect to social science as a subject? 2. How do teachers' knowledge of TPACK and web literacy affect their teaching? 3. What level of understanding do students have for the term media and information literacy?  The essay is based upon 15 peer-reviewed scientific articles, which have been chosen to represent the field of knowledge and answer the three question formulations. The interconnection between media and information literacy and democracy makes the subject increasingly important in today’s society with threats like propaganda, misinformation, and anti-democratic rhetoric. One conclusion made is how important it is for the students’ learning outcomes that the teacher is well-informed and has the necessary knowledge to help and support the students in their learning. It is also important to consider that the way students define media and information literacy may differ from teachers’ understanding, and that can lead to students’ knowledge being interpreted as higher than it is in reality.

Att höja den digitala kompetensen på folkbibliotek : En analys av kurser på den webbaserade lärplattformen Digiteket / Boosting digital competence in public libraries : An analysis of courses on the online learning platform Digiteket

Petrarca, Eleonora, Cerny Ros, Robin January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: The increasing digitalization of society means that digital competence has acquired a key role for today’s citizens and for their participation in social life and democracy. Public libraries are considered as an important institution that can give access to this competence as well as help citizens improve their media and information literacy, since one of the libraries’ tasks is to promote and protect democracy and access to information. To do this, librarians must possess fundamental digital skills and knowledges. In Sweden a national project called Digitalt först med användaren i fokus was launched between 2018 and 2020 and it gave birth, among other things, to a digital learning platform for public librarians called Digiteket. This online resource offers both scientific arti-cles and courses aimed at improving the librarians’ digital competence. With our thesis we want to try and expand the still underdeveloped research around this pedagogical resource. By focusing on a selection of courses, we aim to achieve a better understanding of how their learning process is designed and what type of learning is made possible. At the same time, we want to analyse how the authors chose to organize the course texts, address the target group and make meaning through the texts. Method: Our approach has been to develop a series of questions linked to seven fundamental concepts than belong to two theoretical frameworks focused on learning and communication: didactical design theory and multimodal social semiotics. Three courses from Digiteket were chosen and treated as a didactic and communicative resource constructed as a semi-formal learning design sequence. The courses’ didactic design and metafunctions have been analysed with the help of the questions mentioned above. The instructions contained in Digiteket’s course guide and a short email-interview made with one of the authors responsible for Digiteket’s content helped us add nuance to the analysis. Analysis and results: The didactical design analysis revealed that the courses have a very clear and defined structure with explicit goals and expectations. However, the participants’ possibilities regarding the production of ma-terial as a part of learning is almost non-existent as is also the possibility to discuss one’s learning process. Interaction with the didactic tool and communication between course participants, along with reflection on the learnt subjects and references to further readings are present to a certain extent although mainly situated outside the learning platform. The semiotic analysis of the course texts has shown a pattern in how the course subjects and their relevant aspects are presented, where the subjects are initially seen as influential in the reader’s life. The roles then get inverted, and the reader is shown how to take control of the subject. The texts use several strategies where language and text disposition are involved, and it positions the readers either centrally or as a part of a bigger context of individuals (society as a whole or public librarians). These and other strategies, like the at times playful language, coherence between different courses and internal logical cohesion in each course manage to construct solid pedagogical texts connected to the target group in a varying extent.Conclusions: Digiteket shows a consistent application of fixed pedagogical principles developed with the target group (public librarians) in mind, even if there seems to be room for the integration of more social activities and of different types of didactic tools and media. The platform is in a developing phase and has the potential to become a national hub for boosting librarians’ digital competence and subsequently enable them to transmit knowledges to the public, in accordance with libraries’ societal task. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

"Det är demokratin som är gemensam" : En komparativ kvalitativ innehållsanalys av nationell biblioteksstrategi och nationell säkerhetsstrategi / “It’s the democracy that is in common” : A comparative qualitative content analysis of the Swedish National Library Strategy and the Swedish National Security Strategy

Hagberg, Nelly January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the correlation between the Swedish National Library Strategy and the Swedish National Security Strategy. These strategies originates from two different political fields that seemingly has nothing to do with each other. However, in the Swedish National Library Strategy, it states that public libraries in Sweden should be a part of the nation’s civil defense, and therefore be a part of Sweden’s total defense system. In the National Library Strategy, libraries are considered vital in order to sustain a strong democracy, this is described through the libraries focus on educating citizens in media and information literacy (MIL), as well as the librarians role as an independent and neutral information intermediary. Libraries would therefore enrich the civil defense through a crisis, or a wartime situation. However, in the National Security Strategy the vital role of public libraries within the defense system is not being discussed. The statement from the National Library Strategy has been met with a lot of questions and dispute. The reactions of the statement is in fact the premise of this thesis. The subsequent ignorance of the statement requires further knowledge, which this thesis establish. A comparative qualitative content analysis is applied to find similarities and differences between the two political fields, in order to understand the statement made in the Swedish National Library Strategy. The source material of this thesis consists of these two strategies, as well as further selected reports and research papers that is linked to the two strategies. The results of this thesis show that there is a communal discussion about threat scenarios, and that there are a mutual goal of a strong upheld democracy in both of the policies. However, the results show that there are differences in how to encounter and overcome the threats. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

”Det är yvigt, spretigt men ändå ganska precist.” : Medielärares didaktiska förhållningssätt och perspektiv utifrån ett bildningsideal. / “It is sprawling, fragmented, yet still quite precise.” : Media teachers ‘didactic approaches and perspectives from an educational, bildung ideal.

Berggren, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett bildningsideal liksom didaktiska och ämnesdidaktiska perspektiv utveckla förståelse för medielärares förhållningssätt till utmaningar som uppstår i undervisningen utifrån mediaämnenas sammansatta karaktär. Detta besvarades utifrån tre frågeställningar. 1. Hur beskriver medielärare sin undervisning och didaktik? 2. Hur beskriver medielärare sin undervisning relaterat till medieämnenas sammansättning av olika perspektiv? 3. Hur kan medielärares beskrivningar förstås utifrån ett bildningsideal?Studien har en teoretisk ansats utifrån begreppen didaktik och bildning. Lärarnas beskrivningar utgår från semistrukturerade intervjuer som har analyserats tematiskt. Det som framkommer i studien är att medielärare har en tydlig praktisk didaktik och att ämnesinnehållet ofta kretsar kring kommunikation på olika sätt. De olika perspektiven som ingår i medieämnena, samhälleliga, estetiska, språkliga, etiska och tekniska, har lite olika tyngd och det framgår särskilt om lärarna återfinns på det estetiska- eller på det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet. Medielärarna skulle kunna utveckla sin undervisning och bli mer medvetna på olika sätt utifrån dessa perspektiv. Framför allt skulle en större medvetenhet kring de etiska och språkliga perspektiven vara önskvärt. Studien kommer fram till att det är förtjänstfullt att förstå medielärare utifrån ett bildningsideal. Bildningsbegreppet skulle kunna bidra till att ge medielärare ett holistiskt perspektiv i sin analys av den didaktiska praktiken och ge en bra balans i medielärares undervisning utifrån medieämnenas mångfald av aspekter. Att analysera medieämnena utifrån bildningsbegreppet skulle även kunna bidra till att förtydliga och konkretisera de aspekter som förespråkare för Critical Media Literacy anser vara viktiga för mediedidaktik. / The purpose of this study is, based on an educational, bildung, ideal as well as didactic and subject-didactic perspectives, to develop an understanding of media teachers' approaches to challenges that arise in teaching based on the composite nature of media subjects. This was addressed through three research questions: 1. How do media teachers describe their teaching and didactics? 2. How do media teachers describe their teaching in relation to the nature of media subjects’ different perspectives? 3. How can media teachers' descriptions be understood from an educational, bildung ideal perspective? The study has a theoretical approach based on the concepts of didactics and education. The teachers' descriptions are based on semi-structured interviews that have been thematically analysed. The findings of the study indicate that media teachers have a clear practical understanding of their didactics, and the subject matter often revolves around communication in various ways. The different perspectives included in media subjects, societal, aesthetic, linguistic, ethical, and technical, have varying degrees of importance, particularly depending on whether the teachers are found in the aesthetic or social science program. Media teachers could enhance their teaching and become more aware in various ways based on these perspectives. Specifically, a greater awareness of ethical and linguistic perspectives would be desirable. The study concludes that it is rewarding to understand media teachers from an educational, bildung ideal perspective. The concept of education, bildung could help provide media teachers with a holistic perspective in their analysis of didactic practice and achieve a good balance in media teachers' teaching based on the diversity of aspects within media subjects. Analysing media subjects from an educational, bildung perspective could also help to clarify and concretize the aspects that proponents of Critical Media Literacy consider important for media didactics.

Academic library instruction on critical evaluation of sources and information : A content analysis of Swedish university library websites / Undervisning i kritisk utvärdering av källor och information på universitetsbibliotek : En innehållsanalys av svenska universitetsbibliotekswebbplatser

Johansen, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis examines how Swedish university libraries are instructing their students on topics related to the critical evaluation of sources and information. The method of analysis was a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the external websites of Sweden’s public university libraries to determine what modes of instruction are being offered, and how these services are being described and made accessible to their users.  The coding of the websites divided their content into four main categories. The first two refer to asynchronous and inactive instruction: Information and Modules. The second two categories refer to synchronous and active instruction: Teaching and Tutoring. The results of the thesis indicate that the most popular modes of instruction related to critical evaluation of sources and information were informative webpages and active teaching which could either take the form of lectures or workshops with 12 out of the 15 libraries hosting or advertising these services.  The thesis concludes that instruction on topics related to critical evaluation of sources and information appears to be central, as most of the university libraries offer several modes of instruction on the topic. However, there were still variations in regard to the accessibility of the services although online instruction still proved popular in tutoring sessions. Moreover, the analysis of terminology and recurring words indicated an emphasis on ‘lower-level’ library skills related to how to recognize scholarly sources rather than ‘higher-level’ critical thinking. Finally, the results suggest that Swedish university libraries are engaging with instruction surrounding evaluation of sources and information although the scope and modes of instruction on the subject vary. This is a two year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science. / Denna masteruppsats undersöker hur svenska universitetsbibliotek instruerar sina studenter i ämnen relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information. Analysmetoden var en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de externa webbplatserna vid Sveriges offentliga universitetsbibliotek för att fastställa vilka undervisningsformer som erbjuds och hur dessa tjänster beskrivs samt görs tillgängliga för deras användare. Kodningen av webbplatserna delade in innehållet i fyra huvudkategorier. De två första hänvisar till asynkron och inaktiv instruktion: Information och Moduler. De andra två kategorierna avser synkron och aktiv undervisning: Undervisning och Handledning. Resultaten av uppsatsen indikerar att de mest populära undervisningsformerna relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information var informativa webbsidor och aktiv undervisning som antingen kunde ta formen av föreläsningar eller workshops då 12 av 15 analyserade bibliotek som var värd för eller annonserade dessa tjänster. Uppsatsen drar slutsatsen att undervisning i ämnen relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information verkar vara central, eftersom de flesta universitetsbiblioteken erbjuder flera undervisningsformer i ämnet. Det fanns dock fortfarande variationer när det gäller tillgängligheten för tjänsterna, även om online-utbildning fortfarande visade sig vara populär i handledningssessioner. Dessutom visade analysen av terminologi och återkommande ord en betoning på biblioteksfärdigheter på 'lägre nivå' relaterade till hur man känner igen vetenskapliga källor snarare än 'högre' kritiskt tänkande. Slutligen tyder resultaten på att svenska universitetsbibliotek är engagerade i undervisning kring evaluering av källor och information även om omfattningen och undervisningssätten i ämnet varierar. Detta är en masteruppsats i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap.

"Jag förstår inte hur det här är bild." : En studie om digital kompetens i bildämnet / "I dont understand how this is art." : A study on digital competence in arts education

Serrander, Agnes, Larsson, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att söka ökad kunskap och förståelse för bildämnets möjligheter att stärka Skolverkets uppdrag och mål att utveckla adekvat digital kompetens hos elever, samt synliggöra hur bildlärare arbetar med att utveckla och stärka elevers digitala kompetens utifrån olika aspekter av medie- och informationskunnighet. För att få ett så nyanserat och varierat resultat som möjligt användes en kvalitativ metod, närmare bestämt semi-strukturerade intervjuer och en öppen enkätundersökning. Ett total av fem intervjuer genomfördes med verksamma bildlärare i olika delar av Sverige samt en fokusgruppsintervju med elever på en skola. Enkätundersökningen genererade 20 svar från elever. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med hjälp av två teorier: (i) artefaktsteori och (ii) läroplansteori. Resultatet illustrerar att lärare besitter varierande kunskapsnivåer och att olika kunskaper ger konsekvenser för vilket lärande som ges företräde. Vidare illustrerar resultatet att lärare och elever har olika inställningar om vilket lärande som bildämnet ämnar generera. Resultatet visar även att bildämnet har många möjligheter till att utveckla elevers digitala kompetens, men att det krävs fortbildning för att genomföra ett sådant arbete. / The present study aims to seek increased knowledge and understanding of the possibilities that the art subject has to strengthen the Swedish National Agency for Education´s goals and mission to develop students’ digital competence. Furthermore, to understand how art teachers work to foster and strengthen student digital competence from different aspects of media- and information literacy. A qualitative method was used, more precisely semi-structured interviews and a survey, to attain a wide variety of varied and nuanced results. A total of five interviews were conducted with working art teachers in Sweden and one focus group interview with students at a school. The survey resulted in 20 answers from students. The empirical material was analysed using two theories: artefacts theory and curriculum theory. The results illustrated that teachers have a varied knowledge, and that the variation has an impact on what students learn. The result also shows that students and teachers have a difference in attitudes about what the subject aims to teach students. Finally, that the art subject has a lot of possibilities to foster students’ digital competence, but it takes a lot further training to enable it.

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