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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bilderboken som medium för konsthistorieskrivning : En analys av samverkan mellan bild och text i Ylva Hillströms & Karin Eklunds bilderbok “Hilma af Klint - kartor över osynligheten” / The picture book as a medium for art history writing : An analytical study of the relationship between image and text in Ylva Hillströms & Karin Eklunds picture book Hilma af Klint - Mapping the Invisible

Rönnberg, Mollie January 2022 (has links)
In this essay, the children’s picture book Hilma af Klint: maps of invisibility by Ylva Hillström and Karin Eklund is analyzed with the aim of exploring the picture book as a medium and tool for art history writing. The analysis examines how the artist Hilma af Klint is portrayed and how art history is presented, as well as placing a particular focus on analyzing the interaction between image and text. The content is examined with semiotic image analysis, an inductive literature study as well as reception aesthetics analysis. The analysis concludes that Hilma af Klint as an artist is portrayed as fearless, curious and serious, and her artistic ambition is described as the desire to understand the universe. The design of the picture book and the ability to freely place and combine images and texts in different ways means that it is possible to convey the history of the art in several ways. With the picture book, sometimes several parallel stories are told; sometimes picture and text work together to complement each other, other tims the same thing is presented in both text and picture, or the pictures tell a story of their own or provide additional information that does not appear in the text. Depending on the experience of the viewer/reader, it is possible to derive different things from the picture book, and gaps can be filled as well as be left empty, which creates excitement and curiosity about the rest of the art world. Through the illustrations representation of af Klint's work and Eklund's way of illustrating the works the images in the book relate back to the children's/viewer's own world. The design of the picture book functions as a gateway to what it is like to look at art and art books and it works to create images within the viewer.

"Nalta eljest" : En undersökning av det dialektala språket i romanen Jag for ner till bror

Lyssarides, Stella January 2022 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen undersöker jag vilken effekt dialektala inslag har i skönlitteratur. Jag utgår från romanen Jag for ner till bror av Karin Smirnoff (2018) och undersöker vilka dialektala ord och uttryck som finns i romanen samt vilken funktion dessa fyller. Utifrån min analys går det att konstatera att dialektala ord och uttryck finns på olika nivåer av berättelsen, både i dialog mellan karaktärer men också i huvudkaraktärernas egna tankegångar. Det dialektala språket blandas med standardsvenska, vilket gör romanen fullt förståelig även för den som inte har egna erfarenheter av norrländsk dialekt. Det går att konstatera att de dialektala inslagen har flera funktioner i romanen. Bland annat fungerar de dialektala inslagen som gestaltning av karaktärer, föremål och miljöer men de har också viktig funktion som identitetsmarkör. Det dialektala språket som identitetsmarkör syns både i huvudkaraktärens egen identitet och i den kollektiva identitet som skapas bland byborna. För den kollektiva identiteten har dialekten en inkluderande och exkluderande funktion i relationer mellan karaktärer. Ytterligare en viktig språklig identitetsmarkör är det bibliska språket, som förekommer ofta och mycket i romanen, och spelar en viktig roll i huvudkaraktärens sökande efter den egna identiteten.

Cinematic Reverberations of Historical Trauma: Women's Memories of the Holocaust and Colonialism in Contemporary French-Language Cinema

Lechintan, Adela A. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Den nya generationen: Dystopisk reproduktion : En tematisk genusanalys av Karin Boyes Kallocain, Aldous Huxleys Du sköna nya värld och George Orwells 1984

Dunphy, Patricia January 2010 (has links)
The three dystopian novels Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Kallocain by Karin Boye and Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell have been highly discussed amongst literary critics and scholars. Although these works are well-known, some themes have had very little or no recognition. Biological reproduction is a recurring subject in dystopian literature. Although it is not the main theme in the novels, it is a very important part in dystopian culture and dystopian society. By focusing on reproduction and the structure of gender roles in these three dystopias, I hope to bring to light something that's been in the shadows for a long time i.e. the women of dystopian society. I will address the role of nature and technology in terms of reproduction by using Pia Maria Ahlbäck's theory of the heterotopia. Later, I will discuss the problems and possibilities of the role of women in biological reproduction.

Att erkänna barnet som teologiskt subjekt : Childism, asymmetri och Axel Honneths erkännandeteori / To Recognize the Child as a Theological Subject : Childism, Asymmetry and Axel Honneth’s Theory on Recognition

Johansson, Katarina January 2021 (has links)
Questions concerning children's rights and children's place in society have been on the agenda for some decades now. Parallell to this movement questions about children's place in the bible, in the church and in systematic theology have entered the academical conversation. This paper attempts to find a method to investigate whether systematic theology as we know it, has the tools to address these new questions. Axel Honneth's theory on recognition will be important, since the three levels of recognitions he describes are designed to point out the difference between rights and solidarity, between formal recognition and the recognition that sprouts from genuine intrest in shared experience.  The thougths from Honneth are combined with John Wall's argumentation on seeing the child as a full humna being, as a subject. Risto Saarinen's discussion on asymmetrical relations, adds an important perspective. From these three theories, a method is formulated for putting the child in focus on the theological agenda. The gain is not only the recognition of a neglected group, measured to one third of humankind. The new viewpiont shreds its light upon questions important to all of us. The method is a systematic theological tool both useful for pointing out inconsistencies and to suggest solutions to the very same problems.  In the final discussion I show how this could be done by adressing the children's place in the postmodern family project, described by Katarina Westerlund, and children as liturgical leaders with the help of Karin Rubensson's thesis.

Gud och vardagsspråket : En religionsfilosofisk förutsättningsanalys / God and Everyday Language : An Analysis of Presuppositions in Philosophy of Religion

Fromm Wikström, Linda January 2010 (has links)
The main purpose of this dissertation is to answer the question of how one can understand the fact that we mean very different things when we say that God exists and when we say that chairs, mountains and trees exist, and that it is still a matter of existence. On the one hand it seems that we talk about the same thing when we say that something exists, irrespective of what it is, on the other hand it seems to be a question of very different things depending on what it is we are talking about as existing. This dissertation seeks to give an understanding of the relation between the concept of truth and the concept of reality. The conclusion is not only that we presuppose these concepts in everything we do, say, believe and think, but that we presuppose a specific understanding of these concepts, namely a concept of objective truth and a concept of an external and mind independent reality. In this dissertation it is also argued that our use of these concepts and that we use them in everything we do – that they are as basic as they are – says something about how it is, about reality. The use of these concepts does not only say something of what we conceptually presuppose but it also says something about what we assume in relation to reality. The conceptual aspect, in this way, has consequences ontologi.

Samsyn och konflikt i svensk utrikespolitik : En beskrivande idéanalys av olika riksdagspartiers ståndpunkter beträffande konflikterna i Vietnam, Sydafrika, Afghanistan och Centralamerika 1972-1982

Karlsson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates differences in foreign policy among Swedish political parties during 1972-1982. For 44 years, Sweden was led by the Social Democrats until the centre-right coalition gained power in 1976.  Social Democrat Olof Palme is probably one of the most notable Swedish politicians, known for his strong commitment in foreign policy including opposition to American involvement in Vietnam. However, certain signs show that the centre-right parties also had a strong commitment in many conflicts during the investigated period. Deepened research comparing the left and the right during this period has however not been done. Hence, this study aims to compare if there was any change in policy after 1976, but also look into similarities and differences between the political parties during the whole period. This is done through a comparison of the yearly Swedish foreign policy debates from 1972 to 1982, comparing views in four conflicts at the time: Vietnam, South Africa, Afghanistan and Central America. The findings show many similarities and differences, with small general differences in Swedish foreign policy before and after the historical shift of power in 1976. Interestingly, there is a notable commitment to foreign policy among the centre-right parties - sometimes stronger than Palme and the Social Democrats.

Cennino Cenninis gyllene diadem : En studie kring vad ordet diadema kan beteckna i Il libro dell'arte / Cennino Cennini's Golden Diadem : A Study on the Meaning of the Word Diadema in Il libro dell'arte

af Klinteberg, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
In the early-15th-century book Il libro dell’arte by Cennino Cennini, the author uses the word diadema about a dozen times. The most recent Swedish edition from 2011 interprets this not as an object but as a halo, a divine light. The earlier edition from 1947/2000 keeps the closest meaning, a diadem, and by that the physical item. Both a material diadem and an immaterial halo would be represented in gold in the paintings described, consequently the symbolism of this material is closely linked to the interpretation of the motives Cennini could be describing.        The time around 1400, in Florence, is an important period of transition, where a fashion that differs for men and women has just been born, the boundaries of the sumptuary laws concerning headdress and jewellery are constantly challenged by women, and the rise of a more secular world where an individual dignity developed may instead be an argument that the word diadema is an essential sign of a more materialistic lifestyle emerging. Several factors come together arguing that the golden headdress of the early renaissance played just as important a role in paintings as the divine light and therefore showing that not every item gilded is a symbol of divinity, it can also be earthly belongings such as insignia, jewellery and dress decoration.

Bortom skyltfönstret den levande döden : En undersökning av relationen mellan Karin Boyes Astarte och T.S. Eliots The Waste Land

Gibe, John January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen utforskar relationen mellan Karin Boyes Astarte och T.S. Eliots The Waste Land, särskilt med avseende på modernistisk tematik och med avstamp i tidigare forskning som kommenterat relationen mellan verken, främst Gunilla Domellöfs och Caroline Hauxs. Analysen omfattar den senares upptäckt att ”Det öde landskap som skrivs fram hos Eliot existerar dolt och outsagt i Astarte.” Verken jämförs med avseende på: Skildringen av den moderna staden; Krig, trauma, våld och utvecklingsskepticism; Den ofruktbara masskulturen; (Naturens, Guds och Kärlekens död); Verkens mytkomplex; Psykoanalytiska perspektiv på gemenskap, behov och begär. Uppsatsen innehåller även en sammanställning av likheter mellan episoderna som utspelar sig mellan Viola och Hill i Astarte och mellan maskinskriverskan och kontoristen i The Waste Land. Undersökningen bekräftar betydande beröringspunkter mellan verken vad gäller såväl tematik som de positioner författarna intar – det gäller utvecklingsskepticismen, masskulturen (där Astarte i högre utsträckning intresserar sig för handel och konsumtion), samt fruktbarhetsförlusten med avseende på Naturen, Gud och Kärleken. Myter har en betydelsefull roll i båda verken. I Astarte är Gudinnan/belätet Astarte i och för sig närvarande, men hon fyller inte sina ursprungliga funktioner. Undersökningen identifierar nya tolkningsmöjligheter gällande Astartes potentiella roll, kopplade till våld och skydd. På ett övergripande plan finns en korsställning mellan verken, där det som utgör The Waste Lands förgrund tenderar att blottas genom sprickor i ”Astartesamhällets” fasad, genom Boyes didaktiska exposéer, samt vid kritisk läsning. Den sammanlagda effekten av dessa aspekter är att Eliots ödeland – den levande döden – är mer av en tydlig referenspunkt än något dolt och outsagt i Astarte.

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